Was the KT by-election a people’s plebiscite on Pak Lah?
Was the loss the final validation of Pak Lah’s inability to lead and inspire a disillusioned and embittered populace, the lame duck PM who could not draw, let alone mesmerize, the rakyat towards the BN coalition in spite of the boundless resources – media, economic, logistical, administrative, statutory – at the coalition’s disposal?
Or was it a referendum on Najib?
Was KT an indicator of Najib’s inability to lead and enthuse the rakyat, in spite of the avalanche of pork barrel projects at his disposal under the glossy façade of the ECER? Does Najib have what it takes? Is he really leadership material? Some say he has the charisma of a soggy popiah and is not a natural orator. I don't know about charismatic springrolls, but he does seem to mimic the primal call of a constipated tapir on stage, with his tendency to embellish his speeches with an irritating, whining sound.
Leadership and oratory deficiencies notwithstanding, was KT really determined by Pak Lah or Najib?
Or perhaps, KT was won through the sheer brilliance of the Pakatan Rakyat, led by their whizkid strategists from the West Coast that must have mesmerised the Oghang Teganung and swept KT into the PR fold in a monsoonal wave of political awakening and social enlightenment?
Betul ka?
No lahh! Don't take too seriously that band of chest-thumping Pakatan pongidae masquerading as political messiahs and social guardians in their little syiok sendiri bubbles of impians amidst the kayangan of cyberspace.
So folks what then was THE catalyst of the PAS/PR victory?
a) The KT rakyat’s rejection of Pak Lah? No.
b) The KT rakyat’s rebuke of Najib? No.
c) The KT rakyat’s embrace of the ideals of the Pakatan Rakyat underpinned by a giddy non-Malay speaking Malaysian Malaysia paradigm? No way, José.
d) All of the above? No. Perhaps bits of (a) and a morsel of (b).
e) None of the above? Yes, this is closer to the truth.
Many might say, hey KijangMas, I thought this is a Pakatan victory, and was aided by the slick and sophisticated Pakatan bigwigs from Ipoh Timur, Bagan, Batu, Seputeh and Permatang Pauh?
Listen up, the KT result was NOT determined by the Pakatan people. In fact, PAS won in spite of Pakatan’s contamination of that party’s agenda, mission and cohesiveness.
Really ahh?
Yup, actually the West Coast Pakatan people gave themselves way too much credit for the PAS victory. In fact, collectively, the West Coast Pakatan people were even more irrelevant to the KT constituents than the West Coast Barisan people. Do you think the KT man-in-the-street gives a hoot about what Kit Siang, Guan Eng, Tian Chua and Teresa Kok have to say? Of course not. Do you think Brother Anwar is a factor? Nope. Not a chance. What about the “formidable” platoon of Pakatan bloggers who descended on KT to mingle with and seduce the Cina Teganung? Were the likes of Zorro, RPK and the malignant narcissist Haris Ibrahim and their kuncus effective in influencing their much-loved ethnic-Chinese voters which make up a one-tenth fraction of the constituents? Nope. In fact, the ever practical Cina Teganung showed increased support for BN this time around. These Pakatan cyber-pongidaes hence failed miserably in their Pujuk Cina Teganung mission.
Who and what then determined the PAS/PR victory?
Local factors. Yup, local Oghang Teganung factors.
This was just a local by-election that was inflated as a national happening by a clueless UMNO/BN and a delusional PR. In fact, this was not a BN vs. PR battle. This was not a Najib vs. Anwar beauty pageant. Of course it was never an irrelevant MCA vs an inconsequential DAP war either. Most importantly, KT was not a quasi referendum on Najib, as the increasingly bizarre Pakatan zealots would like the world to believe.
The KT by-election was nothing more than a pertarungan between an Oghang Teganung vs. another Oghang Teganung to win the hearts and minds, the hati sanubari, of the Ghakyak Kualaa Teganung. The issues were localised, grassroots, parochial, endemic, indeed, far removed from Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur.
Ok, so what happened?
Quick and dirty forensics:-
The LOCAL KT Oghang Teganung somehow finds UMNO/BN candidate Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh a non-palatable offering. I persistently got feedback from my Trengganu friends that Wan Farid is not a likable chap, somewhat aloof and unapproachable. How much this is true I don’t know. Perhaps it came with his old job as Pak Lah’s political secretary and key gatekeeper. Perhaps he had to stave off and thwart the myriad of hangers on and courtiers hovering around Pak Lah in search of quick contracts to sub to others. He could well be a fine gentleman. Maybe yes, maybe no. But it is the perception -- the gambaran -- that counts. And my own gambaran of him is not too flattering. He somehow gives me flashbacks of a stern and békéng ketua kerani at a typical Pejabat Tanah, the type that would ignore you for five minutes and then stare at you as if you had just committed a capital crime because you interrupted his reading of Kosmo or URTV.

"Nok kabo bui, diaa petong mung dengang alu lesong baghu bekok cobbong ..."
"Marketable" to the Oghang Kualaa Teganung?
The PAS gentleman, Abdul Wahid Endut, somehow came across as a more approachable character. He is the archetypal Pok Chu who wiles away the afternoon to Main Haji under the tree at KT’s ubiquitous alfresco kedai kopis.
As if Wan Farid’s demeanour is not bad enough, Najib had to contend with another LOCAL issue: the antics of Trengganu’s notoriously fractious UMNO divisions. Why should Idris Jusoh’s gang support a candidate whose victory would further strengthen Ahmad Said’s stranglehold on the state and its sputtering faucet of monetised black gold? Do you really think Idris Jusoh’s gang would assist to glorify and validate Ahmad Said’s leadership of Trengganu UMNO? Indeed, news of Wan Farid’s loss was met with shrills of delight in an explosion of schadenfreude orgy among many quarters in Trengganu UMNO itself.
Oh, for good measure throw in Dr. Mahathir’s ominous death knell (with his not so subtle statement: “The choice of the candidate is really very bad because people see him as a proxy to be used if Najib becomes prime minister”) and UMNO’s chances effectively dissipated into the monsoonal waves of KT’s seafront. Any contributory role by Pakatan here? Mana ada si pongidae?
Astonishingly, on top of the local negative sentiment and to complete the UMNO self-immolation, Najib inexplicably went to town to woo the miniscule non-Malay minorities with goodies and handouts totally irrelevant to the KT people. Why should KT – an almost 90% Malay majority seat – trigger an avalanche of unsolicited freebies to the ethnic-Chinese, including an unprecedented RM50 million to fund the SRJK(C)s across the nation via direct handouts to their school boards? Why focus on the 10% when the battle should have been fought over the almost 90% Malay constituents? Was UMNO foolishly reacting to PR’s aggrandizement of the “Chinese votes” while the restless Malays were ignored? Who actually advised Najib and the UMNO people? Which think tank? Can tanks think? Who said the KT non-Malays would be the decisive factor? Who installed these people as “Kingmakers”? While UMNO/BN fall over themselves to win the hearts and wallets of these supreme kingmakers, the real constituents, the almost 90% Malay majority, were reduced to irrelevant pawns forced fed a stale diet of tired party lines and grandiose Mat Jenin projects in half-hearted, incoherent ceramahs.
Najib’s embrace of the SRJK(C)s effectively alienated the Malay nationalists who would have naturally gravitated towards UMNO, even if Wan Farid was not too palatable, and this further exacerbated the situation on the ground. Interestingly, the DAP totoks in cohorts with PAS created less impact on the PAS supporters because they were certified Chinese chauvinists (and an irrelevant freakshow) anyway, hence nothing new to the KT Malay voters.
Let this be a lesson to UMNO/BN. By-elections are won and lost on LOCAL issues, LOCAL personalities, LOCAL grievances, LOCAL sentiments. Grandiose corridors and stupendous initiatives mean nothing if your candidate is not acceptable to the constituents.
AND let this also be a lesson to the West Coast Pakatan people. PAS won this seat due to UMNO's folly and IN SPITE of YOUR presence. Remember, most of the seats you procured in PRU12 were lost by the BN and NOT won by you people. We all know now that any non-BN pongidae would have won most of those seats, as testified by their presence in parliament and the various Dewan Undangan Negeris today. Likewise, KT was handed to PAS in a residual manifestation of UMNO/BN's political sado-masochism in these last vestiges of Pak Lah's tutelage. Will there be more freebies for you people after March 2009? Don't hold your breath, and watch where you swing between the impian vines of your hutan kayangan, lest you join the ranks of other endangered pongidaes.
Finally, I recall an oldish Teganung idiom. All one need in life is:-
- Nasik sepinggangg
- Kopi secawangg
- Ghokok sebatangg
- Sedawe e’ ...
... and may I add, a Wakil Rakyat who is a regular guy who does not remind one of the stern ketua kerani at the local Pejabat Tanah.
Welcome back bro!!
i think the tank kinda tanked!
They need to lead, not follow and be on defensive...waste of valuable resources to attend to misdirection strategy
F*ck me upside down!! KM has a new post!
I've been an anonymous reader of your blog but now I just can't keep quiet anymore. I kept checking your blog everyday to see if you wrote anything new. Your blog rocks man. Got me glued to your writing ever since you started "kutuking" RPK's fan base. Thought you went AWOL or something. I wanted to post a comment so much that I didnt bother reading your latest article yet. Gonna get my orgasm now...
Keep up the great work.
Dear Sir,
Blessed New Year to you and your family.
1. I agree that the calon and local factors held more sway.
2. Feedback from UMNO leaders have been Wan Farid is "sombong". But I've not met him.
3. I agree that the West Coast campaigners had little impact and may have "sabotaged" PAS in the Malay heartland....Just different style...
4. "While UMNO/BN fall over themselves to win the hearts and wallets of these supreme kingmakers, the real constituents, the almost 90% Malay majority, were reduced to irrelevant pawns forced fed a stale diet of tired party lines and grandiose Mat Jenin projects in half-hearted, incoherent ceramahs"
I think Malay voters in KT are quite fixed with their party loyalties and the sentiments showed that they were most likely to sway to the Opposition anyway 'cos of the Wang Ehsan + calon issue. In this case, the Chinese votes really held more sway 'cos of the split Malay vote.
1 - Bubuh Wan Farid, macam join 100m race, tapi belari dalam guni....mana boleh nak kejor orang yang belari sprint macam biasa
2 - BN ikut PR, dok kejar pengundi cina hok 9000 orang, hok 70,000 ribu orang melayu dia lupe. Padahal semua orang teranung tahu, cina duk pakoh PAS sejak 15 to 20 tahun doh. Bagi duit diorang ambik je, tapi undi PAS sebab PAS mana ada kacau diorang.Tabur 500 rial sorang kat Kampung Cina...bodo gile...Duit tu kalau split 2 mesti boleh dapat 2 kali ganda vote melayu.
3 - Duit hok tabur ke pengundi melayu, dapat ke orang ngundi dalam 50 rial je sebab orang atas kerat ambik doh....Orang UMNO pun tak mboh Wan Farid menang, sabotage la tu kut...Dapat 50 rial, ada yang bengang terus pakoh PAS.
4 - Ceramah BN teruk...Bawak Ezam. Orang teranung cakap Ezam sewel, orang nok dengar pasal isu isu tempatan yang kena bekki, die dok abis abis cakap pasal Anwar. Anwar tu siapa untuk orang Teranung? Mujur UMNO dok bawak turung KJ lama2, kalau dok, soheh majority PAS jadi 15 ribu!
5 - UMNO tak dok stamina. Hok pagi-pagi subuh sepeiii keluar mengundi doh decided doh nak undi sapa. Semua enthusiatic, tak sabor nak pakoh. Hok keluar lepas lunch ramai undecided. UMNO lepas pukul 2 je lembik, duk pakat makan dan minum je, lepak-lepak, tak dok raih undi doh. Aku bawak aunti aku ngundi pukul 2pm ,80yo ahli UMNO seumur hidup. Doh la sampai sekolah, Polis buat palat tak bagi drive masuk terus....peraih UMNO buat bodo je. Orang PAS nampak je kereta berhenti check saluran kat basal UMNO, sorang tu jemba ngan Wheel Chair, berlari sprint 20 m nok sambut aunti aku. Aku dengor aunti aku berleber..." apa orang UMNO, dok hormat orang tue...PAS, baik-baik orangnye"... Siape dia undi, aku dok tahu, tapi aku boleh guess last minute swing tu :-)
Anyway welcome back KijangMas. I blog at www.bumidaku.blogspot.com. Come visit when free.
On Najib: "Would you buy a Used Car from this man?"
Depends...will it blow up when I turn the ignition key or will it be too late to decide by then?
WHOA! you're back with an ear-deafening bang!! Welcome back!
A marvelous piece, as always :)
btw, plse don't stay away for too longlah before the nexst posting. Boring tunggu lama2..
Spot on. Ambe balik kapong ari tu, jengok2 jugok. Kawang ambe hok tok semayang bang, ngundi PAS.
Ambe tanye dia, Bakpe? One Parit megoh, dia kate. Orang BN/UMNO aksyeng.
Yes, KT people has always been simpletons. After all there are plenty of fishes in the sea - tak dok pitih, gi kelaut, coconut water available everywhere to quench thirst. As you said, kopi secawang, rokok sebatang - rokok daung, pun rokok daung lah - bereh. Amende nok lagi?
MRSM Kalae Chepo 66/73
No doubt the candidate has a lot to do with it, but I'm inclined to agree with Ku Li and Sakmongkol that the KT loss brings into question UMNO's continuing relevance to the electorate. This seems to be borne out by the fact that UMNO lost most severely in the younger voters' polling streams.
If UMNO doesn't take this seriously and really reinvent itself, GE 13 might be a foregone conclusion.
Good to have you back, KM.
Sori ah, topic lari sikik..
But why all ketua kerani land office like that one??? one time I brought my mother to make a land transfer at seremban land office, wah the chief clerk stare at us up and down as if we made a terrible crime, like murder like that, dah lah my mom lepas tu rasa serba salah. cibai punya clerk! I thought that was a , apanama, isolated case. after that, many years later i accompanied my father in law and my wife to kluang land office also to transfer the house title, also kena like that by the chief clerk.. wah lau wei, all this land office clerk went to the same universiti kah? took what course? little napoleon 101 ka?
alfio rado
MRSM Kalae Chepo 66/73
Hang MRSM, Makcik nih TKC/KTK. Gang beringus Rosmah semasa kat sekolah dulu, tahu sangat style mereka nih!
Kita habaq cara elok kat depa, ader sorang maki saya, sorang kata saya yang tak berbahasa. 50years, bila masuk kampung, kompang terlalu kuat kut, jadi hal2 yang tak disenangi, depa tak dapat dengak kut atau tak nak ambik tau kut?
Same in my place. Yang duk turun pangkah nih, kebanyakkan (majority) orang biasa, orang sederhana, orang miskin, orang kurang upaya, orang tua2 juga, undi mereka amat penting because THESE ARE THE MARGINALISED MAJORITIES!!
Dont they understand how important these votes are valuable too!!. Macam mana mana nak habaq bagi depa paham?
We need efficient, approacheable and good leaders, tapi sebaliknya, kita pula dijentik kesana sini. I have seen some treat the OKU's macam SAMPAH!! Meluat nak elaborate here...
Attitude must change if they need our votes!!
Alfio rado...
maybe they want to fight for the "annual incompetent stuckup wankers award" with the immigration department kut....
but if u get to become their fren kaye raye tu...boleh dapat "strategic" tanah for peanuts
Najib has always reminded me of an animal but I couldn't think of any till KM says "constipated tapir" LOL so true.
Hello Buddy,
You know the real reason as to why UMNO failed. It’s because they did now heed unker’s advice before that big day. I specifically told them;
Remember; there’d be no “sympathetic” without “pathetic.” And so the latter must be laid on thick if you ever want to engender the former. The better you are at making yourself look like a sad sack, the less details you’ll have to give when you finally take to the field. Yes or not?
I really think Pak Lah & Najib is the cause of my ass luck in poker & ‘getting lucky’ lately. You tot me want what, must always look for scapegoats. Ceh bawak sway only those 2 tapirs!
Glad to have you back.
Unker Yew.
After reading this, I'm beginning to wonder whether people have been wasting column inches and megabytes in newspapers and online over- analyzing and coming up with `reasons and factors' that actually don't exist!
our `folksy and rustic' writing here - it's clear that you "know the society... feel its pulse". I'm starting to feel like an idiot now, reading all those analyses and giving myself a headache in the process. And the REAL REASON why BN/Umno lost is... just so simple!
There's also a lot of similarities with the opinion from another veracious and savvy commentator - "A Voice" (Another Brick in the Wall). Plus what Dato' Sam of Small Talk had mentioned (although he blamed Najib for not making his stance about the choice).
IMHO, the main reason is this one: The Umno candidate sucks. On the other hand, Pas was on the other side of the scale with theirs - they had their best choice.
These two alone - Wonder how many votes were lost due to Umno deciding on Wan Farid. It might have been 50-50 had Umno chosen someone else. Or, they might have lost by something like a few hundred votes only.
Since we're in "Blame Mode", I'm going to put in my 5-sen on who should shoulder the blame:
1) Badawi - For being so bangang in wanting to put Wan Farid despite knowing the consequences. It just shows that he doesn't care for Umno - only for his clique.
2) Najib - For the same reasons as mentioned by Dato' Shamsuddin
3) Wan Farid - Mu smula-smula sedar diri gak sikit. Doh tahu oghe tak berapo dengae mu, toksah lah gatal nok tanding; buak naya Umno jah. memae mu ni srupo Badawi jugok - bukae dok juae ko parti, oghe melayu, islae, mlaysia - mu dok mikir hal mu sorae jah!
Hahaha, all sides kena. Worth the wait. Welcome back Kijang Mas.
Just one question: Does it mean that every time there's a by-election, we'd have these denizens of kayangan cyberspace descending on our kampung ceruk?
My Tok Chik and suku sakat freaked out at the sight of these kaki gege in KT. Oallawh.
interesting analysis..but i think it'll carry a lot more weight if this post is out while BN/PR is still campaigning in KT..
half of the people i spoke to after BN's lost said "ahh..they should have courted the malays instead"
okay now.
all said and done, what's your take on the Hadi's endorsement of Pak Lah to remain as PM and Haris the malignant narcissist ibrahim's edclaration that Pakatan was willing to suffer under Pak Lah than under Najib.
i think that shows how dangerous Pakatan is. After all that in the 12 GE, we're backtracking and endorsing Pak Lah.
Never mind if the country goes down, but Anwar must be installed. and Haris can ikut ajaran Islam sesta dia.
i voted for the opposition not because i believe they're great but, at that point, anyone was better than BN. And I can;t even remember the names ofthe Pakatan candidates I voted for.
I voted for change. I voted so that the likes of Khairy can never be allowed to run riot in this country. I voted against Pak Lah excesses. Against the BN uner Pak lah.
And Pakatan thinks its alright for Pak lah to remain another 5 years.
Because they believe in Pak Lah?
We're not stupid. If that's Pakatan's game...well, the power is with the people.
Entertaining. Two thumbs up.
Saya merasakan anda mengolah persetujuan( manufacturing consent) di sini. Wan Farid adalah salah satu dari penyebab akan tetapi bukannya penyebab utama.
Anda cuba membenihkan keraguan terhadap Pakatan Rakyat namun soalan yang sama juga perlu ditanya kepada Najib, mengapa beliau tidak boleh meyakinkan rakyat Kuala Terengganu? Apa kelemahan Wan Farid lebih besar dari kehebatan Najib?
Dan anda juga terlalu memandang kecil kesetiaan orang umno- semuanya demi kepentingan peribadi. Apa idris dan kumpulannya tidak ada kesetiaan terhadap umno? Jika wang dan kepentingan merupakan penyebab, mengapa tidak gunakan wang dan kekayaan sebagai sebab penyatu?
Dan satu soalan tidak anda tanya- mungkinkah Najib sendiri yang mensabotaj peluang umno memenangi pilihanraya kecil kali ini agar Pak lah boleh disalahkan?
You've got few points correct though I'd say if you study the numbers from March 2008 GE, PAS should have won P36 based on DUN votes they won. Their mistake? Mat Sabu. This time around, they learned from it and what did UMNO do, as what most posters here had said - a grave mistake in selecting Wan Farid. Bringing down Ezam was really a stupid idea.
Nevertheless, I am extremely proud and thankful that PAS had won because for the last 30 years we have been concentrating too much on materialistic development and our moral compasses have gone astrayed. We need PAS to govern because UMNO is too corrupt and will not realize it is rapidly digging their own graves.
Bumidaku was right though. I've not seen perayu undi PAS outnumbered and outmanuevered perayu undi BN before and this was my 4th election in P36.
p/s: It's spelled Terengganu now, not Trengganu. Lost a bit of credibility there though your Terengganunese is not too bad...
I don't really care who decided the victory in KT. I am just happy that we as Malaysians won.
I don't think like you, Rocky. I don't know how to differentiate my brothers by skin colour or by the language that they speak.
All i know is Barisan Nasional needs to go. They are dinosaurs that needs to be wiped out so Malaysians can prevail.
Nationalist ? I call them extremist. Someone who can't wake up and see the world as it is. They are just dinosaurs just like BN.
Let us fight for Malaysia as Malaysian. Let us help our people when they need it as one.
Say NO to RACE and RELIGION. They are just tools used to created barriers among us.
Malaysian Fighting For Malaysia.
You came back with a bang..
I haven't been following Malaysian Politics in a while, but the same old dirty tricks has been played in this election.
The son-in-law's hidden antics and manoeuvrings is getting so tame and lame. He put one of his closest lackeys as the candidate and he diverted the blame to Najib after an ''unexpected'' loss...
Its all a ''wayang''- it has been too obvious from the beginning that the UMNO candidate will lose, and he was meant to lose. There is nothing left for the Abdullah administration-if UMNO wins the seat, it will cost the external ''anti-Najib'' faction one seat- and this faction is the most vital ammunition in the SIL's arsenal.
If UMNO lost, as it was the case-Najib is the whipping boy, its Najib's fault. Only Najib-never mind the candidate was the proxy for many shady deals that enriched KJ & Co..
So, what can we learn from this by-election - NOTHING
What does it say of UMNO - Nothing
Bloggers and political analysts can spend hours interpreting the results - it means bloody nothing. It was a ''wayang kulit'' from the beginning. Certain people made it seem like Najib was the main player and UMNO fought hard for the seat-no they did not!
Which newspaper did you read? NST? LMFAO
Dear Sir,
I agree with Malaysian Fighting for Malaysia.
WE must remove all BARRIERS.
We start with VERNACULAR schools!
Ban them and chuck them out.
But cannot agree to say "NO to RELIGION".
Because as Malaysian, in RukunNegara Malaysia says "Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan".
Maybe this Malaysian Fighting for Malaysia is not really Malaysian.
Maybe he is a Godless Communist fighting for China.
Aduh banyaknye ANON.....please folks put a nic...takkan lah tak boleh imagine a combination of 3 alphabets or 5 maybe.. if u feel like putting additional effort...
anyway ANON January 24, 2009 3:47 AM.....yes moral compass lari habis......the younger generation especially.....come to think of it my generation also banyak bersepah sepah….tak sembahyang and don't feel a thing...some even say I’m a non practicing Muslim....what’s that supposed to mean to a practicing Muslim?....
i tink wat demo say dis taim ekzekly atah butir mokyoh, kijangmah!
dis kind of equal opportunity tonyoh baru beh.
Analisa you ada juga kebenaranya...local issue. Kalau wan farid sombong dan muka masam..banyak lagi politikus yang saperti dia, jarang senyum tapi berjaya pulak sampai sekarang. Susah sangat kita semua buat analisa..itu dan ini. Tengok sahaja resoning CEO Melaka tentang kekalahan PRK KT, nampak mudah sangat, % pengundi keluar kurang kalau tidak...mesti menang? betul ke? habis kalau sebaliknya?
Awaj Cukai
I'm repeating what satD had mentioned about those who use "Anonymous", to help lend weight to it: PLEASE add in some sort of identity below your comment - anything... even . if you're that lazy (yes, a humble dot is better than none).
By the way, this is Mat Cendana here (Assalamualaikum and Hello; satD, Mekyam, Jed Yoong, Khairy, Tun Mahathir... Yes, to *them* too)
Anyway, I'm purposely using "Anonymous" just to try prove a point or two, and also provide a practical tip to those who insist on using it.
Actually, if I get annoyed enough, I'm going to plead to KijangMas to show no mercy and just delete the ones with no unique identities. KM had already mentioned about this, so there's no blaming him should he enforce it strictly. Nor harbour any resentment towards me for being a "batu api".
I'd also suggest that he allow only those who have a registered ID to post - either get a Blogger ID or OpenID from Wordpress or whatever. But I'm going to `sabar' this time and not request this yet.
Here's a tip: Write your identity IMMEDIATELY, before you type the comment.
This is useful to some who are just plain `nyanyuk' - having the `niat' to type it "after finish typing the comment". And then forgetting. So, first and foremost, do like this first:
So, even if it's at the top (unlike the convention), at least "it's something".
Back to the main issue; I'd like to argue against some of the comments here - tangae sera gatal benar nok jawarp... Dae ado sor-duo oghe tu hok kito gerae nok tetah. Ni bukae `nok smeleh' - hok ni kawe akae buak ko sekor duo puok MT... hok jenih nok cabar ugamo dengae bangso kawe...
But "Later" - have to write a more important post for the "Recovery" site.
-JIH: Janda Idaman Hati
Salam Mat...
U sound like a man in lurrrve....:)
This JIH of yours...got kids or not?
Hikayat Mamak Bendahara - you should now be a Hikayat Memanda Bendahara. Sharp. Precise.
I don't trust that 'Malaysian Fighting for Malaysia' fellow. He sounds like those master of spin Zionists.
He sings a drooling lullaby-baby song laced with cyanide. "Tangan kanan bawa madu, tangan kiri bawa racun" so says one song.
His "being' is a product of creation. Yet he disown his creator. He's playing god in repeating the call to reshape Malaysia in his own image. When done he'll sell it ... as a seasonal gift to his master ... maybe not China.
To stop all that, I agree with Kiryu.
I quote, ..
"WE must remove all BARRIERS.
We start with VERNACULAR schools!
Ban them and chuck them out."
It sure is local factor, I believe… “Kera di hutan disusukan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan”.
We had a VERY excellent Ketua Pemuda for years.. over 12years, an AJK JKKK, now Setiausaha UMNO. Very active, dedicated and respected by the all here for his selfless contributions.
We won under UMNO ticket but the state went under PR.
I bumped into him recently and asked how things are with him now?
He started with tons of woes, one being that his is now unable to meet his monthly car installment, already 5months overdue!!
“CILAKA PUNYA BN and he mentioned a name “K…T”, really let us all down, aku tak kiralah dah sekarang, PR pun PR lah, asalkan dapat cari makan..”.
Kalau hati orang begini boleh tukar menjadi rapuh dan goyang, dengan perasaan TERSINGKIR, tertinggal, apatah lagi kami yang selama ini lebih jauh disingkirkan?
Najib, you have a lot of work to do at grassroots level. TURUN padang biarpun kamu rasa penggundi2 ini sekadar taraf kerbau dan lembu!!!
bek bek, termasuk kambing...
More spin doctoring & damage control to cover up Najib's humiliation in Kuala Tranung. Looks like you fellas still don't get it...
Anyway, please continue with this attitude of denial, and ask your gang in UMNO to do the same... Its one factor that helps bring votes for Pakatan.
satD (Jan. 21, 2009 3:50 AM) said:-
"i think the tank kinda tanked!"
Yes bro satD, UMNO’s Think Tank "kinda tanked" indeed.
These self-professed cendiakawans have over the years done nothing more than to validate the fallacies of their political bosses and nurtured the illusion of invincibility among these clueless, mediocre "pemimpins." Same goes to the Tanked Thinkers of other BN parties. These dearth of practical, truthful advise made the BN parties looked so bad during PRU12 to the point where the motley crew of assorted misfits and opportunists and degenerates that stood under the later-to-be Pakatan Rakyat parties looked half-decent. Come on people, how else do you think slow-on-the-draw Loh Gwo Burne and lazy dimwit Muhammad Fairuz Khairuddin and thuggish N. Gobalakrishnan and even M. Manoharan of the Hindraf racists could get elected if not for the utter stupidity and uselessness of the BN Think Tanks, which didn’t see the tsunami coming?
If UMNO are ever going to recover from its self-induced ailment, the thinkers and gurus and charlatans languishing in their allied Think Tanks must change their ways and induce that proverbial paradigm shift. Show more testicular fortitude by challenging the party’s "conventional wisdom" on governance and wipe-out these politicians’ feudal need to be loved and hailed by the Rakyat -- di kasihi dan di sanjungi in a giddy riot of Bunga Manggar, Kompang and the odd Lion Dance -- as if it's a matter of right bestowed by some deity.
From my own experience, I’ve yet to come across a "useful" intellectual. In the myriad of meetings in various government departments that I’ve been invited to attend over the past two decades and in seminars and colloquims and who-knows-what, these Think Tankers seemed to excel only in the art of angguk-angguk to the Menteri while doodling carricatures of boobs and butts and stuffing their faces with the free coffee, karipap and kuih-muih in a grotesque demonstration of sleight of hand and refined eye-hand-mouth-gut coordination (… ngap, ngap, ngap three karipaps in two seconds) mastered through yeaaaars of practise made possible by their idle irrelevance in these kinds of meetings.
To Jed Yoong, Gong Xi Fa Cai. Thanks for dropping by and sharing your thoughts. FYI, I’m a keen lurker in your fine blog.
Bumidaku, pendapat anda cukup mantap dan bernas.
Saya setuju.
Kalau ini tidak di gunakan sebagai iktibar oleh UMNO/BN, saya tak tahu apa lagi yang harus terjadi untuk menyedarkan mereka dari buaian beradu yang kian rapuh dan hampir berkecai.
An-Nimr said:-
"On Najib: ‘Would you buy a Used Car from this man?’ Depends...will it blow up when I turn the ignition key or will it be too late to decide by then?"
No An-Nimr.
By the time you turn the ignition key, the Used Car would have gone through five layers of RM2 middlemen companies, priced triple that of a New Car (because this is not the "Brazilian version"; this one got pinstripes and chrome exhaust pipes custom-made by Brothers); and Kapten (Bersara) Zahar would have caused a ruckus and made a police report.
………… and then MAYBE, just MAYBE you’ll get blown up.
To Kama At-Tarawis, I appreciate your kind words.
I’m enjoying your ongoing Diary of a Pilgrim series in your excellent blog. Thanks for sharing.
MRSM Kalae Chepo 66/73 said:-
"… KT people has always been simpletons. After all there are plenty of fishes in the sea - tak dok pitih, gi kelaut, coconut water available everywhere to quench thirst. As you said, kopi secawang, rokok sebatang - rokok daung, pun rokok daung lah - bereh. Amende nok lagi?"
Yes sir, and they are rich too. Rich in their faith, values, family and culture. All these adds up to Contentment, the single-most elusive and misunderstood essence of human existence. Right now, I’m contented. Just finished a fantastic bowl of laksae and about to partake in a piping hot entrée of Nasi Dagae with all the trimmings (solok lado, daging bakar, ayae gulaa) under the clear sky accented by swaying palms caressed by the soft winds of the tail-end of the northeast monsoon.
Yeah, pass the ghokok daung will you ...
ZZDOC said:-
"… UMNO lost most severely in the younger voters' polling streams."
Indeed, and appealing to the younger generation is one of the key challenges faced by UMNO and BN. Who embodies this young set in the present UMNO set-up? Azeez Rahim? Reezal Naina Merican? Aziz Sheikh Fadzir? C’mon lah dey, apasal semua Kerala tongkang mari? Betoi-betoi punya Malayu tadak ka?
What has Hishammuddin Hussein Onn done to entice the young into UMNO? He seems a tad low profile nowadays? KJ? Nahh, forget it. Khir Toyo? Mukhriz? Who else? Ezam with his sole agenda in life? Nope. Norza Zakaria? Ain’t we scraping the barrel here? What about the Puteri people? Apart from being harassed by Pakatan thugs and a flasher or two in their campaign rounds, what have these make-up laden next-gen Mak Datins done to excite Malay youths to UMNO?
MAKCIK said:-
"Attitude must change if they need our votes!!"
Agree MAKCIK. The same rule applies to BOTH sides.
The Pakatan pemimpins in power pun dah start jadi bongkak. Mula dengan cakap berbelit-belit, tunggang langgang auta sana, auta sini. Sekarang dah nikmati kereta mewah Jepun. Cara cakap pun dah mula lain macam, dengan bunyi-bunyian menyerupai Tapir Buwasir.
Give them another 3-4 years and I betcha they won’t be any different from their predecessors that were thrown out by the rakyat.
Sorry to run away from topic here, but I have to mention this- reading your blog has made me realised how important it is for Malays to be western educated yet grounded in Islamic values. Which I'm sure you are one of them. My parents, born in the the 50's had this. My father was one of the few Malays who went to Victoria Institution, an English school, yet never loss his inner "malayness". So did his siblings. This is also particularly true to Malays who were born during the golden 50's and 60's and maybe even during the 70's. Malays during this era excelled in all kinds of proffession but at the same time, they were also the regular mosque gowers. This was the era that produced Malay proffessional who are deeply anchored to their faith. Not to mention race relations were far better off during those days (so says my father). And of course the preffered political choice for this group were UMNO.
KM, what do you think?
Unker Yew the pathological gambler said:-
“I really think Pak Lah & Najib is the cause of my ass luck in poker & ‘getting lucky’ lately. You tot me want what, must always look for scapegoats. Ceh bawak sway only those 2 tapirs!”
You think Kit Siang and Karpal can give you better luck ah? Forget about sway tapirs, these two Jurassic relics, with their abundance of Sha Chi, would bankrupt you if they are ever in power. The Rev. Yong, the feng shui trickster, oops I mean master, would surely attest to the lack of Lucky Chis in the Pakatan all-you-can-eat combo. Mana ada Chi – no harmony lah -- when you coalesce the Ah Peks with the Mullahs with the “England Trained Barristers” of Hindraf and a couple of perennially angry Punjabis. Oh yeah, throw in Anwar and the cyber-pongids -- and Rev Yong’s Celestial Geomancy Goobledygook Compass will go up in smoke faster than you can say TNSingh ...
Mat Cendana, nice of you to visit. Always thoughtful and always hot on the heels of No Luck Unker Yew.
Unker Yew, you and Mat share same PC ka?
zooky said:-
“Hahaha, all sides kena.”
Yup my friend. KijangMas will hantam anyone who tries to screw the Rakyat, any Public Servant who thinks his/her lot in life is to bask in the glory of adulation and glorification by a grateful, gullible populace. And KijangMas will hantam hardest the troupe of treasonous clowns who make lots of noise in parliament and ceramahs to demand all kinds of “rights” and “privileges” of their Warganegaraship although they themselves cannot even concoct a decent sentence in the national language of their claimed Tanah Air.
zooky said:-
“Just one question: Does it mean that every time there's a by-election, we'd have these denizens of kayangan cyberspace descending on our kampung ceruk? My Tok Chik and suku sakat freaked out at the sight of these kaki gege in KT. Oallawh.”
Sad for humanity but yes, Zooky. These Queer Kayangites will percolate from the little dungeons under their mom’s bed and infiltrate the kampung ceruks of our motherland in their ill-fitting one-size-too-small dyed Pagoda t-shirts that proclaim causes beknown only to themselves and their dogs.
People, next time -- after you have freaked out –- do hose off these pongidaes from your front yards and streets. Bad feng shui. Your lucky Dragon’s Back housing/shop lot would become either a Tiger’s Dick or a Pickled Pig’s Feet with these Kayangites around. Sway man. Sway. Just ask Unker Yew.
bacardi said:-
“… what's your take on the Hadi's endorsement of Pak Lah to remain as PM and Haris the malignant narcissist ibrahim's edclaration that Pakatan was willing to suffer under Pak Lah than under Najib. i think that shows how dangerous Pakatan is. After all that in the 12 GE, we're backtracking and endorsing Pak Lah. Never mind if the country goes down, but Anwar must be installed. and Haris can ikut ajaran Islam sesta dia.”
One word: Pathetic.
Pakatan is showing their true colours in this home stretch to the Pak Lah-Najib handover. I can just smell the smoke bellowing from Tian Chua’s floppy ears as the machinations of deceit and trickery brews in his pongidoid cranium. See how Pak Lah is being “rehabilitated” by the Pakatan-bankrolled blogs? Yup, a leaf right out of the Little Red Book of their PAP-refined PRC role model. Suddenly, Pak Lah is de-villified, cleansed of all the incompetence and misgivings of his Habibiesque rule. And by extension, Haris Ibrahim the malignant narcissist and the rest of the freakshow, by wanting Pak Lah, would be exonerating KJ, the 4th Floor Boys, the Son, and other members of the Pak Lah cast from the multitude of accusations they have been hurling all these years.
Astonishing. Hypocrites. Slimeballs.
You people think these social misfits have principles? Now know why I call them pongids?
bacardi said:-
“i voted for the opposition not because i believe they're great but, at that point, anyone was better than BN. And I can;t even remember the names ofthe Pakatan candidates I voted for.”
Yup, you just confirmed what I said earlier. Except for Kelantan (where allegiance to PAS and rejection of UMNO since 1990 was/is based on state-specific factors), the Pakatan seats gained in PRU12 was lost by the BN and NOT won by the PR.
Bacardi, I bet even YOU could have beaten Samy Vellu or Koh Tsu Koon or Zainuddin Maidin.
bacardi said:-
“I voted for change. I voted so that the likes of Khairy can never be allowed to run riot in this country. I voted against Pak Lah excesses. Against the BN uner Pak lah … And Pakatan thinks its alright for Pak lah to remain another 5 years … Because they believe in Pak Lah?”
No. Because they are scared of Najib. You see, these Pakatan spinmeisters villified Najib so much that they are now scared of their own creation. Yup, what goes around comes around. In a way, its good for these pongids to be fearful for a change. Whether Mr. Popiah Basah would rise to the occasion and pulverise these pongids to kingdom come (… or at least to Haris’ Sky Kingdom) only time will tell. Perhaps Najib is only bidding his time before the fierce Harimau of Tun Razak comes out after handover? From tapir to tiger. That's more like it. Hopefully not from tapir to talapia! We shall see.
OK lah KijangMas,
I nih oghang Kedah, tak pandai loghat Trengganu.
Both sides memang mesti berhati dan pohon amat sangat doksah duk tunjuk eksyen!. Belum bok masok habok dah dok conggak nak beli kereta “Mahal kononnya Murah!”.. Kalau Kedah kata “jangan dok ghayan dan gedik tak pasai pasai!”.
Apa hampa buat semua oghang dah pandai peghati.
Makcik Pakcik Kampong laa ni, dah pandai berkepit laptop biar pun kedapur!! Apatah lagi golongan pelajar sekarang. Lima tahun pun dah cerdik berkomunikasi dan layari information dengan begitu mudah.
Gone are those days when we just have to depend on the Wakil Rakyat to tell us what is happening in Malaysia.
You brought up anggok-anggok dan sajian mesyuarat, amat tepat sekali. Adakala depa serve MEE KARI dan PULUT DURIAN, dan beranika kueh- mueh!!
Pernah seorang Pegawai sampai cirit birit, spent his precious hours dalam Jamban, hingga tamat mesyuarat!!
Anonymous (Jan. 24, 2009 1:14 AM) said:-
“… anda juga terlalu memandang kecil kesetiaan orang umno- semuanya demi kepentingan peribadi. Apa idris dan kumpulannya tidak ada kesetiaan terhadap umno? Jika wang dan kepentingan merupakan penyebab, mengapa tidak gunakan wang dan kekayaan sebagai sebab penyatu?”
Mula-mula, kenapa amat sukar untuk meletakkan nama/nic anda? Susah sangat ke?
Mengenai hujah/soalan anda di atas, saya dah baca banyak kali dan saya masih tidak faham intipati dan maksud yang terserlah atau tersirat dalam ayat-ayat anda. Apa yang anda nak tanya nih?
Anonymous (Jan. 24, 2009 1:14 AM) said:-
“Dan satu soalan tidak anda tanya- mungkinkah Najib sendiri yang mensabotaj peluang umno memenangi pilihanraya kecil kali ini agar Pak lah boleh disalahkan?”
Fikiran saya tidak bisa menyimpang sebegitu rupa. Teori anda sudah terjerlus ke kancah minda putar belit politik Tamil Nadu. Kenapa orang kita suka berfikir seperti anda? Semua benda yang tak faham, di jadikan misteri. Bukan hendak berusaha mencari jawapan; tetapi membuang masa membungai lagi misteri-misteri konspirasi seperti di atas.
Anonymous (Jan. 24, 2009 3:47 AM) said:-
“ … if you study the numbers from March 2008 GE, PAS should have won P36 based on DUN votes they won. Their mistake? Mat Sabu. This time around, they learned from it and what did UMNO do, as what most posters here had said - a grave mistake in selecting Wan Farid. Bringing down Ezam was really a stupid idea.”
Yet another Anonymous here. This shall be the last Anonymous in Demi Negara.
As for your statement, agreed.
Anonymous (Jan. 24, 2009 3:47 AM) said:-
“p/s: It's spelled Terengganu now, not Trengganu. Lost a bit of credibility there …”
What lost credibility? Look,TRengganu is the closest approximation to Ta-Ra-Nga-Ga-Alif-Nun-Wau and hence is the correct Romanise transliteration of the original Malay elocution.
Relax buddy.
Hikayat Mamak Bendahara said:-
“Which newspaper did you read? NST? LMFAO”
No. I read Kosmo and URTV, borrowed from the Ketua Kerani Pejabat Tanah. ROTFLMAOSHIPIMP
Kiryu said:-
“I agree with Malaysian Fighting for Malaysia. WE must remove all BARRIERS.
We start with VERNACULAR schools! Ban them and chuck them out.”
Ha Ha Ha. Agree.
And yes, this “Malaysian Fighting for Malaysia” probably speaks, dream and TFK in Mandarin and watches any movie but a Malaysian production and listens to any music except Malaysian tracks. Oh, and he exhibits a very un-Malaysian linguistic-cultural essence while he fights for a “Malaysian” something which he cannot even articulate, even in Mandarin, let alone in Bahasa Malaysia.
mekyam said:-
“i tink wat demo say dis taim ekzekly atah butir mokyoh, kijangmah! dis kind of equal opportunity tonyoh baru beh.”
Yo laa, Mekyae wei, Kawé béhé dae godé duo-duo beloh baghu puah hati.
Hok hudoh, kito ghoyak hudoh. Hok comé macé Mekyae, kito ghoyak comé.
Nih baghu mulaa bukok lakoh. Belong tae lagi. Si Wae Farid pékong alu lesong pong soho doh. Kawé tok maing alu lesong. Kawé sokmo pékong batu ggiling. Bukae bekok cobbong. Pényék macé cicok kkapék ppitu.
Awaj Cukai, terima kasih kerana berkunjung ke sini.
Ya, memang ada lagi watak-watak politik yang lebih ”masam” dan ”sombong” dari Wan Farid. Dan betul, kenapa mereka masih di pilih?
Mungkin masam mereka ”Masam Manis.” Mungkin muka jenis "Tiga Rasa" atau Sam Rhod dalam bahasa Thai. Mungkin sombong tapi jujur dan amanah.
Tongkang said:-
"Najib, you have a lot of work to do at grassroots level. TURUN padang biarpun kamu rasa penggundi2 ini sekadar taraf kerbau dan lembu!!! bek bek, termasuk kambing..."
Berdayakah beliau melakukannya?
Kita tunggu dan lihat. 100 hari pertama adalah masa amat genting buat Najib.
BrightEyes said:-
"... please continue with this attitude of denial, and ask your gang in UMNO to do the same... Its one factor that helps bring votes for Pakatan."
Aya little Leng Chai, what "attitude of denial"? You cannot read English or Trengganuan ah? Why so kurang ajar one ah? You think you are about to rule this country ah? Lu gila kah? Lu mau angkat sumpah jadi PM pakai kitab apa? Bawa limau kasi Agong ka? Songkok pun takut pakai, mau jadi pemimpin gua punya nagara apa macam? TNS!
The only species in denial nowadays is of YOUR kind. You honestly think the KT people voted PAS because they somehow believed in your Lee Kuan Yew-inspired Malaysian Malaysia crap? Can't you understand that you were irrelevant in this by-election? PAS would have won by a bigger margin if Kit Siang and his DAP Gang didn't turn up. Apasal lu susah mau paham?
What is a "Malaysian" to you anyway?
I see your latest blog entry asks when will this country have a "Chinese" or "Indian" PM. No Leng Chai. Malaysia will never ever have a "Chinese" or "Indian" PM because by law the PM must be Malaysian. Citizens of China (hence "Chinese") and citizens of India ("Indians") cannot be the PM. So which one are you? "Chinese" or Malaysian?
Si Melayu dalam Pakatan tak nampak ka engkau di gunakan oleh si Ah Beng macam ni? Tengok betapa angkuh dan bongkak nya si zuriat pendatang ni? Cakap macam ini tanah moyang Tong San dia. Cakap Melayu pun tak reti, hanya oo-aa oo-aa saja. Tapi dah berani nak gertak orang.
Mana alu lesong si Farid nih?
ps: i wonder who would actually listen to Zorro?
Hi KijangMas.
It's sad to see that the Malay voters of KT were marginalised by BN due to the fairy tale notion that the ethnic Chinese votes were the decisive factor.
If only BN/UMNO had a good grey matter in their head, things would probably be different. If BN's stupidity continues, I don't think they will survive in the next election. They will be HISTORY!!
Najib, this is your wake up call. Please don't get too addicted to slumberland as Pak Lah.
Btw, welcome back Kij.
Please do not abandon us for too long.
Saya baru membangunkan blog untuk mendedahkan betapa pembohongan cina pesisiran pantai yang menjadi cina luar negara dalam blog baru Buku Lord of The Rims.
Harap dapat diberi pautan. Kalau tak disiarkan komen ini pun tidak mengapa.
Terima kasih.
Naif said:-
"... race relations were far better off during those days (so says my father). And of course the preffered political choice for this group were UMNO. KM, what do you think?"
Yes, ethnic relations were generally better off in earlier days due to the fact that the various kaums know and understand their place in our complex society.
Today? What we have nowadays is a collision course between the Malay-centric established order and the anarchists bent on subverting the essence of our Tanah Air. See how the Dong Jiong or Dong Key Kong or whatever guy goes around demanding a Beijing-like educational experience for 3rd-4th generation Malaysians of Chinese ethnicity (ironically, now painfully silenced by the fist of his own species). And see the treasonous charade by these Hindraf traitors, begging for foreign intervention, bluffing through their teeth to a world audience (not that anyone takes them seriously) and insulting the Malays in every other dumb sentence these cartoonish "England Trained Barristers" blurt out.
Why this happened? Go ask the occupant of Seri Perdana. Yup, go ask the Malaysian Habibie (anyway, Ha Bi Bie in Indonesian stands for Hari-Hari Bikin Bingung).
MAKCIK said:-
"Pernah seorang Pegawai sampai cirit birit, spent his precious hours dalam Jamban, hingga tamat mesyuarat!!"
Ha ha ha, maybe that was for the better Makcik oii. Imagine what damage si Pegawai could have done if he had actually attended and "contributed" to the proceedings? Pinang plastik di cabang jalan sini; Bungga Manggar warna-warni di cabang sana; air pancut depan Pejabat Tanah; air terjun bawah jejantas; panji-panji, sepandok dan pintu gerbang di merata pelusuk daerah. TAPI ... longkang sumbat, jalan berlubang, lampu jalan padam, bus stop hancur, sampah tak kutip, PATI bebas merayau-rayau.
Jadi buat masa ini, lebih baiklah kalau si Pegawai-pegawai ni makan banyak-banyak mee kari dan pulut durian dan tapai ubi campur air nyira. Biar semua meletup di jamban. Hmm, no wonder lah setiap kali telefon, Kak kerani jawab: "Maaf ya encik, Tuan Sapeon sedang sebok bersidang; tak boleh di ganggu." Maklumlah, macam mana nak ganggu orang yang sedang bersidang di Takhta Indah Water?
Zorro the Bozo said:-
" ... i wonder who would actually listen to Zorro?"
Ummh, himself and one of his dogs?
Zazaland said:-
"It's sad to see that the Malay voters of KT were marginalised by BN due to the fairy tale notion that the ethnic Chinese votes were the decisive factor."
Yes indeed Mademoiselle. UMNO/BN must stop being reactionary to the fantasies of the Pakatan. Obviously the anti-Malay bigots within Pakatan would always parrot "the Chinese are the Kingmakers" in ANY constituency in Malaysia, even in places with only a handful of lost Ah Peks such as Mukim Tok Dor, Sungai Tong or Pulau Sebatik, Tawau.
See the DAP ethnocentrist spin: The Cinas are Kingmakers when they are 1% or 10% or 20% or 35% or 50% or whatever % of the voters. I bet even if the Cinas are 0.00% of the voters, these race-obsessed DAP totoks would still spin that their Cina Campaigners are the Kingmakers. Hey, I thought these PAP Worshippers want meritocracy and abhor feudalism? Then why this obsession with Kings?
The DAP/Pakatan spinners would say (and the dumbass UMNO/BN Think Tankers would believe as in KT) that the "Malay votes" doesnt matter because they'll always be split 50:50 anyway in every constituency and the supreme votes of the Cinas would be the tiebreakers. Imagine a Kelantan constituency with 99% Malay voters. According to the Phnom Penh campus of the Din Merican School of SpinMeister Studies, 33,596 Malays would vote PAS; 33,596 Malays would vote UMNO. So UMNO's and PAS' fate would be in the hands of the lone Cina Buta and his extended family with their 25 votes. Hence, every Cina vote here would carry the weightage of 2,686 Malay votes. Sooo incredibly precious indeed. Dah lah dah jadi hypersensitive anak manjas, satu undi pun dah jadi mahal macam Emas 916.
See how the Pakatan tricksters imbued gold-plated significance to Chinese votes ANYWHERE in Malaysia? At this rate, Najib must dish out at least RM5 billion to the SRJK(C) school boards to make sure they don't make "Kings" out of the Pakatan parties. The Malay/Bumi majority gets what? I guess Makcik's leftover pulut durian and mee kari from the Pejabat Tanah pegawai's meeting should do it for these cheap votes.
Anyway, see the spin by these bizarre Pakatan zealots? But the tragedy is that UMNO/BN bought this racist spin -- hook, line and sinker ... and smelly cacing as well!
To all Anonymous commenters, PLEASE resend your comments with a NAME/NIC, any ID, symbol, alphabet, numeral, in whatever form, jawi, kanji, hangul, cyrallic, pinyin, pali, sanskrit. As Mat Cendana said, even a "." would do.
Many of the 27 (thus far) Anonymous comments are insightful, some even hilarious and others brilliant, but I cannot publish them lest this Anonymii Syndrome would perpetuate in this forum.
Terima Kasih
salam bro KijangMas...
Why dont u put a name to them and publish for this one last time...
they know its their comment...if i can recommend...start from A,B,C...and the way to Z for simplicity with the last one as the "Last ANON ever allowed on DemiNegara"
What the heck is happening with UMNO? Why do priorities change after 51 years of independance? What about the reasons why UMNO was formed? Who supported them when they were in 'infancy'?
UMNO has to go back to its roots, its fundamentals and its reasons for its existence if the party is serious in getting back the Malay votes.
At this moment, UMNO is being used to siphon the Rakyat's money. Period. PR is not too far away it seems.
It has been said that politics is dirty but this is dirtier than the Great Jamban of Indah Kayangan.
Salam satD,
I've thought about it, but no, I have to keep my word on no more Anonymous comments.
As far as proclaiming the "Last ANON ever allowed on DemiNegara", I've already said "this shall be the last Anonymous in Demi Negara" on Jan.25, 2009 7:58 PM.
Hence, that's it. Too bad folks. We need to learn the hard way sometimes.
>>Aya little Leng Chai, what "attitude of denial"? You cannot read English or Trengganuan ah? Why so kurang ajar one ah? You think you are about to rule this country ah? Lu gila kah? Lu mau angkat sumpah jadi PM pakai kitab apa? Bawa limau kasi Agong ka? Songkok pun takut pakai, mau jadi pemimpin gua punya nagara apa macam? TNS!
Kurang ajar? Ok, time for a pop quiz...
Terdapat Menteri Besar yang kahwin lari ke Siam dengan anak Almarhum Sultan Selangor. Bila pecah tembelang, dia ceraikan puteri & tulis cek berjuta ringgit (entah mana dapat wang itu) sbg wang cerai. Almarhum Sultan Selangor sungguh murka, tapi MB tersebut minta gedebe Pemuda datang tunjuk belang di depan istana. Siapa MB ini? Dia nonMalay ke?
Terdapat juga seorang kaki bekas MB Selangor yang bina mahligai dengan wang yang entah mana dapat. Bila dititah menghadap Sultan Selangor, dia kata kononnya sakit... tapi sebenarnya cuti kat Melaka! Sultan amat murka. Siapa kaki MB ini? Dia nonMalay ke?
Tahun dulu, Sultan Tranung pilih orang lain jadi MB. Seorang bekas MB agak marah kerana tak kena pilih, lalu panggil gerombolan dia buat bising dengan banner. Disini Baginda dipanggil 'natang' oleh fanboys bekas MB ni. Dari mana MB & gerombolan dia? Mereka Cina/India ke?
Bonus Question: Adakah peristiwa ini menyumbang kepada kekalahan BN di KT pada Jan 09? a) Ya , b) Tidak , c) Mungkin
Dan lain-lain lagi...
So, what's that you say about being "kurang ajar"? It seems the UMNO people have been doing a far "better" job from their track record.
To answer you question, of course there ain't gonna be a Chinese or Indian citizen for PM. What will eventually happen is Malaysian voters will come to a point where they disregard race n' religion for their choice as Prime Minister. And they'll choose a Malaysian for PM based on his/her capability to lead our country... never mind if he/she is a 'Karim Muhammad' from Kedah, 'K.V.G. Chettar' from Melaka, 'David Lee' from Penang, 'A.K. Fong' from KL, or 'Seman Togang' from Sarawak, or who... and he/she prays to which God.
Remember, twenty years ago they said with certainty in US that there'll never be a non-white President for a hundred years...
By the way, you always like to criticize others for not using BM. You should write your next article in BM for a change. Takkan susah sangat.
non partisan? :) I find that funny. Hiding behind a flurry of well written prose, is a pathetic racist.
Like many others, you know everything. Finally BN side need a hero..here it is!
I have never blogged. But I found Kijangmas/ Demi Negara's ideas and arguments on national unity, bangsa Malaysia, vernacular schools etc to be sound and solid. Kijangmas deserves support and encouragement to the maximum.
I am saying these in his piece about KT bye election - without waiting for his next piece on national unity, bangsa Malaysia etc where I hope to contribute.
Kijangmas should continue to lead the discussions on those subjects. Quite a number of subjects should not become issues. They, in fact, need not be discussed - they need only to be told or reminded - but the country's weak political leadership, rampant corruption and money politics had led to the present sad situation.
I support Kijangmas' use of the English language as much as possible to get those reluctant or unwilling to learn Bahasa Malaysia to understand the points put across.
We need to continue to make them understand the Constitution, the Social Contract, the concept of bahasa and bangsa Malaysia and the plain simple fact that Mandarin and Tamil are the official languages of Mainland China and Tamil Nadu respectively, and that nobody is stopping their use privately.
They also need to understand that the Portuguese, the Dutch, the British, and even the Mainland Chinese, had recognised the Malays as rulers of this country at least since the days of the Malacca Sultanate. As Kijangmas had pointed out, the British dealt with the Malay rulers when they first started asking for trading facilities - in Malacca, Singapore, Penang, Perak etc.
We hope the KT bye election results (Najib's promise of financial grants to vernacular schools) can lead to a search for strong leaders among the Malays so that Malay rights under Article 153of the Constitution would not be discussed any more and the powers-
-that-be take action in accordance with the pprovisions of the Sedition Act.
Syabas, Kijangmas. Do carry on with your superb analysis and arguments on subjects of national importance. Demi Negara is an apt title indeed.
Let's keep trying to make them understand and accept the established and historical facts, and the arguments based on those facts. Those who understand but cannot accept them may move and see whether they can get what they want in, say, Singapore, Australia, Canada, USA etc.
There's a big silent crowd out there - even a silent majority - on the Bangsa Malaysia concept you have expounded. I am sure more will speak up when necessary.
Best wishes.
krepok lekor ikang parang
digete oleh mak mah laadang
memang sejok tahun lima semilang
orang kita tak bahang rambang
tok reti pakoh perikatang
parti negara jadi ingatang..
My oh my, sluuurp, WY Kam 斗鸡眼 is served
on a silver platter.
O.k. I have something to admit to you, WY Kam 斗鸡眼. Yes, I am very, very partisan. I am partisan towards the creation of a Bangsa Malaysia yang teguh dan padu bersuara dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan berbudaya berlandaskan intipati adat dan tatasusila Orang Melayu dan Kaum Bumiputra lain di Tanah Air kita. You have a problem with that?
Oh yes, I am a pathetic racist. I favour the Anak Bangsa Malaysia in my Tanah Air over others, over those who masquerade as Warganegaras but refuse to embrace the tenets of the Anak Bangsa Malaysia with their treasonous challenge to every instrument of nationhood of my Tanah Air, including Bahasa Malaysia, the jawi script, the keris, the songkok, Islam and the position of the Melayus and other Bumiputras as the quintessential backbone and foundation of this nation upon which the culture, identity and very essence of nationhood is built upon. You also have a problem with that?
If you, WY Kam 斗鸡眼, is deemed as one of these degenerate treasonous fifth-columner, then yes, I am a rabid racist to the core against you. I will be the mother of all racists towards the anti-Bangsa Malaysia. Come again. You one of these turds? Yes? Then I will not allow your kind to filth my Tanah Air with your alien culture and lifestyle, nor tolerate your new found audacity to be kurang ajar and biadap towards your Tuan Tanahs, or your toxic anarchist streak which has threatened to bring chaos and pestilence to my blessed Tanah Air.
No, WY Kam 斗鸡眼, I can't possibly know everything. For instance I don’t know what amoeba fallow in a semi-cooked pig’s gut. I also cannot fathom the inner-consciousness of the pimps, tricksters, scammers, counterfeiters, cheats, thieves and liars … that somehow do seem to slither from your societal cesspool. Coincidence ahh? But I know enough to not allow any more room for traitors like you (yup, 得寸进尺) to slither in my midst to wreak havoc in my Tanah Air’s social order with your alien values and alien traits, as demonstrated by your insistence on placing alien hieroglyphics to your name.
Please do remain in KiwiLand and pile on your filth there. We need to spread your toxicity a bit around the neighbourhood, to let others get a taste of what my formerly pristine Tanah Air, MALAYsia, had to endure since the rickety tongkangs showed up unannounced and uninvited on my shores.
If I can quote sepadu,
‘Those who understand but cannot accept them may move and see whether they can get what they want in, say, Singapore, Australia, Canada, USA etc.’
Btw, sepadu, in Singapore, these ungrateful Malaysians will be treated 'nicely' if they are of Chinese or Indian origins.
(This is part of PAP’s politics. It is not a secret. The Malays in Singapore are not ignorant).
But, on one condition, no politicking AGAINST PAP, if not, they’ll be ISA-ed or be bankrupt-ed by the likes of LHL, GCT and co. Just look what happened to JBJ. Aliens who decide to come to Singapore should know their limits. Having said that, if DSAI were to be an opposition politician in Singapore, he won’t have a 7 million ringgit villa!!
In Malaysia, they are being ‘manja-ed’ by the so-called ‘open up’ policy of Pak Lah. Say what you like - free for all in the name of ‘democracy ‘. So, you get these ungrateful aliens commenting, criticising and politicising EVERYTHING!!! They are the worst bigots of all.
Kudos to KijangMas for putting them at THEIR place. I agree with you that KijangMas should be given encouragement and support.
Maybe most of these people never tasted the tranquil, serene and peaceful ways of life we once enjoyed during the days of our grandfathers?
Our kampung houses, then, knew nothing about LOCKS and GRILLS.. Left widely open everyday, closed only to keep the insects and mosquitoes out during the nights.
No strangers or aliens lurking around, everyone knew everyway from birth, little grandchildren ran freely around the compound and villages, just pop in anyones home for breakfast, lunch, tea or dinner, the spirit of sharing and giving.
OOOOOOoooo, gone were those days blissful, free, peaceful years.
I wish all these people who brought with them their crazy ways of life of penyangak, will just disappear and get lotst and LET US JUST BE THE WAY WE ONCE WERE!!
To BrightEyes (Jan. 28, 2009 10:16 AM),
Ha ha ha Leng Chai, lu manyak Kan Cheong lah. Takut sendiri punya bayang ka?
Why on earth must you give us a gory compilation of:-
- A walking dinosaur afflicted with testiculoid hyperactivitas syndrome in pre-Jurassic tmes.
- A dead man. Show some hormat (or is it holomat) lah Leng Chai!
- A spurned politician in grief.
Apa kena-mengena mereka nih dengan lu punya sikap biadap, angkuh dan kurang ajar sama gua? Gua hantam lu. Lu misti hadap gua punya muka laa. Apahat lu pikul masuk dua ekor dinosaur dan kutuk seorang Allahyarham (waulauw-eh, ini sudah lebih dari kurang ajar ohh. Ini sudah sway)?
Haiya, kalau gua mau guna lu punya olang sebagai contoh, lima lori Alam Flora pun tak cukup maaa. Itu orang Melayu – M. Tyson, Zack MD, Mat Derih -- mereka ada sikit masalah sama dia olang punya Duli-Duli Raja Melayu. Lu masuk campur apahat? Lu sapa? Ah Pek tak boleh campur ini hat tau? Lu tak boleh Ma Fan, Ma Fan ini hat ohh. Haiya, Mai Siao Siao ohh Leng Chai. Mai Sng Sng.
Bonus on the Bonus Question: Adakah kekurangan sokongan kaum Cina kepada Pakatan Rakyat di KT pada Jan 09 satu petanda kelemahan kempen Blogger Barisan Rakyat? a) Ya, b) Sudah Tentu, c) Ternyata Sekali
Lu kata:-
“What will eventually happen is Malaysian voters will come to a point where they disregard race n' religion for their choice as Prime Minister. And they'll choose a Malaysian for PM based on his/her capability to lead our country... never mind if he/she is a 'Karim Muhammad' from Kedah, 'K.V.G. Chettar' from Melaka, 'David Lee' from Penang, 'A.K. Fong' from KL, or 'Seman Togang' from Sarawak, or who... and he/she prays to which God.”
Leng Chai, lu tadak faham Malaysia punya political system ka? Mana boleh rakyat ”choose a PM” directly? The PM mesti mari dari itu dominant party/coalition dalam parliament. Dan majoriti dalam mana-mana coalition tentu sekali itu Olang Malayu. Lu 33% minoriti bukan Malayu macam mana boleh kontrol itu coalition dan angkat sekor Bukan Malayu jadi PM? Waulau, lu mau jadi taiko apahat? Lu olang cakap Malayu pun tunggang langgang punya bangang; itu songkok pun lu sudah ada severe allergic reaction; tengok keris pun sudah mau pangsai sampai pengsan, tapi lu mau jadi Pedana Menteli? Dalam lu punya kayangan, itu Frankie Au-Yong Liuk Chiat dari Balakong boleh jadi PM ka? DPM siapa? Aloysius Ignatius Solaimutu a/l Winnifred Lourdes Kandasamy ka? Hey Unker Yew, ini Bright Eyes boleh kasi buang lu punya sway la! Misti Royal Flush kaw kaw punya.
Gua ingat ahh, lu sudah kena demam Obamacillus Envynitis ohh. Waulau-eh, bahaya wohh. Advance symptom: manyak mimpi-mimpi atas kayangan terbang sama sang pongidae.
Ini hat ahh, lu jangan mau Kay Kiang ooh. Gua tadak suka olang Kau Peh Kau Bu tong kosong macam lu. Gua ingat lu tadak keleja lah. You must be damn Bo Liao. Semua blog tiap-tiap jam lu Chui Kong Lum Par Song saja. Ini betoi-betoi Chao Kah punya olang.
Lu kata:-
“Remember, twenty years ago they said with certainty in US that there'll never be a non-white President for a hundred years...”
What about it? Why you tell us? What’s your point? That a half-Kenyan should one day be a PM of Malaysia? Itu pasal tadi gua cakap, lu sudah kena itu demam Obamacillus Envynitis. Waulau-eh, this little Leng Chai Chui Kana Kah, Kah Kana Lum Par, still want to write comments here ahh?
Lu kata:-
”By the way, you always like to criticize others for not using BM. You should write your next article in BM for a change. Takkan susah sangat.”
Lu buta ka? Tada baca gua punya reply dalam comments section ka? Bahasa Kelantan pun ada. Bahasa Trengganu pun ada. No Leng Chai, my next article may well be in Hokkien, itu kampong Cina pakai kain pelikat punya Hokkien. I need another medium to get my message across to blur people like you. 刁民.
tks for making me smile b4 i go to sleep.....
next time think carefully before u use a nic with "bright" kat depan tu
kalau IQ = ur body weight in KG try not to overstretch you capabilities
Hahahaha I burst out laughing reading your reply to bright eyes. Seriously how do you do it? You can talk like a typical chinaman, indian or any malay dialects across the whole peninsula. Add to that your English is superb.
Keep it sir, keep it up.
I bet hes off to Malaysia-today to rant about how UMNO has hired a proffessional to be its mouthpiece.
Ni hao mah Blight eyes, You duk merapu apa disini? Try this...
In 20 years People's Republic of China will have an Indian of Karala origin as their President.
In 20years India will be having a Chinese from Tongsan man as their PM
In 20years United Kingdom will be having a Malaysian from Kampung Cerok Tok Kun as their PM
In 20years Japan will be having a White American as their PM
In 5years America will be having a Japanese as their President.
You said there'll come a time when Malaysian citizens will disregard race and religion when choosing their PM.
We would welcome that. But that will be when a Bangsa Malaysia has evolved.
What constitutes "Bangsa Malaysia"? Read what KijangMas has written a few times in the past.
Thanks for commenting on what I wrote.
I note the inverted commas around the word "nicely" when you wrote about the treatment of the non-Malays who move to Singapore.
I maintain that they won't get what they want when living in Singapore.
KijangMas has pointed out that, although they recognise four languages, they use English in Singapore. Heck, even the Chinese in Mainland China are busy learning and using English in their interaction with non-Chinese.
They won't get contracts and
sub-contracts that easily in Singapore. First, there are much fewer contracts there. Secondly, as newcomers, they have to compete with the Singapore Chinese. Thirdly, they don't have Bumiputera contractors sub-contracting contracts to them - both contracts from "Bumiputera Only" tenders and "Open" tenders. All sorts of tenders in various sectors of industry from supply to construction.
They get huge benefits from these in Malaysia. But, you see, they always want more and more. Where in the world can you get all, even most, of what you want, always?
In construction tenders, usually the specialised jobs are sub-contracted to specialists e.g electrical works in buildings, bridge work for roads/ highways. But the tendency has been for entire contracts to be sub-contracted, the Bumiputeras taking what amounts to mere commissions. Totalling hundreds of millions, indeed, billions, of Ringgit. They make much more money as sub-contractors than the Bumiputera main contractors.
And they can't speak freely in Singapore as they do in Malaysia - Big Brother is always on the wall there. They can't spit or clear their throats in public - and many of those who do not accept the concept of a Bangsa Malaysia are of this kind.
No, they won't get what they want in Singapore.
Those who do not respect our Constitution, the Social Contract entered into by their forefathers, who do not wish to learn and speak Bahasa Malaysia, subscribe to the concept of Bangsa Malaysia, and want to promote Mandarin, the official language of a foreign country, are free to try a life elsewhere.
Best wishes, Zaza.
sepadu said:-
"There's a big silent crowd out there - even a silent majority - on the Bangsa Malaysia concept you have expounded. I am sure more will speak up when necessary."
Welcome sepadu.
Yes, the silent majority, the Rakyat Jelata, will begin to speak up as the anti-national forces erode the essence of our Tanah Air from all angles, from language to education to identity and now even religion.
Even the word Allah is being brought into disrepute by these subversives, many fronting the agendas of foreign elements as articulated in numerous Unreached Peoples sites.
KijangMas for one will NEVER allow such sacrilege.
Thanks again for your views.
Ooi Mr Snake Eyes ‘Nicholas Cage’ KM,
KNNCCB, tiu nah singh, tiu nyah mah fulet; u bini sway big time lagi; lumping me with all the “EYES’” characters, EWO, Brighteyes, Closed one Eyes, Eyes of the Tiger, etc…. Say how many of your fan club understand your response to Mr Leng Chai…hehehe….those silly buggers; ’tar bor theah’, ‘ngeow cher bor pak hor’ ‘bor tua bor schway’. Better go waste time elsewhere & pak chiu cheng.
Unker’s luck not very good as it can be lah this year of the lembu; soccerpool pun kalah, Hiyah Liverpool only can draw, itu Roddick pun tiada bolih menang Roger Federer. Must be coz of u upsetting the earthly ‘chi’. Don’t play play with Feng Shui ok. I hope u don’t align your bed with your legs facing the window, else Pontianak can see your willy hanging out of your sarong & suck it dry. BTW u got 6 inch nail under the bed or not? i.e. beside your glok? Next time u date girls, make sure both their legs are not floating off the ground. And definitely no picking ‘young long hair girls in a white dress’ when driving alone at night, ok.
Hey Zazaland, ppl don’t treat u nice coz u don’t ooze the right energy ‘chi’ lah. Like unker got good manners, charisma & personality all good thing comes one leh. Even all the Ketua Kerani drop everything to attend to me one coz I’m genuinely polite & friendly mah, not coz I needed something done one leh. Same everywhere in the world u go lah u must have nice disposition to get attention, unless u have big tits like Pamela…hehehe…
Everyone have a good one, ok; Don’t stress too much, she’ll be right, man!
Unker Yew.
KM, am I still welcome in your new world order?
Hi sepadu.
Yeah, I put inverted commas on 'nicely' because they can't get or do what they want in Singapore. Be careful, BIG BROTHER is watching you.
And guess what, they can't 'hentam' the Malays as they like in Singapore. There were cases whereby some non-Malays were being brought to court, being fined etc because they insulted the Islamic religion, insulting people at a mosque, the Malay race, etc.....Read the Singapore newspapers.
In Malaysia, they 'hentam' anything with regards to Malay, Islam etc. That is why I wrote that they are being 'manja-ed'. Kasi muka naik kepala.
Best wishes to you too.
heureux que vous ayez un blogger id maintenant...
Unker this women confirm sudah cintan sama KijangMas ma....only come out from cyberspace when there's a new post...there goes our phuket dreams....
So ur a titty man..eh :)
Ah one more thing folks did u know that the racist Singaporean Chinese leaders had their own version of Inverse NEP which is to SYSTEMATICALLY ensure that the Malay race is at the bottom of the food chain in every aspect of life in that tiny little dot down south..
They even have their ARMY(which is predominantly Chinese) guarding the water supply within OUR TANAHAIR TERCINTA....on top of that the number of illegal incursions into our territory are countless...tantamount to an act of war against the Federation of Malaysia..
Their troops came into Malaysia under the guise of foreign eco-tourist and goes deep into our jungle to practise Jungle War Fare……..
That little dot down south is nothing but a RACIST FASCIST CHINESE BASED COUNTRY INFLUENCED by the ISRAELI and FINANCED BY Uncle Sam....
Excuse me KM,
Hey SatD, luv ur post on the Ecomenomoney monkey businesses - I 'no eyes see' (Moh nyan thai):)
Me titty man?, no lah everything goes; tigress got upset when I suggest to pinch her cheeks :) on another blog - that a compliment kan?
Anyway why buy the cow when u just want the milk, satD, u kayu punya economist kah? helloo...high maintenance...faham tak? Sorry to all women, just joking only lah. Unker's sexy but not sexist, ok.
Unker Yew.
Salam Sir!
This is my second comment on your blog, been waiting for so long for new materials from you to perk me up during this slow business time..
You see, my dad's from Tganu (if some idiot gonna start nit-picking..!!) and I love to go 'balik kampung' (and thanks mate, I learnt some bahasa Tganu from your blog!). So I balik the other day before the announcement of the candidate nomination and did some survey of my own, on neutral grounds la, asked arnd who is gonna win, why, what they think of the parties,and so on.
The outcome; it was a 50 - 50.
It could swing both ways cause BN is under new leadership (we'll see how soon), and PKR is in a shambles with all the squabling so it was a matter of hitting the right spot with 'em voters..
And to be honest, I was hoping BN to win, hoping they will use this as a catalyst for changes to come, hope this, hope that, but alas, hopeless..
Let me point out what could have made the swing to PAS:
1. Wan Farid was seen as a proxy to Pak Lah, fine, but his media spins with the 'kacau dodol' and the 'Im your everyday man, see Im smiling and shaking your hand..' pictures and all was like, blatantly made up. Habis la..u think this ppl are stoopid?? Be more sincere la, ini 'Ganu kita.. and also, heard that he was really like that 'garang kerani'..
2. The slandering and mudslinging by Ezam for DSAI. Dumb move. We dont care, as you said, we are bunch of simpletons, you bloody fool! Just tell us what can BN do to improve and how; not slag off the other side, dosa besar tau! And of course, we know you want to be in BN good books, kan? ala, ghoyak betul2 la cik abe..
3. PAS has its guys on the ground, stayed at the kampungs, solat together with the org kampung, discuss and and chill at kedai kopis ask what can they do to help them and report the main issues to the top guys so they can address it during the ceramah.
The UMNO guys? All the hotel were fully booked by them. Pagi2, bfast in hotel and then go arnd kampung and start campaigning; come back for lunch at the hotel, tidur kejap; evening, go out campaign again; try to be back in time for the buffet and then, kalu tak larat to campaign some more, tidur time.. How la?? Not enough effort was being made!
4. The closed-door entertainment show really reeks..sigh.
5. Fine, it was important to get the chinese voters in, but to think less of the Malay voters? Ayo, amma, appa, gila ka??!
Really, I think the think tank should tonggeng to their thong, and should be called the tonggongs or the ting-tongs.. muahaha, love this word-play thingee!!
Well, thats my 2 sen for the day. Another long struggle, eh KM? And keep up with cynical funnies, now have to hit the keyboard and work before my boss sees me gelak sorang2!
Chek Wae
I have one sister. Well, once a while, I would call to check on her family, say apa kabr, right!
However, my heart thumps by the time I finish the call, which normally will be minimum 30minutes!!
Salam Kak Long, how are you… Oh, I it is so nice of you to call, wait, I need to “padam api, tengah goring ikan”.
Then my horror begins. She will update me about the skies and the moons.
About her cats, her neighbours, her long lost friends, this boy, that man, their chickens got sick, their gold fishes layed eggs, the mosque just gave solat Jenazah to SiPolan, and then the strings of insights of the history of Sipolan, who I hardly knew….
Phew,,, On she will go until the last cent of my prepaid time. Fullstop, I have to get to the nearest place to load my airtime etc, call her to say sorry, and she will start all over again…
We are discussing about the problems in Malaysia. Most, especially yang keturunan yang asal usul berakar dari Negara2 kayangan, asyik inject angan mat jenin Negara2 kayangan mereka, bringing in Singapore, China, Israel, the whole world, when the main issue is MALAYSIA!!
Sometimes I wonder why these people are here living in Malaysia in the first place…
a'kum abe weh, ambo baru first time baco blog abe nih, comel sungguh, intrigue by your oldish teganung idiom. Nok tamboh so lagi la hok ambo dengar dari ore2 hok tau ... demo kato ... kalu boleh nasi, kopi, rokok .. last sekali kalu boleh 'gho tu' gak, settle la ore kato.
Kijang Mas,
As regards to your replies to Bright Eyes, Why Cum, Anonymous Hippopotamuses: you, KijangMas, are such a fiendish, bigoted, maniacal, chauvinistic, extremist, zealotish, and other big-words no good bad ass malay.
Keep it up though. Hehehehe. Almost nostalgic of the times when "Anti-Semitism" used to be a bad word.
"Adam and Eve had no primary advantage compared to us except for the fact that they escaped teething." - Mark Twain
It's been quite some time since I last came here and I've been absorbed reading the comments that have followed since then.
As usual, I'm not going to comment on the post's title nor SoPo matters like Kugan, Haris' twisting n turning, Umno-must-change, Bangsa Malaysia of the hypocrite kind etc. I'm going to write... what I feel like writing. And it's fortunate (for me) that KijangMas has given me the leeway to indulge in this at this blog.
Firstly, to the habitual and `tegar' Anonymous who failed to add a nickname: Don't blame me of being the `batu api' that resulted in your comments not being published, ok.
And since you had ignored KM's reminders, plus that of the up-and-coming satD, not to mention my so-easy-to-follow-except-for-the-NGOKS tips on how to go about it, I guess you simply are the type that needs to KENA before learning a lesson. Well, just grin and bear it.
BTW I'm amused by this fact after reading what KM had remarked - about me and Unker Yew. Yes, it seemed that my comments and Unker Yew's are often quite close! But NO: I and he "don't share the same computer"; honestly.
When it comes to blogs, my ID's are this one (Mat Cendana) and Cendana287 (That's the Wordpress/Open ID, plus in Intense Debate, StumbleUpon, Delicious, Yahoo Messenger, Reddit, Digg, Twitter and whatever else)
Speaking of ID's: I'm impressed with the comments by sepadu here. Had also seen one at Sakmongkol AK47. I feel he will be an interesting and important addition to Blogosphere, and might reach the level of those other great commentators-without-a-blog like Mekyam, Apocryphalist, Walla (often at Sakmongkol's blog).
I'd like to recommend that sepadu (and others without one) REGISTER his handle - at Blogger.com will do just fine. There's something good from this - there might come a day in the future where you'll have enemies; people sore at you for some reason and would use your handle.
There's nothing to stop them, of course. However, if you have the "B" icon before the name (like mine for "Mat Cendana" here) people will easily know which one is fake.
Another reason to have this is that some sites insist one be registered somewhere first (Blogger, Wordpress, OpenID etc) before he can comment. Like at Small Talk and Jed Yoong. Might be a good idea to eventually allow only people who had bothered to register the privilege of commenting.
Cheh, bloody Mat C, keep hogging the PC! Now that he's off to TFK, I'll sneak in to pass a message to Mat Berangan; GO GET A LIFE! this is creative blog marketing mah; all work & no play make Mat a silly/dull boy.
You see how Pak Lah always fall asleep; it's bcoz of all those 'serious' talk about Malaysia these M'sia that in parliament; u need some intermittent hilarious moment to keep the interest alive, hope u understand lah e.g the only scene I remember in James Bond's Dr.No is when Ursula Undress walks in from the beach :)
Jangan marah je.
Unker Yew
Unker tks for droppin by me blog…..
As for the cow..i can have legally have 4 ma…maintanence outsourced….that’s what economist in kayu business do these days….
Good for u Unker to kacau tigress..now she changed her name and wear tudung already (Tigress Alhamdullilah sis!!)….i’ll pass u summore names to kacau
Mat Cendana
Thank you for your kind words and suggestion.
I have been to your sites and found them interesting. With your experience and worthwhile endeavour, you also deserve support and encouragement.
It's people like you who are willing to call a spade a spade and do something about it that help make the country and the world a better place for all of us and future generations.
There are far too many problems
in the country and in the world to day that there are days we find there are no news but bad news.
Corruption at unprecedented levels,
endless abuse of power, personal,
family and crony enrichment from public funds and facilities, and they didn't even acknowledge that money politics is corruption until very recently.
The dictionary definition of corrupt is "rotten, depraved, wicked, influenced by bribery, vitiated by errors or alterations" These must include "curi tulang" or what the lower level bureaucracy laughingly calls
"work smart" and the Land Office attitude KijangMas mentioned in his blog. Going by the above, the counttry is really full of corruption.
I personally know one Land Office taking 25 years to issue new titles to land lots split by government road construction - despite the licensed surveyor having done and submitted their survey records.
More and more Malaysians have become cynical. Universiti Malaya Economics Professors Gomez and Jomo have mentioned this in their books written even a decade ago.
Let's do whatever we can to get a better Malaysia. Even talking about the evils of corruption is doing something. It reminds the old, teaches the young.
Best wishes.
Hello SatD / Unker Yew,
Can u two stop kacau-ing me?
SatD, you jealous or what?
Unker, you still haven't forgotten about me yet mah? I thought we clashed oreadi the last time, lemember or not? Oso, mind your own business ok!
Have a nice day!
Well that precisely was my point Unker Yew.
We have someone special from home, but why chose not to mention her name. OUR OWN BOND GIRL!! A MALAYSIAN Datuk Micheal Yeoh.
I make it a point to watch her movies, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Memoirs of a Geisha Babylon A.D., the Mummy, Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, The Children of Huang Shi.
WHY? Dia dari Malaysia mah! She even brought her fiancé here Mah! And she is bloody talented too!
Back to Trengganu. Majority of voters are Malays, what did UMNO do. Probably the same, brushed them aside! Nah! buat ingat lupa sama kita olang, kita olang pun sampai terlupa nak pangkah dia olang lor! Olang tua tua pun macam budak juga, lebih kuat merajuk!!
Unker help!!!ini zaza sudah garang ma
I got similar experience Gov "beli"(everyone must sell) tanah to build large longkang anti banjir kinda thing in front of grandma hse....Now almost 20 years already....
Mat Cendana
that's sweet of u to mention me in bold summore...tks..BTW i'm hooked on ur recovery blog....why do u keep all of us hanging like that..like watching the tele n got cut off with ads n to be continued next week ....each time i scroll down i hope that its gonna be more..n then u cut...aduh
Singapore Inverse NEP -
That's why we must always be on the guard to ensure no more giving away of territories.
We gave away Singapore to Raffles, luckily the British gave it back at formation of Malaysia but we gave it away again when Singapore leaders created problems in Malaysia. Yet, when PAS leaders created problems in Kelantan, we sent troops there and instituted Emergency rule.
Those who write history must point these out in such a way that future generations would regard our territories as sacrosanct and protect them at all cost. Of course, history written by conquerors doesn't project the interests of the vanquished. But we have never been conquered since Merdeka and our historians must not gloss over the misdeeds, even callousness, of politicians such that even the so-called kicking out or "separation" of Singapore from Malaysia was justifiable or even look good.
KijjangMas can tell you what
kind of anguish, desperation and suffering people experience over lost territories.
There's never any justification for giving up any part of your territory. China never gave up the economically flourishing Hong Kong
although they were still languishing during the period before the British gave it back to them. Heck, China doesn't even allow fellow Chinese in Taiwan to take the island away from them.
And recently we allowed one island off Singapore to go. It may be just sand and rocks on that tiny island but can our leaders not understand its implications to our territorial integrity and national dignity? Did we have to agree
submitting the dispute on the island to the International Court of Justice?
Israel couldn't care a damn about the many UN Security Council resolutions against them for their atrocities on the Palestinians who have been moaning and groaning with untold sufferings since 1948. Does Mr Nice not realise the folly of it, resulting in Singapore immediately stationing their troops on that island, probably guided by the many Israeli Advisers to the Singapore Armed Forces?
What does he get for being nice in this sort of things anyway? Look at George W Bush - he goes down in history as the worst President in at least 50 years. Leaders have to get proper advisers and be careful about making decisions, lest people pea on their graves when they die.
I dislike sounding like this but the follies stated above are the result of so much corruption and corrupt minds - corruption is not only the offering or taking of money.
The man doesn't understand that even allowing Singapore Air Force planes to enter the air space over Johor adversely affects our territorial integrity and national dignity. Singapore has Israeli advisers; what kind of advisers does Mr Nice have I wonder.
I agree with what Dr Mahathir wrote in his blogs regarding these matters.
I know this is not my blog, but, I would like to say, THANKS for coming here (Sorry KM). Where were you before? Why didn’t you come here earlier?
It is refreshing to read about what you have written with regards to Singapore and Mr. Nice. You give a different perspective to the whole thing. In a way, it is educational too.
It is no secret that whatever policies that the SIN government implement is to benefit the majority ie. the Chinese.
I don’t understand why non-Malay Malaysians are not happy when Najib says that Malaysia will help the Malay Diaspora from other countries. Singapore is doing it; silently and elegantly. Chinese from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Burma etc are given scholarships to study in Singapore or other countries. At the end of it, it is hoped that they will settle in Singapore. Generally, the language of instruction in schools is in English but to help the Mainland Chinese, the usage of Mandarin (as a language of instruction) has been increased in 1 or 2 schools in the city. There’s no need to give excuses. As I said earlier, the S’pore Malays are not ignorant.
I hope you don't mind me calling you eanderingly as Zaza, irrespective of your gender,
which I don't know.
I have been burying myself with frustration over the unhappy goings-on in the country - corruption, corrupt mentality, weak leadership, exploitation of that by others, etc. Have you read former Police Inspector General Hanif Omar's shocking revelation on the extent of corruption in his The Star newspaper column in August 2007? (Strangely, I could not find his column December 2007 onwards).
I didn't want to be cynical (though I suspect I am) and withdrew until I decided that we must speak as much as possible against the wrongs in society,
in the hope that in the process, some who may be in a position to take concrete action listen, and do so.
Professor C.P Fitzerald, commenting on the multitude of wrongs in 3,500 years of Chinese history in his "A Short Cultural History of China" (600+ pages), said that if the wrongs are not criticised, they will become the norms of society. Being highly corrupt, China, the huge and populous country, was conquered and ruled by foreigners a few times - the Mongols (Genghis Khan) for about 90 years, the Manchurians (a non-Chinese people with their own language and culture originally) for a few hundred years well into modern history, bullied by much smaller countries - the British (imagine, they were made to buy opium, leading to the Opium Wars in the 19th century) and the Japanese during World War II. What small countries can do!
We therefore have to be connstantly alert on the intentions of smaller countries around us, especially with Military Advisers from Israel, another smaller country that walloped Egypt, Jordan and Syria in the 6-day war in 1967. The Singapore leaders admire the Israelis and probably think like them. Perhaps Mr Nice does not have the depth to appreciate the implications of this. Let's hope his successor does.
Corruption was rife in China since thousands of years ago, the consort families, the eunuchs (the palace functionaries) were so corrupt that they demanded gold for every appointment to the civil service and everything else the citizenry wanted from the Emperor. We have been having a kind of eunuchs in the country for some time now, pushing for projects, take-over of Ministry of Finance Incorporated companies without comettitive biddings, getting shares and commissions.
Then you have those propagating the "Malaysian Malaysia" concept that led to the so-called kicking of Singapore out of Malaysia over 40 years ago.
You see, these people follow not only the ideas but even the dress code of the ruling party of Singapore. As I said, we need to have them understand and accept the facts of history of the country, the Social Contract made by the leaders at Merdeka, respect the Constitution and forge a Bangsa Malaysia.
Let's continue doing whatever we can in this respect.
Best wishes.
The whole fiasco on Batu Putih stems from an IDIOT (Acting State Secretary) who replied to Singapore on 21 Sept 1953
"I have the honour to refer to your letter . . . dated 12th June 1953, addressed to
the British Adviser, Johore, on the question of the status of Pedra Branca Rock some
40 miles from Singapore and to inform you that the Johore Government does not
claim ownership of Pedra Branca"
Go here for details (page 56)
From this the Singaporeans build its case which lead to our lost of Batu Putih....
sori KM off topic a bit..
yes, you may call me 'zaza'.
as for my gender, KM calls me 'Mademoiselle'. hope that helps.
Morning KM,
That makwe peranchi memang heartless punya. Change balaks like old underwears, left poor spurned satD & unker for that hemsom new kid on the block :(
I think satD better stick with all his monkey mates for company & unker stick to his queen of spades!
No cheers today,
Unker Tommy.
PS - Matberangan; it sud be DATIN Michele Yeoh la member. Pak Lah tried to raba her too, u know that? :)
I didn't know that you have gone to read the "Recovery" blog too. Thank you for doing that, and for your comments here.
BTW I have to mention that the "To be continued" of late aren't intentional - definitely not planned. But they somehow turn out like that (and the last one I wrote yesterday has a "Coming soon" sign too). A lot of the things that I write there - "I just write", if you know what I mean... letting whatever comes to mind make it to the laptop's screen.
And there are so many things to bring out, to look at for what they were - and then to be left behind so that one can get on with life in the here and now instead of being tormented and burdened by feelings of guilt from things that one had not come to terms with.
Sepadu said;
I hope you don't mind me calling you eanderingly as Zaza, irrespective of your gender,
which I don't know.(sic)
HOW SMOOTH is that!
U very good with ur pick-up lines, Sepadu, as if bikin tak tahu only, bocur lah when u used the word 'endearing' :). Unker kowtow to u.
All yours buddy,I concede.
Gentleman Unker Yew
Good morning Unker.
Hope u are well. U merajuk ka? Jangan take too serious lah nanti u sakit lagi. Tot u're going to Phuket with satd? Next time don't write about Pamela's whatever, boleh tak?
Aiyah unker give the new block guy a break......he is new...so must pimpin his hand and show him around.
Cheers to you and satd.
Unker Yew
Unker Tommy,
I don't own this blog but may I say that it's good of you people, including satD and zaza, to inject harmless humour once in a while.
The fact that KijangMas publishes the above comments suggests that he doesn't mind the occasional banter. Thanks KijangMas.
Here are a few ungkapan:
- we don't lose anything by saying
nice things (not too often,
though, to preserve its value)
- the safest thing to say is not
say anything (adopted by many
politicians these days)
- the cheapest form of
entertainment is day-dreaming,
or even sleeping - it doesn't
cost anything (one cannot say
too much on that)
- all work and no gaffaws (the
Oxford dictionary says "gaffe"s)
makes Harry a dull prince
(princely work, that is)
There are so many problems in the country and in the world to day that I always wish everybody best wishes when signing off.
Best wishes.
Hi sepadu, u rock!
That’s the spirit, fully agree with all your ungkapan. It’s already all too sad & depressing reading all the conflicts / doom & gloom, in Malaysia & the world over, each morning when we wake up. It’s good that we acknowledge them but not to further compound them with our heated ‘discussions’ over them. Since layman like us would not be able to do much to change thing. The best we can do is work hard, pay our taxes to fulfil our obligation to contribute to the running of public utilities, and live in a community where the more fortunate, more able, assist the less well-off.
Yes, thanks to KM for allowing my silly banters, like they says ‘Laughter is the best medicine’; my warp kind of banters somehow seems to tickle his fancy that he treat them like his aphrodisiac. You know the guy loves himself so much that he plays with himself every day (11967) .
Cheers & best wishes to you too,
Tommy (no need unker for u, as I can assume u r a mature man too)
unker & sepadu,
All's well that ends well....
UMNO Terengganu in dire state. They need to listen more to the grassroot issues. They need to evaluate themselves...ask themselves whether they are honest enough in championing
the fate of Terengganu people. The main issues to Malays in Terengganu is their day to day survival and also their religion. For example The JKKK under UMNO should be more transparent and fair to all the Kampungs people. Don't just spent the Wang Ehsan for useless projects which are not so dear to the heart of simple minded Malays. for example the Cystal Mosque.The surrounding kampungs of the crystal mosques are still plague with poverty. Its like "antara dua darjat". The JKKK people must be fair in dealing with the kampung people. Don't just give to cronies but give to all if you want to give. Its the money for all people of Terengganu, doesn't matter if they are from UMNO, PAS or any other parties. UMNO must be revived.
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