For the sake of the people of the great state of Kelantan Darul Naim, the Regent, Yang Maha Mulia Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra, must be able to rule in peace and Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Ismail Petra must be able to recuperate in peace.
My message to the assorted schemers, shadow play puppeteers and their coterie of sycophants plus the petty usurper wannabe or two, the Kelantan Rakyat will not allow your ludicrous pantomime of the absurd to linger in our midst.
To the purveyors of past excesses, it's over. Get over it. Your convoluted wayangs meant to confuse the Rakyat have revealed the depth of your deceit and avarice, in your quest to achieve your ends at any cost, even to the gross detriment of the state and the Rakyat and the institution of the Malay Royalty.
Demi Rakyat negeri Kelantan Darul Naim, Yang Maha Mulia Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra harus menerajui pentadbiran negeri tanpa gangguan dan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Ismail Petra yang di sanjungi harus menjalani proses pemulihan tanpa gangguan.
Pesanan saya kepada tok-tok dalang di belakang tabir sandiwara aneh lagi keji yang kian menyelubungi negeri ini, rakyat Kelantan tidak akan biarkan ianya berlarutan. Terimalah takdir dengan mulia dan terhormat.
Kepada puak rakus dan haloba, masa kalian sudah berakhir. Inilah hakikatnya. Adegan-adegan dramateka yang berhasrat untuk mengkaburi mata Rakyat telah dedahkan intipati hati sanubari serba muslihat kalian. Ianya ditahap yang sudah parah, hinggakan kalian sanggup mempertaruhkan kepentingan negeri, kebajikan Rakyat dan kemuliaan institusi Raja-Raja Melayu dalam obsesi memburu kuasa dan harta di bumi keramat Kelantan Darul Naim.
Ambo toksé kkecek banyok hal nih. Cumo nok pesé ko hok bersabit supayo bbo lah caghi baloh, dok buak lakuné wayé kulek sapa ghakyak mulaa beci, mulaa muok, mulaa tok suko ko hok di sanjongi selamo nih. Ku Yeh kito ialah Pemangku Rajo yé soh hinggolah Tuéku Sulté hok kito semo sayé dé sanjông puleh semulaa. Takdok doh Pemangku Rajo hok laing. Nih hok KijéMah kato. Nih hal keghabak keluargo ambo jugok. Tôk nenek hok ttulo. Buké oghé laing.
Anok Kelaté di senak ceghok duniyo llonih semo dôk peghati usoho duo tigo keghak tôk dalé belaké tabir wayé kulek Siyé nih. Kami tok aké benarké sah-sah nih bermahaghajolelo buak kuca kacé di negheri kito, sapa lupôh petadbiré negheri dé kepentingé Rakyak jelato.
My message to the assorted schemers, shadow play puppeteers and their coterie of sycophants plus the petty usurper wannabe or two, the Kelantan Rakyat will not allow your ludicrous pantomime of the absurd to linger in our midst.
To the purveyors of past excesses, it's over. Get over it. Your convoluted wayangs meant to confuse the Rakyat have revealed the depth of your deceit and avarice, in your quest to achieve your ends at any cost, even to the gross detriment of the state and the Rakyat and the institution of the Malay Royalty.
Demi Rakyat negeri Kelantan Darul Naim, Yang Maha Mulia Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra harus menerajui pentadbiran negeri tanpa gangguan dan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Ismail Petra yang di sanjungi harus menjalani proses pemulihan tanpa gangguan.
Pesanan saya kepada tok-tok dalang di belakang tabir sandiwara aneh lagi keji yang kian menyelubungi negeri ini, rakyat Kelantan tidak akan biarkan ianya berlarutan. Terimalah takdir dengan mulia dan terhormat.
Kepada puak rakus dan haloba, masa kalian sudah berakhir. Inilah hakikatnya. Adegan-adegan dramateka yang berhasrat untuk mengkaburi mata Rakyat telah dedahkan intipati hati sanubari serba muslihat kalian. Ianya ditahap yang sudah parah, hinggakan kalian sanggup mempertaruhkan kepentingan negeri, kebajikan Rakyat dan kemuliaan institusi Raja-Raja Melayu dalam obsesi memburu kuasa dan harta di bumi keramat Kelantan Darul Naim.
Ambo toksé kkecek banyok hal nih. Cumo nok pesé ko hok bersabit supayo bbo lah caghi baloh, dok buak lakuné wayé kulek sapa ghakyak mulaa beci, mulaa muok, mulaa tok suko ko hok di sanjongi selamo nih. Ku Yeh kito ialah Pemangku Rajo yé soh hinggolah Tuéku Sulté hok kito semo sayé dé sanjông puleh semulaa. Takdok doh Pemangku Rajo hok laing. Nih hok KijéMah kato. Nih hal keghabak keluargo ambo jugok. Tôk nenek hok ttulo. Buké oghé laing.
Anok Kelaté di senak ceghok duniyo llonih semo dôk peghati usoho duo tigo keghak tôk dalé belaké tabir wayé kulek Siyé nih. Kami tok aké benarké sah-sah nih bermahaghajolelo buak kuca kacé di negheri kito, sapa lupôh petadbiré negheri dé kepentingé Rakyak jelato.
Daulat Tuanku !
Daulat Tuanku !
Daulat Tuanku !
"Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara, Satu Bahasa"
Daulat Tuanku Pemahku Rajo
Patek Tetak bersamo YM Tueku Pemaku Ghajo Ku Pareh.
Ambo Ghayak Biaso
Bantu kami - Kami ingin berkembang: Blog tuan/puan ini telah kami link di website kami (Bahagian Blogroll), harap tuan/puan dapat membantu kami dengan meletakan link
kami pula di blog tuan/puan....Terima kasih
Tidak mahu menulis lebih-lebih. Cuma berharap tiada mana-mana pihak cuba menangguk keuntungan politik, memberi komen-komen yang tidak wajar, menyebar khabar angin dsb.
"Raja Melayu Raja Berdaulat"
Daulat Tuanku, Daulat Tuanku.
Hamba harap dan berdoa Tuanku Al-Sultan cepat sembuh daripada kegeringan.
Mari kita beri sokongan tidak berbelahbagi kepada Pemangku Sultan. Jagan kita biarkan "pengkhianat" berperkotakkatikkan" sistem kesultanan negeri kita. Daulat Tuanku.
Nik Wan Abdullah
Saya sangat suka bila Tuan KM cakap loghat Kelantan -- sangat best!
setuju dgn semerah padi.... Raja kita..Raja penaung negeri...Tanah tumpahnya darah kita..dan di bumi kita pijak.....biarlah mereka selesaikan secara baik...ada penyelesaiannya....kita sebagai rakyat...bersabar...dan berdoa agar segala2nya selesai...Daulat tuanku...daulat tuanku...daulat tuaku...
I feel sorry for org Kelantan-the rakyat.I thought this sort of things happen within the anals of Sejarah Melayu,loh,zaman moden ni pun ada gak acara nak rampas-merampas tahta?? We Malays can do without these power-plays amongst our royals.And I feel sorry for TGNA too, pity him,every move he makes now have dire consequences.
Sdr Cucu,
Kalaulah ini blog saya, saya tidak akan benarkan komen Sdr.
Baca semula posting Tuan KijangMas. Baca! dan Baca!
Tak faham bahasa kah?
"Kelantan bukan negeri sebarangan"
Sale Abe KijeMah.
waye kulek siye sungguh doh
..d dado ambo ning mace mace nok bertanyo sebaga rakyak kelate...
ta'pi bendo ning nok kecek pung susoh...buleh masuk bab hasutan.
Salam Tuan,
Perhaps 'Semerah Padi' is right! You shouldnt have published my earlier comment.I meant no disrespect,just my humble opinion based on my personal observation.Apparently it angers him.Im sorry.Im not a Kelantanese, but I have deep respect for all our sultans as a Malay institution.Sultan Kelantan pun sultan saya jugak.Negeri Kelantan pun negeri saya jugak!
Salam YM Kijang Mas,
Though it's been a few months ago Unker Wah has left us, we can always sedekah Al Fatihah ... so Al Fatihah to Unker Wah.
Abe .... berat benar doh negeri kito lo nih ... Kerajaan negeri anok beranok hok meretoh. Sebab namo dio "tok guru" ... profiteering pung pengikut kato dok saloh.
Istana pulak pakat dok baloh. Tapi ambo rakyat bowohan nih tak leh kato gapo ... mujur jugok ado abe KM hok bulih bersuaro ...
enjoy your writings. too bad you are kelantanese. lol.
Dear KijangMas
Expressed like a true blue anak Kelantan, anak Malaysia.
Diharapkan lebih ramai lagi pejuang bangsa, agama dan negara kedepan berganding bahu.
Pejuangan masih belum selesai ...
This post, coming during the traditional Keputeraan Sultan holiday period, is timely indeed. And especially after the matter between the royal siblings, plus when Tuanku was seriously ill and for such a lengthy period. Then there's the much publicised standoff between Tuanku's wives. Also, the Raja Perempuan's sadness about the attitude of the state leaders, which I had written a post about: Kelantan’s `Islamic Leaders’ – So Very Very Busy
I'm quite unhappy, to put it mildly and politely, with some people; especially concerning the standoff. One mongrel (you can guess what my language might be if I'm not mild and polite) had gleefully headlined a post as "Tengku Anis mafia..." - something to that effect.
Sometimes I fantasize having this kind of people in front of me, and have them repeat what they said or wrote. My response won't be "words" though...
On another subject; I hope you can come up with a post about this just launched New Economic Model. Jebat Must Die had come up with his preliminary comments..satD seems to be analysing the NEM too - we'd like to know about the finer points.
Dengan izin, KM
Adam, what sort of backhanded compliment is that? What exactly are you implying when you say "too bad you're kelantanese"? Half of me is Kelantanese and I take it as a slur on my maternal ancestry.
Rakan rakan semua, kalau nak tahu macamana rapatnya Anwar Ibnrahim dengan regim Zionis Israel sila ikut link di bawah
GEMPAR; Disini ada bukti terbaru Anwar ada rakan dalam kerajaan ZIONIS Israel
Kama, I'm just saying that I don't have a certain fondness towards this "semangat Kelantan" that everyone seems to portray in this comment entry by the previous comment.
Kelantanese people are too proud of their land. And their land isn't even that awesome to begin with. My brother studied in MRSM Pengkalan Chepa for 2 years, and during those two years I visited Kelantan plenty of times.
Let's begin with the water. You can't drink the water even if you boil it! If you wash your clothes in Kelantanese water your clothes turn to yellow. I saw my brother buy loads and loads of mineral water when he was in Kelantan. And the sewage system was filled with green algae or some kind of weed or something. It was just distasteful to look at.
The Kelantanese language is a horror too. Why can I understand the people from Kedah and Perlis and even Penang but not people from Kelantan? Because you guys have a terrible dialect. It's so horridable that I feel like poking a pencil through my earlobes just to stop hearing it.
Kelantanese people also are too quick to find their Kelantanese cliques. Baru jumpe orang lain from Kelantan here in Selangor dah menggelabah. Terus kecek Kelate. Member yang lain semua tinggal. That's why you'll always see a "geng Kelantan" if you go to university or matrikulasi.
I remember reading in history books back in school that "semangat kenegerian" was the main reason why it took so long for Malaysia to unite. Seems true even now :)
Grow up Adam, boy. Don't pass judgmments on people until you know enough. Don't talk about Malay dialects being a cause of disunity - unless you are a non-Malay masquerading as a Malay. Even non-Malays like msleepyhead doesn't do that and respects the Malay language and dialects.
You should be talking about people wanting Mandarin and Tamil as the medium of instruction in schools. That is clearly one of the causes of lack of unity in this country. Go to the Kempen SSS blog (Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua) to know more.
Here, read the following that Dot wrote in here and it would give you an idea of the huge family of Malay languages, dialects and sub-dialects. You must not resent or complain about them even if you don't understand them.
The Large Family of the Malay Language -
The Malay language is very ancient and comprises of a huge family of languages. Whereas the Malays (Rumpun Melayu of 350 million people) constitute only 6% of the total population of the world (6 billion people), the large family of Malay languages (totalling 1,268) represent 22% of the number of languages in the world (totalling 6,000).
These are actual languages in the scientific and linguistic sense. If dialects are included, the number is larger still.
Scientists who have studied the family of Malay languages include the following:
1. 1772-75 Dr Reinhold Forster who accompanied Captain Cook in his 2nd voyage to the South Pacific. He compiled a list of words from 11 languages in several islands there and compared them with words of the same meaning in the Malay language and with 3 languages in South America. He found them having similarities with the Malay language but none at all with the South American languages.
2. 1776-80 Anderson, another scientist travelling with Captain Cook studied the numericals used in various islands of Polynesia and in Madagascar and compared them with those used in the Malay language. He found very clear similarities among them.
3. About 1800, a Spanish Jesuit priest, Abbe Lorenzo Herves, confirmed that the Malay language, the language used in Madagascar, and the languages of the Polynesian islands belong to the same family.This priest was recorded as the person who had made "the most remarkable discovery in the history of linguistic studies, being the identification of one family of spoken languages, namely the Malay and the Polynesian languages, which were spread very far and wide from the Island of Madagascar across a 208 degree angle to Easter Island" - L. Andrews, "A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language", 1977, pg 7.
4. Some years after that, a European scholar, William Marsden, also identified the oneness of the languages referred to by Herves and called them "The Great Polynesian" (Language).
5. In 1836, a leading Linguist, William Von Humboldt, carried out a large and comprehensive study, comparing 9 languages in the family of the Malay language - Malay, Malagasy (Madagascar), Javanese, Buginese, Tagalog (Philippines), Maori, Tonga, Tahitian and Hawaiian. He concluded that these languages belong to the same civilization - the Malay civilization.
Given below are the number of Malay languages found in selected areas:
Peninsular Malaysia : 1 (+4 orang asli languages)
Sumatra : 22 languages
Java : 3 languages
Philippines :160 languages
Borneo :153 languages
Sulawesi :114 languages
Taiwan : 23 languages
Madagascar : 11 languages.
The Spread of the Malays -
How old is this Malay race, Malay Polynesia or Austronesia race?
In the 20th Century, various studies have been carried out on the migration and movement of the Malay people who have crossed the
Pacific and Indian Oceans. Linguistic and archaeological studies especially since the 1950s have contributed a lot towards finding the age of the Malay race.
Dialects that can't be understood do create disunity. If I could understand it, then it would just be a "normal dialect" and that would be fine. But can I understand the Kelantanese dialect? No I can't. Is it used in any written form for exams or borangs or does it even coincide with formal writing? I don't think so. Is it 'pure' Malay in the sense? I dunno, sometimes I wonder if there are like Siamese influences to the dialect. Of course I'm just saying. Don't know the facts. Don't care about the facts. I appreciate you sending me the statistics though.
If you think about it, other dialects are written the same. They are just pronounced differently. You can see from KM's entry that he had to write different words though for his Kelantanese version.
I don't like the dialect. In no means does it mean because I dislike it that other people should dislike it at all.
I would appreciate you not telling me to grow up and not calling me a boy. I'm sorry you got so terasa by my comments. It's an over-hyped generalization and of course it's unfounded (and quite honestly it's not even serious). Most of my close friends are from Kelantanese ancestry FYI. And yes I am Malay. Takkan aku nak kene cakap dalam bahasa Melayu pasar baru kau nak caye aku ni Melayu.
Salam Tuan KijangMas;
Sorry I'm late.
My thought and prayer are with you and the people of the great state of Kelantan Darul Naim, the Regent, Yang Maha Mulia Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra, and Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Ismail Petra.
Dsr Adam,
Saya jangka Sdr Adam belum pernah benar-benar bergaul dgn rakan-rakan dari negeri Kelantan. Itu adalah telahan saya.
Saya mohon jangan diberi pandangan dari "luar pagar" mengenai rakan-rakan dari Kelantan,
"Negara Ini Negara Berdaulat"
Contributions of Anker Rentse:
Rentse, Anker. 1931. Kelantan charms. Journal Malayan Branch Royal Asiatic Society 9
1933. Notes on Malay beliefs. JMBRAS XI(2)
1934. History of Kelantan. JMBRAS XII(2)
1936a. The Kelantan shadow-play (Wayang Kulit). JMBRAS 14
1936b. A note on Kelantan gold coin. JMBRAS 14(III)
1947a. The origin of Wayang Theatre. JMBRAS 20(1)
Semerah Padi,
Yep. Mungkin saya tak pernah bergaul benar-benar dengan orang drpd Kelantan. Kawan-kawan saya mak bapak diorang datang dari Kelantan, bukan diorang. Diorang semua skarang duduk luar dari Kelantan, sebab tak tahan cuaca panas, tak dapat pendapatan yang lumayan kat sana, air kotor, terlampau suka letak gula berlebihan dalam makanan, suka menghancurkan kemudahan-kemudahan awam seperti stadium dan sebagainya.
Maaf pandangan "luar pagar" macam saya usahlah saudara ambil ke hati ye.
In all honesty I'm just being a dick and I'm sorry for writing this crap. I really don't hate Kelatantanese people. I hope Kelantan becomes prosper and that her people thrive in our nation.
Sekitar 1776 ...
"Maka kota pun sudah siap, lalu Long Junos pun beraja-rajalah duduk memerintah negeri Kelantan ini. Didalam kota itulah maka sekalain isi negeri pun menyembah kepada Long Junos semuanya. Maka Long Junos menjadi Raja memerintah negeri Kelantan."
(Hikayat Seri Kelantan)
"In all honesty I'm just being a dick and I'm sorry for writing this crap"
Good for u dick.....lain kali berpikir terlebih dahulu sebelum lu berak merata-rata....
busuk banga..weh
Sdr Adam,
Most of your observations are quite true.Too bad you're not a Kelantanese,as such you're not welcome to make any comment about Kelantan.Just leave it as it is.Tak boleh tegur langsung puak ni, dia orang cepat melenting.Mereka beranggapan 'Kelantan Bukan Negeri Sembarangan'.They actually believe that they are more special than the rest of us.You and I are always 'orang luar' to them.Komen sikit jer dia tuduh kita menghina tok nenek dia (a slur on my maternal ancestry).Im married to a Kelantanese and Im grateful to Allah for all his blessings on our marriage which is into its 25th year.No,Im still an 'orang luar' whenever I return home to her kampong in Kelantan.So,you see,Kelantanese actually have a different mind-set from the rest of us.Sometimes I jokingly told my wife that I really need a separate passport just to enter Kelantan.Nevertheless in my heart of hearts I love and have a deep respect for Kelantan and its royalty as a Malay institution.Its my Sultan and part my country too.Its just that I wish Kelantanese to be less parochial than they are now.
lmao satD, is that all you got? come on, you can come up with something better than that. i'm sure you've got more than those few puny sentences in your arsenal. make sure it stings ok. let me feel it.
how the hell am i a busuk to our bangsa? care to elaborate? as far as i can remember, like way back then, there was a case where a guy was f*cking a goat and got caught, and that was in your kelantan. i'm sure it wasn't you though. however, that sounds more like busuk to our bangsa. shameful. how does my comments deem shameful to us Malays?
By your comments here so far, it is already sufficient to hint on what type of "orang" you are. Not only you are "orang luar" to the Kelantanese, you are one damn person without any respect too.
Enough said, please stay out and stay that way. Keep your comment to yourself, you dont need to foul the air here with your bad breath.
"Kelantan Tanah Tumpah Darahku"
Salam Tuan KijangMas dan sidang DN sekelian.
Saudara Cucu,
Sudah masuk 25 tahun perkahwinan dengan orang Kelantan dan anda masih lagi dianggap orang luar?
Sungguh susah untuk saya mempercayai berita ini atau mungkin anda perlu cermin diri anda?
Minta tolong jangan terlalu cepat menaburkan pandangan yang berunsur tuduhan melulu / fitnah seperti "tidak boleh tegur langsung", "mereka ini cepat melenting dan anggap lebih special dari yang lain" dsb. Tapi kalaulah masih begini perasaan anda sehingga hari ini (setelah 25th berkahwin dgn orang Kelantan), maka saya rasa saya dapat teka dgn tepat di mana masalahnya.
"Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara, Satu Bahasa"
Yo dick....u lost d plot la brader..
Banga and bangsa are 2 different words al2fucking gether la ..
in each of DemiNegara new post there will always b a new comment eco-system instigator....so dick u apply for d job kat mane?
kalu banga n bangsa pun tak reti...camne lu cita lu tau pasal kelantan...berader......
ayoyo..... ini macem manyak susah la.....belakang sudah bersepah sepah lu berak lagi kat sini....
guano gu....koho serupo tokpek nampok gayo nate ni...
ini baru gua ludah belum gua gigit lu...
Cucu & Adam,
Have you heard the xpression "When in Rome, do like the Romans do"? The Malays have one - masuk kampong orang, mengembek.
Now Adam, boy, you even talk about fucking a goat in Kelantan. Looks like you are not only a boy but naughty, too, aren't you?
I'm not Kelantanese but I have many good Kelantanese friends. They are among the most nationalist I know. They care for Bangsa Melayu more than many from other states. I can't say that of you two fellows. You tak fasal fasal nak sakitkan hati orang Kelantan buat apa?
Kan ke ada banyak isu Melayu Cina, Model Ekonomi Baru dan sebagainya yang you boleh keluarkan pendapat.
Aren't Kelantanese the smartest among the Malays?
Anyways I think the real enemy here is Dong Zhong and other "alien" organisation.
I thoroughly enjoy trawling the blogs and I find DEMI NEGARA one of the most enriching to read.Sdr KijangMas writes responsibly,with thorough research and in-depth analysis.His views are balanced and mature.Its a joy to read and I enjoy every morsel of it.I may not agree with some of his views but I honestly admire the way he articulates them.Too bad that there are a few here who cannot take a bit of dissenting views.
Sdr Semerah Padi: I'm sorry if you dont like my two-bit comment.FYI,I'll shall continue to put across my view here as long as the owner allows it.
just because you're too slow and cannot fathom other people's dialect does not mean the dialect is bad. it just means you're ignorant or plain stupid.
and what's wrong if Kelantanese meets Kelantanese and they speak in Kelantanese? That's the dialect they grow up with.
Ada hang penah dengaq orang utara cakap KL when they meet each other? NO.
Take a hike. I hate arrogant, ignorant people like you.
And btw, 2 of my sisters studied in MRSMPC. Memang air kat situ tak elok. Stop generalising. It shows how much of an idiot you are. Selangor pon bersepah laaa air karat and all. Let alone in KL.
And Malaysians should look to Kelantan for racial unity. Because no matter what race we all are, we're all Kelantanese.
Belagak nak mampus.
This troll who refers to itself as "Adam" needs help.
He/she exhibits typical cyber-psychotic symptoms -- to seek attention by being obnoxiously stupid and abrasive.
We have quite a number of these retards in our asylum, with various degrees of delusions of grandeur. 3-4 are ardent anti-Kelantanese, and they are commonly half-breed admixtures of Tamil PATIs and Gombak Jakuns and MahMeris. From his/her cyber-behaviour, "Adam" is probably of Tamil-Burmese-Semang (a.k.a. TerBangang) stock, but conveniently swims in the "Malay" pool for his/her NEP freebies.
BTW, you Kelantanese are darn lucky to not have vain, insecure pseudo-Melayus like this "Adam" troll in your fair land. We had to contend with them all the time here in Selangor.
Dr. Eve
Sg. Buloh
Ha ha ha ....... Adam the si luncai kena the Dr. Eve diagnosis.
Adam eved!
Doc, what about treatment?
kah kah! ketawa saya tengok kamu orang berbalah antarat sendiri sbb org kelantan vs dll. Ini lah kesempatan saya untuk menusuk ideolgi Malaysian Malaysia.
org bukan melayu memerhatikan kamu....
malaysian malaysia
Sorry guys, but im going to go a bit off topic here. Weeks ago I read an interesting piece by Jocelin Tan in the star newspaper (dated Feb21st). She wrote:
"Since then he has been the VVIP guest at the assembly of Hua Zong, the influential and prestigious umbrella body for Chinese associations and clans.
Hua Zong members include some of the biggest movers and shakers in the Chinese community, yet a number of them were openly thrilled because it was the first time a Prime Minister had come to their assembly"
Can somebody shed some light on this shadowy organisation? Who makes up these "clans" and "associations"? What the hell does "clans" and "associations" mean anyway? It sounds more like an alliance/conglomerate of chinese triads....or is it? How much power and influence do they have on the government?
Well I find it funny when Ibrahim Ali formed Perkasa there was such an uproar by certain quarters and yet this very same people turn a blind eye to this organisation that seeks to strengthen their own kind. Who's the racist now?
She also had this to say:
"With 90% of Chinese today having been through Chinese school, the distinction between the non-Chinese educated or “banana Chinese” (yellow outside, white inside) and the Chinese-educated or “mango Chinese” (yellow inside and outside) is also fading."
Omg 90%?! I'm not too bothered with the rest of the statement. The thing that bothers me is the figure. With Hua Zhong as your patron, no wonder chinese schools gets so much support. All this effort to protect your "identity" and "heritage" just to further isolate yourselves from the majority of us Malalysians. To add insult to injury Lim Kit Siang has the balls to ask our DPM whether he's a malay or a malaysian first. Hallo, tell your ppl to withdraw their support for vernacular schools then we can talk about being Malaysians first and -insert race- second.
So when you meet an average Ah Chong in the streets of Malaysia, chances are he has been to a chinese primary or secondary school. He probably grows up speaking and learning mandarin all his or her life, watches Wah Lai Toi on Astro everyday, listen to chinese radio, is able to enter a chinese private college aka TARC, read speak Chinese all his life and is able to thrive in the malaysian environment where fluency in the national language isnt really required.
Now this is the best part- say u meet this ah chong and you ask him whether he's a malaysian first and a chinese second. I bet you he wont even bother, by that time, his "kiblat" is already facing China.
During the pre-independence years Dr.Burhanuddin Helmy proposed that all the people of malaya who regard this land as their home will be a "Melayu". Looking back now, I think that would have been a brilliant idea.
anon 5.49: actually, the level of your stupidity exceeds adam's with your comment. this has nothing to do with melayu sama melayu berbalah. this has everything to do with adam's insensitivity towards kelantanese. since you say you are a non-malay, let me help clear the cobwebs currently cluttering your mind. what if i were to say "i like your writing; too bad you're chinese/indian/eurasian../ whatever".. does that sound good to you? for all i know, you'd be the first to call me a racist... tak gitu?
Senyak tipah nate Ah Dumb ni.....boh la dok caro pasa tokpek nok menyamar jadi Melayu....
Someone gave me last Thursday utusan pic of Sultan with a cake .... d sultanah n tengku Fakhri.....
Was it really necessary to put him on "show" like that?
kesian gua tengok
Excuse me, I am not from Kelantan but one of my best friends for the last 44yrs is from there.
Plus a Malanau and a Dayak from Sarawak. also the very best of friends. I was from a hostel way back in 1966.. my dorm/classmates.
The irony, Sarawak JUST became part of Msia however, even then, their 12yr olds spoke fluent BM..
Rasa anih tak? some who so claimed to be Malaysian Malaysia and umur dalam 70'an, bila cakap BM, tak teghuih? (MP and ADUNs pulak tu).
Bahasa Kebangsaan bonded us so close together, 40years on! So Encik Adam, faham tak apa maksud BAHASA JIWA BANGSA?
Oi, benda Allah yang panggil dirinya "Malaysian Malaysia". Tahukah kamu bahawa konsep "Malaysian Malaysia" itu subversif kapada Artikel 153 Kedudukan Istimewa Melayu yang nenek moyang kamu sudah setujukan sebagai balasan kapada hak kerakyatan kamu? Kamu jenis tak tahu berterima kasih dan sentiasa mahu porak perandakan keadaan. Kamu harus diheret dibawah ISA.
Sedarkah kamu bahawa bangsa lain pun berbalah antara mereka sendiri? Kamu tak baca fasal MCA ke atau MIC ke? Jangan perap kepala kamu dibawah guni sahaja. Yang kurang berbalah diakhbar hanya DAP. Tapi mereka dikawal dengan ketat LKS dan LGE. Tidak demokratik dan authoritarian mereka itu, tak banyak ahli-ahli berani bercakap. Namum demikian boss yang tinggi pun ada bercanggah - Karpal Singh dahulu tak setuju dengan Anwar mengetuai PR walau pun sekarang membela Anwar dimahkamah. Ini hal mengambil kesempatan, saperti kamu sendiri mengaku terang terang menambil kesempatan bila membuat komen disini.
Kepala kamu kecil bila berbuat demikian dan coba mengetawakan perkara saperti ini. Cobalah besarkan sedikit dan luaskan pandangan.
Jocelin Tan was said to be close to PM's wife. Maybe it's part of a grand design to win the hearts and minds of the Chinese. The PM a VVIP guest at the assembly of Hua Zong, "a number of them were openly thrilled because it was the first time a Prime Minister had come to their assembly". The PM started his "walkabout" to the offices of a Chinese newspaper, visited a Chinese school, made the Dong Zong association of Chinese schools happy by announcing that Chinese schools can continue despite Article 152 on Bahasa Malaysia, gave one monnetary grant after another to Chinese schools, was entertained to dinner at a Chinese school to the extent that his Budget was almost kicked out by Parliamnet that very night - was approved by only 2-3 votes. Imagine that.
To know more about Chinese "clans" and business "associations" and their exclusive Chinese-interests-only nature, do read the second article in the latest post, and comments on it, in Kempen SSS - just google the words and you'll get there.
Now, it's Najib's business and prerogative who he chooses to spend more time on. But he has to remember the Malays and the other Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak constitute 70% of the country and and, even after allowing those supporting the opposition, their votes would still be the majority.
Najib therefore should place more time on, protect and promote the interests of the Bumiputeras as well.
It's cock and bull to say that "90%of Chinese today having been through Chinese school". She must have picked the figure from her nose. Just disregard it.
But I like your statement that "All this effort to protect your "identity" and "heritage" just to further isolate yourselves from the majority of us Malalysians." They are indeed isolating themselves and it's not good for harmony and unity in the country.
Similarly, I sugget we don't take seriously the statements by Lim Kit Siang and those who are out to find each and every little thing to weaken the Malays. Let them yell and bark in their own or opposition websites and occasionally slip into newspapers which are Chinese-owned.
We continue to hit them back as often as possible when they do so in Malay-friendly blogs which I'm sure even DAP fellows read. In here they hardly dare to come in though I have seen many DAP-like comments being published by KijangMas. In their blogs, they don't even publish what we write. So, I suggest don't bother about going there, just hit them here.
Bila terbaca komen Sdr Naig, terasa geram pula!
eh! pasai pulak Presiden UMNO nampaknya lebih cina drp cina sesat di Malaysia ni?(bukan ke UMNO ni parti politik khusus untuk org Melayu?)
Ginilah.. Presiden UMNO tu turunlah dari kerusi UMNO, join MCA ke, Gerakan ke, atau angkat Dong Zong tu jadi parti politik. Kemudian kita tengoklah samada majoriti masih mahukan awak sebagai PM. Awaklah jadilah Presiden parti cina tu. Biar sehati sejiwa kecinaan awak tu. Jgn sampai jadi melayu celup pula.
by boh-liao on Sunday, 11 April 2010 - 9:39 am @lim kit siang
A time 2 sneer n a time 2 act
Action time now, 1 PR MP died of cancer, then 1 BN MP also died of cancer, score 1-1
We need more BN MPs 2 kick d bucket in d service of our nation, any patriotic volunteers?
Malaysians mudah lupa – ppl need 2 b reminded of d failures n corrupt acts of BN
Civil societies n PR must use all means of communications 2 inform voters
Don’t just rely on political ceramah, as polis more often than not will kacau n harass PR’s
Use SMS, YouTube, blog, twitter, email, fax, manga, party newspapers, pamphlets, etc
Remind Malays, nonMalays, fair-minded ppl, Christians, etc 2 b proactive n b real bosses who hire n fire, 2 determine d future of d nation by voting out UmnoB/BN
Say ‘TAK NAK’ ‘DON’T WANT’ 2 racist, corrupt, self-enriching, divide-n-rule, evil, no-Allah-God, tak-suka-keluar, Malay-supremacy BN
Educate voters in d coming by-elections
As usual, BN will use taxpayers’ $$ 2 carry out buy-elections: grab n squeeze whatever goodies fr BN, but VOTE 4 PR, it’s OK
PR must get their own houses in order – no more infighting, esp in East M’sia
Show ppl PR can genuinely work together, start with Sibu, no more 2 candidates fr PR
Now is d time 2 start sweeping out n burying BN 4 d sake of our future
We want a genuine Malaysian Malaysia, not a bogus 1-race Malaysia
To the fella commenting at 3.09 PM -
Just one word - bull.
Firstly, thanks to everyone who dropped by to share your thoughts.
just another KM fan said:-
"Saya sangat suka bila Tuan KM cakap loghat Kelantan -- sangat best!"
Ya, bagi saya loghat Kelantan cukup merdu dan kaya dengan istilah dan lenggok bahasa yang begitu halus. Bagi penuturnya, loghat Kelantan memberi suatu kepuasan dan kemegahan yang amat ketara, dimana perbezaan sedikit pada tona perkataan dan irama ayat boleh mencetuskan berbagai maksud yang tersirat.
Warisan bahasa ini mekar mengembang di mana saja Orang Kelantan bermastautin. Walaupun mereka fasih berbahasa tempatan (seperti Inggeris di UK/US atau bahasa Melayu Johor-Riau di separuh selatan Tanah Melayu), bahasa warisan tidak dilupai. Sifat ini tidak berapa menyerlah di lingkungan masyarakat bukan Kelantan dimana loghat Melayu mereka mudah terhakis hinggakan bahasa Melayu yang dipertuturkan bercampur haduk dengan ciri-ciri Chinglish dan istilah-istilah import yang serba aneh.
Sikap jatidiri Orang Kelantan harus di miliki oleh setiap Orang Melayu di Malaysia, dengan keutuhan bahasa dan identiti budaya yang tidak mungkin di hakis atau di dominasi oleh unsur luaran bawaan spesis pendatang dibumi kita.
Adam said:-
“enjoy your writings. too bad you are kelantanese. lol.”
Yeah buddy, it really is too bad for your inbred sub-species that I’m a Kelantanese. Your abhorrence of the Kelantanese (language, identity, social cohesion, tenacity) actually reveals to the world your own origins, what you really are, your inherent genetic peculiarity as a fringe, culturally-empty parasitic element far removed from the true Malay mainstream as manifested in the Malay heartland states.
You see people, this "Adam" fellow is the prototypical rootless offspring of fairly recent tongkang arrivals from the Lesser Sunda Islands who masquerade as a "Melayu." Oh yeah, they would readily lick clean all forms of Melayu entitlements dished to them but at the same time they would hantam the real Malays to compensate for their own acute sense of ethno-cultural deficiency.
Of course, what better social group to attack than the Kelantanese, easily the most cohesive, the most linguistically/culturally unadulterated and self-assured identity-wise Malay group on the peninsular.
I pity the "Adams" of this world. These are the "Malays" who give the real Malays a bad name, and in their degenerative looks, fragile temperament and low self-esteem give reasonable justification for Chinese chauvinists such as that Wanita Gerakan spinster to label all Malays as fellow pendatangs on par with their kind.
Sadly, many more "Adams" are sprouting amidst the weeds of the Klang Valley, where their lack of lingua-cultural roots have made them veritable Malay Apologists and perennial underachievers often targetted by anti-NEP forces as "undeserving" pseudo-Malays living off the government's largesse.
Saya sendiri kadang-kadang terasa juga dengan kawan-kawan Kelantan yang bangga sangat dengan Kelantan depa. Tapi jangan jealous, itu kekuatan rakyat negeri Kelantan, dan kelemahan rakyat negeri lain, langsung tak ada semangat negeri!
Apapun saya bersyukur ada orang Kelantan yang membentuk sebahagian umat Melayu Malaysia ini. Mereka sahabat yang setia, pandai berniaga dan tak lokek ilmu, peramah dan kawan sembang yang nombor satu, dan aweknya manja-manja. Hidup Kelantan!
Mari baca analisis Hulu Selangor saya di http://beritalembahpantai.blogspot.com
Halo halo Bosz,
How’s the going? Business ada baik tak? Nice to hear from u again after your long hiatus. Was it u that try to buy the ‘Hollywood’ sign?
I don’t care what they say about u lah but u r the best when it comes to languages proficiency, cakap loghat Kelantan, bahasa Melayu Johor Riau, Californian English drool, semua bolih 'Moh Tak Theng'. You make it all sound so sexy…kakaka. Unker got this upmost respect for u East Coast folks only in recent years! Now got new best friend in Bachok too! (Birds of the same feather :))
Well u keep well & keep your Kelantanese flag flying, like Big Daddy (Nic Cage), u go kick some bad asses :)))
P/S - I think our buddie satD is still smarting on 'that's all u got ka?' remark, very painful....kakaka
TNS Unker u PS me again....
haiya wea got one...online engagement tara hasil ma.....even if u "win" a debate or "lose" who gives a shit la...
anyway...itu AhDumb oso donno what banga is ma....typical lompat terus bangsa here bangsa there....
Never said I was a Malay apologist. Don't rush to conclusions about me.
I say a few playful words about Kelantan and all of you peeps grab your pitchforks and bats. Dr Eve's first conclusion about me "exhibit[ing] typical cyber-psychotic symptoms -- to seek attention by being obnoxiously stupid and abrasive." is right on spot. :) good one. no wonder you are a doctor? but I can hold my horses too you know, as for the reason why I didn't reply after the lot have made so many comments about myself.
Dr Eve's conclusions about my race is totally off, so is SatD's conclusion of me acting as a Malay. I can't act Malay rakan, cause I breath, converse, eat with my hands, makan sambal, tak suka makan durian though, chat, and even married a Malay. I'm proud of the Malay race and wherever I go I don't hide the fact that I am Malay.
One thing is for sure though, I am not Kelantanese. Keep on guessing.
You poor chap. I thought you were a Malay but now your para below suggests something else -
"Dr Eve's conclusions about my race is totally off, so is SatD's conclusion of me acting as a Malay. I can't act Malay rakan, cause I breath, converse, eat with my hands, makan sambal, tak suka makan durian though, chat, and even married a Malay. I'm proud of the Malay race and wherever I go I don't hide the fact that I am Malay."
Melayu cakap "kawan" lah, not "rakan" for "friend". I'll allow a few Malays tak suka makan durian but you are not proud of the Malay race if you even critise the Kelantan dialect and camaraderie (have I spelt it correctly?). Or you don't understand the history of the Malays - read up that book recommended previously: The Malay Civilisation, by Mohd Arof Ishak, published by The Historical Society of Malaysia. It'll do you a load of good and you can contribute to the discussions here.
If you want short write-ups on it, read Kempen SSS blog, a few posts previously and you'll have a different perspective of the subject you raised before.
Bro out of topic but still this is very current
Is police investigation into Aminul Rashid's death hampered by tainted statemetns
read all about it at
Dear KijangMas Sir,
Just to share some information on the topic.
Daulat Tuanku !!
Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera to KijangMas & fellow Readers.
I had been content to just passively support Tengku Faris since KijangMas had already mentioned his stance; out of due respect and deference to the Kelantan Royalty.
However, recent events have made it impossible to be quiet... not when politicians with dubious motives get a foot into the Palace: Monkey Business in Kelantan Palace with `Black Panther’.
Ok, seriously, what is going on in Kelantan? Is somebody trying to take over the throne? Is someone trying to kick the Kelantan Royales out? What is going on? Can someone clarify in easy words so simple people like myself can understand what is going on?
Go play with lesser things Adam. You wouldn't understand.
would it have been too hard to explain Dal? or is that your thing? assume other people are too stupid to comprehend things cause you're all so mighty in intelligence.
that was an honest question. know F ing around. seriously. anyone. care to explain?
Sebelum ini anda menulis "pandangan luar pagar" anda seperti berikut:-
"Diorang semua skarang duduk luar dari Kelantan, sebab tak tahan cuaca panas, tak dapat pendapatan yang lumayan kat sana, air kotor, terlampau suka letak gula berlebihan dalam makanan, suka menghancurkan kemudahan-kemudahan awam seperti stadium dan sebagainya"
Kenapa anda tiba-tiba begitu berminat hendak tahu pasal negeri Kelantan dan Rajanya?
Why is it on your mind that there is someone "to kick Kelantan's Royales"? Why the sudden interest in Kelantan? What is it at the back of your mind?
Please do seriously take heed of the Blog's owner advice. He has written in 3 different languages/ dialect. Do understand it, and please do not try to make up any story. We are not here to want some info, verified or not, to make up stories.
"Raja Melayu, Kedaulatan Melayu"
Salam Sejahtera Tuan KijangMas Perkasa & sidang DN sekelian.
Saya "copy-paste" satu daripada pandangan 'orang luar' mengenai Kelantan, khas untuk Sdr. Adam, Sdr Cucu dan yang lain-lain.
Kalaulah Dato Seri Najib memahami konsep 1Kelantan, mungkin konsep 1Malaysia yang beliau ingin anjurkan itu tidaklah nampak condong amat sangat terhadap satu kaum sahaja sehinggakan ramai Orang Melayu dan Bumiputera mungkin kini terasa terhiris hati.
"copy-paste" di bawah, saya dapati dari sini :-
(atau klik sahaja utk terus kepautan di atas)
Di antara 1Kelantan dan 1Malaysia Najib - Apa Dia Konsep 'Oghe Kito' & 'Oghe Luar'?
"...Rakyat atau orang Kelantan dari pelbagai keturunan etnik itu memang merasai nilai kesatuan dan perpaduan mereka...
...Orang Kelantan tidak gemar kalau mereka dikatakan bersemangat kenegerian dan kedaerahan. Mereka lebih kekitaan dengan rasa ‘samo kito’. Mereka boleh berkelahi kerana politik dalaman tetapi bersatu hati dalam budaya...
...ada ‘orang luar’ diberi tempat. Mohamed Sabu, Daeng Mariok, Nasharuddin Mat Isa, Dr Mohd Hatta Ramli, Sallehuddin Ayub, Saifuddin Nasution menjadi Ahli Parlimen bukan di daerah asal mereka. Jauh sebelum itu Zulkifli Muhammad adalah orang Perak. Maknanya orang Kelantan tidak tolak ‘orang luar’...
...Jika formula 1Malaysia diharapkan terlaksana dalam dua aspek utama iaitu penerapan teras-teras perpaduan dan nilai-nilai aspirasi, maka kedua-duanya memang ada pada jiwa orang Kelantan...
Nama-nama seperti Dr Lim Swee Tin, Awang Abdullah, Azlee Lee (Lee Chong Beng), Selina Lee, Eh Deng, Chua Tek Lui, Seri Neng Buah dan lain-lain. Tanya mereka tentang konsep ‘oghe kito’ dan ‘oghe luar’. Cara begitulah yang kita harapkan rakyat Malaysia menerima hakikat sejarah, kebudayaan dan sistem pemerintahan Malaysia...
...Penerimaan prinsip-prinsip kenegaraan berteraskan Perlembagaan dan Rukun Negara, sesuatu yang dijunjung tinggi orang Kelantan. Mereka tahu keluhuran Perlembagaan Negeri. Orang Kelantan juga mahukan keadilan sosial. Mereka faham antara hak negeri dengan hak negara, hak antara kaum dan sebagainya..."
Neutral Daily
Salam Sejahtera.
Dear NJ Sir,
Incidentally, I have just also made a blog posting of the "copy-paste" HERE - We Are One.
I hope Najib take a serious review of his nation building agenda (if there's any within his administration)
JOKE OF THE DAY: Haris Ibrahim thinks Pakatan can produce a fair and balanced newspaper....
Read all about it HERE
please view:
Salam sejahtera sidang pembaca DN,
Terkejut saya ketika membaca akhbar hari ini. Apa dah jadi dengan Kerajaan ni? Ketika Bahasa Kebangsaan makin dipinggirkan dan belum pun jadi bahasa penyatuan negara, bahasa asing pula nak diwajibkan?
Why only chinese and tamil languages being considered? (to make them as compulsory subjects in school)
Why not the language that is being spoken by the Singh too?
and next..
whatelse Muhyiddin?
Aku pun Melayu. Tapi bukan orang Kelantan.
Jadi tak peduli la apa jadi kat Istana Kelantan.
Tapi orang Kelantan mmg x berubah. Syok sendiri dari dulu. Isytihar Kota Bharu bandaraya Islam tapi sampah merata-rata.
Kata sayang Bahasa Melayu. Tapi nak bertutur Bahasa Melayu standard bukan main susah. Kawan aku orang Kelantan cakap Bahasa Melayu standard, dia kena ejek 'botol budu pecah'. Macam la budu tue sedap. Nak muntah aku rasa.
Apa yg special sgt psal Kelantan ni. Dulu hantar bunga emas jugak dkt Siam.
Ntah apa-apa.
Anon @ June 23, 2010 6:08 PM
Aku tak tahu lah kau Melayu asal mana, tapi apa yang orang Kelantan buat sama juga apa yang orang Sabah buat bila jumpa sama orang Sabah (cakap bahasa dialek diorang, undi Stacy dalam AF dan lain-lain).
Apa yang special kat Kelantan kau tanya? Specialnya, bila raya cina, kedai tak tutup sebab orang Kelantan jenis suka meniaga, cuba kau jengok kedai-kedai melayu kat KL/Selangor, kebanyakkan nya orang apa? Kalau tak orang Indon, orang Kelantan.
Kalau kau nak mengarah marah kau kat orang Kelantan, kau silap lah, kalau orang Kelantan/Terengganu tak berhijrah kat Selangor/KL ni, penduduk Selangor/KL akan jadi majoriti Cina, pilih mana satu kau nak dengar, ching chong chin chong atau kawe demo. Mano hok lebih sene paham?
Jangan gitu bah, sa bukan mo bermusuh.
@June 23, 2010 6:08 PM
Cakap pun tak ikut nahu/tatabahasa yang betul, nak suruh orang lain pakai bahasa yang betul.
Kalau nak tahu siapa yang pakai nahu/tatabahasa yang betul, cakap macam orang indo lah, apasal orang KL cakap banyak ee, paling teruk lagi orang sabah yang datang KL ikut nahu yang betul dan nada yang betul, di kutuknya cakap macam indon, padahal orang KL yang cakap tak ikut nada/nahu yang betul. Salah sendiri, orang lain pulak disalahkan.
Bodoh punya orang KL, buat bisnes sama melayu sendiri cakap omputih, grammar salah pulak. Kalau orang Kelantan bangga dengan dialek dia, apasal orang KL tak bangga dengan dialek dia dengan menggunakan bahasa Melayu dalam surat perniagaan/pejabat. Lainlah kalau buat urusniaga dengan Iran ke, kata mahu memartabatkan bahasa.
Pergi kelantan, cuba cakap bahasa inggeris buat urusan perniagaan sama Melayu, kelaut lah.
Sedara semua,
Minta maaf kalau aku terkasar.
Macam nie, orang Sabah nak cakap baku, sukati dia. Orang Kelantan nak cakap dialek Kelantan, sukati dia.
Faham x?
Yg aku x faham adalah kalau ada 3 org Kelantan dgn seorang bukan Kelantan mcm aku, kenapa kalau seorang tue cakap dialek KL dgn aku dia kena ejek?
Aku tau apa maksud botol budu dah pecah. Itu ejekan utk orang Kelantan yg tak mau ikut cara org Kelantan. Salah ker dia cakap dialek KL bila dia kat KL?
Jgn la kata orang KL ejek orang Sabah maka tak salah orang Kelantan ejek juga dialek lain. Itu sama la kata orang itu main judi, jadi apa salahnya kita main judi sekali. Dua salah tak buat satu benda betul.
Kalau tak mau cakap bahasa Melayu dialek lain, sukati la. Tapi orang Melayu Kelantan yg nak cakap dialek negeri lain tak payah la nak ejek.
Kurang Melayu kah dia kalau dia cakap Melayu dialek negeri lain?
Kalau betul nak memperjuangkan Bahasa Melayu, mulakan dgn hormat sikit kepelbagaian dlm Bahasa Melayu itu sendiri. Kurang-kurang nya aku yang engkau kata tatabahasa salah ini pun cuba jugak berdialek Kelatan dengan kawan2 dari Kelantan.
Dunia Melayu ini luas la sedara.
Bila nak update ni tuan kj? Bermacam2 isu telah datang dan berlalu, aku menunggu komen mu dengan penuh rindu...
saudara anon June 30, 2010 4:33 PM,
istilah 'botol budu pecah','gegar botol budu' sbnarnya hnya untuk mengusik,kerana bgi orang klantan sgt melucukan kalau ada slang klantan ble ckp dialek kl,sekadar melucukan dan tak lebih dari tuh,kenapa saudara perlu terasa gurauan begitu sesama diorang,kt kelantan ni senang je nk wt lawak nk buat kelantanese ni ketawa atau sekurang2nya senyum,ckp dialek selain kelantan smbil menggunakn slang klntn...
Anwar says Ling Liong Sik is not a big enough fish for MACC: Who does Anwar want MACC to go after? read all about it HERE
Setuju dgn Cucu dan partly setuju dgn Adam. Saya berkahwin dgn kelantanese dah 8 tahun, masih dianggap org luar mungkin sbb saya tak fasih kecek kelate dan tak pernah cuba utk kecek kelate. Bg saya bahasa melayu yg saya guna ni dah cukup utk berkomunikasi tak perlu belajar loghat lain. Orang2 kelantan ni ramah2, menekankan didikan agama kepada anak2, hubungan kekeluargaan yg rapat dan mesra, ambil berat saudara mara dan rajin2 (perempuan saje). Tapi yang paling sukar untuk saya suka ialah sikap suka bersepah, buang sampah merata2 cuba compare KB dan KT,try tgk rumah2 kat kg2 kelantan penuh lalang dan rumput yg tak ditebas, dalam rumah berterabur, sampah2 merata2. Kelantanese (di Kelantan je kot) tak tepati masa (no sense of urgency),kalau berjanji lewat 1 jam tu perkara biasa. Saya perhatikan lelaki kelantan chauvinist dan pemalas. Tapi yg paling saya respect ialah perempuan kelantan, rajin, hardworking (mungkin sbb kaum lelaki lepas tangan), pandai berniaga, amat penyayang kpd anak2, tidak pernah lagi saya lihat kaum2 ibu yg memarahi anak dgn suara tinggi/keras, ditegur dgn lembut. Tapi ini cuma pandangan saya yg baru 8 thn bkahwin maybe Cucu lebih tahu. Utk org2 kelantan yg lain cuba la terima ini sbg teguran bukannya penghinaan. To Adam jgn hentam teruk sgt, setiap perkara ada pro and cons.
Nik Wan Che
KijangMas Dear
Selamat berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan.
We hope everything's alright with you and your loved ones.
Uuhhmmm, we kinda miss your postings, Salam rindu ...
Salam Ramadan bro KijangMas...
lame benor nih.....hope all is well
look forward to ur next piece...kasi Ctrl Alt Del semua......too much nonsense going around these days..
Salam Tuan KM,
Selamat Berpuasa Di Bulan Ramadan Al Mubarak..
Many of us are 'waiting like the fruit is not faliing'..
Salam Ramadan kpd Omong, Bro satD, wak segen dan sekelian warga DN yang di kasihi.
Indeed, many issues afflicting our beloved nation warrant a critical discussion. PM Najib has obviously deviated way off-tangent in his hyper-appeasement of the very elements of disunity in this country.
I've received many e-mails from DN netizens seeking my thoughts on current national issues. I will do a fresh post here on DN soon, and we can discuss the issues in that forum. Stay tuned.
Oh, ... to the sleazy subversives reading this, watch out. You loser slimeballs have had a field day dragging my beloved nation in the mud here and abroad. Your cybernightmare is back ...
Tuan KijangMas,
I imagine you being a strict dad who takes out his belt to beat the naughty children. It's tough love, but it is what is needed.
Salam Ramadhan.
KijangMas is back!
Syukur ...
welcome back .. lamonyo kawe tunggu! kalu ore 'nnikoh, doh nok branok doh!
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