Salams to all.
First a note sent by an avid DN reader. Perhaps he represents Malaysia's voiceless, anxious urban young:-
I appreciate the many e-mails received from cyberfriends across the world. I believe I've replied to most of your private thoughts and opinions. I will address selected e-mails in this post and we can all share our thoughts on the issues. The queries are abridged for focus and clarity.
First a note sent by an avid DN reader. Perhaps he represents Malaysia's voiceless, anxious urban young:-
Salam KM, how you been? I hope everything is ok wherever you are in the world. Anyways, I'm going to go straight to the point and say this- I really dont blame you if dont update your blog. I mean what is there to write about? All the things that's going on in this country is just pure bullsh*t. I'm pretty sure you'll be left speechless if you've been following whats going on lately in bolehland ... I just wish we can get rid of the ALL the dinosaurs in parliament, by that I mean Karpal Singh, Nik Aziz, Lim Kit Siang, Najib, Anwar Ibrahim, oh and dont forget my personal favourite Rais Yatim. These guys have thrown so much shit at each other that none of them have any credibility left. Give guys like Tony Pua or Hanna Yeoh a chance, heck even Khairy. Its my sincere belief that this country needs a national reconciliation period - led by young politicians from sides of the political divide. Its time to give the youth a chance, our generation didn't grew up with racial lenses.
Well my friend, I can understand your despair, the sense of hopelessness as you witness the unraveling of whatever's left of our sense of nationhood. But didn't I warned almost two years ago about the dangers of Malaysia's race-centric socio-political paradigm? Didn't I say:-
... the longer we deceive ourselves with this multiracial fantasy, the harder it takes to build a cohesive, unified nation ... We Malaysians have lived in this fairytale for too long, and this blissful fantasy is now crumbling under the very weight of its own ludicrousness ... We are somehow told to “take pride” of our “multi-racial, multi-cultural” country, as if this is a preferred trait in achieving cohesive statehood. Of course it is not the case. The constant reminding of our “multi-racial, multi-cultural” essence breeds further explicit consciousness of our “race,” and this has now permeated every facet of our lives 24/7. Should we then wonder why we have all become so utterly Racists? This hyper-ethnocentrism inevitably propagates further ethno-chauvinist tendencies, as each “race” outdo one another to stamp their racial identity in a grotesque manifestation of tribalism gone mad … Is our fragmented social existence a tenable long-term proposition ... in our daily affairs as a sovereign nation under one flag? No. … Every nation encapsulate a dominant, pervasive socio-cultural essence, a singular identity that defines their populace. A collage of distinct ethno-cultural groups co-existing precariously on a brittle platform of Muhibbah-by-convenience do not make a nation. We must, therefore, go back to the basics of nationhood. We must have a national identity, driven by a common national language and a set of common values etched in stone. We must extinguish the differentiations that alienated ourselves and that gave rise to the primal instinct to survive amidst competing tribes.
So you see, I'm not at all surprised at the heightened degeneration of our sense of nationhood since then, at the current state of affairs, where our acute RACIAL DISTINCTION and terminal CULTURAL DIVERSITY have been further glorified and institutionalised by PM Najib's 1Malaysia fantasy.

Time may be running out for Najib as he persists on having a psychedelic view of Malaysia's complex social dynamics, with major policies conceived based on this delusional mindset and further compounded by acute gullibility to nonsensical CONsultants' goobledygook over nothing
This socio-political toxicity will get worst before it gets better, perhaps until the emergence of a nationalist saviour who will resurrect Malaysia from the ashes of self-destruction by her own angry, confused populace.
As for the "dinosaurs in parliament," yup, these decomposing political cadavers should have been swimming in formaldehyde a looooong time ago. At least they could be of use to science in their petrified state, as gory samples of BS-induced simian mutation.

Now people, do you seriously think this self-propelled howitsingh and the two sleepin' Mullahs can lift our country out of the current rut?
And don't let me get started on this megalomaniacal ham sap lo relic ...

But don't blame them. We collectively placed them on the pedestal and made some of them demigods while oblivious of the sleaze oozing from the slimy scales of their distorted torsos.
As for the newgen politicos such as Tony Pua, .... naaah. This kuachi junkie nerd suffers from acute Malay-envy. He took it upon himself to launch a crusade against Bumi discounts for high-end residential and commercial properties in Selangor. You see, these people just cannot stand the sight of Melayus enjoying decent housing and investing in commercial properties. Everything they want to sapu and, given the chance, they will hantam as well. Haiya Pua, NEP lu mau hantam. Article 153 lu mau hantam. Semua lu kasi hantam. What you need is a good old-fashioned hantaming by yours truly.
I am not impressed by the new crop of Pakatan MPs. I've commented on the likes of Loh Gwo Burne and Eli Wong in the past. Others are not much better. Recall the recent Teo Nie Ching in mosque incident.

Really, what the heck is this Ah Moi dressed like a Singapore Girl stewardess doing in a holy mosque near prayer time, giving a speech (or was she belting a karaoke number?) while trampling near sejadahs of the first saf meant for peoples' foreheads?! And what the heck was that imam doing? Just obediently sat there while this hyperactive DAP cadre grabbed the microphone and gave a ceramah to a captive audience? And all this sacrilege for a lousy one thousand ringgit contribution? We are that cheap ahh?
Haiyah, visiting hour siang hari lah Ah Moi, not at 9.33pm (after/between Tarawih prayers) with sejadahs still neatly laid in rows for solat. And that exposed double-rebonding hairdo and tight fitting kebaya do not constitute tutup aurat attire maah. Haiyah, don't these subversives know anything about timing and dress etiquette in a mosque? For a dwindling minority in a Muslim country, their biadapness boggles the mind. And we elect people like this? I suggest this ignorant SJKC and Batu Pahat Chinese High School product try the same stunt in mosques abroad. She would be whipped and kicked-out by the congregation before she can even say D-A-P ... In comparison, see the respect, the tatatertibness, shown by this American tourist in a UAE mosque:-

She is just a passing tourist. Teo Nie Ching is a Rakyat Malaysia, an elected MP. The Ah Moi should know better. No excuse! First we had the Nga Kor Ming Quran recital. Then the Guan Eng in khutbah doa fiasco. Now this. What next?
Another DN follower asked:-
Bosz, what la this Wee Ka Siong. Always looking for cheap publicity. Many police reports by and against him. I think he's a moron. What you think of him?
Well, I can't argue with your observation. This infamous opponent of the Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua initiative (in his capacity as the deputy education minister no less) likes to see himself as the champion of Chinese schools and would make provocative little jabs at Articles 152 and 153 where possible. He started the never ending police report pantomime back when he threatened to lodge police reports against pro Unified School bloggers as a means to prop his stand amongst a finicky and notoriously ethnocentric societal subgroup that his sputtering party purportedly represents.
As reported here, he took a swipe at MARA scholarships in Parliament, which triggered a flurry of police reports, including by Perkasa. His mahchais countered with their own police report against Perkasa to perpetuate this orgy of silly bravado among flaccid, pot-bellied middle-aged men. Haiyah, no more police reports lah Brahim and Ah Siong. Have an MMA-style pillow fight in a cage lah. Yup, I know my buddy Brahim Ali would salivate at that prospect. But of course Teeny Weeny would use his ultimate deterrent -- he would cry like a baby to a startled Brahim! You see, Teeny Weeny has an uncanny ability to cry on national TV, a gifted sobber-on-demand.

Go easy on the Kleenex lah fei lo. Save some for pang sai time lah
You see, actually this effeminate drama queen with a penchant for the theatrics is irrelevant, his party is irrelevant, his cause is irrelevant. Why I say that? Wonder how he got elected to parliament in the first place where he can indulge in his occasional ultra-Chinese tirade? Yup, courtesy of the super-safe BN stronghold Malay majority seat of Ayer Hitam. Teeny Weeny would have more credibility if he were to contest and win in hard core subversive seats such as Seputeh or Ipoh Timur or Jelutong and beat the DAP racist zealots on their own turf. Only then should Perkasa and others take this loony seriously. As a race issue-stoking provocateur, he is a disaster. He played to the DAP totok gallery with his SJKC theatrics and MARA scholarship brouhaha, but then had to hide behind Khairy’s kain pullicat to avoid the scourge of Brahim Ali, which makes him an even bigger UMNO/Malay stooge in the eyes of the DAP subversives.
I just got this note yesterday:-
Yeah, when I first came across the offending essay, I said to myself, "this woman must have gone through gut wrenching personal trauma involving Malays and Islam for her to write such vicious fallacies." Her relentless attacks on Malays and Islam indicate some form of personal betrayal and a sense of being victimised by "the system." Her barrage of incoherent rhetoric couldn't conjure a rational reply or even grounds for intelligent debate. I actually sensed a silent cry, a clarion call of anguish wrapped in her convoluted metaphor of a berat sebelah football match spiced by an irrational challenge to every conceivable facet of Islam as Malaysia's official religion, from state funding of mosques to doa recitals in official functions to Islamic studies in school syllabus. Contemplate this:-
Bro, you know anything about the police reports lodged against one "Helen Ang"? You seen her writings against Malays, NEP, Islam? ... too much lah.
... can you fault Chinese or Indian or Orang Asli for not being able to provide adequate spiritual guidance to their children when they themselves are religiously oppressed by the state? On the one hand, Islamisation pervades every cubic inch of air we breathe in Malaysia. On the other hand, other religions are suppressed.
Wow, such strong, sweeping statements! Haven't she joined the million plus Hindu devotees at Batu Caves during Thaipusam? I've witnessed the boisterous festivities up close twice in my lifetime and if those were not indications of total unbridled religious freedom of monumental proportions, then I don't know what more she wants from Malaysia. And haven't she witnessed the annual Vesak Day float processions in the major cities? What about the number of temples and shrines and churches and chapels versus the number of mosques and suraus in places where non-Malays form a significant proportion of the populace?
I am intrigued.
What suppression is Helen Ang alluding here? Do you think "religiously oppressed by the state" and "other religions are suppressed" are fair statements? I'm actually puzzled by her insinuations as I've never seen more religious and pseudo-spiritual and neo-animist freedom anywhere on earth than in Malaysia. Has the "state religious oppression" police knocked down any of the thousands of red shrines dotting Chinese houses and roadside trees across the land, although I think these underutilised red boxes are more ethno-cultural markers (an in your face "we are Chinese!" statement) than anything else? What about the invasion and adoption of geologic wonders as sacred sites, often at the expense of conservation and scientific research? Any attempt by these "state religious oppression" police to evict the pencerobohs and restore the sites to their original pristine condition? No. Malays don't do that. We have adat. We have budaya. We have tatatertib. We have pantang larang. We have hati perut. We have something called akal. You racist anti-Malays know what akal is? Akal separates us manusia from the haiwans. Now you know why we should use our akal before we write outrageous fairytales about religious oppression in this country? When one don't use the akal, what would one become?
As for shrines and temples on forest reserves and public land, this country even go to the extent of recognising many of these intrusions as tourist spots, as part of the rich Malaysian cultural milieu, merrily highlighting them in tourist brochures and whatnot. Any such magnanimity in the Western World which you penderhakas worshipped so much? Take it from me baby, no way! Try to worship a Los Angeles roadside oak tree to induce the American Latok to appear and shower you with favours .... the LA City Hall sanitation department will hose and sweep you and your paraphernalia off the street and slap you with a half dozen bylaw infringement citations in no time! And that is if the local Angelenos haven't first kicked your butts and ran you out of their neighbourhood.
Before Helen Ang yelps religious suppression here, I suggest she look at measures by supposedly liberal, civilised democracies of Europe to ban headscarfs and Sikh turbans and forbid the construction of mosques and outlaw minarets and muzzle the azan? Haven't she noticed the brutal resistance in New York city, the cosmopolitan financial capital of the land-of-the-free, to the building of an Islamic Center in downtown Manhattan? And haven't she read about the planned Quran Burning Day this coming 9-11 in Florida? And she has the audacity to say "other religions are suppressed" in Malaysia?
So people, how can we layan such an unreasonable species?
Just imagine the extreme wholesale brainwashing these people had undergone in their formative years to the extent that they spew such venom, such contempt against a land that gave shelter to their stateless forefathers, that gave sufficient amenities and social mobility to enable their kind to crawl out of their rickety tongkangs to be what they are today while concurrently partake in their ancestral language and culture and religion to their hearts' content?
And still tak cukup? Masih mau macam-macam lagi.
You people are satisfied only after your Melayu hosts end up only with torn sarongs wrapped around their emaciated bodies, while you kaut everything under the sun under the guise of "freedom" and "democracy" and "brutal competition." Such greedy little heartless monsters we have in our midst.
Anyway, the recurrent content of her writings revealed a troubled, viciously vindictive soul with a pathological hatred of Malays and Islam. You see, unlike the incorrigible DAP sinkhehs who are anti-Melayu out of group imperative, this woman was at one time immersed in the Malay milieu, but she wanted to be associated with this Malayness on her own terms -- without the religious connotation -- and was eventually stymied and disillusioned by the web of syariah laws that worked against her. That made the bitterness more profound, the wounds more septic, the dendam more tertusuk dalam daging, as reflected in her writings.
Just imagine the extreme wholesale brainwashing these people had undergone in their formative years to the extent that they spew such venom, such contempt against a land that gave shelter to their stateless forefathers, that gave sufficient amenities and social mobility to enable their kind to crawl out of their rickety tongkangs to be what they are today while concurrently partake in their ancestral language and culture and religion to their hearts' content?
And still tak cukup? Masih mau macam-macam lagi.
You people are satisfied only after your Melayu hosts end up only with torn sarongs wrapped around their emaciated bodies, while you kaut everything under the sun under the guise of "freedom" and "democracy" and "brutal competition." Such greedy little heartless monsters we have in our midst.
Anyway, the recurrent content of her writings revealed a troubled, viciously vindictive soul with a pathological hatred of Malays and Islam. You see, unlike the incorrigible DAP sinkhehs who are anti-Melayu out of group imperative, this woman was at one time immersed in the Malay milieu, but she wanted to be associated with this Malayness on her own terms -- without the religious connotation -- and was eventually stymied and disillusioned by the web of syariah laws that worked against her. That made the bitterness more profound, the wounds more septic, the dendam more tertusuk dalam daging, as reflected in her writings.
Anyway, I believe her series of delusional jottings are just a medium to retaliate against imaginary catalysts of her intractable bitterness and despair. This estrangement from reality -- with imaginary fables of social persecution and religious suppression -- could be indicative of stress-induced adult onset schizophrenia typically accompanying a personal meltdown. You see, there is nothing more dangerous in the animal kingdom than a woman's spite.
This mental state was probably precipitated by some masa lalu events. Perhaps the revelations here and here may shed some light:-
Lina Joy has been a recurrent theme in my essays and finally in a Merdeka eve piece, I confessed that like Lina I could not get married. This disconcerting public revelation was laying bare a facet of my private life and possibly invading the privacy of my two Malay ex-boyfriends and their families.
... I will confess why Lina means more to me than a human rights cause. If she had succeeded in setting a precedent, I could have been one of those Malaysians whose life she impacted. I’ve had two serious relationships and both the boyfriends were Malay. Like any other Malay, my ex-boyfriend had the word ‘Islam’ on his MyKad, an automatic procedure. So we couldn’t have walked into a civil registry and gotten married. As conversion was never on the cards for me, a ‘You to yours, me to mine’ accommodation or non-interference by the nanny state would have suited fine.
... I can only think of Israel where the state forbids its favoured child to tie the knot with its stepchildren. Israel’s religious law ‘halacha’ mandates conversion to Judaism in mixed marriages. In Israel as here, orthodoxy has a strong grip and religion a state role. Israel is a Jewish state and its unique birth is without parallel in human history. Malaysia is a Malay supremacist state and we’re in the process of writing its history now.
... Lina Joy had gallantly tried to beat a new path. This country is heartbreaking for all who walk in her shoes. When I cried at her apex court verdict, I suppose I was crying for myself too.
Yup, the smoking dick, ... oops I mean gun. Or is it a couple of Malay dicks, with some Jewish salami thrown in for good measure. Now you see the motive, why her theme is the same -- again and again -- essentially rehashed emotional tirades against anything Malay Muslim, from government institutions to the judiciary to the political leadership to anything that conjures up menacing silhouettes of Malay dicks? See how her orgy of hate and provocative insinuations of this "Malay supremacist state" are spiced by bits and pieces of non-facts and outright outrageous falsehoods cobbled into neat bite-sized packages joyously consumed by the subversive choirboys and cheerleaders popping out of the dark recesses of the cybercesspool.
I don't know whether police reports would deter a spurned person on the rebound. Perhaps that's what she sought. Attention. Compassion. Empathy. A cyberhug. Another Malay dick ... Anything really to pacify the raging inferno ravaging her aggrieved soul. Sad indeed.
I suggest we cut her some slack, take her rantings with a big bucket of salt, and try to read between the lines to decipher her fragile inner thoughts amidst all the racist clutter, and let her heal in peace as she rolls into the cozy cocoon of cyber-oblivion.
I suggest we cut her some slack, take her rantings with a big bucket of salt, and try to read between the lines to decipher her fragile inner thoughts amidst all the racist clutter, and let her heal in peace as she rolls into the cozy cocoon of cyber-oblivion.
Here's an interesting reader question:-
No my friend, I've not crossed paths with Jho Low in Hollywood. And I've not had the pleasure of sharing an elevator with Sean "P. Diddy" Combs either, although recently I did share a cramped corner of a Sunset strip diner with Xzibit (funny fella, of MTV's PimpMyRide fame).
Salam KM. Have you crossed paths with Jho Low in Hollywood or elsewhere? Wah, he share lift with P.Diddy somemore ... Is this guy for real?
No my friend, I've not crossed paths with Jho Low in Hollywood. And I've not had the pleasure of sharing an elevator with Sean "P. Diddy" Combs either, although recently I did share a cramped corner of a Sunset strip diner with Xzibit (funny fella, of MTV's PimpMyRide fame).
Anyway, it's no big deal. Just put on your shades, dress like a pimp, walk with a badass shuffle and speak like you have somethin' up your ass and people think you're involved in the movie business. No big deal. Noisy Hongkie tourists have snapped pics of my "entourage" (Ahmed the burly Libyan and Ramon "el loco" from the Eastside and Tyrone and Jacquizz, my old time pickup basketball buddies from the South-Central hood) countless times while we pontificate on a lazy summer afternoon over overpriced latte on a Rodeo Drive sidewalk.
Anyhow, I've seen Jho Low-esque char kuay tiau hawkers on Gurney Drive but that's another story. As for his credentials and reputation, quick cyber forensics revealed that his rich dad and rich sheik classmates dished out US$25 million as start-up for his Wynton Group. He claimed to have grown this investment to US$1 billion today. Validated? Who knows and who cares. As for expensive partying in New York, LA, Vegas and St. Tropez nightspots with Hollywood celebrities, this guy certainly spends money or induced others to spend money at prolific levels. Wastage? It depends whose pesos and riyals and shekels are being squandered. If those were the sheiks' petrodollars, Jho Low has brought freeloading to new heights of infamy. If his and/or his investors' money picked up the multimillion dollar party tab, then we are looking at a big time wealth destroyer here. Would I engage a fund manager or investment adviser who purportedly throws millions of dollars in champagne-soaked marathon parties and appears merrily inebriated in almost all his public photos? Probably not.
As for this:-
As for this:-

Enjoy it while it lasts fei chai. That is until Paris Hilton finds another fuzzy, cuddly little freakshow mascot for her friends to gawk at hilariously, in a twisted ironic anti-hero fetish these bored socialites revel in before they jet off elsewhere with their well-hung ebony stallions. Of course, if I had a couple of million bucks to burn in a NY nightclub, I wouldn't be leaning foolishly on Paris' bosom. I probably would make her sip the ginger ale (sorry, no US$900 bottles of Cristal champagne in my entourage) from my possum skin Bruno Magli shoes while she leans on my rippling bosom. Anyway, Paris is already sooooo yesterday laah people.
As for Jho Low, I would like him to arise from the clutter and paparazzi circus to methodically demonstrate to us his financial acumen, his specific views on packaging investment inflows on the back of astute financial engineering techniques that would create value to this country. Show us the financial prowess spawned by your basic degree at Wharton, not via no-brainer monetisation of privatised government assets but through real incremental value creation from actual productive initiatives. I want to know Jho Low beyond his grandiose statements of personal friendships with rich sheiks' sons and recollection of sharing an elevator with Sean "P. Diddy" Combs.
Another query:-
... and Nazir the CIMB boss said the NEP has been bastardised ... You got anything to say on that? Or are you just another tongkat-dependent racist piglet? You can answer or not?
Come on lah, Nazir Razak should be the last Melayu to critique the NEP, more so in front of a Chinese congregation with large axes to grind. This has made him the new Malay poster boy in the subversives' relentless assault on Article 153 to the extent of proposing him to be Malaysia's next finance minister. See how fast these parasites embrace a Malay who condemns the NEP? Where were these people all this while when Nazir was busy making fat profits for CIMB? Why no call to make him finance minister then? But the moment he said, "I have strong opinions about how the NEP has been bastardised over the years" and "... every time I mention the NEP, I get blasted," these scums joyously elevated him to saintly status, the Melayu Godchild who will front their crusade to dismantle the NEP and other constitutional privileges of the Melayu Tuan Tanahs.
And he achieved all these without the NEP?
Without the privileged networking and deference and restraint showed by others on account of his ethnicity and political pedigree?
Do you think another Mohamad Nazir bin Abdul Razak, son of a mata-mata in Juasseh, smart albeit underprivileged, would have been the CEO of the largest corporate group in Malaysia today, ceteris paribus? After this other Nazir had made it through the interview process and given a desk job, what do you think he'll be today after over a decade of service? As the Group CEO with an 8-digit paycheck and feted at Malay-bashing circuses around town? Most probably not. He'll likely be just an inconsequential pencil pushing dead-end Penolong Pengurus embedded in a Dilbert cubicle somewhere, lethargic and demoralised from petty company politics that has eroded his dignity over the years. Indeed, many brilliant Malays, including technical doctorates and MBAs from top biz schools, many of them kampung boys made good, today prematurely while their days away in dusuns and kolam pancings while the real meat of the NEP windfall are harvested and squandered by mediocre offsprings of the socio-political elites within Nazir Razak's social circle. That is the bastardisation Nazir should be talking about.
I hope Nazir would realise that his prodigious corporate ascendancy may not be fully attributable to his sheer brilliance. The intangibles, the very elements that created his bastardised NEP, of well-heeled Melayus capitalising on privileged access to the lubangs and jalans and jalan pintas' forged in the name of the NEP, were the decisive factors that placed him where he is today. Indeed, as an NEP beneficiary on the wrong end of the economic need spectrum, shouldn't he himself be the poster child of this bastardised NEP?
Apart from Nazir, I am amused whenever a non-Malay robber baron of the crony kind partake in NEP bashing as well when they themselves were and still are some of the biggest beneficiaries of the structural disequilibrium aspects of the bastardised NEP via their cunning deployment of toothless Malay boardroom frontmen and hiring of obedient Malay management automatons easily seduced by German company cars, leggy secretaries who could hardly type and fat expense accounts. With titled Malay signatures scribbled on Malay-sounding Ali Baba shell companies, these rackets gobbled up the huge majority of government projects, often sweetened by advanced payments and subsidised costs and concessionary financing that transgressed every known financial principle taught in my old Top 10 U.S. business school.
Without the privileged networking and deference and restraint showed by others on account of his ethnicity and political pedigree?
Do you think another Mohamad Nazir bin Abdul Razak, son of a mata-mata in Juasseh, smart albeit underprivileged, would have been the CEO of the largest corporate group in Malaysia today, ceteris paribus? After this other Nazir had made it through the interview process and given a desk job, what do you think he'll be today after over a decade of service? As the Group CEO with an 8-digit paycheck and feted at Malay-bashing circuses around town? Most probably not. He'll likely be just an inconsequential pencil pushing dead-end Penolong Pengurus embedded in a Dilbert cubicle somewhere, lethargic and demoralised from petty company politics that has eroded his dignity over the years. Indeed, many brilliant Malays, including technical doctorates and MBAs from top biz schools, many of them kampung boys made good, today prematurely while their days away in dusuns and kolam pancings while the real meat of the NEP windfall are harvested and squandered by mediocre offsprings of the socio-political elites within Nazir Razak's social circle. That is the bastardisation Nazir should be talking about.
I hope Nazir would realise that his prodigious corporate ascendancy may not be fully attributable to his sheer brilliance. The intangibles, the very elements that created his bastardised NEP, of well-heeled Melayus capitalising on privileged access to the lubangs and jalans and jalan pintas' forged in the name of the NEP, were the decisive factors that placed him where he is today. Indeed, as an NEP beneficiary on the wrong end of the economic need spectrum, shouldn't he himself be the poster child of this bastardised NEP?
Apart from Nazir, I am amused whenever a non-Malay robber baron of the crony kind partake in NEP bashing as well when they themselves were and still are some of the biggest beneficiaries of the structural disequilibrium aspects of the bastardised NEP via their cunning deployment of toothless Malay boardroom frontmen and hiring of obedient Malay management automatons easily seduced by German company cars, leggy secretaries who could hardly type and fat expense accounts. With titled Malay signatures scribbled on Malay-sounding Ali Baba shell companies, these rackets gobbled up the huge majority of government projects, often sweetened by advanced payments and subsidised costs and concessionary financing that transgressed every known financial principle taught in my old Top 10 U.S. business school.
As for the NEP, of course there are many structural defects that must be addressed. It is morally wrong to further enrich already wealthy Bumiputras at the expense of their brethrens truly in need -- the Klang Valley urban poor, the Penang roadside hawker, the Kelantanese subsistence farmer, the natives of interior Borneo -- who languished in crippling poverty and deprivation. However, the NEP and its successor programmes have become a rallying point, a symbolic trophy, for competing forces of Malaysian politics, carving a deep wound between Malays and non-Malays that dissect party coalition lines. The non-Malays now use the NEP as the catch-all codeword to challenge Article 153, which is wrong. The Malays in turn use the NEP as some kind of sacrosanct crown jewel that must be defended at all costs, although the typical poor perwira shouting on the streets actually received next-to-nothing from the NEP pot compared to Nazir Razak's Malay buddies. Suffice to say that this issue warrants a separate future post.
An intriguing question:-
What is the future of Malaysia? Where are we heading? BN and PR what's the difference? What do you suggest?
Our clueless, self-serving politicians from both ends of the partisan divide are propelling our Tanah Air to a calamitous future. Our social cohesion is crumbling by the day, with brazen challenges to our Constitution by subversive elements unchecked by a debilitatingly wimpish government.
How far can our society sustain prickly, throbbing enclaves of socio-cultural misfits zealotrously devoted to obscure ancestral realms as exhibited by blatant imitation of the identity, language and attitude of alien populations in faraway foreign lands?
Add to this turdpile, we are now inundated by African pimps and tricksters guised as "students" and Iranian "merchants" entering our airports with drugs stuffed into every conceivable crevice of their luggage and anatomy. And don't forget the South American hotel thieves and Bangla, Indian and Paki labourers flooding our entry points with fake passports and visas. And I won't even attempt to touch on the two million Indonesians (arguably a pseudo-expeditionary force) firmly embedded on our soil. And of course, the motherlode of vice, the endless waves of lambut kalat China dolls pretending to be "tourists" as if they have a dire need to visit our rainforests and museums and whatnot. This tidalwave of foreigners will escalate as our wimpish national leadership somehow lack the political will to decisively curb this phenomenon and seem unable to comprehend the impending social upheaval precipitated by the proliferation of these aliens in our heartland. In fact, our overtly China-centric tourism minister is aggressively pushing for the wholesale influx of these people under the guise of procuring tourism renmimbis.
Do we just ignore these cancerous anomalies until the socio-toxicity overwhelms us all or do we collectively do something now for the sake of our future generations? Can we depend on politicians to arrest this decline in our social cohesion, in our sense of nationhood, in our national security? As the main catalysts of the ailment themselves, could they find the solutions?
What kind of Rakyat have we become? How come we have allowed our destiny and our childrens’ future be charted by a bunch of bungling fools, perverts, tricksters and outright crooks? How did we as a nation ended up with a syiok sendiri jargon-laden PM and a sleazy opposition leader who wants to be the PM at all costs plus sleepy mullahs and assorted rabid racists hellbent on imposing social chaos and anarchy on a land they know they cannot own.
Folks, we need a revolution. No, not of the French or Russian or Romanian kinds, but a revolution within our inner selves, and collectively as a society, as members of the real Anak Bangsa Malaysia. We must ask ourselves, is Malaysia’s current evolutionary trajectory as a nation a tenable proposition? Should we allow and tolerate the ongoing chaotic undercurrents perpetrated by incorrigible, treasonous forces determined to alienise themselves from the Malaysian mainstream? Should we just stand aside and watch our curiously spineless government bent over backwards to accommodate these subversives in its futile hope of garnering votes in the next GE? Is this what its all about? Votes? Do Malaysia have the luxury of trading anarchy for votes? Is this the way to rebuild our crumbling nation? Let's discuss this and the other issues mentioned in this post.
What kind of Rakyat have we become? How come we have allowed our destiny and our childrens’ future be charted by a bunch of bungling fools, perverts, tricksters and outright crooks? How did we as a nation ended up with a syiok sendiri jargon-laden PM and a sleazy opposition leader who wants to be the PM at all costs plus sleepy mullahs and assorted rabid racists hellbent on imposing social chaos and anarchy on a land they know they cannot own.
Folks, we need a revolution. No, not of the French or Russian or Romanian kinds, but a revolution within our inner selves, and collectively as a society, as members of the real Anak Bangsa Malaysia. We must ask ourselves, is Malaysia’s current evolutionary trajectory as a nation a tenable proposition? Should we allow and tolerate the ongoing chaotic undercurrents perpetrated by incorrigible, treasonous forces determined to alienise themselves from the Malaysian mainstream? Should we just stand aside and watch our curiously spineless government bent over backwards to accommodate these subversives in its futile hope of garnering votes in the next GE? Is this what its all about? Votes? Do Malaysia have the luxury of trading anarchy for votes? Is this the way to rebuild our crumbling nation? Let's discuss this and the other issues mentioned in this post.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, said Wiliam Shakespeare. You hit the nail right on the head as far as that Helen Ang woman and her maladies are concerned.
Welcome back, KijangMas. Been a long time. Delighted that you are back in the same spirit as before. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since you last wrote here. Murky, dirty and dangerous water. Full of crocodiles and harmony gobbling beasts.
Racism breeds hate and hate breeds contempt. And nasty reactions, too. The seditious Tony Pua's suggestion on Malay housing discount and the MCA Economic Congress resolution calling for the abolition of the 30% Bumiputera equity have led to Bumiputeras saying that, if these people question the Malay Special Position, the Malays will question their right to citizenship and that of their descendants. Because, they say, one is the quid pro quo of the other. Such views have started to appear in blogs and elsewhere.
All these erode further the thin layer of goodwill and harmony existing in the country today. The Government must reign in the wayward and seditious fellows by using the Sedition Act. They must take bold steps in bringing about long-term peace and harmony. The single-stream schooling or Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua (SSS) is the only vehicle in that direction.
The adults are already hardened in their attitudes and prejudices. Attempts must be made to get the young, at their formative age, to experience a sense of togetherness in a one school for all environment, develop common values, hopes and aspirations for the country.
My initial comment will be based on your own script as partly copied bellow:
".... Muhibbah-by-convenience do not make a nation. We must, therefore, go back to the basics of nationhood. We must have a national identity, driven by a common national language and a set of common values etched in stone. We must extinguish the differentiations that alienated ourselves and that gave rise to the primal instinct to survive amidst competing tribes."
I totally agree to this brilliant attribute and as a very senior citizen waiting for burial time I would like to add up.
We used to have a national cultural policy which was built after a hectic convention in 1971. The policy laid (in my own translation):
1. The National Culture will trust on the Malay culture. (as the traditional culture of this land)
2. Relevant and appropriate elements from cultures of other ethnic groups may be accepted to be part of the National Culture.
3. Islam shall be the screen factor to the making of the National Culture.
The policy was academically discussed and accepted by scholars of all ethnic representatives but it had to cruse difficult hardship in the social acceptance due to small groups of political interest partied.
We also believe that social reformation of the structure should go through schools. Thus we put up the Sekolah Kebangsaan Policy with the hope to do away with the different schools for different ethnic groups. It became Political issue. Gov. have to dilute by giving assistance and budgets to ethnocentric schools thus.
Latter we came up with Sekolah Wawasan aimed to have one school with all subjects needed by all but all grouped in one school. This also didn't work due to ethnic interest of political domain.
Latter on we proposed the most lenient Sekolah Intergrasi which intended to put different schools for different ethnic groups but in the same locality so the children will see each other every day though going to their own schools of the choice of their parents.
Thus the question is, can we make our way to achieve the integrated society? Or do we want it at all?
THIS IS THE REAL CHALLENGE WE ARE FACING. And to my thinking and observations these game is being played by many of the young politicians today; some names have been mentioned in your report.
And what the heck was that imam doing? Just obediently sat there while this hyperactive DAP cadre grabbed the microphone and gave a ceramah to a captive audience?
What the heck that iman doing, sir?
Look at his eyes...and his hands..
He is trying to conceal his hard on while eyes fixed at the Amoi's bontot in the tight fitting sarong!
ha! ha!
Ride on, Sir!
hello? hello?
RIDE ON..!!!
Salam Tuan KijangMas Perkasa,
Sepatutnya artikel Tuan yang memeberikan identiti kepada Bangsa Malaysia ini, dibukukan dan dijadikan bahan rujukan kepada DS Najib dan kabinetnya dalam memimpin negara ini kearah Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara dan Satu Bahasa.
Bukannya dengan menambahkan kekeliruan identiti yang berbentuk rojak dengan membenarkan bahasa asing seperti Mandarin dipromosikan oleh Najib sendiri.
Kepimpinan DS Najib adalah lemah bagi saya.
"Malaysia, Negara Kita"
Salam Sejahtera Tuan KijangMas Perkasa,
Selamat menunaikan puasa dan menyambut Syawal yang akan menjelang tiba.
Sekian lama, kini Tuan kembali menyemarakkan lagi semangat patriotisma bagi anak-anak bangsa yang cintakan tanahair.
Tidak dinafikan, keadaan di negara ini sedikit celaru kebelakangan ini.
Diharap posting-posting sebegini dapat menyedarkan yang terlalai terutama pemimpin-pemimpin kita.
Salam sejahtera semoga diberkati sepanjang masa.
Dear KijangMas Sir,
When you wrote:-
...See how fast these parasites embrace a Malay who condemns the NEP? Where were these people all this while when Nazir was busy making fat profits for CIMB? Why no call to make him finance minister then? But the moment he said, "I have strong opinions about how the NEP has been bastardised over the years" and "... every time I mention the NEP, I get blasted," these scums joyously elevated him to saintly status, the Melayu Godchild who will front their crusade to dismantle the NEP and other constitutional privileges of the Melayu Tuan Tanahs.
I think you have hit the dot.
It about hitting the Malays (not even the bumiputeras). It even got some Malays fooled (so-called liberals) by their hidden agendas.
- Sketsa di Sebuah Rumah Di Perkampungan Melayu
- Bastardest! Hush Up Will You?
- Ketuanan Melayu
Your posting should be the guiding notes to better Malaysia, a truly Malaysia.
Thank you.
Itu bukan Teo Nie Ching laa Tuan Kijangmas. Itu teo naa seng, the second bastardised side-product daughter of NEP adopted sister of Nazir. Now we understand why they want to do away with this NEP. Too many side-product and waste materials.
And the JK of that mosque, most certainly PAS people of PR of course. Don't they know the fine grains of adab of being present in a mosque, the tudung, the covering of aurat for women? And this teo naa seng is putting on a tight fitting whatever that astually accentuate her aurat? Are PAS people mewarisi the gullibalities of their Mursyid? Or are they allowing this transgression of Muslim etiquete just so to get a cheap thrilling hard on? Look at how that imam or whatever holding his hands in between his legs. Is he hiding something down there? Look at how he "hangs" his head. Is he nearing orgasm or is actually ejaculating?
Is it very interesting to note how these people quickly elevated one status as Melayu Godchild wheneverever there was a Malay, opening his mouth against his own skin. The so-called Malay liberal, the likes of Marina Mahathir, Azmi Sharom, Haris Tea pot, Art Harun (is he a Malay or a chinese subversive?) suddenly becomes the icon of their communist tainted ideologies.
It is even more interesting how intense they bash their own skin (the likes of Ridhuan Tee and Prof Khoo Kay Kim etc) who refuse to subscribe to their ultra-kiasuness and treacherous agenda against this nation. In bashing their own skin, these traitors has become a "babi gila yang gila babi".
In case people some might read the last para of Barubhasa Al Jawiyun's comment as not quite in praise of Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Khoo Kay kim and Dr Ridhuan Tee, please allow me to say that those two are exemplary Malaysians who I am, and we all should be, proud to associate with.
They both fully respect the Constitution, agree on the need for Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak to have a fair share of the wealth of the country and other efforts at bringing about unity in the country.
They have repeatedly spoken out on these matters. Hopefully some of those whom Dr Ridhuan calls ultrakiasu, and those whom Professor Khoo addressed in his comment regarding the abolish-30%-Bumi-equity MCA Economic Congress resolution, would heed their calls.
The ultrakiasus among them may be hard-headed gone-casers, but business people who have learnt how much business was affected by the racial riots of 1969 ought to re-think their stand. Good that DS Najib had admonished them though not in so many words.
We want economic progress but not at the expense of the rights and interests of the majority (nearly 70% Malays and Sabah & Sarawak Bumiputeras) population of the country.
Good grief, your writing is damn true.
This thought should come from our PM and not DM.
Oh my, great stuff, and beginning to like living in this country knowing full well that someone like you is here!!!!.
Awesome, just what we need.
It is ok to be frustrated, to be fed up but we shall NEVER give up.
The mother of the politcal scandals here;
The Ombudsman.
Dear KijangMas,
I am Malaysian of Chinese descent. I don't really know where to start. I like to think there are many non-Malays like me out there. I think there are but their voices have been hijacked by our Politicians of both divide. I am born and bred in KL. I know no home besides Malaysia. I attended Sekolah Kebangsaan. I speak fluent Bahasa Malaysia.
I have no problem with NEP and I have no problem with Muslims (but I do have problems with masuk Melayu dan Arab and holier than thous (ie PAS), but that is another story). I have no problem helping out my poorer country men/women. But some times, (there is this niggling doubt), will my Malay country men/women help me out if I need it? I guess there is this fear in the non-Malays with recent events. I like to think they will but reality of life is 'kulification' is getting worse in Malaysia. Not just for the CHinese but the Malays too.
Perhaps instead of just highlighting all the problems plaguing our country, we should also highlight successes (no I am not talking about the tallest, the longest and biggest of whatever).
I think my problem is (perhaps majority of our problem is) we don't know the way to be the real anak bangsa malaysia.
And I think it is stupid to keep bickering your skin color, my religion vs yours, my rights vs your rights...we should just shut up and concentrate on one single objective. We need to have that objective. Something we can share together. Something that when we think of Malaysia, we can proudly say hey I have a share in that.
Sama la dengan Bik Mama beri ceramah dalam masjid dan surau kepada puteri UMNO dengan tidak bertudung juga. Harus diingat puteri UMNO kat Sabah adalah bumiputera yg non Muslim...
Kah kah kah kah...hantam la labu..
Before KijangMas could answer you, may I say something somewhat similar.
I also have been thinking like you have, for years now.
I'm a Malay, agreeing that the non-Malays have a right to live in this country, as citizens, even as PRs, contributing to the development of the country. I don't question that right, never said they should not have the wealth they have acquired. All I want is the Malays get a fair share of the riches this country offers in the years ahead. We all should live in peace and harmony as fellow Malaysians.
But when DAP Tony Pua puts out a nasty proposal on the Bumiputera housing discount and the MCA Economic Congress did a resolution calling for the abolition of the 30% Bumi equity, I told myself, my goodness, the Malays will be asking that the citizenship right of those fellows and their descendants be withdrawn. Because citizenship right was the quid pro quo for the Malay Special Position. True enough, many people, presumably Malays, have already spoken along that line here and elsewhere.
Sometimes I wonder about the good people like you, who simply want a life of peace and quiet, who respect and abide by the Constitution of the country, attended sekolah kebangsaan, speak BM fluently, mind your own business, fully occupied with your own business - how you all think about those who are not like you, who do practically the opposite of what you do, who isolate themselves by refusing to join the mainstream of society. Malaysian citizens, but speak for vernacular schools, not proficient in and hardly speak BM, shout everywhere against the NEP and Article 153, do not respect and live by the Constitution and instigate others to do the same. Not just non-Malays but some holier-than-thou Malays, too. My goodness, Jenny, sometimes just thinking about these can be mind bogling.
As to what can be done, our friend KijangMas here has written excellent and inspiring - albeit hard-hitting - articles, one titled something like the creation of a Bangsa Malaysia and another titled "At Last, Some One With Testicular Fortitude". They must be over a year ago but you may like to dig this blog's Archives - they are really worth reading, the suggestions and the concrete proposals KM put out.
In fact, the proposal on single-stream schooling or Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua (SSS) has been developed to the putting up of a website dedicated to SSS and the creation of a cohesive and united Bangsa Malaysia, entitled Kempen SSS. Just googling those words would get you there.
Instead of shutting up, we need to speak up on that one single objective. We already have that objective, that something you want to share together. "Something that when we think of Malaysia, we can proudly say hey I have a share in that". Do visit the Kempen SSS site and state your piece there as much and as often as possible. I remember seeing that they have not banned even a few series of rude comments though they seem to have wisened up and perhaps stiffened up a bit in their counter comments.
They have lately widened the scope of the blog into discussing the whole spectrum of issues that concern harmony and unity - more than just the subject of single-stream schooling. I hope this comment is of some use to you and I hope to be exchanging views with you here in this blog as well as in the Kempen SSS blog, in the interest of the future well being of our country.
Salam Tuan KijangMas dan pengunjung semua,
Saya percaya ramai warga kita yang berketurunan bukan Melayu atau Bumiputera seperti Sdri Jenny. Mereka ini ramai di Kelantan, Trengganu, Kedah & Perlis saya rasa. Bagi saya, tiada masalah kerana kita sebangsa, yakni Bangsa Malaysia. Biarpun ada yang mengatakan bahawa mana ada bangsa Malaysia di dunia. Kalau tidak ada, maka adakanlah bermula dari sekarang. Apa masalahnya?
Yang menjadi masalah kepada negara ini dan warganya atau orang-orang yang berperangai serupa dengan "Pendatang".
Hanya badan saja ada di bumi ini, tapi otak, fikiran, hati dan jiwa semuanya berpaksikan negara Cina.
Bila berkomunikasi, tidak mahu guna bangsa Kebangsaan. Tidak juga bahasa kedua (Inggeris). Asyik dok junjung bahasa asing negara China komunis. Tidak mahu bercampur gaul dengan sewajarnya. Asyik menyalak dok mempertikaikan hak orang lain dan kerajaan,. tamak haloba dan biadap. Bukannya ada rasa hormatpun kepada Raja-Raja.
Mereka-mereka ini yang mengucar kacirkan keadaan dan memberikana nama buruk kepada kaum mereka sehinggakan orang spt Sdri Jenny pun terpalit sama.
Oleh itu, demi negara kita ini, adalah wajar Sdri Jenny memainkan peranan untuk sama-sama menyedarkan "Pendatang-pendatang" ini. Sekiranya tidak mahu menjunjung langit negara ini tempat mereka berpijak, sila berambus keluar dari negara ini.
"Di mana bumi dipijak, di situ langit dijunjung"
encik tuan/cik puan eeka,
Check this one!
The beginning of SSS
The Petition
The little wittle teeny meeny sobbing fella
I think you might like the posts..
and.. oh yes! take your time but dont miss THIS ONE
take care!
Ride on..!!!
bik mama = amoi dapig = tidak bertudung
bik mama -> mandi hadas? maybe yes, maybe no.
amoi dapig -> mandi hadas? definitely No!
Non-muslim masuk masjid/surau?
Dibolehkan sekiranya dibenarkan oleh pengurusan dan mengikut adab-adap yang digariskan. Tujuannya nak meninjau/melawat
dapig masuk masjid/surau?
oklah pengurusan benarkan. Tapi ketua agama negeri sudah bertitah melarang. Kenapa larang? Baginda larang berpolitik kat tempat ibadah. Dapig dan pengurusan surau engkar kepada titah Sultan. Derhaka namanya tu. Sebab apa? Tujuan masuk untk berpolitik meraih simpati melayu muslim lembu tongong dan bengong.
kah! kah! kah! terjun la labu!
Syabas, KM. Another reader has superbly summarised below;
"Corruption is common in almost all countries where the democracy is practised and those in power are elected. Elections is a very expensive process and someone has to pay. The corporate sector leaders provide the funds for the politicians and on winning the elected political leaders are required to pay their financiers by expropriating the assets and wealth belonging to the public and citizens. The political leaders are also there to ensure that the laws passed are corporate friendly and that the enforcement/judiciary either exempt them from any prosecution for any excesses or negotiate penalties. This is collusion at the highest level and is done by those who are said to be professionals, highly literate, with titles and holding positions of trust. In some countries it is called 'plea bargaining'.
The most democratic country in the world is well known for its 'plea bargaining' system and it is a rare occasion when a person found guilty is ever sent to prison for the full period as prescribed in laws.
Other democratic countries follow their leader and in some cases have their own method of being corrupted. The Taib/Samling USD1 mansion purchase in Seattle, USA is just one method.
The oath taken by all leaders/professionals is just words without any intention of practising what is spoken. There is no fear of the ALMIGHTY and the laws are under their control. Ethics, Accountability, Corporate Governance, honesty and other similar values are only slogans to be written and spoken but are rarely practised.
In the developed countries the accumulated wealth is used to ensure that no laws/enforcment is taken which might reduce the wealth whereas in the developing countries the wealth is accumulated after the elected posts are won."
Actually, we do not really need polticians (PAS included) to run the country, the answer can be found in the book "Melayu Islam Beraja"
We shall CONVERGE !
Salam Tuan KM,
Thank you so much for your long-awaited post. Your writings have never failed to offer me some fresh insights on what it means to be a citizen. I think I belong to the group of "Malaysia's voiceless, anxious urban young" like the sender of the first note in your article. I'm in my late 20's working in a technical field and globally well-traveled. I'm not ashamed to admit that I am where I am partly due to the implementation of NEP.
The thing about NEP is, I see a chicken-and-egg situation every time it is brought up. When Non-Bumis question the Special Position, the Bumis in retaliation question their citizenship. Please forgive my ignorance and I hope I'm not being simplistic in thinking that we started the wrong way. I think there's a need to get back to the drawing board to re-engineer the very foundation of the country's nationhood. Can we foresee a situation in the near future where we do away with the institutionalised preferential treatment based on race, and a strict full-scale enforcement of the Constitution? In such condition, the very definition of Bumiputera and its associated Special Position is forgone, the medium of teaching in all schools shall be the National Language, and all Rakyat irrespective of race will be entitled to the same privileges.
The keyword here is "Rakyat". Looking at the current state of our strongly polarised society, perhaps a citizenship-worthiness test on a national scale should be conducted. In such a test (example here), not only the proficiency in the national language is evaluated but also the applicant's knowledge of the country's history, culture and basic laws are examined. Those who pass the test shall be granted citizenship and entitled to its associated privileges, while those who fail for one reason or another, shall be granted a PR status and hence lose the right to vote. In that way, the born-again Rakyat will have a sense of appreciation of their acquired citizenship. Entry requirement into UITM/MSRM/SBP will be no longer be defined by race, though careful steps must be in place to guarantee social mobility. Racist opportunists harping on the NEP and Special Positions will then become irrelevant. SJKs will be a thing of the past. These measures are certainly tough to implement especially since we are already more than half a century down the road, but it's definitely a worthwhile undertaking for such a matter of paramount importance. What do you think?
I am so tired of all the political meanderings. It is just another telenovela except Malaysian style. I am tired of the old drama and would like the new cadre to take over. The only problem is we don't seem to have any younger leaders that is of calibre to step out and step up to the responsibility of leading the country. The ones we do have are already contaminated and they are not even Ministers yet.
Pergi tidur lagi baik and leave all the political luncais with their labus.
DSN is so boring too! I basically belive that he should not be bothered to continue as PM after the next GE. Instead he really should seriously look into grooming the next generation of leaders.
Boring! Need to see new faces and new blood with fresh ideas who are not only articulate, intelligent, visionary also with high integrity. Boleh ka? Most probably Mimpi disiang hari if that ever happens...
Keturunan Jebat
Salam Bro KijangMas
Welcome back to the blogland!
Where should I start?
Perhaps let us look at the Society Breakdown Indicators to understand the magnitude of issue.
Look at common we Malaysian have anything in common in our Public Space?
Do the private action of one particular group encroach the Public Space of others? Similar analogy can be seen in a women wearing a horrible perfume sampai pening kepala semua orang.
How bout the togetherness or the glue of our society? Anything there of late?
I just heard from some visiting Malaysians that the up n coming merdeka is poorly received from all you cant even see how u used to
I told them look out the window as we drove past a number of smaller buildings.......rows and rows of Indonesian Flags still up....and the Independence day was on the 17th Aug....not only that at every kampung there will be a local specific event to celebrate the day with contributions from everyone organised by the Ketua RT (equivalent to Ketua Kampung)
Even on the spritual side hancus...go into any of the poorly maintained suraus in KL especially shopping complexes...folks just walk in and terus sembahyang without considering Jemaah at all, most of the time rows and rows of individual main bantai aje....a completely different picture here..not only there will be a well maintained suraus in buildings owned by non muslims...but Solat Jemaah is automatic......
and of MultiCultural sensitivities....take ramadan...most of the Bars and Clubs shuts down...out of sensitivity and not RULE....had berbuka last week at chillies and guess what the Bar is turned into a makeshift prayer room for customers with wuduk at the kitchen....semua orang kat sini ngerti adap sopan..or even during nyepi in Bali everything shuts down ..even the airport.....
thousands of other observation I can share....none of which can be observed in this Multi Cultural "Country" Malaysia...
this country has no soul in comparison to their neighbours with the exception of that legoblock Island down south....
Sedih....let us start now...
Folks are too lost in the pursuit of individual needs at the expense of society as a whole..the subpar quality of the current line up does not help the situation either
Nazir Razak, on the list of Top 40 Richest Malaysians at number 40 with a total wealth of RM345 million
Mokhzani, 47 at number 20 with a net value estimated at slightly over a billion ringgit.
Anak Najib bila lagi?
No wonder Anwar is fighting so hard to become Prime Minister.
Anak Bangsa Malaysia yang lain nganga….
salam Ramadhan, and wish you well. To start with, thanks for posting such a strong and direct opinion, whether people agree or disagree, your right to speak out must be respected by all.
Perkara pertama dan yang paling asas, I think we, the voters, have made a mistake in the last GE. Surely, we felt good in sending some old faggot into retirement with our golden votes, but in return, we also contributed to this delicate balance that we are in today. One thing about maturing democracy, it is not mature yet and we all work towards creating a more mature society, we should work towards improving our level of tolerance as well.
Orang politik memang lah nak cari publicity, whether Wira Pasir Mas ke, cry baby Ah Siong ke, itu kerja dia, and we pay them to do that for crying out loud! So, blame them? No, blame us, the voters, for making all these possible. Also, be watchful, Pak Ibrahim and Ah Siong the cry baby who is on his way to become the next MCA President, will win in next GE and they will be, like the DIGI commercial, follow you!
Perkara yang kedua, Satu Malaysia…yang sedihnya tak begitu ”Satu” lah. The price of executing an over-powering media campaign to promote and indoctrinate a lame slogan is that, people will soon see through the publicity tricks and become more skeptical. With a slogan evidently built on shaky political foundation and rely solely on the good will of the powerful, how can people on the top who love flashing the One-Finger salute in accordance to the One Malaysia spirit expect the people would just blindly accept the concept when there are still many unresolved racial and religious issues? Since when asking the people to shout “Satu Malaysia” and stick the one finger salute so close to their nose for photo-op would pass as “people are with the concept”? Come on lah macha..
Teringin nak sentuh pasai Utusan Malaysia....but no need lah, i think in this country, there should be one newspaper that could get away with anything, let it be Utusan.
Perkara ketiga, our Federal Constitution. People, especially the pak menteris, jangan suka nak lecture rakyat pasai Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Social Contract etc. This document is easily available everywhere, and no less than 90% of Malaysians are literate. So please stop telling us that YOUR version the correct one! Enough! What you all should do, dear obiwannabe, are not to rape the Constitution for your own political mileage. There are so many policies that have contradicted with the Constitution, so why suddenly so particular about 153, Citizenship, Education etc etc etc…? Be consistent, if u cant do that, lets try “be honest”.
Perkara ke-empat, lets stop kidding ourselves as becoming “Bangsa Malaysia”, not when loud-mouth politicians don’t want to leave us alone. Twitter, Facebook, Blogs etc…are flooded with foul logics articulated by cheap politicians, their objective? To annoy us to the maximum so that in next GE, we will vote against their opponent or not to vote at all to increase their chances of winning. So this mind pollution is not going to end any time soon, how to be Bangsa Malaysia under such circumstances?
Perkara ke-lima, this country is a democracy still, maturing, but we already know who will be the next PM. There is certain things call democracy, and there are other things people call “family legacy”. So from here, lets not trouble ourselves by speaking loudly about votes, democracy, people’s power. U know it is all there, decided, with or without your votes. If Anwar becomes PM, then expect his daughter to be the next in line; now with Najib as PM, you know who’s next. So if we know what problems we are facing now and in the future, you know who is going to help you solve it next, so stay focus, place the right bet in the next GE.
In the spirit of Merdeka, in conjunction with Bulan Puasa, lets us hope and pray that God All Mighty will protect us from all evils and harmful elements. Terima kasih dan maaf sekiranya terkasar bahasa.
budak kampung
We've become so segregated in Malaysia. Through out the country different group of people have different ideas on which direction the country should take. Ask the mullahs and they will say that the country should become more Islamic, a position I don't really agree on. If these mullahs can move beyond rhetoric(seriously wearing ManU jerseys will not deter my faith in Allah S.W.T) and really provide concrete solutions to real life problems, I fail to see how becoming more "islamic" per se will really help our country. At the other end of the spectrum, you have the liberals, who want a more open, democratic, tolerant secular Malaysia. NEP and force conversions be gone. A position mostly confined to Klang Valley young and savvy professionals. To these ppl I say good luck convincing the rural malays. Most of are just stuck in the middle.
Some might say that all this discussion and differences in
opinion is healthy in a maturing democracy. But in this country, I call it demoCRAZY. The absence of a COMMON NATIONAL IDENTITY AND AN ENTRENCHED NATIONAL LANGUAGE it becomes difficult if not impossible to "agree to disagree".
We have to start somewhere, so lets start with 1 school for all. Leave politics out of it.
I would like to comment on two issues. 1 Melayu dick, 2 Mosque behaviour.
You said maybe Helen misses a Malay dick, but as a Malay women who I know that a Malay man's dick is just as big as his ambitions without the NEP. That is why the Melayu women of today prefer the Bangla, Pakis, Sikhs and Negros who come to Malaysia illegally. These group, unlike the Melayu men, don't need NEP to grow their dicks, as genetically, they have proven pleasure monsters between their legs. Helen, if you havent, try the Paki dick and you would laugh at how silly u have been to go after Malay dick.
2 Please visit RPK's and watch the latest youtube upload on how a mosque was turned into a fashion show circus by UMNO, disgustingly attired models and no tudung malay girl with beautiful hair who sat close to a malay boy should be caught for khalwat in the mosque for sitting so close.
Judge for yourself who is bapak setan, the chinese lady who did not cover her head, or the carnival in a mosque.
Salam kepada semua.
By Kebaya Lover
Salam KM,
I read Kebaya Lover's comments and it reminds me of how these immigrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh and even Africa have learned our language and use it well in mere few years of being here.
However most of our Chinese Malaysians have yet to even learn to speak Bahasa Malaysia properly.
They still speak Chinese in office meetings and socially joke among themselves in Chinese even when the other races are around.
I really do not think that the majority of Chinese Malaysians are interested in nation building. I believe what they want is just a place where they can live their idea of a romanticised China wherever they are and the rest are to be tolerated until they can subjugate them.
Hohoho KM, welcome back.
Nice to hear you continue whacking the ungrateful ingratiates (double whammy there), the wayward and the deviates, the lost souls and the uncompromising pontificates.
We need a united Bangsa Malaysia but these people must respect the Constitution and follow acceptable norms of behaviour and conduct befitting the status of Malaysian citizens.
1-2 comments on the comments that have come in, pls:
bulu ketiak -
Yes, "we started the wrong way" in that the British gave citizenship to the non-Malays before Merdeka without enforcing conditions of loyalty, the Malays at Merdeka agreeing to non-Malay citizenship but relaxing citizenship rules after Merdeka, the British allowing political parties be registered along racial lines, etc, etc.
But there's no need to "get back to the drawing board to re-engineer the very foundation of the country's nationhood".
Until there's a level playing field, "doing away with the institutionalised preferential treatment based on race, and a strict full-scale enforcement of the Constitution" will lead to a revolution. The Malays hold dear those institutions that represent their Special Position which, the British had pointed out in their Parliament years ago, had been there at the outset - "on day one".
We do need a revolution, though - of the inner soul, of the mind, of a willingness to take the opportunities provided to us in positive ways, of leading the country into an economically developed status with those very institutions remaining intact. Remember, The Special Position was recorded in the Constitution as a quid pro quo for non-Malay citizenship. It is loud and clear.
But your idea of a citizenship-worthiness test sounds good to me. Perhaps it is already conducted for Permanent Residents interviewed for citizenship. But the Language Proficiency Test that had been designed for use for issue of citizenship papers after Merdeka should be applied for the issue of MyKad from now on.
Then we can hope for respect at least of the National Language.
Kebaya Lover,
I'm not sure what you mean by saying "You said maybe Helen misses a Malay dick, but as a Malay women who I know that a Malay man's dick is just as big as his ambitions without the NEP".
You implied you have tasted a Malay man's dick, old chap. Perhaps Anwarul Jalan Belakang? How was it, big? Did you enjoy it?
You also said, "That is why the Melayu women of today prefer the Bangla, Pakis, Sikhs and Negros who come to Malaysia illegally". You are being nasty there, aren't you?
Then you said, "These group, unlike the Melayu men, don't need NEP to grow their dicks, as genetically, they have proven pleasure monsters between their legs." Wow, you have tried them oso, ha? Between your legs at your back side, ha?
You must be so jealous of Malay dicks that you even told Helen being silly going after Malay dicks.
But when you ask readers to visit RPK's Malaysia-today, I know lah you are yearning for a Malay dick.
Difficult to accept your salam, Kebaya Lover. Salam means peace and your comment doesn't show that at all.
Me? I'm doing justice defending Malay men, dicks and all.
In The Non-Levelled Playing Field - Meritocracy Is RACIST
"...It is racial beause he (MCA's president) was advocating taking away the protection afforded by the NEP and quotas from the bumiputras and not from any other race...."
"...As much as giving protection to one race is racial, taking it away from that race so as to benefit another race must also be racial. The suggestion coming as it did from a racially exclusive economic congress must be because it is in the interest of that race. That must be racial even though the demand is for meritocracy..."
"...In education whereas there is about 60% bumiputera in the Government universities, there are less than 10% in the private universities. And there are more private universities, university colleges and colleges than there are public (Government) universities. Even the 10% bumiputera are there because of scholarships by MARA. Take the scholarships away and there would be practically none.
Why is it that the focus is only on what is done by the Government? If the bumiputera in Government universities should be reduced, then the bumiputera in the private universities should be increased. Or else meritocracy would reduce the number of bumiputeras getting university education. Or is it the intention to deny bumiputeras higher education? ..."
"...Government decided to allow for private colleges and universities to be set up. They can twin with recognised foreign universities and should issue their diplomas and degrees. The reason for allowing private institutions of higher learning is to reduce cost of tertiary education so that the parents who could not afford to send their children abroad can have access to foreign qualification from local private institutions. You can guess who are the beneficiaries of this Government policy..."
"...even with the 5% advantage given to bumiputera contractors, many of the Government contracts do not go to them because of their lack of capacity. Even if they do get, non-bumiputera contractors get most of the sub-contracts etc.
Actually construction by the private sector is bigger than the public sector. In the private sector the bumiputera contractors get next to nothing..."
- NAJIB'S 'Yet To Be Finalised' MEB Versus 'The Already Dumped' NEP
"...Take away the minor protection afforded by the NEP and the bumiputera will lose whatever that they may have. Then racial division will be deepened by wealth division. I don't think this would be good for the country. Remember it was the disparity between rich and poor in Europe which led to the violence of the Communist revolution..."
Part 1
In The Non-Levelled Playing Field - Meritocracy Is RACIST
"...It is racial beause he (MCA's president) was advocating taking away the protection afforded by the NEP and quotas from the bumiputras and not from any other race...."
"...As much as giving protection to one race is racial, taking it away from that race so as to benefit another race must also be racial. The suggestion coming as it did from a racially exclusive economic congress must be because it is in the interest of that race. That must be racial even though the demand is for meritocracy..."
"...In education whereas there is about 60% bumiputera in the Government universities, there are less than 10% in the private universities. And there are more private universities, university colleges and colleges than there are public (Government) universities. Even the 10% bumiputera are there because of scholarships by MARA. Take the scholarships away and there would be practically none.
Why is it that the focus is only on what is done by the Government? If the bumiputera in Government universities should be reduced, then the bumiputera in the private universities should be increased. Or else meritocracy would reduce the number of bumiputeras getting university education. Or is it the intention to deny bumiputeras higher education? ..."
"...Government decided to allow for private colleges and universities to be set up. They can twin with recognised foreign universities and should issue their diplomas and degrees. The reason for allowing private institutions of higher learning is to reduce cost of tertiary education so that the parents who could not afford to send their children abroad can have access to foreign qualification from local private institutions. You can guess who are the beneficiaries of this Government policy..."
-> cont
-> cont
Part 2
In The Non-Levelled Playing Field - Meritocracy Is RACIST
"...even with the 5% advantage given to bumiputera contractors, many of the Government contracts do not go to them because of their lack of capacity. Even if they do get, non-bumiputera contractors get most of the sub-contracts etc.
Actually construction by the private sector is bigger than the public sector. In the private sector the bumiputera contractors get next to nothing..."
- NAJIB'S 'Yet To Be Finalised' MEB Versus 'The Already Dumped' NEP
"...Take away the minor protection afforded by the NEP and the bumiputera will lose whatever that they may have. Then racial division will be deepened by wealth division. I don't think this would be good for the country. Remember it was the disparity between rich and poor in Europe which led to the violence of the Communist revolution..."
Problem very clearly stated.
Objectively measured, there may not be any problem, but the rhetoric of the Opposition and the naivety of the BN leadership makes it appear we might be on the brink of a catastophe, and a catastrophe it will be if this gap between rhetoric and reality is not checked and instead allowed to grow.
Racists propensities were more effectively countered or productively channelled by Dr Mahathir during his time, effectively displacing the rhetoric with performance, even before anyone realized it.
But we lack his genius.
Nay, we try to mitigate the influence of his genius when we say we come with 'no baggage'. Why did our ancestors pick Mahathir? Because they knew the NEP intentions were good but the implementation beyond us.
The tension between rhetoric and performance is an old one. Occasionally, God intervenes. Another 10 generations before the likes of Dr Mahathir.
Dear KijangMas,
Sorry about multiple postings above. Somehow I got error message saying something about the comment being too large to process. Thought it did not get through, so tried reposting several times. Sorry to "spam" unintentionally your comment box.
I think it is important to know what Che Det has pointed out.
NEP eventhough it looks like benefitting the Malays and Bumiputera directly, especially on education and government fat contracts, the actual indirect benefits go the the ones who shout the most against govt's policies, wanting to take away all the privileges accorded to the Malays and Bumiputera. They cry discrimination,unfair etc while they reap the benefits. Very simple indicator. Just look around and judge it for yourselves who are behind in terms of getting higher educations and who have wealthier lives. As simple as that!
With explanation by Tun Mahathir (as posted by Kenn above) and article by Jebat Must Die, I wonder why Najib dumped NEP, and replace it with MEB.
So far, I heard MEB will take away whatever privileges that had been accorded in NEP (Bumiputera will be left with nothing) and the non-bumi will get more (on top of what they have enjoyed, indirectly)
Who has been advising Najib?
Well, I think it all started with the Malays proving themselves to be talented and highly capable - Petronas is the icon.
So the nons (both domestic and neighbourly) are nervous. With dwindling birth rates and constant migration, their population percentage is troubling.
They worry about not being the economic monopoly anymore, reduced political clout, vanishing clan affiliation, evaporating cultural identity amidst the ever increasing presence of the bumi clout.
They abhor taking instructions from the bumis, so the tongkat (which has brought great benefits) has to be removed now, long before the expiry date.
So that they still have that initial lead, the headstart ...
The solution: ignore all unreasonable rantings and be guided by the constitution in implementing policies that benefit the majority.
If Satu Sekolah is so hard to implement, then enhance the Sekolah Kebangsaan - channel funds to provide for great teachers, dynamic curriculum, revised and valid assessment, latest pedagogic technology, innovative teaching methodology etc, etc ...
Very soon the vernacular schools will suffer enrolment rates due to the pull factor of the Sekolah Kebangsaan.
The seeds of Anak Bangsa Malaysia would have been sowned.
Let us start small first...and once it is effective, then do away with NEP.
Chinese Chamber of Commerce and all business enterprises, mandatory to have 30% Bumi participations in all their businesses and, must run in accordance to Halal standards.
Cannot afford? Cinababa pun OK, follow the Alibaba concept like before.
Genting first started along those lines, yes? wrong?
I support what Kenn says. And what Tun Dr Mahathir says about the NEP and the condition of the Malays.
I worry about what Semerah Padi says. If they put away NEP the Malays will be left with nothing. Especially in this very hostile don't-care-what business competition and unhealthy practices. Already many people talk about different prices charged to Malays from those charged to fellow Chinese. And this has been going on for a long time.
Yet the non-Malays retain their citizenship right forever. And Malays have started questioning that right when non-Malays question their right.
Some one earlier on mentioned revolution. I hope not the French one, or the Russian or the Chinese ones. The French went for liberty, fraternity etc. The Russian and the Chinese went for Communism, which, despite many millions of lives lost, clearly did not work out ultimately because both Russia and China now are practising capitalism, which is anathema to communism.
The so-called Cultural Revolution in China in the 1960s was aimed at weeding out political opponents and strengthening Mao Zedong's position but some 30 million people perished prior to and during the episode which saw rival factions of so-called Red Guards fighting and killing one another.
I also fear that if NEP is taken away, the Malays will amok. Sir Frank Swettenham who lived in Malaya for some 30 years as a junior British Colonial Officer rising to eventually become Governor of the Straits Settlements and High Commissioner of Malaya until 1902, wrote about the Malays being of gentle disposition, very accomodating but, when provoked, are prone to "mengamok". The 1875 spearing to death of JWW Birch, British Resident in Perak, and the 1969 race riots is proof of this. The word amok was adopted into the English language and exists in the English dictionaries until today.
Malaysian citizens and the leadership must avoid those revolutionary and amok situations.
People should be reasonable and the leadership should retain the NEP intact. We should have a mental revolution.
must run in accordance to Halal standards.?
Halal logo is a con . The Chinese are the one profiting from Halal this and that. So that they can get into Malay market. Just because there's a halal logo they claim it to be suci.Suci my ass. And we Malays fall into their trap.To me Halal is not only on how they produce the product but also where the money their pockets where they can use the money to attack Islam and Malay ( I consider that non halal). Think about that. We are giving license to them to penetrate what supposed to be Malay's market.
Halal logo used to be only for foreign products while anything local not made by Malays were considered non halal.I like the old version better.
dan marilah juga kita sama-sama memperjuangkan kemerdekaan sistem pendidikan negara ini dari elemen-elemen anti-nasional, demi anak bangsa.
Keturunan Jebat,
Pls don't feel boring and tidur. People allely talking revolution. Wake up and join. The thinking revolution one, la.
Name your terms, point out examples who you want to be leaders. Must be from among those already in the arena. But not that hingus boy Khairy. Or the "pendatang" Nazir. He is the pendatang among the Malays. He said so himself, didn't he? However much the Chinese would tatang him, nobody can be parachuted to be PM. Even Najib took some 30 years in the field to become PM. And so many down the line are hoping.
Let's play the name game, brader. Muhyiddin has often been spoken about. He's the natural choice of UMNO. Unless he behaves like Anwarul Al ..... you fill the blank. But Muh has not gone against DSN. Though many would like to drive a wedge between him and DSN. I prefer him to any other.
Some say even Ibrahim Ali may suddenly be a choice. That's possible because people already talking about a revolution.
But remember, revolution of the mind, not the physical one. Let's sharpen our wits, identify and suggest other leaders if DSN continues not to give preference to Malays and the Bumiputeras, the majority in this country. If he doesn't retain NEP in NEM. If he and his brader continue to be l i b e r a l, konon.
Non L i b e r a l.
I agree with you. The best way is just makan at the Malay kedai and restaurants. Leave the so-called connosieurs (damn it, the spelling indicator keeps coming up!) to their own devices. Being what they are, they probably would want the best stakes with port and wine, anyway. And Kobe beef in Japan they say comes from cattle fed with beer. It's between them and God.
As you said, don't give license to them to penetrate what's supposed to be Malay's market. Otherwise we can't even get to half level playing field.
LPF Supporter.
AS for the lady in tight fitting.. I cannot blame
her as it is typical product of SKJC.. they dont
even know the culture & adat in Muslim even though born here automatically as Malaysian Citizen.
Yet preach the UltraKiasu Party she represent ask for
equality etc2 as the right of true citizen..
Dont let me start on the how she talks in MALAYSIA Language.
The problem with Najibs administration & also this brother.. they are the one in a way
try to potray this Father's policy is a mistaken.
The it should be is to embrace NEP & use it wisely & void 'ketirisan' on the way..
Nazir in the other hand is a product of NEP. Same
with Khalid (MB Selangor), Zaid & most the Malay politician
& businessman in Malaysia (pls accept the fact). Yet after they have or taste
the sweet stuff about NEP they turn around make stupid
KNOW your Grassrootlah Nazir ..Najib.. Pls talk to your
Dear Non Liberal,
Kita nak pergi tidur bukan sebarang tidur..LOL! Kita nak cari ilham dan petanda siapa yang boleh di naik kan jadi khalifah sebab sekarang ni masih samar dan kelam tak nampak....
Pelapis satu.....oklah MUH (pun banyak baggage)
Pelapis kedua.....oops tak nampak..
Pelapis ketiga...pun.... tak nampak
Macam mana? Mari kita senaraikan kriteria khalifah yang kita nak.
1. Kita tak nak kaki bohong..ada ke kat dalam UMNO yang tak kaki bohong?
2. Cerdik bab Muamalat (ekonomi) ada tak?
3. Cerdik bab Pentadbiran? Sebab sekarang ni inefficient sangat sampai kan nak kena ada org gomen 1.2 juta untuk jaga 27 juta. Ratio 1:22.5 termasuk kanak kanak
4. Cerdik bab Negotiation...kita asyik kena jual je..... (Batu Putih, Tanjung Pagar, Brunei...etc)
5. Bermertabat sebagai khalifah yang disegani. Buka mulut je orang mesti dengar punya... haiya.
Itu baru lima, pun dah payah nak fulfill, belum lagi kita tambah bab competency yang seterusnya....
Apamacam bro? Nak tambah lagi kriteria seterusnya? Lepas tu kita buat iklan kepada sesiapa yang berkelayakan sila hantar resume, kita kasi sokong sama dia untuk next election..
Keturunan Jebat.
Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera to KijangMas AND also to the brilliant Field General-cum-Economics Expert & Constitution Analyst satD; Fellow Knights of the Demi Negara Order; The Wise, the Intelligentsia and the Politicians; and Adversarial but Noble Knights of opposing orders and ideals ...
It's been a long time, and I see this post as being the equivalent of a `State of the Union' speech given by the US presidents.
I've been quite confused and unhappy for some time about a few things concerning our beloved Malaysia. But this post has made them much clearer: Whatever the opinions and stance taken by KijangMas and the Demi Negara Community (based on the comments here), they become mine too.
Some people might scorn this with, "Can't you think for yourself?...Don't you have a brain?" Well, it's because I have a brain that I'm humbly and gladly accepting that there are others here who have more knowledge, better resources and connections, and simply more intelligent and savvy than I am when it comes to the finer points in politics. So, is it not much better that I just trust and follow them - PROVEN people - instead of being Bodoh-Sombong of the Pak Kadok category... with ego and conceit insisting on "being my own man...individualistic" in making decisions from Astronomy to Zoology. We have our own unique strengths and abilities -- the Raja, Bendahara make the decisions; the knights... hack and slash. Ah, and I'm very comfortable, for *this* is "my area"!
Back to KijangMas' post -- As mentioned by satD, "Where Do I Begin?" (Andy Williams' song). This is just my initial comment, and I did write a post yesterday about KijangMas Coming...Time to Die! By coincidence, I had changed the design of my blog to "medieval, European..." (okay, I'm a sucker for this "knights, dungeons, dragons etc thing". Loved the book about AGINCOURT: Henry V and the Battle that Made England of 1415).
Before I end this Comment, I'm struck by KijangMas' `question' below:
"...and the two sleepin' Mullahs can lift our country out of the current rut?"
KM refers to PAS' Haji Hadi Awang and Kelantan MB Nik Aziz, and I'll bet PAS zealots are at boiling point, with their faces red -- "Muka merah menyala, mata nak tubik, mouth foaming..." How dare KM being so irreverent and not just accept that they are super-special and blessed people who can walk on water! Okay, maybe they'll need to RUN fast...
Folks, they are people whom I had zealously, fanatically and near-militantly supported and defended since 1983 (Almost got into a fight a few times with some people "who didn't show enough respect"). OF COURSE they can lift the country out!...they are ustaz, tok guru!! "YES WE CAN!"®PAS Illinois, US. Their answer - as with the answer to EVERYTHING under the sun - is, "Kito kembali kepado Islae... kalu lah Umno kembali kepada al-Quran dae Hadis sepertimano PAH, laksano Hudud, semuo masalah akae slesai. Err, gapo masalah hok sebut satni tu?"
The zealots would nod furiously and accept this answer... as yet another "wise and enlightened solution which our dear leaders have been blessed with." (Try asking "How can Stoke City win the English Premier League?", and the answer will be "As above"). And that was me too... for 25 years until I "came under the bad influence of KijangMas":-P Okay, another time, folks. Please visit my blog above, ya (the clicks will help lift it back from PageRank 3 to PageRank 4)
Tu dia, baru la dongar bondo yang masuk dek akal. Toruihkan usoho murni ni...
Is it just me or did/do others have problems trying to post a comment? I had to try 6 times, and use two diferent browsers before the comment finally gets sent... or appears to.
One lesson from this -- copy, paste and save comments in a text editor/word processor before sending. This serves as insurance "just in case". I've had a L-O-N-G comment of maybe 10 paragraphs that took MANY minutes to think and type disappear at some blog last year. Rasa macam nak menangis...
Ou said: I like to think they will but reality of life is 'kulification' is getting worse in Malaysia. Not just for the CHinese but the Malays too.'
I think the whole country is a kuli to Chinese interest.
When will the Chinese stop to think like Chinese and think along Chinese interest line?
There are the Malays, many orang Asli tribes, Melanau, Iban, Bidayauh and all in 30 tribes in Sarawak, Kadazan, Murut, Bajau, and all in 30 tribes in Sabah.
Did they ever think that 62% of Bumiputera excluding the royals, blue blood, and corrupt, are economically subservient to Chinese? All these royals, blueblood and corrupt are in collusion with Chinese capitalist.
Man ... sampai bila tamak Cina akan berhenti?
You are already on my bloglist. Can I have the honour to be on your's?
Don't waste Malay Dick on Helen Ang. She is fat, ugly and babi faced.
She deserve the dick of some ugly immigrant like Vietnam and Phillipnes.
Don't waste Muslim dick (not even the illegal immigrant one) on Helen.
Tuuu Diaaa!
KijangMas got the knights into banzai mode...
Along comes sifu Mat Cendana ... and bang ... transported everyone into an added mode ... the drunken-monkey fighter mode.
This is going to be one hari raya not easily forgotten.
Very much worth the five-month wait.
"Self propelled howitsingh"
Ha ha ha ..... that's cruelly funny KM sir.
I like the way you ended the piece - "Is this what its all about? Votes? Do Malaysia have the luxury of trading anarchy for votes?"
The answer is yes, yes and NO, NO, NO. As much as my name is Nono.
Please sir, if they are going for anarchy, I agree with those who have expressed the idea of a revolution.
The chauvinists, seditionists and ultrakiasus have long been going for the anarchy line. Everything seems to be wrong for them. Especially anything that smacks of Malay majority, Malay dominance, Malay strength. The Government, the Police, MACC, the Military, the Civil Service.
Yet not all is well with them. See the corruption investigation on DAP Selangor expenditure allocation that led to Teoh Beng Hock's death. The Ronnie Liu letterhead case. The allegations of DAP Exco meeting the Underworld in the Selangor State Government offices made by one PKR ADUN and one PKR MP. The climbing of the table, shouting at opponents in the august State Assembly Hall in Perak. The so-called State Assembly meeting held under a tree.
Nothing is right to them except themselves. They look for any and every excuse to object, protest, obviate, consecrate and pontificate. They go to the streets, demonstrating, with or without Police permits, get sprayed with water and blamed the Police for "cruelty". Heck, they even blamed MACC for TBH's death even as the Police was just beginning their investigations and the cause of death is not known until today.
Then the authorities appear to let them do those. No stern no-nonsense action was taken. Some one counted the Minister of Home Affairs having issued 15 warnings but no action. So much so that he is called Menteri Amaran.
All these emanate from the Prime Minister himself. They read what he wishes be done or not done and let them be. Someone said (escaped my notice) he once said, "No ISA under my watch". Now the ISA is being brought up for review. Yet it's a damn important tool for the protection of national interests. You live in the US for significant lengths of time and can vouch for the detention without trial still there at Guantanamo Bay. That's ISA no less.
What is the Malaysian Government doing. Are they allowing things go the anarchy way? There's the Sedition Act which can be used on the seditionists. Tension is now developing with the Malays questioning the right of citizenship of those Chinese who speak nasty about the Bumi housing discount and the abolition of the 30% Bumi equity.
Questioning the NEP which was conceived from the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak under Article 153 is seditious. That Article 153 has been included in the List of protected items of the Sedition Act 1948. Seditious remarks, statements and even videos abound because the non-action has emboldened the anarchists.
I think we need not bring up SJKC issues any longer.. Namewee videos just about sum it all up for us.
Should use his videos to promote SSS?
No referendum, just REVOLUTION!
Nice to have you back, KijangMas.
- Titoff
Abis camno KM? Melayu-tak-suka-diri-sendiri what I think is the right name for 'em so-called liberals,bila dah sampai ke atas and all comfy kutuk benda yg menolong mereka. Bila dah jutawan kawin amoy 2-sen. Needs a vertical revolution especially!
Salam KijangMas,
I have a friend who posted this on his facebook profile on Merdeka Day
I told him off then and there. No malu-malu ataupun tegur secara halus from me. Gave him a full cup of whoop ass to which he never replied back to (good). Just wondering what you think about it.
Adam (yes the same Adam from your Kelantan entry)
my first question here is, does nonbumis believe in the present of economic pie or lingering around bigotry? talking about middleclass, a starting Malay freshgraduates outside KL within peninsular can make around RM2.5k because they assume if they demand for RM3k their application will be preemptively rejected. another bigot argument I found in chedet blog titled "Meritocracy"is these poor Malays prematurely assumes an understatement against the Chinese employer who could not afford to pay him RM3k.
This middleclass game is not about a play of which comes first rules. Competitiveness has always gets in to deviate our jobs from normalizing this perception. However, competitiveness should not exist in economic pie. Economic pie is an honest architecture, it cannot be liquidated because deep down its fuzz, it will root up to only have 1 parameter: total. Economic pie will never grow its territory because they are already distributed.
What I think push-pull contest like giving up few bumi privileges and demanding quid pro quo to take into effect are counterproductive because in an architecture, an administrator should have final say based on status quo (demography, major population and standards btw poor and rich).
Economic pie is not a political terminology at its establishment because the induction of the phrase itself is barricade against globalization. Negative impact from globalization is FTA, the both sides political parties are against to. Economic pie likens to a microchip architecture serves as check and balance to complete loop at the end financial year.The only untold achievement (output) from complete loop is personal wealth accumulated which will grow and never be made public. To make more sense, economic pie is also a closed circuit MIMO device or a black box storing what black box could not tell, an integrity check. Input: your effort, Output: your pocket money, who would you want to know? This objective is hardly conceiving several politicians who always think the race barriers must be brought down to achieve equality.
Everybody here in Malaysia wanted to accumulate wealth in silence and never brought to public, this is my conclusion here. Fix proportion from economic pie will remain as it is since the only racists citizens always point out unfair statements to boast out their nearmisses.
KijangMas, Sir
The REVOLUTION must take place. Mental revolution. All communities, the leaders and the led.
It must take place to change mind set, seditious thinking and utterances, unacceptable stimuli and responses.
Now one group wants the 30% Bumi equity abolished and others have told them to surrender their citizenship and the right to it for their descendants. One was in exchange for the other, they said.
The leaders cannot think only of votes through speedy economic development, letting three systems of schooling etc.
The craze for votes, the speed of economic development must not be at the expense of unity in the country. Racial polarisation, even intra-race polarisation, has been increasing and everybody involved in the process must go through a drastic change in mentality and attitude.
Yes, REVOLUTION it is.
Amin GmbH
My dear friend, I don't understand most of what you are trying to say.
I hope you are trying to say good things although good points are often easily understood whatever the words, however the sentence construction may be.
But I'm willing to listen to you again. Try writing in simple English and short sentences. You may have good points in your comment there.
hmm.. ni nak kena belajar lagi ni...
Nak belajar jadi kurang ajar dulu tak sebagai introductory course sebelum REVOLUSI?
Salam Tuan KM,
Selamat kembali menulis.. Love it !
Saya tak pandai nak tulis kata2 semangat perjuangan macam saudara2 yang lain cuma satu ayat je saya nak nukil disini -
Najib seorang Melayu Liberal !
Correct me if i'm right... ( my teacher always give me a 'correct' if my anwser is right )
Pls allow me to address our friend dinturtle's question above.
The Oxford dictionary definition (we need to use this because English is English) of "liberal" has the following ingredients:
1. fit for a gentleman (now rare, except in liberal education), i.e directed to general enlargement of mind, not professional or technical); -
The operative word for DS Najib there is "gentleman". Is he one? The definition of that word includes "man of chivalrous instincts, fine feelings". This has to be viewed from his disposition to the multi-racial composition of the country. The position and sentiments of the majority should be given priority over those of the minority.
2. generous, open-handed, not sparing of; ample, abundant; not rigorous or literal; -
All the above have also to be viewed against the backdrop of the multiculturalism of the country.
3. open-minded, candid, unprejudiced; -
Is he, really? Has he been candid as to the actual reasons for the policy actions he has taken so far? Has he often said he needed the votes when pursuing liberalzation and liberalism under 2 above?
4. favourable to democratic reforms & abolition of privilege (especially Liberal Party)
This aspect of being liberal actually refers to the Liberal Party of Britain. However, if this were to be applied to the Malaysian scenario, the Constitution, which has been painstakingly drawn up, drafted, discussed and debated twice (at Merdeka and at the formation of Malaysia) to suit the multi-racial population, needs to be adhered to.
True, the Constitution is a living thing and is subject to amendments, but any attempt to touch Article 153 on the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak (referred to as "natives" in the Constitution), and whatever that may be conceived from it, like the NEP, the Malays and Bumis will want to touch the quid pro quo - the citizenship right of the non Malays. where will it lead to?
So, is Najib liberal if he wants to liberalize the economy to the extent the NEP is marginalized in the NEM and Article 152 on Bahasa Malaysia as the National Language is ignored? I think not.
Indeed I want progress as even my nic name is Maju but, while not ignoring the legitimate rights and interests of the minorities, economic progress must not be at the expense of the rights and interests of the majority in the country.
Excuse me Sir KM,
Just now my friend tell me someone call me at Deminegara and he show me Sir Maju comment to me. I feel so happy when Sir Maju call my name here. WAH.......
Because Sir Maju write in English, so i also want to reply in 100% English. WAH......
So i read his comment with full hobby and concentration. Everytime also make my head up and down, up and down many times.And my friend look at me move my head and say WAH....... I only smile. Now my friend say excuse me, and he go toilet.
Now free to talk and i want to say i one break haram dont understand what you write ! Hehehehe... i action only move my head just now...
I read and i read........ read some more....emmmm some more read but i still dont understand. I know Sir Maju meaning very good.I respect him very much. But can you use very easy English ? Najib maybe can understand but i cannot understand. I think my English teacher also cannot understand your very high English. Hahahahaha.... but excuse me la Teacher, you teach English also all over the place,speak Malay more than you speak English.
( OK OK, my friend already come back from toilet. Action action.. )
Yes, Najib is a Malay Liberal. He think very different from Malay people. He dont have the Malay spirit emmm... maybe little but not many. He dont know the real Malay problems.
He think he is very intelligent ( WAH....) in everything but one big problem, he cannot connect with Malay sentiment ( WAH... ) and the real Malay world. What he plan to do with his MBE and merry go round .....merry christmas...emmmsorry ah, ME-RI-TO-CRA-ZY talk will only give Malay more problem not help( WAH.... )
Najib and his little brother are very rich people, good if more Malay rich. But no good if rich Malay like they become peanut that forgot their skin ! ( WAH...)
Me and my kampung people all Malay, and we not rich. Many like chicken...scratch morning eat morning,scratch evening eat evening. We want to better our life, but we need the chance to change. We work very hard, no complaint,we can fight.But if Najib bring ME-RI-TO-CRA-ZY how to fight ?? How to fight when football field not level ( WAH....) Ronaldo also cannot score if the goalpost up on the hill !! hahaha very funny i make joke...
Thank you very much and see you again !
Excuse me again Sir KM
PS - Sir Maju, remember what i say just now..blink blink ( i close one eye 2 time ) Dont be angry ah.
Mr dinturtle, sir,
Maju here la. No am not angry one la. I tink we two tink tink the same one la. Only we say diffelent angle la.
But I still say Najib not liberal u know. If he libelal one he wont pay so much attention (I almost said money, haha) to ultra kiasu kind who want Chinese schools, want Bumi 30% equity to go, one. If he libelal he intelligent one la, will see Article 152 and not encourage Chinese schools, and see Article 153, make NEP clear in NEM lor.
If he libelal he would put priority on majority wants la. He only appears libelal like the so-called Melayu libelal, but still kudut one, you know.
Dat's y I tink those Malays tink they libelal are bluff la. They pletend only la. Come back study oberseas dey tink vely cleber one. Dey don know like you said olang kampong mau makan & bayar anak sikolah pun tak cukup.
Mebbe Najib like dat becos he despelate one, la. But he tlied olley in Hulu Selangor and Sibu didn't get da votes he ran after la, kawan. So he should now concentlate on Malay votes.
People say Malays split olelly. But Chinese also split, what. DAP, MCA, Gerakan. Even MCA a lot split, leaders fight nearly 2 years. DAP now fighting - Ronnie Liu etc. Najib Plesiden UMNO la.
UMNO shud look after Malay rights and interests, lor. When Najib does not, how can libelal one. He must have mental levolution one, you know. He must tink vely difelently.
Never mind la, my friend. When we tak setuju, we can talk long one. If all time setuju, boring oso.
We talk again anader time, brader. I oso wink wink one eye. Dat's y it's good to have diffelent tink tink. We can at least be da same in winking one eye, one.
Susah juga nak komen sekarang, puak yang "cukup kena grease" nak gostan dah terlanjur..
Just know that we know so don't talk too loud! Gone were those days when we have to pretend pretend not to understand..
No understando, Mr Tongkang.
Don understand what you mean "Susah juga nak komen sekarang, puak yang "cukup kena grease" nak gostan dah terlanjur.. " Care to explain?
I tink KijangMas very liberal one. Tak suasah mau komen, can say anytink he'll publish. But anti-national comments be careful. His English bloody gud one he'll wallop the anti-nationals or bo paluli Pelembagaan until cry one.
Oso about "don't talk too loud!" Gone were those days when we have to pretend pretend not to understand.." If you referring to dinturtle and Maju, I tink i'ts a private spat between them hitting at not level playing field, meritocrazy and such.
If you don't understand what "grease" stands for, then you are safe.
May I assume you are still a freshy, then open your eyes and pasang telinga, ata betut tak Apek2 semua?
Ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hariraya aidil Fitri kepada KijamgMas, tuan empunya blog yang memberikan ruang utk saya ssinggah di sini.
Dan juga kepada para muslimin dan muslimat, pengunjung blog ini.
Maaf Zahir Batin.
Mengenai Perkara 153 yang dicabar oleh golongan tertentu
Kisah IGP dan Menteri KDN
Salam Bosz,
Whereever u r, here's my best wishes to u & the family for a very happy 'Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri'
Likewise best wishes sama2 to all of u here esp satD, NJ, Naif, maju, sepadu, Dal, MC etc... 'No hard feelings, guys.'
Don't do what I wouldn't do :)
Unker TY
sepadu said:-
"Racism breeds hate and hate breeds contempt. And nasty reactions, too ... have led to Bumiputeras saying that, if these people question the Malay Special Position, the Malays will question their right to citizenship and that of their descendants. Because, they say, one is the quid pro quo of the other ... All these erode further the thin layer of goodwill and harmony existing in the country today."
Salam sepadu. A key issue here is: who started this spiral of hate and contempt? The Malays? No. Who started to question Malay Rights? Who triggered calls for kesamarataan while concurrently hell bent on being tidak sama in terms of language and culture and attitude?
I always wonder how a group of tidak samas can demand kesamarataan? Pakatan Rakyat should adopt Kami tuntut Kesamarataan dalam Ketidaksamaan as their rallying cry.
The ever polite and hospitable Melayus fought back only after the belligerence of the buta sejalah subversives reached pandemic proportions, when Article 153 was attacked with ease and with no fear of action by a wimpish government.
The Malays, as embodied by Perkasa, fought back only after the incessant provocations. See, its akin to the video by the SOB Namewee. Now patriots are fighting back with their own Youtube videos. Oh, I'm sure there'll soon be an outcry by the Namewee supporters of "Malay racism" running rampant on Youtube!
sepadu added:-
"The Government must reign in the wayward and seditious fellows by using the Sedition Act. They must take bold steps in bringing about long-term peace and harmony."
Don't hold your breath on this, my friend. The Najib regime is toothless, and the anti-Malay radicals know that. These Chin Peng worshippers can smell a yellow bellied wimp from a mile away. And these smelly wimps are everywhere in Putrajaya.
With the blessings of Malay Collaborators in PAS/PKR, these subversives are having a field day degrading and destroying the very core of our nationhood, i.e., the Malay essence underpinning the nation of Malaysia.
C L J said:-
"... the question is, can we make our way to achieve the integrated society? Or do we want it at all? THIS IS THE REAL CHALLENGE WE ARE FACING. And to my thinking and observations these game is being played by many of the young politicians today; some names have been mentioned in your report."
Thanks for your input, Sdr CLJ. The corresponding question is: are only Malays interested in societal integration? All indications show that most non-Malays, prodded by newly-minted SJKC-educated young politicians, are rejecting all forms of integration with the Malay mainstream. They now exist in self-contained China-centric Mandarin-speaking cocoons and comfort zones dotting our landscape. Anything that pokes fun or challenges anything "Malay" -- be it a school teacher or TNB or the kris or Negaraku -- would be supported wholeheartedly by this lost generation. See the anti-Malay/Muslim racism on Facebook and elsewhere. These are committed by the very young ones, the pubescent product of our screwed-up educational and national language policies.
Tommy Yewfigure said:-
"Salam Bosz, Whereever u r, here's my best wishes to u & the family for a very happy 'Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri' ..."
Thanks for your wishes. Haiya, mo kau mercun wor ... seong jor nin kei ler.
Anyway, where have Yew been Unker? I've been wondering how come Hong Kong's most (in)famous bus passenger has not singgah here with his usual wit and wisdom.
Unker Yew advised:-
"Don't do what I wouldn't do :)"
Yeah Unker, the problem is that I get into trouble whenever I do what you WOULD do! As a start, 10 Big 10 Small on 6967 has achieved nothing for the past two years.
BTW, I was telling Raoul, my MMA sparring partner, the other day that Jho Low is just a chékai chubby choirboy compared to my HK bus uncle buddy.
Wah KM, I’m so humbled man, u waited for me to turn up b4 u make your much delayed appearance…hahaha.
….’seong jor nin kei ler’ that’s why lah tak mau campur lagi lah, blardy waste of time, day in day out, same old, same old sh*t, no solution in sight, very depressing, bad for the old ticker.
Oh lately I’d been addicted to face book with all the makciks & pakciks reminiscing about the good old ‘The Way We Were’ times. I only got 22 friends tho…hahaha..compared to those with 100’s & 1000’s and still I cannot keep up. Oso I watch sikit2 of UFC Randy Couture for abit of make believed ‘kan-cheong’ in life.
Hey bro, u r not allowed to that 10B/10S stuff lah, nanti your whole month effort kena batal.
Anyway I rather prefer this J Lo than that chekai (I think ‘pak chum kai’ too)chubby checker;
Real J Lo
Relax & enjoy the festivities, I kau mercun while u got ‘phak phow’…kakaka
Unker Tommy
Selamat Hari Raya to KM, Uncle Tom, and the rest of the DN community! Have a safe journey everyone!
Good to hear from you again.
With the conflict of interest in the US Open Tennis Championship and the Hari Raya festivities on the way, I almost forgot wishing you and all our friends here Selamat Hari Raya, which I do now.
Aiyya Tommy, KM went on sabbatical, you also went hiding somewhere, stacking all the chips on the roulette or Black Jack tables all over the places, ha?
Hey friend, did you read about Stanley Ho sending an airplane to Singapore just to pick up 88 Musang Mas durians he paid nearly RM5,000 for? Hope you got 1-2 - he was reported to have bought them for his friends. If you got them, you must be a lucky so and so.
What about getting him to buy some from me when my Musang Mas trees bear fruits in a few years time? I'll build an airport near the orchard if can, man, haha.
Selamat Hari Raya to you, too, old chap.
Selamat Hari Raya sir KM,
Excuse me again sir...
Sir maju, after 4 days on the sea, i know what you mean. I very slow. You say najib not liberal because you tell follow the meaning from dictionary. Right ? But i tell follow the meaning from everyday talk.
Like when dictionary say action means Rambo, i say action means if you do again, i slap you ! See... same word but different means.
I want to say, i am proud with people like you and sir KM, all very high english and very intelligent. Hope Malay have more people like you.
I go fishing with friends, 4 days on the sea. Not hobby but working. We work hard and sometimes we make money, sometimes very little. Many times life be boring and my friends start taking 'things' and after the eyes colour red, they start talking to the fish ! Not all like that but many.
And i look at them and i think - when Najib talk about MBE, Najib think or not my friends ? The boat belong to taukeh, they work only. Eat salary. Also depend on how many fish they catch.
I cannot tell them Najib say the average Malay salary is RM3000 because they will laugh and jump into the sea. Then i cannot go back because i cannot drive the boat.
There are many like them, maybe not fisherman, maybe farmers, cut rubber. We just follow life everyday. We quiet, dont make noise, maybe that is why Najib do not listen to us.
We are malay and maybe we are nothing but we will die to fight for Islam and Malaysia ! I like to read and i know Malay leaders talk a lot about want to help us. But help cat shit ! When they get the money, they enjoy. But we always like this.
So i hope Malay like sir KM, sir Maju and all the sir here can be our voice. I hope you can understand my english. I also use the dictionary like sir Maju. I write in Bahasa Melayu first then i use dictionary. Very long time but i thank you sir KM because he write here so everybody can read.
I pray one day Allah will send a good Malay leader who will help us and really make our salary RM3000 !
It's always a pleasure dropping by DN, and doing so now in between Hari Raya visiting and being visited, delighted to find my good friend Sir dinturtle here again.
Lucky don't have to go outstation ... not yet, so far ... trafik jam 5 jam Bidor-Ipoh semalam bikin saya banyak tak senang hati mau pigi outstation lah.
Kita semua same thinking Sir Din - Najib mesti kasi lebih masa, lebih peluang majority population catch up sama yang sudah kaya raya dan kontrol ekonomi. Mesti ada level playing field baru boleh mintak Melayu saing competition dengan Cina.
Tapi Ibrahim Ali / Perkasa / MPM mintak DEB dalam MEB (MBE? Medal of the British Empire?) diorang marah. Semalam UMNO Tengku Adnan bilang rejek Perkasa, mau lawan Ibrahim punya kerusi Parlimen nanti. Apa bikin itu macam? Cakap depan Cina, mau Cina punya undi, tapi tak dapat macam PRK Hulu Selangor & Sibu, kamdian MCA Ekonomic Kongres mintak buang 30% Bumi ekuiti. Manyiak tatak patut lah.
Dia marah sama Ibrahim, tanya mau civil war ke ... waaah itu manyiak tatak patut punya olang lah. Lulu tahung 2007 pung dia ada ciakap itu maciam civil war lor. Apa hat dia selalu mau ciakap ini maciam? Dia mesti ciakap tanggung jawab punya macam lah.
Tatak suka Ibrahim Ali, ciakap biasa tak suka, tak sokong, sutak lah. Itu Ibrahim sama Perkasa cuma mintak DEB kasi sambong, mau mintak tolong lagi banyak olang Melayu sama Bumiputera Sabah & Sarawak masih banyak susah.
Najib mahu kasi gaji ke pendapatan RM3,000 ke tapi Melayu niaga kurang, professional kurang, apa macam boleh bikin padang sama rata. Sheffield United ke Dungun United boleh lawan Manchester United ke? Lagi padang tak sama rata amacam?
Haaaa, sutak atak bunyi loceng, atak olang latang ke ...
Lanti kita ciakap lagi Sir Din ... jangan angkat itu England punya Sir maciam itu Sabah DAP Sir Wong, haaa!
Sorry KijangMas, this is out of topic. Thought you like cars, here's for you.
A 21-year-old with 30 supercars.
Meet Dhiaa Al-Essa, an engineering student who has five Ferraris, five Porsches, three Lambos, two Rolls-Royces and more.
Thu, Sep 09, 2010
Meet Dhiaa Al-Essa.
He is all of 21-years-old but he already has five Ferraris, five Porsches, three Lamborghinis, two Rolls-Royces and a McLaren Mercedes in his garage.
He will have no problems in finding a ride because there are 30 luxury and sportscars in his garage.
The 21-year-old engineering is currently the talk of the town. Several automotive websites have picked up on the original report which reportedly first appeared on
But that’s not all.
Next year the value of his collection of cars will double, according to SWNS.
That is because he will receive, for his 22nd birthday, a Koenigsegg Agera and a Bugatti Veyron each worth £1.6 million (S$3.3 million). Without COE of course.
To identify his cars, all you need to do is to look out for the numbers “070″ in the licence plate. The student’s cars all bear the numbers “070″ on their licence plates. This “luxury” sets him back around 100,000 pounds each time he buys a car.
SWNS has identified him as the son of a Saudi businessman. The father is involved in businesses ranging from properties to stock markets.
Dhiaa is not the only globetrotter who takes to Europe and the US every summer.
During the summer he also flew his cars around the world to participate in driving tours with his friends.
Dhiaa told SWNS: “I love speed, but the limit in Saudi Arabia is 75mph so I’m pretty limited.
“When the Bugatti arrives I hope to take it to Germany where you can drive as fast as you can on parts of the autobahn.
His favourite car at the moment is the Mercedes McLaren SLR.
“I love the way it looks and drives and it’s also been reliable for a car out at a temperate of 50 degrees,” Dhiaa said.
Ferrari 458 Italia was gutted in a fire
The student was just in the news recently when his brand-new Ferrari 458 Italia was gutted by fire in a warehouse blaze at UK’s Heathrow airport earlier this month.
The car had cost him £300,000 and it was decked out in a £50,00 Dolce and Gabbana interior.
“I was devastated by it,” he said.
“I flew back to Riyadh for a week before returning to London where I drove a Mercedes and used the underground — I actually love travelling on public transport.”
He has decided not to get another Ferrari 458 Italia and will be replacing it with a Ferrari 599 GTO roadster.
“I won’t be getting another Ferrari 458 Italia,” he said. “I think it was an unlucky car as I had to take it back to the dealer because of heating problems.”
The model was involved in a Ferrari recall earlier this month.
A car key made out of gold
When he turns 22, he will take delivery of the new Koenigsegg Agera, a Swedish hypercar looking to take the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport’s 267mph (430kmh) world record top speed.
The hypercar will feature a diamond-laced leather interior with Dhiaa’s signature stiched into the seats and a special key made out of gold.
The car is both a birthday present and a graduation gift from his father.
Stuart Milne, deputy editor of a motoring website, told SWNS: “Just owning one of these cars would make any car enthusiast very happy indeed, so what it must be like for a imagine having 30 of them?”
My comment: Some people are just plain lucky to have anything they want when others don't even have money or anything to eat ....
Life is unfair sometimes.
Happy Hari Raya to the DN community.
Tuan KijangMas
Salam lebaran dari saya sekeluarga.
Ingin saya mohon maaf zahir dan batin pada Tuan dan masyarakat Demi Negara jika terguris perasaan ketika meluahkan pendapat.
Semoga berbahagia disamping keluarga yang disayangi.
Salam Raya Everyone!!
Maaf Zahir Batin
This going for votes to the extent of sacrificing parts of the NEP is ridiculous. The Malays will curse those responsible. Like they did when Tun Dol allowed rampant raising of issues pertaining to NEP, even laughed with those who mocked the Malays as using tongkat and himself used the word tongkat.
When he could have told them that the Chinese have been using tongkat since they first started in this country in big numbers until now. Multi-millionaire Vincent Tan was still expecting a huge tongkat recently although Najib decided not to proceed with the football betting license.
The Malays in Klang Valley have cursed the previous administration. They came from the kampongs in that urbanisation process starting after Merdeka and especially after the introduction of NEP. They have benefitted from the NEP and want it to continue for the others after them to benefit from.
For, after all, the citizenship right for the non-Malays are permanent. Why can't the NEP be permanent, many of them say. Eliminating "the identification of race with economic functions" - the polite terminology used to couch the affirmative action for the Malays during the highly sensitive mood post-racial riots in 1970 - will take a long time.
Even the 30% corporate equity has not been achieved. The period taken could not be estimated accurately because nobody has done that before. Wealth in other aspects of the economy has not been actively discussed and pursued. Commercial and residential properties ownership is an area where Bumiputera ownership is highly disproportionate.
Yet Dato Seri Najib wants to give 40% of 80 acres owned by the Government in Kampong Bahru to non-Malays. The only bastion of Malay property ownership next to the Golden Triangle in Kuala Lumpur which is largely owned by non-Malays. It is ridiculous. The Malays in Klang Valley may curse him again at the next General Elections. Najib was Number 2, part of the previous administration that was cursed at the last General Elections.
I agree with the opinion that there must be a mental revolution. Against the the kind of thinking that wants to weaken the rights and interests of the Malays. Against those not respecting the Constitution. Against those who do not respect the Malay Special Position. Against those who oppose NEP. They must change their thinking drastically. Learn history and respect what has been agreed by the leaders prior to and at Merdeka.
Sorry, off-topic sikit bro. Sesetengah individu "bangsat" yang bertopengkan "Melayu" bukan sahaja telah menyusupi UMNO tetapi telah menular ke pertubuhan bumiputra Melayu yang lain seperti PNB.
Sila ikuti atau untuk mendengar kisah hamba.
Off topics Tuan,
sekor burung pipit bagitau den @Cambodia with 8mil+ population no monopolies, APs what not...satelit operator dorang caj 100 channels for only USD5/RM16+, what the...Astro (non-bumi bro) with gomen protection (read as monopoly) charge us for RM71.95 for less than 30 channels, what the...
Malaysian have been and will always be cheated by local businessmen (read non-bumi aso)
Harga ayam @sini macam hampeh, tiap kali raya mesti naik harga apa alasan tak tahu la, penternak ngan pemborong ramai cina (li pikir sendiri la). Tesco @UK boleh jual 2 chickens for 5pound (what the f***), Proton jual Persona @Saudi Arabia Riyal 38k jer...kalu convert pun dlm RM30k+ (what the f***)
My take, we need revolution and start fresh...
Semerah Padi said:-
"Bukannya dengan menambahkan kekeliruan identiti yang berbentuk rojak dengan membenarkan bahasa asing seperti Mandarin dipromosikan oleh Najib sendiri. Kepimpinan DS Najib adalah lemah bagi saya."
PM Najib kini telah terkeliru dan terus dikelirukan dan dipengaruhi oleh CONsultant dan penasihat luaran yang secara lantang menuduh DEB sebagai punca segala malapetaka sosial dan kemajuan di negara ini. Beliau telah termakan hasutan anasir-anasir subversif ini dan amat yakin bahawa dayasaing negara dan pelaburan asing akan meningkat jika unsur-unsur DEB di mansuhkan, seolah-olah DEB sahaja lah yang menjadi penghalang kepada kecemerlangan ekonomi negara.
Bagi saya, PM Najib sudah hilang arah dan asas perjuangan dan tidak lagi sesuai untuk memimpin orang Melayu dan negara ini. Ahli UMNO di peringkat akar umbi harus cetuskan revolusi dalaman secepat mungkin kalau parti itu inginkan sokongan orang Melayu pada PRU13 yang kian menjelang.
NJ said:-
"... keadaan di negara ini sedikit celaru kebelakangan ini."
Suasana sosio-politik negara sekarang sudah parah. Setiap kali PM Najib dan menteri-menterinya bercakap, kebingungan dan ketidaktentuan dikalangan rakyat, khususnya orang Melayu, meningkat setahap lagi.
Tam Dalyell said:-
"Look at how that imam or whatever holding his hands in between his legs. Is he hiding something down there? Look at how he "hangs" his head. Is he nearing orgasm or is actually ejaculating?"
Ha ha ha ... brutal assessment Pakcik Dal.
I think he was already way past that stage, and probably contemplating a nice drag of his hand-rolled tembakau cap nanas while blissfully serenaded by the Ah Moi's Cantopop tune.
I agree with Tuan Dal's brutal assessment. In the face of brutes who come out with all sorts of anti-national statements and actions. And attempts at exploiting the Malays through their worship places - mosques and suraus.
There cannot be any other reason to want to enter mosques and suraus as a woman not adequately dressed, other than politics. And turning up elsewhere another day with the head covered. But speaking out the same party propaganda line.
And bringing RM1,000, too. An element of bribery there. Genune and sincere donations need not be via a kurang sopan woman wanting to stand in front of the mimbar, hold a microphone and blast out party propaganda lines.
This is the latest strategy by the brutes who behaved badly when winning elections in May 1969 and sparking race riots. Their strategy now is to tackle the Malays through the mosques and suraus. In Penang they even have the poor officials of some mosques insert the name of the Chief Minister instead of the YDP Agong or the Governor in Muslim mosque prayers. How dare they go to that extent. They believe that the Malays can be bought and bribed and they attack along that line.
Of course they'll deny having anything to do with it. It's as good as some one saying to the foot-in-the-mouth Minister Nazri that his mother must be a virgin!
Wake up, Melayu. Don't allow those blokes to trample upon the sanctity of your religious grounds, both physically and religiously. For goodness sake folks, it's the suraus and the mosques they are politicking and politicising now. Stop them.
Don't allow them to do so. Don't think of the RM1,000. Think about your religion - murtabad agama anda. If you want cash for the surau or mosque development, go to the authorities who do not exploit and abuse the integrity of your religious worship places.
Barubhasa Al Jawiyun said:-
"Is it very interesting to note how these people quickly elevated one status as Melayu Godchild wheneverever there was a Malay, opening his mouth against his own skin. The so-called Malay liberal, the likes of Marina Mahathir, Azmi Sharom, Haris Tea pot, Art Harun (is he a Malay or a chinese subversive?) suddenly becomes the icon of their communist tainted ideologies."
Many of these so-called "Melayu Liberal" are not Melayus in the first place. Oh yes, they'll be the first to proclaim "I am a Bumi" when they demand their 10% housing discount, but beyond that they are pathetic lonely souls in conflict with themselves as they grapple with their confused part-Keralan, not-quite-Tamil, maybe some Jowo but cannot-be-Omputih ancestry. I know quite a handful of this species; suffice to say I would rather engage a full-blooded toothpick chomping Ah Pek of the Robin variety or robust full-blooded Tamils who know who they are, subversive warts and all, than these obnoxious little Melayu Liberal imposters.
Jenny said:-
"I think my problem is (perhaps majority of our problem is) we don't know the way to be the real anak bangsa malaysia. And I think it is stupid to keep bickering your skin color, my religion vs yours, my rights vs your rights...we should just shut up and concentrate on one single objective. We need to have that objective. Something we can share together. Something that when we think of Malaysia, we can proudly say hey I have a share in that."
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jenny. My hopes are somewhat raised whenever I come across a fellow rakyat like yourself. Yes, we need to ask those questions; we need to unravel the thick morass of obstinate ethnocentrism afflicting your kin and get them aboard the mainstream of Malaysian society. There is no other way if peace and prosperity are our long-term objectives. Do scroll down older postings in DN; get to know Robin, and understand what the DN Community is trying to achieve for our Tanah Air.
sepadu said:-
"The adults are already hardened in their attitudes and prejudices. Attempts must be made to get the young, at their formative age, to experience a sense of togetherness in a one school for all environment, develop common values, hopes and aspirations for the country."
The problem now is that the young ones, the SJKC/SJKT products are the hardened group. Yes, this nation needs SSS like yesterday.
Semerah Padi said:-
"Mereka-mereka ini yang mengucar kacirkan keadaan dan memberikana nama buruk kepada kaum mereka sehinggakan orang spt Sdri Jenny pun terpalit sama."
Ya. Ramai rakan bukan Melayu yang patriotik dan prihatin seperti Jenny kini telah menjadi mangsa kerakusan kaum mereka sendiri. Itulah sebabnya perubahan sikap dan minda dan penerapan nilai-nilai patriotik perlu juga dipupuk dari dalam masyarakat mereka. Ramai lagi Jenny harus bersuara demi masa depan kaum mereka dibumi ini.
PANJI HITAM 61 said:-
"In the developed countries the accumulated wealth is used to ensure that no laws/enforcment is taken which might reduce the wealth whereas in the developing countries the wealth is accumulated after the elected posts are won."
Interesting observation. Thanks for visiting.
To everyone, thanks for participating in this forum and I hope you all had a joyous Raya break.
I will be posting my thoughts about Perkasa here on DN soon. But lets continue the discourse here as well as I try to respond to the many gems in this forum.
Attempts must be made to get the young, at their formative age, to experience a sense of togetherness in a one school for all environment, develop common values, hopes and aspirations for the country.
Life in the UK Test
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