Ok, UMNO is history.
In its current flavor, state and form . . . UMNO is no more.
No point talking about what could have been . . . or the endeavors of many – including yours truly – to make the party see the light, to reform and renew and remain relevant in contemporary politics, to cleanse itself of corrupt criminals asphyxiating it to a gory demise.
It was to no avail. We failed . . . and failed spectacularly as the “parti keramat Orang Melayu” got intractably hijacked by criminal lowlifes propped by a flaky collection of self-serving nincompoops and hangers-on wallowing in the muddy road to self-destruction . . . pathetic myopic fools merrily hurtling on a runaway trainwreck-in-the-making that will one day be remembered in the same light as other once invincible political forces that got arrogant and complacent, lost their way, imploded and consigned to the scrapheap of history . . . the Kuomintang, Congress Party, PRI, LDP, Golkar.
Now, many have asked me, whither the Malays?
Apa akan jadi pada kita Orang Melayu? Siapa nak béla kita? Siapa nak jaga hak kita?
What ABOUT the Malays and other Bumiputras?
We will just wither and flutter away into the horizon like old leaves?
Over twenty million of us will just die and dissipate into thin air if there is no UMNO? If there is no Najib Razak, Zahid Hamidi, Adnan Mansor, Nazri Aziz, Salleh Said Keruak, Ahmad Maslan, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, Rahman Dahlan, Azalina Othman and others of the same ilk – or for that matter – no PAS, no PKR, no Amanah, no JKKK, no JAKIM, no JHEOA to "take care" of us?
Kita ni apa?
Burung merpati dalam sangkar?
Tak bagi makan, mati?
Kita harus berjuang lah brader. Buang sifat malas. Perkuatkan minda. Tingkatkan ilmu. Jangan manjakan diri sangat. Tak payah terlalu sensitif, terlebih tersinggung, tercepat terkilan, terlajak terkempunan, tercenderung berdengki, tergigih berdendam. Dan buang lah segala macam kepercayaan karut . . . cerita hantu, kena santau, air jampi . . . amok, sawan, histeria, meracau, meroyan.
Orang lain dah lama ke Bulan . . . kita sebok pasal artis berBulan madu. Gerhana Bulan pun masih ramai tak faham dan tak mahu faham. Orang lain kaji Bintang jauh-jauh . . . kita obses dengan Bintang filem. Orang lain dah bertongkat laser . . . kita mengejar Tongkat Ali.
Sudah sudah lah tu.
Snap out of it !
Bangun lah dari beradu atas tilam yang empok diambang ranjang kayangan yang mengundang kepunahan bangsa sejagat.
Dah ada semangat nak berjuang? Nak berjihad? Bagus. Mula-mula perlu lancar Jihad Ekonomi. Itu dulu. Tak guna melaung-laung nak pancung si kaafirun nun di sana kalau hidup merémpat di bumi sendiri . . . tiada ilmu, tiada jatidiri, tiada penghasilan, tiada harapan.
Kalau Tanah Melayu tak best, pi kerja atas kapal. Boleh tengok dunia. Pi USA pun boleh. Apa takot sangat? Dok kerja di Amerika tiga bulan, hang dah boleh cakap omputeh macam Nicholas Cage. Hok sét Kelaté, buléh kécék Inglih macé Arnold SusohNokEjo pong oké doh tuh. Susoh gapo nyo?
The Malays will do just fine . . . once we rid ourselves of the opiate of false security offered by a band of rogues at great socio-economic cost amid an induced sense of perpetual vulnerability to looming threats of imagined pendatang bogeymen lurking in every nook and cranny of the land.
We must realise the ludicrousness of the threat of impending doom of the Orang Melayu on our own Tanah Tumpah Darah IF the current gang of pillaging pirates were to lose power. We must be emancipated from this culture of irrational fear, of crippling institutional dependency, of inability to take charge and be responsible for our own welfare, our own destiny.
Wahai Orang Melayu, UMNO sudah tiada. Perjuangan parti itu sudah terpésong . . . dari membéla Agama, Bangsa dan Tanah Air kepada membéla gerombolan penyangak dan penyamun. Tingkatkan lah dayasaing dan jatidiri. Tingkatkan usaha. Bekerja lebih keras. Kita bangsa yang ada maruah, ada pegangan, ada identiti, ada sejarah.
Takkan Melayu Hilang Di . . . . start dengan Malaysia dulu. Lepas tu baru . . . Dunia.
Indeed, take ownership of our own life!
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