Stay tuned . . .
Friday, December 25, 2020
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Kita ni apa? Burung merpati dalam sangkar?
Ok, UMNO is history.
In its current flavor, state and form . . . UMNO is no more.
No point talking about what could have been . . . or the endeavors of many – including yours truly – to make the party see the light, to reform and renew and remain relevant in contemporary politics, to cleanse itself of corrupt criminals asphyxiating it to a gory demise.
It was to no avail. We failed . . . and failed spectacularly as the “parti keramat Orang Melayu” got intractably hijacked by criminal lowlifes propped by a flaky collection of self-serving nincompoops and hangers-on wallowing in the muddy road to self-destruction . . . pathetic myopic fools merrily hurtling on a runaway trainwreck-in-the-making that will one day be remembered in the same light as other once invincible political forces that got arrogant and complacent, lost their way, imploded and consigned to the scrapheap of history . . . the Kuomintang, Congress Party, PRI, LDP, Golkar.
Now, many have asked me, whither the Malays?
Apa akan jadi pada kita Orang Melayu? Siapa nak béla kita? Siapa nak jaga hak kita?
What ABOUT the Malays and other Bumiputras?
We will just wither and flutter away into the horizon like old leaves?
Over twenty million of us will just die and dissipate into thin air if there is no UMNO? If there is no Najib Razak, Zahid Hamidi, Adnan Mansor, Nazri Aziz, Salleh Said Keruak, Ahmad Maslan, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, Rahman Dahlan, Azalina Othman and others of the same ilk – or for that matter – no PAS, no PKR, no Amanah, no JKKK, no JAKIM, no JHEOA to "take care" of us?
Kita ni apa?
Burung merpati dalam sangkar?
Tak bagi makan, mati?
Kita harus berjuang lah brader. Buang sifat malas. Perkuatkan minda. Tingkatkan ilmu. Jangan manjakan diri sangat. Tak payah terlalu sensitif, terlebih tersinggung, tercepat terkilan, terlajak terkempunan, tercenderung berdengki, tergigih berdendam. Dan buang lah segala macam kepercayaan karut . . . cerita hantu, kena santau, air jampi . . . amok, sawan, histeria, meracau, meroyan.
Orang lain dah lama ke Bulan . . . kita sebok pasal artis berBulan madu. Gerhana Bulan pun masih ramai tak faham dan tak mahu faham. Orang lain kaji Bintang jauh-jauh . . . kita obses dengan Bintang filem. Orang lain dah bertongkat laser . . . kita mengejar Tongkat Ali.
Sudah sudah lah tu.
Snap out of it !
Bangun lah dari beradu atas tilam yang empok diambang ranjang kayangan yang mengundang kepunahan bangsa sejagat.
Dah ada semangat nak berjuang? Nak berjihad? Bagus. Mula-mula perlu lancar Jihad Ekonomi. Itu dulu. Tak guna melaung-laung nak pancung si kaafirun nun di sana kalau hidup merémpat di bumi sendiri . . . tiada ilmu, tiada jatidiri, tiada penghasilan, tiada harapan.
Kalau Tanah Melayu tak best, pi kerja atas kapal. Boleh tengok dunia. Pi USA pun boleh. Apa takot sangat? Dok kerja di Amerika tiga bulan, hang dah boleh cakap omputeh macam Nicholas Cage. Hok sét Kelaté, buléh kécék Inglih macé Arnold SusohNokEjo pong oké doh tuh. Susoh gapo nyo?
The Malays will do just fine . . . once we rid ourselves of the opiate of false security offered by a band of rogues at great socio-economic cost amid an induced sense of perpetual vulnerability to looming threats of imagined pendatang bogeymen lurking in every nook and cranny of the land.
We must realise the ludicrousness of the threat of impending doom of the Orang Melayu on our own Tanah Tumpah Darah IF the current gang of pillaging pirates were to lose power. We must be emancipated from this culture of irrational fear, of crippling institutional dependency, of inability to take charge and be responsible for our own welfare, our own destiny.
Wahai Orang Melayu, UMNO sudah tiada. Perjuangan parti itu sudah terpésong . . . dari membéla Agama, Bangsa dan Tanah Air kepada membéla gerombolan penyangak dan penyamun. Tingkatkan lah dayasaing dan jatidiri. Tingkatkan usaha. Bekerja lebih keras. Kita bangsa yang ada maruah, ada pegangan, ada identiti, ada sejarah.
Takkan Melayu Hilang Di . . . . start dengan Malaysia dulu. Lepas tu baru . . . Dunia.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Forty Years of Political Lunacy . . . . and we STILL react to this Madman !
For four decades, one single devil-incarnate, a grotesque freak of nature, has driven our nation from one political abyss into another.
Imagine, . . . ONE divisive, power-mad manipulative little lunatic.
For at least two generations, we have been led into the bottomless cesspool of political stupidity . . . . where otherwise sane and rational Malaysians are reduced to gutter-level petty infighting, reduced to chasing shadows in the dark here and elsewhere, . . . symbolic of our unwitting willingness to lap up and propagate the filth and pestilence left in his wake.
Kajang is just the latest twist in this raving madman's machinations to build his grandiose political edifice, the latest spurt of sporadic anarchic psychosis that started way back in 1974 when Malay undergrads were instigated to riot and rebel against some social injustice concocted in the fertile imagination of this delusional nut. And again in 1998 where tens of thousands of Malays yet again put aside their education, careers and businesses to "fight for reform" on the streets, destroying countless Malay lives and businesses in the ensuing havoc.
Upon release from his cage in 2006, this beast quickly reincarnated as a self-proclaimed messiah of reform -- a "gift of God" -- to further divide the Malays, this time with dire consequences on the nation's socio-political stability. An inconsequential PAS, hitherto floating towards oblivion in their own make-believe fantasy of fatwas-on-demand and desert Arab mimicry in the tropics, was rejuvenated as they join forces with fellow Chinese ass-kissing Malai Lembus of PKR to fight UMNO, split the Malay vote and ensure dilution of Malay political clout to a level unprecedented in the post-Merdeka era.
Malay disunity also gave a new lease of life to the Malay-hating Cinakui extremists of DAP, a party-of-hate that was already on their death throes after being thrashed to a pulp in the 2004 GE. The vast majority of nons, products of the world's ONLY school system based on the national language of a foreign faraway land, revealed their true Malay-hating colours and threw their lot behind the DAP racist subversives.
A false sense of empowerment permeated the soul of the minorities who capitalised on Malay disunity across the land to gain unprecedented political power. Now drunk with power disproportionate to their depleting numbers, they drew first blood with the Malay Mainstream on issues of religion, race, language and identity that will one day prove detrimental to their long-term existence in Malaysia. Hence, Malaysia morphed into a divisive simmering land of intolerant racists, habitual law breakers, self-alienising minorities languishing in their own little racist cocoons and recalcitrant religious nuts obsessed with stealing other people's God.
In other words, we are fast becoming a BASKET CASE.
And the gory truth staring at our collective faces -- as reaffirmed by the Kajang Gambit -- is the fact that our national political trajectory for most of the past four decades . . . imagine, 40 years . . . has been charted by a wretched, manipulative little man . . . a glassy-eyed borderline schizophrenic who is nothing more than a glorified political Forrest Gump allowed to run amok and create mischief at every turn by a soft, bungling incompetent BN/UMNO. Yes, imagine, the chaos, mayhem, racial tension, religious provocation, indeed, degeneration of the State itself -- one convoluted way or another -- is the toxic fallout from the political machinations of one wayward bipedal primate languishing in our midst. Marvel at the willingness among many to allow themselves to be politically seduced, raped and bullied and rendered concurrently guilt-ridden and inexplicably thankful for the sweet talk and tender mercies of this madman and his coterie of maladjusted courtiers and sycophants.
Yup, . . . one old raving madman is holding our nation hostage -- dividing the people across the permutation of race, language and religion; with the political process mocked, raped and brought into disrepute; with nothing to offer but more chaos and mayhem across the land.
. . . and inexplicably, we Malaysians zombie-like REACT to this madman's every move, as if obsessed with his lunacy as we wallow in the stinking cesspool either fighting for or against his cause. Either way, we are screwed, bigtime -- used, hoodwinked and manipulated to a chaotic existence by one morally deviant little septuagenarian with an insatiable lust for power.
THAT is the REAL tragedy.
Political Lunacy,
PRK Kajang
Santa Monica, CA, USA
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Godless Malay-Haters and the "Allah" Ciplak Saga
. . . . and the weird thing is that the most vocal, most vociferous, most tenacious and most obnoxious instigators of the “Allah” ciplak saga are NOT EVEN CHRISTIANS. Yes people, these filthy scums are as God-less as they come. Indeed, they are pathetic little mortal manifestations of the anti-Christ himself. Their lives revolve around vices, sins and perversions that would doom them on a one-way express ticket to eternal Christian hell. Heck, they wouldn’t recognize Jesus, Mother Mary or the Apostles even if these holy figures somersault and hop scotch and cha cha in front of them.
Listen up, these Cinakuis and Kelings are as far removed from the Christian faith or any form of Monotheism as anyone could ever be. But who bark the loudest over this “Allah” ciplak issue? Yes, . . . these very same Patong Konkrit, Rotting Tunggul Kayu, Abandoned Culvert and Gua Batu Kapur worshippers who are the very embodiment of the Godless unsaved souls antithesis to Christians and Christianity!
So why are these filthy bastards involved in this stupid battle?
You see, this “Allah” ciplak saga is just another avenue for Malay-hating scums to spite the Melayus. Browse their filth in cyberspace and you’ll know what I mean. Suddenly the likes of Ramasamy A/L Periakarrupiah and See Toh Chee Bai – both as un-Christian as Madonna is un-Virgin -- have “strong opinions” about this “Allah” ciplak issue, morphing into instant experts on Christian Scripture, Paleolinguistics, Cultural Anthropology of the Nusantara and post-SriVijayan Malay Literature in their obsessive drive to spite the Malays. They go all out to force-feed the ARABIC word for the One God into the MALAY Bible although TUHAN YANG MAHA ESA is the exceedingly more accurate form.
These nons provoke, incite and rock the socio-political boat as they capitalise on Malay Disunity. Of course, the exceedingly politically STUPID Malays are hopelessly divided FOUR ways :-
1) Najib’s malignantly unlovable UMNO of bodoh sombong muka-tak-laku pompous old crooks, thieves and tricksters
2) Anything-to-spite-UMNO-and-will-collaborate-with-the-devil deviationist Ular-Maks of PAS
3) The will-do-anything-to-install-an-obnoxious-asshole-as-PM perverted clowns of PKR
4) The ever growing pool of disenfranchised I-don’t-give-a-dog’s-shit non-voting Melayus.
Now, the problem with the nons is that their politics is based on one thing and one thing only: their pathological hatred of Malays. These people just hate Malays, period. Their politics is NOT about nation-building, NOT about transparency, NOT about justice, NOT about rule of law, NOT about NOTHING.
Their politics is about provoking the Malays, infuriating the Malays, testing the Malays, pushing the Malays . . . . on just about anything, anytime, anywhere, anyhow. They will hijack and cling to anything even remotely capable of upsetting the Malays they hate so very much. And this “Allah” ciplak saga is just another convenient platform for these mischievous bastards to indulge in another orgiastic hatefest against the Malays at a time when the country is led by a second successive nincompoop Prime Minister and the disunited Malays are at their lowest political ebb since Merdeka.
As for the Christian zealots, by now all thinking Malaysians would have seen their REAL intention, which is to insert “Allah” into Malay Bibles designed with the look and feel of the Al-Quran and laden with Arabic jargons and decorative Quran-like calligraphy as a strategy to confuse the stupid and gullible among the Melayus. The ultimate step is conversion and this is in direct contravention of the Federal Constitution on proselytization of Muslims.
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Insignificant nobodies emboldened by support from Godless Malay-Haters |
Now, this Lawrence A/L Andrew and Murphy Nicholas Xavier A/L Pakiam fellows were originally anonymous insignificant nobodies that we had never heard of -- “ain’t worth a pitcher of warm spit” as they say in South Carolina -- until, yes UNTIL their cause was hijacked and embellished by the Godless anti-Melayus. These two ayyas were placed on plasticky pedestals, given legal resources and political backing to the hilt, and propped as figurehead puppets by the neo-Commie scums to “lead” yet another pesky front in their all out war against the hated Malays.
And when those filthy Godless Malay-hating devils smother and screw the cartoonish religious zealots, they spawn packs of Religious Anarchist mongrels -- groups of unthinking mutants hating the Melayus with the fervor of religious nuts – the worst possible form of degenerative humankind !
Folks, we have now reached a stage where we should not waste any more time in meaningless discourses with pathological Malay-hating law breakers. We are just playing into their hands by arguing about this issue in an infinite circle propagated and sustained by autas and belits and more putar belits. You see, the likes of Murphy A/L Pakiam and Lawrence A/L Andrew are Indian Christians . . . . in my book a lethal combination of religious zealotry AND biological penchant to twist and turn and roll and rumble and lead us all, the whole nation, into an endless cycle of nomenclature and historical putaaaarbelitness till kingdom come. I know many of these types, the kinds that admonish you for “wrongly” wishing them Happy Deepavali and that go all out to explicitly extol their Christianity, complete with out-of-tune carols and half-drunk ayyas who couldn’t even convince blind people they are Santie Claus. These are the typical black-ass types who want to be more Christian than the Omputeh, with the Thangachees often dressed in black thigh revealing sleeveless dresses and stuttering along in ASTRO-style phony American English. Their fervor is surpassed only by the “Malay Christians” of the Philippines, who will go to the extent of being nailed to the cross to manifest their faith, and the “Malay Hindus” of Bali, who spent virtually all of their income to build gigantic offerings to appease innumerable dewas that dominate their existence.
So people, this “Allah” hijacking circus is nothing but another Malay-hating orgy of the Godless psychotic bastards -- riding on and using self-centered Christian zealot misfits -- to spite, infuriate and provoke the Malays. So let’s quit pretending these scums are rational beings. They are not, never were and never will. No point in arguing antediluvian era religious facts and socio-cultural and linguistic logic to these devil incarnates.
What they really need is swift, decisive retribution of Biblical proportions, based on the Constitution and Rule of Law of course.
If the Constitution and the Law say “Allah” could not be used in Malay Bibles in Malaya, then that is how it is, . . . no ifs, buts or maybes. Arrest the law breakers, the instigators, the Malay-hating Godless scums who use this as a juicy, convenient Malay-bashing platform. Arrest them all, stuff them in the dungeons, and throw away the keys. Do this until not a single Bible in Malaya has “Allah” in it.
We must return to Rule of Law. No more dialogues. No more discourses. No more gentle caressing of these Godless Malay-hating scums and their habitual law-breaking Christian zealot stooges.
Enough. No more.
To the authorities, get off your lazy butts and just do this:-
That’s what Malaysia needs right now !
Godless Malay-Haters,
Lawrence Andrew,
Malay Bible,
Murphy Pakiam
San Francisco, CA, USA
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
..... and the CONmen Go Marching In (updated)
I want to share something I posted on my facebook wall late last night for the benefit of those who follow me exclusively on Demi Negara. I reproduce it at the end of this preamble.
PM Najib is bleeding our national coffers via Khazanah, 1MDB, PEMANDU, TalentCorp and a multitude of unnecessary and unproductive supragovernmental agencies. These agencies are fed hand-to-mouth by super-expensive foreign-led CON-sultants. I christened these CON-sultants the Powerpoint Mafia as they are administratively untouchable and politically unaccountable. These supragovernmental agencies have become monstrous money pits answerable to no one ..... not even to Najib whose hands are tied by phoney threats of impending socio-economic calamity if Malaysia does not follow the various Transformation gobbledygook concocted by these thugs in Armani suits and Versace dresses now permanently encamped in and around the PM's department in Putrajaya.
In a nutshell, Najib has failed us. And fail us big time as the foreign-led Powerpoint Mafia and their brash, arrogant 20- and 30-something local foot soldiers in the multitude of supragovernmental agencies hijacked our national socio-development agenda and nationbuilding blueprint. Yes people, scary as it seem, Malaysia is now effectively ruled by proxy by the Powerpoint Mafia and their cocky young local henchmen and henchwomen.
Our sovereign funds -- cash earned from our collective toil; our blood, sweat and tears; and from our finite natural resources -- are being squandered on extravagant ventures at exorbitant cost with no tangible deliverable beyond fuzzy pie-in-the-sky concepts concocted by the Powerpoint Mafia.
And let's be frank here. These multibillion ringgit programmes with fancy names and even fancier rationale plucked from thin air do not benefit the average rakyat. Nothing trickles down to the urban poor or to the simple kampung folk or to the ubiquitous salaryman.
The average rakyat feels the economic pain. Real pain. The arrogant Powerpoint Mafia and their local brown-ass party gurls in short skirts won't tell that to Najib. To them, these folks are just collateral damage, the inconsequential by-product of a grander scheme.
Najib is too busy anyway. Jetsetting with his large entourage and hangers on into San Francisco, officiated an obscenely expensive office for Khazanah, dropped by at Twitter HQ and then rushing in a 20-vehicle motorcade down the 101 freeway to visit Facebook HQ and then off to New York city for some speeches and more merriment. All on our tab of course.
While Najib and spouse jet sets with the fashionable crowd, our common rakyat struggles with rising costs and the pains of rapid unbridled urbanisation and burgeoning social ills. Of course the Powerpoint Mafia shields him from the real Malaysia, from the needs and concerns of the rakyat jelata. Instead, he is fed a steady diet of CON-sultant jargon-laden strategic fairytales that seem to outdo one another in irrational grandiosity as time goes by. Suddenly Malaysia must be "competitive" against a whole bunch of phantom economic adversaries. Of course, after sitting in a series of these slick multimedia CON-sultant presentations, a sense of paranoia permeates one's soul, of being under siege and boxed in by "more competitive" others around us. See? Najib is pushed towards economic paranoia by these Powerpoint Mafia. They convinced him that he must spend hundreds of billions of ringgits of our money and our childrens' money in order to generate several tens of millions of ringgit of net incremental wealth. Apa? Like this how? But financial disconnects are just minor detail irritants to Najib as, remember, he has been led to think in trillions of future ringgits in some future socio-economic utopia where young, happy merit-based highly productive people outcompete and outclass everyone else on this planet as the Malaysian economy takes-off into sub-orbital space of merriment and boundless prosperity.
Yeah sure.
Minyak naik duaposen pun rakyat dah nak merusuh! Harga ayam mahal dua kali lipat pun si menteri bangang dah tak tau apa nak buat! What transformasi you talking about? These menteris -- of the perdana and generic varieties -- cannot even transform themselves or manage their spouses. You think they can transform us, the nation? Pigidahh!
Drive around our towns and kampungs and places in between. Haul your butts out your comfy airconditioned cars and go have a cuppa coffee and the local kueh at the roadside kedai makan. Observe the activities of the local folks. I'm talking about places like Sekinchan and Juasseh and Paka and Bachok and Kodiang and Sarikei and Tuaran. You think Najib's grandiose schemes will ever benefit them? How much of the hundreds of billions of ringgits spent thus far have trickled to them? Almost nothing. Nothing. And I've not even talked about the urban poor, in my book the worse kind of poor. They have no
land to plant or raise food, have minimal extended family support
structure and must pay for everything, even for a twig of karipulai or a bunch of serai. They have little cash in a cash-based economic ecosystem.
Hence, I was particularly appalled upon reading reports of Khazanah's new rep office in San Francisco. I know the place like the back of my hand ..... the business climate, the people, the subtle nuances of that society. And I believe Khazanah's foray there is just a waste of taxpayers' money as their objective is too fuzzy, too unclear to justify a strong presence in a socio-economic culture they know nothing about. The Powerpoint Mafia even helped them form a new entity to run the U.S. ops. They called it Khazanah Americas, Inc. or KAI for short. Yup folks, with these KAI people spending our money, we might just go poKAI soon ...
This is the FB posting. Feel free to share your thoughts.
...... and the CONmen go marching in.
This time a lavish Khazanah Nasional
rep office in one of the most expensive downtown office towers in very
expensive San Francisco. Where the in-building parking (if you can find
one) charges run at U$3 (RM10) per 15 minutes or US33 (RM110) per day.
That would be RM3,300 per month for one car in a dingy basement -- the
rental rate of a very comfortable KL apartment.
While being fawned head-over-heels by CONmen from Frost & Sullivan and likeminded parasites, PM Najib reportedly complimented the breathtaking view of the Golden Gate Bridge and praised Mr. Non-Performer Royale, Azman Mokhtar for making "the great choice of sparkling office with a nice view." Yes indeed. A million dollar view that will captivate many a heart. But is Khazanah promoting Malaysia or Northern California?
While being fawned head-over-heels by CONmen from Frost & Sullivan and likeminded parasites, PM Najib reportedly complimented the breathtaking view of the Golden Gate Bridge and praised Mr. Non-Performer Royale, Azman Mokhtar for making "the great choice of sparkling office with a nice view." Yes indeed. A million dollar view that will captivate many a heart. But is Khazanah promoting Malaysia or Northern California?
NR: "Wow .... fantabulous view! The Golden Gate Bridge. I should move my office here.
Far away from those pesky poor people back home. Whaddaya think?"
AM: "Hehe .... yes boss. Anything you say boss. BTW, can I have the other office suite?"
NR: "Oh, you mean the one with the clear view of Alcatraz Prison? Sure why not.
You may want to get used to the interior sights though, hahaha ... just joking."
AM: "Hehe boss. We will have adjoining cells .... err rooms ... there boss.
AM: "Hehe boss. We will have adjoining cells .... err rooms ... there boss.
Just joking also lah ....."
Who will staff this luxurious office?
How many Malaysians? From where and based on what criteria? Another
bunch of cocky 26-year olds "selected on merit" who will splash scenes
of their wild parties and sinful weekend getaways -- this time in
exciting SF -- on FB? Don't be surprised if some of the PEMANDU party
animals get recycled and sent here to liven up the wild Bay Area LGBT
So how much is the rakyat (yes, Malaysian
taxpayers) paying these people? Let me guess ............ a lot. Yes, a
lot because San Francisco is one of THE most expensive cities in the
U.S., with rental rates three times the U.S. average. The median rent
for a 1-BR, yes one bedroom apartment in this city is about US$3,300
(almost RM11,000) per month. In preferred neighbourhoods, 1-BR rentals
-- if you can actually find one -- would be US$3,600-4,500. For 2-BRs?
You're staring at US$5,000-8,000 per month. 3-BR? Don't ask. And we
have not even looked at other costs in a city ranked in the top 3 most
expensive in the U.S.
How I know all these? I have a SF rep
office as well. You pay through your nose in rental, parking and staff
costs but as long as you make money, lots of it, its fine.
will Azman Mokhtar and the merry-men and -women of Khazanah actually
"make money" to cover this yet another splurge of the rakyat's hard
earned ringgits?
By bringing in investors?
Isn't that job already done by the likes of Mida, Matrade and Miti?
Seriously, what can Khazanah do that Mida and Matrade cannot do or has
not already done? Mida has six offices across the U.S. -- Los Angeles,
San Jose, New York, Boston, Chicago and Houston. Martrade has offices
in Los Angeles, Miami and New York. And we have investment
minister-counselors in our Washington, D.C. embassy and consulates
general in New York and Los Angeles. Throw in Tourism Malaysia and
Malaysia Airlines and you'll have a heck of a lot of "rep offices"
offering the same thing again and again to confused Americans.
So what exactly is Khazanah's role in SF? To attract investments?
Again, that's Mida and Miti's job. To expand trade? That's Matrade's
job. To secure tourist dollars? That's Tourism Malaysia's job. To
play a hand in diplomacy? That's the foreign office's job via the
embassy and consulates.
Oh, I forgot ..... Khazanah is
supposed to SPEND money, NOT make money. While part of the fat budget
has been blown on expensive office rental and staff costs, there must be
quite a chunk left for a Silicon Valley spending spree. Najib
reportedly said in SF, "Malaysia [is] keen to invest in exciting
high-value areas such as life sciences, green technology and
cutting-edge innovation that could help Malaysia's transformation
What exactly do all those Powerpoint jargons mean?
I'm sure Mr. Kool wannabe here would throw in "value proposition" and
"value chain" and "leading edge" and "next-gen" and "ears and eyeballs"
and other so-very-90s-lah CON-sultant bullsh*t somewhere in his speech.
And the Powerpoint Mafia never cease to amaze.
CON-sultant supreme, Frost & Sullivan (here represented by their smooth talkin' Chairman, David Frigstad), actually concocted a make-believe, one-off award to be presented to Khazanah.
They called it the Global Award for Visionary Innovation Leadership.
Say what? Global Visionary what? And gullible Najib beams over the "honour."
Haiya .... this is too easy lah people. Too easy!
You wanna bet they won't get new fat CON-tracts to do something there?
As for stopping the spending spree, its too late lah people. The depleting chequebook's out. Khazanah must be seen to spend on something somewhere to justify their SF office adventure. You see, their No.1 KPI is "to spend money, lots of it" and No.2 KPI is "to lose money, most of it" and No.3 KPI is "blame others, all of them."
I'm just
waiting for some announcement of a "strategic investment" in some "new
economy" scam involving solar powered green-coloured multiheaded dildos
or something like that run by a couple of Taiwanese H-1B visa abusers
out of a Sunnyvale garage repackaged, of course, into some sustainable
eco-friendly healthy green technology gizmo that purportedly will yield a
financial windfall for Khazanah and propel Malaysia to new heights of
economic ecstasy ..... blah, blah, blah. Sounds familiar? A sucker
born every minute? Remember InventQjaya? Remember E-Village in the
Dengkil boondocks? And don't let me get into cow farms and such. Just
finished a late dinner meeting with some old ex-ministers and the
possibility of regurgitating the horrendous raw sturgeon wrapped in
salty seaweed and boiled cabbage is very real indeed.
..... saw in the newsfeed that Najib had just committed the rakyat's
money into yet another new fund management company, Putra Eco Ventures
Inc. The report said: "The company will channel the investments and
provide business consultancy services to green technology companies."
Now, that's a triple whammy of oxymoronia. "Channel the investments"?
"Provide business consultancy services"? These types of phrases have
scam and leakage and abuse and misadventure written all over them.
Throw in "green technology" and you are looking at a financial
trainwreck in the making.
So people, another little chapter of the follies of GLC Malaysia unfolds away from the public radar. While the rakyat bicker over twenty sen fuel price hikes and lack of decent affordable housing, the jet-setting chimps-in-suits of Khazanah (... and soon PEMANDU and TalentCorp and 1MDB and other disasters) throw our tax money into bottomless pits in faraway America.
My problem with Najib is that every time he launches or announces or officiates something somewhere, I get an overpowering sense of mindless, needless wastage of the rakyat's money. And this Khazanah rep office in San Francisco is no different. Again, I just don't understand the logic. To attract investments, Mida, Martrade and Miti and our embassy and consulates have already done that for umpteen years. No need expensive, lavish office overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge in SF. On the other hand, if you just want to throw money at American companies, to invest in their business schemes or scams, they couldn't care less about your office. They just want your money, lots of it. Heck, they wouldn't give a hoot even if you work out of a Motel 6 by the 101 freeway .... as long as you give them money.
So again, what's this "great choice of sparkling office with a nice view" in San Francisco really about? Is this a necessary strategic move to oversee the deployment of our sovereign funds -- our children's money -- in foreign-based ventures crucial to our economic competitiveness, ....... or is this yet another expensive stupid out of control ego trip by some chimps-in-suits condoned by a weak, gullible Prime Minister easily fooled by meaningless CONsultant jargons liberally dished out in slick Powerpoint presentations?
Najib Razak,
Powerpoint Mafia,
San Francisco
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Jahaaaane negeri kerano mung ............ kito T U K A R laa weii
Dua puluh tiga tahun itu agak lama.
Kalau kereta, dah hampir boleh apply Classic Car Status
dengan JPJ dan dapat 80% diskaun roadtax. Kalau kaum Hawa, ada yang
sudah ada 2-3 anak .... syabas. Kalau pokok getah atau kelapa sawit,
hasil mulai kurang, dah kena tanam semula. Haiwan pun banyak dah lama
padam selepas 23 tahun, kecuali mungkin sang penyu, kura-kura dan sekor dua berok tua.
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Gambar sekadar hiasan. Itu bukan orang Kelantan. |
Ya, dua puluh tiga tahun memang lama.
Darul Naim sekarang sudah dua puluh tiga tahun dibawah belenggu PAS.
Dan dalam 23 tahun itu, negeri ini tersepit di bawah tampuk
seorang insan bernama Nik Aziz Nik Mat. Seperti juga kereta, pokok getah
dan haiwan pemeliharaan, selepas 23 tahun, Nik Aziz juga sudah tua,
umur sudah mencecah 80an.
23 tahun ini, semakin meningkat umur Nik Aziz, semakin lah terabai
rakyat negeri Kelantan. Dan semakin berumur Nik Aziz, semakinlah beliau
dikerumuni oleh berbagai-bagai watak aneh dan parasit jalanan.
Bertopengkan ciri-ciri ular-mak PAS dan sering ber-kostum lengkap --
serban atau ketayap; janggut tiga urat; biji mata
diperik macam ostad ajar Quran -- watak-watak ini sudah lebih dua dekad
menunggang sang beruk tua untuk kepentingan peribadi.
Kenapa saya kata kepentingan peribadi?
Tanyalah mana-mana parasit ber-kostum Abu Nawas ini, "ggapo hok Keghajé'é parti YB buak ko ambo, ko ghakyak Kelaté, ko negeghi Kelaté?" Selain dari omongan kosong dan fakta-fakta khayalan canaan ceramah tepi longkang, YB itu tidak akan ada jawapan kerana tiada apa yang telah dilakukan. Sebaliknya, dia akan menyalahi orang lain dan parti lain, terutamanya UMNO/BN. Prasarana tiada, salah BN. Gejala pil kuda berleluasa, salah BN. Kadar pengangguran tinggi, salah BN. Nasi Berlauk tak sedap, salah BN, perut boroi kepala dah botak, salah BN .......
Nik Aziz dan kuncu-kuncu PAS nya tahu
dan faham hati sanubari orang Kelantan. Kefahaman ini mereka
salahgunapakai. Mereka amat arif tentang kecenderongan kerohanian yang
tinggi dan sifat kedaerahan yang begitu mendalam dikalangan orang
Kelantan. Sebab itulah gerompolan Abu Nawas ini boleh menggenggam rakyat
dan negeri Kelantan lebih dua dekad.
disalahguna ketahap parah. Agama dan politik dicampurhaduk sehingga
PAS=Islam dan UMNO/BN sinonim dengan puak "tolak Islam." Penyokong PAS
tegar berasa diri mereka "lebih Islam" dari orang lain, apatah lagi orang
UMNO/BN yang Nik Aziz kata sudah "tolak Islam" dan sering beliau
"kafirkan." Yang cetek agama atau yang tiada pendirian akan "masok PAS"
supaya tidak dicemuh oleh gerompolan ular-mak samseng yang berleluasa di setiap pelusuk kampung dan desa.
menggondol ramai pengikut, maka jadilah besar kepala, ego sudah ketahap
langit. Sampai Syurga pun boleh di gerenti. Ya, "pakoh PAH mung masok
Syurgo. Aku jaming." Islam apa ini?
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Tiada tempat dalam dunia agama suci Islam disalahguna sedemikian rupa. |
Jadi berduyun-duyunlah adek kakok kita pergi pakoh parti Pah
setiap kali pilihanraya. Gerompolan ular-mak ini makin selesa, perut makin
boroi, mulalah berbini dua tiga dan rancak bersubahat dengan si Cina DAP
dalam berbagai bisnes olok-olok. Hutan rimba ditebang hingga botak
segala bukit dan gunung ganang. Tanah peneroka tak ber-geran (kerana
geran pun tak di beri selepas tunggu berbelas tahun) dirampas dan
ditibai si Cina DAP juga. Di Kota Bharu, orang asal Lembah Sireh diberi
gantirugi yang tak setimpal dengan nilai tanah, itu pun kalau diberi. Ganjaran kepada kerajaan negeri yang patut diberi oleh pemaju Cina itu juga tidak dilunaskan. Negeri dapat sedikit sahaja. Tapi, tanah dan beratus lot kedai sudah dijual; wang diangkot tak tahu kemana.
rakyat Kelantan tidak bangkit memarahi kerajaan PAS? Kerana si ular-mak
ni pandai bersandiwara, menyalahguna lunas-lunas keagamaan dan menyalahi UMNO/BN walaupun berbagai musibah ciptaan
PAS itu tiada kena-mengena dengan Najib Razak atau Mustapa Mohamed. Kalau rakyat masih tak puas hati, Nik Aziz suruh buat sembahyang hajat atau mayé ajat. Semua isu mereka selesaikan dengan dua cara -- salahkan UMNO/BN dan "mung gi mayé ajat."
Jadi, hari demi hari, Nik Aziz dan gerompolan ular-mak PAS nya telah menanam "mentaliti mangsa" -- victim mentality -- ke dalam hati sanubari ramai orang Kelantan. Bila kita diasuh jadi mangsa, kita tidak bertanggungjawab atas nasib kita. Si pemalas tidak berdisiplin pun akui jadi mangsa UMNO/BN. Si pentadbir awam cuai kerja pun akui jadi mangsa UMNO/BN. Dari Menteri Besar ke ADUN hingga ke penyapu sampah, semua akui jadi mangsa UMNO/BN sebagai alasan tak pandai buat kerja.
Bilo boh dok beradu gaaak .......
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Anok buoh pong ikut ghetek laaa weii ........
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Nasi berlauk duo bukuh soghe nih! |
Kalu macé nih belako, negeri sapo tadbir?
Bila hari-hari lebih dari dua dekad kita dengar ceramah songsang dan ditanam "mentaliti mangsa" oleh Nik Aziz dan kuncu-kuncunya, apa jadi pada kita? Hancur. Ya, hancur. Masyarakat sudah tiada paksi, tiada struktur. Semua masalah ciptaan sendiri di longgok sebagai salah orang lain. Ramai rakyat berkeliaran hari-hari tanpa tujuan dan ketandusan motivasi. Yang bersemangat juang sudah lama berhijrah ke setiap pelusuk bukan hanya negara tetapi dunia. Hingga di Amerika pun ada orang Kelantan. Di Los Angeles, berlambak, maju jaya sampai dah beranak pinak. Yang tertinggal di Kelantan, kalau ada bisnes pusaka orang tua atau yang ada minda keusahawanan tinggi, bolehlah hidup selesa sedikit. Yang lain? Menyedihkan.
Sekali-sekala, bila rakyat Kelantan bangkit dan tuntut lebuhraya dan stadium sukan, apa si ular-mak buat? Takda masalah. Buat saja majlis pecah tanah dan letak batu asas besar-besar. Lepas 2-3 bulan? Nothing. Orang Kelantan kata: "naik ghok balik." Tiada apa yang terbina. Kalau desak juga, Nik Aziz suruh pergi sembahyang hajat ... "kito samo-samo mayé ajat."
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Si ular-mak ni bola pun tak faham, tak minat. Nak stadium? Keno maye ajat lagi lah kawe weii ... |
Nok buak Lebohrayo keno la beli tanoh oghe kapong. Ambo ado sawoh limo eka di lalué tuh. Takdok bunying kaba lagi keghajé'é Pah nok beli. Ko lalu kok laing ...... atah kayangé ko?
Apa yang terbina di Kota Bharu, Pasir Mas, Tanah Merah, Gua Musang, Pasir Puteh dan bandar-bandar besar lain rata-rata hasil keringat orang Kelantan sendiri dan rakan kongsi luar mereka. Peranan kerajaan PAS amatlah minimal. Dimana mereka masuk campur, sering negeri dan rakyat Kelantan akan rugi. Hartanah milik negeri diberi kepada pemaju tanpa bayaran timbal-balik yang manasabah.
Dua puluh tiga tahun dibawah puak-puak ini, rakyat tidak di asuh berdisiplin dan hormati etika kejiranan dan pemeliharaan kemudahan awam. Ceramah mereka hanya memupuk kebencian dan menuding jari ke orang lain. Prasarana asas amat tidak sempurna, seolah tidak penting bagi gerompolan ular-mak ini. Sampah berselerak tidak dikutip, jalan berlubang disana-sini, longkang tiada, bahu jalan macam belukar .... harapkan dimakan oleh lembu kambing yang berkeliaran. Sampah dibuang merata tempat, kadang-kadang terus dari tingkap kereta. Pembangunan bandar tiada zoning plan. Banglo mewah bercampurhaduk dengan bengkel kereta dan kedai makan. Rumah dibina tanpa apa-apa kelulusan PBT, tiada building plan, tidak ikut building code, tiada setback, tanpa sistem perparitan atau pembentungan. Kedai kopi dan gerai buah dibiarkan menceroboh rizab jalan. Tiada apa bentuk kuatkuasa pun. Orang parking merata-rata. Jalan dua lorong jadi satu lorong; kadang-kadang terus jadi parking lot seperti di sekitar Wakaf Che Yeh dan Chabang Tiga Pengkalan Chepa.
Dua puluh tiga tahun dibawah puak-puak ini, rakyat tidak di asuh berdisiplin dan hormati etika kejiranan dan pemeliharaan kemudahan awam. Ceramah mereka hanya memupuk kebencian dan menuding jari ke orang lain. Prasarana asas amat tidak sempurna, seolah tidak penting bagi gerompolan ular-mak ini. Sampah berselerak tidak dikutip, jalan berlubang disana-sini, longkang tiada, bahu jalan macam belukar .... harapkan dimakan oleh lembu kambing yang berkeliaran. Sampah dibuang merata tempat, kadang-kadang terus dari tingkap kereta. Pembangunan bandar tiada zoning plan. Banglo mewah bercampurhaduk dengan bengkel kereta dan kedai makan. Rumah dibina tanpa apa-apa kelulusan PBT, tiada building plan, tidak ikut building code, tiada setback, tanpa sistem perparitan atau pembentungan. Kedai kopi dan gerai buah dibiarkan menceroboh rizab jalan. Tiada apa bentuk kuatkuasa pun. Orang parking merata-rata. Jalan dua lorong jadi satu lorong; kadang-kadang terus jadi parking lot seperti di sekitar Wakaf Che Yeh dan Chabang Tiga Pengkalan Chepa.
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Kalau "Zon Bersih" sebegini rupa, zon biasa macam mana pulak? |
Kesimpulannya, rakyat Kelantan sudah dua puluh tiga tahun berkorban untuk Nik Aziz dan PAS. Mereka sanggup minum dan mandi-manda air keruh; mengharungi sistem jalanraya tahap primitif; diselubungi suasana sampah merata-rata dan semak samun tidak terjaga; tanpa peluang pekerjaan yang setimpal dengan kelulusan dan keupayaan sebenar individu; tanpa dibela oleh pihak berkuasa negeri, bahkan kadangkala ditipu dan diperbodohkan ............. Untuk apa? Untuk siapa? Kenapa? Adakah ini wajar? Hingga bila?
Cukuplah. Bo la wei adek kakok. Bo la kito korbé ko puok-puok nih. Duo puloh tigo tahong doh adek kakok bui kuaso ko demo nih. Tok dapak ggapo sekagho pong.
Sampai dah masa kita tukar. Beri peluang kepada Barisan Nasional tadbir sepenggal. Acu tra sepengga. Kito tengok lagu mano. Bui BN tuna janji dio macé macé tuh.
Insya'Allah, hari ni kito T U K A R Kelaté !!!
Cukuplah. Bo la wei adek kakok. Bo la kito korbé ko puok-puok nih. Duo puloh tigo tahong doh adek kakok bui kuaso ko demo nih. Tok dapak ggapo sekagho pong.
Sampai dah masa kita tukar. Beri peluang kepada Barisan Nasional tadbir sepenggal. Acu tra sepengga. Kito tengok lagu mano. Bui BN tuna janji dio macé macé tuh.
Insya'Allah, hari ni kito T U K A R Kelaté !!!
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