What’s all the hoopla about a Catholic publication in this country wanting to use the word “Allah” to signify the Christian God in its Bahasa Malaysia section? This "Allah" connotation would ostensibly extend to Bahasa Malaysia Bibles and at mass and prayer sessions conducted in the National Language.
Why this sudden urge to write, read, converse and preach in Bahasa Malaysia? How come the very people who couldn’t even give you the time of day or simple street directions in the National Language suddenly fight tooth and nail to use the word “Allah” in Bahasa Malaysia Christian publications and Bibles that they themselves will never read, let alone comprehend?
Who would be the end-user of these Malay Bibles? Uncle Ignatius Lourdesamy down the street? What about his extended family who all grew up speaking and reading and writing English (and perhaps some Tamil though they may not admit it) and whose only exposure to Bahasa Malaysia was at school and in filling various borangs and permohonans at the pejabat kerajaan? You truly believe these Christian Anglophiles would be reciting their holy scriptures in Malay? Praising "Allah" and the Son of "Allah" in a language synonymous with Malay hegemony and stuffy government bureaucracy?
Why this sudden urge to write, read, converse and preach in Bahasa Malaysia? How come the very people who couldn’t even give you the time of day or simple street directions in the National Language suddenly fight tooth and nail to use the word “Allah” in Bahasa Malaysia Christian publications and Bibles that they themselves will never read, let alone comprehend?
Who would be the end-user of these Malay Bibles? Uncle Ignatius Lourdesamy down the street? What about his extended family who all grew up speaking and reading and writing English (and perhaps some Tamil though they may not admit it) and whose only exposure to Bahasa Malaysia was at school and in filling various borangs and permohonans at the pejabat kerajaan? You truly believe these Christian Anglophiles would be reciting their holy scriptures in Malay? Praising "Allah" and the Son of "Allah" in a language synonymous with Malay hegemony and stuffy government bureaucracy?
“Allah" is the Arabic word for The God, not just any God, and is thought to derive from the prefix al ("the") and the generic ilah ("god"). Hence, the La ilaha il Allah ("There is no god but Allah") in the first half of the Islamic Shahada. What about Arabic Bibles? Do Christian Arabs use "Allah" in their scriptures? Sure, Arab language Catholic, Coptic and Orthodox scriptures indeed use the term "Allah." But the issue here is not about usage of "Allah" in Arabic Bibles. It is about Christian literature written in Bahasa Malaysia, yes Malay, Melayu, the Bahasa Kebangsaan. And this is about the Malay Bible, the Kitab Injil Melayu.
Shouldn't the Malay language Bible carry a Malay name for this Christian God in view of the unequivocal fact that the Arabic "Allah" has always been regarded as The God of the Muslim majority in this country, not necesssarily in other countries, but in this nation of ours? O.k., what then is the generic word for "God" in Bahasa Malaysia? "Allah"? No, as mentioned, that's Arabic for The God. Would Hindus and Buddhists and Sikhs and Taoists and various traditional faiths dotting our hinterland also regard "Allah" as their God or supreme deity? No. They have their own Gods with their own God-names since antiquity. O.k., then why should some Christian denominations in this country demand the right to use "Allah" in their Malay literature? Isn't there a more accurate generic Malay term for this Christian deity to match the generic English term "God"? Yeah, how do you express a non-Islamic "God" in Malay?
Is this the issue?
Is this what the masalah is all about?
You know why this became a masalah?
Because you church people are largely language retards when it comes to Bahasa Malaysia. Your vocabulary of 200 words couldn't possibly fathom the lexiconical dexterity of our National Language, and with your lazy, cincai and typical tidak apa way to problem solving, you just curi and hantam whatever fits your needs -- in this case equating my Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala to your own deity and holy beings.
Listen, the generic word for "God" in Bahasa Malaysia is “Tuhan.”
Yes Tuhan. Repeat after me: TU-HAN. No not TIU, its TU. Again, TU-HAN.
Cannot be that hard lah. No "r" or "d" or "sh" to twist your short tongue.
You can partake in your Tuhan to your heart's content now. You can pooja as much of this Tuhan as you want, and can knot parables of sons and virgin mothers and assorted miracles for this Tuhan of yours. I can live with that. No issue. In the name of God ... oops I mean, Tuhan, lets all now be productive at work/business and get on with our lives.
So it's settled then. Hallelujah! Praise the ....... errr "Tuhan." Yes. Hallelujah. Praise the Tuhan! Janis Joplin's cult song would now be, "Oh Tuhan, won't you buy me a Mercedes-Benz ....?" I like.
Huh? Apa? Tak setuju?
No deal? Tak puas hati? Some of you still not satisfied?
You still want my "Allah"?
"Tuhan" not good enough for your supreme being and son?
Still want your day in court? Still want to be an agent for turmoil and conflict in this country?
Hey, I thought the generic Malay "Tuhan" was the perfect literal translation of the generic English “God”? “Oh my God” would then be “Ya Tuhan” to the Christian Bahasa Malaysia speakers. "Son of God" would be the Anak of this generic Tuhan. Do you really believe "Anak Allah" would make sense, especially to the Malays and Borneo natives that you plan to Christianise?
Why this insistence on "Allah"?
Would the religious experience of Malaysian Christians be less profound if my Allah is not used in your Malay scriptures? Is this a case of God-envy then? You have Malay-envy, NEP-envy, National Language-envy ... and now you are afflicted by a case of God-envy.
Ok, ok, if you really must worship a supreme being you want to call "Allah" to the extent of going to court for this holy privilege and creating a ruckus for the world to see, KijangMas has a solution for your troubled soul. Become Muslims lah! Duhh!
Yeah, you can then face Allah in prayer five times a day and praise and glorify Allah the Merciful and the Compassionate every moment of your mortal existence on this Bumi. Heck, throw in some cultural affinities (on top of your language conversion since you all have seen the holy light and longed for prayers in Malay), you could even be called Bumiputras in your MyCard, and we will be one big happy family, sharing the Tuhan-given social privileges, free money, discounts, tongkats and all. This marks the end of our Racial Polarisation. Alhamdulillah!
Apa? Also don't want? Masih tak setuju?
Still want to go to court? Haiya, why you fellas like to go to court ah? I thought you people don't trust our justice system? Bias lah, tipu lah, berat sebelah lah. So why still want to go to the Mahkamah? To make a mockery of the issue? To purposely subject my Tanah Air to ridicule in the world press? That I don't like.
Listen up, why don't we do something better than a "bias" Malaysian Mahkamah can do for you. Yes, we go to your ultimate Mahkamah. No, not the Queen of England lah dey. Itu sudah subcon to the “England Trained Barrister” fruitcakes of Hindraf. We can do better than that. We go straight to Vatican City. Yes, the Holy See, the abode of the Pope. Happy now? We shall petition Pope Benedict XVI for the Catholic Church to use “Allah” in reference to your God in every bible on this planet, irrespective of language. So not just the Malay version will use "Allah." The English, Spanish, French, Russian, Swahili, Patagonian, Hottentot and Inuit version will use "Allah" as well. Brilliant ah? Don’t thank me. Thank your fellow concerned citizens here.
You think this is a joke? Do you know that similar thoughts had been expressed by no less than a Roman Catholic Bishop in the Netherlands? Yes, Bishop Martinus Muskens of the Dutch diocese of Breda proposed that people of all faiths refer to God as “Allah” to foster understanding. He said: “Allah is a very beautiful word for God. Shouldn't we all say that from now on we will name God Allah?” So what are you waiting for Ignatius Lourdesamy and Ezekiel Tan? Sign the petition!
Apa? Tak mau? Tak boleh?
Oh I see, you want "Allah" only in the Malay Bibles but not in the English, Mandarin or Tamil versions? So you can pick and choose your God's name as you like, depending on your target audience? Hmm, how so flexible, so convenient, ........ so sly and cunning.
In that case, I think a dialogue with you people would be futile.
Perhaps it's time for the TRUTH.
Want the truth? Mau tau betul punya cerita?
Folks, you know the REAL reason these zealots are demanding a Bahasa Malaysia Bible complete with the Arabic “Allah”?
For the Malaysian Christians out there?
For the types that do their best to mimic what they perceive as “Christian” culture and symbolisms such as the American/Western concocted Santa Claus and reindeer and Christmas Tree and milky white cherubs (anyway, why can’t cherubs be like this
So suddenly these people underwent a Spiritual Linguistic Awakening, a lighting bolt that gave them the irresistible urge to pray together in their gerejas in glorious Bahasa Malaysia, in the Malay language that they hitherto abhor and oppose? Hallelujah!!! Praise the Tuhan!

Yup, ini semua tipu. Ini semua drama. Ini semua niat tak baik, loyar burok kata mala fide.
You really want to know why we now face groups of zealots bent on inundating our Tanah Air with Malay Injils at all costs, no matter the social repercussions? Betul mau tahu?
Not yet. Tunggu dulu.
Let’s work towards the answer with another question.
Who would likely read a publication, any publication, written in Bahasa Malaysia, in the Malay language?
The Archbishop and his army of priests and nuns?
The current congregation?
Devotees such as Teresa Kok and Charles Santiago and Irene Fernandez?
My old neighbour Maximillian Dominic Putucheary, the Johnny Walker connoisseur who claimed he is more English than the Englishmen?
What about your typical Joshua Nathaniel Luke Ying Siew Heng, the type that carries several garbage bags full of grievances against his “Malay oppressors” who finds solace in his English-language hymns at his Sunday church service up an SS2 PJ shophouse? Huh? Joshua Ying here also has a sudden urge to praise "Allah's" glories in Bahasa Malaysia as well?
Betul ka?
They want the Bible to be in Bahasa Malaysia – in Malay – because they want to REACH OUT to the Melayus. Yes, they want the Melayus to be "saved", to be loved, to hear the word of their “Allah.”
Why is this happening now? Why this sudden push to print Malay bibles complete with “Allah” as the Christian God?
Christianity reached our shores with the Portuguese 500 years ago, and throughout the ages (until now) we have never heard of anyone seriously demanding a Malay Bible (at least not publicly) or groups of Christian devotees tenaciously insisting on denoting their God as “Allah.”
Yeah, why now? Why so insistent? For who? Demanded by who?
You want to know?
Actually, this is part of a long-term plan, a global agenda, towards the Christianisation of the World. The Malay Archipelago holds one of the biggest chunks of non-Christians around, what these zealots call the Unreached Peoples. Scriptures in the lingua franca of these people would be a crucial enabler to brainwash and convert them. Adopting the word “Allah” for their deity would be the coup de grace. Why? These missionaries would then be able to run circles and spin fables around this cetakrompak “Allah” in their scam to confuse and deceive the Malays.
How extensive is this movement? How about huge, no make it humongous, perhaps even gargantuan. See a sampling here, here and here. See how the Malays of Malaysia (and Singapore, Patani and Indonesia) are identified and profiled, complete with geographic range and a summary of their culture, lifestyle and spiritual disposition? Wow, these people know more about the Malays than most Malays themselves! The Malays are now prepped and primed for a spiritual invasion of the zealotrous kind.
Oh yes, these foreigners are zealots all right. I spent a considerable chunk of my life in the U.S. over the past two-plus decades and have witnessed first hand the excesses spawned by religious zealotry. Yup, the likes of Jimmy Swaggart, Jerry Falwell, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, and my favourites Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker. These multi-millionaire swindlers live a lifestyle akin to Hollywood, pop and sports stars. Their slick fund-raising circus on TV would make the WWF look like child's play, what with instant miracle cures (one push on the forehead and you're cured, saved by the Tuhan) and toll-free numbers to send your life savings. Of course, many of these swindlers were later either discredited or jailed for their never ending scandals.
These intolerant zealots and TV (and now cyber) charlatans tag non-believers as the Unreached Peoples. In their gaudy tuxedos with eyes shut and teeth clenched and fist pumping, they claim direct unfettered access to God (
Get my point? Mau lagi? Cukup dah?
Many here surprised? Angry? Outraged? Sad?
For some, got this shifty feeling of being busted? Exposed? Motif sudah di telanjangkan?
Ok, now maybe we should ask "so what if these zealots want to Kristiankan the Melayus?"
Would the Malays buy it? They are that gullible? Nahh, not likely. Islam is self-evident, an all-encompassing way-of-life that makes more sense the more you unlock its beauty and simplicity.
But is that the point?
All these sound fishy and ridiculous? I know. In fact, this is plain, unadulterated bullshit and hogwash of Biblical proportions, the biggest scam since antediluvian times.
My message to these zealots: Stop It! Leave the Malays alone. You go convert some other Unreached Peoples. In fact, there are enough pagans, atheists and sinners in the Western World itself to keep you people occupied till the end of time.
To the Malaysian collaborators, repent! Shame on you people! Enough of the lies and deceptions. No more putar belit of nomenclatures and connotations in your pathetic sandiwara of deceit and treachery. Stop lying through your crooked teeth about your sudden patriotic love for Bahasa Malaysia, of the sudden, inexplicable need to hear the Word of your deity uttered in a language that you had collectively abhorred and denigraded for the past half century.
For Tuhan's sake, enough!
1 – 200 of 263 Newer› Newest»terima kasih dan teruskan usaha saudara dalam mengambil semula negara kita. ini memang memudahkan saya berdebat.
A brilliant piece. Wait till the zealots out there see this.
Kudos to you KijangMas.
I hereby in the name of god will take into my own hand this matter or action against the christian that use the word Allah when referring to Jesus (is jesus god or just prophet?) What action I will take is for me to know and for you not to find out until it hit you on your head. Is this a threat? so sue me.
After this what? gospel in bahasa malaysia? choir singing nasyid christian? Easy to confuse the MAlay kan...those kid at school will sing about Allah...except that..its actually about jesus.
Aku dah dengar lagu kristian Indonesia..siap sebut Allah ..aku ingat lagu nasyid tapi...kat hujung2 lagu tu..di sebut Allah ibunya Mariam...baru aku tahu itu lagu kristian...sial betul dah separuh aku nyanyi lagu tu. Kalau anak sedara aku dengar..mampus dia confuse...silap haribulan belum masuk darjah satu dah pergi gereja.
Let put it this way, those who play with the name Mohammad SAW got burnt real bad...now try play around with the name Allah..and see what happen.
I feel good....relief!! after being so nervous this while. bila le kristian2 ni nak blah, to sah dok kacau kita. pi melingkup dgn lina joy
Oh Allah ,
I read it first , i read it first.
Im the first
I wonder what is RPK's opinion on this issue usage of Allah
You know Kijang Mas our very much beloved English speaking Chinese community or should i put pratically Manglish speaking chinese would very much love to see the malays morph into RPK free spirited kinda attitude thingy
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard stories of Christian missionaries entering Aceh in the aftermath of the tsunami under the guise of "relief effort".
Remember surah Al-Kafirun:
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
1 Say : O ye that reject Faith!
2 I worship not that which ye worship,
3 Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4 And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
5 Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6 To you be your Way, and to me mine.
sir.. i hope this article is not copyrighted..
your words in it is a magnificient give from Tuhan to all Muslims.. and of course to those with unreasonable agendas out there
Thank you for linking my article Sir.
Hopefully my arguments there will lend support to yours here.
Thank you again.
Cayalah Kijang Mas!
Teman mmg dah lama dok peratikan diorang ni...
tak sudah sudah nak menyakitkan hati orang Islam.
kalau dah tahu org islam menyembah Allah, lagi nak potong line ke?
Teman Perak.
Just too dumb to learn from PP and KT? Unable understand that many Malays see UMNO as corrupt beyond redemption. The fact that more Malays voted for the opposition in both by-elections compared to the March 08 elections did not ring anything in that vacumn head of UMNO. Practically all my Malay friends who supported UMNO have now chosen to ignore or abandon it. Look at the how the protest against the MACC are dominated by Mamaks.
Listen you racist UMNO clowns. We will get you come the next election. To tell you the truth many are waiting for an early chance to do so if the Perak government were to call for snap elections.
The ploy of the christian missionaries had never been exposed before. Thank you for highlighting the dangers facing the Muslims in Malaysia today.
Some Christians here are preaching that the should the Muslims have strong faith in their religion, no amount of effort by them can shake their faith.
Sorry to say, they are barking up the wrong tree with that conjecture.
There are a lot of ignorant young Malays in this country CURRENTLY. Yes the country, to be exact, the Muslim religious authorities are trying hard to educate the Muslims in this country.
What they don't need now is the constant effort by the Christians to actively proletysing the Muslims and undermining the efforts by the Muslims authorities.
Thank you.
Warm regards,
P.S. : You know what is constant? The absence of comments from KJ himself concerning the issues affecting the Malays (one stream education and The Herald issue). He seldom comment on this. Why? Not adequate enough to take the bull by the horns?
ACCIN led the the first fight against the use of ALLAH in the Malay Bible in the barely concealed attempts to evangelicize Melayus. It IS just that as many pendakwah have witnessed firsthand.
As i pointed out in JMD's piece, in other parts of the world, they are fighting to keep out "Allah" from their Bible, in order to keep to the trinity hoaxes and delusions against the original ONE GOD message brought by Isa (Jesus peace be upon him).
"Both the Noble Quran and the Bible claim that GOD Almighty is an Absolute One and only One:
"Say: He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him. (The Noble Quran, 112:1-4)"
"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. (From the NIV Bible, Deuteronomy 6:4)"
"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. (From the NIV Bible, Mark 12:29)"
Notice also how Jesus said "our God", which included him to be under GOD Almighty's creation and Divine Authority, and not someone or an entity that is equal to GOD Almighty.
The Bible's New Testament also records Jesus saying: ""Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good–except God alone." (From the NIV Bible, Mark 10:18)"
As usual, they want MORE of everything. Tuhan pun tak cukup satu.
Do not ascribe such evil falsehood of polytheism against Allah, the ONE GOD, by using His Name to deceive others. If you stick to the original message brought by Jesus, then we will all be too happy to oblige.
BTW, Kijangmas...I think you missed out "penis-envy"?
They will all demand free circumcision as equal rights next!
Congratulations KijangMas for the best arguments so far against the nefarious scheming of these bastards.
The interesting question to me is: What is PAS' stand in all this. Apa kata Parti Islam Semalaysia. If I'm not mistaken Nik Aziz said it's all well and fine. And no one has seriously challenged him in any of the top PAS blogs.
Hopefully someone can start spending their time re-writing KijangMas' points and arguments in Bahasa Kebangsaan to be disseminated in the comments section of the PAS blogs. Just so they know that party politics is not all black and white.
Oh Tuhan...won't you buy me an SLR MCLAREN GULLWING MERCEDES BENZ....baru betul.
Or a 1977 Aston Vantage would be better...but what do Americans know...they sing, they die.
If I were a Christian reading this, I would be so malu that my agenda and intent has been exposed that probably when I flee I wouldn’t have the time to get my wagging tails dangling between my legs in embarassment. Such a powerful treatise.
Another person yang akan malu ialah: Janis Joplin. I can hear her turning in her grave hearing how her lyrics concerning some expensive german cars has been dissected and surgeried by "The Golden Fawn".
Can we have a similar one about James Morrison? I just lurrrve lyrics of dead people.
Libation Bearer
Hallelujah, bro. That's how it should be said to the "unreachable and ignorant" citizen. As of your neighbor being "more English than the Englishman", he must have been a "mat salleh koling".pungkok kelam.
Keep it up
Another brilliant piece..
You hv just made my day..
TQ & Salaam..
Demi Negara,
You only appear once a while, but once you appear, you make sure you're heard loud and clear with your impeccable posting.
I also cannot comprehend why these dudes insist on using "Allah" in ttheir Bahasa publication. Definitely "ada udang di sebalik mee".
But then, if the name "Allah" comes from the Arabic language, why can't they use it? Anybody is free to use any language in their communication, isn't it?
I think the resistance from the Malays on the Christians using the term "Allah" in their publication stems from its usage in the wider contact.
Jesus is referred as the "Son of God". If they're allowed to use "Allah", then the "son of God" translation in Malay is "Anak Allah", which is not in line with the teaching of Islam, as "Allah" is the Supreme One. "Allah" has no son. And hence, the objection and resistance, which is understandably very logical and rational.
Hope the authorities would not succumb to their insistance and they (the Christians) realisze the implication, as it would create more tension in the already-tensed race relations in Malaysia.
“Hati banyak bikin sakit lah baca ini Kijang Mas punya article. You memang kacau daun punyaa cibai luuu Kijang Mas. Itu Amelika haa…. Hali hali olang klistian tukar agama. Ada jadi atheis ada jadi Buddha tapi yang paling ramai itu olang Amelika tukar agama peluk Islam. Itu dulu 9-11 punya kalu kita olang semua ingat ini Islam abis woo. Tapi ceebai itu opposite berlaku maa. Penjualan itu Kuran aa… waaaa! Tatak pelnah ini macam dulu wo. Itu penelebit sudah tatak cukup tangan mahu print itu Kuran. Itu olang masuk Islam pun sudah manyak maaa. Itu dalam vatican sendiri pun sana tepi punya sudah mula bikin itu mesjid. Aiyaaa itu olang itali bodoh punya olang ma. Itu catholic punya Imam manyak dekat macam satu pelaung mau calik agama lain kasi peluk. England sana tatak cukup mahu bikin mesjid dia olang kasi tukar itu Sinaminagog (wa sebut pun tatak tahu woo) dan itu geleja kasi tukar jadi mesjid.
Sekalang apa mahu bikin. Kita punya olang yang pandai-pandai pun sudah manyak masuk Islam. Abit kita choice tak ada maa kita mahu attack itu kurang punya orang laa… di Malaysia laa dia Indonesia laa. Kita punya trick pakai macam-macam maa. Tapi ini suntut punya Kijang Mas sudah expose kita punya satu trick. Ceeebai maa.
Kita olang ingat ini internet punya olang malayu pun satu bodoh punya kepala. Aiyya kita olang tatak pikir ini olang melayu pun sekalang sudah lagi … apa itu olang putih kata … so-fis-ti-kated. Waaa lu tengok gua punya inglis sekarang manyak handal woo. Wa punya latuk itu negara Cina masih… lia tuntu proud maaa dia punya cucu sudah ini macam pandai.
Aiyaa Kijang Mas aaa… lu apasat kicik kicik dulu lahir haa? Lu tatak lahir lagi bagus woo!”
Bingo! My point exactly.
when people (obviously non-Muslims) argued that "Allah" had been used for centuries, I was stumped. Like, you've gotta be kidding.
Like, where? which church? etc etc...
you can't use that to support the Herald's insistence on using the word "Allah".
Use, "Tuhan". That's more apt.
but,let's not miss the point. why the insistence? the herald in Bahasa?
suddenly the church is fighting to use BM and "Allah".
you nailed it, my friend.
to confuse the Malays. the bigger agenda.
I'm with you -- STOP IT!
Hi KM,
Sorry I’ll pass on this subject. Unker punya mama & papa told me a long2 time ago, never to get involved in discussions on Ethnicity, Religions or Politics if one is to live a long, calm, serene & blissful existence. Work well so far for me. Politics? Kacau2 little bit can lah since all those dickheads deserve it.
Don’t lah disturb my pronunciation of ‘ arhhler’, ‘duh’ & ‘shhh’. My twisted short tongue had gone thru’ years of training u know, now I’m an expert cunning linguist too. U oreadi know that what, old buddy!
And Tigress, don’t be so low ok with the ‘Penis envy’ statement. If unker show u mine, you’ll scream “OMG”, or it that ‘Oh My Tuhan’? People kacau u, u get upset but when u kacau ppl, it’s ok, mana bolih ini macam punya? BTW, luv ur new profile picture, ‘Close Two Eyes’ – cute! (thinking of unker kah?)
KM, say how cum u let that Kijang perak fella use so many times that sway word cibai/ceebai???? Ah Soh & I are deeply offended!!
Si Beh TU LAN,
Unker Yew
PS – Unker is a god fearing man too. Please respect my ‘Choy San Yeh’ ok?
As always, you hit the nail right where it supposed to be....we hope to see more of you/jmd bloggers who talk wit basis rather the auta-bloggers we see today
Thank you for the wonderful piece
Salams All...
To bro KijangMas a brilliant piece to remind the Muslim Ummah of what we are up against.
If I may address the Great…
Yes, what you mentioned in Aceh is not a story but is the reality…
I’m writting based on first hand knowledge here…
During the first few weeks, the Christians missionaries rapidly move into Banda Aceh and the surrounding affected areas. Survivors were walking around asking..
“Why did this happen to us?”
“Why God did you punish us like this?”…
Their Iman was at the lowest…. most have lost everything with noone to turn to.
Their RAPID Conversion Strategy was to identify “potential leaders” among the survivors, convert them thru the use of Financial Support and the Promise of Relocation. Within weeks hundreds of makeshift “Churches” littered the ravaged landscape in Aceh.
These converts then are tasked to rope other survivors’ especially young children with a BOUNTY for each conversion. These children is then “secretly” relocated to other parts of Indonesia and internationally where a Christian family awaits them (Very ORGANISED with Standby List and Internet Selection of Prospects with age and sex option)
You may refer here and here for other ground level reports
We were slow to react initially BUT we went in with A BANG a WACKED the HELL out of these Missionaries, logistical and funding support from major Islamic parties both locally and internationally came in BUT we were NOT as rapidly organised as them.
Let that experience be a lesson to all of us.
Indonesia is the regional frontline of the battle between Islam and Christians, they are now employing gimmicks such as introducing prayer methods which are similar to ours, wearing tudung for the ladies and to the extent of introducing rites similar to our sacred pilgrimage..
And did you know that when a new ex-Muslim convert walks into the Church he is greeted like a HERO with a standing ovation from the whole congregation....
Unearth their INTENTION and let the WHOLE Country be aware of it
Unker, I close my eyes because I am still trying desperately to cancel out the visions you conjured of yourself in Mamasita's blog the other day...such horror, I tell ya...
Deceit and chicanery definitely is not part of the teaching of Isa / Jesus pbuh.
Yet some of his followers have ‘hidden’ designs against the followers of Muhammad pbuh.
If this is the work of the ‘highest’ follower of Isa / Jesus pbuh here in PEACEFUL MALAYSIA, how will he answers to Isa / Jesus pbuh in the hereafter should Isa / Jesus pbuh says to him, ......
“Thou hath deceived.”
With men of religion like these, who needs Satan?
And Malaysia certainly does not need CPM or Hindraf.
Jisbullah said:
Here is an article that would be of interest to you:
Maybe those people that want to use Allah for the Malay version of God would not mind if we changed the Rukun Negara to "Kepercayaan kepada Allah" ?
Thanks for touching on the "unreached people" activities here in your blog. I think there is some lack of awareness on the extent of their existence right on our doorsteps. This region may be home to the worlds most populated muslim country but we are not invulnerable. As how satD pointed out, they are very well organised and determined.
We cannot be complacent.
About your point on converting to Islam -
One does not become a bumiputra by converting to islam, its a popular misconception in Malaysia. I should know :)
( though thats not the reason why I converted)
Alhamdulillah...akhirnya dapat aku beberapa point untuk berdepan dengan mangkok-mangkok ni.
Harap-harap tulisan ini dihantar ke Hamid Albar, biar dia nampak cerdik sikit bila bagi berhujah.
::Pak Malau::
I am a Catholic in Sarawak.
I am not sure if my comments would be welcomed here, but here goes.
Your post, KijangMas, is strong & has valid points. Some of the words are not so "nice" but I think you are the sort that does not like to mince words. Kudos.
I admit I do not know much about this issue, only what I have gleaned from the mainstream media & the blogs. But, personally, I feel that the Herald can step back & consider the situation.
When I was younger, I did read from the Bahasa versions of the mass, & I was confused on the use of the word "Allah", since I did not know the context or its origins. My first thought was "Isn't Allah referring to the Muslim God?" The mass proceedings did contain both the words Tuhan & Allah, so which one should I refer to?
Unfortunately, one small voice does not make much difference, but what the Herald has done is put pride ahead of reason. Yes, the word has been used for years before this ruling came about from the Home Ministry, but does it REALLY make a difference when spreading the Word of God to the natives of Sarawak & Sabah? Is it so critical, that if the word is not used, it is the end of worship? For me, the Herald should take this up in a council of Malaysian churches or something, because it seems like a unilateral action by a KL area church. I do not get the Herald in Kuching, Sarawak, so who are they to decide?
Some comments touched on the subject of certain Christians who have sought to evangelize those victims in Banda Aceh. These "evangelists" are quite evident in KL. The "shophouse Christians" (my wording) are influenced by people who think they know better of the religion, yet they are the ones who tarnish our religion as well.
Again, these are the comments by a single lone voice. Personally, I have no problem if Tuhan is used. The Herald's stubbornness to use "Allah" is perhaps uncalled for & something that is not necessary. It speaks of pride, & pride is one of the 7 deadly sins.
Also, to all other commenters, I think the action by the Herald is an act of the minority, but I am not sure. So I do hope that all comments do not lump all Christians as one bad evil. As with any other organisation or religion, there will be bad hats in them.
Kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia juga mesti patuh kepada undang-undang & Rukunegara. Masa kita belajar di sekolah, tidakkah kita melafazkan Rukunegara, tidakkah kita bersama-sama menyanyikan Negaraku, tidakkah kita tinggal bersama-sama dalam negara yang harmoni & bersatu-padu? Kalau rakyat bekaum Cina ini yang beragama lain boleh menerima apa yang telah dimaktubkan dalam undang-undang negara kita, kenapa tidak semua rakyat berkaum bukan Melayu & beragama lain turut sama berpendapat sedemikian?
Mungkin saya akan dilabelkan sebagai pengkhianat dengan kata-kata saya, tetapi Perlembagaan ada mengandungi hak-hak saya juga. Jika Kerajaan merasai ada baiknya tindakan melarang penggunaan ayat tersebut untuk kebaikan masyarakat, apa salahnya?
I feel that things have gotten out of hand & things can get worse. I hope & pray for clearer skies & better days, as should we all.
Thank you.
To add to Tam Dalyell’s comment …
Al-Qur-an 2: 8-15
Lines within “>>> … <<<” are NOT any form of ‘tafsir’ or commentary of the translation, but just an illustration of on-the-ground observation.
(8) And of mankind, there are some (hypocrites) who say: "We believe in Allâh and the Last Day" while in fact they believe not.
>>>(The present hoolaa baaloo may serves as an occation in point)<<<
(9) They (think to) deceive Allâh and those who believe, while they only deceive themselves, and perceive (it) not!
>>>(They sure are trying to deceive, --- the court case and all)<<<
(10) In their hearts is a disease (of doubt and hypocrisy) and Allâh has increased their disease. A painful torment is theirs because they used to tell lies.
>>>(To do a righteous act while employing deception sure is driven by a disease of the heart) (Its like washing one’s clothing with urine)<<<
(11) And when it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: "We are only peacemakers."
>>>(The end result of these peace-makings are racial tension and frayed social fabrics.)<<<
(12) Verily! They are the ones who make mischief, but they perceive not.
>>>(They demand – on being resisted – demonize) <<<
(13) And when it is said to them (hypocrites): "Believe as the people (followers of Muhammad Peace be upon him , Al-Ansâr and Al-Muhajirûn) have believed," they say: "Shall we believe as the fools have believed?" Verily, they are the fools, but they know not
>>>(They wouldn’t even sign.)<<<
(14) And when they meet those who believe, they say: "We believe," but when they are alone with their Shayâtin (devils - polytheists, hypocrites), they say: "Truly, we are with you; verily, we were but mocking."
>>>(This describes Banda Acih scenario after the tsunami)<<<
(15) Allâh mocks at them and gives them increase in their wrong-doings to wander blindly.
abe kijang mas,
i clicked on one of the website u linked above and i found the lists of prayers for them to recite, called prayer points.
Prayer Points
-Ask the Lord to send Christian laborers into Malaysia who understand the culture and religion.
-Ask the Holy Spirit to grant wisdom and favor to the missions agencies that are presently working with the Malay.
-Pray for effectiveness of the Jesus film among the Malay.
Pray that God will reveal Himself to the Malay through dreams and visions.
-Pray that the Malaysian government will give the people the freedom to share the Gospel with their countrymen.
-Take authority over the spiritual principalities and powers that are keeping the Malay bound.
-Ask God to raise up prayer teams who will begin breaking up the soil through worship and intercession.
-Pray that strong local churches will be raised up among the Malay.
Bravo! Very well written. I am impressed.Keep on writing Sir. I can't wait for your next post.
You have elaborated very superbly over this issue that the zealots are playing. I truly agree with you, why would someone "idiot" enough be using an Arabic word "Allah" for God in a Malay language bible? Just use the Malay word "Tuhan" lah. Sendiri sudah confused is it? Be consistent la dey, if it is a Malay language bible, then use the correct term of Malay, "Tuhan" lah.
Brother, I seriously think these people need to get their brains scanned, they are pretty messed up and deranged.
i urged that this article be put in the email and send to hamid albar so that this article will be the answer once and for all to why "Allah" should be left as it is. and not let anyone else use it, and the honest comment by william lim should be given credit. he is a true citizen.
anyone agree with me?
I have seen a comment here mentioning UMNO to relate to to this issue . The person must be a non muslim . To you , let me stress here that any intention related to the impurity or malicious attempt to confuse the Muslim will rally majority support of them irregardless party inclination.
Malay/Muslim=NEP abuser?i keep quiet.Even I knew other races join the system to their own benefit.
Malay/Muslim=Corrupted.I keep quiet and agree with you on proven cases.(like all non muslim so pure..)
Malay/Muslim=UMNO.I keep quiet.Even I am not even a member.
Allah= Father Of Jesus.... You crossed the line fellow citizens. I had enough of this mockery.
Thank you very much.Now the Muslim are even afraid and regretting over this power sharing,equalities right democracy that translated after PRU12.You had one Muslim MP thats is from even your side disagreeing for the Forum held at the Bar Council .. wow . See how you allcursed him and you call yourself democracy lovers.
Sometimes I think minority doest forget who are the majority.
Adam B
P/S: My anger does not extended to my non Muslim fellow citizens that understand about taking care of others emotions . Majority Malay Muslim are such down to earth,sensible and compassionate people.Why are you testing their anger ?
I agree with you that the
word "Tuhan" is apt and sufficient for them and insisting on the Islamic word "Allah" reveals a sinister motive.
If by "first-hand knowledge" satD meant he personally witnessed and observed those evangelical attempts to convert the Acheh tsunami victims, this is evidence of a genuine, unpublicised and objectionable move on Muslims in the Malay speaking world.
But I do want to compliment and comfort people like William Lim who makes his views known, above.
He has no problem with the word "Tuhan" and wishes those people not be unreasonable.
Allow me to say to him that I think he is not alone, there are others who think like him but do not speak up. There are the bad and the good in any community. In the US, the bad ones even dupe fellow Christians, a few get jailed for taking donations under false pretences.
I hope Vatican officials in Rome read your article. Whether they act favourably for us or not is another matter.
The Pope is head of the Catholics community but there are numerous Christian sects and denominations in the world. The Protestants alone have 180 sub-groups. How much hold the Pope has over all the Christians in the world may be seen from the proliferation of evangelical groups in the US. Several became money-making concerns, their leaders living very comfortably.
The fact that, irrespective of their denominations, they are Chritians first and last means that we must repel their attempt to encroach on our domain and object firmly but rationally and within the bounds of the law.
I agree with you that they should try to covert the atheists and free thinkers in the West and elsewhere instead of exploiting the victims of disasters at the lowest point of their emotional ebb, and Muslims who are not well grounded in the tenets of Islam, not educated well enough to be able to withstand their subtle approaches.
Best wishes.
wow Kijangmas
you do have flair in the way you write. i guessed you have too much of assumptions, unfortunately not true, in your writings.
but if you believe that you ar so intelligent that you got it all right and most of your commentators do agree, what else to debate?
if you have a closed mind, does it really matter if you are being corrected?
oh yeah, i read your other postings too that you bashed the non-malays for being racists. have you ever asked yourself whether when you were writing those posts, were you burning in anger and thinking like a racist too?
hi kijangMas
the way you wrote sounded that you know a lot about Christianity and that you don't really like christian too? be honest about it .... dare to write, dare to admit it....
if you do want to know more, post the questions to me and i will answer you to the best of my ability. the same offer to the rest of the commentators here...:)
sepadu on:
"and Muslims who are not well grounded in the tenets of Islam, not educated well enough to be able to withstand their subtle approaches"
sepadu, why not you try out for yourself whenever any disaster hits the non-muslim community (presumably most of them don't even attend temple and know nuts about their own religion) and you go to their rescue plus influencing them to convert to muslim? see whether it works or not..... i don't know but appreciate your real life experience to share with all of us here.
O Tuhan! its hilarious, even pathetic, the way xtian msians have this admiration and awe for these evangelists when in this part of the xtian world they are regarded as the ultimate symbol of ‘kunuism” , a tacky band of rednecks from the boondocks of bible thumping anglo-puritanism . If I were to convert to anything, tuhan forbid, certainly not this. Must be outta my freakin mind.
Y'know, your long winded 'lintang-pukang' article forgets that around 60% of Malaysia's Christians are actually... dun! dun! dun!
Chinese? Nope
Indians? No
Malay-speaking, writing, and reading Bumiputras mostly from Sabah & Sarawak? Yep!
~General Report of the Population and Housing Census 2000. Putrajaya: Department of Statistics, Malaysia. 2005
This fatal flaw brings your whole argument crashing down, which you probably spent day n' night hammering out.
The East Malaysian Bumi Christians have been using Malay & the word 'Allah' for their worship & books, long before you were born, and longer before they joined Malaysia.
Thanks guys for demonstrating your ignorance. I recommend a "lawatan sambil belajar" to East Malaysia someday.
Kepada William Lim,
Islam berpegang kepada kebenaran.
Sekiranya terdapat individu atau kumpulan yang kononnya mewakili Islam dan meminta sesuatu yang bukan haknya atau melakukan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan hukum Islam, Majlis Agama atau lain-lain pihak berkuasa agama Islam akan mengambil tindakan terhadap individu atau kumpulan tersebut bagi tujuan menjaga kesucian Islam.
Dalam kes The Herald, u can say that they are minority which opinion does not represent the Christian community, the fact is other than The Herald, all christian community silent which shows they agree to what The Herald fight for.
We Muslim dont give name to our one and only God. We dont translate the name of our God to malay name, Allah. It is purely an Arabic word, a specific name. It is used by each and every Muslim regardless race and language.
May the truth be with all of us.
Yes, day 16..helped coordinate logistical support for one of the Muslim NGO
For further readings on the "Kristianisasi" activities out here in Indonesia
and here
sorry but its in Bahasa Indonesia bole pening kepala kalu tak biasa bro..
Saudara Demi Negara,
Terima kasih.
Tahniah ,kalau ade awad ,macam Blogsastera Negara mcm tu,saya bagi anda sekarnag.
Tepat padat dan adil.
changkat lobak
arjuna waspada.
catitankaki:Yeop kome teror lah.
You can't copyright the name Allah ya know. Why the hate? It is easier to teach Orang Asli's malay than translate the Bible into a million different dialects. Allah is a much more universal name than Tuhan, so why deny these people the right to a better understanding of scripture. It's easier to teach a language than spirituality.
alhamdulillah. marilah kita forwardkan blog ni kepada saudara-mara dan rakan-rakan agar mereka boleh berdebat dengan mereka yang cuba menggunakan nama Allah dalam bible. terima kasih saudara KM.
Hasan. nama melayu islam. comment berbunyi kufur tak sudah.
the name ALLAH is not copyrighted by anybody. it is an ARAB word for THE ONE GOD. want to teach orang asli malay the bible? use TUHAN, not ALLAH. why the hate? because you are an ignoramus to the bones. people who doesn't admit his/her wrongs do make other people angry.
"Allah is a much more universal name than Tuhan, so why deny these people the right to a better understanding of scripture. It's easier to teach a language than spirituality."
what the hell are you trying to say? you want to teach these people in Bahasa Malaysia? USE "TUHAN"! want to teach these people in English? USE "GOD" (or jesus, whatever fits you)! want to teach these people in arab? USE "ILAH"! you think by using Allah in the bible makes people understand the bible better? nonsense. another nonsense by an ignoramus bastard.
Petikan dari Tafsir Al Azhar, Allahyarham Prof Dr Hamka; Surat Al-Fatihah, ms 68….
…”Kita orang Islam jika menyebut Tuhan, yang kita maksud ialah ALLAH. Zat Yang Berdiri SendiriNya, kepadaNya memohonkan segala sesuatu, tidak beranak dan tidak diperanakkan, dan tidak ada yang menandingi dia sesuatu juapun.
Tetapi kalau orang Kristen menyebut Tuhan, yang mereka maksud ialah Yesus Kristus. Kadang-kadang bercampur baur; sebab menurut ajaran yang mereka pegang, bahwa Tuhan itu adalah “Trinitas”, atau “Tri-tunggal”.
Yang tiga tetapi satu, yang satu tetapi tiga.Dia yang tiga tetapi satu itu ialah Tuhan Bapa, Tuhan Putera (Isa Almasih) dan Rohul Kudus.
Dan selalu mereka mengatakan “Tuhan Yesus”.
Sebab itu walaupun sama-sama memakai kata TUHAN, tidaklah sama arti dan pengertian yang dikandung….”
greetings to all..and certainly to you Mr.Kijang Mas, nice piece of writing although you mix up with some words that maybe will offend other religion followers. im a indian, hindu, malaysian, and im from kelantan. my whole life there in Kelantan we learn to respect each other and tolerate. the idea you convey is true but maybe the way you present it is quit harsh maybe because of your emotion. i just would like to suggest for the bible producers just to use the word 'Tuhan' which is already good enough and wont create more problems in our country. it is just the matter of give and take respect, that's all. bible in Tamil,English,Chinese is already good enough indeed. it is not the matter of whose god is bigger and greater or wateva it is just matter of respect...all religion teaches us to respect each other and not to hate among human race..i grew up in way to respect everyone in this nation and i hope the others will do so..god is one and we are all actors in his play..
This is rediculous.
Firstly the question remains if "Allah", means god or is it the name of the Muslim god. It is obvious from the way it is used in Malaysia and the rest of the world that it simply means god. For those that argue that Tuhan is the Malay word for god and Allah is Arabic word for God, I would argue that in BM, there are very few words that limited only to BM and therefore the fact that Allah is an Arabic word does not mean that it is specifically in reference to the Muslim god. Secondly, Indonesian bibles use the term Allah, eventhough Tuhan is also used in its vocabulary. Also, the Johor state anthem begins with "Allah pliharakan Sultan", if Allah here is used in reference to the Muslim God then non Muslims should not be made to sing this anthem because we would be praying to the Muslim god where the Constitution specifically defends freedom of religion.
The reason why Christians want a BM bible is becasue BM is the national language. For so long non Malays have been chastised for not using BM more frequently and now when they finally do, they get criticised for it. The fact that BM is the national language should mean that BM should be used more frequently in Churches, which is currenly happening.
If allah simply means god, then Christians should have every right to use it. Nobody, dictates the language that is used in the English versions of the Quran in Malaysia, so why should there be limitations on the BM version of the Bible.
If you argue that BM versions of the Bible is being used to preach to Muslims(of which you have no evidence), then wouldn't the same argument also mean that English versions of the Quran will be used to preach to Christians?
Finally KijangMas, it is obvious from you writings you are biased and that the standards by which you judge Christians, non Malays, etc are different to the standards you judge yourself and Muslims, Malays etc.
If you're a Malaysian lawyer, I will get you to handle all my cases. 1 juta per case pun tak apalah.
The likes of Karpal Singh, and Shafee will bow in humility when they hear your arguments...
OMG! (Oh Tuhan Saya), there are commenters here who totally missed the point of this article. These blithering idiots also brought in issues that are so off tangent - copyright? Huh? Sesat! Hate Christians and Christianity? Lagi sesat!
Back to the use of the word Allah SWT, I have come across websites, usually Indonesian websites that use the word Allah SWT when they are actually referring to a generic God. I was Googling for Islamic websites and these websites are anything but Islamic. I really don't know what they are, didn't bother to explore them, but Islamic they're definitely not.
The misuse of the word Allah SWT has been rampant in cyberspace and their intention is indeed to confuse and deceive their audiences so they all "ter" masuk Christianity (or their version of Christianity).
Good one KijangMas.
Thanking satD for his confirmation of the facts and letting Joe above know that:
I believe that when disaster strikes, say, the Orang Aslis (like floods washing away their houses on river banks), the Muslims will just help and comfort them in ways other than injecting Islamic religious beliefs.
As far as I am aware, no Muslim religious missionary activities target the Orang Aslis in Malaysia.
I used to know personally the bosses of the Jabatan Orang Asli and one of them was very adamant that the religious beliefs of the Aslis be not tampered or interferred with. Not even the Jabatan Agama Islam could do anything about it.
Once, on a site visit quite some time ago, I was told that the nearby estate Christian functionaries were asking permission to meet a number of Orang Aslis employed on the project, and I had that permission denied on grounds of disruption of their work schedule.
I was told that the functionaries wanted to follow-up contacts with a few of their recent converts.
On another occasion later, one of the Asli non-converts himself told me that the new converts were given a social status, invited to lunches and tea parties with the nearby town church congregation, given schooling facilities for their children, etc. The Batin of their village was not keen on the encroachment on his people, hence the attempt to contact them at their work place.
No need to offer them salvation
in ways they don't understand but may dabble into out of interest in the superficial benefits dangled in front of their eyes.
Doing so disturbs the equilibrium, the status quo, with respect to the religious affiliations of Malaysians. It brings about unpleasant feelings among certain sectors of the population and this is certainly not one of the teachings of Christianity.
On the other hand, they could use their resources and energy by trying to convert the many bad elements in the country into becoming responsible citizens without offerring salvation through Christianity.
No doubt this is primarily the responsibility of the Government, but why add to the multifarious probllems existing in the country now when you could use the resources in really useful and harmless ways.
Best wishes.
This issue has been exposed in the book "the malay ideals" - 2002 (http://www.selectbooks.com.sg/getTitle.cfm?SBNum=33605). Kijangmas however has done an excellent job re-exposing the truth of the ongoing missionary activities targeting the Malays in Malaysia, giving wider audience and educating us at the same time and making us aware of this very real threat. Well done.
This issues has been raised and exposed in the book "the malay ideals" (yeaer 2002) (http://www.selectbooks.com.sg/getTitle.cfm?SBNum=33605)
Kijangmas has done a great job re-exposing the truth on the ongoing missionary activities targeting the Malays specifically on the issue of adopting the word "allah" in order to reach the Malays.
Well done.
THE (first part – opening part of the) SERMON OF THE LAST MESSENGER OF ALLAH (PBUH&HF)ON THE DAY OF GHADIR KHUM (on the journey back from his (pbuh&hf) last haj - while stopping at Ghadir Khum)
Lets contemplate his (pbuh&hf) words as against the supposed hegemonic power that causes so much sufferings and death in the lands that once saw the birth of Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad (peace be upon them all).
O peace-loving citizens of this world, lets mention the praise of Allah.
Part 1
Praising Allah and
regarding Him pure
Praise belongs to Allah Who
is exalted above (all the
creation) in His Oneness,1
and is near (to His creation)
in His aloneness.2
Sublime is His authority,
and great are the pillars3 of
His (names).
His knowledge encompasses
everything while He is lofty
in status.1
He subdues all the creation
through His power and
He has always been praiseworthy
and shall always be
He is the glorified Whose
glory has no end.
He begins and repeats (the creation),2
and to Him all affairs are
He is the maker of what has
been elevated (i.e., heavens),
the expander of what has
been spread out (i.e., the
and the dominator of the
planets and the heavens.
He is holy and exalted above
all purifications, the Lord of
the angels and the spirit.
He grants to all that He
He prolongs His grace to all
that He originated.
He sees all eyes, and eyes do
not see Him.
He is generous, forbearing,
and patient.
He made His mercy encompass
and He favored them by His
He does not hasten His
nor does He take the
initiative on what (He
knows) they deserve of His
He comprehends the secrets,
and knows what the hearts
Hidden things are not
concealed from Him,
nor do they make Him
He encompasses (in knowledge)
and dominates
and has strength and power
over everything.
Nothing is like Him1, and He
is the establisher of “the
thing” when it was nothing.
He is everlasting [and free of
need]♦, who acts justly;
there is no god but He, the
mighty, the wise.1
He is exalted beyond being
grasped by visions, while He
grasps all visions, and He is
subtle, well aware (of all
None can reach His description
by seeing Him, nor can
anyone find out how He is,
secretly or openly, and (He is
not known) except by what
Allah, the mighty and the
majestic, has made as the
signs of Himself.3
I testify that He is Allah,
Whose holiness overspreads
all ages,
Whose light overwhelms
Who enforces His command
without consulting an
There is no partner with Him
in (His) planning, nor is there
any discrepancy in (His)
He shaped whatever He
originated without
a preexisting model,
and created whatever He
created without getting
assistance from anyone,
burdening Himself, or having
any need to find out a
He originated it (in His will),
thus it came into being, and
He formed it (in His
intention), thus it became
So, He is Allah, the One that
there is no god but He,
Who is proficient in skill,
and beautiful in action.
He is the just Who never
oppresses, and the most
generous to Whom all affairs
are referred.2
I further testify that He is
[Allah]■ that before His
magnificence everything is
lowly, before His might
everything is humble,
before His power everything
surrenders, and before His
awe everything yields.
He is the king of all domains,
the turner of the heavenly
bodies in their orbits,
the dominator of the sun and
the moon, each of which
pursues its course to an
appointed time.
He makes night overtake
day, and day overtake night,
(each one) seeking the other
He is the destroyer of every
stubborn tyrant, and the
annihilator of every rebellious
Neither has there been any
opposing power beside Him,
nor any peer.
He is Unique and impenetrable.
1 He never begets nor is
He begotten, and none can
ever be a match for Him.2
He is the only God, the
glorious Lord, Who wills,
and thus carries out, Who
intends, and thus decrees,
Who knows, and thus takes
into account.
He causes death and gives
life. He impoverishes and
enriches.3 He makes (men)
laugh and makes (them)
weep.4 [He brings near and
drives away.]♦ He denies and
For Him is sovereignty, so is
praise. In His hand is all
goodness, and He is powerful
to do everything.5
He lets night enter the day,
and day enter night;1 there is
no god but He, the mighty,
the oft-forgiving.
He is the responder to
supplication, open-handed in
granting, the enumerator of
breaths, and the Lord of the
Jinn and the humans.
Neither does anything bring
difficulty for Him, nor does
the cry of those who appeal
for help annoy Him, nor does
the insistence of those who
insist exhaust Him or force
Him to assent.
He (is Who) protected the
righteous, and gave success
to the prosperous.
He is the guardian of the
faithful, and the Lord of the
Who deserves that all His
creations thank Him and
praise Him in any situation.
I (therefore) praise Him and
thank Him in joy and
sorrow, and in hardship and
I believe in Him, His angels,
His books, and His messengers.
I listen to His command,
obey Him, proceed towards
whatever pleases Him, and
submit to what He decreed,
longing for His obedience
and fearing His punishment,1
for He is Allah against
Whose schemes no one
should feel secure, nor
should anyone be in fear of
injustice from Him.
In Tuhan's name, please lah leave an indication of your temporal existence in the loins of this blogoscripture ..... LEAVE A NAME/NIC LAH!
Can someone do a one paragraph tutorial on HOW to leave a Name/Nic in Comments?
A few Anonymii got through. For the other three dozen, too bad. No, not due to an Act-of-Tuhan; they succumbed to the wrath of Jezebeth the Reject key.
The false accusations against Islam are often that of it being spread by force, by the sword.
In reality, many return to Islam without the need for 'MISSIONARIES" to confuse, obfuscate, cheat, lie, deceive, promise food and shelter (or withhold) them like the Christian movement. They turn to Islam of their own accord, after seeing the pure truths in His Words.
(forgive my extensive pasting to get the message across for those who might be too lazy to look up the sites)
Example here: Inside one Southern university, Christian missionaries are being trained to go undercover in the Muslim world and win converts for Jesus.
... the model for winning converts in the Islamic world: Find another pretext to be in the country. Build friendships with the locals. Once you've developed trust, then it's time to try to gain new believers. But don't reveal your true purpose too early. "How did Jesus explain why he was there?" Love asks the class. "Indirectly," volunteers a veteran missionary. "He'd say, 'Why do you think I'm here?'"
"Did Jesus ever lie?" In unison, the class says, "No."
"But did Jesus raise his hand and say, 'I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?'" Again, 20 voices call out, "No!"
There are lots of ways to camouflage yourself, Love tells the students. In Indonesia, evangelists ran a quilt-making business to provide cover for Western missionaries, allowing them to employ-and proselytize-scores of Muslims.
Full story here:
What kinda of a loving Christian admits and prays for this:
"My goal is to plant a tiny seed that will fester and gnaw and grow, so that eventually they will begin to question their religion. My prayer is that they will become restless sleepers and troubled by what they hear. That's a horrible thing to wish on someone."
and this:
Instead, missionaries today are more likely to take on Muslim names, dress in veils and other local clothing, prostrate themselves during prayer, and even fast during Ramadan. "We must become Muslims to reach Muslims," says Cashin, the CIU professor.
If a first-century evangelist can undergo circumcision to win converts, how far can a 21st-century missionary go? At lunch, Christian Dedrick takes a spoonful of his wife's homemade broccoli soup and ponders the question aloud. "Should we call ourselves Muslims?" he asks. "The old meaning of the word is 'one who submits.' In Jordan, the missionaries had 'Jesus mosques.' They called themselves 'Muslims of the Messiah.' We wrestled with that. We wanted to call God 'Allah' so we could be on that relational level with Muslims."
In the end, we all may ask with this ulterior motives behind Herald's insistence of the usage of "ALLAH" :
So are all Christians evil and deceitful?
Does this mean that all Christians are conniving traitors to the words of God? Very definitely not! Like all groups of humanity, there is good and bad among their ranks. The Muslim's Qur'an indeed tells us that Christians, as a whole, posses many good and decent qualities. For example, the Noble Quran (The Muslims' Holy Scripture) says:
"...and nearest among them (humanity) in love to the believers (Muslims) will you find those who say 'we are Christians': because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant. And when they listen to the revelation received by the messenger (Muhammad), you will see their eyes overflowing with tears for they recognize the truth: They pray: 'Our Lord! we believe; write us down among the witnesses'. (The Noble Quran, 5:82-83)"
The divergence in beliefs (from all the other religions from the INITIAL MESSAGE OF THE ONE) are the result of corruption and human greed and disobedience.
Allah SWT has said:
Allah has promised to preserve the Qur'an intact until the Last Hour. He has done it all through the centuries. The Qur'an has thus been impeccably preserved unaltered and untampered with, like no other scripture in the world. Through the grace of our Lord, this is how the Qur'an will remain, no matter how many false copies are made and distributed. These false copies will never be accepted as the Qur'an, which cannot be anything but the Word of Allah in its entirety.
Even if, may Allah forbid, all of the printed copies of the Qur'an were to disappear from the face of the earth, it would be restored, as it has been memorized by millions of people, young and old, throughout the world. So never harbor any doubts about the authenticity of the Qur'an or the divine promise of its preservation. Allah says: [We have revealed the Reminder and We have taken upon ourselves the duty of preserving it intact] (Al-Hijr 15:9).
While in the case of the Bible:
As far as the Bible is concerned, it is true that the Qur'an calls the Tawrat, Zabur and Injil as Allah's books and messages given to prophets Moses, Dawud and Jesus, peace be upon all of them, respectively, but the Qur'an also says that these books as they exist today are not in their authentic and complete form. Allah says, "They (i.e. Jews and Christians) changed words from their contexts and forgot a good part of the message given to them, and you will continue to find them -except a few among them- bent on new deceits…" (al-Ma'idah: 13) And He further says, "O People of the Book, now has come to you Our Messenger, clarifying to you much of that you used to conceal of the Book and passing over much (that is now unnecessary)." (al-Ma'idah 5:15) So our Islamic position is that the Bible has some true and authentic words of Allah, but it is not totally authentic. Some of its passages were lost and it had many additions and alterations.
which Bible is not changed? Hebrew Bible, Greek Bible, Latin Bible, English Bible, Jewish Bible, Catholics’ Bible, Protestants’ Bible, Eastern Orthodox Church's Bible, which Bible is he talking about? All these Bibles individually and collectively have been changed and some are still being changed. The Bible contains two main sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is recognized by Jews and Christians both. Jews calls it the Hebrew Bible or TANAK. But their Bible has 24 books and some books have two parts thus a total of 39 books. Protestants also have 39 books but in a different order. The same Old Testament of Catholics has 46 books, while Eastern Orthodox Christians have 51 books in their Old Testament. Jewish version of the Bible is based on the Hebrew Masoretic text while Christians generally use the Greek (Septuagint) and Latin (Vulgate) versions as the basis of their Old Testaments. Each group also has variations in the texts of their books as well as in the number of verses.
The New Testament is accepted by Christians only. It has 27 books: four Gospels and then other books and letters of various writers known as apostles. But Catholics add some verses in the Gospels that are not accepted by the Protestants. The Catholics as well as the Eastern Orthodox Christians accept some books that are not accepted by the Protestants.
As far as the ancient manuscripts of the Bible are concerned, it is known to the Biblical scholars that most of the manuscripts came from the fourth century CE down. The manuscripts that are discovered are mostly partial and their texts differ from each other considerably. M. M. Parvis in the Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible (vol. 4, pp. 594-595) says, "The New Testament is now known, in whole or in part, in nearly five thousand Greek manuscripts alone. Every one of these handwritten copies differ from the other one… It has been estimated that these manuscripts and quotations differ among themselves between 150,000 and 250,000 times. The actual figure is, perhaps, much higher. A study of 150 Greek manuscripts of the Gospel of Luke has revealed more than 30,000 different readings… It is safe to say that there is not one sentence in the New Testament in which the manuscripts' tradition is wholly uniform."
Any one can get hold of the Good News Bible and can see for oneself that in the 1300 pages of this modern English version there are almost as many footnotes pointing to phrases, sentences and passages that are omitted or added by various ancient manuscripts or versions. Many of these alterations are not unintentional scribal errors such as are expected in handwritten copies of a book. A careful study of ancient texts has convinced scholars that the variations found in them were very often intentional tampering with the texts. This tampering is still going on for various political or ideological reasons. Under the pressure of the Jewish organizations, many churches in America and Europe have begun rephrasing Jesus' criticism of the Jews in the Gospels. Feminists groups are urging the use of unisex language in the new versions. Homosexual groups have their own versions. All these changes are taking place before our own eyes
Christian missionary sites often reveal their own admission of the distortions. An example from "Muslims Ask, Christians Answer:
The earliest New Testament manuscripts date from the beginning of the 2nd century. As is the case with the Bible as a whole, ancient manuscripts of the Gospels contain a number of variant readings. There is substantial agreement between the different manuscripts but there are also some significant differences. By applying the methods of textual criticism it is possible to reconstruct the original text with some confidence. Critical editions of the biblical text have been published and these editions take into consideration the most significant textual variants. The early Christian writings (Gospels, Letters, etc.) were gathered together by the Church into the Canon. In this process the Church did not acknowledge all available writings as authentic; some were excluded from the Canon and came to be known as ‘apocryphal’.
Orang Islam tolong dengan ikhlas, mengharapkan kerdehaan Allah...they do not go to disaster areas with hope of converting and brainwashing the already distressed and suffering.
Never have ulterior motives, bro.
Lebih baik jangan tolong orang macam tu.
Dear Anons,
please write a nic at the end of your comment. IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH?
W. H. I. C. H P.A.R.T.D.O.Y.O.U.N.O.T.U.N.D.E.R.S.T.A.N.D?
Hello Kijangmas,
Thank you for your post. I eagerly await your updates.
Miss Malaysia
The end.
tak dapek den nak menolon, jang...
Terima kasih kembali atas kesudian saudara menjengok wadah saya yang tidak seberapa ini. Ya, berdebatlah dengan makhluk-makhluk sesat yang kian mencemari Bumi Allah kita ini. Ia nya wajib.
Merci Mademoiselle. My ZealotAlert has not been triggered. Only saw a few Zealettes (mini zealots) sniffing around. No need to hantam. It will just mess up the Jimmy Swaggert-like tuxedo I'm tryin' on right now.
Anon (Feb.3, 2009 3:57 PM) said:-.
"I read it first , i read it first.
Im the first"
No. You're not the first. Don't worry. The early bird gets the worm; but remember the second mouse gets the cheese.
King said:-
"I wonder what is RPK's opinion on this issue usage of Allah"
I thought he wanted the Biblical "God" to be replaced with "Chin Peng"? No?
"sir.. i hope this article is not copyrighted.."
Thanks for your kind words. No copyright. But remember to quote the source. We don't want anymore Din Merican incident here, tuhan forbid.
Sdr JebatMustDie,
Thanks for dropping by. Yes, your article formed a key basis of my deliberations here.
Teman Perak,
Ya, mereka ni sengaja nak cari pasal. Bila kita dah bangkit, baru nak mengebek dan bersandiwara macam mangsa pula. Putar belit tak habis-habis.
vinnan said:-
"Listen you racist UMNO clowns. We will get you come the next election. To tell you the truth many are waiting for an early chance to do so if the Perak government were to call for snap elections."
Too late lah Ah Moi. Ha ha ha Born Loser! Solli, lu olang sama lu punya boneka sutah kina tendang keluar oleh gua punya laja. Lu sutah tatak masa tepan ini negeli ohh. Sekalang manyak susah lu mau hitup sama gua sebab lu sutah manyak bikin kacau. Gua punya Tu Han Ala pun lu mau culi ohh. Lu olang punya kapala apa pikir ahh? Hali-hali bikin kacau gua punya negeli. Gua ingat ahh, libih baik kalu Chao Chee B. macam lu sekalang pigi balik Tong San kasi baik-baik jaga lu punya Kiu Mo tunggu Ah Pek tatang. Bikin manyak manyak leng chai balu sinang mau tanam jagong.
Alhamdulillah for this kind of posting.
Not many of us out here has your articulation.
Your articles are a welcomed reliefs after reading many readers' commnet on nuraina's blog.
The Great and SaTD, your piece on Aceh is spot on. And I have given a lengthy reasoning why that is happening in Syed Akbar Ali’s OutSyedTheBox
Ridzzy, either change Rukunegara to “Kepercayaan kepada Allah” or get all chinese in Malaysia to have compulsory malay/muslim names. Or both. Since they so much quote Indonesia that they have Allah name there in their bibles.
People like William Lim are what makes the salt of the Malaysian society. You are not pengkhianat, William. If only we could have more people like your kind of thinking, irrespective of whatever religion you belong to, Malaysia would truly be an exemplary multi-ethnic, multi-faith society.
Nevada, get everyone to do two raka’at special and then make just ONE doa/prayer that Allah “open up their hearts to the Truth” and suddenly all those prayer points you highlighted suddenly take on a new … look. If accepted laa.
Anonymous 2:22 – There is a rule of thumb laa:-
If it is BN, criticise it.
If it is Melayu, condemn it.
If it is Islam, criticise it
If it is RPK, applaud it.
If it is Malaysiakini, believe it
Says who? “We the Bangsa Malaysia”
Sepadu at 2:22. The Pope HAVE read this I think. Don’t be surprised by news that there is a flurry of sudden need to laundry cassocks in Vatican City from stenches of Urine.
Joe is champion in much ado about nothing. He laments without points. Joe, “Post the questions to me and I’ll answer it”? Like we are the ones who are confused, and not you? Can I have a little bit of whatever it is you are smoking, Joe?
Hassan: Which Allah is universal now: the one who has a mother, atau the one who has a son? The One who teaches that you go to Heaven due to good works, or the one that prepares heaven only for those who believes in the son that dies on the cross? What if tomorrow our brother Mr Muralli decides that the statue in his house that has 8 arms, a trunk and whole body dyed in nila should be called Allah too, would that be considered universal too? How about the deity who waits in the afterworld for people to arrive in paper Mercedes Benzs: is that a universal Allah too, should they need to call him that?
Folks, agaknya cam niiiiiiiiii lah the christians trick the unsuspecting young malay muslims kan? Through the idea of universality, sameness, togetherness. Then after all is swallowed line, hook and sinker, barulah reveal that, “mmm well, san, you know what …. that idea we talked about God is one and alone … mmmmm not really that accurate?” A Hassanless Malaysia would not be good fodder for bible thumpers.
And lastly to Anonymous of 2:46am. Did you just say “rediculous”? Bingo! Case closed.
Statistically we are small compared to the whole Christian Malay population
Look at Philippines....a county with 70 Million population having 91.5% of its population as Christian Malays...
Err..how many of us Malays are around left if they get more out of Indonesia.......
We are the minority out of the total population.....
when we speak about religion we must expend the sample size beyond our shores.....
Bright Eyes...
Lu ape cite...
I don't even understand their primary language......of the sample size u mentioned......
We are talking about the Bahasa Malaysia here beb......you mean they were always speaking Bahasa before??
Before when actually?....
I had just read a post by Syed Akbar Ali of the Out of the Box blog titled Fighting “For” God or Fighting “Over” Allah. It's a direct result of your post here and makes a good read too.
On another matter, concerning the Hardcore & Incorrigible ANONYMOUS-es, well, what can I say!?... I had assumed that they would adhere to this very very very simple requirement. Therefore I'm simply amazed that this is not so!
With drug rehabilitation and treatment, there is this centre for the "tegar" (Kedah folks say it as "ketegaq") - the type that obstinately refuse to follow or adhere to basic things. It's located *inside* Kajang Prison.
For blogosphere's "ketegaq", there might come the time when only the REGISTERED are allowed - only those who have an ID. I see some blogs have already implemented this, like Small Talk and Jed Yoong. With this, no one would forget to enter a nic or handle.
Anonymous = "Unreached Peoples"
actually gomen scared that malays too stupid to understand the difference la - after they get confused and all become christians beramai-ramai....
becos malays not strong in their faith and knowledge of their faith.. cannot think well enough and comprehend the difference.
british pun cakap, malays not the sharpest tool in the shed .
just like the economy, their faith also mesti tongkat lar ..
sebab gomen takut nanti diorang sumer buat seks sebelum kahwin, minum arak, rogol anak sendiri, buang bayi, pakai seksi, makan rahsuah kalau mereka semua masuk kristian..
sebab setakat ni, bila beragama islam org melayu tak buat bende2 macam tu.. :P :P
Huh? said:-
"What they don't need now is the constant effort by the Christians to actively proletysing the Muslims and undermining the efforts by the Muslims authorities."
This is big business and forms the justification for the existence of these missionaries in the first place. Envision a Multi-Level Marketing scam. One must find new downliners (converts) to stay afloat.
At times, the "newly-born" locals (just like new MLM inductees) are the most zealotrous. Look at their one-track-mind replies on this issue cluttering the blogs. While their Western masters are losing the cause to Islam (plus of course large chunks are becoming Atheists), these newbies now take it upon themselves to carry the torch of their twisted faith in our domain. I view them as lalangs. What should one do with lalangs?
An-Nimr said:-
"... in other parts of the world, they are fighting to keep out "Allah" from their Bible, in order to keep to the trinity hoaxes and delusions against the original ONE GOD message brought by Isa (Jesus peace be upon him)."
Exactly, and that's the irony of it all.
Dutch Catholics were up in arms when a Bishop (see the link in my post) proposed "Allah" as the universal God.
Here in our Tanah Air? We encounter a pathetic attempt to deceive. Sad. Not even sophisticated or refined. Just membabi buta cara paksa, shoving this God name scam down our throats.
Thanks for your kind words.
You said:-
"The interesting question to me is: What is PAS' stand in all this. Apa kata Parti Islam Semalaysia. If I'm not mistaken Nik Aziz said it's all well and fine. And no one has seriously challenged him in any of the top PAS blogs."
This is a symptom of PAS' larger predicament. The party's affiliation with the anti-Malay/Muslim subversives (hiding under the DAP and also PKR facade) has compromised it's fundamental stance on religion and race. Look at the Perak circus. PAS is dragged into the fiasco, arm-in-arm with the Ngeh-Nga ternganga gang to menderhaka to the Sultan. Again, pathetic. As the saying goes, choose your friends carefully.
Libation Bearer said:-
"If I were a Christian reading this, I would be so malu that my agenda and intent has been exposed that probably when I flee I wouldn’t have the time to get my wagging tails dangling between my legs in embarassment."
Yes sir, and they flee alright. To the promised land of parapu and siew kai fan and paper Mercedeses (not of the Janis Joplin kind). Apart from some tiny tots who are pitifully out of their zealotrous depth, the Congregation has not turned up. TuhanDamnIt, my deluxe type-Phibun Songkhram 10-ft. bamboo sticks might go to waste here. Perhaps I should test it out on the Ngeh-Nga Congregation in Ipoh.
You added:-
"Another person yang akan malu ialah: Janis Joplin. I can hear her turning in her grave hearing how her lyrics concerning some expensive german cars has been dissected and surgeried by 'The Golden Fawn'."
Ha ha, wait till you hear my remix of James Brown's I Feel Good in a future posting on Najib.
You also said:-
"Can we have a similar one about James Morrison? I just lurrrve lyrics of dead people."
Oh, talking about old Jimmy and other dead people, thats reserved for Brother Anwar's political career. Carole King's Its Too Late would be perfect. She's still alive though.
So spot on, and brilliantly written!! I am linking this entry of yours, hope that's okay.
Anonymous Harimau kamu dah hampir pupus la ;
In school my Chinese friends will call someone like you a "sohai".
Why are you confusing yourself la sohai?
When did this become a NEP/Tongkat issue? Since when was this about politics huh? And since when was this about race? Malay and Islam are not exclusive to each other la sohai. And how many Malays read the herald ? hmm? sohai?
Sohai, I suggest that you read the post again and comment on the facts put forth in this post and not spew random racist chants plucked out of nowhere ..like a sohai.
A lot of those zealots are lepak-king at Rocky's blog. Go find them there, KM. They dare not come here...they are scared of you lah ...lest you shred them to pieces one by one.....ha ha
See this rage that spilled over from the MT cespool. Oh, of course,this gutless dickhead morph as Anonymous (= Unreached People according to Voren) to pukul curi here:-
(Quote)Feb 6, 2009 5:34 PM:-
"... cock eyed writing....check your facts...if you are writing from the cock eyed view of West Malaysia than you have the same cock eyed view of UMNO ... you are a typical cockeyed ..writer who does not walk the streets... you have been paid to write from an aircon room by UMNO probably..so you shoot off your mouth..before your brain coaxes your legs to walk and talk to Sabahans, Sarawakains and the many immigrants your UMNO brought in to vote for Barisan.. "
Is that it? That's the best you MT Junkies can muster? This is the quality of spinners on DAP/PKR's payroll nowadays? Hard times uh? It's o.k., I understand. This scum is not even worth soiling my pristine Bamboo Schtick. I guess even Mademoiselle Zaza can whack the shit out of this penis-obsessed faggot. Unker Yew? How?
Kesian, oh kesian. Sohai (just learned this word from Ridzzy above) Losers .....
Oh, one for the road (heh heh heh) for you penderhakas:-
why not you let your post receive comment without having to wait for your approval?
it makes it faster for discussion.
Kijangmas on:
"Like we are the ones who are confused, and not you? Can I have a little bit of whatever it is you are smoking, Joe?"
don't you think you are confused? do you really understand the bible? i think you and the rest of your zealots here pretending to be Mr. Know it all .... at least i admit that i know zero about your Quran. if you are not one who is so intimidated with the christians (don't know what they have that offended you so much), you would not be wasting your time trying to garner support to make your feel so good !!!
talk about anonymous ....bro, what's your name? if you can't tell us your name, aren't you some anonymous too turned in Kijangmas and self siok sendiri with the rest of the anonymous too ....?
open up your blog for free posting lah.....
KM, u cockney as in London East end working class kah? I tot u r Santa Cruz californian.
No lah, no need unker to mess up my manicured fingers for low life. I'll sent my side kick Tuhan monyet, Hanuman or Sun Wukong - satD to do thses dirty job.
Gotta go b4 Mat C start whinging, ciao.
Unker Yew aka Tuhan gift to women.
PS - Zaza Tigress, wipe that smirk off you face! Oso, Tigress ur nose like Barbara Streisand lah big & I supposed nosey too.
if your Allah is so great and mighty, then why are all the islams still feel insecure?? scared ah?
Terima kasih. Mata saya tiba-tiba terbuka. I love your arguments. Betui la.
Please lah you answered yurself - Arabic bibles uses Allah so BM bible surely can use Allah lah ...
Hai why you people so obstinate?
Accept-lah, just like BN accepted the results of the GE !
I will forward your comment to my eight-year-old niece to answer. She's nearer to your intellectual level, and you might even give her a fight, that brat!
Ahaa, finally a turd worthy of a nice whack from my Phibun Songkhram Special…
Joe blow said:-
“why not you let your post receive comment without having to wait for your approval?”
Ehh? Isn’t this the NORM in YOUR OWN JUNKIE BLOGS? You think Chin Peng-hugging RPK, Teapot Haris, Unker Kit, and the rest of the sleazeballs from the rogue-gosphere just open their floodgates for all? Where have you been Joe blow? Under your momma’s saree? You know JoeDumbass, IF these rogues disable Moderation on their blogs, even for one hour, they would be INUNDATED by people who will whack them silly. At least here, I allow low lifes like you to soil my turf. Would it be reciprocated by your heroes? No. Try sending an equivalent abuse (a “Joe”-like rant to MT or People’s Parliament). It wouldn’t see the light of day. Pathetic hypocrites.
See people. Always double standards. People lompat to their party o.k. Their own people lompat to the other party, oh it’s not o.k.? Apahal lah dey?
Joe Cartoon said:-.
”Kijangmas on:
’Like we are the ones who are confused, and not you? Can I have a little bit of whatever it is you are smoking, Joe?"
don't you think you are confused?“
Ha ha ha, talk about CONFUSED. Look people, this Joe blow tried to prove that I am “confused” with his own confusion of some other commenter's writing with mine, in this case he confused the indomitable Apocryphalist with me. So who’s confused now? Yeah Joe blow, who’s confused now? Ha ha ha … you are one funny confused dumbass. Are you sure you are not confusing this blog for chedet.cc? Why don’t I help you walk out the door? Yeah, go back to your little dungeon. Bye loser ...
Joe further barked:-
“do you really understand the bible?”
Why in Tuhan’s name should I have to understand the bible? Man, this is getting hilarious! What has understanding the bible got to do with telling you not to use the name of MY god? Listen dumbass, you grab somethin’ that is not yours, and then you asked someone else whether he understands your problem. Who cares about your problem, your bible, your trilogy of deities, your erectile dysfunction, your innate desire to wear G-strings, your fetish for dildos. Who cares!
Joe chirped in:-
“… i admit that i know zero about your Quran.”
Well obviously! Otherwise you wouldn’t be an infidel of the al-Kafirun Laknatullah variety would you? Now you want to use this Arabic term too? Be my guest. My pleasure. Heh heh. Pls people, don’t tell Joe here.
Joe whine on:-
“ if you are not one who is so intimidated with the christians (don't know what they have that offended you so much), you would not be wasting your time trying to garner support to make your feel so good !!!”
Ok, based on same logic, if YOU JoeJackass is not so intimidated with Islam (don't know what they have done to threaten a nobody like you so much), you would not be wasting your time trying to be a hero among infidels here to make you feel so good !!!”
And Joe chipped in:-
“talk about anonymous ....bro, what's your name? if you can't tell us your name, aren't you some anonymous too turned in Kijangmas and self siok sendiri with the rest of the anonymous too ....?”
How do you know KijangMas is not my real name, you confused Quran-illiterate little prick. Once you have a guy named “Barack Obama” holding the nuke briefcase, any name’s possible. Maybe I was born Raden Agung KijangMas Galuh Gemerancang Maharaja Buwana Nugrahi Adiningrat? NOW, what about insignificant YOU? “Joe” my ass. You’re either a Ngeh Kiu Mo or a Karuppiah a/l Solaimuthu Pariasamy.
Joe’s dying wish:-
”open up your blog for free posting lah.....”
What “free”? You some kind of parasite? You want everything free? Or is it fili? Nothing’s fili here bozo.You have to EARN the privilege of cluttering my blog, you comprendé el loco amigo? Now git before I rearrange your black ass with another salvo of my buckshot!
Assalamualaikum Bra-zaaa,
Fuuyooo man, i mean lelaki, i so wish i can write like you.
You know i was curious too about this sudden itch by these people to use Allah SWT in their holy book.
By all means, i respect their faith and all. But like you said, wanna string a few words in BM also they cannot.
I think they said something about reaching out to the agama-less Bumis in Sabah and Sarawak, that is why they absolutely must use Allah.
Like you said, go do something else lah.
None of this, not today, not in Malaysia - NOT EVER!
Post Scriptum:
Braaa, you writer kaa? You should write a book or something lah, i'd buy.
Wassalam to you then, i wanna surf other blogs to learn more about Malaysian kataks who like to jump jump, some jump up high, some jump in through the back side. Ah well, to each from his/her own.
AHA HA HA! HILARIOUS! This is your most hilarious response to the Joe Dumbasses out there. Laugh-out- loud FUNNY! Great start to my day.
Thanks KijangMas!
Hey KijangMas, it all comes to money, money, money lah. As you pointed out, the Malay Nusantara is an untapped market. Imagine how much money can be accumulated by Christian organisations, be it the Catholic Church, the Protestant Churches, born again, dead again churches whatever, by having the Malays as new believers going to their mega churches and contributing.
The usage of the word ‘Allah’ in the Malay Bible is just a soft approach – to confuse the Malay masses, just like what they did in Indonesia. I know of Indonesians who change their religion like they change their “culottes”. For example, today, Bambang is a Muslim, tomorrow, he is a Christian, and the day after, he changes again to become a Muslim. When I asked these religion-hopping people why, they just answered me, ‘Islam dan Kristen tu kan sama, mbak ….tidak ada beda’.
No, I can’t take that, not in my Malay/Muslim psyche. Why do they talk like that? In my humble opinion, they are CONFUSED and ignorant. Why are they confused? Go figure, why? First of all, I think, it has to do with the Kitab Injil …..what is being written actually and how it is being written for their ‘consumption’. If they use ‘Allah’ to mean ‘Tuhan Yesus Kristus’, then it is not surprising that a simple layman can get confused. Having said that, it is natural for Malay Muslim Malaysians to be suspicious with this sudden insistence to use ‘Allah’ in Malay Language Bibles.
KM, moi, no time for those MT/PR skunks lah. They’re a lost case. Orang Perancis call them “mauvais perdants, mauvais joueurs” – bad losers, bad players. Cry baby tak habis habis. Want to win only, lose aje terus mengamuk. Really like spoilt brats. When BN lost in KT, tak ada pun demo-demo.
Good for Anwar to be KO-ed by Najib at his own game.
Long live the Sultan! Daulat Tuanku.
(ps ….Careful Unker Yew, don’t make Mat C4 you. Don’t bother him too much lah).
My reply is for Joe to see:
I would like to introduce you to the late brother Ahmed Deedat, he used to hold a debate on the topic, "Is the Bible God's - Debate with Christian scholar Dr. Anis Sorrosh". Dr. Anis Sorrosh is an Arab Christian, his origin is Palestine. There are about 29 videos on the YouTube. I think you should watch it and listen to the debate. It might enlighten you and other fellow Christians.
And for our fellow Muslims, this might also help you in the knowledge about the bible.
The link:
Read further on my comment in Rocky Bru's related topic, "Demi Negara, Demi Agama".
Peace to you brother.
"This is a non-partisan forum for all Malaysians to share opinions and discuss issues in a civil, intellectual setting."
The only bit I really enjoyed about your blog was the above quote. It made me laugh. Out loud.
Your post about the use of the word "Allah" tells me that's it's been a while since you've picked up a book.
Surprising, since you claim that this blog is meant to contribute to a "politically enlightened" community.
Your arguments are so weak that I'm not going to bother deconstructing them. That would be doing your homework for you, and I certainly wouldn't want to deprive you of any "enlightenment".
What does worry me is the concentration of bigoted, small-minded remarks made by those who commented on your post.
You, my friend, (or not!) are guilty of endorsing the worst kind of prejudice. You are encouraging suspicion, not understanding, of one's neighbour. Your sentiment, and those of your avid fans, is what lay at the heart of the Holocaust and Rwanda. Already some of your readers have uttered threats against Christians.
Your idiocy and poor use of freedom of speech will only give the authorities an excuse to clamp down. Thanks for ruining it for the rest of us.
I have lived in many, many countries throughout my life. Never have I encountered such racism and lack of learning as in my own. And here you are, a monument to this very mediocre thinking and bog-standard writing. You must be very proud.
Hehehe Ladyhawke I agree with the sidesplitting bashing Joe got. But you know... he probably doesn't understand them! KijangMas' usage of Harlemesque gabs probably beyond his head too.
"Now git before I rearrange your black ass with another salvo of my buckshot!" Hilarious.
I remember once when we were in a mosque in some Brooklynish neighbourhood and there was this african-american muslim "bratha" in the mosque, saw his son and friends came in without taking their shoes off and he went like,
"Eyyyyyy whatch'all dooooin with your shooooooz in the marrrsjeeed you bad ass nigger. Now Git!"
Anon at 3.54 am after his ecstasy and cheap cognac/chinadoll karaoke binge said:
"PS - Zaza Tigress, wipe that smirk off you face! Oso, Tigress ur nose like Barbara Streisand lah big & I supposed nosey too."
Yeah...no amount of cheap Taiwanese botched plastic surgery by your womenkind will ever result in a fine, strong, feature like mine...shows character, meh...and SPINE.
Alhamdullilah. (Means Praise be to Allah, the One and Only...not your patung buatan sendiri....)
Agama Kristian ancaman kepada Islam? Hahahahaha, barangkali kamu semua lama sudah tidak tinggal di Malaysia. Di sekolah Kristian sekarang ada surau, ada mural dengan petikan-petikan dari Al Quran. Lencana sekolah-sekolah Kristian yang dulunya ada salib terpaksa ditukar kepada yang nampak lebih sekular. Kelas Bible Knowledge di sekolah Kristian sekarang hanya boleh diajar di luar waktu sekolah. Doa-doa Islam diperdengarkan tiap-tiap pagi sewaktu perhimpunan. Persatuan agama-agama Kristian tidak lagi dibenarkan di semua sekolah. Bagi pelajar-pelajar Kristian yang tinggal di asrama, ada yang didakwah sehingga masuk Islam. Di Sabah sesiapa yang masuk Islam akan terus menerima wang tunai Bantuan Mualaf sebanyak RM500. Pengusaha kantin yang bukan Islam tidak lagi dibenarkan berniaga di sekolah-sekolah dan institusi kerajaan. Yang ada pun di luar bandar sahaja, itupun perlu ada tukang masak Islam! Kalau orang Islam masuk Kristian tidak boleh tukar agama dalam IC! Hey bodoh! Siapa yang menjadi ancaman kepada siapa ini? Ada otak ka tiada? Cakap main lepas saja tanpa cek fakta. Taukah kamu kalau mau masuk agama Kristian perlu keluar belanja sendiri untuk beli AlKitab dan tambang ke gereja. Belum lagi masuk derma untuk gereja. Sebab gereja semua miskin! Tidak macam agama Islam, kerajaan tolong! Termasuklah dengan duit cukai orang Kristian! Hoi bodoh, kami cuma mau hak kami membaca AlKitab seperti yang kami baca dari sejak sebelum merdeka tahun 1963 lagi. Susah sangat kah itu? Kalau kamurang tidak suka suruhlah Sabah dan Sarawak keluar Malaysia! Kami rela! Tinggallah dalam dunia Christianophobia kamu sendiri.
Another series of video about the historical debate between the late Ahmed Deedat and Dr. Anis Shorrosh in London Royal Albert Hall. The topic is "Is Jesus God?". 22 videos of them.
Watch the link:
Ahmed Deedat, a knowledgeable man who knows the bible better than Anis Shorrosh and other Christian scholars.
I hope Joe and his fellow friends would find some enlightenment from this 22 videos. There are many other debates held by Ahmed Deedat with other Christian scholars. You might wanna prepare your bible while watching the videos.
Peace be to all.
Awaiting patiently for your next piece particularly on the situation in Perak. Im a big fan of your writings.
Salam. All the way from Sarawak.
Watch this KM:
Are your claims wrong?
Hmmmm...I'd think not. It might help to prove your claims.
Peace to you brother.
satu penerangan yg padat, jitu, terang lagi mudah difahami.. seeloknya anda dilantik sebagai lawyer untuk menerangkan hujah2 yg bernas ini dimahkamah..
Orang Kristian ker, Orang Islam ker, kalau tak kenal Allah...sama jer....dua2 sesat...
Pas dan PKR baliklah kepangkuan Islam yang sebenar....Dap tu biarjerlah...
UMNO pun kene balik kepangkuan Islam yang sebenar......
ROH dah kotor sangat tu....baru kene sikit dah marah2...Peringkat pertama nafsu pun tak dapat kawal...macam mana nak kenal Allah..
Berdoa sampai berbuih mulut...nak suruh Allah laknat orang tu..orang ni....Siapa yang hamba ni? Allah ke kita?
Ni duk suruh ALLAH jer....macam ALLAH tu hamba kau orang pulak...
Sebab tu lah orang Islam..duk kat situ jer...
ALLAH suruh kau mintak dengan dia...bukan kau suruh dia....ni duk asyik suruh Allah pasal Palestin lah, US lah, Israel lah..skrg pasal Perak lah.....
dapat dah ker..apa yang kau orang suruh.....
Mintak bukan suruh lah ......
Nak tahu perbezaannya? Hidup kan roh kau dulu yang dah lama mati...tak makan.
Alhamdulillah, at last .. ada jugak yg boleh letakkan dalam writing.. I've been debating this with my own Malay (hopefully Muslims) friends which don't get the point why we've problem with the church if they're still nak guna the word 'Allah' .. tak lain & tak bukan .. nak mengelirukan orang2 Melayu. Way to go my friend..
Dear all,
We no need go so far to Israel, right here in Ipoh we have another regime ZIONIS BN pirates abound.
Perak: The Start of Malaysia's INTIFADA? انتفاضة
Agen Zionis
Another one video to explain that God does not need assistance to do anything. From Ahmed Deedat too.
Peace be to all.
Quoting you: "Who would be the end-user of these Malay Bibles? Uncle Ignatius Lourdesamy down the street? What about his extended family who all grew up speaking and reading and writing English (and perhaps some Tamil though they may not admit it) and whose only exposure to Bahasa Malaysia was at school and in filling various borangs and permohonans at the pejabat kerajaan? You truly believe these Christian Anglophiles would be reciting their holy scriptures in Malay? Praising "Allah" and the Son of "Allah" in a language synonymous with Malay hegemony and stuffy government bureaucracy?"
I am a [second generation] Dusun Muslim and have a very strong faith in my religion. Just because my parents were convert, doesn't mean I don't read Quran -- because I do. In its original version -- Arabic.
But I may not agree with you on this issues.
I don't know about Semenanjung. But my Christian uncles/aunties and cousins (and yes, me too!) -- all speak Malay as our second language (Dusun being the first). We don't communicate much in English. Penguasaan BI kalangan Kadazan (Dusun) sama levelnya dengan penguasaan BI kalangan Melayu. Majoriti -- kurang bagus. We are more comfortable to use BM (or our own mother tongue) than English.
As far as I can remember, the Christian members in my (extended) family have been using Malay bibles. And the word Allah has been there -- years and years ago. And seriously we (the Muslim and Christian Dusuns) have never had an issues about it.
Just a thought.
There was an apostle, who wrote an epistle,
strange faith did he jostle, and scriptures entwistle.
His doctrines pentacostal, made GOD's people bristle,
and blapshemy collosal, led to his dismissal.
Apostle, epistle, collossal, dismissal,
His writings bescissel, make faith so afissile.
GOD created man in his image.
Then the Christians came along and recreated GOD in man's image.
read more here:
St. Paul The Root of Christian Missionary Deception
You might wanna study this video and maybe write something on the topic of it.
Ahmed Deedat on the topic of dialogue with the Pope. The name Tengku Abdul Rahman was mentioned, Malaysia was mentioned, and most of all the topic is about how the Pope's act of deceit when talking about Islam and Jesus in the Quran (in the 5/11 video).
The link:
Peace be to all.
Hi An-Nimr at Feb 6; 10.09pm,
Oh my my 'Tuhan Manis Ku' (George Harrison), I tot u were supposed to have Tea & Scones; what this with the Irish Coffee & Spotted Dick???? I can tell u had one too many that u can’t even remember my proper name. Worse still u r acting like the ‘Labbit Boiler’ in Fatal Attraction. Tuhan nose (oops knows) that deep down u still cares. I’m not disputing u ur 'features' as a fine human specimen too, not to mention ( I betcha) a firm pair of lotzaboozooma & perhaps some good luv handles to beat. I meant this in a complimentary nature.
Luv u too
Unker Yew.
PS – Hey KM, all those those grumpy old men in Perak are really2 all behaving very badly indeed, I’m very concerned la! Oh Tuhan, how I hate Mondays!!!Unker look exactly like satD profile photo now, funny.
I appreciate your point.
The Muslims at large may not have realised that Christian Dusuns and others have been using Bibles in Malay with the word Allah since quite some time ago.
But my point is that, when they collectively became aware of it in the Herald issue and raised an objection to the use of the word Allah, why don't the Christian leaders agree to just use the word Tuhan. Some of the Christians who speak up have said that they have no problem with the word Tuhan and can communicate with their God so.
With the intransigence of of the Christian leaders, plus reports on conversion attempts on Muslims in the aftermath of the Acheh tsunami, and the Christianisation attempts on the Orang Asli in Semenanjung, the Muslims see a sinister motive in their stand.
Religion-wise, we should just live peacefully and harmoniusly without trying to convert others, especially the innocent. I believe no one tried to convert your family and that you chose to be a Muslim on your own volition.
Good for you and wassalam.
100th comment.
Oooh yuuhhh, Praise the Tuhan!
I think Unker Yew seriously lost it. First he went anon to bash me and confused me with zaza in his drunken stupor, and now he is being very nasty and making chinaman type dirty, low class, crass remarks about me and my anatomy and failing in his pathetic attempts at jokes (mine always first class ones, you know that).
Can you please make this a "NO DRUNKS PLEASE, ZONE"?
They say you only need to use ecstasy once to permanently scramble your brains.
Are you that case study, Tommy Ewww?
Did someone mentioned tea?..
Wah Unker....now got Tommy in-front ma...
No wonder u like Pamela... :)
I was gonna book the comment number 101...so that I can say this comment is about "Christ in Islam 101", you know in the American colleges you'd find the beginner classes like Psychology 101, English 101...and such.
Here again, my effort to help our Christian friends to understand what the Quran has to say about Jesus, the son of Mary in the most beautiful description. Praise be to Jesus A.S, the prophet.
Ahmed Deedat again in this topic, "Christ in Islam". 15 videos altoghether. Watch also the questions by the people toward the end of the video. And for the Christian friends, wearing the veil is also mentioned in YOUR OWN bible (in the 15/15 video).
Video link:
Peace be to all.
Another Anonymous Ignoramous (see the trend among these MT Junkies. No guts!) slithered into Demi Negara. Let’s see what’s bothering this poor excuse for humanity, which I will christened “AhSohnymous.”
AhSohnymous (Feb 7, 2009 at 10:46 AM) said:-
“The only bit I really enjoyed about your blog was the above quote. It made me laugh. Out loud.”
Yes, no wonder I heared a pig squeal-like ruckus reverberating all the way from Chao Hai New Village, Chemor earlier today. Anyway Ah Soh, do you know why people like you stink? Yeah, so the blind can hate you too. And also Ah Soh, that laugh may indeed be your last laugh. As they say in Harlem, “you’re goin’ down baby, you’re goin’ down.”
AhSohnymous said:-
“Your post about the use of the word "Allah" tells me that's it's been a while since you've picked up a book.”
Yes true Ah Soh. I don’t “pick up” books. Library hands and bookshop workers do that for me. I just read them and author about a dozen. What again was your problem?
AhSohnymous said:-
“Surprising, since you claim that this blog is meant to contribute to a "politically enlightened" community.”
Yes indeed old cow. People have been enlightened. They now know the pure badness intrinsic, sudah darah daging, in shitheads like you. The hitherto silent majority, Mainstream Malaysiana, now realise the kind of scums your kinds are and have snapped out of their slumber. Your true colours, yup those slimy spots and stripes, have now been exposed to an enlightened populace. And that is why crooks like you now lunge ugly-face-first in here to fight your desperate battle for relevancy. May tuhan have pity on you when you arrive in your hell in your paper Masili-Bens.
AhSohnymous said:-
“Your arguments are so weak that I'm not going to bother deconstructing them. That would be doing your homework for you, and I certainly wouldn't want to deprive you of any "enlightenment".
Huh? Apa lu cakap ni Ah Soh? Gua tatak paham lo. Why should I partake in a ”homework” of deconstructing what I wrote myself? You know what? You are an example of an SPM Grade 3 product trying hard to sound sophisticated with your thesaurus laced verbiage which upon dissection means absolutley nothing, yes nothing. Hilariously nothing! Now go read it yourself and tell me what you really want to say. Can you? Nahh, I doubt.
AhSohnymous said:-
“What does worry me is the concentration of bigoted, small-minded remarks made by those who commented on your post.”
Oh yeah I agree, and you better be really, really worried. If I were you, I would go to AirAsia.com.my now and check out their 99 sen one-way ticket specials to Guangzhou and Lanzhou. Because we “bigots” are the prolifically propagating MAJORITY in this Tanah Melayu and we are out to cull your kind, one ekor at a time, from the face of our formerly pristine homeland that your species had raped, pillaged and desecrated. We have allowed you people to stay here for one century. Cukuplah. Berapa lama lagi mau tumpang sini. Tak malu kah? Talk about “tongkats.” We have given you the means to gather your provisions and to build a new tongkang. Now its time to go. Go find another Tanah to destroy. Others must hate you too you know. Oh yes, my friends down in OzLand would love to have you there. They have run out of scapegoats it seems. The old punching bags have assimilated a la Kylie Kwong. Need fresh targets to hate.
AhSohnymous said:-
“You, my friend, (or not!) are guilty of endorsing the worst kind of prejudice. You are encouraging suspicion, not understanding, of one's neighbour. Your sentiment, and those of your avid fans, is what lay at the heart of the Holocaust and Rwanda. Already some of your readers have uttered threats against Christians.”
Holocaust. Rwanda.
Why don’t you throw in Auschwitz and Treblinka while you’re at it. Oh don’t forget the Siberian gulags and the Manchukuo mad-scientist labs. And of course Idi Amin Dada, the Conqueror of the British Empire, must be inserted in there somewhere. No wait, you must have Kim Il Sung. And Stalin. What about Mao? Saddam? Il Duce boleh masuk? Heck, throw in Genghiz Khan for good measure. Rope in your fellow bigoted DAP bufffoons and we’ll have a big carnival to celebrate human bigotry and chauvinism. Hallelujah!
Listen you self-centered nincompoop, YOU created this prejudice. How? By your stubborn insistence on living life in your alien cocoon amidst the mainstream ocean. You refuse to integrate, you refuse to fit in, you refuse to accommodate, you make it a point to antagonise us, you talk loudly in some ugly foreign tongue, you thrash and deface our land, you oppose our values, you steal our resources, and you now try to copy-paste our Allah SWT into a Bible that you yourselves would never read. And you have the audacity to accuse this place of “encouraging suspicion, not understanding, of one's neighbour”? How can you regard yourself a “neighbour” when you go around alienating yourselves from others, refusing to manifest anything even remotely resembling neighbourly behaviour?
Why should I “understand” you when you yourself strive hard to make yourself undecipherable in Malaysian society? You make it a point to speak an alien language, practice imported alien culture, you mimic alien values. You don’t even have the mental capacity to comprehend the logic of my simple argument above. And due to this inability to grasp the key points, you resorted to cheap insults and petty inuendoes. And now you have the audacity to demand that I “understand” you?
Folks, these people never cease to amaze me.
AhSohnymous said:-
“Your idiocy and poor use of freedom of speech will only give the authorities an excuse to clamp down. Thanks for ruining it for the rest of us.”
Wow, more blame game here. Yes, you people never cease to amaze me. Your PR cohorts created mayhem on the streets and even attack the Perak Raja Muda’s car; you make treasonous statements against a Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja Melayu; you even want to sue this esteemed Sovereign; you spew seditious and treasonous garbage in your blogs as a routine matter ……. and now you accuse me of “ruining it for the rest of us”? You loco or what? Mierda. Besa mi culo, puto (oh, that’s “you’re pretty” in LA Chicanese talk).
Folks, this menopausal hippo beats “Joe” Ngeh Kiu Mo above as the winner of the Jackass Commenter award this week.
AhSohnymous said:-
“I have lived in many, many countries throughout my life. Never have I encountered such racism and lack of learning as in my own. And here you are, a monument to this very mediocre thinking and bog-standard writing. You must be very proud.”
So what else did you saw in the “many, many countries” that you lived throughout your wretched life? You saw 4th generation descendants of immigrants there unable to speak the dominant language? You saw 4th generation descendants of immigrants there insisting on propagating a “way of life” that would be foreign even to their original migrant ancestors, including conversing in the Beijing dialect that was never part of the “package” that got off the tongkang on my shores? You saw 4th generation descendants of immigrants there looking and behaving and even smelling like some alien punk that just jumped off the tongkang onto dry land, with zero affinity with fellow citizens of the land of their birth apart from their inbred kin inside their little cocoons?
What “my own” crap are you talking about? This land has never been and will never be “your own”. Why? You and your kinds just don’t deserve it. You have worked hard all your life to not fit in, to not conform, to not respect the culture and values of the majority. To not respect my Raja-Raja Melayu. To bad mouth my Tanah Air in every one of the “many, many countries” that you had parasitically attached yourself to. And you have the nerve to claim Malaysia as “your own”? A delusional penderhaka is what we have here.
You and your species are the last creatures on this Bumi to lecture about “racism and lack of learning.” Indeed, do you know why you’re here, cluttering my blog with your plasticky, superficial holier than thou charade? You know why? Because YOU are a Tuhan-damned, unrepentant racist of the totok bukit kind. You are not even a Christian. Far from it. You are not a purveyor of human rights, civil society and all that propagandic bullshit MT Junkies like to ram down people’s throat as if they have a monopoly on wisdom and the goodness of the heart and soul. No. You are here because:-
1) You have made your purpose in life to oppose anything connected with Malay and Islam in this country. Indeed, if tomorrow the Pope praises the Malays, you will oppose the Pope. Same thing with the curi “Allah” episode. You will take the dissenting view as some kind of “norm” expected of your species. Yes, you will oppose this for the sake of opposing the Malays. That’s how your little brain is wired.
2) You are losing. Yes, we are beating you at your own game. Our literary eloquence and logic dynamics obliterate yours. Our Bahasa Malaysia is, of course, superior lah. Lu olang cakap Melayu pun mau pakai tongkat tunggang langgang . You just cannot stand to watch your Malay Tuan Tanahs trouncing your kinds in this cyberwar in a tongkat-less, level-playing field, meritocratic blogosphere arena. Hence, in your delirious fit of rage, you hurl your ugly flat chimp-butt face into my domain to spew your hatred against the Majority that you little bigots thought could never win this cyberbattle.
BTW Ah Soh, put some effort lah. If you want to insult me, make some sense lah! There just is no cause and effect logic in your statements. No uuumph. Why so lazy? Need someone else to write for you ah? Just like the way you subcon your treasonous demo against HRH the Sultan of Perak to the PAS buffoons ah? You’re getting fat and lazy lah Ah Soh. No wonder your Ah Pek’s long gone to sow the furrow of the Dalian cornfield.
Yup, you are a sad manifestation of a dying biological relic, a final hurrah for a socio-aberration on the death throes of irrelevance. Karpal’s last stand yesterday was a poignant manifestation of this sinking kapal of deceit, anarchy and treachery.
May Tuhan have mercy on you. Oh, and now git you inbred yellow bellied tub of lard! Darn, gotta samak my laptop now. Too much najis has trickled in.
Wah An-Nimr,
Don’t lah be like this one. Why u look me no up, just bcoz I ‘m intellectually challenged, I menyesal never study hard like u, so clever ‘Miss Know All one’. KM’s a good guy lah, abit cocky, stubborn & opinionated but he won’t discriminate char kway teow man like unker one leh. Tell u who got no class; it’s that KM mate from Hong Kong, Bus Unker, don’t confuse me with him,,hehe..
This one 4 u;
There's a love that's divine
And it's yours and it's mine
And it's just like the sun
At the end of the day
We will give thanks and pray to the TUHAN
Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you there's no one above you? (EXCEPT TUHAN)
Fill my heart with gladness
Take away my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do.
satD, unker not that Pamela's Tommy la, unker is that deaf, dumb & blind pinball wizard Tommy. KM reckoned I’m blind from playing with meself too much! BTW, r u up to any new monkey business lately?
Tuhan blessed u all
Unker Yew
PS - Mat C insist I shud use a nic instead of posting as anon, else I cannot play with his PC.
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
Kenapa Nuar lompat lambat,
Senjata dah makan diri
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
Bila tewas bisng kiamat
Lupa dia yang memulai
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
Nak jadi parti dihormat,
Tadbir tiada otak, tembak kaki
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
999 tanah lama sangat
Macam hidung ditarik babi
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
Poket Nger dan Nga sendat,
Nizar boneka nangis sendiri.
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
Bila ditegur angkuh sangat
Nizar tak ambik peduli
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
Nizar kena terima hakikat,
Bila tak ada majoriti
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
Apalah PAS bising sangat
Di Perak cuma 7 kerusi
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
ADUN memang pilihan rakyat
Jawatan MB Sultan beri
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
Sultan Azlan amat cekap
Helah Nizar tak sidang lagi
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
Kenan Sultan tak dapat,
Lupa kata serah pada duli
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
Jangan derhaka tak bertempat
Akhirnya akan makan diri
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
Jangan mintak Pilihanraya Cepat,
PR derhaka, rakyat tak bagi
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
Parti Islam jangan sesat
Tak baik fitnah, benci, maki
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
Sabar dan ajak taubat
Kalau bijak, berpeluang lagi
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
Kalau nak kuasa sangat ,
Islam Melayu jangan diketepi
Lompat Sikatak Lompat,
Lompat lah tinggi tinggi,
Kalau nak selamat,
Jangan dibohong Anwar lagi
KM for PM!!!!
Sorry, I just have to say it!
KM, you keep this up you're going to have a cult following like RPK. I'm in love with your work. You're such a bad-ass.
I mean, how can you not read KM's writing and not feel any goosebumps? Just read his reply to AhSohnymous above. For too long we are made to believe in this Malaysian Malaysia or this multi-racial Malaysia paradise with all the 3 major races living side by side in harmony. That's just a load of bull. Like you said, this country isnt a loose association of races and tribes LOL. Seriously what kind of a country are we when we cant even speak the official language properly. We Malays are also to be blamed. When we to talk to a Chinese, we speak BM like a chinaman. When we see an indian fella, we speak BM with an slight indian accent. Do you notice that? We go down to his needs, to his level. We do this for the simple reason of wanting him to understand us, but what we dont realise is that we're actually destroying the language. So please lah, dont talk about using Allah in your bibles when you cant even speak BM properly. It's simple people, what KM is trying to advocate all along is the use of Bahasa Malaysia as a vital tool for integration and thus the creation of Bangsa Malaysia. Back to basics. How hard is it to understand? For people who think this feat is impossible to achieve, please take a good hard look at Kelantan. Even in Terengganu, a chinese guy I spoke to had better BM than I did. No joke! Now, can you find that happening in KL or PJ? No chance in hell. Heres the punchline, if you dont agree as to BM being the official language meaning it must be mastered by each and every citizen- this is the part where we tell you to f*ck off to where ever you came from. Hey, look at our past Prime Ministers, they're not even pure Malay and you call us racists? Even ex MB Nizar had a Chinese mother if I'm not mistaken. Integrate brother, integrate. Integrate is such a sexy word right now.
KM, I'm with you.
Tahniah. Selamat maju jaya. Teruskan.
Tahniah. Selamat maju jaya. Teruskan.
I had posted this on Rocky's blog.
Do the Christians know the original language in which their Bible was written in? Do the Christians know the history of their Bible?
The original language from which your current Bible was taken from was originally found in Greek language manuscripts. That means it was all written in Greek. In Greek language, the term for "god" is theos, "The God" is "Hotheos". "Elohim" however is Hebrew. Why can't you just go back to what was written in your original Bible manuscripts? Use the term "Hotheos"?
The late brother Ahmed Deedat can explain to you in the following clips:
Shall we just put this matter to rest? Did Jesus say you need to use "Allah" to worship him? And those that does not use "Allah" will be damned to hell? I think Jesus never said anything like that.
Peace be to all.
Salam to all,
Allahu Akhbar, thanks for the great article. Yes, agreed it is the agenda of the church to deceive the muslim to their religion.
It is now our duty the ummah of akhir zaman to make dahwah to all people that Islam is the true religion. Not only in religion matters but the whole life.
Islam is a way of Life. We muslim must show to all people including non-mulim that Islam is the way of life. Not only while observing our 5 times prayers, or in ramadan but throughout our daily lifes, ie. in our clothing, interacting with people, how we eat, how we sleep, we must show it the way that had been shown by our Rasulullah s.a.w.
It is proven that the sahabah have been guaranteed Jannah (Heaven) even when they are still live in this world. How? Because they follow the Sunnah of Nabi s.a.w.
The only way to show to all kufar that we are true Muslim is by showing to them that Islam is complete. Islam is a way of Life. Islam is not only a religion, it is a way of life that had been showm by Rasulullah s.a.w and all sahabah.
Why in today's world, others are trying to belittle Islam or Muslim? Because we have forgotten the successful way shown by Nabi s.a.w. Now we must go back to the Sunnah. InsyaAllah when we follow sunnah 100%, Allah s.w.t will help us.
In one hadith, Nabi s.a.w. said "One who crawl to Allah, Allah will walk to him, if one walk to Allah, Allah will run to him". So we must get closer and closer to Allah s.w.t each day so that Allah will help us and out deen of Islam.
Like in Badar war, only 313 muslims against 1000 Kufar Quraisy with an ill=equipped army but 313 Muslim prevail with the help on Allah s.w.t.
So guys, friends, readers, let's ponder about what is happenings today is because of our own doings. SO let's go back to Sunnah and inysAllah the help from Allah s.w.t. will be with us.
Anyway, those who want to hear the late Janis Joplin's Mercedes Benz, here it is:
MRSM Kalae Chepo 66/73
In the names of the father, the son and the holy ghost
Terjemah ke BM "Dengan nama Bapak, Anak lelaki dan Hantu suci."
Ada butut ka?
seruling senja
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for articulating well for the rest of us who do not have the ability to do so......
Keturunan Jebat
Excuse me, but you talk like a closed-minded West Malaysian. You forget that we in East Malaysia (fyi that's Sabah and Sarawak) speak Iban, Kadazan, various other indigenous languages and Bahasa Melayu. And we native Christian Bumiputeras use "Allah" to refer to God. And we have used "Allah" for years. Besides, there is only one God. So, why do you have your knickers in knots over the use of "Allah" and why do you have to post such a disappointing inflamatory posting like this? Please don't be such a bigot. Open your mind. "Allah" belongs to all. Not only to one community.
Tuan KM
You must write something on this derhaka kepada raja dan negara thing.
That plucked chicken paklah dare not do anything ... not even a word of regret that this thing happens for so many times ... and by the same white-haired baboon.
Expose who is behind this biadab kurang ajar durhaka.
Tuan KijangMas,
I would like to tender my most profound apology for the tone of my last comment. It sound so demanding, so biadap hence so unbecoming as far as Malay kesopanan is concerned.
I have no call to vent my ketidak puasan hati to you by such insistence which sound more of a demand. I am sorry. Most sorry.
I was most unhappy at a blog (The Royal Blog ...) which should not be there in the first place ... which is so counterproductive to peace and harmony, which most certainly is designed by foreign interest to destabilize the Malays, hence Malaysia.
Saya sokong Lipan Bara di atas.
But Kijangmas, perhaps not so inflammable as to get you into trouble. We need you here for a long, long time.
Lipan Bara, please no need to apologise.
I understand your anger and dissatisfaction at the gejala biadap yang semakin menular di kalangan penderhaka dan pengkhianat yang kian mencemari Tanah Air kita tercinta.
I've refrained from commenting on this Haiwan Biadap Circus because what I have to say to these penderhakas may be too much for them (or perhaps the nation) to digest.
Once I have sheathed back my Keris Sundang Gempita Perkasa and take a deep breath, I may be able to expound my thoughts on paper/keyboard.
In the meantime, these gang of Penderhaka Biadap better pray to their Tuhan that our paths are not crossed lest they will know the true meaning of di salibkan.
Daulat Tuanku
Thank you KijangMas for your explanation, I was wondering too. The fiasco in Perak with regards to the 'Penderhakas' is unpardonnable.
Daulat Tuanku.
Andrew said:-
“Excuse me, but you talk like a closed-minded West Malaysian. You forget that we in East Malaysia (fyi that's Sabah and Sarawak) speak Iban, Kadazan, various other indigenous languages and Bahasa Melayu. And we native Christian Bumiputeras use "Allah" to refer to God. And we have used "Allah" for years. Besides, there is only one God. So, why do you have your knickers in knots over the use of "Allah" and why do you have to post such a disappointing inflamatory posting like this? Please don't be such a bigot. Open your mind. "Allah" belongs to all. Not only to one community.”
What’s with this “East” and “West” Malaysian fetish? You want to push for a unified God-name in Malay Bibles BUT you come barking here to divide my nation into some delusional West-East bi-polarism like some kind of Korea or old Germany.
Your tone clearly reveal that you are NOT a product of the Borneo states. I don’t for a second believe that someone like you who throw idioms like “have your knickers in knots” would be using “Allah” in your English language prayers. Its laughable. In fact, you are nothing more than an ethically bankrupt “West” Malaysian anti-Malay bigot, probably a relative of Ignatius Lourdesamy above.
Listen people, my cousin’s wife grew up in Tawau and her mother is an Iban from Sarikei. Like her family, she was a Catholic prior to conversion to Islam. In all my years of interacting with her family (since 1979), I’ve NEVER once heard any of them utter “Allah” as their deity. Never. Not then, not now, and I’m sure never in the future. It was always “God” or “Jesus” or “Lord” or “Tuhan” or “Yang Maha Esa” or such words. But “Allah” never. I tested this “Allah” nomenclature on some of them recently and they stared at my pretty face as if I had gone bonkers. Blank! Dazed! Bewildered! Indeed, they felt insulted. And to think that there exist a bunch of Luke Tans and Aloysius Lingams from “West” Malaysia partaking in a crusade ON THESE PEOPLES’ BEHEST to insert “Allah” in their Bibles and prayers. Incredible!
The closest homonym to “Allah” among her kin would be the “Tuhan A La” – a generic connotation of the supreme being used by language-challenged Christian missionaries in spreading their gospel to isolated tribesmen a century ago. This is the same “Tuhan A La” we hear in our childhood when the Ah Pek and Ayya uttered this generic universal deity to stress a divine angle in their conversation with our fathers, example: “Ya Tuan, itu Tuhan A La manyak tolong sama gua; itu pasal itu cilaka Chin Peng punya olang tadak kasi bunuh sama gua punya bini sama anak. Haiyah, gua manyak telima kasih sama itu Tuhan A La.” You now think this ”Tuhan A La” deity in the mind of that 1960s Ah Pek is THE SAME as the Allah Subhanahuwata’alla of the Holy Quran? Of course not. The Ah Pek, just like the missionaries of the past and their Borneo native converts, was referring to some universal supreme being, a generic heavenly deity for their respective faiths. But this Tuhan A La is not the “Allah” of Islam by any stretch of the imagination.
Bottom line: You “Andrew” is either plain stoopid or freakin' insane to NOT see the distinction or just another TuhanDamned bigot out to taunt and provoke the Malays.
Andrew said:-
“Besides, there is only one God … Please don't be such a bigot. Open your mind. "Allah" belongs to all. Not only to one community.”
Ok, to show your honesty and consistency in this matter, and to reconfirm your stance that “Allah” belongs to ALL, please state your unequivocal support to the point that this all-belongoing “Allah” should be used as the name of “God” in ALL Bibles on the face of this earth. Yes, click on the link to Jebat Must Die above and sign the petition.
Halellujah ……………
What? Don’t want? Cannot? Unfair? Doesn’t make sense? It’s a totally different matter? Your people won’t accept it? Blah, blah and more blah ….?
Never mind. I expected it, the sheer hypocrisy of it all.
Great response, KM.
I envy the ability to articulate.
MRSM Kalae Chepo 66/73
Kantoi la Andrew! What crap is he babbling about?
My mum is a Sarawakian, born and bred there, and went to school at St Theresa's. So did all of my female Sarawakian relatives. The menfolks went to St Joseph's. My relatives' ages range from 7 to 72 and strangely, NONE of them have ever heard the Catholic nuns and their Catholic friends utter the word Allah (SWT) in their prayers. My mum used to always follow her friends to church just to listen. But she's never heard or seen them use Allah (SWT) anywhere.
My mum is a Muslim and a religious one at that and my late grandfather was the Imam at the Masjid Kuching so if either of them had heard Allah (SWT) used in the bibles or in prayers, they would certainly have noticed and would have said something then!
Andrew is just a freakin' stooopid liar!
Demi Negara,
I must admit that your lengthy article is indeed intereting to read. You are right in concluding that the ulterior motive of insisting on using the word Allah is to reach the Melayus with a grand design to convert them.
They are fighting a losing battle in the West. Despite bashing Islam and labelling Muslims as terrorists, the Christians in the West are abandoning their religion either for Islam or atheism. Islam is now the fastest growing religion in the West.
To substantiate my point regarding Christians abandoning their faith in the West, allow me to quote an article entitled "The rebranding of Jesus" (Starmag, Sunday 14 December 2008) which stated that "A recent survey showed that the number of people in Britain who positively do not believe in God has leapt from 11% in 1968 to 44% today. And while another 44% say they do believe in God, the vast majority of them do not go to church or live a Christian life in a scriptural sense. A recent news report entitled "Christians post faith adverts on London buses" (Star, Saturday 7 February 2009) states that "Christians are soldering in the battle over God's existence by putting ads on London's famous red buses urging people to have faith".
As they are losing the battle in the West, they are now focussing their attention to the East, that is what you called the Unreached People. In fact this grand design of trying to convert the Muslims to Christianity started after they lost the war in the Crusade. Other than spice trade, the other objective of Europeans coming to the East in the 14th,15th century is missionary work. They were unable to convert the Malays and the Indonesians though they tried very hard to achive that. However in Indonesia, they had the opportunity during the time of President Suharto. Through Ibu Tian and General Murdani, the Christian Armed Forces Chief, they were able to effectively propagate Christianity.
In Malaysia they could not do so. So what they are trying to do is to weaken the Muslims of their faith. The stategy adopted by them is to show that Islam is a depictable religion. They stated picking up every issue affecting the Muslims and using the media through articles by ignorant Muslims who have issues to pick up, they bash the religion. When The ulemas comment of some issues they pick up the issue and bashed the ulemas resulting in the ulemas keeping quite. To support their cause at Islamic bashing, they mobilise the NGOs under the name of human rights. They condemn the school system as being too Islamic atributting that to the decline of non- Malays enrolment in national schools. However, when the Education Ministry accomodate their request by lessening religious studies, they still did not send their children to these schools.
Another strategy is to promote alien culture that would ultimately eliminate the refined Malay culture which is essntially Islamic based. Through entertaiment, this grand design of eroding Malay Muslim interest in their religion has to a certain extent been successful. Their latest strategy is to demand more freedom for their missionary work
their target being the Malay Muslims.
There are many other strategy that the doing. However it would be too lengthy to discuss here. May Allah swt give us the strength to face these challenges in our defence of our divine religion
Is Hallelujah ……………the same as In Da Gadda Da Vida?
Enlighten me please….ahaks
By the way, even the muslim have problem to grasp the real meaning of ALLAH ..its not a mystery but its not “just” tuhan either. If its just A Tuhan, then you’ll hear us muslim just utter the words Allah…why need to say tuhan.
Mmmm…im getting deep here….not the right place eh KM…
Pse can you itemise your video link in one message. Nak masuk dalam file senang sikit.
I was from a Convent the early '60s where almost all our teachers were nuns from Europe, except a Malay Ustazah and a Chinese clerk.
Never once heard them utter 'Allah', tau saja ler, tiap pagi, semua murid (except Muslims) must sing their "Come Holy Ghost...".
Probably the new "Converts" yang asal usul nama KURUPURIASAMYMUGAM, bila convert, dengan megahnya tukar nama jadi JOE COCKER a/l anugerek or LECHUMMULALI tukar nama Elizabeth Burton a/p anugerek.. so, they find it "CUN" to also tukar nama Tuhan mereka kpd "ALLAH?.
Aaahh, these people, memang tiada AKAR...
Hi Kijangmas,
I received an article in my e-mail which is related to your topic. It's a comic book in Bahasa Malaysia about Jesus which is now being distributed in KL.
I would like to forward this e-mail to you. Please let me have your e-mail address.
Mardiana Shaari
I could itemize it so that it would be useful for the Muslim brothers/sisters as a reference and to provide them with knowledge of what has already been discussed by Allahyarham brother Ahmed Deedat. He had already given us the bullets to use when we are in such situations with the Christians. Thank Allah that with the availability of technology we call YouTube, his debate videos which was filmed in the 80's and 90's are still available for us to watch and learn and study.
We can still use that to prepare ourselves of such discussions with the Christians.
Kita perlu berbicara dengan bijak, berserta fakta yang jelas. Kita tidak perlu takut kerana Allah sendiri sudah menyatakan dan sudah memberikan jaminan-Nya bahawa Quran itu terhindar daripada sebarang cacat-cela (contradictions) sepertimana ayat:
“Do they not consider the Qur'an (with care)? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy” Surah Al-Nisa'a (Women):82.
Oleh kerana itu sepatutnyalah Quran itu difahami dalam bahasa Arabnya, kerana setengah ayat dalam bahasa Arab itu tidak akan ada maksud yang tepat jika diterjemah ke bahasa lain.
I might put up a blog with the reference links of the videos so that you and others can easily find them. Will inform you once available.
To Makcik and others,
You might wanna learn who these people are:
1) Dr. Gary Miller (former Missionary)
(the link is too long so I carriage return right after the word home/, if you were to paste in the browser put it in one line)
2) Yusuf Estes (An American, former Priest - his journey to Islam is very interesting, I urge you to read about it, he was also afraid to read the Quran in the beginning for he was afraid the Devil will influence him, but that was not what had happened. He also has a video on YouTube about how he became a Muslim, somehow I've yet to find where it is again. He recently had a lecture in Malaysia last year)
(also here I carriage return after the word yusuf/)
3) Dr. Maurice Bucaille (surely you have heard of his name right? The author of the book - The Bible, The Quran and Science. Dr. Bucaille learned the Arabic just so that he understood the Quran in its true meanings, and not just depend on the translation)
The people I had mentioned above are people of knowledge and regarded as scholars with specific distinctions in academic. They have proofs from science and mathematics that the Quran is the divine word of God.
Again, you might be interested to read what Dr. Gary Miller had to say about how amazing the Quran is here:
Maybe people here would find some enlightenment from what has been found by these people I mentioned.
Thanks for all the video and article links.
Excellent stuff. I appreciate your dedication.
It would assist many of our friends here better understand the true meaning of Islam.
As I said in my post, Islam makes more sense the more you unlock its beauty and simplicity.
This is for Makcik and others who wants to be further educated, regardless of your religion.
I give you, Yusuf Estes in one of his lectures, relating his story on the journey to Islam.
Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:
Link 4:
Link 5:
And also, if you don't have a translation of the Quran, you might wanna go to this site, click on the top menu where it says "Quran":
If you would like to research some of the many versions of the Bible, in case you wanna see for yourself what Ahmed Deedat was saying in his many debates. You might go here:
I'm here just to share the knowledge.
Peace be to all.
i feel sorry for some of the commentators in here.
firstly, the muslims, christians and jews came from the same holy land.
to my understanding, they all believe in the same thing called Allah, the one and only God, the God of Nabi Ibrahim (Abraham).
This is what i found. i am not here to offend but to see where have i gone wrong: -
The word "Allah" is the perfect description of the "One God" of monotheism for Jews, Christians and Muslims!
Is "Allah" only for Islam and Muslims?
[No! It is for All Three Abrahamic Faiths.]
"Allah" is the same word used by Christian Arabs and Jewish Arabs in their Bible, centuries before Islam came.
On page one [1] of Genesis in the Old Testament, we find the word "Allah" seventeen [17] times.
Every hotel and motel has a Bible. Next time you see one look in the introduction, you will find samples of the different languages they have translated. For Arabic they have translated the verse in the New Testament in Arabic from the famous verse in the Gospel John 3:16 -
"For God so loved the world..."
- and the word the translators used in Arabic for "God" is the very same word used by Muslims around the planet, "Allah."
Where Does the word "Allah" Come From?
"Allah" comes from the Arabic word "elah"a god' or something worshiped. - (Arabic) means '
This word (elah) can be made plural (gods), as in "aleha" and it can be male or female just as the word in English can be "goddess."
"Allah" comes from "elaha" but it brings more clarification and understanding.
Allah = Has no gender (not male and not female)
"He" is used only out of respect and dignity - not for gender
Allah = Always singular - Never plural
"We" is used only as the "Royal WE" just as in English for royalty
Allah = Means "The Only One to be Worshipped"
Why so Many Religions?
If there is only one God, then why are there so many religions?
All religions originated with Allah and then people began to add or take away from the teachings so as to take control over each other.
This day, those who disbelieved have given up all hope of your religion, so fear them not, but fear Me. This day, I have perfected your religious Way of life for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you to surrender and submit to me in peace as your religious way of life..
[Noble Quran 5:3]
Allah does not force anyone to submit to Him. He has laid out a clear path and then made it known to them the two ways (Heaven or Hell). The person is always free to make his or her own choice.
There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in taghut (false gods and false worship) and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.
Allah is the Wali (Protector or Guardian) of those who believe. He brings them out from darkness into light. But as for those who disbelieve, their Auliya (supporters and helpers) are Taghut [false gods and false worship.], they bring them out from light into darkness. Those are the dwellers of the Fire, and they will remain there forever.
[Noble Quran 2:256-257]
There is no compulsion in the way of "Islam." Whoever chooses to worship Allah without partners and is devoted to Him and is obeying His commands as much as possible has grasped the firm handhold that will never break. Whoever denies God and chooses some other way to worship or not to believe at all, for them there is an eternal punishment that is most horrible (Hell).
People began to separate into different groups due to their rejection of truth and denial of clear proofs becoming evident to them from their Lord.
And the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) differed not amongst themselves until after clear evidence came to them.
And they were not commanded anything more than this; to worship Allah, alone (without making partners with Him in worship) and establish regular devotional prayers and pay the charity due to the poor; and this is the correct Way (way of life and religion). [Noble Quran 98:4-5]
Allah warns the Muslims not to fall into the same trap as the people before them, by disputing with each other and separating into different religious groups:
And be not as those who divided and differed among themselves after the clear proofs had come to them. It is they for whom there is an awful torment.
On the Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) when some faces will become white and some faces will become black; as for those whose faces will become black (to them will be said): "Did you reject Faith after accepting it? Then taste the torment (in Hell) for rejecting Faith." [Noble Quran 3:105-106]
People lied about the revelations, changed their scriptures and abused and even murdered the prophets whom Allah sent to them.
And verily, among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongues (as they read), so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say: "This is from Allah," but it is not from Allah; and they speak a lie against Allah while they know it.
It is not (possible) for any human being to whom Allah has given the Book and Al-Hukma (the knowledge and understanding of the laws of religion, etc.) and Prophethood to say to the people:
"Be my worshippers rather than Allah's." On the contrary (he would say): "Be you Rabbaniyun (learned men of religion who practice what they know and also preach others), because you are teaching the Book, and you are studying it." [Noble Quran 3:78-79]
Prophets of Allah only ask people to worship Allah, as One God without partners. They would never ask people to worship them or anyone or anything else. Allah tells us in the Quran:
Nor would he (a messenger of Allah) order you to take angels and Prophets for lords (gods). Would he order you to disbelieve after you have submitted to Allah's Will?
[Noble Quran 3:80]
Man made religions are an abomination before the Lord and will never be accepted.
Do they seek other than the religious way of life of Allah (the true Islamic Monotheism worshipping none but Allah Alone), while to Him submitted all creatures in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly. And to Him shall they all be returned. [Noble Quran 3:83]
Allah will only accept true submission, obedience and in purity and peace to His commandments.
And whoever seeks a Way of life other than submission and surrender to Allah's Will (Islam), it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.
[Noble Quran 3:85]
To believe in Allah and follow His Commandments has been the message of all prophets of monotheism.
Will All of us be Treated Equally?
Is Allah going to treat Jews and Christians the same as Muslims?
Yes. Actually, the Jews and Christians who believed in Allah as One God and obey the commandments sent with their particular messenger (such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc.) are mentioned many times in Quran:
These are the Verses of Allah: We recite them to you (O Muhammad peace be upon him) in truth, and Allah wills no injustice to the 'Alamin (mankind and jinns).
And to Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And all matters go back (for decision) to Allah.
You [true believers in Islamic Monotheism, and real followers of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and commandments with him] are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin Al-Maruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar (polytheism, disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden), and you believe in Allah. And had the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) believed, it would have been better for them; among them are some who have faith, but most of them are Al-Fasiqun (disobedient to Allah - and rebellious against Allah's Command). [Noble Quran 3:108-110]
Whoever believes in Allah, as One God and is trying their best to follow the most recent of the prophets, peace be upon them all, could well be a Muslim (submitter to the Will of Allah) and as such, it is up to Allah to be their Judge, just as He is the Judge in all matters.
Please show guidance.
Both the Bible and the Quran tell us God has always existed and there never was a time He did not exit.
As such, He is the Eternal, without beginning and without end. He is the only creator and sustainer of all that exists and nothing and no one exists alongside Him, nor does He have any partners. He tells us, He is not created, nor is He like His creation in anyway. He calls Himself by a number of names and three of them are:
The First - (Al-Awal)
The Last - (Al Akhir)
The Eternal and the One who is sought after by His creation, while He has no need from them at all. (As-Samad)
He is not a man and He has no progeny or offspring.
He is not what He creates nor is He compared to it.
He always has existed and He never was created, as He is not like His creation, nor similar to it, in any way.
The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) explained the devil would come to a person and ask them questions about creation; "Who created this or that?" to which the reply would be; "Allah" until he would ask; "Who created Allah?" At this stage the prophet advised us to drop this train of thought. Obviously, God - the real God, must be eternal and not have to be created.
The Quran tells us:
Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (There is no god to worship except Him), the Ever Living, the Sustainer and Protector of all that exists. He doesn't get tired and He doesn't sleep.
Everything in the universe belongs to Him. Who then, could intercede between Him and his creatures without His Permission? He Knows everything about them and they have no knowledge except as He wills. His kursi (stool or chair) extends over the entire universe and He doesn't get tired of guarding and preserving it. He is Most High, the Most Great.
[This Verse is called Ayat-ul-Kursi.] [Noble Quran 2:255]
This verse truly presents the comprehensive representation of God in a way without trying to define Him by comparing Him to His creation, but rather as being the Absolute in all of His Attributes and Characteristics.
How come there is a 100% correlation between Anonymity and Stupidity?
Here’s today’s pick:
Anonymous (Feb. 6, 2009 8:47 AM) said:-
“Please lah you answered yurself - Arabic bibles uses Allah so BM bible surely can use Allah lah ... Hai why you people so obstinate?”
Ok, agreed. BUT not only BM Bibles, ALL Bibles should use “Allah” also. Ok? Can you agree to this based on your own argument? I want YOU to start praising “Allah” out loud in the church from now on. Lu boleh ka? Tak boleh? Tak mau?
I don’t think you’re even a Christian. You’re most likely a regular tunggul pokok-worshipping Ah Beng who’s level of peity -– your ke-Aliman -- is gauged by the amount of nenas and limaus and the odd suckling that you litter the street in your act of bribing the tunggul pokok Latok for favours. Why don’t you do this in Little Rock, Akansas and see what happens. Yeah, a cold shiny Glock 21 pressed upon your flat face is what you’ll get.
Anyway, see the logic disconnect in this Ah Beng’s rhetoric?
Why Arabic = BM? Why this connection? Why also not Arabic = Mandarin? And how about Arabic = Tamil. Oh yes, of course, we must insist on Arabic = English. No, no and no? Why Ah Beng? Lu ingat olang Malayu dengan olang Alab sama ka? Lu punya sepet buta ka? Kalau itu Malayu Kristian kena panggil dia punya tuhan ”Allah”, lain olang Kristian pun misti panggil dia punya tuhan “Allah” lah. Betui kah? Apasal tak boleh? Apasal lu mau bikin Malayu lain dari SEMUA lain olang Kristian dalam ini duniya? Lu sendili bikin ini untang-untang ka? Dari mana mari ini untang-untang? Dari lu punya Latok tunggul pokok punya kayangan ka?
Pay attention Ah Beng. Tell me again, how come Arabic = Malay? So only Malay Bibles must use the ARABIC Bible name for God? What if some Tuhan-forsaken “Malay-speaking Christians” demand the Spanish Dios? Can? Cannot? Madre Mia! Still must have the Arabic Bible version? Ok, in that case, they should just read Arabic Bibles then. Yeah, don’t just copy-paste “Allah.” Read the whole thing in Arabic.
Anonymous (Feb. 6, 2009 8:47 AM) also said:-
“Accept-lah, just like BN accepted the results of the GE !”
Ehh? See how this TuhanDamned subversive drag party politics into his failed argument? What has the BN got to do with these peoples’ acute Tuhan-envy affliction?
I guess the Ah Bengs reveal their real motive in this circus after all.
Yeah, it boils down to ANTI-MALAY, ANTI-MUSLIM POLITICS after all aahh? This must be part of your petty little DAP/PKR political ploys to irritate and provoke your Tuan Tanahs. Like I told AhSonymous above, this is NOT really a religious thing for you Godless subversives. It’s just another dimension of the lets oppose anything Malay/Muslim mantra that rings in your mutated, Bak Kut Teh ravaged cranium since your days at the Number One Threat to National Security known as the SRJK(C)s.
Anyway, I think this troll is beyond reasoning. These people sickens me. Even issues on Religion these slimeballs tie-back to petty localised politics irrelevant to a Heavenly matter of such magnitude.
Should we even have a dialogue with such freakish lost souls whose inherent stupidity and perplexing ignorance of Islam are matched only by their innate propensity to pooja the elusive Latoks embedded in the odd rock and angsana tree or two?
Anon of February 14, 2009 9:12 AM
“…If there is only one God, then why are there so many religions? …”
Please may I add ….
When Allah sent Musa pbuh to the Jews, Allah swt sent with him the teachings of Ibrahim pbuh … the religion of Allah swt … the tawheed of Allah … the oneness of Allah.
When Musa pbuh was Called to the Mount Of Sinai concerning the al-kitab Tawrat, the Jews set up an idol, a talking golden calf to be honoured and prayed to in lieu of Allah … thus signefying that they accept only any ‘god’ that should not be above them in station. This ‘golden calf’ idol takes many forms today .. wealth, power, beauty, ostentation etc. .. etc. After that they start editing Musa’s pbuh Al-Kitab (to this day) in their attempts to banish Allah from everybody’s heart.
When Allah sent Isa pbub to the Jews, they got the Romans to dispose of him. With Isa pbuh ‘out of the way’, the Jews again edit Isa’s al-Kitab the Injil. Their greatest triumph is in replacing the One and only Allah with His bondsman Isa pbuh, both in writings and in worship. This editing still continues till this day. A continuing attempt only to accept a god that is at least at par to them in earthly station. That is one of the reason why they never called their god Allah. Thus during these end-times, perceiving that the majority of Muslims couldn't care less about the differences between Allah swt and the gods they create, they launch their deceitful teachings designed for the innocent and the uninitiated. We must be thankful to Allah most high for sending His creatures like brother KijangMas and Apocryphalist to fight for His religion and to be among us.
In the end Allah sent the Qur-an to Muhammad pbuh promising him and his followers that even if all mankind together with all jins from the beginning of time to the end were to band together to produce the likeness of the Qua-an, they would not be able to.
(Qur-an 17:88 --- Say: Verily, though mankind and the jinn should assemble to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof though they were helpers one of another.)
Many have tried and are still trying with double fever, especially in Malaysia. The sufi-hafiz is one of the lines of defense against these sacrilegious attempts; may Allah grants steadfastness till the end of time to us all.
Attempting to replace in their writings or books, their earthly god with Allah swt is one of their multi-pronged attacks against Allah and His religeon, Who sent all the prophets for His creatures with the same message of the Unity of Allah.
Yes, it’s the same Allah and the same belief as taught to Musa, Isa and Muhamman (peace be upon them all), but most of the followers of Musa and Isa (peace be upon them all) chose to adulterate this belief in Allah subhanahuwataala.
Sdr Hanafiah Abd. Rahman (February 3, 2009 7:28 PM),
Thanks for visiting. Browsed your fish-rearing blogsites. Very interesting indeed. Perhaps I should dabble in this on a smallish scale in my Kelantan dusun. Gotta watch out for the annual floods though. Nanti all the ikans habis hanyut to Mat Zawi’s and Mat Cendana’s properties.
Puan Kama At-Tarawis (February 3, 2009 7:57 PM),
Thanks for your kind words and support.
abROcadabRO (February 3, 2009 8:19 PM) said:-
“Hope the authorities would not succumb to their insistance and they (the Christians) realisze the implication, as it would create more tension in the already-tensed race relations in Malaysia.”
Isn’t this what the anti-Malay/Muslim subversives want? Anarchy and mayhem spawned by their uncontrollable hatred for anything Malay and Islam in a land where they themselves chose the path to self-alienation from the mainsteam majority?
I’m convinced the perpetrators are not just the Christian zealots. The real instigators are actually the Tuhanless, unrepentant anti-Malay bigots who view this “Allah” in Bible issue as just another facet of their ongoing running battle to provoke and infuriate the exceedingly sedate Malays. These anti-Malay/Muslim bigots have not even touched the Bible, let alone read and understood its contents.
Why they do this? Isn’t this the norm for such species, the way their Group Dynamics function? By default, these people are selfish beings; the only way to mobilise them into a cohesive force (such as a political movement) is to conceive controlled mayhem against a concocted enemy, in this case the very Melayus that took their stateless forefathers in during their time of need. You may ask “why these people tidak berterimakasih atas budi orang-orang Melayu?” Sorry, “terima kasih” and “budi” are alien concepts in their tough, wretched dog-eat-dog ... plus eat-lizard-eat-monkey-eat-snake world.
Kijang Perak (February 3, 2009 8:35 PM) said:-
“Hati banyak bikin sakit lah baca ini Kijang Mas punya article. You memang kacau daun punyaa cibai luuu Kijang Mas ... Tapi ini suntut punya Kijang Mas sudah expose kita punya satu trick. Ceeebai maa ... Kita olang ingat ini internet punya olang malayu pun satu bodoh punya kepala. Aiyya kita olang tatak pikir ini olang melayu pun sekalang sudah lagi … apa itu olang putih kata … so-fis-ti-kated ... Aiyaa Kijang Mas aaa… lu apasat kicik kicik dulu lahir haa? Lu tatak lahir lagi bagus woo!”
Kijang Pélak,
Haiyaa, lu tutuk tiam-tiam lah. Dulu lu punya atok mali ini negeli mau cali makan, betui ka? Gua sudah kasi lu olang itu kelakyatan, itu tanah kasi bikin lumah, lu beniaga pun gua tadak kacau. Lu pun sikalang sutah sinang, lumah busat, keleta Masili pun ata, anak sutah boleh pigi baca itu lua negeli, sutah tau cakap olang putih, kawin olang putih pun ata. Betui? Jadi apahat lu punya anak cucu sikalang mau bikin kacau gua punya negeli? Apahat sutah kaya, sutah perut buncit manyak kinyang, sutah baca tinggi-tinggi, lu olang sikalang manyak kulang ajar, mau bikin gua malah?
Lu mau gua hantam sama lu ka? Lu betui-betui belani lawan sama gua ka? Ya, dalam internet boleh la; macam-macam boleh cakap. Itu tengah jalan lu olang belani lawan gua ka? Gua ingat ah, gua melaung pun lu sutah lari lentang pukang maaa .... Itu pasat lu kasi subcon lu punya politik tingah jalan sama itu 100-200 botoh punya Malayu. Waulau-eh, lu tutuk sinang dalam itu bilik aircon sama itu Ah Moi China mali, lu kasi itu keleja botoh sama lu punya Mah Chai pakai itu sarban ka? Lu manyak pantai ahh? Lu punya Mah Chai itu pakai jubah tido atas jalan pigang itu bendela Palestin depan itu Laja Muta punya Masili apahat? Sutah gila ka? Satu duniya tengok pun kasi ketawa sama lu olang lah.
Lu olang mau sama-sama kongsi kuwasa ka? Lu olang boleh pelintah negeli ka? Wooiii, hancor lo. Hulu hala woh. Tapi sikit ada lucu maa. Gua tengok pun mau ketawa ohh. KNNB punya olang …
amira (February 3, 2009 9:29 PM) said:-
“… why the insistence? the herald in Bahasa? suddenly the church is fighting to use BM and "Allah". you nailed it, my friend. to confuse the Malays. the bigger agenda. I'm with you -- STOP IT!”
Yup Amira, they have been busted! Big time. No more credibility in their arguments. No recourse for them now.
Unker Yew (February 3, 2009 9:51 PM) said:-
“Unker punya mama & papa told me a long2 time ago, never to get involved in discussions on Ethnicity, Religions or Politics if one is to live a long, calm, serene & blissful existence. Work well so far for me.”
Good for you Unker Yew. You are the last of the generation who understand their position and role in our complex society. And that’s why kita manyak-manyak kamceng. Others may wonder how come KijangMas kasi so much leeway to this slightly perverted hard gambling Ham Sap Lo (who has a distant cousin terrorising buses in Hong Kong). It’s because Unker Yew, as a Choy San Yeh-fearing man, faham his part in our social polygot, and do not babi buta attack every institution of nationhood in this land, not least the Duli-Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja-Raja Melayu.
Anyway Unker, you and Tigress don’t gaduh-gaduh too much lah. Kalau lu sudah suka lu tunggu apa lagi. Masuk meminang sajalah. Oh ya, gua lupa, tapi lu kina kasi potong dulu mahh. Tapi mau baik-baik bikin. Nanti kina itik makan baru lu habis oh. Orang Siam cakap, “ตัดกึ่นให้เป็ดกิน.” Ouch!
justmy2SEN (February 3, 2009 9:54 PM) said:-
“As always, you hit the nail right where it supposed to be....we hope to see more of you/jmd bloggers who talk wit basis rather the auta-bloggers we see today”
Thanks for leaving a comment. Yes, I don’t believe in beating around the bush or indulging in time-wasting cerpens and puisis to get my points across. I know some people may not like to read what I have to say. But as they say: “siapa makan cili …”
Our degenerating social order requires a series of recuperative bone-jarring jolts. I provide some of these; others do their part. But the worst thing is for us to do nothing, to pretend the world (actually the social timebomb) in our midst is perfectly fine on autopilot.
its all about yaakub and ishmael.
Sideline sikit…
I was very touched by this phrase…scene from the movie “TAKEN” where the fathe went berserk, desperately searching for his kidnapped daughter… Shok tengok how he handled these Bastards…
“…YOU COME TO THIS COUNTRY… BREAKING THE LAW… “YOU COME TO THIS COUNTRY, take advantage of the system and think because we are TOLERANT, we are WEAK AND HELPLESS!!” Your arrogance OFFENSE ME…. Said he.
That’s exactly what is happening to us here in Malaysia.
These BAHALOLS, try to import their dirty evil BULLSHIT BUDAYA from their places of ORIGINS HOPING TO corrupt our peaceful land!
Nama Allah? Kalau nak sangat, make it compulsory for them to learn ARABIC in schools too? Kan nak sangat guna ARABIC!
Lidah berputar belit macam sangat lidah ULAR!!
Tam Dalyell (February 3, 2009 10:43 PM) said:-
“If this is the work of the ‘highest’ follower of Isa / Jesus pbuh here in PEACEFUL MALAYSIA, how will he answers to Isa / Jesus pbuh in the hereafter should Isa / Jesus pbuh says to him, ...... “Thou hath deceived.” With men of religion like these, who needs Satan? “
Indeed, Pakcik Tam. Well said.
Ridzzy (February 3, 2009 11:42 PM) said:-
“Maybe those people that want to use Allah for the Malay version of God would not mind if we changed the Rukun Negara to "Kepercayaan kepada Allah" ?”
Yes my friend. These cunning opportunists cannot just pick and choose the specific application of “Allah” according to their whims and fancies. If they want to signify “Allah” as the generic God in our daily affairs, then by all means we must change the first tenet of our Rukunegara to Kepercayaan kepada Allah.
In any case, many state anthems already have “Allah” in their lyrics for the past 5-6 decades. So lets go all the way.
Ridzzy added:-
“Thanks for touching on the "unreached people" activities here in your blog. I think there is some lack of awareness on the extent of their existence right on our doorsteps ... As how satD pointed out, they are very well organised and determined. We cannot be complacent.”
Oh yes, they are here alright, infesting our serene Tanah Air by the day. How’d they do it? Local collaborators. Many of these people became Christians not out of some spiritual awakening; they perversely view Christianity as an organised platform to oppose the Malay Muslim essence of our nation.
Read world history. Nations and empires crumble and fall through acts of treachery of these fifth columners. And they are proliferating like wildfire in an unholy alliance of zealots, anti-Malay bigots and, astonishingly, Malay “Muslim” traitors such as Haris The Teapot and his band of lost souls cluttering cyberspace with their delusional sense of grandiose relevance to comfort their wretched, void inner beings.
::Pak Malau:: (February 4, 2009 12:13 AM) said:-
“Harap-harap tulisan ini dihantar ke Hamid Albar, biar dia nampak cerdik sikit bila bagi berhujah.”
Ya Pak, di harap nya begitu lah hendak nya.
William Lim (February 4, 2009 12:29 AM) said:-
“I am a Catholic in Sarawak ... what the Herald has done is put pride ahead of reason … Is it so critical, that if the word is not used, it is the end of worship? For me, the Herald should take this up in a council of Malaysian churches or something, because it seems like a unilateral action by a KL area church. I do not get the Herald in Kuching, Sarawak, so who are they to decide?"
Yes, William, I hear you.
Actually, this has nothing to do with spreading the gospel in the Borneo states. This is about deceiving gullible young Peninsula Malays (yes, the gullible and impressionable exist in any ethno-social group) into becoming murtads via cunning dissemination of religiously seductive messages piggybacking on familiar Islamic undertones, not least the connotation “Allah” itself.
William Lim also said:-
“These "evangelists" are quite evident in KL. The "shophouse Christians" (my wording) are influenced by people who think they know better of the religion, yet they are the ones who tarnish our religion as well … The Herald's stubbornness to use "Allah" is perhaps uncalled for & something that is not necessary. It speaks of pride, & pride is one of the 7 deadly sins.”
Yes William. These are the zealots, the foot soldiers for their evangelist masters coordinating affairs remotely. Many of these young people look “Malay” and would be the Trojan Horse in this crusade to “reach” the masses of our society, oblivious to the imminent social explosion that may arise.
William Lim added:-
”Mungkin saya akan dilabelkan sebagai pengkhianat dengan kata-kata saya, tetapi Perlembagaan ada mengandungi hak-hak saya juga. Jika Kerajaan merasai ada baiknya tindakan melarang penggunaan ayat tersebut untuk kebaikan masyarakat, apa salahnya?”
Ya William, kamu adalah warga beragama Kristian yang tulin. Rakyat seperti kamu harus bangkit menyuarakan pendapat yang sama. Hentikan aktiviti mubaligh murahan luaran ini yang kian mempengaruhi anak-anak muda kita dengan pendekatan yang begitu asing dan anih sekali dan yang akan mengganggu ketenteraman negara kita. Kunci hal ini juga berada dalam genggaman rakyat seperti kamu.
To San Peng (February 4, 2009 12:35 AM), thanks for your interesting illustration. Yes, the activities of these dark forces have indeed been foretold in the Al Qur’an. We must be ever vigilant.
Nevada (February 4, 2009 12:35 AM) said:-
“i clicked on one of the website u linked above and i found the lists of prayers for them to recite, called prayer points ... BERSUNGGUH BENAR PUAK2 DIA....”
Ya Nevada, puak-puak ni memang bersungguh benar, bahkan bertungkus lumus tidak kenal penat lelah untuk memesongkan akidah orang kita. Sebilangan sudah pun dipesongkan, termasuklah di kalangan warga blogger di negara ini. Bayangkan betapa bahaya nya jikalau seorang blogger yang sudah Murtad menggunakan pengaruh penulisan nya (di bawah selindung hak asasi dan kebebasan bersuara) untuk mengelirukan sekian ramai anak-anak muda kita? Kita semua harus berwaspada dan mencantas gejala ini sebelum ianya mencapai peringkat parah di suatu masa depan. Na'uzubillah Min Zalik.
Orang Kuale (February 4, 2009 1:19 AM), thanks for visiting and your kind words.
Garden (February 4, 2009 1:24 AM) said:-
“Brother, I seriously think these people need to get their brains scanned, they are pretty messed up and deranged.”
Yes Garden. Aren’t they all. How else could we explain their biadap and kurang ajar behaviour towards the very people who took their forefathers in and gave them a chance to make a living, to thrive, and to partake in the political process as fellow citizens? What do we get in return? Di maki hamun dan di cerca, bahkan Raja-Raja kita pun di hina dengan sebegitu teruknya. Perlukah kita berlembut, bermusyawarah dengan anasir-anasir sebegini? Untuk apa?
Adam B (February 4, 2009 2:22 AM) said:-
“Allah= Father Of Jesus.... You crossed the line fellow citizens. I had enough of this mockery … Now the Muslim are … regretting over this power sharing,equalities right democracy that translated after PRU12 … Sometimes I think minority doest forget who are the majority.”
Yes Adam B, the Bumiputra majority of this country (est. at 66-67% and would surely touch 70% of the populace by the next official 10-year census next year) are unique on this planet in their hospitality and tolerance of the noisy, provocative little minorities embedded in various enclaves dotting our Tanah Air. Why? Is it part of our adat dan tatasusila? Weak leadership? A combo?
Long term implication if the current never-ending circus continues? Radicalisation of the Malays and other Bumiputras. Will it be a pretty sight? Nope. Reread history and understand what happened to Thailand in 1938-45 and Indonesia after the abortive 1965 coup. Is this the scenario Unker Kit, Karpal, Ngeh-Nga and Guan Eng wants? What do you think?
Any reference to the word Allah means The One and Only, the Power which creates the universe, and the world within. This in itself should have made people, who truly wants to learn & be true to themselves, realize that the word Allah is not in any way would refer to any theories of polyatheism or trinityatheism.
Unless they have inherited their stand, or adoption of belief, without having learned about it in all sincerity, they will not understand this.
" FEAR not ! repent & follow me : there r plenty of rooms in my FATHER's house ...REPENT & FOLLOW ME , ok !!" (bless u from ipoh )
Brother KM,
This has nothing to do with your topic here, but I would like to know if you have watched the video called, The Arrivals, on YouTube. It has 50 videos altogther...you might wanna view it. I'll ask your opinion later about it.
Awww golly KM my man (Nic Cage drawl), that meant a lot to me, coming from you; You & me manyak2 kamceng. And U giving me ‘so much leeway’…hehe…, same as any lesser being would says “I’m privilege & honoured to have unker commenting on my blog”. U must be one of those macho men that find it difficult to say those “3 magic words” to the missus. Even Clint Eastwood can show & get in touch with his softer feminine side mah, nothing to segan about! BTW the 3 magic word is “Where’s me wallet?”
Hey I know TUHAN teaches all of us peace, love, compassion and forgiveness, but I just stumbled into datin sak blog, and there’s a lynch mob there advocating the ‘Lorena Bobbit’treatment for ‘Hum Sap Lo’ men & to actually physically adding salt to the wound; man I wouldn’t wish that upon my greatest enemy (not that I have any). What’s that they say “Hell knows no fury like a woman scorn”…betul nya. Ewww sending chill up my spine, tak bolih tidur la I tell u! Nasib baik I tak campur there, nanti kena skin alive & my ‘toot-toot’ (that’s how one of them describe the willy) kina fed to itik makan!
Still Shivering,
Unker Yew
P.S - hey bro satD; still thinking about getting 4 wives kah?
To Anonitikus:
kesian ko ni tak de nama. Kepala hotak mana ko dapat "Allah" tu datang dari Arabic "Elah"? Elah tu Arabic ke Hebrew? Bunyik cam Hebrew jek (Elohim).
Malahan Allah dalam Arabic itu lebih simpel originnya: Al bermaksud "The", Lah bermaksud "God". Allah = The God. Bukan A God (tuhan, atau dewa). Tapi The God. Tak de triniti tak de plural. Yang Esa.
Ko kata tak salah Kristian pakai Allah. Tapi dalam doktrin Kristian selalunya tuhan ko tu bukannya THE God, tapi sekadar A God, sebab dia ada gang lain sama, siap ada anak beh.
Oooo jahatnya jarum ko ni. Mintak naishat dan petunjuk konon sambil cucuk dalam senyap. Oooo jahatnya cipan macam ko ni!
Unker I went into the lions den and came back alive...so far la
we as a species evolve over time and if bobbiting become a natural hazard....future population will have cicak like features...
as for me i'm stopping at 2 (first one being my 2 door 1978 range rover)......
shivering sounds like a good defense mechanism Unker...
Recently, during the Haj season, my son brought home a little pamphlet dressed in green that carried the title ‘The Pilgrimage’. My son wasn’t stupid, he read it and laughed and he handed it to me to read. Looking in I saw that it was a clever Christian propaganda cloaked in Muslim garb, and distributed to people coming out of a mosque in our community.
What I saw in this is relevant to the debate on God or Allah. As you and many have asked, why this sudden interest in Allah when just God has always been enough for them? No, not Jehovah, not Yahweh, not G-d, but God. I am now looking at my New International Version published by the Bible Society, and nowhere does it say Allah or Yahweh, but Lord or God. Ok, Jesus is God to them too, but that’s their problem not mine.
In fact, from my readings of their attacks and antics against Islam, there is a strong Christian tendency towards taking Allah as a ‘fake’ God. They have hurled all sorts of accusations against the Muslim use of Allah. Some say that Allah is a Moon God, blah-blah-blah. But now when it suits them – or so they hope – they want to all turn to Allah and make Love to us in the Malaysian language.
So what is behind this sudden Allah-fixation? Deception, no less. To them it will be easier to deceive Muslims by talking about Allah than just God. I recently received an email that ends by saying, “And Allah says...” To us Muslims Allah is our God, unique and without associate. I find it objectionable that a saying that wasn’t Allah’s was attributed to Him. It would have been more acceptable if it were Tuhan who had said that. Why? For one, to Muslims, everything said by Allah is sourced either from the Qur’an or the Hadith Qudsi. So anything attributed to Allah that is not His is bound to be deceptive.
Can’t the Christians live without Allah? They do in most parts of the world. They vilify Him in some others. Why, in Bahasa Malaysia they want to be pally, pally with Allah not Tuhan? Because that’s the easiest way to deceive of course.
In Arabic, of course, they translate God as Allah, not Rabb (which is Arabic for Lord). There there is a question of language and usage rather than theology. In Bahasa that doesn’t exist. You don’t translate Buddhist texts and use Allah for god, you don’t translate Hindu texts and use Allah for their gods. So why are the Christians so suddenly besotted with Allah and willing to haul Him before the courts? Couldn’t Christianity survive in Bahasa with just Tuhan and not Allah? Of course but they don’t want to, ain’t it?
Well I never. I never thought the day would come when they would want to be like us so much that they are willing to make the lawyers rich!
PS I enjoy reading your blogs but, please lah, don't be so long-winded.
- Datuk Keramat
Anonymous, February 14, 2009 9.12 AM,
You commented that you are sorry for some of the commentators. Then, you went on to say that Muslims, Christians and Jews all believe in the same thing called Allah,the one and only God,the God of Nabi Ibrahim (Abraham). You also quoted verses from Genesis in the Old Testament, Gospel of John in the New Testament to justify the usage of the word Allah as well as verses from “Noble Quran” and finally concluded that Allah is going to treat Jews and Christians the same as Muslims.
You did not identify your religious belief, but I suspect that you are a Christian with the ulterior motive of trying to confuse the Muslims of the similarity of the three religions with a view of reaching out to them. However as you had stated that you are here not to offend but to see where you have gone wrong and in adhering to command of Allah swt in the Holy Quran, “And dispute ye not with the People of the Book except with means better (Then mere disputation), unless it be with those who inflict wrong (and injury):”, I will be kind to you and refrain myself from being harsh but merely to explain to you of your misguided comment.
Let me firstly state here that the verses of the “Noble Quran” quoted by you are incorrect in translation of the Arabic verse of the Holy Quran. However as it is too lengthy to comment on every verse you quoted, I will only give you one example. In your quotation of “Noble Quran” 5:3, the translated wordings are, “This day, those who disbelieved have given up hope of your religion: Yet fear not but Me. This day I have perfected your religious Way of Life for you, completed my Favour upon you and have chosen for you to surrender and submit to me in peace as your religious way of life.” Here is a translation of the said verse of the Holy Quran by a well-known Muslim scholar, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, “This day have those who Reject Faith given up All hope of your religion: Yet fear not But fear Me, This day have I perfected your religion For you, completed My favour upon you, And have chosen for you Islam as your religion. The word in the Arabic word is ‘Al-Islam’, the religion named and acknowledged by Allah and should never be translated as ‘to surrender and to submit to me in peace’.
Secondly as to your comment that Muslims, Christians and Jews all believe in the same thing called Allah, the one and only God of Nabi Ibrahim (Abraham) and that Allah is going to treat Jews and Christians the same as Muslims, my answer and comment is based on the words of Allah in the Holy Quran itself. Here are several verses where Allah admonishes the People of the Book ie, the Jews and the Christians thus rendering your argument baseless:
“Ye People of the Book! Why dispute ye About Ibrahim, When the Law and the Gospel Were not revealed Till after him? Have ye no understanding? (Holy Quran 3:65)
Ah! Ye are those Who fell to disputing (Even) in matters of which Ye had some knowledge. But why dispute ye In matters of which Ye have no knowledge? It is God who know not. (Holy Quran 3:66)
“Abraham was not a Jew Nor yet a Christian; But he was true in Faith, And bowed his will to God’s,(Which is Islam), And he joined not gods with God. (Holy Quran 3:67)
Ye People of the Book! Why reject ye The Signs of God Of which ye are (Yourselves) witnesses? (Holy Quran 3:70
Ye People of the Book! Why do ye clothe Truth with falsehood, And conceal the Truth While ye have knowledge? (Holy Quran 3:71)
They say: Become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (To salvation).” Say thou: “Nay! (I would rather the Religion Of Abraham the True, And he joined not gods with God.” (Holy Quran 2:135)
Say ye: “We believe in God, and the revelation Given to us, and to Abraham, Isma’il, Isaac, Jacob, And the Tribes, and that given To Moses and Jesus, and that given To (all) Prophets from their Lord: We make no difference Between one and another of them: And we bow to God (in Islam).” (Holy Quran 2:136)
“Or do ye say that Abraham, Isma’il, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Do you know better Than God? Ah! Who is more unjust than those Who conceal the testimony They have from God? But God is not unmindful Of what ye do! (Holy Quran 2:140)
"Never will the Jews Or the Christians be satisfied With thee unless thou follow Their form of religion.Say: “The Guidance of God,- that Is the (only Guidance.” Wert thou to follow their desires After the knowledge Which hath reached thee, Then wouldst thou find Neither Protector nor Helper Against God. (Holy Quran 2:120)
“And they say: “None Shall enter Paradise unless He be a Jew or a Christian.” Those are their (vain) desires. Say: “Produce your proof If ye are truthful.” (Holy Quran 2:111)
“The Jews say : The Christians Have naught (to stand) upon; And the Christians say: The Jews have naught (To stand) upon.” Yet they (Profess to) study the (same) Book. Like unto their word Is what those say who know not; But God will judge Between them in their quarrel On the Day of Judgement. (Holy Quran 2:113)
“And remember God took a Covenant From the People of the Book, To make it known And clear to mankind, And not to hide it; But they threw it away Behind their backs, And purchased with it Some miserable gain! And vile was the bargain They made! (Holy Quran 3:187)
“Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those Who were given a portion Of the Book? They traffic In error, and wish that ye Should lose the right path. (Holy Quran 4:44)
As to the term “A portion Of the Book” it means Allah revelation as a whole throughout the ages is ‘The Book’. The Law of Moses and the Gospel of Jesus were portions of the Book. The Holy Quran completes the revelation and is par excellence the Book of God.
“O People of the Book! Believe in what We Have (now) revealed, confirming What was (already) with you. Before We change the face and fame Of some (of you) beyond all recognition, And turn them hindwards, Or curse them as We cursed The Sabbath-breakers, For the decision of God must be carried out. (Holy Quran 4:47)
There a few other verses which admonishes the Jews and The Christians. As such how can you equate them with Muslims and conclude that Allah is going to treat them the same as Muslims. If indeed what you had exerted is true then Prophet Muhammad would not have sent emissaries to all Christian countries calling them to Islam.
As to your comment regarding the usage of the word Allah, I do not intend to get into lengthy discussion as the subject matter had been dealt with by Demi Negara, and a few other bloggers. Suffice for me to ask you based on your own argument, what is the basis of insisting on the usage of the word Allah in the Bahasa Malaysia version of the Bible if it is not meant for the Arabs. Isn’t it obvious that it is meant to confuse the Melayu (the Unreached People)?
So ponder and reflect on the numerous verses of the Holy Quran quoted above. Hopefully Allah will give you light to the true path.
Demi Negara,
I am sorry for taking a lot of space in your blog. However, I have to comment as I notice that you have not given any comment to this ‘Anonymous’ commentator. Indeed I do notice Tam Dalyell has commented. My comment is not only meant for this person alone but also to other ignorant Muslims who equate Islam with Christianity giving birth to a new religion in Indonesia called Chrislam.
Do you think all this agenda is masterminded by the Freemason/Illuminati?
Watch this series of 50 videos (The Arrivals, part 35):
Hey Garden, thanks for all the video links.
The argument for the fake "Allah" is disintegrating fast. Pooooof! Gone.
Luebeck, BRD
Marvel at the contortions of logic and ultimate test of man's rational mind:-
(Quoted from a Christian Q&A forum)
We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
of one being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation
he came down from heaven:
by the power of the Holy Spirit
he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary,
and was made man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father [and the Son].
With the Father and the Son
he is worshipped and glorified.
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. AMEN.
Let's see now:-
- We believe in one God, the Father
- We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ
- We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord
How could anyone take this seriously?
Where will the Copy-n-Paste "Allah" fit?
Islam is being seen as an enemy of the West especially after 911. Samuel Huntington, the author of the famous book, the 'Clash of Civilisation' has stated that Islam per se is a problem. The usage of 'Allah' in Malay Bibles is just a tip of the iceberg in confronting this clash as the aim is to further annihilate the Muslims little by little. Nowadays well known people in the West like Richard Gere, Tom Cruise etc are not scared to say that Muslims should be annihilated. The excessive firepower used in the recent Gaza war was not surprising. A Dutch MP produced a 15 minute film called 'Fitna'. In the film, Islam is potrayed as a violent religion. Just google it folks, you'll have an idea about this brouhaha in Europe at the moment.
Welcome to the newest pogrom of the 21st century, people! This time it is not against the Jews but against the Muslims.
Now that this issue of Allah and the Bible God is becoming curioser and curioser, let’s look further into this whole caper and examine motives. Almost a hundred years ago, while mulling over ways to deceive Muslims (or Mahommedans as they used to call us, how sweet!), Arthur J.P. French wrote in his deliberation on ‘Methods’:
“If we are insistent in urging the claims of "specialized" Missions, let it be remembered that until Arabic is conquered Islam remains. Islam is wedded to Arabic in indissoluble bonds till death do them apart, either the death of Arabic or the death of Islam. Arabic must be Christianised, if we were to win Islam. Islam must be won, if we were to win India.
Christian Arabic Prayers, Hymns, Liturgies, Lectionaries; the Five Hours of Prayers; the Call to Prayer; Churches furnished more in Mosque-fashion and erected in Sarcen style; these are the methods which Missions to Moslems need. We have to take over from Islam all that we can with the least possible dislocation.”
This was his thought as gathered in “The Problem of Islam In India,” (again, how sweet!), as published in The Moslem World, vol.6, p.11.
In other words, sow deception, confusion. Neutralise all their preserves: take the mystic out of Arabic, build churches that look like mosques even, make Allah our common God in fact, as we are seeing now. It’s hard to make leopards change their spots.
That notwithstanding, do Christians sincerely believe that Allah is also their God? Why, let’s hear that arch Islamophobe Sam Shamoun, frothing at the mouth with the question: Is Allah indeed the God of Abraham and hence the God of Scripture, Yahweh Elohim? [“Is Allah the God of Bible?”, Sam Shamoun]. The answer is a resounding No. Allah of the Quran is not the God of the Bible, he concludes.
But that leaves him with the problem of Allah as used by Christian Arabs. What to make of that? Ever devious and resourceful, Shamoun comes to a convoluted and curious conclusion. Allah, he says, is derived from ‘ilah’, a word with semitic roots; used by Arab Christians as just one of the many titles for Yahweh, the only true God.
But he also says, rather cryptically, these terms (that is, those terms that share a common root as ‘ilah’) were often used to refer to any deity worshipped as a high god, especially the chief deity amongst a pantheon of lesser gods.
Er, excuse me? My puzzlement is magnified by the conclusion that he takes from that: “As such, the Holy Bible uses the term as just one of the many titles for Yahweh, the only true God.”
Think about that folks, as you sip your teh tarik in the shadow of some shady church while the sound of praises to Allah waft sweetly into your ears from their nave .
But what’s of interest to me here now, if you’ll excuse me now for taking too much of your space already, is the reason why they are so insistent on using Allah in their New Malay Version of the Berita Baik. To deceive? Or do they really believe the qualities of the Quranic Allah to be similar to the God they worship and praise in their Buku Baik (Good Book, so called)?
Not on your nelly, mate!
Nice one bro, what you’ve said above: let’s change Tuhan in the Rukunegara to Allah and have all those excitable bible-thumping missionary dudes jumping about in their frocks.
For more on the battle for the hearts and minds of Islam, go here http://www.dhikrullah.com/
and listen to Sheikh Anwar [no, not that one] Awlaki. It’s the second-last item on the page. Quite a long talk, but worth listening to folks.
PS In Singapore they are so scared of Allah that they have expressly forbidden Muslim reporters from saying “Insha Allah” on air. But then they also ban Jehovah as in Jehovah’s Witness over there. Hallelujah!
- Datuk Keramat
I’m gonna make an arse of myself by putting a foot into my own mouth. Chinese says ‘kwai lan’ punya personality, as u grow older u become more senile..hehe…What the heck, here goes my answer to Ex-Mubaligh;
God is LOVE
Love is BLIND
Therefore God is Blind!
Tommy is Blind
Therefore Tommy is the Numero Uno, taiko tai, Big Boss, Godfather etc…..
I beg all u good people forgiveness for my drunken stupor behaviour, bringing out my worst bus unker split personality. No offends intended, just as Ex-Mubaligh says – ‘Contortions of Logic’.
Seven Hail Mary, amen.
What's the big fuss, you bunch of idiots? Allah, Jesus, Muruga, Buddha all the same. Since when is there a copyright on God's name?
And if any Malays want to convert to Christianity because of the word Allah in the bible, then it's their own stupidity!
Besides, who are you to stop them from being an apostate / going to hell?
Go work on improving the country and economy instead of posting racist/seditious comments here!
God is Allah
Jesus is Allah
Holy Spirit is Allah
Mana satu Allah nih?
Konfius aku....memang konfius
Unker Yew,
Three things you are not BLINDED of.
1. Money money money
2 Ursula Undress
3. Makan segalanya yang bergerak..
Beranak perlu wang, membesar perlu wang, kahwin perlu wang, simpan amoi perlu wang, mati perlu wang, dah mati pun perlu bakar Wang to the "Bank of Hell" down under, betul kan?
And if you cant afford a Mercedes, OR Toyota Camry, for not being in the Exco in the 5PR states, rest assured when you die, your beloved will be sending them to you, one each month by burning them, even a castle, just name them. Oooo Lucky you!
4:56 pun in a drunk state? Getting ready to the karaoke lounge ker?
Tommy Yew,
God = Love
Love = Blind
Therefore, God = Blind
Then, Tommy = Blind
Therefore God = Tommy.
Wow! Then why not they just substitute God in the Bible to "Tommy" from now on? It seems to justify the mathematical equations.
HA HA! :)
Educate yourself more on the video links I have suggested. Maybe that would enlighten you more.
Also, watch this one (all 50 series of them).
The Arrivals, part 35.
If you still can't see the signs around you, then go to Subang Jaya and find one there. :)
Peace to you.
Bobby said:-
“... who are you to stop them from being an apostate / going to hell? Go work on improving the country and economy instead of posting racist/seditious comments here!”
Yeah, same question to a Tuhanless moron like you.
Who are you to give a sermon on “improving the country and economy”? Coming from YOU, it makes me laugh. It’s equivalent to Rose Chan preaching chastity to the womenfolk.
Your tak laku blog reveals your true colours in an instant. I mean, how can people take seriously someone who elevates RPK to “martyrdom” (wah, living dead ka?), worships Zollo the Cheenah Bootah and whose every other sentence has got to do with how much he hates the Malays (yeah, yeah I know, veiled as “UMNO” of course), the NEP, and why every scandal that befalls the PR pimps, sluts and weirdoes are tied back to a grand, elaborate super-smart fitnah scheme involving BN/UMNO, the very people that this Ah Kow Taiping Mali “Bobby” dismissed as lazy, incompetent fools. Waah, you contradict yourself big time lah Ah Kow. Low lifes like you where got credibility?
Anyway, “Bobby” my ass. “Bobby” is derived from “Robert.” And there is no way in hell that a flat chimp-faced idiot like you would have a “Robert” in your MyCard. I pity souls like you; the only tribe on this Tuhan-forsaken earth who are shy of their given names to the extent of concocting imaginary names from another culture.
Well, at least “Bobby” rhymes with Tamby. How about Chinatamby. Don’t laugh Ah Kow. Chinatamby is a legit name. At least, more realistic and appropriate for your muka than “Bobby.” Betui ka?
So Chinatamby, I suggest you haul your slimy lard-laced butt to the office of the local Catholic Archbishop and tell him exactly the same verbiage as above. Tell your kin there to get the @#$% out of his delusional trance and go back to preaching his fantasies to the Tuhan-forsaken estates and new villages and leave the Malays alone. And try to be productive for a change lah; stop living on handouts from deceived poor souls seduced to their congregation.
Yeah, while you’re at it, why don’t you hitchhike down to Ipoh from your Taiping dungeon and throw the same rap on that estate idiot V. Sivakumar to get out of his Kavadiesque self-immolation and repent from his one-man civil society demolition army.
You can't and won't do it? I know. You are the type that just talk, omong-omong kosong saja. No substance.
Indeed, people like you are the scums of the Tanah. On one hand, barking “Go work on improving the country and economy.” At the same time, working hard to sabotage every avenue of civil governance to the gross detriment of the Rakyat, as grotesquely demonstrated by the Ngeh-Nga TerNgaNga subversives and now this treasonous Sivakumar the samseng estet in the unfortunate state of Perak Darul Ridzuan.
You mentioned “copyright”? What "copyright" you dumb moron? Could supreme cetak-rompak junkies like you even comprendé what the heck is “copyright”? No. The only effective copyright enforcement against your kinds is a nice landing of the sole of my Kickers boots on your ugly face. You want a free Kickers facial, Chinatamby? Or do you prefer Doc Martens? Or maybe you have been Kickered all your life already, hence, explaining your pocked-marked Hae Mee complexion?
Oh yes Chinatamby, talking about “racist/seditious comments,” what would you call this:-
“And if any Malays want to convert to Christianity because of the word Allah in the bible, then it's their own stupidity!”
One more thing, how come you are here ahh? Why waste time here? Nothing to do in Taiping ahh? All the grunt stuff already subcon to your PAS tidur on jalan with Palestinian flag Mah Chais ahh? Yeah, I know you are a failed blogger; but this is ridiculous, mooching your way here. You got no pride lah.
Despicable oaf. You must be the one that got away the last time the FRUs whack the sh!t out of you people.
“Bobby” aahh? With MyCard holders like this, who needs foreign enemies?
Pathetic ungrateful lowlife! What has Perak done to deserve Rakyats like this?
Adoiii! Si Bobby dah di Bobbit-kan oleh Sang KijangMas.
Hancos. Lumat sampai jadi abu si Bobby di kerjakan. He he he.
Good one KM; it’s people like Bobby that pisses me off with his ‘holier than thou’ attitude. I don’t understand why he bothers; better off shaking it off. His father shud have whack it off in the toilet bowl instead of having him.
Tumpang lalu KM; To Kawan Rapat Apek, sad to disappoint u but I’m not your typical cina apek.
1.Money not important to me. Earn enuff to pay tax, bills, 3 square meals will do lah. Unker cut down to 20 hours work a week, still got left over $ for the occasional trip to Wembly to watch Spurs V Man Utd this coming 1/3/2009. What for keeps so much? Cannot bring with u to meet TUHAN what.
2.Women; must admit my weakness, I just love them but only on consensual basis only i.e if the mind click, chemistry is there; Airport runway/ ugly abit never mind lah.
3.I’m very particular on what I eat; fresh vegies, lean red/white meat. No no Tiger penis, dogs, frog legs or escargot for me.
4.Drunk, no lah, only some red/white wine occasionally. My Pak Imum told me drinking is the deadliest sin as it will lead to other bigger sins.
KRA – no it not very nice to ridicule other people belief, likewise other may find your practices are abit perculiar too. So it’s best we respect each other beliefs & Live & Let live. Varieties are the spice of life.
What I don’t like about the Christian is why they go out of their way to try to convert others. Muslim only tried once to convert me; My neighbour wanted me to convert to Islam so that I can marry their daughter, Nora but alas I was too chicken to sunat lah.
Oh Yes;
Casino, Betting Centres, Karoake Lounge are licensed & legit mah like your smoking too. I shall quit all these if they are ban in future.
Thank you.
Unker Yew
Nice article but your response to these BABIs is more juicy to me.
Saya sebagai orang Melayu sangat berbangga mempunyai seorang PENDEKAR seperti saudara.
Saya dah cukup bosan dengan perangai pendatang asing yang tidak tahu malu mengaku dirinya seorang rakyat Malaysia tetapi Bahasa Melyunya tunggang langgang macam sial.
Terima kasih kerana berani berjuang
Sepadu (February 4, 2009 2:22 AM) said:-
“I hope Vatican officials in Rome read your article. Whether they act favourably for us or not is another matter.”
Don’t count on it. Why should they?
As it is, they are struggling with a crumbling assemblage of irreconcilable fallacies wrapped in a deception and sustained through what is called “faith.” Why would these charlatans want to further complicate their already untenable Cult of the Holy Trinity?
Islam is the biggest enemy of the Catholic Church. Many priests are leaving their congregations for Islam as their excruciating struggle in rationalizing the fundamental flaws of Christianity ultimately erupts in a frenzy of denial, confusion, enlightenment and submission to the one and only Allah SWT.
Sepadu (February 4, 2009 2:22 AM) also said:-
“I agree with you that they should try to covert the atheists and free thinkers in the West and elsewhere instead of exploiting the victims of disasters at the lowest point of their emotional ebb …”
Sepadu, these zealots know that their own people are not stupid. Fully half of Americans and Europeans are already “practicing” agnostics, doubting the concept of heaven and hell and other Godly punishments and inducements on their wandering souls. They are no more buyin’ the idea of being born with the “Original Sin” and related garbled fantasies concocted by two millennia of editing and revisions by devious humans with vested interests down the ages. A bigger and bigger chunk of the rest including scientists are attracted to Islam, which is already by far the fastest growing faith in the West.
So the travelling circus pulled up their stakes and ended up in uncharted territory preaching the Gospel to the gullible natives in our neck of the Nusantara, aided by the band of local collaborators blinded by their euphoria of mimicking Western garb and lifestyle whom these simpletons erroneously equate with Christianity.
joe (February 4, 2009 3:01 AM) said:-
“but (sic) if you believe that you ar (sic) so intelligent that you got it all right and most of your commentators do agree, what else to debate?”
Yeah, what else is there for little cacing kerawits like you to debate? So why don’t you get your cotton pickin’ butt off my blog …
… and stay out.
Anonymous (February 4, 2009 3:36 AM) said:-
“O Tuhan! its hilarious, even pathetic, the way xtian msians have this admiration and awe for these evangelists when in this part of the xtian world they are regarded as the ultimate symbol of 'kunuism" , a tacky band of rednecks from the boondocks of bible thumping anglo-puritanism . If I were to convert to anything, tuhan forbid, certainly not this. Must be outta my freakin mind.”
(KM Note: “xtian” = Christian)
Maybe these Malaysian “Christians” were impressed by the groovy hairdo and snazzy tuxedos of these “tacky band of rednecks from the boondocks.” Too much HBO I guess …
arjuna waspada (February 4, 2009 7:55 AM) said:-
“Tahniah ,kalau ade awad ,macam Blogsastera Negara mcm tu,saya bagi anda sekarnag. Tepat padat dan adil.”
Terima kasih atas kunjungan saudara. Saya bukan mengejar anugerah atau puji-pujian. Saya di sini untuk memperbetulkan halatuju masyarakat yang kini sudah jauh terpesong dan terjerumus dalam kancah kehancuran yang berpunca dari kepimpinan yang lemah dan penjelmaan mendadak gerompolan penderhaka dan pembelot yang kian bermaharajalela di Tanah Air kita tercinta.
Lordapes, terima kasih atas sokongan saudara.
WIDOW (February 4, 2009 12:07 PM) said:-
“Tetapi kalau orang Kristen menyebut Tuhan, yang mereka maksud ialah Yesus Kristus. Kadang-kadang bercampur baur; sebab menurut ajaran yang mereka pegang, bahwa Tuhan itu adalah "Trinitas", atau "Tri-tunggal". Yang tiga tetapi satu, yang satu tetapi tiga.Dia yang tiga tetapi satu itu ialah Tuhan Bapa, Tuhan Putera (Isa Almasih) dan Rohul Kudus. Dan selalu mereka mengatakan "Tuhan Yesus".
Jadi ”Allah” mereka ni yang mana satu?
palakonde87 (February 4, 2009 2:38 PM) said:-
“im a indian, hindu, malaysian, and im from kelantan. my whole life there in Kelantan we learn to respect each other and tolerate ... i just would like to suggest for the bible producers just to use the word 'Tuhan' which is already good enough and wont create more problems in our country.”
Agreed palakonde87. More non-Muslims should take a stand like you here and tell the devious zealots, Enough Is Enough!
Anonymous (February 4, 2009 2:46 PM) said:-
“… KijangMas, it is obvious from you writings you are biased and that the standards by which you judge Christians, non Malays, etc are different to the standards you judge yourself and Muslims, Malays etc.”
Haiya, what took you sooooo long to come to this conclusion? Of course it is OBVIOUS. Hence, in accordance with this obvious disposition of mine, I don’t like you. Your point proven now? Now get lost, you inbred retard!
Hikayat Mamak Bendahara (February 4, 2009 3:35 PM) said:-
“dude, If you're a Malaysian lawyer, I will get you to handle all my cases. 1 juta per case pun tak apalah. The likes of Karpal Singh, and Shafee will bow in humility when they hear your arguments...”
Thanks … err … dude. But I only do cases involving multiple castrations of dissenting commenters on patriotic blogs. The fees can be discussed and depends on the severity of the cut. BUT if Shafee were to castrate Karpal Singh, I would defend him for free.
Ladyhawke (February 4, 2009 6:18 PM) said:-
“OMG! (Oh Tuhan Saya), there are commenters here who totally missed the point of this article. These blithering idiots also brought in issues that are so off tangent - copyright? Huh? Sesat! Hate Christians and Christianity? Lagi sesat!”
Not much hope in making these pathetic simpletons see the light. In fact, these sesat zealots are the true Unreached Peoples.
sepadu (February 4, 2009 8:37 PM) said:-
“As far as I am aware, no Muslim religious missionary activities target the Orang Aslis in Malaysia. I used to know personally the bosses of the Jabatan Orang Asli and one of them was very adamant that the religious beliefs of the Aslis be not tampered or interferred with. Not even the Jabatan Agama Islam could do anything about it. Once, on a site visit quite some time ago, I was told that the nearby estate Christian functionaries were asking permission to meet a number of Orang Aslis employed on the project, and I had that permission denied on grounds of disruption of their work schedule. I was told that the functionaries wanted to follow-up contacts with a few of their recent converts.”
Sepadu, thanks for sharing your experience on this matter. Yes, the Malaysian authorities have always been very particular about safeguarding the heritage and lifestyle of these living relics. On the other hand, the Christian missionaries – many of them foreigners without an iota of comprehension of our social norms plus their local mah chais who are just as uncouth – would zealously demand access to force feed their brand of “religion” to these gentle people.
imza (February 4, 2009 9:50 PM) said:-
“This issues has been raised and exposed in the book "the malay ideals" (yeaer 2002) (http://www.selectbooks.com.sg/getTitle.cfm?SBNum=33605)”
Imza, thanks for the book link.
I would suggest you click on the YouTube links that KM had included in his reply to you. Watch that video on the 22 Born Americans embracing Islam and listen to their experiences during the pilgrimage in Mekkah.
Listen carefully when one brother said that another Muslim brother is not angry because he is American, they even shared food with him. Now, brother that is the spirit of Islam. Kindnest to people.
If you don't wanna believe it, well that's totally up to you for there is no compulsion in accepting the faith Islam. But you need to educate yourself more about Islam, since you yourself were born, as a person who submits to God Al-Mighty...and to translate that into a word, it would be "Muslim".
Peace be to you.
Brother KM,
Thanks for the video on Yusuf Estes in Malaysia 2008. That was the lecture which I didn't had the chance to go to last year.
Brother KM and fellow Christians,
You might wanna watch this lecture on Common Sense & Its In The Heart.
Peace be to all.
Bobby nih karut dan kesunyian, actually he wanted to BOBBY TRAP all to his blog mah! Duk berayan seorang kat situ, kesian benar.
Unker Yew,
Never once trying to show disrespect, itu semua kan benar? I am very close with my neighbours, 98% are rational simple ordinary Chinese.
For the last 15years, I am most comfortable being the LONE Malay businessman along this row of shops.
WE DISCUSS VERY OPENLY….. VERY VERY OPEN.. Nothing racial but as ordinary human beings…
We can sit down for hours and debate our differences, religion, cultures, political views, YET we always remain as very close neighbours.
What is important in this kind of friendship is SINCERITY and RESPECT we give to one another.
Hey Ah Beng @ “BrightEyes” (February 4, 2009 3:56 AM),
What exactly is YOUR problem? You never cease to amaze me.
Why do you take it upon yourself to filth dozens of blogs copying and pasting your same anti-Malay, anti-Islam garbage again and again and again ……..?
You are not a Christian, let alone a Pope-loving Catholic, with your "knowledge” of Christianity probably derived from Hollywood low-budget movies of crosses shown to the powdered faces of Dracula and assorted demons and goblins.
So why this fixation? This obsession? What actually happened to you earlier in life? Abandoned by your biological parents? Beaten by a Malay mob angry at the quality of your pirated VCDs? Spurned by a Malay hunk who made off with some video clips of your naked bod, not that much was revealed due to the miniscule nature of your cili padi-scale sotong?
The desperate exhibition of your anti-Malay emotions (thinly veiled by an anti-UMNO, anti-Islam persona) makes me laugh. Psycho would be an apt word to define you. So “BrightEyes”, now you know why your glazed schizophrenic eyes looked “bright” in the mirror of your dungeon? Maybe I should Christen you BrightPsychoEyes.
May Tuhan have pity on this lost wandering soul.
I agreeing with BrightEyes. Also the Christian, Hindu or Buddhist religion are follow by many many peoples of modern worlds. Science of world believe what they see. Their gods they also everyone can see. There is no god in your mosques or house. I may be belief some you here if you not actually praying to the wall. The Jews belief their god is behind the Wailing Wall. The National Geographic tells many thing about Hindu or Buddist, also why so little about Islam? I hope I cannot make you all angry.
Catalina Sivakumarie Surind.
"I hope I cannot make you all angry."
Don't worry. Shallow, nonsensical arguments -- praying to a God you can SEE??? What kind of God is that??? One religion is truer than another because the National Geographic covers it more??? Wakakakakaka -- seldom can make thinking people angry.
You are watching too much of these Illuminati agendas on TV. A lot of what was hidden from the real world history is not quite told by National Geographic. I guess you should click on the video links of KM's recent comment to Bobby and try to educate yourself about Islam, which National Geographic failed to show. I don't ask that you become a Muslim immediately after watching it, but if suddenly you think it all makes sense and wanna return to your original faith in which you were born in, then good, Alhamdulillah embrace Islam.
If not, at least do something beneficial to yourself, and educate yourself more about Islam. Oh one more thing, there are a lot of phony and misleading sites about Islam out there on the web, make sure you seek trusty references like KM here (for example).
One more thing, Jews pray at the wailing wall not because their God is inside the wall, because it is a holy spot to them, just like you go to Batu Caves...it is a holy spot to you. Jews believe in ONE God, just like the Muslims, and it is the same God to Moses, Abraham and Jesus. If you tell a Jew that his God is in the wailing wall, he would probably laugh at you. If you think about it, what sort of a God is it if he was KEPT locked up inside a wall? It sounds like the God is powerless. What is he doing inside a wall? Hiding from the police or the FRU?
Think about it.
Kamu Surind tuan blog yang caci ibadat hajikah? Atau Siva DUN PKR Perak itu? Kepada Surind dan Siva ini, saya tujukan cerita berikut.
Cerita ini tidak pernah ditayangkan oleh National Geograpgic. Namun ahli arkiologi berjaya mengesan sejarah ini melalui hasil kajian mereka pada satu tapak purba di sebuah negeri di Asia.
Beberapa ribu tahun dahulu ada seorang Pendita duduk bersendirian. Makanannya hanya susu yang diperah sendiri dari seekor kambing atau seekor lembu yang dibiarkan meragut di padang-padang sekitar kampungnya.
Apabila lapar, dipanggilnya lembu untuk diperah susunya. Esok susu dari kambingnya pula. Begitulah bergilir-gilir.
Lama kelamaan, si kambing, yang lebih cerdik dari si lembu mula merungut-rungut sendirian. "Perahlah dari lembu dua kali, baru dari aku sekali, lembu lebih besar."
Enam musim kemudian.
Sang Pendita panggil lembu untuk diperah susunya, "Buuuu bah bah eeee."
Lembu datang sambil menjawab, "Mooooh." Kadang, "Maaaah". Selalunya, "Ammmaaak ammmak."
Satu hari, bila kambing dipanggil, "Benggg bah bah eeee."
Kali ini kambing tak datang ... tetapi menjawab, "Pundek pundek pooondecdeck." Padahal selalunya dia menjawab, "Mmbebebek mmbek mmbekbek phsingg" bersin.
Wah! Marah Sang Pendita tidak terkira. Kerana dipundekkan.
"Pundek kata kau?!!"
Ditangkap kambing itu. Dibunuh. Diminum air kencingnya. Dikunyah dagingnya mentah-mentah.
Apaila orang-orang kampungnya melihat peristiwa itu, mereka berkata, "Lembu suci. Tak boleh dimakan. Kencingnya baik diminum. Kambing durhaka kepada Pendita ... Kita boleh makan dia."
Itulah kisah sejarah tapak galian silam adanya.
Catalina said:
"Science of world believe what they see."
That is why Dr. Maurice Bucaille produced the book Bible, Quran and Science. Go buy and read it to educate yourself more on the science in Quran.
I give you one example here written by Dr. Gary Miller, The Amazing Quran:
Read it and think a minute if it makes sense to you. I'm not forcing you to believe it, but if you are a thinking person, you'd might wanna do further research your own self.
Peace to you.
Here's another food for thought for Catalina:
WSWBIG S23 : Worship Idol vs Imaginary One? Part 1 - Yusuf Estes
WSWBIG S23 : Worship Idol vs Imaginary One? Part 2 - Yusuf Estes
Think about it.
Peace to you.
Kijang Mas, pls we really need your take on the latest political shenanigans in Perak and Selangor.
The analysis of the issues there is not complete without YOUR say.
I'm waiting!
Uncle Ig
Mr Deminegara please I want to tell you something. My mom a Filipino and Christian work amah. My daddy a Tamil and Hindu gentleman sometime got no work. My mom always take me to church. Also my dad happy if I go temple pray. I dont go always to school. If angry dad not kind to mom. I am already big and like to think. I always pray at church and temple so that mom dont cry when dad angry. I also like to hear mosque sing in tv. Also one morning I hear mosque at my flat sing. I then pray for mom and dad. I cry. I not felt like this before. I dont understand. I cry but not sad or scared like when dad shout at mom.
Please someone can help may be. I have no computer. Sometime I borrow friend one. Sometime I go to cyber cafe but also difficult to get good explain. Many good people here can explain. I have many Malay neighbour. They try to tell. I may be can learn more here.
Catalina Sivakumarie Surind
I was very depressed when my husband died. All my kids were below 9yrs old then, I cannot afford to make mistakes.
I had to learn about so many things... and I turned to the Quran for guidance. Alhamdullilah, 11yrs now, my kids and me, we are doing alright.
For a non Muslim, we have PERKIM to assist you. BE CAREFUL, dont just go to anyone, go to the right places to get to know more on ISLAM. They have special classes and lots of activities there.
Assuming you are genuine, my advice to you is:
Apart from KM's advice here, you may also get full explanations and advice from the experts, that means people whose job it is to give such explanations and advice every day.
One such place is to go to the people suggested by WIDOW above.
You don't have to agree with or accept everything they say the first time you speak to them. Think about what they say, compare them with what you know, then think some more. Ask some more whatever you don't understand.
You may agree or believe whatever they tell you after you are fully satisfied. Then you will find happiness and peace with yourself and whatever situation you may be in.
Best of luck to you.
Salam, why is it I feel 'fishy' about this Catalina SS. The way she writes sounded like a bluff.
Trying to write like some innocent minah. Sorry if I am wrong.
If you are for real CSS, take widow's advice. May The Almighty show you His Way.
I like your writing KJ, keep it up. Semoga Allah beri perlindongan kpd mu seisi keluarga. Amin.
ML, you are not alone. I have the same feeling like you where Catalina is concerned.
Catalina, I have this feeling that you are trying your best to write in broken English. Sorry to say that it is not convincing but at the same time, I may be wrong......Well, assuming that you are genuine and sincere, then you should heed Widow's advice.
koolmokcik (February 5, 2009 7:53 AM), thanks for dropping by and your kind words.
Queen Of The House (February 6, 2009 12:18 AM), appreciate your thoughts. Yes, go ahead and link this post.
Harimau kamu dah hampir pupus la (February 5, 2009 10:23 PM) said:-
“… british pun cakap, malays not the sharpest tool in the shed.”
Oh yeah, the British pun cakap the Chinese are sly thieves and the Indians are unreliable drunkards. Are we even now? Mau lagi? O.k. They also said the French are arrogant weaklings with an escargot up their asses; the Russians are savage brutes; the Germans are pathological warmongers; the Jews are cunning profiteers; the Japanese are uncouth barbarians; and the Americans are a bunch of silly, ignorant hilly billies.
Oh, talking about tools, you want to get a taste of this not-so-sharp tool smacking your pimple laden face?
Ridzzy (February 6, 2009 1:36 AM), thanks for whacking the “Harimau kamu dah hampir pupus” loser. I guess there are many such “sohais” around the blogosphere.
Ally said (February 6, 2009 7:31 AM) said:-
"if your Allah is so great and mighty, then why are all the islams still feel insecure?? scared ah?"
Scared of what ahh moron? Cannot be scared of losers like you for sure. It’s not about the Muslims’ insecurity, dumbass. It’s about YOUR security if and when Muslims in Malaysia take matters into their own hands if you al-kafiruns continue this incessant provocation. And this time it’s not gonna be your pathetic PAS mah chai lying on the road with Palestinian flagpole kinda charade. Talking about flagpoles, do you know where I’ll be sticking it if you happened to cross my path? Yup sohai, right where the Perak sun don't shine ...
anakmak (February 6, 2009 8:44 AM) said:-
”Mata saya tiba-tiba terbuka. I love your arguments.”
Syukur Alhamdulillah saudara/i telah nampak agenda mereka sebenarnya.
Teech Airil (February 6, 2009 2:48 PM) said:-
“Braaa, you writer kaa? You should write a book or something lah, i'd buy.”
In fact, I have written a book. Do browse through the site and decide.
chotz (February 7, 2009 9:15 AM) said:-
“… seeloknya anda dilantik sebagai lawyer untuk menerangkan hujah2 yg bernas ini dimahkamah.”
Terima kasih atas kepercayaan anda. Tapi saya bukan seorang peguam. Bagaimanapun, saya harap fakta dan pendapat yang saya huraikan akan dapat membantu pihak kita dalam mahkamah kelak.
Agen Zionis (February 7, 2009 11:01 PM) said-
“We no need go so far to Israel, right here in Ipoh we have another regime ZIONIS BN pirates abound. Perak: The Start of Malaysia's INTIFADA? انتفاضة”
Inilah jenis makhluk yang bangang sebangang bangangnya. ”Zionis” kepala hotak engkau, bangang (... have I said bangang four times already?). Bangang! That makes it five.
Aku tak faham macam mana si Bangang macam engkau ni tak boleh nampak bagaimana kerajaan boneka bawah telunjuk NgehNga Ternganga telah memudaratkan kedudukan kaum engkau sendiri di negeri Perak? Pada masa yang sama, gerompolan spesis NgehNga telah dapat berbagai habuan istimewa, termasuklah tanah hakmilik freehold (tertera ”untuk selama-lamanya” dalam geran) dan pajakan 999 tahun untuk kampung-kampung baru kerabat si laknat Chin Peng; pajakan 99 tahun untuk kilang-kilang separa-setinggan atas tanah TOL juga bagi kerabat si laknat Chin Peng; hadiah tanah lebih seribu ekar khusus buat pembinaan banyak lagi SRJK(C) yang akan membanjiri negeri Perak; dan buka kaunter/meja bahasa asing Mandarin dan Tamil di pejabat-pejabat kerajaan. Kerabat engkau apa dapat? Tanah buat sekolah agama dapat? Anak engkau pun dah tiada tadika selepas tadika Kemas engkau di tutup oleh gang subversif NgehNga Ternganga ni supaya zuriat engkau akan terus jadi bangang macam engkau.
Engkau sekarang hanya tinggal batang bendera Palestin yang takda kena mengena dengan kemusykilan kerabat engkau di negeri Perak.
Yang engkau dok sebok nak ber intifada ni untuk apa dan untuk siapa? Untuk gerompolan si malaon bukit NgehNga? Untuk menegakkan apa? Aku betul-betul tak faham minda kumpulan engkau ni. Sampai sanggup caci kaum sendiri, sanggup derhaka kepada Sultan engkau sendiri. Kenapa?
Ada apa dalam kepala hotak engkau ah? Taik kucing? Rojak buah? Taufufa?
Haha, I'm so obssesed with this blog, I visit it everyday to see your responses to dumbfounded idiots who I assume still cant comprehend the true message of your article.
Btw, I'm interested in your book (Pattani:Behind The Accidental Border). Any chance of one day I might get it in any major retail book stores? I'm reluctant to pay online.
Are you working on any new projects? Please keep us updated.
Also, what do you think of Farish Noor? He too deconstructs history to look at our past differently.
Maybe I am off topic but if Catalina is genuine, my advice is, GO TO THE RIGHT places if you really want to learn more about Islam. Not to any TOM DICK or HARRY.
This is based on my true very bitter experience the first few months after my husband died. I went into deeper depression and my health was badly affected by this incidence.
I enrolled my children in a Private Sekolah Agama as I wanted my kids to be properly supervised where religion is concerned, after the death of their father.
Haili Anur Shamsuddin (I/C 0295922) and husband Ku Hasmadi Ku Jahaya (IC 7123395) was the Operator of a Religious School who also conducted full time Tahfiz classes . (KM, I enclosed their names as there were at least 40 Police Reports made by parents, suppliers, teachers, against this couple).
Few months later, we discovered they were PROFESSIONAL CONS, using the school as a platform to Con us of our life savings (I lost a huge sum of money), by using our children to gain access to very confidential information on their parents financial matters.
They took advantage of Islam as means to enrich themselves to the tune of millions of Ringgit, and then DISAPPEARED INTO THIN AIR. …
Even JAIS and the police were NOT able to catch them, 10years on, they are still on the loose…
We heard that they came up with similar scam in other places too. And as they have never been caught,
I hope others are aware of this couples’ so called “HIGH CLASS” religious con activities.
My eldest son was not able to sit for his SPRA and he almost missed his UPSR.
salam singgah
Naif said:-
"... I'm interested in your book (Pattani:Behind The Accidental Border). Any chance of one day I might get it in any major retail book stores? I'm reluctant to pay online."
Naif, thanks for your interest. You can go here to obtain the book without paying online.
Naif also said:-
"... what do you think of Farish Noor? He too deconstructs history to look at our past differently."
I'm still trying to figure out Farish. Unlike other simpleton Malay Apologists, he is more intellectually challenging to comprehend. What do others here think of him?
Salam Kijang Mas,
You asked the question on Farish Noor, below, in a nutshell is what he is: -
"Had I joined any political party and won a seat, I would defend the values mentioned above with all my commitment and conviction, for they are the fundamental core beliefs that make me who I am. I am a secular democrat who believes in the freedom of religion, the freedom of choice in love and the right to one’s natural sexual orientation. I cannot, and should not, be asked to deny or alter these beliefs merely for the sake of conforming to party-political directives. Should I do so, then I would be lying to myself and that is where hypocrisy in politics begins." - Farish Noor; The Other Malaysia.
Being secular, he will not fight for Islam although he will use his knowledge on Islam to subvert it's principles.
But I think you already know that about him.
To me, he is the most dangerous kind of Malay/Islam Apologist.
This man with his charismatic presence and smooth writing style, draped in the knowledge of Islam whilst carrying the tools of the Zionist, swimming among the academic young impressionables is a SEED to chaos.
Yes, the simpletons are easy to handle, but this one can steal a generation.
Dear KijangMas,
Good to see the other side getting all hot now that you’ve got them provoked. You’re so right in saying that their modus operandi is very simple: everything Malay/Islam is to be rubbished and sneered at. After all, Malays are sto-o-o-pid. Fool stop. [sic].
Re Dr Professor Farish A. Noor, the debonairly scholarly lad, the only light there is about him is in his name. But he does seem to be going hither and about, Germany one day, Egypt another, and London is more than just a whistle stop.
You’re right in finding harm hard to decipher. He is an enigma hidden in a bagel and wrapped in a ketupat. But boy, is he learned! Some of you old enough may have drooled over his mum who was one of RTM’s early anchor persons, Noraishah Ahmad. What a darling boy she has begot.
Your commenters are tight about him. He is a dangerous one to have on-side because he’s a ‘liberal’ in the sense that it is meant to be. You know what liberals are like, in the best of times they have this sense that they owe society a debt. And they’d like to pay that with your ringgit. In the worst, they are musuh in the selimut, voicing the voice of reason and moderation to counterweigh the perceived extremists and fundahmnetahlists. In reality, and by his own confession (as one of your commenters have shown above) he is a secular Muslim (A contradiction in terms).
My friend in the land of Elizabeth has just told me that the Brit govt has just flown a kite to test reactions to a soon to come legislation to make it illegal to be a believing Muslim, i.e. to outlaw those who believe in the shariah, in the caliphate (this is like making it illegal for the Catholics to believe in the Pope), and to make dissent against homosexuality, etc etc a criminal act. For this they will need the support of Muslim ‘liberals’ who will say (with well thought out ‘moderate’ arguments) what needs to be said. Why, in Elizabeth’s land I hear that mysterious (but hilarious) organisations have already popped up, like Progressive Muslims, Gay Muslims, and the like.
Liberal Muslims that interest me are those who, when Christians or the NeoCons have one argument, they will do their best to argue that Islam is squarely with that. Once again I urge those who are interested in their strategy to go listen to Sheikh Anwar “No Not That One” Awlaki in the place that I have cited in my earlier comment above.
Kiryu, thanks for your short treatise on Farish Noor. Interesting.
"Good to see the other side getting all hot now that you’ve got them provoked."
Not "provoke" lah.
Its putting them in their place. These subversives need to get a taste of their own venom sometimes.
As for "provoking," who do you think has been doing the provoking lately? How about this for starters?
"You’re so right in saying that their modus operandi is very simple: everything Malay/Islam is to be rubbished and sneered at. After all, Malays are sto-o-o-pid. Fool stop. [sic].
Yup, their political guiding light at the most fundamental level is simple: oppose and ridicule anything and everything Malay/Islam. As for "... Malays are sto-o-o-pid. Fool stop. [sic]", that's not my line and I disagree. Malays are NOT sto-o-o-pid. Our biggest faults are our tolerance, tatatertib and budibahasa towards those who couldn't even comprehend these concepts, let alone appreciate and reciprocate them.
Hi KM,
Your quote;
Our biggest faults are our tolerance, tatatertib and budibahasa towards those who couldn't even comprehend these concepts, let alone appreciate and reciprocate them.
No, I don’t see the above as ‘faults’, I see them as a very lovable & endearing traits that’s why I love u guys so much (blushing, bukan nak bodik la, I’m self sufficient mah). Seriously I wouldn’t want to have born in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan, I think I’m a much better person growing up having shared being part of the Malay culture.
“If loving u is wrong, I don’t wanna be right”, not u batangs but the makwe I meant. Unker work like a mak salleh, mischievous (nakal, not evil) like a Malay & sadly vicing (is that such a word?) like a Chinese. Wudn't change it for the world.
Unker Yew
PS – Young Farish? That’s what too much education & travelling the world does to a man. I’m not saying whether that’s good or bad.
An-Nimr (February 4, 2009 11:10 PM) said:-
"... Orang Islam tolong dengan ikhlas, mengharapkan kerdehaan Allah...they do not go to disaster areas with hope of converting and brainwashing the already distressed and suffering. Never have ulterior motives, ..."
Ladyhawke (February 6, 2009 3:26 PM) said:-
"AHA HA HA! HILARIOUS! This is your most hilarious response to the Joe Dumbasses out there. Laugh-out- loud FUNNY!"
Ladyhawke, glad that you and many here can see the humour in my tutorials on being a good citizen acceptable to the Majority here.
Zazaland (February 6, 2009 4:00 PM) said:-
"... it all comes to money, money, money lah. As you pointed out, the Malay Nusantara is an untapped market. Imagine how much money can be accumulated by Christian organisations, be it the Catholic Church, the Protestant Churches, born again, dead again churches whatever, by having the Malays as new believers going to their mega churches and contributing."
Yup, mademoiselle. It's big bucks plus a much-needed infusion of fresh blood to their gene pool. Just imagine the exciting matrimonic options for Uncle Ignatius and Brother Ezekiel when the Melayus are saved and within hugging distance of their blessed paws? Unker "Tommy" Yew, why you smilin'? Still ingat your old flame Nora ka? Well, no chance of finding another Nora on the HK Bus. An angry foul-mouth Ah Soh maybe, but definitely not a cultured, kebaya-clad Cik Nora yang manis ...
An-Nimr (February 6, 2009 10:09 PM) said:-
"Anon [Tommy Yew] at 3.54 am after his ecstasy and cheap cognac/chinadoll karaoke binge said:'PS - Zaza Tigress, wipe that smirk off you face! Oso, Tigress ur nose like Barbara Streisand lah big & I supposed nosey too.' Yeah...no amount of cheap Taiwanese botched plastic surgery by your womenkind will ever result in a fine, strong, feature like mine...shows character, meh...and SPINE."
An-Nimr (February 8, 2009 8:34 PM) said:-
"... Unker Yew seriously lost it. First he went anon to bash me and confused me with zaza in his drunken stupor, and now he is being very nasty and making chinaman type dirty, low class, crass remarks about me and my anatomy and failing in his pathetic attempts at jokes (mine always first class ones, you know that).
Ouch again!
An-Nimr added:-
"Can you please make this a "NO DRUNKS PLEASE, ZONE"? They say you only need to use ecstasy once to permanently scramble your brains. Are you that case study, Tommy Ewww?"
Triple ouch!
Unker Yew ... and the rest of you mortal souls wrapped in contorted pear-shaped (thankfully biodegradable) torsos, want to mess with the Tigress somemore? Don't ask me for help; I only do anti-Malay, anti-Islam bigots and MT Junkie nut cases. You people are on your own with her, finely chiseled schnorchel and all.
The Great/Naif (February 9, 2009 1:36 AM) said:-
"KM, you keep this up you're going to have a cult following like RPK. I'm in love with your work ... how can you not read KM's writing and not feel any goosebumps? Just read his reply to AhSohnymous above."
The Great/Naif, thanks for your contribution with the series of video clips here. Oh, pls no cults. As I've mentioned here, cults of personality and dewanization of anyone must be avoided and, if history is any precedent, would invariably lead to troubling conclusions – for both dewa and congregation.
Just absorb and comprehend my thoughts here, and leverage on the intrinsic logic dynamics to form your own personal building blocks of values and actions geared towards the building of a truly unified, cohesive Anak Bangsa Malaysia speaking in one voice, Bahasa Malaysia, and driven by the singular patriotic Untuk Negara Ku Malaysia agenda.
Adly Azamin (February 9, 2009 1:40 PM), terima kasih kerana sudi mengunjung dan meninggalkan komen di sini.
Rosli (February 9, 2009 8:32 PM), thanks for your comments. I visited your business blog. I have great respect for entrepreneurs. Good luck!
MRSM Kalae Chepo 66/73 (February 10, 2009 6:33 AM), thanks for visiting. You're a true patriot contributing your share consistently and quietly in the blogosphere.
seruling senja (February 10, 2009 8:39 PM) said:-
"In the names of the father, the son and the holy ghost ... Terjemah ke BM 'Dengan nama Bapak, Anak lelaki dan Hantu suci.' Ada butut ka?"
Butut kawan.
Bila orang nak jual jenama baru ke Orang Melayu -- tak kiralah sabun ke, syampu ke, tongkat ali ke, ... "agama" ke -- selalu nya "produk" mereka akan di tawarkan dalam pakej Tiga-Dalam-Satu.
Tapi, saya rasa jenama Bapak-Anak-Hantu ni tidak akan laku kerana orang kita bukan bodoh. Sebab tu lah si penjaja ni riuh rendah nak ciplak "Allah" untuk di tempel ke cerita/produk fantasi mereka.
Keturunan Jebat (February 11, 2009 6:07 AM) said:-
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for articulating well for the rest of us who do not have the ability to do so......"
You're welcome. Now do use these arguments and play your part among the masses out there.
Ouch Unker...
I told u alredi...not to kacau tigress...now ur gun-blazing nick cage also cannot help...wat more a side show monkey..
Wah bro KijangMas...nice pic!!! ..kinda kambing like tho :) maybe that's what a macho kijang with a goatie looks like..
Folks this is an update...as some of u may know i live in JKT.. out here finding an english medium school islamic based is kinda difficult..so i had to enrol my lil boy to a normal english medium kindergarten.....that was 6 months ago.....yesterday my wife went to school to pick up my lil boy...and guess what he was kneeling with the rest of the class "praying"
HOLY F**K!!! (sori)..i said after she came back informing me....this morning I went to see the school principal and gave my piece..
MotherF**Ker cant even look me in the eye probably terkencing dalam seluar....I'm so close to pelempang the bugger...if this was zaman dulu would have come back with his head in a plastic bag....alhamdullilah my son is still 3 plus and don't really comprehend what he did
We must be very very careful of these elements....lucky u all are in Malaysia
Salam, KijangMas. I think this is where our road converged. I couldn't agree more with your opinion and views regarding this issue. When it comes to something that matters our religion, we Malays must unite and hold fast together with our brothers in Islam from other races as well.
Sememangnya mereka mempunyai agenda mengkristiankan orang-orang Melayu, dan ini merupakan sebahagian daripada strategi halus mereka untuk mempengaruhi orang-orang Melayu-Muslim.
Sungguhpun demikian, bangsa Melayu seharusnya berjuang dengan berlandaskan Islam dan bukannya dengan semangat nasionalisme. Bangsa Arab menjadi mulia dahulu disebabkan mereka mendokong aspirasi Islam. Kini mereka menjadi hina kerana semakin jauh daripadanya.
Alhamdulillah keadaan menjadi semakin baik dengan berkembangnya kesedaran untuk kembali kepada Islam. Orang-orang Melayu juga harus sedar bahawa hanya dengan mendokong Islam sahajalah baru kemuliaan yang pernah kita kecapi dahulu akan kembali semula.
Tiada kemuliaan tanpa Islam,
Tiada Islam tanpa Syariah,
Tiada syariah tanpa Daulah Khilafah.
Unker Yew, you some kind of mascot or good luck charm for this Demi Negara portal?
You seem to lead a charmed life here.
Guten Tag
Luebeck, BRD
Hoi KM,
Me, contorted pear-shaped torsos? U ‘khai wan seow’(u must be joking). Unker put a lot of time & effort to keep in shape, bro, macam tu TUHAN Adonis lah, six-pack & all! Go google Ken Watanabe, he’s unker lookalike. People always mistake him for me lah.
Say u & satD don’t understand kah ‘ouch’ is GOOD; no pain no gain mah. ‘Sadomasochism means not having to say u r sorry’. Tigress said all those things coz she cares mah! Y u guys so negative one?
Confucius says; ‘Man who keep feet on ground have trouble putting on pants’.
Hoi sauerkraut Voren, while I got u there; Is German ‘wunderbar’ means Wonder Bra in English? Oso Mahsidi & BMW not selling too vell in this current climate kah? People herr vant de Toyota Camry more.
Guten tag & Verpiss dich,
Unker Yew.
PS - Hi Zaza, adik ada baik kah?
"Unker Yew ... and the rest of you mortal souls wrapped in contorted pear-shaped (thankfully biodegradable) torsos, want to mess with the Tigress somemore? Don't ask me for help; I only do anti-Malay, anti-Islam bigots and MT Junkie nut cases. You people are on your own with her, finely chiseled schnorchel and all."
Schnorchel? Well, I guess I can take that as a compliment since you buttered it up with "finely chiseled"...it is a breathing apparatus, albeit a mighty fine one, praise to Him.
Unker Yew,
You're a funny, entertaining guy (don't get the wrong hopes up, ok?) but you should lay off the cheapo booze, coz sometimes you fall all over yourself and the next morning you don't remember what you wrote... a bit like that last binge where you woke up with your arms around the smiling, contented 90 year old apek.
Farish Noor...he's getting there, still a bit confused.
Dah lah tu, biler nak tulis new post Tuan KM? I'm tired of reading your old articles again and again to entertain myself.
I think your number of comments have far exceed the ones in MT. Time to write a new article sir.
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