Monday, May 11, 2009

Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua

This started as a thought. One of a thousand thoughts shared among the fertile minds of the DN Community. Members of this community of patriots are known as the DN Knights, a term coined by the pioneering Knight of all, the indomitable Mat Cendana of Mat Cendana’s Blog Review.

The issue of streamlined schooling surfaced repeatedly as the DN Knights deliberated on the mutifaceted impediments to national unity and the seeming futility in forging a true Bangsa Malaysia of sufficiently shared affinities to reflect our common nationhood.

A Knight by the nic of Sepadu, a regular commenter renown for his thoughtful views on making Malaysia a better land for all, dropped a cyber-bombshell of a suggestion. He asked if the collective wisdom and energies of the DN Community could be harnessed to draft a memorandum to the Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin, to implore the government to seriously relook at the current multi-stream educational anomaly with an eye towards forging a singular Sekolah Kebangsaan for all Malaysians. This is what Sepadu said:-

I'm thinking of drafting a letter in BM, in the name of the Demi Negara community represented by you and to be signed by you in whatever manner convenient to you, addressed to YAB TPM merangkap Menteri Pelajaran ... The issues are so important that, in addition to hoping the authorities come to this blog, we bring our views directly to them in the form of a letter ... I would begin writing the draft after getting your OK and the response from other members of the DN community, expressed as comments in this post of yours (DN: April 19, 2009 6:04 AM).

I said o.k., go ahead and lets see if the Knights would oblige and contribute to the cause. The trickle of support quickly became an avalanche as Malaysians from all walks of life voiced their support for this initiative, with many e-mailing me privately. One of these closet supporters who finally "came out" is NJ, a true patriot and fellow critic of PM Najib's fuzzy 1 Malaysia concept. Kembara Politik volunteered as the editor. Bro satD of Pure Shiite fame set-up our literary sandbox at Writeboard, an Open Source-type community editing site. Rezuan Asrah of the Elusi IT blog was particularly committed and provided the necessary technical expertise to our cyber-collaboration. The inimitable Pakcik Dal, the urbane mountain man, resident sage and voice of reason at DN, almost single-handedly collated the relevant narratives from past comments at this blog, a daunting task reflective of his energy and commitment towards a better, cohesive Malaysia of the future.

Thoughts and opinions poured in from around the world. Zazaland from France, a member of the Malay diaspora in Europe,
related the French approach to social cohesion via education and expended her own resources to secure detailed European research materials. Many others provided a stirring repository of references and research findings, including Cenderawasih and Omong. My compadré, Jebat Must Die, shared his thoughts. Indeed, the JMD blog is a veritable trove of facts and anecdotes relevant to the cause. An anonymous patriot answered my call for the Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua logo and worked tirelessly to fine-tune the design. Terima kasih saudara. Even Tommy Yew, my old sparring partner often identified with this Unker, chipped in with encouragement and provided cyber-kopi-o to the team.

All these energised enthusiasm were well-marshalled by Sepadu and Bro satD, a fellow Kelantanese currently advising the Indonesian government on complex financial reforms in the true spirit of Nusantaran solidarity.

What transpired was a unique online collaboration, perhaps the first of its kind in the Malaysian blogosphere. The Knights collectively conceived, formulated and refined a memorandum to the Deputy Prime Minister in a truly seamless self-regulating "Open Source" environment. And this is not for a trivial feel-good note. The memo covers a complex subject with far-reaching impact on nation building.

The memorandum to the DPM calls for a re-synthesization of our educational framework aimed towards forging a singular National School System conducted in Bahasa Malaysia, except, of course, for certain prescribed subjects.

The rationale is two-pronged:-

- One. There is no Constitutional provision for multiple language streaming of our schools. Education is an official matter of state, and per our Constitution, all such matters must be conducted in one language and one language only, our national language, Bahasa Malaysia. The supremacy of Bahasa Malaysia is also a matter of strategic national interest and a public good of the highest priority. Anything that transgresses this public good -- in this case Vernacular Schools -- by definition, are unconstitutional and must be removed from our social realm.

- Two. The segregation of our citizens from a very young and impressionable age (via vernacular schools) has become the single biggest impediment to the creation of a true Bangsa Malaysia unified by a common identity, mindset and language. After almost 52 years of Merdeka, a large proportion of MyCard-carrying Warganegara Malaysia are functional-illiterates in the language of their country of citizenship, and are incapable of partaking in the process of nation-building and social integration expected of citizens of any nation in this world.

The vernacular school menace MUST be eradicated from our blessed land. This is Malaysia. The national language is Bahasa Malaysia. English, the international language of commerce, science and technology can be a second, albeit unofficial language. The other languages are best kept and nurtured in their countries of origin and, if truly necessary as a cultural imperative in this country, be uttered within the private confines of the specific communities. This is clearly articulated in Article 152 of the Federal Constitution, which says:-

The national language shall be the Malay language and shall be in such script as Parliament may by law provide, provided that no person shall be prohibited or prevented from using, otherwise than for official purposes, or from teaching or learning any other language.

The operative words here -- "using," "teaching" and "learning" the other languages -- refer to the usage and acquisition of these languages in and of themselves only, and restricted to the context of "otherwise than for official purposes" and do not by any stretch of the imagination infer to their usage as the language of instruction in such an important "official purpose" as Malaysia's school system.

I don’t see any other way to forge national integration, national unity, to instill a sense of commonality of purpose and a sense of shared destiny except to vigorously push for a streamlined, singular School System for ALL Malaysians. Every single one of us, of all origin and ethnicity, must speak in one tongue and undergo the same educational journey as Warganegaras of this blessed land. No single Anak Bangsa Malaysia should be allowed to fall into the communal trap laid by selfish, irrational chauvinists and denied the same opportunity as Mainstream Malaysiana.

Relive the battle cry "Satu Bangsa Satu BAHASA, Malaysia Berjaya!" of our forefathers amidst external threats when Persekutuan Malaysia was formed in 1963. And a single school system taught in Bahasa Malaysia is the single-most crucial element in the forging of this true Anak Bangsa Malaysia and the determinant of Malaysia's tenability as a cohesive and progressive nation for all.

Memorandum to the Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister from the Demi Negara Community:-

Y.A.B. Tan Sri Muhyiddin bin Yassin
Timbalan Perdana Menteri
Merangkap Menteri Pelajaran
Pelajaran Malaysia
Blok E8, Kompleks E,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan
Y.A.B. Tan Sri,
Pengkajian Semula Sistem Pembelajaran Malaysia untuk Melahirkan Suatu Bangsa Malaysia Yang Bersatu, Teguh dan Bersepadu

Dengan segala hormatnya kami mengemukakan cadangan yang tersebut di atas demi melahirnya suatu Bangsa Malaysia yang kukuh, bersatu dan bersepadu yang akan menjamin masa depan negara kita. Kami bukanlah suatu kumpulan politik atau berpihak kepada mana-mana unsur politik negara ini. Kami adalah warganegara yang prihatin terhadap pembentukan masyarakat Malaysia yang jitu dan yang benar-benar sehati dan sejiwa yang akan mengemudi negara kita tercinta ke arah kegemilangan.

Gejala-Gejala Polarisasi Kaum di Malaysia

Pengkajian semula sistem pelajaran negara ini haruslah dilakukan memandangkan fenomena perpecahan kaum yang semakin meruncing di masa kini. Gejala ini amatlah jelas sekali di alam siber dimana segelintir masyarakat kini mempamirkan sikap anti-negara yang semakin berleluasa. Jelas sekali, anasir-anasir ini tidak menghormati asas dan prinsip Perlembagaan negara, tiada rasa cinta kepada Tanah Air dan juga menonjolkan penulisan hasutan yang mencetuskan sentimen perkauman yang begitu ketara sekali. Secara lantang anasir subversif ini mempertikaikan segala lambang kedaulatan dan intipati negara kita tercinta. Dari pengamatan kami, puak penderhaka ini antara lain telah menyentuh perkara seperti berikut:-

• Mempertikai kedaulatan institusi Raja-Raja Melayu yang diperuntukan dalam Perkara 181 Perlembagaan Malaysia .

• Membangkitkan isi-isu sensitif seperti kedudukan istimewa Orang Melayu dan kaum Bumiputra lain yang termaktub dalam Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Malaysia .

• Mengabaikan Bahasa Rasmi negara, iaitu Bahasa Malaysia, dan mempromosikan secara meluas bahasa-bahasa asing, termasuk Mandarin dan Tamil, yang bertentangan dengan Perkara 152 Perlembagaan Malaysia.

• Menidakkan adanya suatu Kontrak Sosial (berkaitan kerakyatan masyarakat Bukan Melayu dan kedudukan istimewa Orang Melayu) yang telah terjalin di antara kaum-kaum di negara ini sejak Merdeka dahulu.

• Mengeji dan mempersenda Dasar Ekonomi Baru yang digubal mengikut Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Malaysia.

• Mempersoal dan menidakkan peranan dan pengorbanan Orang Melayu yang telah bertapak di Bumi Tanah Melayu sejak sebelum zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka lagi dalam pembentukan dan pembangunan negara ini.

• Melebihkan peranan puak imigran dalam pembentukan dan pembangunan negara ini ke tahap yang menyimpang jauh dari kenyataan.

• Menjanakan berbagai penipuan sejarah yang akan memudaratkan pemikiran rakyat negara ini, terutama anak-anak di bangku sekolah.

• Mempersenda dan memperlekehkan segala simbol kenegaraan Malaysia yang patut di sanjungi dan dipertahan oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat, termasuklah lagu Negaraku, Keris, Songkok dan, seperti tersebut di atas, institusi Raja-Raja Melayu, Bahasa Malaysia dan sejarah negara ini.

• Mempertikai hujah-hujah pemimpin Bukan Melayu terdahulu seperti Presiden MIC, Tun V.T. Sambanthan dan Presiden MCA, Tun Tan Siew Sin, dimana pemimpin-pemimpin ulung tersebut telah melafazkan rasa kesedaran, keinsafan dan berterimakasih terhadap budi perkerti dan sikap bertolak-ansur Orang Melayu di dalam pemberian kerakyatan Jus Soli kepada kaum pendatang di Tanah Melayu, tidak seperti nasib yang menimpa kaum mereka di negara-negara serantau.

Kewujudan Bangsa Malaysia Yang Berbahasa Malaysia dan yang Berlandaskan Budaya dan Tatatertib Orang Melayu

Setelah hampir 52 tahun merdeka, negara kita kini menghadapi masalah perkauman dan kerapuhan sosial yang amat membimbangkan. Polarisasi kaum telah sampai ke tahap kritikal dan kini mengancam kesejahteraan masyarakat dan keselamatan negara. Justeru, Malaysia sudah tiada pilihan kecuali berikhtiar untuk menzahirkan suatu Bangsa Malaysia yang teguh bersatu, yang berbahasa Kebangsaan sebagai bahasa utama, yang bersepadu dalam pemikiran dan yang mempunyai tahap patriotisme yang tinggi berlandaskan cinta kepada negara dan hormat kepada Perlembagaan.

Berpandukan kepada semangat kenegaraan yang menjadi asas pembentukan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan kemudiannya Persekutuan Malaysia, Bangsa Malaysia ini haruslah secara menyeluruh :-

Fasih bertutur di dalam Bahasa Kebangsaan. Bahkan Bahasa Malaysia menjadi bahasa ibunda seluruh Bangsa Malaysia di suatu hari kelak;
Memahami dan menghormati adat-adat dan tatasusila orang Melayu dan kaum pribumi lain di Malaysia;

Menghormati kedudukan Agama rasmi Malaysia iaitu Agama Islam sambil menikmati kebebasan beragama sesuai dengan peruntukan perlembagaan;

Mempertutur bahasa warisan ibunda lain dan mengamalkan warisan budaya ibunda dengan cara yang sesuai dengan peruntukan Perlembagaan, iaitu di luar konteks urusan rasmi dan di amalkan secara peribadi oleh komuniti tersebut.

Konsep Bangsa Malaysia yang kami amati telah diperbincangkan dengan mendalam di wadah kami. Suatu penjelasan menyeluruh telah di huraikan di blog Demi Negara.

Titik permulaan dalam pembentukan Bangsa Malaysia tersebut terletak pada sistem pembelajaran negara kita.
Sikap terhadap Bangsa Malaysia ini harus di bentuk dari peringkat asas. Justeru, Sistem Pembelajaran Malaysia haruslah di sesuaikan agar menjadi wadah utama dalam penerapan nilai-nilai Bangsa Malaysia tersebut di kalangan anak-anak kita bermula dari usia yang muda.

Dasar Sistem Pembelajaran Malaysia Di Masa Kini

Kami berpendapat, pembinaan suatu Bangsa Malaysia yang teguh bersatu dan jitu bersepadu tidak akan tercapai selagi adanya gejala Sekolah Vernakular (Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan atau SJK) di Bumi Malaysia. Sekolah Vernakular tidak selaras dengan matlamat melahirkan Bangsa Malaysia berharmoni dan bersepadu yang berteraskan unsur-unsur nasionalisme yang sepatutnya. Malah ia telah menjadi penghalang utama keatas hasrat kerajaan membina masyarakat yang sehaluan bahasa, minda dan kebudayaan asas.

Kewujudan Sekolah Vernakular telah menimbulkan berbagai tanda tanya ke atas peranan dan status nya di masa kini. Ini termasuklah:-

Sekolah Vernakular adalah bertentangan dengan status Bahasa Malaysia sebagai Bahasa Rasmi negara kita. Malah, Sekolah Vernakular nyata bercanggah dengan peruntukan Perlembagaan dimana Bahasa Malaysia diwajibkan untuk segala urusan rasmi, dan Sistem Pembelajaran adalah suatu urusan rasmi negara.

• Bahasa penghantar di SJKC ialah Mandarin, Bahasa Kebangsaan sebuah negara asing, iaitu Republik Rakyat China. Malah ia bukan bahasa asli mana-mana suku kaum Cina yang tinggal di negara ini. Bahasa penghantar SJKT pula adalah Tamil, bahasa rasmi negeri Tamil Nadu di India. Ini adalah suatu fenomena sosial yang amat ganjil dan tidak harus di benarkan di negara kita.

• Seperti termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia, Bahasa Kebangsaan wajib digunakan untuk segala urusan rasmi negara. Sistem Pembelajaran merupakan suatu urusan rasmi negara sepertimana di semua negara di dunia.

Perkara 152(a) Perlembagaan Malaysia menyatakan :-

"No person shall be prohibited or prevented from using (otherwise than for official purposes), or from teaching or learning, any other language."

Fasal tersebut tidak memberi mandat kepada Kerajaan untuk membenarkan, apatah lagi memberi sokongan wang dan sebagainya, kepada mana-mana sekolah yang menggunakan bahasa selain dari Bahasa Kebangsaan kerana sistem pembelajaran adalah suatu urusan rasmi (“offical purpose").

• Dari segi “protection of the legitimate interest of the others” yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan, "kepentingan sah masyarakat lain" merangkumi urusan peribadi masyarakat tersebut dan tidak termasuk hak untuk menggunakan bahasa penghantar lain bagi urusan pembelajaran di sekolah. Peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia membolehkan pengajaran dan pertuturan bahasa lain secara peribadi di kalangan sesuatu masyarakat, dan bukan hingga ke tahap penggunaan bahasa lain secara berleluasa termasuk sebagai bahasa penghantar utama di sekolah.

Sekolah Vernakular pada amnya mengandungi satu kaum sahaja dalam suasana pembelajaran yang tidak membayangkan arca dan kandungan masyarakat negara ini. Ini tidak sesuai dalam melahirkan suatu Bangsa Malaysia yang bersatu dan bersepadu. Murid Sekolah Vernakular wujud dalam suasana terpencil dari aliran am. Mereka menyerapkan nilai-nilai satu kaum sahaja, tidak bergaul dengan kaum-kaum lain, tidak dapat pengalaman berinteraksi, kurang memahami adat resam kaum lain dan susah menerima hakikat bahawa adat resam dan budaya kaum majoriti di negara ini perlu di fahami dan di hormati. Ini mengakibatkan pemikiran mereka terkongkong dan menjadi janggal dan mereka bermasalah menyesuaikan diri dalam masyarakat majmuk negara ini.

Pengasingan sebahagian warganegara ke alam Sekolah Vernakular sejak umur yang senang di pengaruhi telah menjadi penghalang terbesar kepada kewujudan suatu Bangsa Malaysia yang bersatu di bawah satu bahasa, identiti dan pemikiran.

Tiga Bahasa Penghantar Tidak Sejajar dengan Perlembagaan dan Bertentangan dengan Amanat Rukunegara

Perkara 152 Perlembagaan Malaysia membenarkan pengajaran bahasa-bahasa selain dari Bahasa Kebangsaan untuk lain-lain komuniti di Malaysia. Tetapi kebebasan ini nyata terbatas kepada pembelajaran khusus bahasa tersebut sahaja dan bukan untuk ianya dijadikan bahasa penghantar bagi matapelajaran lain di Sistem Persekolahan negara Malaysia.

Kita tidak harus ada tiga sistem pembelajaran dalam tiga bahasa penghantar. Bangsa Malaysia yang bersatu dan bersepadu tidak mungkin lahir dari suasana sebegini. Keadaan tiga sistem pembelajaran ini tidak sejajar dan jelas bertentangan dengan semangat dan peruntukan perlembagaan, dan juga menyimpang dari matlamat utama Rukunegara, iaitu “mencapai perpaduan yang lebih erat di kalangan seluruh masyarakat nya.”

Keagungan Bahasa Malaysia sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan dan Bahasa Rasmi negara ini mesti di pertahankan. Perkara yang tidak sejajar, menghalang atau menentang peruntukan bahasa dalam Perlembagaan adalah di sifatkan sebagai bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan atau “unconstitutional.”

Masalah-masalah yang timbul dari kewujudan Sekolah Vernakular banyak di perkatakan bukan sahaja di blog Demi Negara, malah di berbagai blog lain. Contoh hujah-hujah di alam siber yang mempertikai kewujudan Sekolah Vernakular
di huraikan di lampiran bersama surat ini.

Berdasarkan kepada fakta dan pendapat yang terpapar di sini dan segala hujah yang dikemukakan di pautan-pautan berkenaan, kami dengan hormat nya meminta agar gejala Sekolah Vernakular ini di hapuskan secara total.

Kesemua Sekolah Vernakular yang ada sekarang harus diserapkan kedalam Sistem Sekolah Kebangsaan dimana peruntukkan secukupnya dibuat untuk menyediakan pembelajaran bahasa ibunda khusus untuk mana-mana murid yang memerlukannya.

Langkah susulan yang kami syorkan:-

Pengkajian Semula Sistem Pelajaran Negara oleh Kumpulan Bebas

Kami mencadangkan suatu kajian terperinci oleh kumpulan pengkaji bebas di adakan keatas fenomena Sekolah Vernakular ini.
Kumpulan pengkaji bebas ini haruslah terdiri daripada individu-individu yang berkelayakan dan berpengalaman yang setimpal dan berkecuali dari politik (non-partisan) sepenuhnya demi menentukan integriti laporan yang akan dikeluarkan. Tokoh asing yang terkenal dan berpengalaman dalam kajian sebegitu boleh juga dijemput ke kumpulan pengkaji untuk meningkatkan prestasi dan kredibiliti kajian dan laporan tersebut.

Penggubalan semula Akta Pendidikan 1996

Akta Pendidikan 1996 tidak sejajar dengan matlamat pengwujudan Bangsa Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan. Akta tersebut yang membolehkan wujudnya sekolah vernakular haruslah dirombak agar ianya kembali kepada niat asal penubuhan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Akta tersebut berbunyi:-

"AND WHEREAS the above policy is to be executed through a national system of education which provides for the national language to be the main medium of instruction, a National Curriculum and common examinations; the education provided being varied and comprehensive in scope and which will satisfy the needs of the nation as well as promote national unity through cultural, social, economic and political development in accordance with the principles of Rukunegara."

Walaubagaimanapun, kewujudan sekolah vernakular mengabaikan objektif yang tertera di atas. Penggubalan semula Akta ini akan membolehkan rakyat Malaysia mengecapi suatu struktur pendidikan yang seragam melalui keperkasaan sistem sekolah kebangsaan.

Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Di Mestikan

Melihat betapa pentingnya generasi pelapis negara kita diserapkan dengan pengetahuan sejarah yang kukuh dan mencukupi, kami juga mencadangkan agar subjek Sejarah diwajibkan di semua sekolah di Malaysia. Anak muda yang Celik Sejarah akan memahami asal usul, arca dan konteks pembentukan negara Malaysia.

Ini termasuklah latarbelakang institusi Raja-Raja Melayu, perjuangan wira tanah air kita di zaman silam, peranan Orang Melayu dalam mencetus tamadun dan pembentukan negeri-negeri di Tanah Melayu sejak abad-abad awal selepas Masihi, kemasukan kaum-kaum lain ke Tanah Melayu, permuafakatan di antara kaum yang membawa kepada pembentukan Kontrak Sosial yang tersirat dalam Perlembagaan dan punca termaktubnya hak-hak dan keistimewaan Orang Melayu dalam Perlembagaan.

Masyarakat yang Celik Sejarah akan mencetuskan suasana yang menyemarakkan pengwujudan Bangsa Malaysia yang kita idamkan selama ini. Selagi tidak timbul Bangsa Malaysia
ini, selagilah kita berterusan sebagai sebuah negara rojak yang dilanda berbagai gejala sosial yang tidak sihat dan berbahaya kepada keselamatan negara.

Penulisan Semula Buku-Buku Teks Sejarah

Kami juga mencadangkan supaya buku-buku teks Sejarah negara di kaji semula secara menyeluruh. Fakta-fakta sejarah yang lebih tepat dan terperinci harus dicatatkan oleh kumpulan cendiakawan yang terbukti kewibawaan dan integriti mereka. Penghuraian sejarah yang betul akan memainkan peranan sebagai pencetus kepada pembentukan suatu Bangsa Malaysia yang sehati dan sejiwa di Tanah Air kita yang bertuah ini.


Kewujudan Sekolah Vernakular adalah satu-satunya punca utama ketidakserasian dan ketegangan kaum di negara kita tercinta.
Fenomena ini hampir tiada tolak bandingnya di dunia ini dan telah menjadi suatu barah yang kian menular dalam kancah kerapuhan masyarakat Malaysia. Jika gejala Sekolah Vernakular ini tidak dibendung, negara kita akan terus bergerak ke ambang kehancuran.

Dalam segi Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia, Sekolah Vernakular jelas tiada tempatnya, bahkan bercanggah dengan fasal-fasal Perlembagaan dengan begitu ketara sekali. Percanggahan ini harus di bendung dan di perbetulkan secepat mungkin demi kestabilan dan keselamatan negara.

Kami pohon agar Y.A.B. Tan Sri memberi perhatian, pertimbangan dan penekanan yang sewajarnya keatas cadangan-cadangan yang dikemukakan di sini demi masa depan Bangsa dan Negara Malaysia tercinta. Kami berdoa agar tindakan yang sejajar dengan kepentingan perkara ini diambil oleh Y.A.B. Tan Sri dan langkah-langkah susulan dilaksanakan oleh kementerian Y.A.B. Tan Sri.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yang Benar

Bagi Pihak Komuniti Blog Demi Negara

Demi Negara has also launched an online Petition Drive -- Kempen Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua -- to garner Malaysian public support for this initiative. Go to the petition here to express your patriotism. Get involved, tell your friends and loved ones. We must do something to arrest this divisive social cancer for the future of the Anak Bangsa Malaysia.


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Alan said...
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Alan said...
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Hollywood refugee said...


Try this out :-“显掉”!单一源流学校论调%2F&sl=auto&tl=en&history_state0=

kudakepang said...


Saya dah paparkan banner perjuangan ini di blog kuda-kepang. Ini tandanya saya bersama anda. Syabas dan salam perjuangan dari saya. -- Ruhanie Ahmad

Anonymous said...

Alan, have you signed the petition?

I have. I'm no. 833

Saya Sokong Satu Sekolah 100%!

Jayaeswari Sangaralingam

Hollywood refugee said...

For easier translation access :-“显掉”!单一源流学校论调%2F&sl=auto&tl=en&history_state0=Or click here :-

justmy2SEN said...


Thanks for the reply on my last comment

Yes. I have already joined the Facebook group and have invited friends to sign up as well

I have also read Khoo Kay Peng's blog entry on this matter and it is ridiculous how these people try to 'menegakkan benang yang basah' and have to resort to calling you names and the initiatives as UMNO-to-dominate strategy when SATU SEKOLAH UTK SEMUA is clearly a good idea for the benefits of Malaysia's children in future.
Anyway I left my comment in his blog to speak my mind on the matter

Keep doing what you're doing. We need more bloggers like you and JMD who can rationalise and argue with facts to bring back some sense to Malaysians.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be great if KM could read not only the common language of the world and the national language of Indonesia but also the common language of PRC and India.

There will be more Chinese translation of your “letter?” but even without the translation, most of us can read both BM and BI so no big deal.

From a political point of view, both BN and PR need your piece of petition as they equally need more weapons to carry on their battle to pull in more audience and supporter. Your petition suits this purpose well.

From a unity and education point of view, I think the satu sekolah is not a bad concept, but the implementation must from a new government who trust and accountability is the basis of administration which the present government lack of.


NJ said...

This is a good example of how I feel. Refer to KijangMas's post above regarding the Chinese writings/translations.

Try put yourself in my shoes. Try imagine how I feel when you speak and write "Chinese"; infront of me in this beloved land. I dont understand this foreign language. This language is not Malaysian. And I cant tolerate something which I dont understand in the first place, even though I wanted to tolerate!

So then, we are not "on speaking term". No understanding between us. What next? It is most likely "suspicion" will surface instead of "trust". And you call this a glorious way toward Unity?

My opinion - PM sent wrong message when he he started making his blog accessible in "Chinese" language. He went further by saying tolerance alone is not enough, there must be mutual trust. He went on singing that "nice to hear" phrase of "Unity through diversity"? I dont see what he saw, but at this point his vision of 1Malaysia is really fuzzy, as KijangMas put it.

To me it is as simple as that. How can you tolerate when you dont even understand each other? Let alone developing mutual trust! Unity is the opposite of Diversity as I understand it. Like "White and "Black". Achieving "white" through "black"? Is he giving some thoughts about it before singing that phrase? It sound more a like a parrot pulling some advertisement stunts to me.




NJ said...

7:55 pm PDT, May 20, Mukhriz Mahathir, Malaysia

Congratulations on this noble effort. I'm certain you will attract brickbats from people who don't think it hypocritical to expound unity but promote vernacular schools. As a target for much criticism for previously suggesting the same, I hope the SSS campaign will snowball and succeed in its single-minded proposition.

My comment:-

"Yep, I've been waiting for this. I was looking for his email what not in case he doesn't appear"

pei ling said...

You seem to have conveniently left out Article 152(1)(b) where it clearly stated that:
nothing in this Clause shall prejudice the right of the Federal Government or of any State Government to preserve and sustain the use and study of the language of any other community in the Federation.

I came from Chinese vernacular schools, but that didn't stop me from making Malay/Indian/Kadazan/Iban... friends wherever I go. Nor did it stop me from reading Malay/English newspapers, magazines, books etc.

On the other hand, I've also have several friends from my own generation, who came from national schools where they mixed with Malays, Indians etc. But still some of them are racists.

What I'm trying to say is, it's deeper than just education. To think by having a one school system will unified all Malaysians is simplistic.

I think you know better than I do that the problem runs much deeper and that there are other social, economic and political causes (ie. common deep rooted racial stereotypes, racial politics, economic and geographical divides nationwide, fear of the "Others", and media! etc) that have caused the division among our Malaysian communities.

If we don't address these other issues, so what if we've a single school system? The students will just mix back within their own ethnic communities. Like what happened to some of my national school friends.

Also another minor disagreement,
"The other languages are best kept and nurtured in their countries of origin and, if truly necessary as a cultural imperative in this country, be uttered within the private confines of the specific communities"

It is my democratic right to use whatever language I prefer in the public space. So what if I wanna speak Malay, English, Chinese, Tamil or even Japanese/French/Spanish etc in a shopping mall or on the street which is not a private confine of any specific community?

Alan said...


Weird logic.

Because you don't understand Mandarin, when people talk and write Mandarin, you "feel uneasy" & feel these Mandarin speaking "alien" is not trustable?

This logic same as a beautiful girl being raped by a guy, and this guy said this is because she is too beautiful.

The problem is inside yourself, how you react is your choice.

Q&A time:
Why a person feel "alien" on another group of people?
This is because this person know NOTHING about this group of people and NEVER try to understand them.

I understand BM, BI. So what you wrote and feel, i understand. But do you understand what Chinese actually feel?

Munchi is a good example. He is surely understand what Chinese is thinking. I don't mean you all must go SJKs to understand it, at least, be pro-active to understand your non-Malay Brother & Sister.

I support Satu Sekolah, but my version is DIFFERENT than your Malay-Centric Version. So i won't sign it.

Anonymous said...

you need to set your text column wider . It's easier to read that way.

Practicality is the key, which is something that narrow minded people has failed to grasp on which in turn is failing this country.

KijangMas said...

Naif said:-
"Khoo Kay Pang of 'straighttalk' has quickly written off this movement as just another racist chauvinistic malay-only agenda blah blah blah ..."

Khoo who? You referring to this Khoo? The one with a muka only a mother can love? His rant has a bearing on this initiative? Haiya, if you say someone like Prof. Tan Sri Dr. Khoo Kay Kim maybe its worth noting lah. But who cares what this Khoo Nobody thinks. Hey, the only Khoo Kay Peng I know runs MUI Group. Got another one ahh? You know, in my book, each and every single one of the one thousand plus petition signers carry more weight than this maladjusted cyber-freakzoid on a lone crusade towards social breakdown.

BTW, people take this vain sotong seriously ka? Yeah, who is this insignificant single-celled amoeba to hold captive the key building block of our nation building? Should we waste time contemplating the thinly shrouded racist thoughts of this little femininish Leng Chai? Same goes with a few others now desperately yelping at the sight of the upcoming social recalibrating tsunami. Lets just let them rave and rant in their cyber-playpens. That much is expected.

Listen, social engineering is not a waltz in the park. No pain, no gain. And no vain Leng Chai is going to halt this retrofitting of our social framework.

NJ said...


Congratulations. You have convinced me that you are really a retard, which I didn’t want to believe when I first heard it.

Give me one good reason why I should understand Mandarin within this Malaysian border while at this moment I have no whatsoever interest in the People’s Republic of Communist China except for spending holiday there.

Yes. You said it yourself. “This mandarin speaking ALIEN is not trustable”.Yes Alan, you are that ALIEN and I feel uneasy with your presence in this beloved land called Malaysia:-

1. Mandarin is not a beautiful girl here in Malaysia, BAHASA KEBANGSAAN IS!

2. I puke even before I have the thought of standing anywhere near to this so-called “Mandarin” girl.

3. The problem is you. You are lost. A lost pathetic soul because you behave like a Chinese national while holding myKAD. Shame on you!

Q&A time:
Why a person feel "alien" on another group of people?
This is because this person know NOTHING about this group of people and NEVER try to understand them.
On the spot Alan! And the person is YOU! You are ALIEN to Malaysians and you felt it so. Because you know nothing about Malaysian and how Malaysian evolves from Melayu, Cina, India and what not when Semenanjung Tanah Melayu, Sabah & Sarawak became Malaysia. When many of us have progressed to embrace Malaysia, you still remain CHINESE, upholding the national language of the People’s Republic of Communist China.

Look at you! You didn’t arrive here via Tongkang did you? I believe you were born in this Tanah Melayu? Yet you are still CHINESE! That is why you a pathetic lost soul looking for home like stray dogs! Go and read something about the late Tan Sri Goh Chok Tong (the Genting highland man). He arrived here from mainland China, not born here. But whenever he was a chair person in the Genting Highland Board meetings, he conducted it fully in Bahasa Kebangsaan! Shame on you pathetic lost soul!

I understand BM, BI. So what you wrote and feel, i understand. But do you understand what Chinese actually feel?Excuse of me? A Chinese? Sorry, in this respect I only care for Malaysians, not Chinese!

Munchi is a good example. He is surely understand what Chinese is thinking. I don't mean you all must go SJKs to understand it, at least, be pro-active to understand your non-Malay Brother & Sister .

To me this really a display of blatant BIADAP. You ask me to lend my understanding toward a Chinese? Hey they are NOT my brothers and sisters when they don’t respect the Rukun Negara & the Malaysian Constitutions! They are even worst to scatter around this Land upholding the values of the Communist China. You are one real lost pathetic being, Alan!

I support Satu Sekolah, but my version is DIFFERENT than your Malay-Centric Version. So i won't sign it.Talking about “distrust”. See? Alan, the lost pathetic soul with no back bone, never true to what whatever his was posting here. Never meant what he had said. Yes, definitely you are a retard for having no back bone whatsoever, jumping here and there like monkeys.

I did not speak like this to you before. I had my patience. You are not a Malaysian. Get lost!

Anonymous said...


Matlamat 1Malaysia berlaku bila ada perubahan. Perubahan bermula dari MINDA dan diikuti oleh FIZIKAL. Jika MINDA masih terkongkong, maka FIZIKAL masih tak bergerak. Bila bercakap tentang Satu Sekolah, yang lain2 pulak terkait dan jadi bercelaru. Rileks, step by step.

Yang penting, kena mulakan dari 1. 1 dah settle, baru bergerak ke 2. Tak boleh terus gerak ke 10, terkejut semua organisma alam maya nih.

Remember, changes need to be started from somewhere and any change towards good objective, sokong je la. Akhirnya, kita sama2 yang menikmati hasilnya. Jangan la beri banyak alasan dan terlalu bersentimen.


p/s: NJ, how are you? If possible or not darurat, try not to use that 'babi' word in expressing opinion eventhough that babi is Bahasa Malaysia word.

Pat from Manchester

Anonymous said...

I asked my chinese friends just now. (since with this one school buzz).. they went to vernacular school before. I asked about their system etc etc etc. After they graduate from primary school, they went to sekolah kebangsaan. But, the vernacular mentality is still there. Even though it was a Sekolah Kebangsaan, the school (majority chinese populated), and also private school.. has an option for an extra exam. Forgot already what its called. But this particular exam, they said, apparently is useless in Malaysia BUT ITS A MUST if you want to further you study in China. See where its going? You can't take the China (real China) out of them, regardless!. I lost my faith in this communist blood community already. They're really Chinaman with a myKad. Gone case!. Its like me a Malaysian migrate to USA by my children must take SPM so that they can enter a local university here. Can't call that Americans can we?.

P/s: All my friends who went to vernacular school and later so called Kebangsaan (formality to take local exam? but the truth, nada). ALL OF THEM DONT KNOW THE LYRICS TO NEGARAKU! ALL of them told me the same thing. They just open their mouth mimicking the song every morning. This reflects what kind of school community they mingle with and go to. And bloody heck did the teacher teach everthing but being patriotic to this kids? Such a shame!

Studying in Malaysia but brainwashed with communist ideology. Dengan harapan dapat balik China ka? .. Basketcase!.

Alan said...


Are you alright? Have i asked you learn Mandarin?

So, you mean i cant speak Mandarin when you are around? (it make me not trustable? =.=!)

I cant write blog in Mandarin, because you may see it.(it make my blog because alien in Malaysia server... +.+)

So to you, all of Chinese should forgot Mandarin in this beloved land.

So, that's "wonderful" and "purify" Malaysia! Yeah~


KijangMas said...

A young hardcore DAP choir girl who calls herself Rin and who’s favourite quotation in her blog is “… it’s always fun and necessary to bite the hands that feed you” rolled in here to argue her case. I welcome this engagement, which is a departure from the cowardice Bintang Tiga pukul belakang method these people seem to favour. Since Blogger now limit comments to 4,096 characters, my response to Rin will be in two parts.

Part IRin yelped:-
“You seem to have conveniently left out Article 152(1)(b) where it clearly stated that:
nothing in this Clause shall prejudice the right of the Federal Government or of any State Government to preserve and sustain the use and study of the language of any other community in the Federation.”

Yeah? What is in 152(1)(b) that is different and incremental to 152(1)(a)? What does “to preserve and sustain the use and study of the language of any other community in the Federation” mean? Does it imply permission for the “language of any other community” to be used as the lingua franca and basis of the ENTIRE school curriculum? No. 152(1)(b) in fact restates the point that the languages of the other communities can be used and studied in and of themselves only and not be used to teach other subjects. Do you need a Mandarin version of Perlembagaan Malaysia for you to actually understand this?

See, the more you dig into the Constitution, the deeper you’ll be in the mud of untenable arguments. Do you understand this stuff? Before you bark a clause (b) of anything, you must first comprehend and accept clause (a). You must read 152(1)(b) in the context of and in conjunction with 152(1)(a). Faham? Otherwise, (b) before the (a) becomes reverse foreplay, and I don’t think you will like that. Do you? Again, read 152(1)(a). Then progress to (1)(b). Then tell us again WHERE it says you can go teach hundreds of thousands of innocent little Malaysians a whole curriculum over six crucial formative years in the national and regional languages of far away foreign nations? Where? Show us where?

Rin added:-
“I came from Chinese vernacular schools, but that didn't stop me from making Malay/Indian/Kadazan/Iban... friends wherever I go. Nor did it stop me from reading Malay/English newspapers, magazines, books etc.”

Good for you then. Why you utter “reading Malay/English newspapers, etc.” like a badge of honour that was achieved amidst great hardships deserving special mention? Why? That is EXPECTED of you as a warganegara of this country lah. Nothing special. If a Chinese live in Australia and the UK, must she proclaim to the “native” there that she reads English newspapers and books and deserve some sort of look of wondrous amazement at her feat? That’s a given lah.

And added:-
“On the other hand, I've also have several friends from my own generation, who came from national schools where they mixed with Malays, Indians etc. But still some of them are racists.”

Of course racism will not end with the vernacular schools. In fact racism defines human nature as long as we identify ourselves in terms of “a melting pot of races.” Don’t be lazy. Go read my Racial Polarisation post about this matter. BUT the streamlining of our schools into a single, inclusive system WILL ameliorate some of these social ailments and perceptive imbalances. By doing nothing, as you seem to indicate, HOW can the racial tension in this country be solved? How?

And further added:-
“What I'm trying to say is, it's deeper than just education. To think by having a one school system will unified all Malaysians is simplistic.”

Ok agreed, its deeper than just education. Before you dig deeper, don’t you agree you have to dig the not-so-deep first, such as vernacular schools? Or you have access to a patented social tunneling method that bypasses your SJKC but obliterates everything else?

KijangMas said...

Part IIRin added somemore:-
“I think you know better than I do that the problem runs much deeper and that there are other social, economic and political causes (ie. common deep rooted racial stereotypes, racial politics, economic and geographical divides nationwide, fear of the "Others", and media! etc) that have caused the division among our Malaysian communities.”

Agree, agree and agree. In fact, I couldn’t agree more to what I agreed and hence will agree with your search for agreement above which we will then collectively agree to agree. Agree?

Yes Rin, yes ... the problem of racial polarisation in Malaysia is multifaceted and was forged via history, geography, politics and the whole gamut of socio-political catalysts that will be fodder for blog discussions till the end of time. Having said all that, can’t you agree to play your part in easing this social distress, this societal anomaly almost unequal on the face of this earth? You willing to do your part? To listen and contemplate that maybe, just maybe, your self-segregation into a Mandarin-centric world of schools, books, music, and everything else that comes out of Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taipei MAY be a tad bit unconducive to building a cohesive Malaysian society based on shared affinities and values? Think about it. Can you agree your SJKC is also guilty of fostering mutual animosity and estrangement among the populace? Turn off this and
this for once and think about it.

Rin further uttered:-
“If we don't address these other issues, so what if we've a single school system? The students will just mix back within their own ethnic communities. Like what happened to some of my national school friends.”

Yes again. That’s why we all must tackle from a holistic approach, where the vernacular school is just one, albeit the most important, in a series of factors that must be resynthesized by our national leadership and parliamentarians of all political stripes. And you know why your “national school friends” turned bad and “just mix back within their own ethnic communities”? It's because they are in the minority among the non-Malays (~15%), and are quickly engulfed by the wave upon wave of SJKC products like you. I see this before my eyes in the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan around KL and PJ. The polite SK Chinese boy becomes a grotesque social misfit by the time he’s in form 2 or 3 after being buried by the clannish, unassimilable SJKC products inundating the SMK. Of course, many of these SJKC products would vanish after failing their SRP and reappear in various activities as reported in the media. So much for SJKC academic superiority uh?

Rin's parting shot:-
“It is my democratic right to use whatever language I prefer in the public space. So what if I wanna speak Malay, English, Chinese, Tamil or even Japanese/French/Spanish etc in a shopping mall or on the street which is not a private confine of any specific community?”

Wau-lau-eh, o.k., on the same token, I have a democratic right to call for wider usage of BAHASA MALAYSIA, the national language of your country. Yeah, "so what if I wanna" Bahasa Malaysia to be uttered aloud and everywhere "in a shopping mall or on the street which is not a private confine of any specific community?"

See, we agree again. You can try to fight for your “democratic right” to speak China’s national language in Malaysia; and I and my fellow patriots will fight for my “democratic right” to uphold this country’s sacred constitution and push for the primacy of Bahasa Malaysia in this land called Malaysia.

Anyway, unlike the rest of the cowardice subversives who attack this initiative in their obscure cyber-dungeons, you Rin, DAP Choir Girl and all, has the guts to show your face and give your opinion right here in Demi Negara. We need this kind of active engagement, as our ultimate goal as Warganegaras of our Tanah Air called Malaysia is social cohesion and, ultimately, social justice for all.

Anonymous said...

Sorry NJ,

ini khas hanya untuk Alan,

Alan Sochai,
Lu si hamit lang?
Lu si Nang Bo tin Nang
Koe bo ti koe

Hwa ren hen yong yi Wang Chi
Cina Mudah lupa
Chinese forget easily.


Alan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Phonont said...

Rin, define public space. Contrary to your belief, you do not have absolute right to use whatever language you like anywhere. A case in point is even your godfather LKS has to speak in Bahasa Malaysia in the Parliament. The same ruling applies when you deal with or work in the Public Service. And it pisses me off when I read about one Nelson Sie who b!tched about the unavailability of Chinese-version tax returns! Wtf?!

NJ said...

Salam Pat from Manchester,

Terima kasih kerana bertanyakan khabar. Saya di sini baik-baik saja dan saya harap anda di sana pun mudah-mudahan begitu juga.

'Pat'? Baguslah, biarpun nama glamour tapi jangan lupa asal usul. Daulatkan Bahasa & daulatkan Negara.

Terima kasih atas teguran anda dalam isu 'babi'. Ya. Saya juga amat jelek untuk menggunakan perkataan ini dan rest assure, bukan mudah bagi saya untuk menggunakannya selalu. Se ingat saya, perkataan itu hanya saya gunakan bila membalas komen yang dicatatkan oleh orang bernama/nick "Azrudi" dan "Pak Hijau".

Maaflah kalau ada orang bukan Melayu tapi menyamar jadi Melayu. Jadi perkataan tersebut menggambarkan betapa geramnya hati ini apabila terdapat orang Melayu yang tidak menunjukkan ciri-ciri seorang warga Malaysia, sedangkan dia berketurunan Melayu.

Walau apa pun, terima kasih atas teguran anda.

Bagus juga kalau anda dapat nyatakan apa dia '1', kemudian '2' sehingga '10' seperti dalam komen anda. Dapat juga saya menyelami fikiran serta pendapat anda dalam usaha untuk merealisasikan Bangsa Malaysia yang utuh lagi bersatu padu.

Terima kasih 'Pat' dari Manchester.


You are NOT Malaysian to me.! You can come and have a brotherly chit chat again after you demonstrated satisfactorily that you have paid respect and embraced the Rukun Negara of Malaysia and the Constitution of Malaysia whole heartedly.



Pendekarlara said...

Hallo Alan,

Satu hali lu belapa jam main itu komputer ah?

Apasal gua tengok lu tiap-tiap jam ada kasi masok komen sini? Pagi ada. Petang ada. Malam ada. Suboh pun ada.

Lu keleja itu cybercafe ka? Atau jaga itu mesin kuda ka?

Ini macam mana boleh maaa. Lu kina piligi exercise maa. Kalu tadak exercise, lu punya boti jati macam itu sotong wohh. Manyak limbik-limbik. Nanti itu Ah moi "Rin" pun lali lo.

Haiya, TNSingh. Lu sutah balang losak maaa ...

Alan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alan said...


Rukun Negara:

-Yes, I believe in God.

-I'm loyal to King, NEVER question them. My whole life will be Malaysian.

-Constitution not allowed speak Mandarin? Which line you have referred to?

-Of course. I scared of Saman.

-I practice it through social work & charity, join me?

NJ, open your mind & ear. Go make some Chinese friends, understand what they think about "Malaysian".


L.J. Farmer said...


According to Alan:

"Truth Tanah Melayu is from 1402-1511, it's Sultanate of Malacca ... After 1511, it's become Siamese, Portuguese, Holland, British, Japanese Land until 1957 ... 1957 story is understood by everyone. Ironically, we got to thanks MCP(Malayan Communist Party) make the first attempt ..."

Well, all I can say is ... case closed. Verdict's out. Guilty as charged!!!

This "Alan" fella exemplifies the gross damage done by vernacular schools to the ethnic-Chinese minority of your country. I served with the Perak educ. dept. in the late 90's and I knew then the social timebomb ticking in these non-national schools. We will never allow such outrage here in the U.S.

Even your country's history is twisted silly and mutilated to oblivion by these people.

What next?

I suggest you Malaysians make "Alan" the poster boy of the One School for All campaign. He is the perfect embodiment of all the wrong things about having schools from mainland China transplanted into your fair land.

God bless.

Greensboro, NC 27404

pei ling said...

Hi KijangMas

I’m flattered you took the time to refute my arguments. Of course the racial tension in our country can’t be ease with us doing nothing.

Having said that the root cause of it include many socio-economic-political and geographical factors, as you have agree, I beg to disagree with you in thinking that abolishing vernacular school and having a single school system is one of the most urgent solutions.

I think the most important thing is for our politicians to stop fanning racist sentiments. They also need to stop playing the zero-sum-game (Malay gain=non-Malay lost, vice versa). By continuously spreading fear of the “others” when we’re all Malaysians, their actions (both BN and PR are guilty of it btw) are doing much more damage to the entire nation, than vernacular schools could do ever do.

Socially, it is high time to heal from the May 13 racial riot after 40 years. The government should release the actual accounts of the tragedy asap, so that as a nation, we could face the truth together, however terrible it may have been, and move on from there together. And swear to each other that we would never, never let it happened again no matter what.

Economically, the government also needs to devise a new policy urgently to replace NEP. I know the original intentions of the NEP were noble (membasmi kemiskinan tanpa mengira kaum + hapuskan pengenalan kaum mengikut fungsi ekonomi), but over the years it has been hijacked by politicians for their own cronies and thus failed to reach its original aims.

We as citizens need to play our part to pressure the government for these changes as well, apart from trying our best to be mindful and critical of our own inherent racial prejudices and to view anyone first and foremost as human beings, not their nationality or ethnicity.

Then yes, maybe we can think of a single school system, where our children could mix freely together, and won’t be affected even when their parents, teachers, media, who coming from the older generations and victims of racist sentiments themselves, tried to impart their racial stereotypes and fear of the “others” on our children.

Anonymous said...

lu Sochai

gua bo layan lu


John K.L. Lee said...

Hoi Ah Leong @ Alan


And don't ever come back here, you hear?

pei ling said...

My point of stating Article 152(1)(b) was simply to point out that – it is okay for Chinese, Tamil (and Kadazan, Iban, and other ethnicities in case I’m being accused of being Peninsular-centric) to preserve their respective mother tongue, even if these languages may be alien to others.

No thank you, I do not need a Mandarin version of Perlembagaan Malaysia. And I would really appreciate it if you could refrain from any personal attack when discussing.

I agree that as BM is the national language, everyone should be able to master it.
But I’m alarmed by some of your statements which smacked off intolerance of other languages ie. “The other languages are best kept and nurtured in their countries of origin”, Bahasa penghantar di SJKC ialah Mandarin, Bahasa Kebangsaan sebuah negara asing, iaitu Republik Rakyat China. Malah ia bukan bahasa asli mana-mana suku kaum Cina yang tinggal di negara ini. Bahasa penghantar SJKT pula adalah Tamil, bahasa rasmi negeri Tamil Nadu di India. Ini adalah suatu fenomena sosial yang amat ganjil dan tidak harus di benarkan di negara kita”

Does making BM supreme means we have to degrade other languages? One language to rule them all? Could we not promote the use of BM while keeping other languages? Is there really no alternatives?

As for reading Malay/English materials, I did not utter it like a badge of honour, nor did I expect any look of wondrous amazement. Yes, like you said, it should be expected. I mentioned it only because you and your commentators have the tendency to stereotype and imply that “SRJK products” like me, living in our Mandarin-centric world, only read Mandarin stuffs and only care about China, Taiwan, HK whatever.

Anyway, I do appreciate you trying to understand where I'm coming from before countering. That's what we need the most in rational dialogue.

p/s: Not sure why you identify me as a “hardcore DAP choir girl” but not hardcore MCA choir girl…anyway, I side with non.

Voren said...

Herr KijangMas, die spielführer und blogosphäre übermensch.

Ich unterstütze eine Schule für alle.

Alan, wenn Sie nach Deutschland kommen, ich werde Sie schlagen, schweinhund!!!


Karl-Heinz Vorennisch
Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, BRD,
(... und Tok Bali, Staatlich von Kelantanien)

pei ling said...

Phonont, i apologise for my inappropriate term 'democratic right" which do not necessary translate into "absolute right". but yeah, to clarify for your sake, I only meant general public space like shopping malls, mamaks, parks, where we ordinary citizens hang out lah...

I did not intend to challenge the status of BM as national language, or English as international language, but spare a thought for the older generations of Tamil/Chinese people lah...Most of them came here to look work (much like current Indonesians/Philippines workers), even if they've learnt how to speak BM by themselves after all these years, I doubt they had the time to learn how to read and write in BM when they're struggling to make ends meet. To be fair, Nielsen Sie was just speaking up for them.

Anonymous said...

Wahai NJ

Buleh tak saudara terangkan kpd pakcik apa yang saudara tak puas hati dengan diri saya ini?

Adakah saudara tak setuju bahawa sebagai seorang muslimin kita adalah diperlukan perwatakan pada level yang lebih tinggi dari orang-orang biasa dan kita tak patut akur dengan ajakan Syaitan yang sentiasa menyuruh kita panas baran dan bergaduh. Kita diajar sifat sabar dan teguran yang beradab. Saya tak tau apa kena mengena percakapan saya dengan permainan politik Eli Wong ataupun Nizar, saya tidak percaya kepada parti-parti politik. Saya berserah hanya kepada yang Satu dan yang Esa.

Tugas saya melawat blog ini adalah untuk menegur para mukminin supaya jangan lah kita terjebak kedalam rasukkan Syaitan yang senang bila melihat kita menggunakan bahasa-bahasa kesat yang membarakan api-api menjurus kepada kebencian dan penceraian umat manusia sejagat.

Janganlah lupa sifat-sifat para barisan Nabi Allah yang mana budi pekerti mereka menyerlah dan merupakan antara tarikan utama kepercayaan umat masing-masing. Bayangkan sekiranya bangsa-bangsa disekeliling para nabi bercakap dengan lebih bersopan dari nabi, adakah nabi akan berjaya menyampaikan perutusan Allah?

Ingatlah wahai umat Islam bahawa kita sentiasa dinilai oleh wakil-wakil Allah SWT di kedua-dua belah bahu kita. Kita tak dinilai dengan berapa ramai orang sesat yang kita pukul atau bunuh. Kita dinilai dengan berapa ramai manusia kafir yang dapat kita selamatkan dari genggaman syaitan yang telah berjanji akan menyesatkan sebanyak manusia sebulehnya. Tugas utama kita adalah melawan dan menyelamatkan sebanyak manusia yang buleh, inilah bukti kemuliaan manusia dari makhluk syaitan.

Sebelum kita nak kutuk bangsa dan agama lain, kita kena mengutuk bangsa kita sendiri dahulu, yang mana tak ikut arahan Allah kita kena perbetulkan dulu, yang mana jatuh dari landasan agama kita perbetulkan dulu, yang mana rosak kita baiki dulu. Selepas itu baru lah kita ada moral high ground untuk kata kat bangsa lain "kurang ajar."

Sekian nasihat dari seorang abang yang telah pencen pada April 2009.

Pak Hijau

Do'akan supaya sama-sama kita menimba kesedaran akan peranan dan tanggungjawab kita kepada semua manusia. Tiada lagi Nabi selepas Muhammad SAW, yang tinggal hanya kita untuk membawa perwatakan mulia Nabi Muhammad kepada seluruh dunia.

Anonymous said...

Rin said in a pathetic way,

"It is my democratic right to use whatever language I prefer in the public space."

Rin, I wish you could say that to R., the 14 year old French garçon that I mentioned umpteenth times, he would know how to handle a non patriotic specimen like you !!! Thank your lucky stars that you're not in France. It is evident now that the SRJKC continue to mass produce "Malaysians" without the love for Malaysia who have no qualms of glorifying subversive elements and arrogant to the core!!

Down, down to Vernacular Schools!!

Somers said...

Alan said,

After reading some comments from Ah Mois, Ah Bengs et al here, I can say that it shows that the Chinese and Indians of Malaysia are chauvinists and not willing to get involve in nation building. They are too inward looking and ego-centric that they forgot to be true Malaysians with "Malaysian" values and not values more adapt to China or Tamil Nadu. Wonder why are you guys still hanging around in Tanah Melayu? You people get offended when we ask you to "balik kampong", but see, not even a tinge of Malaysian-ness in you. Come on lah, if you are serious in helping the government to create a Bangsa Malaysia, this is the time to help and to PROVE that you really CARE for the country, not just spewing illogical and stupid rhetorics....

God/Tuhan/Allah help Bumi Malaysia Tercinta.

the bee said...

Phonont said,
"And it pisses me off when I read about one Nelson Sie who b!tched about the unavailability of Chinese-version tax returns! "

Maybe next time they are going to ask a death cerificate, marriage certificate and whatever certificate in Chinese ....chinese characters must be imprinted on toilet paper, etc ..apa ini negeri China ke?

Also, went to the link provided by KM,

Ayoyo, if a martian were to land here, he/she would think that M'sia is a China Tongsua country ....apa ini?

Hai, nak muntah lah ....

Somers said...

Sorry folks, this is the correct version from me (pls forget the comment that I posted at 3.02 am),

After reading some comments from Ah Mois, Ah Bengs et al here, I can say that it shows that the Chinese and Indians of Malaysia are chauvinists and not willing to get involve in nation building. They are too inward looking and ego-centric that they forgot to be true Malaysians with "Malaysian" values and not values more adapt to China or Tamil Nadu. Wonder why are you guys still hanging around in Tanah Melayu? You people get offended when we ask you to "balik kampong", but see, not even a tinge of Malaysian-ness in you. Come on lah, if you are serious in helping the government to create a Bangsa Malaysia, this is the time to help and to PROVE that you really CARE for the country, not just spewing illogical and stupid rhetorics....

God/Tuhan/Allah help Bumi Malaysia Tercinta.

ps ....won't wanna give the last laugh to Alan, the menace.

Anonymous said...


Some of the comments in the Petition Section have pointed to the mainly Malay signatories. I think it doesn't matter.

We cannot expect many Chinese to sign in view of the "Alan" kind of mentality (imagine, this boy even glorifies the terrorist organisation, Malayan Communist Party), those who may feel intimidated by that kind of thinking, and those who generally think why should I bother so long as I can make more money and get more and more benefits from this country after various provocations by the "Alan" kind of arguments.

We should not be deterred. Malays should go on signing and not think that it may not mean much because the Petition is signed mainly by Malays. We are the majority in this country, anyway. Let's have an overwhelming response from the Malays. We need to show the authorities that Malays have been rudely awakened by the likes of "Alan".

I fully agree with the call made by one commentator earlier that this "Alan" fellow be made an example of the of the kind in our midst who don't seem to appreciate the many explanations given to him, who refuse to understand fully and appreciate the history of this country (imagine the bloke suggesting that this country belonged to the Malays only during the Malacca Sultanate!), refuse to understand and accept the relevant aspects of the Constitution(choosing to accept only those in their favour), probably bought and live by the tape mocking Negara Ku made by one of his kind, has no idea about what loyalty is, and so on.

He definitely is looking for attention. Sometimes I wonder whether we should give the attention he is seeking. Perhaps we should just ignore him, let him bark like a dog out there all alone without anyone reacting to whatever nonsense he says. Sometimes I wonder if he is sane; he definitely is maladjusted, like many products of SJKs are. If we completely ignore him without anyone commenting or reacting to whatever he says, he might get tired out and eventually disappear from the scene.

I agree with what the others have said - he is a menace to our society, to this country. Demented, inflammatory, subversive and dangerous when he suggested that Malays own this country only during the Malacca Sultanate and when he praised the terrorist MCP.


Alan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
helmy said...

kepada pak hijau,

"usaha dan tawakkal"

selepas puas berusaha, barulah kita bertawakkal.. takkan nak terus berserah.

satu lagi,semua ini tiada kena mengena dengan agama. ini tentang perpaduan orang Malaysia. tentang masa depan Malaysia. bukan mengenai high moral ground. Di harap pakcik faham.

me said...

As I've said everywhere else, I want a single school system. This comes from an SJK kid by the way.

Nonetheless, it's the methods employed that I frown on.

This present effort tries very little (IMHO) to be conciliatory, but is actually quite abrasive.

Many disagreements by others are immediately characterised as chauvinistic, and the enthusiasm by certain quarters has certainly reeked of chauvinism of one kind.

The emphasis on "satu bahasa" on the other hand, while entirely justifiable, makes no attempt at providing assurances that a single school system will not suppress other languages.

I personally know numerous non-Malays who would be happy, supportive even, to go along with a single system. But the rhetoric used by many quarters seem to care little about providing guarantees on language education in Mandarin and Tamil.

Finally of course, while all this back and forth is occurring, it seems very alienating to an East Malaysian such as me when the entire argument is based on the racial dynamics of the West.

I support a single school system in BM, even though BM itself was never the mainstream language in much of pre-indepence Sabah. But I therefore resent the overbearing nature of certain proponents of this system, thinking that their vision of Malaysia is the only valid one.


me said...

As one final point, there seems to be a tendency to declare all who don't seem to conform to one's view of what a Malaysian should be as unpatriotic etc.

I would just like to say that no one owns the definition of "Malaysian". That is for our individual selfs to form for ourselves. We only possess the power of persuasion if we want others to accept our view of what a "Malaysian" is.

And simplistic generalisations imposed on others and cries of treachery does not persuasion make.

Again and again, we must adopt a CONCILIATORY tone.

Personal attacks seem to be the norm in our discourse. So what if someone disagrees? I see that Khoo Kay Peng has his own opinions, but he wasn't vitriolic about it. Yet there is no restraint against attacking his character while little effort is made to actually engage.

No engagement means no popular support. If things go on the way it is now, all your efforts will quickly dissolve into a mangled fisticuff.


Cenderawasih said...

Alan, Alan...

1957 story is understood by everyone. Ironically, we got to thanks MCP(Malayan Communist Party) make the first attempt(During this time, rebels under the leadership of the Malayan Communist Party launched guerrilla operations designed to force the British out of Malaya - wiki)
rujuk wikipedia yang boleh diedit tu?

hati-hati Alan....

first attempt?hahaha, kau tak belajar sejarah ke?hahaha.Pernah dengar Tok Janggut?Mat Kilau?Tok Bahaman?aii banyak nak tanya satu-satu.

Contoh kegagalan SJK, orang melayu berjuang menentang kuasa asing selama beratus-ratus tahun. Kenyataan kau merupakan satu penghinaan terhadap melayu diseluruh malaysia.
Alan baca ni...

kat dalam tu klik 'A Brief History of Malay Peninsula'

hayati penderitaan orang melayu, baik diutara dan diselatan tanahair.

p/s saya sedih membaca perjuangan orang melayu menentang Siam.

Anonymous said...

I was from the national school system and had a good education there. However, this was 20 years ago. The standards of teaching have since deteriorated - obviously not in all the schools but in a good majority of them as the older dedicated teachers have retired.

As a Malaysian, I believe it is important to have good command of BM as our national language and unifying factor. But I do not like the way the petition is worded. I do not like the way in which any commentator with a differing view is put down and insulted. Surely this is not the way the sell an idea? You want to win over people not alienate them.

Besides BM I believe it is equally important to have a good command of English and other languages for international and global communication. I am in business and we use English everyday. As I also have big clients in China I wish I had studied Mandarin, as I have to rely on an interpreter (thank goodness for my Chinese schooled staff). Unless the Government is going to change this entirely it does somewhat affected our fluency in BM; but it does not mean we are less Malaysian. The folk behind the petition should get real about what is needed today. Jaganlah menjadi 'katak di-bawah tempurung'.

Ordinary Guy

NJ said...

Salam PakCik,

Saya tidak berpuas hati apabila pakcik menyeru supaya kita jangan berbahasa kasar kerana kata pakcik itu bukan suatu perwatakan yang baik umat Nabi Muhammad. Saya bersetuju dengan pakcik.

Tetapi pakcik juga mesti juga mengambilkira sekurang-kurangnya masa, tempat, keadaannya dalam sebelum mengutarakan apa-apa saranan sekalipun. Sebab itulah saya menyarankan pakcik supaya benar-benar mensyukuri anugerah yang dizahirkan di dalam tempurung kepala kita. Sebab itulah saya memberi contoh “kisah Eli Wong” yang pakcik kata tidak ada kena mengena dengan percakapan pakcik.

Fikir sejenak pakcik.

Eli Wong – Helmi – Isteri Helmi – Sanak saudara Helmi & Isteri – Makcik-Makcik yang bertudung yang berada di sebelah Eli Wong semasa sidang akbar Eli --- pakcik = makcik makcik bertudung (pakcik & makcik yang kedua-duanya berSembahYANG, bukan?)

Saranan pakcik supaya jangan berbahasa kasar kepada anasir-anasir subversif yang memporak peranda negara ini adalah setaraf dengan suara makcik-makcik yang membela Eli apabila Eli bertegas dengan ‘seksual inclinationnya’ kerana itu adalah hak peribadinya. Ya, mungkin saya boleh menghormati seseorang yang ingin bersekedudukan atas dasar hak peribadi manusia. Tapi dalam membela hak peribadi Eli ini, tidakkah juga makcik-makcik yang berSembahYANG itu juga menzalimi isteri Helmi dan agama Islam itu sendiri? Apa yang sebenarnya makcik-makcik itu Sembah sekurang-kurangnya 5 kali sehari itu?

Begini sajalah pakcik. Pakcik bersuara dari tempat yang “aman” kerana pakcik masih terlena walaupun subuh telah hampir luput waktunya. Tidak kenalah rasanya saranan pakcik itu supaya berbudi bahasa kepada anasir-anasir subversif yang cuba memporak-peranda negara tercinta ini. Takut-takut nanti kami gugur, baru pakcik tersedar dari lena kerana gamatnya suara orang membakar surau tempat pakcik berSembahYANG itu. Saya harap, pakcik faham yang budi bahasa pun ada maqamnya.

Saya petik ulasan ulasan pakcik:-

Sebelum kita nak kutuk bangsa dan agama lain, kita kena mengutuk bangsa kita sendiri dahulu, yang mana tak ikut arahan Allah kita kena perbetulkan dulu…Wahai pakcik yang masih lena. Bangunlah. Azan telah lama berkumandang. Kutuk bangsa dan kutuk agama sendiri kata pakcik? Bukankah kasar bahasanya ini pakcik? Sudahlah kasar, tempatnya hanya layak di kandang kerbau pendek! Pakcik..pakcik.. begitu tinggi pakcik julang bangsa dan agama orang lain sehinggakan pakcik perlu mengutuk bangsa dan agama pakcik sendiri!

Kenalkah pakcik syaitan mana yang telah mendampingi diri pakcik ini ?! Na’uzubillah! Masya Allah! Saya menjauhkan diri dari pakcik!

Kembalilah kepada Rukun Islam pakcik. Saksikan lah Rasul Allah itu pakcik! Saksikan lah bahawa tiada apa jua segala sesuatu melainkan Allah! Renungilah apabila saya menulis perkataan “SembahYANG” itu pakcik. Apa yang pakcik sembah ni?! Fahamkah pakcik bila pakcik ucapkan “aku hadapkan wajah ku ke WajahMu..” setiap kali sebelum membaca Al-Fatihah dalam SembahYANG pakcik itu?

Tugas menyampaikan berada di maqam yang tinggi pakcik. Kalau di sifat Nabi, ianya disebut “Tabligh” pakcik. Sudah pakcik Benar & Amanah apabila pakcik nak berpesan-pesanan? Syaitan pun Nampak gayanya pakcik terlepas pandang?

Pesanan saya pakcik, hari ini pakcik bersyahadah dengan 2 kalimah itu, tanyakan diri pakcik – “Amankah diri ini sekiranya aku mati besok? Tahu kah kemana tujuan ku?” Kalau pakcik boleh menjawab soalan ini pada diri pakcik dengan jujur jati diri, Al hamdulillah. Sekiranya tidak, mungkin pakcik undur setapak lagi untuk menghayati Rukun Iman yang 6.

Salam sejahtera,

p/s: Good! One file named ‘Alan’ flushed for Indah Water Consortium perusal.

Aloysius Thamboosamy Pillai said...

Alan's last words -

"Be relax, this is my last comment."

Ahh, ........ praise the Lord for his little favours.

Ok AuLeong, it was nice knowing you. It was good, really good, while it lasted. Cherio buddy. Take care of your little mesin kuda scam ok?

Muahahahaaha .... good riddance.


(Hi KM dear, your old PJ Uncle Alois here! Couldn't help it. Auntie Evonne says hi. Hehehe)

Tommy Yewfigure said...

People, please respect the good advice and voice of reasoning from Pak Hijau. I’m forever thankful for the likes of him to keep me & my childhood gang to be kept in the right, straight & honest path despite our wild ways in our younger days.

As for those who wish to comments regarding this ‘Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua’, please lah sign the petition first to show your goodwill & bona fide intent. It shows that you are agreeable to this idea even though that there are some issues that you wish to discuss further, fair enough. There’s a comment column for this purpose, what. This is what normal negotiation is all about; we discuss, iron out the differences, compromise on certain points, and then finally reach an amicable agreement. This is NOT a referendum. This petition will go to the MOE who would then take into consideration, the voice of the rakyat (If there’s enough voices to warrant them taking further action). They will then make it their mission to organise think tanks, discussion groups etc… to present a plan that will then go into proper channel for final approval. There you go; even OTG like me can see this simple process. Why lah be so difficult just because it comes from DN? People like EWO who had past differences with KM, agreed it’s a good idea but yet knock it down, just because KM blog put this initiative up. EWO, you shouldn’t bring up your personal past tiff with KM when we discuss on this present issue. You are just like a woman when it comes to arguing, once you realise you are on the back foot, you bring up past issues to negate your mistakes. (Hehe..sorry to all the women out there, I don’t actually meant it like that.).

As for Alan, it’s a case of ‘mind over matter’, I don’t MIND if you don’t MATTER. You look like a lost cause, neither here or there. Go stick to your TFK & don’t waste time upsetting people here.


Unker Yew.

P/S- KM, I hope u DO NOT ever become the 7th PM, else people will scream cronyism if Unker is appointed the next ambassador to the Scandinavian Countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway; wah what paradise). I’m oso upset with that fella that took my unique number 1, 007 spot! Is it really that fella kah???

WebEnforcer v.4.4 said...

A rabid anti-Unified School racist extremist and his incendiary remarks: Here in a FOREIGN language.

IP traced to xxx Tiang Boo in Puchong. Special Branch IT Crimes file opened 22/5/09.

More to come.

Naif said...

Alan wrote:


I think i really wasted my time. You guys only know scold a person - "Hey, this fellow is NOT Malaysian" after read the different idea than you? History explanation is multifaceted, but the events i mentioned is never changed.

Disappointed. Be relax, this is my last comment. And please continue play around your Satu Sekolah with Malays since you do not want a non-Malay involve.

Back in my NATIONAL school days, you know what the budak2 says when ppl like you come along? "alah, acah sikit sikit pun nak merajuk".

You know what happens when somebody writes a comment that is tad different from somebody else in themalaysianinsider or malaysia-today? They got whacked and gangbang like mad. Then you get called names like "UMNO dog" and whatnot.

This is cyberspace lah, people will say what they want.

KC said...

written by Sinewy, May 22, 2009 17:09:35
Syed Akbar Ali, such a fine son you have and wish him all the success in his undertakings for we in malaysia need fine people like him to move the country to a greater height in the spirit of fairness and equality to all malaysians. But the problem with this country is that if a non bumi student were to follow the undertaking like your son, the government will never accept him and his only choice is to go to a private university for a medical degree which will cost more than half a million ringgit. So only the very rich can follow your son's footstep for a non bumi. There is always a political and communal agenda in our present day education system. It is not about meritocracy and in the search of excellence. It is about who is getting what....Let's look at a simple situation. If the matriculation has been claimed to be similar in standard to STPM, why in the world the government here doesn't allow all aspiring students to undertake the same matriculation programme so that all students will then have the same entrance exams to the university? Why the matriculation only be given to the bumis? Don't you think the government is very cynical in treating the education system with a racial agenda? I believe that all races have bright and not so bright students. My malay classmate during my secondary school always score first place in the class. But in the process of elevating the education for the bumis, why should a responsible government deliberately deprive other good students. Only a cynical government with a racial agenda will do such thing to its citizens in the name of protecting the rights and priviledges of one communal group. It really pains those citizens who suffer such deprivation. When we have such a large segment of the students being discriminated, do you think we can persuade them to think positively about this country and the cynical government? And we blame the vernicular schools for disunity in this country..the bigger sinner is the discrimination suffered by the large group of deprived students years in years out. The only words the government can tell this people is that they face such predicament because they are of the wrong skin colour.

KC said...

INDONESIA is an example that 1Sekolah & 1Language had failed miserably! Non-prebumi adopts Indonesia names. Non-prebumi speaks only Bahasa Indonesia and attends only national schools .

However, they are still being discriminated and massacred by the prebumi..

What unity? 1Sekolah has the hidden agenda to Malaynise all non-Malays and to continue discriminating them officially.

The truth is Vernacular school is not the problem. The real problem is the apartheid taht is practised by UMNO for the past 50 years.

Naif said...

A lot of my mates are in Facebook. SO in order to reach out to them, i decided to write my own piece on the matter and of course urging them to sign the petition.

KM, if you have the time, do check it out :)

I'm thinking of doing more giving talks in my college and what not...A lot of my friends (non malays and malays) are asking how they can help too.

Anonymous said...

Saudara Helmi,

"Usaha" apakah yang cuba saudara bentangkan ini, pak hanya bertanyakan tentang penggunaan bahasa-bahasa kesat dan tak bermoral di laman web yang berniat baik ini. Perkataan-perkataan kesat yang hina tidak patut dilontarkan dan dikepilkan bersama usaha SSuS yang murni.

Jika bahasa melambangkan bangsa, maka malang sekali bangsa kita kerana dikelompokkan sekali dengan perkataan-perkataan hina yang tiada tempat di depan Allah.

Adik Helmi, anda tak boleh lari dari agama, jauh mana anda sembunyi pun agama tetap akan mengejar anda. Agama adalah benteng moraliti kita.

Ya Allah! Jauhkan lah diri kami dari kumpulan-kumpulan manusia yang tidak erti sifat adab dan hormat! Kenalkanlah hati mereka kepada sifat NabiMu Ya Allah! Buka lah hati mereka ke jalanMu yang lurus Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang!

Pak Hijau

Anonymous said...

Rin dan yang seangkatan dengannya,

Membaca bebelan Rin dan yang seangkatan dengannya membuatkan saya muak dan meluat.

Meluat kerana kononnya Rin membebel seolah-olah Rin seorang yang begitu bersungguh-sungguh untuk memperlihatkan diri seorang yang cintakan perpaduan, namun segala bebelan yang disampaikan oleh Rin akhirnya boleh disimpulkan bahawa Rin langsung tiada niat untuk menyokong atau memberikan cadangan untuk merealisasikan satu sekolah untuk semua rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum, politik dan sebagainya.

Apa yang penting di sini ialah, sama ada Rin bersama kami atau pun tidak? Tidak perlulah Rin dan seangkatan dengannya memberikan seribu helah dan dalih, belok ke kiri dan ke kanan dengan pelbagai alasan dan justifikasi semata-mata keras hati dan tidak mahu melihat objektif kempen ini secara positif.

Kalau sudah hati sekeras batu, berilah kempen yang sebagaimana murni sekali pun pasti ditentang juga.


Anonymous said...


Let me explain a little on your comments.

You said, "Socially, it is high time to heal from the May 13 racial riot after 40 years. The government should release the actual accounts of the tragedy asap". But, my friend, the government has released the actual accounts the very 40 years ago. Not long after the event. There was what's called a "White Paper" detailing what happened, the cause and effects, in a formal, factual manner. You can read about them in Jebat Must Die blog; he wrote three articles on May 13, 1969 which are currently appearing in that blog.

However, I like your statements "(We) swear to each other that we would never, never let it happened again no matter what" and "We as citizens need to play our part to pressure the government for these changes as well". But, you see, we on our part, are doing just that by writing the Memo. Have you, on your part, signed the petition? Surely on a matter of national unity and the creation of a united and cohesive Bangsa Malaysia (which all these are about), one doesn't say give me what I want from the country first then only I give what the country wants. I hope you realise that what the country wants from all of us is loyalty and an expression of support for a national unity initiative which is a reflection of loyalty. Let's move on. To use your own words, let us as citizens play our part - for lasting peace and harmony in this country of ours.

You also said, "I know the original intentions of the NEP were noble (membasmi kemiskinan tanpa mengira kaum + hapuskan pengenalan kaum mengikut fungsi ekonomi), but over the years it has been hijacked by politicians for their own cronies and thus failed to reach its original aims."
I also have grouses on the implementation of the NEP. But that subject should be discussed separately. Let's not mix politics with this proposal on national unity and the creation of a Bangsa Malaysia. We who jointly put up this proposal are not a political group, just a collection of concerned citizens. And again, let's not talk about putting the cart before the horse. In this forum, let's talk about promoting the interest of the country, the national interest.

You asked, "Does making BM supreme means we have to degrade other languages?". We are not degrading any other languages in the sense that you might think. We are merely saying that Bahasa Melayu (later called Bahasa Malaysia/ Bahasa Resmi) is written in the Constitution of the country. All loyal citizens must respect the Constitution. It's the highest set of laws of the country; all other laws are based on it.

You are concerned about such statements as "Bahasa penghantar di SJKC ialah Mandarin, Bahasa Kebangsaan sebuah negara asing, iaitu Republik Rakyat China. Malah ia bukan bahasa asli mana-mana suku kaum Cina yang tinggal di negara ini. Bahasa penghantar SJKT pula adalah Tamil, bahasa rasmi negeri Tamil Nadu di India. Ini adalah suatu fenomena sosial yang amat ganjil dan tidak harus di benarkan di negara kita”. But are they not the real, hard facts? Nobody says mothertongues cannot be used in other than official business, in private. But the official language of a foreign country should not be used as the medium of instruction of schools in Malaysia as schools are deemed official busines. Especially when Bahasa Melayu is written in the Consitution of the country.


satD said...

Unker soli ma...sweden gua sudah chop!!!but will throw u a nice party when u drop by during winter....

KijangMas said...

Rezuan, thanks for the Google Translate. Its almost as fun as Google Earth. What next? Google BackRub? So now I know where this “Alan” manufacture all those pseudo-English sentences in his comments.


Naif, I read your SSS booster piece on Facebook just now. Fantastique! Your PJ boy story is a mirror image of mine. SK Sri Aman chicks ah? I was partial to the SK Assunta-type though. You may find it hard to believe, but the young KijangMas was much sought after by the damsels back then. Ahh, those were the days. :) Unker Yew would understand, with his Nora and all.

Now, go get my 10,000 sigs!!!


Unker Yew said:-
“I’m oso upset with that fella that took my unique number 1,007 spot! Is it really that fella kah???”

Ooiih? I thought it was Yew, no I mean you that took that number and pulled a fast one with that name? Waulaueh, if its not you Yew, than it must really be him then. This calls for drastic action .......

Yo Alan, ten big, ten small on 1007 (一零零七). Saturday special draw ok? Mah piau, mah piau ... 我将富人!!!


This “Pak Hijau” fellow makes me laugh. While we spar over SSS in a lively dialogue, this maniacal mullah keeps on spewing his cyber khutbah that has nothing to do with the matter at hand! I think its high time for a Dal Treatment here. Amacam Pakcik Dal? Boleh tak bawak kiyai ni pergi berdakwah dalam rimba Janda Baik sambil sama-sama cari baong?

Anyway, I get blurry flashbacks of the PAS human roadblock whenever I think of this Green Unker. Scaryyyy mannn ......

Or maybe Pak Hijau and Alan are one and the same? Ok, ok, if not in body, at least in cranial output.


To the troll self-described as KC, was was and various other cyber-incarnations, please do not inundate this blog with copy-paste racist trash from the MT felons’ lair. Try to understand blogging tatatertib and budaya a bit. You do not regurgitate and smear the shit of one blog to another blog as a form of attack. If you have dissenting thoughts permeating your wretched soul, type it yourself. That’s what the keyboard’s for. Don’t just treat old qwerty as a receptacle for your juvenile droolings over forbidden flesh and that odd dropped phee sai and the occasional Mo Far Kor. Put some effort not to be a 愚蠢的白痴.

Darn, they sure ooze out in droves now. Full moon oredi ahh?

Naif said...

KC wrote:

INDONESIA is an example that 1Sekolah & 1Language had failed miserably! Non-prebumi adopts Indonesia names. Non-prebumi speaks only Bahasa Indonesia and attends only national schools .

However, they are still being discriminated and massacred by the prebumi..

What unity? 1Sekolah has the hidden agenda to Malaynise all non-Malays and to continue discriminating them officially.

The truth is Vernacular school is not the problem. The real problem is the apartheid taht is practised by UMNO for the past 50 years
Wait isnt this what you non-malays want too? haha I mean at the least the first half of what you said. Maybe not Malayanise all non malays but MALAYSIANISE all malaysians..try to think of it that way and you wont be so pessimistic. Think positive and you attractive the positive. Law of attraction my friend.

Btw, I've read a lot of stuff from Farish Noor (Pakatan's favourite history boy) to learn that actually, all of us share a common history. If we are but one people, then whats wrong? Whats wrong with malayanise all malaysians? After all, we all came to this blessed land by boat right? Wrong the malays reached the shore first haha. kidding kidding k, i know i know its arguable.

But like KM says: Fundamentally, a member of the Bangsa Malaysia should speak the national language of the Federation, Bahasa Malaysia, fluently and as a primary language; be fully versed with adat-adat and tatasusila orang Melayu and other Bumiputras of the Federation; demonstrates respect and deference to Islam as the official religion of the Federation and exhibit traits and mannerisms acceptable to the Malays and other Bumiputras. Non-Malay members of this Bangsa Malaysia may speak in their own dialects in private and may practise their own cultures and religions in the private confines of their community. Also, Budaya Malaysia is based on the budaya of the Malays and other Bumiputras of the Federation – in their various representations. End quote.

The problem with people like you is that, not for one second did it hit ur mind that this whole thing might just backfire on UMNO/BN. THink about it, all 3 major races learning about each other in a young age, learning to respect each other's cultural differences, being aware of each others likes and dislikes. Having a "malaysian" mindset as oppose to "my race first" mindset. You never know, we might just groom a new generation of malaysians who are very pro-pakatan. That will surely make you happy wont it?

About Indonesian chinese. Errr... have you ever talk to one? I have. Go to MMU or Lim Kok Wing and you'll find that these Indonesian Chinese speak better Bahasa than you ever will in your lifetime. You see language will forever remain the key to break down racial barriers. And if we can find a common language that all of us can share (in this case BM), then race relations will improve tremondously.

Apartheid....rigggghhttt. So all the more reason to abolish vernacular schools?

Kinda funny when you think about it. Yang nak sangat malaysian schools are mostly we MALAYS.

Anonymous said...


In my earlier post in this block I mentioned that my children go to Sek Keb. from primary school.

I also mentioned the racial slur and taunt they experienced from not only their Malay schoolmates but from some of the teachers too.

After reading a column in the newspaper, I realised that Biro Tata Negara plays a big part in formenting intolerance and disunity not to mention hatred for others who are not Malays and Muslims. I realise now that all govt servants have to attend "courses" run by Biro Tata Negara.

I also realised that many of my sons schoolmates have parents working in the govt service. So my conclusion is that such intolerance spewed by Biro Tata Negara has filtered down to the young.

So what remedy do you suggest for the problem rooted from Biro Tata Negara ?.How can it be corrected ?.

Your focus on one language as a unifying factor is noble, but I don't see how unity and oneness can be brought about by merely speaking the same language.(My children experience it in school)

In fact even today, practically all the younger non Malays have a working knowledge of BM, sufficient for daily communication amongst the various communities though not all are as gifted as to be able to write novels etc in BM.

In other words, there already exist a blanket unity of language for all Malayians with BM as the medium.Like what BI is doing in Indonesia.

As to calling ourself Malaysians, how can we achieve that when in all formal forms be it govt ( eg. ICs, Passport, Exams) or in the private sector (eg. Credit card forms, AC forms etc), one has to fill in one's race as Malay, Chinese, Indian or others.

Maybe it is time there is a clarion call for such race requirements to be remove from all forms.

Would that be possible ?. If not , then how can one expect a Malaysian not to identify oneself as Malay ,Chinese ,Indian etc ?.

Moreover, can one believe that there is going to be real unity even if all Malaysians speak only BM if divisive and discriminative implementation of govt policies continue ?.

One of the Malay blogger here has rightly said that Malays today are not like the Malays of the 50s and 60s. How can they be so after some 38 odd years with many, being second or third generation of University graduates ?.

I believe, the question of one language for comminication purposes for all Malaysians is more or less settled except the tweaking of the teaching of BM in Vernacular schools (by having better trained BM teachers and more hours allocated for its teaching).

My believe is that a united Malaysian society can only be forged by the implementation of meritocracy at large.

Any exception to such implementation should be applied to a class of Malaysians and not be based on race or religion.

That's my two sen worth of thought.



Naif said...

Tommy wrote:

As for those who wish to comments regarding this ‘Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua’, please lah sign the petition first to show your goodwill & bona fide intent. It shows that you are agreeable to this idea even though that there are some issues that you wish to discuss further, fair enough. There’s a comment column for this purpose, what. This is what normal negotiation is all about; we discuss, iron out the differences, compromise on certain points, and then finally reach an amicable agreement. This is NOT a referendum. This petition will go to the MOE who would then take into consideration, the voice of the rakyat (If there’s enough voices to warrant them taking further action). They will then make it their mission to organise think tanks, discussion groups etc… to present a plan that will then go into proper channel for final approval.

This is a very apt statement on the whole issue. If you dont mind I'm going to use this on Facebook where I'm starting my own heated discussion.

Tam Dalyell said...

Warkah untuk Pak Hijau.

While others are sidetracking us by their personal grouses, you Pak Hijau are doing the same by your ‘aku-orang-alim-semua-mesti-ikut-cakap-aku’ patronizing self-conceit.

Pak Hijau wants us to believe what he makes himself out to be. Frankly, he is out to deceive.

You see Pak Hijau, no humble muslim (let alone a kiayi) would embarrass himself (and others) by making a calling to pure human qualities dalam majlis seperti ini. Its wrongly placed, wrongly worded and wrongly addressed to.

I suspect you are a non-Muslim out to discredit everything that is not you. A pretender does that.

A real da’i would address his da’wah to his innerself, (to his own inner ketidaksempurnaan) so that if others hear him, is encouraged to see into their inner selves.

But you are doing the opposite. Your himmah and hikmah is that of a serial rapist .. hence you succeed only in making your hearer (reader) detest you.

So next time you open your mouth, don’t make a reference to the Prophet of Allah s.a.w. and Allah, for you hardly know them .. because you are not a follower.

You are a pretender, and a lousy one at that. One never not makes a do’a to Allah like that … what you did is making a demand by saying, “Ya Allah! Kau janji kata kami umat Muhammad SAW adalah umat terbaik sekalian manusia! Tunaikanlah janjiMu ya Tuhanku! Aku malu!”

A slave never makes demand to his Master. And you expect Allah to comply to your demand just because you (not even a speck of dust in this cosmos) merasa MALU? Besar sangatkah kemaluan kamu hingga Allah mesti berkejar-kejar menghilangkannya? Belajar sahaja dari Kurthu.

Saya fakir Pah Hijau ini tidak tahu malu.

Anonymous said...


May I clarify a few points made by readers recently:

Ordinary Guy said, "Besides BM I believe it is equally important to have a good command of English and other languages for international and global communication .. As I also have big clients in China I wish I had studied Mandarin". Please remember nobody says you cannot learn Mandarin. What we have been saying is that you can do it in your own time, not during the regular school hours and there should not be schools with Mandarin as the medium of instruction. Mandarin is the official language of PRC and is not the mothertongue of Malaysian Chinese. We should only use Bahasa Melayu as the medium of instruction as its role and status is written in the Constitution. The Constitution must be respected and practised.

You know that China has 4,500 years of history but in recent times they became respected internationally only in the last 1-2 decades. A lot of that is due to a lack of respect for authority, the constitution or rules, law and order. There have been endless protests, wars and revolutions, including the so-called "Cultural Revolution" where Mao Tze Dong allowed the young to denounce even their own parents, teachers and professors. You need to appreciate that while we need profit in business, we also need to know and practise such things as respect for and abiding by the Constitution, which is the highest set of laws in the country. And, most of all, loyalty to our own country. When you know and appreciate those, you would not talk about "katak di bawah tempurong".

KC appears to be nasty when he said, "The real problem is the apartheid taht is practised by UMNO for the past 50 years". Look man, in the first place this is a proposal for the creation of a united and cohesive Bangsa Malaysia through the "Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua" system. The idea is not politically conceived. We in this Demi Negara community are not a political group but merely a collection of concerned citizens. Didn't you read that in the preamble of this blog and of the proposed Memo? We can write endlessly about politics and argue exhaustively what has been agreed by the Malay and non-Malay leaders 50 years ago and the attitude problem that you seem to infer. But let's do it elsewhere, not here. In these spaces, let's limit ourselves to talking about national unity, how to change mindset etc, without mentioning UMNO, DAP and so on.

I like Naif's law of attraction and so on. May I also add that the fact the Malays were here much earlier than the others is really not arguable. Only writers of wikipedia - which keep changing edit by edit - and a few who try to re-write history to fit in their hidden agenda, say otherwise and confuse Malaysians in the process. They intended it so - to confuse and then plug in their agenda.

Even if you put aside evidence other than written history, written historical records of the "established kind" show that this land has been known as "Tanah Melayu" since even before the Sri Vijaya Empire in the 7th Century. These include written records by Chinese travellors from China who visited this area on their way for pilgrimage to the birth place of Buddhism in India. That was a Malay Empire that ecnompassed Peninsular Malaya, Sumatra and the islands of Nusantara. These cannot be disputed or argued. So many well established history books have stated these facts. Both by English, Dutch and Malaysian writers. Those written in recent years include "The Encyclopedia of Malaysia: Early History", written by Professors and academics who quoted established sources and put their names at stake. Not like wikipedia, which can be written by any Ahmad, Ah Long and Muthusamy. Certainly not the so-called history articles written in the Internet by mischievous people with a hidden agenda.


WebEnforcer v.4.4 said...

Attn: Alan

No point deleting your seditious comments as it is cached in Blogger and by us.

Your IP and account details will be submitted to the Technology Crime Investigation Unit, Commercial Crime Investigation Division of the CID at Bukit Aman.

Anonymous said...


I'm concerned about the validity of kc's "two sen worth" above.

He said "After reading a column in the newspaper, I realised that Biro Tata Negara plays a big part in formenting intolerance and disunity not to mention hatred for others who are not Malays and Muslims". This is a government department he is talking about and accusation of "fomenting hatred" is a very serious matter. But there's no mention even the newspaper's name so as to indicate reliability. Also no mention of the newpaper's source to indicate the validity of the information or opinion. As such, it appears merely as loose talk. It's unfortunate as it can mislead readers. I hope that's not his intention in doing that.

Then he said "I also realised that many of my sons schoolmates have parents working in the govt service." The least he could do was to check with his sons' schoolmates' parents who are in government service. He should have obtained details of the Tata Negara courses or verification on the newspaper's column. Instead he straight away concluded "that such intolerance spewed by Biro Tata Negara has filtered down to the young." This is being irresponsible. It is this kind of unfettered "spewing" of conclusions and opinions that are not based on verifiable information that "foment" the intolerance and disunity that he talked about. Society at large needs to be cautious with this kind of people and not believe what they say because they say things just for the sake of saying something or for some unknown purpose.

He talked about "meritocracy".
If he is referring to the special position of the Malays and NEP, I can talk at length about the circumstances leading to Merdeka, the Constitution and the Social Contract. Suffice to say that just before gaining independence from the British, the Malay leaders agreed that the non-Malays, who were stateless at that time, be given citizenship and the non-Malay leaders agreed that the Malays, who were economically and educationally disadvantaged then, be given a special position written into the Constitution. That special position led to the NEP. He has to accept that it is a two-way traffic, both sides must give and take. He has taken citizenship and has that right permanently for him and his descendents and must not begrudge the Malays having the special position/ NEP.


Muhammad Fareez Shah(UT MARA Debate club) said...

I Applaud The effort of DN for such extreme courage to come out with this proposal.I think its a great idea...BUT??? can some one tell me? how are this ppl actually planning to force ppl to interact in this Satu sekolah policy...coz last time i check even in sekolah kebangsaan malay feel more comftable with their own race and its commonly vice versa for any other race...but does not mean they dont interact with other ppl they just prefer to be in the comfort zone...why must u abolish venacular school at the expense of chinese and indian... and the malays get to keep SBP and MRSM...i mean im a malay and ill never give up my rights as one(i can give a diff lecture on this one)but i feel its extremely unreasonable that the malays get to keep our rights and the chinese and the indian looses the best form of platform to preserve their rather charmingly naive issent tit to assume taking away another race right for cultural preservation will suddenly promote unity...even in its bare logic it does not make sanse....we live in a multiracial society and creating this one bangsa melaysia will never change the fact that we are multiracial...suddenly everyone will point united state of America, 400 years of promoting unity in their federation and they are proud to be americans but nothing has change with regards to racial classification... African American are still refer to as blacks...mexican will be mexican...this proposal boils no sanse at truly sory if this essay has a very rude tone in it... but i truly believe that malaysian is better then that...preserving culture is our pride while allowing harmony exist in our country...if the chinese and the indians are strip of their platform to preserve their culture will be the same form of cultural vacuum that befall upon the african american when they were taken away from thier land by force as slaves...not allowed to practice their culture and force to adopt western culture...are we similar to those westerners who seek unity by taking away the rights of others...or will we learn from their failure...taking other ppl's right has never bring unity but dispute...malaysian has always been reciprocal when it comes to racial rights...why suddenly the shift in stance?...bumiputera get special rights non bumi's get citizenship...bumiputera gets SBP and MRSM the chinese and indians get SJKC & why are we doing this again...when 1stly forcing ppl to suddenly forget their racial background through school,when we practice rase base political party...and taking away a right that exist due to reciprocal promises?

Are You Gonna Go My Way said...

Dear All anti One school,

Why I keep hearing demand to open up UITM to all? This got nothing to do with one school...

Why the sudden interest in wanting to send your kids to UiTM? Im a product of ITM (80's), but it wasn't a great time for us simply because people out there the non malays and the malays all thought of us as second class college.

No non malays wanted to enter UiTM, because they thought we wont be able to produce great graduates. But we worked hard and proved them the whose..who in the corporate, biznes. legal, professional, artistic, journalism etc world in Malaysia had one time or another did their study here...

When we have now successfully proven that we are great professionals..suddenly everyone wants to be part of uitm...

that goes to the some melayu tak sedar diri too...

KijangMas said...

Folks, I want to further educate Ms. Rin here because I think she is an intelligent person that has been thrown off tangent by her SJKC background and the accompanying accoutrements of her Sekolah Cina experience:-

Part I
Rin said:-
”I think the most important thing is for our politicians to stop fanning racist sentiments. They also need to stop playing the zero-sum-game (Malay gain=non-Malay lost, vice versa). By continuously spreading fear of the “others” when we’re all Malaysians, their actions (both BN and PR are guilty of it btw) are doing much more damage to the entire nation, than vernacular schools could do ever do.”

Why do you equate the streamlining of our education system into a “zero sum game” in a Race War of epic proportions? You deem the requirement to take classes in the national language (except for certain subjects, including your own mother tongue) in a unified school system as a “Malay gain = non-Malay lost” proposition? Why? You regard it a “loss” for the Chinese citizens of Malaysia to study a curriculum in Bahasa Malaysia? So in your universe, “to learn/speak BM = We lose”? Like this how?

When you view a cornerstone of our Constitution, the national language, with contempt to the extent of proclaiming a “loss” if you have to speak the language in school, then how are we going to move forward? What if others challenge other parts of the Constitution as well, which may ultimately touch on your suitability to be a warganegara of this country? See, you question one part, others can question another part as well. This tit-for-tat becomes rat-tat-tat and then kaboooom! Last time I check, kaboooms are bad for my porcelain complexion. I’m sure yours too.

So Rin, how can we go on like this? How can this nation survive when over a fifth of the population carry this mindset? I think it is scandalous for anyone to equate Unified Schooling = Racism = Malay Gain. This is an outtright threat to national cohesion and ultimately security.

As for “spreading fear of the ‘others’”, who’s the culprit here? I’ve extensively browsed through the anti-unified school blogs (even those in the foreign Mandarin language) and all I see are racist rants and taunts and the worst form of fear-inducing propaganda imaginable, including outright lies that “ALL lessons would be in Malay” and not a single word of Chinese or Tamil (i.e., no mother tongue classes) would be allowed in these schools, and that these Ah Kows and Tambis would be circumcised and be adorned in “Malay clothes” (whatever that means), blah, blah, blah. See, while the patriotic blogs enthusiastically support One School for All for the sake of national unity, the rabid anti-Malay blogs written in foreign hieroglyphics spew lie after lie after lie in a mind-numbing orgy of seditious remarks on “stupid Malais” and “sakai Malais” and “monkey language” and so on. Who again is instilling this “fear” (and hate) now?

Rin said:-
“Socially, it is high time to heal from the May 13 racial riot after 40 years. The government should release the actual accounts of the tragedy asap … Economically, the government also needs to devise a new policy urgently to replace NEP.”

Huh? What has a unified school initiative got to do with May 13? As for the NEP, sure it must be fine tuned to ensure the fulfillment of its original objectives. No issue.

Now let me ask you, how come in every effort to streamline our society to ensure cohesion and increased inter-ethnic affinities, you Chinese throw in the NEP, May 13 and 44 Alam Flora truckloads of ancestral grievances into the pot? Why? Imagine assuming this posture in your personal relationships and in your business dealings? Your partner (life and business) would run out the door before you could say “but it’s the N-E-P dear.” Maybe it is an indication of lack of good faith on your part, a ploy to buy time, to run down the dumb lazy Melayus before you finally capitalise on their “weaknesses” as grotesquely manifested in Perak.

KijangMas said...

Part II

I’m perplexed at this Chinese need to up the ante, to raise the bar, to forge an impasse? How do you think others view you? Yes, the other 68% of Malaysians, the real majority? Do you think they like this charade, this inability to reason, to accept your role in this complex society, to see the bigger picture, to at least attempt to explore commonalities between yourselves as a dwindling minority and the rest of the nation? Can you see what this chronic intransigence has led to? Yes. It compelled the KijangMases of our society to respond and then spawned the “Demi Negaras” of this world. It triggered increasingly prickly reactions by the Malay majority that you now find a tad bit uncomfortable, hence your presence here to stem this tide of patriotic rage.

Rin said:-
”We as citizens need to play our part to pressure the government for these changes as well, apart from trying our best to be mindful and critical of our own inherent racial prejudices and to view anyone first and foremost as human beings, not their nationality or ethnicity.

Isn’t this the very message I’ve been saying in my Racial Polarisation post? I’ve been pushing for a raceless Malaysia since DN appeared late last year. Have you read it? If not, go ahead and read it. If yes, then you are just repeating my lines. See, we want the same thing. But you carry a few garbage bags of grievances and are pumped full of racist DAP propaganda that effectively bury your objectivity on this matter.

Rin added:-
”Then yes, maybe we can think of a single school system, where our children could mix freely together, and won’t be affected even when their parents, teachers, media, who coming from the older generations and victims of racist sentiments themselves, tried to impart their racial stereotypes and fear of the “others” on our children.”

No. You got this backwards. Didn’t I advise you against “reverse foreplay” earlier? Maybe Unker Yew can explain better than me since he’s an aficionado on such matters. Look, the single school system must come first in the same logic that you don’t set a condition where chemotherapy is given only after a patient is cleared of cancer. Listen, under the current situation, all those utopian pre-conditions you mentioned will never be met because your group go around talking, singing and dreaming in a language four-fifths of the populace do not understand, and have “spaced out” soooo far from the rest of us that even eye contact is avoided, let alone to partake in a meaningful discourse over anything. Again, a unified school system is the first step. It cannot be made a dangled “carrot” held captive by the non-Malays of this country.

Rin added:-
“Does making BM supreme means we have to degrade other languages? One language to rule them all? Could we not promote the use of BM while keeping other languages? Is there really no alternatives?”

This issue arose because the act of mastering Mandarin or Tamil in non-national schools was done at the expense of Bahasa Malaysia. That is not acceptable. If your social group – ordinary citizens, community leaders and politicians -- can utter Bahasa Malaysia with the ease and fluency exhibited by Australian or American born Chinese speaking English, than this issue does not arise, and I would be happy to see my fellow citizens well-versed in foreign languages apart from English. See, you are now feeling the reaction to your tidak apa attitude to the national language of your country of citizenship. We are saying to you that enough is enough. Your people cannot go on like this in this country and not expect a reaction from the Malay majority.

KijangMas said...

Part III

You asked about BM supremacy and “one language to rule them all.” Yes, this is the case for Bahasa Malaysia, which is the official language. This means Bahasa Malaysia IS supreme and rule over other languages the same way Mandarin rules in China and Taiwan, Japanese is supreme in Japan, French is numero uno in France,... and so on. You have a problem with that? Would the 3-4 million Turkish immigrants have a problem with German language supremacy in Germany? Listen, you cannot pick and chose what only suits you in the Constitution like you pick blouses in your Cheras mall. It doesn’t work that way. See, if you refute BM’s supremacy, than I can refute your right to be a citizen here. It works both ways. What’s the way out? Status quo. Yes, I will not question your loyalty or right to be a citizen IF you honour all the tenets of the Constitution, including the supremacy of BM.

BTW, didn’t you read the actual memo to the deputy PM? Or did you read and couldn’t quite understand? Why you say “Could we not promote the use of BM while keeping other languages?” For your sake, read this caption in the memo aloud:-

Kesemua Sekolah Vernakular yang ada sekarang harus diserapkan kedalam Sistem Sekolah Kebangsaan dimana peruntukkan secukupnya dibuat untuk menyediakan pembelajaran bahasa ibunda khusus untuk mana-mana murid yang memerlukannya.

Kamu faham kan? Mana boleh tak faham.

O.k., tell us what that sentence say? O.k. good, kamu faham sekarang. See how charitable we are? Would the Thais and Indonesians and Vietnamese and Filipino or for that matter the Americans, British and Aussies propose such lavish terms for foreign languages in their public schools? Can I go demand Malay language classes in Thai government schools in Patani although ethnic-Malays make up over 80% of the three million people of that 16,500 sq km Thai-occupied region? Yet here, you are a 23+7% minority boxed in a few peninsular West Coast states and we still agree to a nationwide policy on compulsory mothertongue education in our proposed unified schools.

Look, anyone can learn a second foreign language (after English) – be it Mandarin, Tamil, Arabic, Thai, Japanese, Spanish, French, etc. – in this country. But this is as a SUPPLEMENT to their complete mastery of Bahasa Malaysia, the national language of the country that recognises you as a citizen. Why is this point beyond your grasp? You sound reasonably intelligent and should be able to see the logic with ease.

Correspondingly, the moment these foreign languages encroach and preempt the supremacy of Bahasa Malaysia in an educational setting, the teaching and interactive framework MUST be fixed, must be recalibrated to ensure ALL citizens of this country are given a reasonable chance to learn and use the national language. This is part of nation-building anywhere on the face of the earth. This is a fundamental principle of nationhood. If you or anyone else have an issue with this principle, then we have a problem. And I don’t like problems. My nature is to solve them. And you are either part of the solution (which is why I layan you till now) OR you are part of the problem.

Rin finally said:-
”Not sure why you identify me as a “hardcore DAP choir girl” but not hardcore MCA choir girl…anyway, I side with non.”

Excellent. Don’t let those DAP racist goons get to ya, girl. Be yourself. I see a ray of hope in you, because you seem to be able to think. Read the rest of the posts here with an open mind and join us in making Malaysia the land of opportunity – and shared values and socio-cultural affinities – for all.

Tommy Yewfigure said...

Hoi KM,

I'm a bit worried about Pakcik Dal, either he's getting early stage Alzheimer or he's a bit naughty, play cheat by signing twice, once at #69 then again at #1092. Then I realised that being a pious man that he is, he must had rethink that #69 is haram and therefore tak kira & tak bolih pakai...kakaka...Sori Dal.


Unker Yew

satD said...

ni bro KijangMas baru warm up....

rin u cud either laugh or cry or do both at the same time....while ur at it please go and sign the petition....

Tam Dalyell said...

Salam Tuan KijangMas;

I worry a lot about Tommy Yew ... heh heh. He is worried that he shot me full of holes .. then call me 'holey' ... not knowing that all real holy men can be at several different places at the same time.

To be at #69 and #1092 is kacang comparatively.

Jangan jelous Yew

Anonymous said...

Muhammad Fareez Shah

It's difficult to see your line of thought and the subjects raised in your cluttered, no-paragraph, long comment. It's your right of course. But I wonder if you also wrote the 1-2 others I saw earlier in different names.

Now it's my right to rebut what you said.

First, you said "this ppl actually planning to force ppl to interact in this Satu sekolah policy". You need to use the proper words and to read the proposal properly. Nobody is forcing anybody. They have given valid reasons for their proposal.

Then you asked "why must u abolish venacular school at the expense of chinese and indian... and the malays get to keep SBP and MRSM". Here you sound like a non-Malay. If you are, masquerading as a Malay, you are simply despicable.

Either you haven't read the many explanations already given by them in this blog and elsewhere or you don't accept them because you are anti-Malay and the NEP. I fully support the proposal and I'll join the others in trying to explain to people like you again, one more time:

1. the vernacular schools use Mandarin, the official language of a foreign country, the People's Republic of China (and is not the mothertongue of the Chinese in this country), and Tamil, the official language of Tamil Nadu in India. There are also other reasons, too long to explain in one writing here, like that it is not conducive to the fostering of a united and cohesive Bangsa Malaysia; this is what the proposal is all about.

2. The MRSM and SBP are part of the "special position" of the Malays that was written in the Constitution as a result of the agreement between the Malay and non-Malay leaders at the time of Merdeka. The non-Malays at that time were not citizens of the country and the Malay leaders agreed that they be given citizenship upon Merdeka. The Malays were not only economically but also educationally disadvantaged (very few schools and only at primary level in the kampongs during British colonial rule but in the towns where most of the Chinese lived there were enough primary and secondary schools). So, the non-Malay leaders agreed that, in consideration for citizenship for the non-Malays, the Malays be given a special position. It became known as the Social Contract.

Now, the non-Malays have exercised their right to citizenship which lasts forever. It's not fair that they begrudge the Malays for having the special position that has been agreed upon a long time ago. If they resent the Malays' special position, the Malays can also resent the Non-Malays' citizenship. But we must not think like that. We must have unity and good relations for our children and future generations. We must have unity for people to do business well and grow. All of us should not be resentful of one another's right in these matters.

Let's have a united and peaceful Bangsa Malaysia. That can be done through the Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua proposal. Let's respect and live by the Constitution of the country. If we don't follow the Constitution, a law of the jungle will take its place and there will be huru hara and we'll all be committing hara kiri, figuratively speaking.

Bahasa Melayu is written in the Constitution and the official languages of a foreign country and a state in another foeign country should not be used as a medium of instruction in schools in Malaysia. They can be studied as an elective subject in schools and used other than in official business, not as medium of instruction as schools are an official business of the country.


Alan said...

"Attn: Alan

No point deleting your seditious comments as it is cached in Blogger and by us.

Your IP and account details will be submitted to the Technology Crime Investigation Unit, Commercial Crime Investigation Division of the CID at Bukit Aman."

I deleted it because those comment is not related to this blog.

However i wanna make clear of it, i think you are referring this comment: "After 1511, it's become Siamese, Portuguese, Holland, British, Japanese Land until 1957. (1511-1957)

1957 story is understood by everyone. Ironically, we got to thanks MCP(Malayan Communist Party) make the first attempt(During this time, rebels under the leadership of the Malayan Communist Party launched guerrilla operations designed to force the British out of Malaya - wiki)

British won't agree on Independent if it's not demanded by 3 major races, otherwise, they will play around with this 3 major race, yes, they will try their best to destroy the unity of 3 major races and continue get benefit from our resources for their falling kingdom. However, our grandfather & grandmother is united, to form our beloved nation.

What i want to say is, to continue on Satu Sekolah, it's same, need to be agreed by 3 major races. I hardly see non-Malay in the petition list, it's because too Malay-Centric. Modify it? "

I said "Ironically, we got to thanks MCP(Malayan Communist Party) make the first attempt":

Because MCP is terrorist, so i said "Ironically". MCP want to build communist country, so they want to "force the British out of Malaya".

I wanna mention MCP, it's because they are exist in our Malaysia history, they created 12 years of "Malayan Emergency". They killed a lot of people, their politic concept is funny. Our grandfather & grandmother do not agree on their concept, and me too!

However, MCP is indirectly, make our Malaysian feel that we need to be an independant country. We cannot count on British.

After that, the story is cleared yes, it's our 3 major races's grandfather & grandmonth united. Force the British out of Malaya.

So, please don't be so "threatening". I don't agree on your Satu Sekolah, then you want put me into jail?

As i mentioned earlier, i'm become "Pro-Satu Sekolah" after read your full blog. However, my version of Satu Sekolah is different than you, maybe it's much more similiar with DAP's vice president(Tunku Abdul Aziz - - Make BM & Mandarin a compulsary subject.

I request - modify it.

Naif said...

KM, maybe u should do a "SSS FAQ". You know to adress all the frequent asked questions lol

Ur replies to Rin as always is pure genius. Couldnt have think of that myself :(

Alan said...

Beside, we also can say "Ironically, we got to thanks Japanese troops"

Some history events unexpectedly make another events become reliazed faster.

So, it's "Ironically"


Yes, my apology. MCP is not the first in the history. It's Tok Janggut, a silat master in Kelantan...


Alan said...


Raceless Malaysia is the way to go. Beside talking about close down all SJKs, is it worth to talk about
"What is Satu Sekolah?"
"How Satu Sekolah work for all Malaysian and gain their support?"
"How to merge SK & SJKs into new single education system?"

So, don't so urgently want to implement it, proper plan and gain support is way to go. It may take few generation times.


Bharubhasa said...

Muhammad Fareez Shah or Muh Far Hah? Sounds like more Muh Far Hah when I read your posting.

Muh Far Hah is the typical chinese national wearing Malaysian clothes, lost in faraway land, far away from Beijing, as they are always keen to make their BUTT statements.

…think its a great idea...BUT???....

They scared shit, and lost their
brains instantly, “terberak sana sini menggelabah”, only upon hearing the call for unity such that they immediately spew their thoughtless word equating the word “call” with “force”, creating more hatreds among Malaysians.. Why? Because this ‘One School For All’ call will eventually return their ‘chinese-ness’ to its rightful home in the republic of China.

how are this ppl actually planning to force ppl…Muh Far Hah contradicts himself when talking about comfort zone. According this fake-being, people are comfortable with their own race .

Yes, “Malaysian race” are not comfortable with you around here trying very hard to preserve your alien Chinese/Tamil Naidu cultures in this land called “Malaysia”

Mu Far Hah said, ...i mean im a malay and will never give up my rights as one(i can give a diff lecture on this one)but i feel its extremely unreasonable that the malays get to keep our rights and the chinese and the indian looses the best form of platform to preserve their culture...The contradicting malay by the name Muh Far Hah when he described this land called “Malaysia” the platform to preserve their “Chinese-ness”/”Tamil-Naidu-ness” cultures.

Hey, preserve the cultures at their rightful place la in Beijing or Tamil Naidu!

Muh Far Hah said “ we live in a multiracial society and creating this one bangsa melaysia will never change the fact that we are multiracial..Many of these kaum tongkang sing this tune of multiracial BUTTTT one Malaysian race. For so long they even succeeded twisting the brains of the government leaders as well!

I say, we are multi-skins because we did not choose our skin color but we can choose to be one Malaysian race, instead of the fake-chinese race, the fake-indian race. And we are doing quite well with our bumiputera brothers and your grandfathers who were not born here but embraced the Malaysian race.

Muh Far Hah and the similarly “stateless” people do not even know history of this Nusantara Land. They are like the communist china and tamil LTTE subversives born here.

Yes, everywhere in the world there are many skin colors living in one country like America, France, Australia etc. But majority of them are proud Americans, French, Australians who speak their national language and uphold every tenets of their nation despite of the many different color skin and in fact faiths too.

But here in Malaysia, many of these “stateless” peoples are trying very hard to preserve their racial values, spewing their racial venom at the very instant there was a call for unity under the Malaysian flag!

If Obama behaved like these “stateless beings” speaking swahilian and preserving his swahilian cultures in the land called America, would you see American votes for the first black President? This is a fact! (Is Obama swahilian or Timbuktu? Can someone tell me this because I know him as American only – see? But Muh Far Hah and similar beings will go around saying he is a chinese while carrying myKad)

Muh Far Hah or Muhammad Fareez Shah does not have any right as a Malaysian since you do not uphold the Rukun Negara and the Constitution of Malaysia.

I like to be the tok mudim to circumcise you, freeing you from your dirty “kulop”, but then again, can I find anything in this chicken Muh Far Hah’s pants?

Bharubhasa Al-Jawiyun

Unknown said...

To Me - May 22, 2009 10:35 AM

& Ordinary Guy - May 22, 2009 12:01 PM

First FACT - this is Malaysia not Singapore or China.

The essence of what a Malaysian is, MUST be based on the constitution, period. Find out what is the national language and what is the official religion.

Commenters here are quite frustrated simply because your arguments are not solidly backed by documentary and historical evidence.

Sure we appreciate your honest feedback but when you put forth your layman views, it comes across as unsubstantiated basically because you have not read enough. A lot of people actually believe in hearsays and secondhand info, spread by word of mouth and "unofficial" sources.

Ordinary Guy, did you know that the China Chinese are also learning English. You can converse with them using the international language, much like the Japanese.

Say tomorrow, the Middle East is the economic GIANT, would you be the first to drop Mandarin and pick up the Arabic language?

The Arabs are also well-versed in English but they still RETAIN their mother tongue and PROUD of it too.

Malaysians should ACTUALLY be speaking to each other in Bahasa Melayu/Malaysia.

In most blogs, English is still the medium of communication.

SAD isn't it?

KijangMas said...

Folks, I think further pseudo-intellectual discourse with this "Alan" character is just a waste of time and may, indeed, trigger acute cyber-psychosis in some here, a trait rampant in the blogosphere these days. Let me handle this provocateur in a language that he truly understand.

Fasten your seat belt, hold on to your kapchai, and savour the upper crust, stiff-upper-lip rendition of Get the f#$@ out of here!:-


Hoi Ah Lan, itu hali lu cakap lu sutah tak mau mali sini, lu ingat ka? Apahat lu mali balik? Tatak malu ka? Apahat? Lu manyak sayang ini blog ka?

Lu pigi lah main-main sana itu Ah Pek tua LimKitSial punya blog. Lagi syiok wohh .... ata manyak-manyak "Alan" sana maaa. Ada Alan Kock, AhLan Chau, macam-macam Alan ata.

Apahat lu suka mali sini? Lu suka manja-manja sama sini punya olang ah? Betul kaa? Tapi lu punya kapala hotak sutah losak maaa. Semua itu sejalah lu kasi tebalek. Jahat jati bayik, bayik jati jahat. Haiya, ini satu Malaya pon lu cakap bukan itu Malayu punya negeli dali tahon 1511. Waulau, lu punya otak boleh sampai tahon 1511 ka? Jati itu Kalantan pon bawah itu Portugis ka? Wah, itu olang Portugis cakap Kalantan amacam? Itu Portugis cakap Bom dia. Muito obrigado ("Selamat siang. Terima kasih") nanti itu olang Kalantan ingat dia cakap "bom dia, hok gi gadoh." Wah, mungkin itu pasat olang Kalantan manyak galang, manyak cepat hantam olang ohh. Kalau olang Kalantan tengok olang macam lu, lima saat lu sutah kina hayun dalam longkang maa.

Ini macam susah la Ah Lan. Gua ingat itu Portugis tadak sampai Kalantan mah. Gua sutah tanya manyak olang tua sana. Itu bunyi "Portugis" pon dia olang tak tau apa. Dia olang ingat gua kata "Pok tuh gi" (bapak itu piligi). KaNNBu lu, mana ata Portugis atau Balanta sampai Kalantan? Telengganu pon tadak. Pahang pon tadak. Malaka saja mahh.

Wah, lu kata satu Malaya sutah bukan olang Malayu punya dali tahon 1511 ka? Jati apasat semua peta kasi tarok "Malay Peninsula" dan "Malay States" dan "Malaya" dan "Malay Archipelago" dan Malay macam-macam lagi dali tahon 1511 sampai sikalang dalam semua bahasa dalam ini duniya? Apasat ini tanah olang tadak panggil Tanah Sakai atau Hakkaland atau Pundekistan?

Wah, itu sejalah lu belajar dalam itu SJKC bahaya mah. Ini macam tak boleh jati. Lu sutah bikin gua malah. Bila gua malah nanti tadak syiok ohh. Gua tak mau lu pigi nangis sama Ah Soh dan suloh Ah Moi mali lawan gua. Bila gua malah itu Ah Moi, nanti dia tudoh gua kasi sebar dia punya gambar telanjang dalam itu internet maa. Lagi satu, apasat lu olang manyak suka telanjang ahh? Tak boleh pakai baju tutok diam-diam ka? Ini macam manyak susah ohh. Amacam kita mau sama-sama tutok dalam ini negala? Sutah susah maa ...


O.k. folks, with the above literary discourse, I'm putting this "Alan" character to pasture in the Blogosphere Neverland, where he will provide welcome company to Kurthu, delCapo, Gagak Rimba, Jibam, Vinnan and similar damaged goods.

Bon Voyage Ah Lan ... tapi lu jangan telanjang ahh?

Alan said...


I have a talk with my client (a boss of a middle size company)

He is from Terengganu, a Chinese(I wish i won't need to mention he is Chinese in future).

I told him about this blog. Surprisingly(to me), he support this idea. He even asked, why there is so few of Chinese Muslim (in Malaysia)? Why Chinese still want to remain their education system? Why there is "FREE" education school from government, but Chinese still want to spend own money and build school?

He is one kind of "more integrated Chinese Malaysian", i think.

Yes, i admit, a lot of Chinese like to live with Chinese, they form a very strong community, it's same in anywhere. So, sometime, we may hear some place got "Anti-Chinese" campaign. It's much because of those Chinese is not well-integrated into the local country.

It's same here in Malaysia. Historically reason, we become like this kind of not well integrated society in Malaysia.

But Malaysia Chinese is lucky enough that Malay is not an aggressive-type group,they are more friendly,so we do not have a lot of anti-Chinese campaign here.

It's open eye to me, i believe this Satu Sekolah will success eventually. You know, there's still a lot of "Alan" or "Alien" or whatever you called them, but they are like me, society is not chosen by us, we're born in this kind of society. So please don't angry on them.


Alan said...


Yes..i love this blog to discuss thing related to Malaysian.

Ai ya...saya faham sekarang la, someone give a link to a Malaysian historian blog. Saya tak pandai baca sejalah itu hari mah...


KijangMas said...

Ehh? Amacam lu boleh mali balik ah Ah Lan?

Sutah gatoh sama itu Kuluthu sama Jibam ka? Haiya, itu ah moi Gagak Limba lu tak boleh kacau. Itu Loh Gwo Burne sutah booking maah.

Waulau, lu mengaku "I love this blog ..." ah? Waah, lu ingat ini Lowyat forum ka? Tapi Ah Lan, does this blog love you? Dalam cinta punya hat, tua-tua belah kina mau balu boleh kautim, betui ka? Satu belah mau takboleh, nanti sutah jati kes tafeikei maah.

Ini macam lah Ah Lan, gua mau tengok lu punya tandatangan di petition site. Kasi talok nama "Alan DN." Sutah sain, lu boleh mali balik bincang sini. Ok?

Dah, lu piligi sain sikalang. Lepas tu, lu piligi bincang lagi sama itu Cina Telengganu. Cina Kelantan lagi best oh? Semua gua punya member, manyak kamcheng. Dulu pak tho pun sama-sama.

Kita semua tunggu lu sain. Sutah sain baru lu boleh mali balik.

Lu piligi sikalang ...


Knights, DN quote of week:-

"But Malaysia Chinese is lucky enough that Malay is not an aggressive-type group,they are more friendly,so we do not have a lot of anti-Chinese campaign here."
(Alan LTK, Seri Kembangan)

Naif said...

alan wrote:

It's open eye to me, i believe this Satu Sekolah will success eventually. You know, there's still a lot of "Alan" or "Alien" or whatever you called them, but they are like me, society is not chosen by us, we're born in this kind of society. So please don't angry on them.

I read this a few times and all i can say is-LOL. The grammar is atrocious. Not to say that my english is all POWDERFUL either but seriously, thank god I went to sekolah kebangsaan.

Anonymous said...


"This is a government department he is talking about and accusation of "fomenting hatred" is a very serious matter. But there's no mention even the newspaper's name so as to indicate reliability"


Please go to

This is the opinion column. This is not the first time such complaints have surfaced in the opinion column over the past year or two about Biro TataNegara.

Any way, the govt dept concern should make its own enquiries and not just brush off the complaint.

The govt should pay heed to such complaints and put an end to such practices. Mere denial is not going to help.

It would be best that all the suspected lecturers involved be changed.

Isn't it for the good of the country ?.


Anonymous said...


How about this ?:

"Disunity modules under Bir Tatanegara"


and tell me what you think of it ?. All bullshit ?.


Anonymous said...


me too had experience with BTN la.. Not only chinese kene hentam.. we malay oso kene teruk punya.. Tujuan untuk kasi sedar diri.. bukan untuk disunite..


Muhammad Fareez Shah of UiTM Shah Alam said...

Wow amazing how in respond to my question i get a patronizing essay...thank you bharubhasa

i guess when its expected out of someone who writes base on feeling and minimum brain utilization...

kijangmas u seem to be a very bright visionary man...

just a simple question how are these school going to ensure equal opportunity for the chinese and the indian to preserve their culture...because most of the complaint that we get from the non malays are usually for their fear not being able to preserve their ancestor culture?(i knw this sound as if im nitpicking) but i believe its relevan question...someone needs to assure that cultural preservation will happen...bcoz logically for the malays our cultural practice is base on the religion islam so all those pertandingan azan, or sambutan malidul rasul will continue to be preserve as part of islamic education...will the school ensure that the chinese get to keep what they have in SJKC & SJKT?

The 1st issue that will arise is this because ppl commonly dont like being strip of their rights.

and im a pure malay.if no one here can deal with just one simple issue that i brought foward then a proposal will always be a proposal...and keep on accusing me of being a pengkhianat bangsa or gets irritated with my question and respond to it only with mockery or nit picking on my grammar or style of writing(thank you maju for the essay writing lesson :)...

So all of u are welcome to mock me...or step up and take my question seriously and i have no issue putting my real name coz when i say something its coz i have and issue...

we can continue being a bunch of barbarian and calling ppl names or grow up and have a discussion like a man...mocking me does not solve any issue...lets start having conversation like true intelects...

because not everyone in this world get convince just bcoz kijangmas says so...some ppl do actually need explanation and seek the answer...maybe bcoz he takes a step back and look at the big picture and not jump to conclusion...

forgive me for sounding rude...i have the best intention at heart..asking question does not mean i do not support a good idea...following blindly is not how human move is it any part of my value

NJ said...

Dear jc,

The disappointed parents of Bukit Jalil (from your “BTN teaches course teaches disunity” story) said that instead of talking integrity, unity and harmony among the various races, participants are taught about disunity and racial hatred.

So what do integrity, unity and harmony mean to these parents, you and me? Perhaps your dictionary is different from mine.

Integrity “The state or quality of being entire or complete; wholeness; entireness; unbroken state; as, the integrity of an empire or territory. -- Sir T. More.”

See? Malaysian – a whole, entire, and unbroken state of Malaysian race, is what BTN tries to achieve. The parents don’t like it because they want to stay broken as chinese, Indians and what not.

Unity“the state or fact of being united or combined into one, as of the parts of a whole; unification”.

“absence of diversity; unvaried or uniform character”

Again, these parents have different dictionary for the word Unity. We have the meaning of “being combined” into one "uniform" Malaysian race, but their definition is to remain “in parts”, again "varied" as chinese, Indians what not.

Read again : Unity is the absence of “Diversity”. These kind of people even have successfully misled PM Najib into singing “Unity through diversity”

Harmony“agreement; accord; harmonious relations.”

Again, can we have any agreement at all with these kind of people when their dictionary spells “Unity” as “diverse, varied and broken states of chinese, Indians, Malays etc” while our definition spells “one, combined, wholeness, entireness” ?

How could there be harmony when these kind of people do not waste any time in accusing BTN teaching disunity and racial hatred when they themselves are racists, because having different interpretation of the words “unity & integrity”?

They go on breaching the level of patience of the Malays and the Bumiputras, questioning the social contract. I do not wish to touch this further because so many have been written on this and I am beginning to feel that they just want to stay broken which “brokenness” cannot be tolerated at all any where in any nation in this world.

But I say this, their fore fathers who came, instead of being born here, were more appreciative of their free citizenships. They knew the meaning of “gratitude” after being accepted freely, opened arm by the Malays and the Bumiputras back then.

Now, why not we all start to work very hard to achieve this ONE BANGSA MALAYSIA, and One School for All is one of the things we need to address from the start?




Naif said...

woo hoo, the last time I check the petition theres 1200 votes!!!..and counting! THis is really good news, i mean we shouldnt pop the champagne bottle just yet but hey 1200 is quite an achievement. Kudos to everyone who signed!

Also read the press coverage its getting. Whats up with MCA youth fella who wants to sue everyone involve in the campaign??? How to sue 1200 ppl???

Anonymous said...

Perkara paling aneh dalam dunia! Nak promote 1 sekolah untuk semua demi perpaduan seluruh kaum pun kena report polis oleh MCA! Kah kah kah kah...

Later on better we promote sumthin else... A different schools for different races... Malay go to Sek Melayu, Sek China to those Chinese, Indian go to Sek India, Sek Iban for Ibans, Sek Orang Asli for Orang Asli..aha what else? Better ask this MCA & those chauvisnt fellas to start their own segregation-100-school's campaign. What a racist!

Are we promoting segregation (racism)?

Once a politician always a politician. Undi is the most important thing for them.


Anonymous said...

Who cares about those MCAs. They can lodge police report as many as they wish. They all politicians. And politicians know nothing except UNDI. We are the rakyat who know what is the best for our future generation. The leader do nothing to unify our kids at the very young age.


Anonymous said...

Dear Alan,

FYI, Sek Kebangsaan has offered Arabic, Mandarin & Tamil as 3rd languages. So, are you in or are you out?'s for our kids...not for us! So, chill bro. And again it's your decision whether to support or against this campaign. I will respect yours. And please respect us too.


Hollywood refugee said...

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer
German philosopher (1788 - 1860)

satD said...

Muhammad Fareez Shah

You said
"just a simple question how are these school going to ensure equal opportunity for the chinese and the indian to preserve their culture...because most of the complaint that we get from the non malays are usually for their fear not being able to preserve their ancestor culture?"

Go here for curriculum

If BM+ English + Maths + Science is already in National Language (BM n English).
And here I’m assuming that BM & English is not conducted in Mandarin or Tamil….I cant imagine how the class is…what else is left?

Pendidikan Moral ( got special moral standards is it?)

Pendidikan Jasmani (huh do u teach Kung Fu or what?)

Pendidikan Kesihatan ( ABC of becoming a Sensei is it?)

Pendidikan Seni Visual (What… watching special Chinese Movies, Studying Chinese Arts??)

Pendidikan Muzik (Got special Chinese Instruments to teach??)

Kajian Tempatan (Which tempat mainland China??)

Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan (This is Malaysia….start becoming Malaysian!! Do u teach translated Rukun Negara and Constitution??)

Kemahiran Hidup (Got special Chinese Survival Skills is it???)

So tell me WTF is all this crap about again???

Anonymous said...


Get a life please! We are promoting good things here. Satu Sekolah untuk Semua is not a crime you BIGOT!

Ungrateful bastards.

Anonymous said...

Seeing all this right.. after I see reality is infact, that only the bumis or malays are interested in becoming one. But most chinese and indians they dont. They shout for Malaysian Malaysia.. but they want Malaysian malaysia their own way.. they dont want to sacrifice but they want the bumis/malays to sacrifice. It is really twisted in Malaysia. Those who deserve the rights have to give their rights and those who actually dont deserve any rights except for human rights are actually receiving so much rights!!

Seeing this, I think all Bumis should be united in UMNO..the ONLY and main bumis political party, the only party which cares about the motherland's status quo (as in in terms of everything including langauge etc).. as much as we hate some of the leaders... some malays hate them because they are too weak in arguing and protecting their identity. but the way i think is, the more malay supports for umno, the more our voice will be heard, and when we are united, the non bumis people cant demand and bully the bumis.. it doesnt make sense see. its like you are asking for the world when actually you shouldnt be asking for anything!! I began to wonder now whether most of this anti-umno are aware of this fact that only umno political party are trying to keep this MALAYsia its very own identity. But seeing the political wave nowadays, they have succeeded in influencing the Malays too to help them with their agenda. Heck they even succeeded in influencing some of the UMNO leaders to sacrifice their own motherland and identity, bit by bit. What a cancer!

its not like the bumis/malays are anti non-bumis. if we are anti-non bumis, they cant even find $$$ or live peacefully in this motherland. But seeing this 1seoklah for example, is a whole proof that this we-must-compromise concept has only one sided supports. Malay is the most accommodating people in the world. And sadly, good people are always being taken advantaged at.

Alan said...


it's a brand new week!
Let's work hard to fight for Malaysia's economy!


Anonymous said...

Omong, have you ever done business in China? If you do you will realize that practically all documents are in Mandarin, most of the Government Officials, members of Boards and workers, etc do not speak (or else refuse to speak English - see similar to what we want to do here only it's BM). Thus, you have to rely on translators. Board minutes can mean different things between the English (very poor English actually) and Mandarin versions. Unless you have actually done business there stop being so sanctimonious. I know this is not Singapore or China. You just took out one sentence from my comments on the fact that I wish I had studied Mandarin. And yes, if the Mid East becomes the center of commerce I would look for staff who have studied Arabic. Do you know that some of the GLCs actually had Mandarin, Urdu and Arabic classes for their staff to facilitate business?

However, I agree with you - mengapa blog blog seperti ini di tulis dalam Bahasa Inggeris?

And unfortunately, whenever I visit Khazanah or some GLC they all (Bumi management especially) want to speak English! So, macam mana?

Ordinary Guy

Anonymous said...

Amboi Apek Wee,

Kalau pasai duit hampa terkam tak pandang depan belakang lagi.. TUDIA Wawasan shares hampa cekop dalam 30minit licin!!

Tak kisah pula siapa Chairman/CEO dan kakitangan yang menjaga Dana ini pun! Amboi.. hal DUIT terbeliak terhegeh!

Masuk bab perpaduan Negara, sampai nak ke Balai? Ceh.. no wonder merata dunia diberi gelaran parasites..Ceh!


Anonymous said...

KC babbled; "The real problem is the apartheid taht is practised by UMNO for the past 50 years."

50 years of Apartheid by the UMNO? You gotta be kidding me. As a matter of a fact you should thank UMNO for giving FREE citizenship for 1+million stateless souls. I am talking facts here so go figure.

Please also remember Singapura, didn't it UMNO that gave it away to some unknown Beijing man? FREE OF CHARGE.

Lee Kuan Yew should be grateful to UMNO. Your forefathers, your son, your dog, your everything like it or not has UMNO name on it.

Trust me if I were the PM at that time, things could have turned ugly.

Now you talking poop about apartheid, and shit about you being marginalized, let me remind you on 80% of the top 10 richest man in the country is Chinese.

The Malays have been generous enough. Did we ever tell you to halt harnessing wealth from this beloved country? NO. Did we ever REALLY ask? NO. So stfu and go dig more gold.

Now back to our topic: Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua.

We have been divided by our religions, so, the next best thing is then to use a LANGUAGE that everyone can understand, Bahasa Malaysia and English as a second choice language. I'd say start from the Primary and Secondary school.

This will be one giant leap to become the REAL Bangsa Malaysia.


KijangMas said...


Anda telah di beritahu semalam supaya tandatangani petition Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua jika anda hendak terus berinteraksi di sini.

Komen-komen anda pagi ini akan di paparkan setelah tandatangan di sempurnakan.

WebEnforcer v.4.4 said...


Yes, one of these racist MT/PP junkies who calls herself "Shari" confirmed this (in a slip of her forked tongue) at satD's blog:-

"Know what ... I just go online with numerous different nics (get it)."

There you have it, a true raw confession by a hard-core anti-unity psycho. This idiot is so stupid that she uses the same IP to create these multiple nics. 23 at last count, many used in DN and JMD. Your case file's opened Ms. Ong. Enjoy the knock on the door.

More racist idiots to be unearthed ...

anaklangkawi said...

Bro kijang MAS..
Appreciate the call..
if they want to sue you.. SUE US ALL who sign the petition & also blogs who put all the logo..

I'm with you all along..

p/s: for those talking about unity blah2 in opposition.. why dont take this call..walk the talk man..

Alan said...

KM,'s ok la...i quit..

Although my view is different than yours, but It's nice to know you all.

i don't mind you laugh on's a lesson to me. I learned it and it let me understand more. :)

Thanks anyway.


Tommy Yewfigure said...

Aiseh KM,

Why lah u not fair to Alan, kasi kaw kaw with your kneejerk reaction, whilst with Ms Rin, u go soft soft, with your weak in the knee reaction. U fell for the old cheesy SYT sitting on the swing foto ka? Heyyy Abang Kij,can u give me a slight push, oh a little bit harder mah? U macam itu Three Dog Night’s lead singer falling for choir girl scenario…heheh.

Your lead vocal on ‘Try a little tenderness’(Part 1) ‘An old fashioned love Song’ (Part 2) and ‘Joy to the World’ (Part 3) responses to Rin is awesome, man! but Alan Khoo Kay Kiang ‘mama told me not to come’, response is too harsh lah, bro! Now Alan kena red carded pulak…heheh.

‘Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua’, yes ONE is the loneliest number, so said 3 Dog Night, yes or not?


Unker Yew.

P/S – Awww Alan, don't be like that mah, y quit? (That's no lumpar);, never mind about the others, unker forgive u. I'll have a word with KM.

Anonymous said...

Woit Hanif dan sekutu... tengok negara Switzerland, satu negara, satu bangsa tapi ada empat bahasa... dan setiap depa semua cakap guna bahasa masing-masing... tadak masalah loyalty pun... tadak masalah unity pun. Sedangkan satu negara bangsa Helvetika tapi setiap tempat guna bahasa Italia, Perancis, Deutche dan Rumantch. Camna depa bleh bersatu semacam saja? Tu bahasa musuh-musuh depa pun masa perang Itali-Perancis, perang Jerman dsb. Wah, depa siap guna bahasa 'musuh' depa lagi! Siap belajar sejarah 'musuh' depa lagi! Tapi bukan main bersatu lagi depa sampai boleh ada tentera paling dihormati di dunia! Sebab apa? Sebab bahasa? Bukan! Sebab belajar budaya bangsa lain? Bukan! Lagi tanak mengaku yang kita tak bersatu sebab kita dok terapkan permusuhan dalam ajaran kita. Bodo betoi kadang-kadang aku rasa kita nih. Kita dok gaduh sama-sama bangsa Malaysia pastu Yahudi dok gelak kat kita sebab negara tak boleh maju macam negara depa. Depa merdeka lagi lewat dari kita. Syok lah depa tepuk tangan gelak kat Malaysia negara Islam.

Whoi Anonymous May 25, 2009 3:24 AM. Awat nak kena bersatu dalam UMNO pulak? Awat tak boleh bersatu bawah PAS? Mai lah kalau betoi sangat kata sanggup berkorban demi bersatu jom mai lekaih bersatu bawah PAS. Kalau bangang mungkin kot hangpa nak UMNO yang kanser sebenaq tu. Ha awat, tadak teloq? Cakap macam baguih nak bersatu konon tapi UMNO yang penyebab segala gejala nih! Mai lah sembang sat dengan MB Ustaz Azizan kasi bukak mata hang tuh.

/bloody UMNO hooligans


satD said...

woi Mujahiddien hang tak tau tengok fail geography SPM dulu?

Switzerland tu kiri kanan depan belakng negara ape brader...italy , german,austria n liecestien

yang dia ade 4 bahasa resmi tu pasai semua tu orang local kat situ la bingai.....bukan macam kita...bahasa tok nenek imigrant workers nak bawak masuk cerita kat negara gua...

me said...

I've said this in my signature of the petition, and I'll say it here again:

This petition can only be successful if it is less aggressive.

The petition spends too much time criticising everyone else, but too little time explaining the merits of the single school system.

It spends too much time talking up an "us vs. them" mentality, instead of talking up an "us" mentality.

There are plenty of SJK graduates who will support a single school system (me being one of them), but they will be discouraged by the angry denouncement of the system and the aggressive tone taken against it.


me said...


Switzerland dulu tuh kawasan orang Celtic.

Bahasa Perancis dan Itali (bahasa kumpulan Romance) hanya mula berleluasa kira-kira 1800 tahun lalu, manakalah Bahasa Jerman mula berleluasa di kawasan itu kira-kira 1200 tahun lalu.

Maka, semua bahasa yang kini ada di Switzerland adalah bahasa pendatang.


satD said...


wah itu macam punye logic mau pakai ka?

start with facts first i said those are native language around the vicinity...last i check semenanjung n sabah serawak got no borders with Tamil Nadu or Mainland China??

If u wanna go back into history then every language has its basic roots far back u wanna go 1000 years...3000 years?

If i follow ur logic then u got to wait for a thousand years at least before receiving any form of recognition what so ever for Mandarin or Tamil summore wanna ask to be a part of Education stream????


KijangMas said...

Sdr “me”,

Kalau dah menjangkau 1200-1800 tahun, hampir kesemua bahasa utama dunia ini boleh di anggap sebagai “bahasa pendatang” kerana kelompok manusia berhijrah kesana sini. Dan fenomena ini sememangnya ketara di Eropah di mana ombak demi ombak manusia mengambilalih habitat puak asal dan tanah bertukar penghuni akibat penaklukan dan malapetaka semulajadi.

Bahasa Inggeris di Kepulauan British pun boleh di kategorikan sebagai “bahasa pendatang” kalau kita menjangkau lebih dari seribu tahun ke zaman sebelum penaklukan puak Norman, Anglo-Saxon dan Viking ke atas kaum pribumi Celtic di sana. Begitu juga di semenajung Iberia di mana penutur bahasa asas-Latin (Sepanyol, Catalan, Galicia dan Perancis) telah menyelubungi kawasan asal kaum pribumi Basque sejak seribu tahun dahulu.

Dan dalam konteks Switzerland, apabila Konfederasi Swiss di asaskan ~800 tahun dahulu, penutur bahasa Jerman, Perancis, Itali dan Romansch sudah bertapak di wilayah bahasa masing-masing dan di anggap sebagai penduduk asal. Bahasa mereka tidak di anggap sebagai bahasa pendatang kerana mereka lah yang membentuk negara Switzerland. Dan juga dalam konteks Switzerland, si pendatang terdiri dari kaum Turki, Portugis, Sepanyol dan sebagainya di mana bahasa mereka tidak di iktiraf sepertimana keadaan bahasa bukan-Melayu di Malaysia kita.

“Bahasa pendatang” dalam istilah biasa merujuk kepada bahasa yang di bawa oleh para imigran dalam masa terdekat. Dalam konteks Malaysia, ia merujuk kepada bahasa yang di bawa oleh pendatang sejak 100-150 tahun kebelakangan ini. Pendatang ini juga adalah bukan dari kaum serumpun Nusantara (Kepulauan Melayu) atau berbahasa Austronesia (Melayu dan mirip Melayu) tetapi sebaliknya dari kumpulan bahasa yang lain sama sekali seperti dialek-dialek Cina (kumpulan bahasa Sino-Tibet) dan bahasa-bahasa Selatan India (kumpulan Indo-Dravidia).

Isu ini akan di perjelaskan dengan lebih terperinci dalam posting saya akan datang yang berjodol Robin Returns.

NJ said...

Salam Muhamad Fareez,

Your question revolves around preserving one culture in Malaysia, the chinese, indian cultures etc, which culture originate from foreign lands ("imported culture").

To me, preserving one culture which can be adopted to become Malaysian culture, is no problem. Example, traditional dressing - We can "import" cheongsam and sari to become Malaysian culture, same as baju kebaya. Same goes to silat, kung fu, silamban and the likes as long as these "imported" cultures serve to complement the "original" cultures, not to "overcome" and finally replace the original culture.

The examples you wrote like azan and all, to me, those are more towards religion. As our country guarantees the right of any individual regarding faiths, I think, there is no problem to celebrate "Hungry Ghost" or "Kavadi". All Malaysians respect that and I think no one is out to put a stop to it.

Read KijangMas about Racial Polarisation and the Forging of Bangsa Malaysia. Cultural-wise, there is no problem as long as the original culture become the base, the foundation (berdasarkan Arca Orang Melayu) of the evolving Malaysian culture.

This is similar to the building of American nation whereby the Anglo Saxon culture form the base / foundation of the American culture we see today.

However when it comes to language, ideology and also, I would say religion, then it is a different story.

We cannot allow Malaysia to subscribe to Communism can we? Neither should we change the official religion, should we? Islam is the official religion and we practice Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy (not Communism). Those are in the Rukun Negara and Perlembagaan.

Also carved in the Rukun Negara & Perlembagaan, is the Bahasa Kebangsaan. This is the point of the many debates. However, whatever argument put forth, to me, is not valid if it contradicts with the Rukun Negara and Perlembagaan Malaysia. There is no two-way about it. Bahasa Kebangsaan based on Bahasa Melayu is the language to be embraced by all Malaysians. There is no excuse for any Malaysian not to be fluent in Bahasa Kebangsaan.

Yes, Bahasa Kebangsaan is not spoken all over the world. So, we have English as second language, which is also a must (to me).

Even though we have English, it does not mean that Bahasa Kebangsaan is to be left without any effort to improvise it from time to time. Bahasa Kebangsaan must "di daulatkan" all the time. If it is not "di daulatkan" how could it ever get improvised? In this respect, I would say, the vernacular school does not lend itself to the forging of One Bangsa Malaysia who speaks common language, who identifies himself as "Malaysian" rather than as "other races".

One School for All is one of the major early step to be taken in forging the One Bangsa Malaysia.

The proposal calls for in-depth study of the current "Dasar Pendidikan". We would like the government to relook at the Dasar Pendidikan, from the point of view of emphasizing the Nation Building toward becoming 1-Malaysia, as called for by the PM.




Anonymous said...

Otak biawak betoi laa... orang cakap benda lain, hangpa pi pusing sampai blog owner sendirik pun pening.

Kita dok cakap pasai kononnya sebab macam-macam bahasa 'pendatang' diajaq kat sekolahlah yang penyebab bangsa Malaysia tak bersatu. Aku bagi lah contoh kat Swiss depa cakap sampai empat bahasa pun masih bersatu. Orang yang dok kat belah timuq Swiss tak faham apa yang orang dok kat belah barat Swiss, tapi depa masih boleh bersatu. Habaq mai pasai apa? Bukan sebab bahasa kot? Bukan sebab sekolah len-len kot?

Tadak kena mengena dengan origin bahasa tu mai mana pon.

Yang nyata: Cakap pi lah bahasa apa pun, selagi hangpa tanam perasaan benci yang amat, selagi tu lah hangpa tak boleh bersatu dengan orang len.

Kembali lah kepada Islam. Bangsa-bangsa Malaysia bukan musuh hangpa. Nuh yang dok lawan dengan Palestin nuh dok gelak tunjuk jari kat hangpa.

Ish, nak kata bodo marah. Tau nak sensitip. Mengata bangsa lain pandai pulak. Aku heran betoi lah.


KijangMas said...

How come utter fools and borderline idiots come in consecutive waves?

Poor misguided Alan amazed us with his SJKC Screwed-Up Sejarah. Then we endured calls for atonement by the moronic cyber-mullah, Pak Hijau. Then came the clueless, incoherent “Muhammad Fareez Shah of UiTM Shah Alam” who tried hard to impress with his garbled garbage of inconsequential verbiage.

BUT this “Mujahiddeen” madman tops them all and sets new standards in uncouth stupidity wrapped in freakish insanity. As a group (yes, human roadblock zombies do come in clusters), these fools are the grassroot catalysts of the present state of political confusion among the Malay masses, which is capitalised to the hilt by the DAP and PKR subversives.

This delusional little prick is in need of Pakcik Dal’s firm enlightenment and good shakedowns by the likes of Tembeleng and NJ plus an ekor pari or two from Pendekarlara.

Who want first bite of this blob of unmitigated idiocy?

Cenderawasih said...

mujahiddeen??penuh dengan semangat mamat ni.
weh,kalau hg nak guna loghat kedah,tunjuk sikit kewarasan hang.jangan buat malu oghang kedah.sebab aku pun oghang kedah.

hang ni mesti malas baca kan?baik hang baca betoi2 sejarah Eropah,lepaih tu guna otak pikiaq betoi2.baghu banding dengan malaysia.
hmm pasai bersatu..aku tak kisah nak bersatu bawah parti mana pun.Tapi kan aku tengok UMNO dah parah,PAS pula tengah jilat pungkoq DAP.
jadi buat nak ikut PAS jilat pungkoq DAP?bagi aku parti mana yang ikhlas dan bolah pulih aku sokong la.

komen kedua hang ni,aku ghasa hang main redah saja kan?
hang baghu komen tapi dah guna bahasa kasaq.bila oghang hentam hg,hg mengelupoq kata hg dok berbincang.apa ni?

baca betoi2 dulu.jangan ghedah maghah2 saja.buat malu oghang kedah betoi la hg ni.

bila oghang buat salah tegoq betoi2,elok2.Bukan maki,Ustaz azizan ajaq macam tu ka?aku penah jumpa dia, baik MB kedah ni.
bila hg sebut nama dia,lepaih tu maki2 secagha tak langsung hg membughukkan nama dia.

hang sokong dak satu sekolah?aku tak beghapa pasti la,sebab komen hg terlalu 'pandai'.hehehe.

Bagi aku,bila budak2 satu sekolah lepaih tu membesaq,lama2 kurang la perkauman.

Pendekarlara said...

Hoi si “Mujahiddeen” bangang! Dari kolam IWK mana engkau mari ah?

Yang engkau dok beria sangat mempertahankan sekolah bahasa asing ni kenapa? Semenjak bila pulak timbul pasal Switzerland dalam ceramah geng kera sumbang engkau ah? Bahalol otak taik kucing! Berapa kali orang nak ajar engkau yang empat bahasa rakyat Swiss tu adalah bahasa penduduk ASAL negara itu, macam bahasa Melayu + Iban + Kadazan + Bajau dan BUKAN bahasa-bahasa yang datang bergolek baru jatuh tongkang si apek Kwangtung dan ayya Tamil Nadu. Faham? Kan Tuanku KM dah cakap, bahasa pendatang si apek dan ayya ni seumpama bahasa pendatang Turki dan Portugis di Switzerland – tidak di iktiraf dan tidak di anjurkan. Engkau masih tak faham ke?

Si mamaq bahalol ni kata:-
“Yang nyata: Cakap pi lah bahasa apa pun, selagi hangpa tanam perasaan benci yang amat, selagi tu lah hangpa tak boleh bersatu dengan orang len.”

Siapa? Siapa yang “tanam perasaan benci yang amat”? Aku? Melayu? Engkau?

Ya, ENGKAU yang sampai tergamak bergolek taik anjing atas jalan pegang bendera negara asing. Siapa lagi? Ya, taukeh sponsor engkau dari parti malaon DAP yang ketawa keriangan ada boneka dan pencacai macam engkau buat kerja bodoh untuk mereka. Engkau masih tak sedar ke ah bodoh?

Engkau ingat kalau Perak undi sekali lagi, dan KALAU PR menang, si Nizar penderhaka tuh jadi MB lagi ke? Kepala hotak berjambol engkau! Si malaon DAP akan tabur 2-3 calon Melayu barua macam Tunku Aziz dan Ahmad Nor bertanding dan sipolan ni lah akan di jadikan MB boneka Melayu DAP di Perak. Geng tidur-atas-jalan engkau? Gigit jari lah bodoh. Lagipun engkau ni hanya 5-6 kerusi je. Ketuanan Rakyat kepala hotak engkau la dengan 5-6 kerusi tuh. Kera sumbang tak tahu malu. Muka macam bontot kerbau atok aku, cakap sampai percik air ludah, hujah tak berilmiah, penuh dengan bahasa paria mamak tongkang Jelutong.

Mamaq bangang menyalak lagi:-
“Kembali lah kepada Islam. Bangsa-bangsa Malaysia bukan musuh hangpa. Nuh yang dok lawan dengan Palestin nuh dok gelak tunjuk jari kat hangpa.”

Engkau ni satu tongkang ngan Pak Hijau gila talak tu ke ah? Tanah Air kena ratah hidup-hidup oleh si malaon anti-Melayu, engkau mari dok sibuk nak berperang ngan Al-Yahud apasal? Ngan si Apek dan Tambi pun engkau tunduk kepala, engkau nak pergi béla orang Palestin? Pergi lah! Angkut semua kerabat pengkhianat bangsa engkau tuh. Bawak semua. Pergi lawan si Yahudi laknatullah pakai lastik. Dan aku nak tengok engkau baring atas jalan depan kereta kebal Yahudi di Ramallah dan Gaza.

Sekarang engkau boleh belah dari sini. Engkau pergi balik ke pangkuan penceramah sesat engkau tuh dan pergi lagi tidur atas jalan untuk taukeh Bintang Tiga Ngeh-Nga engkau tu.

Sial punya bahalol!!!

NJ said...

Salam Sdr. Mujahiddeen,

Saya bersetuju dengan pendapat “Satu Bahasa” bukannya suatu faktor yang menyatu-padukan bangsa Swiss. Switzerland adalah satu lagi negara yang mempunyai lebih daripada dua bahasa percakapan selain dari Malaysia. Mereka mempunyai 4 bahasa. Bezanya, mereka ada 4 bahasa rasmi, manakala Malaysia hanya 1 sahaja (yang diiktiraf oleh Perlembagaan).

Tetapi kenapa Bahasa tidak menjadi suatu perkara dasar dalam mencapai perpaduan di Switzerland sedangkan, banyak negara-negara lain (boleh dikatakan hampir semua negara di dunia ini) mencapai perpaduan masing-masing berasaskan kepada SATU bahasa (common language)?

Ini adalah kerana (sebagaimana yang saya faham):-

1. Switzerland berperanan sebagai sebuah negara yang ‘neutral’ dan berkecuali.

Dari segi sejarah, Switzerland di kelilingi oleh negara-negara yang berbalah di antara satu sama lain.

Switzerland telah memainkan peranan sebagai “buffer, an outlet and neutral ground” semasa pertelingkahan tersebut.

Peperangan dan kuasa politik bukan untuk Switzerland. Maka hari ini, kita melihat Swiss lebih terkenal dengan tentera pengamannya yang berkecuali.

2. Kekayaan Switzerland bergantung kepada kemahiran rakyatnya dan situasi politiknya yang tenang yang menggamit para pelancong asing.

Keadaan ini subur di sana kerana, Swiss tidak mengutamakan kuasa politik, baik dalaman ataupun luaran.

Kita lihat suasana ‘berpolitik’ adalah tidak meriah atau tidak begitu di ambil kisah oleh orang Swiss. Kerajaan terus kekal di Swiss kerana tiada perebutan kuasa politik yang nyata , se olah-olah tiada orang berminat terhadap politik.

Dalam situasi ini, bahasa tidak menjadi isu politik di mana ianya boleh menyatupadukan rakyat ataupun sebaliknya.

3. Walaupun 4 bahasa, boleh dikatakan tiada masalah bagi orang Swiss untuk memahami satu sama lain kerana asal usul 4 bahasa itu, semuanya dari Eropah.

French dan Italian adalah serumpun, dari Latin, manakala German dari Teutonic. Hanya komuniti kecil (1/3 populasi canton of Graubauden) menggunakan bahasa ke-4, Romansch.

Jadi secara praktikalnya hanya ada 3 bahasa (kesemuanya Eropah), iaitu French, Itali (yang serumpun) dan German.

4. Oleh kerana semuanya dari rumpun Eropah, maka adat resam (culture) mereka adalah hampir seragam, tiada masalah besar dalam asilimisasi antara satu sama lain.

Petikan kajian mengatakan : -

In these circumstances language becomes an insignificant factor in national unity. Too many things are common and too many forces within and without are conducive to unity, so that the fact that four languages are official means nothing at all.

Jadi situasi di Switzerland adalah agak jauh berbeza dengan situasi yang ada di Malaysia, Amerika, Latin Amerika, Australia dan banyak lagi negara-negara lain di dunia ini.

Dalam hal ini, boleh dikatakan hanya Switzerland yang lebih unik dari negara lain.

Akhir kata, di Amerika, there was no such thing to say “We accept English as the official language of the United States”, and then ignoring it.

Perkara seperti ini terlalu menular di Malaysia, sehinggakan ada bahasa-bahasa lain yang tidak rasmi digunakan sewenang-wenangnya dalam urusan seharian yang jelas membelakangi Rukun Negara & Perlembagaan Malaysia.

Inilah salah satu kepincangan yang cuba kami utarakan kepada kerajaan melalui cadangan “Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua”.




Rizal said...

Good as this will also close down the SEKOLAH AGAMA!!!!

KijangMas said...

To Ong Pay Lum @ Helen, how many Malay nics do you create in a day ah? Now you throw in "Rizal." What's going on? You just bought a Muslim baby name book from Kinokuniya? Already reached "R" uh?

WHY are you so bent on creating disunity in this country? Whats with these incendiary one-liners in blogs everywhere?

What exactly is YOUR problem? At least Alan came forth with honesty and integrity (sadly nullified by gross idiocy), but a slimeball like you deserve no mercy, no concessions, nothing.

Now my tea's gone cold ......! #@&*#%!

Bharubhasa said...

There is this 'deen' from the northern area who goes around here identifying himself as 'mutahideen'.

This mutahideen was seen walking aimlessly at one of the IWK treatment plant by a couple of PAS lieutenants.

Seeing him as one of those 'dungu' species, they immediately took him to their camp and indoctrinated him with PAS ideologies.

Having graduated from the camp, mutahideen saw himself at par with those Mujahidins Fisabilillah. He has no idea that PAS is using him to the fullest extent as "tukang sorak yang terberak"

The indoctrination has taught mutahideen to spring like monkey upon hearing the name of rival political party being mentioned. He will always "terkejut beruk" if you try to entice him, joining your party. mutahideen also has been indoctrinated to regard high office bearer of PAS as his dewata raya, whom he always try hiding behind.

From inside his tong tahi, he will eave drop, listening to his PAS superiors muzakarah-ing about Switzerland.

He will then sprung out from his jamban, barking here and there, trying to display himself as an expert of Swiss unification. He also challenges his PAS rival party member for a debate, but quickly hide behind one of his dewata raya MB Ustaz Azizan. He will then stay very quiet letting his dewata raya engaging the opponent he brought, as this mutahideen has no substance whatosever in his timid, boneless body. He just know how to bark and then quickly seek a hiding place behind his dewata raya.

If you send him to Palestine, this mutahideen will terberak terkencing, because unlike the real Mujahidin, this mutahideen only have the gut to mew ...Nuh yang dok lawan dengan Palestin nuh dok gelak tunjuk jari kat hangpa... Yet he does nothing beside hiding in his jamban, mewing once in a while, whilst many people here are busy doing something to forge one strong united bangsa Malaysia.

Of course he tries to sound like a Mujahidin when he barks, but this mutahideen is a real irritant from inside the tong tahi. A tong tahi hero so to speak.

Well done PAS!, you've got one real dungu mutahideen, whose brain is full of tahi, and he has no qualm to lay himself across the street upon your command, unconscious of the presence of the Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Raja Melayu.

Bharubhasa Al-Jawiyun

KijangMas said...

In Conversation with Unker Yew (Robin takde, Unker Yew pun o.k. lah ...)

My old buddy Unker Yew said:-
"KM, I hope u DO NOT ever become the 7th PM, else people will scream cronyism if Unker is appointed the next ambassador to the Scandinavian Countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway; wah what paradise)."

Ahh? What Scandinavian countries? satD's getting Sweden; Denmark's perfect for Pakcik Dal; Herr Voren wants to reinvade both Norway and Finland. The merajuk leng chai, Alan, may be sent to Reykjavik to rewrite Icelandic history.

We have openings in Tristan Da Cunha and Rapa Nui plus waiting lists for Burkina Fasso and Somalia. But I think the perfect diplomatic post for you is Pyongyang, North Korea. Dear Leader badly needs advise on hairdos and diplomacy.

Unker Yew added:-
"... Pakcik Dal ... a bit naughty ... signing twice."

Waulau, you actually go through the petition list with a fine sikat kutu ka? Now, this is what I call obsessive dedication. Good for you mate.

But I think your Dal exposé is misguided. You see, "Tam Dalyell" is a common name in parts of our country. I know at least three in Pasir Mas, one in Narathiwat and a half dozen elsewhere.

There is Tamboopillay MuthuDalyellsamy of Sentul and RoshTam Dalyellwalla is active in the Mumbai Lambretta Owners' Club. A Dalyell Tam Kiu Moh is the boyfriend of Winnifred Bong, my occasional masseur. See, no big deal. Same with "Tommy Yew." In fact, I have a cyberbuddy named Tommy Yew as well. Not you Yew, but a much prettier young lass. Lu tak percaya? Enjoy ...Unker Yew also said:-
"“Aiseh KM, Why lah u not fair to Alan, kasi kaw kaw ... whilst with Ms Rin, u go soft soft ... U fell for the old cheesy SYT sitting on the swing foto ka? Heyyy Abang Kij,can u give me a slight push, oh a little bit harder mah.”

Haiya, Unker, how can you blame me ah? How can Alan, the bloken Inglish Buta Sejalah mutt compare with well-spoken Ms. Rin? If it were you, who would you rather belanja the cheapest RM5.90 Starbucks Coffee of the Day? Alan or Rin? ....... Who? ... Ah? Bro satD? Whatever suits your fancy man. I can’t argue with that. But hey, Alan can always sign the petition and come back. It's his call. Not mine. BTW Unker, can you envision Alan sitting on the swing and uttering to me: “Heyy Abang Kij, can u give me a slight push, oh a little bit harder mah”? Boleh ka? You some kind of sadist? You want to see Alan blasted by my RPG?

Hoi Unker, what do you think of this Teeny Weenie Ka Siong wanting to lodge a police report against the SSS initiative? Wooohhhhh, I'm shhhhakkkkiing on my swing with Ms.Rin now, hehehe. Ini betoi-betoi Malaysia Boleh; push for unity, gets reported to the police. Fight for mayhem, feted as folk hero! With a partner like this, who needs the PR to wreak havoc on UMNO in PRU13?

Basis of report? The word "gejala"? Wahh, first time in Malaysian history, a police report lodge against a single word, gejala. Thats why Unker, these weeniefreaks should have gone to the SKs, to really understand the nuances and intricacies of THEIR COUNTRY'S national Language and not just create websites in a language incomprehensible to a large chunk of people who voted for them! And this from the same weenie who faces problems and lawsuits galore and trying hard to prove he is more Chinese than any other Chinese that ever walked the face of this Bumi. TNMCH.

I haven't stop laughing, hence have not written a post about it. But maybe, this phallic-challenged Weenie doesn't deserve my attention. We'll see.

It's time for tea and scones now, and some limp, teeny weenie bangers to go with it just for the occasion. Alan! Come join me ...

Alan said...

thanks unker for your words of wisdom, sound encouraging.

rewrite Icelandic history? no la, takut ada WebEnforcer Vista Edition printed: "i know what you did at last summer". hehe.


Alan said...


this is how race-based party work.
MCA try hard to prove they are more Chinese; UMNO try hard to prove they are more Malay.

oh..sorry, no politic talk here.


Naif said...

Slight off topic here. There's a new upcoming film that the DN commnunity might take an interest in. Its called "Gadoh". Heres the link to the trailer:

Fore more on the movie details click here:

Synopsis: (taken from the website)
Gadoh tells a story of a group of teenagers who fought each other along racial lines; a cycle of hatred and violence further escalated by their environment and school system.

What was to be a quick resolution to improve the school’s bad image, was taken as an opportunity for one teacher who believed that real change was possible. She ropes in the help of an old friend and reluctant maverick theater activist for this arduous task.

Is there hope amidst the cycle of discrimination that surrounds us?

Watch Gadoh for their story, and what it may very well tell us about ourselves.

Movie Info:
Duration: 70 mins
Director: Brenda Danker, Namron
Producer: Anna Har
Production Company: Big Pictures Productions
Supported by Pusat KOMAS
Starring: Namron, Nicholas Liew Davis, Zahiril Adzim, Amerul Affendi and Maya Tan Abdullah
Language: Bahasa Malaysia with English/BM subtitles
Poster design by: Alexdrina Chong, Lucid Design Collaborative Studio

*next screening will be at HELP University College.

KijangMas said...


This is the THIRD time you came back after vowing never to return! Unker Yew go pujuk you meh? TNS that hamsaplo.

You have not signed the petition. But I gave you TWO free passes above. I give chance lah, since you take my hantams sportingly. And now got sense of humour some more.

Waah, one week here oredi kurang pekat lah your SJKC otak. Or maybe kena brainwash by your Telengganu Cina client ah? So the gejala is reversible lah. Haiya, I used the word gejala -- you don't make police report ah? Maybe we should banish that Khoo Nobody and Ah Siong to Telengganu or Kelantan, to makan budu and understand the Malays better.

BUT Alan, going forward: You no sign, you no posting comment here, Ok?

Alan said...


ai ya, cannot sign la, you seem so dislike Mandarin, i takut you become PM and my children don't understand Mandarin anymore la, my father will kill me.


Unknown said...

I have always think this is the best way to integrate all races in Malaysia. One language, one unifiying factor.

and make the other two major language (Tamil and Mandarin (or is Cantonese?) as compulsory subject as well.

Buleh Belake!

Tommy Yewfigure said...

Hoi KM,

Did u know that u had upset my ‘Dear Leader’ with that clip? He’d just let 2 off after he read that u don’t like his hair. (Bad Hair Day). Hey that female tommyyew is actually quite good. I don’t mind being her cat, getting stroke by her daily…heheh….meowww…………

I draw a line on the sand at the beach with my Wee, when it comes to gibberish from politician (Yes your ‘To Hell with Politics’ post said all). Enuff said oreadi about that fella, getting more like the yanks, sue this; sue that, even named a boy, Sue! KNNCCB, all no f**king good at all.

Alan, on the other hand is showing some ‘ char seow kaki’ traits, can become unker’s apprentice. He won’t know how to appreciate your tea & scones lah, he’s more into ‘Tik Kwan Yin’ chinese tea with ‘YEW Char Kueh’ & ‘Ham Chim peang’ type of guy…heheh. Maybe he’ll join me for Bak Kut Teh.

Come, come Alan, go sign the petition to keep Pakcik Kij happy, else he’ll carry on til kingdom come. If you knock KM’s head, he’ll kick u in the gonads, whereas if unker knock his head, he’ll counter act with 3 pats on his own chin using the back of his palm. I know what, coz I always slap his forehead whenever Mr Singh walk by….heheh.


“SATU BANGSA, SATU NEGARA, SATU BAHASA” (pinjam from NJ, bolih ka?).

Unker Yew.

P/S – How come no ambassador posting for Zazaland? U racist now oso becoming sexist ka?

Alan said...

okok...sign "conditionally".

# 1,317

satD said...

Fuh!! Alan Yong finally.

It took more than 20+ comments n interaction to convince Alan....many more are like Alan out there.

We need to be able to deliver the context and goal of the memo and the petition to the many thousands out there...this must be a joint effort by all of those who believe that Satu Sekolah is a foundation for the true birth of a Bangsa called Bangsa Malaysia (which hopefully will be accepted for IC registration purposes!!!)

A long journey awaits us...with so many ranjau2 along the way..stay true to the focused and godwilling with our niat baik our journey towards the common goal will not be too difficult that we would think of giving this up.

Let not the "political noises" bother us...these are just nyamuk2 tepi jalan....soldier on folks

until the next Alan drop by...

PS: alan can u find 50 more like u..send them over we would be happy to share with them about SSS

KijangMas said...

Alan Yong,
I've actually reserved number 11967 for you. But its still too far off. 1317 is fine. Yeah, sure you sign "conditionally." Its on the condition you tell a joke at end of every comment.

Talking about jokers, hoi Unker Yew, what you trying to say here: "... if unker knock his head, he’ll counter act with 3 pats on his own chin using the back of his palm ... I always slap his forehead whenever Mr Singh walk by….heheh."

What knock head? You do that, you'll be this in three seconds.

As my Mexican barber says: "Man who scratches ass should not bite fingernails." Yeah, use head, the top head, before you speak. Of course, Raoul also said: "To prevent hangover, stay drunk!"

Hence, Yew the drunkard ass scratcher added:-
"How come no ambassador posting for Zazaland? U racist now oso becoming sexist ka?"

You donno ah? She's the Paris-based Ambassador at Large. I've given her a large tongkat to whack wayward, anti-unity Malaysians around the world. So watch out mate, a tongkat hayun may be coming your way.

Wah, don't lah accuse people of being "racist." I fight for the forging of the REAL Bangsa Malaysia RACE and I despise people who pretend to be Malaysians BUT don't give a sh!t about this country and couldn't even string a decent sentence in the national language even if their lives depend on it, and who now bark demand after demand after demand while questioning every single symbol and institution of nationhood of this country.

If you term this "Racist," so be it. And remember, based on the same logic, the so-called "Malaysians" who don't do their part to ensure the fruition of this Anak Bangsa Malaysia are the REAL Racists out there. I sure hope YOU are not in this category, Unker. If you have a problem with my stand, so be it. Live and let live, and may the fitter survive the social jungle called Malaysia.

Alan said...


"PS: alan can u find 50 more like u..send them over we would be happy to share with them about SSS "

don't be kidding. 50 x 20 comments=1000 comments. Are you sure you want to do that? LOL


satD said...


Its a "learning system"...if it took 20 for u....i would target 10 for the next batch...and overtime those who come and read our discussion will make up their mind without much persuasion....

again i go back to what i said in my own there reason to say NO to this? for every No we will find a way for you to say Yes minus the gonecase tutup teliga tutup mata group of course...

so what u waiting for Alan...load them up on the cyberbus on a one way ticket into becoming the true Bangsa Malaysia...

KijangMas said...

Alan, that was not funny. Jokes are supposed to be funny maah.

Anyway folks, I heard this at a meeting with Home Ministry officials in Putrajaya recently:-

"A cannibal went to a local restaurant on nearby Cannibal Island and browsed through the menu. The price for “people” is $12 but “politicians” cost $250. The cannibal asked, "How come politicians cost so much more?" The chef answered, "Do you know how hard it is to clean one of them critters?"

NJ said...

Salam Sejahtera KijangMas Perkasa, sidang DN dan sekelian semua.

Unker Yew,

Tak boleh pinjam-pinjam la Unker. Guna saja bila-bila mahu sebab "SATU BANGSA, SATU NEGARA, SATU BAHASA", Malaysian punya. Kita semua punya.

Tapi itu bukan "wee ka siong" punya tau. Mr. pee wee can ask your dear Leader if he can migrate there. Dear Leader may find mr. pee wee as a perfect candidate to be strapped to the missile being tested.

wow! Unker's charm works so so well la, got one sexist ambassador as lone follower ah?

so romantic la.. can curi-curi intai unker's yew blog ka? Dont worry, I wont report to jabatan agama. Kalau kena "wet caught" susah lor! (ha! ha! sorry zaza!)



Alan said...


Then i go serious har, don't hantam me har.

As a Mandarin-speaking Malaysian, i read your blog or writer keep mentioning or imply
"Mandarin is foreign language"
"Mandarin shouldn't exist in Malaysia"
"Mandarin speaking people is not true Malaysian" bla bla bla...

Tak boleh cakup macam ni mah...

Emotionally, how Chinese feel? Or you simply don't care?

Satu Sekolah's purpose is NOT remove Mandarin mah. It's encourage unity. If talk like that, how can a Chinese believe your sincerity le?

50x20=1000 comments is conservative numbers, it may be 50x200=10,000 comments.

Satu Sekolah, just talk unity mah, don't always focus on singleness.

SALAM (yeah, instead of 'Regards')


NJ said...


Thank you. I hope you can spread this "Bangsa Malaysia" message, a dream for all Malaysians even if, we ourselves, might not be there to witness the rise of this one united Bangsa Malaysia. Do it for our generations to come.




NJ said...


"Mandarin is foreign language"Yes, in Malaysia, this is fact. Either you accept that fact or you dont. Nothing in between.

"Mandarin shouldn't exist in Malaysia"Not necessary true. Mandarin exists in Malaysia for those who has the need. However the usage of foreign language shall not contravene the Rukun Negara & Perlembagaan Malaysia.

"Mandarin speaking people is not true Malaysian"Yes, if he or she in doing so (speaking the language), does not pay or have any respect toward the Rukun Negara & Perlembagaan (you can speak on "private" basis, no problem)

Emotionally, how Chinese feel? Or you simply don't care?Ask also, "Emotionally, how Malaysian feel? Or you simply don't care?"

Satu Sekolah's purpose is NOT remove Mandarin mah.No. Satu Sekolah is one of the steps to be implemented in Dasar Pendidikan Negara, aiming to forge one united Bangsa Malaysia speaking one common language, the National Language.




NJ said...

one more thing Alan,

Satu Sekolah, just talk unity mah, don't always focus on singleness.Read my earlier post to jc regarding the definition of "Unity".

Unity = "singleness", "one", "combined into one"

Scroll back read the whole posting.



Tembeleng said...


"Economically, the government also needs to devise a new policy urgently to replace NEP. I know the original intentions of the NEP were noble (membasmi kemiskinan tanpa mengira kaum + hapuskan pengenalan kaum mengikut fungsi ekonomi), but over the years it has been hijacked by politicians for their own cronies and thus failed to reach its original aims."

Hahahaha. Apa bingai punya suggestion. Hallo amoi, awak ingat apa sistem baru yang awak nak intro tu adalah maksum ke? Tak boleh dihijack langsung ke? Apa special ilmu yang awak akan guna untuk bendung kepintaran manusia korup (jangan ingat spesis ni dok di UMNO saja, dong) untuk menngerudi sistem baru ni besok?

Atap tiris sikit saja, tapi satu rumah hendak dirobohkannya. Mana wisdom dalam orang macam ni?

Inilah mentaliti pembangkang sejati. Asyik bangkang saja dia tahu, bila dapat negeri terkulat-kulat, kerja sendiri tak reti nak buat, asyik nak tunjuk jari pada salah orang lain. Kemudian nak pandai-pandai tukar habis semua.

Hallo, kalau nak banding otak pembangkang yang gatal sangat nak tukar habis semua sistem hari ni, dengan golongan pembina negara pelbagai bangsa dulu (arkitek NEP dulu salah seorangnya ialah orang India), kamu orang tu jauuuuuuuuh taranya. Itupun berangan nak rombak sistem konon. Pegi mampos.

Tembeleng said...


"Socially, it is high time to heal from the May 13 racial riot after 40 years. The government should release the actual accounts of the tragedy asap, so that as a nation, we could face the truth together, however terrible it may have been, and move on from there together. And swear to each other that we would never, never let it happened again no matter what."

The facts you seek are already known: on May 10 the Perikatan -- like last year's election -- lost their two-thirds majority for the first time ever. On May 11 and 12, supporters of the Opposition parties took to the streets, carrying taunting signs, showing lewd signs to Malay women and pissing in front of Malay houses while sneering for the Malays to "balik hutan".

Kamu tahu sebab apa orang Melayu pantang main kepala? Itulah satu tanda golongan cauvinis/ekstremis dalam kaum Cina dan India ni (dan masih ada lagi golongan macam tu dalam DAP, Hindraf dan PKR hari ni) menunjukkan sebenarnya mereka ni tak sensitif pada hati-budi orang Melayu.

Benda yang sama kita lihat berlaku sekali lagi hari ini, bila raja disanggah, ugama Islam dipersenda, yang hak menjadi persoalan. Ini semua tanda bahawa golongan cauvinis apek dan paria masih belum faham, dan tak akan faham.

Tembeleng said...

Hahaha Mujahideen kepala banar apa dok kat Malaysia? Pegi la ke Palestin tempat orang kapir laknat dok gelak kat ko tu, bahlol. Pasang talipinggang ketat-ketat, dan jangan lupa picit picu merah, okay sayang.

John Cena said...

Alan asked -
'Emotionally, how Chinese feel? ... If talk like that, how can a Chinese believe your sincerity le?'

Alan, let me ask you -

- What do you call a citizen of China?

- What do you call a citizen of Malaysia?

Which one are you? What do you call yourself?

I'm confused?


Tembeleng said...


"Phonont, i apologise for my inappropriate term 'democratic right" which do not necessary translate into "absolute right". but yeah, to clarify for your sake, I only meant general public space like shopping malls, mamaks, parks, where we ordinary citizens hang out lah..."

See, you don't get it. Kita bukan sekeras Thailand atau Indonesia. Kat sini kamu nak pakai nama sendiri, pakai ajelah. Nak cakap bahasa sendiri sesama bangsa sendiri, cakap ajelah. Ada orang pernah tegur atau bantah?

Yang kita bantah ialah, orang yang tak reti cakap bahasa Melayu bila sampai pada tempatnya. Macam Parlimen, misalnya. Sampai ada sekor apek bangang dalam majalah Off The Edge pernah tulis: "If our politicians cannot speak Malay properly, then why not conduct the proceedings in English? After all, this is Malaysia."

Bengong tak boleh dikata. Memanglah this is Malaysia, Patrick Teoh bengong wei... sebab tu lah suka atau suka ko kena belajar jugak cakap bahasa Melayu. Takkan nak jadi Hindraf, usung gambar Gandhi sini sana walau 50 tahun lepas Merdeka. Badan aje merdeka, otak masih kat selut.

Andaikan di Londonlah: dalam Chinatown awak nak belasah dengan Hokkien, suka hati awaklah. Tapi bila awak jumpa kastam Inggeris, atau pergi sekolah kebangsaan UK, tinggalkanlah bahasa ibunda tu, dan embracelah bahasa penyatuan.

Aloysius Thamboosamy Pillai said...

KM dear,

It was once said that a Black man would be U.S. President only when "pigs fly" and sure enough 100 days into Obama’s term, "swine flu" ...Salam

Uncle Alois

Anonymous said...

Due to a technical problem, my comment below did not appear as intended 3-4 days ago. Am now sending in two parts to meet the requirement on comment lengths:
Part 1 -


The newspaper article 22 May 2009 you referred me to was not written by a columnist or a journalist. It could have been written by any Abdul, Thambi or Chi Kong (the likely one in this case). It therefore was not reliable information. It, in fact, was not information; it was an accusation against the Government, against the Biro Tata Negara of Jabatan Perdana Menteri.

It was a serious matter and the newspaper should have checked the validity of the accusation before printing. This is the kind of media we have these days. This kind of publication has led to the lack of decency, propriety and decorum prevailing in Malaysian society nowadays. It smacks a lack of responsibility on the part of publishers, reflects a sense of free-for-all for criticisms and accusations, irrespective of the sensitivity of subjects being raised. Woe betide those among us who are very concerned about mutual understanding, harmony and lasting peace among the races.

I am not working for the Government and am not a member of any political party. But I think the above is why the Government, through the Bureau Tata Negara, was organizing the 5-day civics courses, and may have told the participants repeatedly - as the complainant said - not to question Malay rights. I see nothing wrong in anybody telling anybody else not to question Malay rights. Especially a bureau in the Prime Minister’s Dept. In fact, I checked and was told that one primary function of Bureau Tata Negara was to bring about national unity and inter-racial harmony. But the complainant did not enquire the purpose of such courses, the conveying of such messages. And straight away started ranting against the Government, accusing it of spreading intolerance and hatred. Aided by a newspaper which apparently did not do its duty of checking its validity. And you appearing to believe in the accusation. But at least you asked me for my opinion. If your purpose was to get verification and not furthering the accusation, I applaud you.

Freedom to speak must be accompanied by a sense of responsibility. Nowhere in this world people can say anything they like without due regard to the feelings of others. Unjustified and wild criticisms would attract counter criticisms, even harsh words. It’s not good for national unity and the creation of a united Bangsa Malaysia.


Anonymous said...

PART 2 of earlier comment addressed to jc –

Now, for those who question the Malay rights, I, as a loyal citizen interested in lasting peace, national unity and racial harmony in this country, want to say in a firm and clear manner the following:

1. The special position of the Malays (hak istimewa orang Melayu) that had been written as Article 153 of the Constitution is a sensitive matter and is under the perview of the Sedition Act. The Government appears to choose not to use the law and try to persuade people not to question it through Bureau Tata Negara courses etc, but people must not exploit the Government’s soft approach.

2. The special position of the Malays had been agreed to by the non-Malay leaders at Merdeka time IN CONSIDERATION OF (or as a quid pro quo for) Malay leaders agreeing to citizenship rights for the non-Malays, who were not citizens and who were, in fact, stateless at that time. These were written into the Constitution of the country. This became known as “the Social Contract” among the races. If non-Malays question the special Malay rights, the Malays can question the non-Malays’ citizenship right. This would lead to ill feelings. Hence the civics courses organized by the Bureau Tata Negara.

3. The Malays were economically and educationally disadvantaged during British colonial rule. Since the time the British “intervened” to sort out the Chinese secret societies and gangster wars over control of mining land at the request of the Kapitan China in Larut, the British encouraged the Chinese in business by giving them mining leases, lotteries, gaming and later, lisences for trading in rubber. The British didn’t think the Malays were good at or had the inclination for or encourage them in business; as a result, only the Chinese prospered economically. But the British also didn’t build sufficient schools in the kampongs, where most of the Malays lived; whatever few schools built were only at primary level. Whereas in the towns, where most of the Chinese lived, they built sufficient schools, both at primary and secondary education levels. Because the Malays were disadvantaged and needed assistance to progress, their special position was written into the Consitution of the country. It’s not good to ask how long it would be because the Malays have not asked how long the citizenship right of the non-Malays would be.

4. History books on China would tell you that even in Mainland China there was assistance given to the disadvantaged by the rulers, including by the Manchus, a foreign power that invaded and ruled China. The Southerners (most Malaysian Chinese came from South China), who were less educated than the Northerners, were given special consideration for posts in the civil service. The fact that it was over a hundred years ago is not relevant; what is relevant is the fact that they gave assistance to the disadvantaged. To day, there are other countries which also give assistance to the disadvantaged. These include South Africa and Canada, and the Chinese are included in the disadvantaged groups in those countries. In Malaysia, the Chinese should not resent the fact that the Malays were the disadvantaged group and given “hak istimewa”, as written in the Constitution. And, more importantly, no one should forget that the special right was in consideration for the Malays agreeing to the non-Malays becoming citizens.


Anonymous said...

Part 3 of comment addressed to jc:

5. All Malaysian citizens, even non-citizens who reside in this country, must respect the Constitution of this country. Citizens must abide by the Constitution, the highest set of laws of the country – all other laws emanate from, and are based on, the Constitution. It is the foundation for the very existence of the country. If we don’t follow the Constitution, the law of the jungle will emerge and everybody will suffer. There will be chaos and disorder. Business cannot be carried out properly, people will not propser and the country will not progress.

Therefore, let’s all respect and abide by the Constitution, don’t question Malay rights on NEP and educational facilities, and don’t question non-Malay rights to citizenship for them and their descendents. Let’s unite for lasting peace and prosperity for the present and future generations of our country.


Anonymous said...


Apa yang ditekankan ialah penggunaan bahasa selain BM dibenarkan dalam konteks bukan rasmi. Itu sahaja. Bila melibatkan pendidikan ianya adalah rasmi. Jadi kenapa masih berkeras mengekalkan SRJK? Ada sebab lain? Jika disebabkan ingin menguasai bahasa ibunda, faktanya SK sudah pun menawarkan mata pelajaran bahasa Arab, Mandarin & Tamil sebagai bahasa ketiga. Jadi apa lagi masalahnya?


Anonymous said...


Thank you for your comments.

I would like to point out that I mentioned that the govt should carry out an inquiry about the complaints and take relevant action if found to be true and not just brush off the complaints.

One has to realise that the presentation of fact is very important. You rightly pointed out that the function of Biro Tata Negara is to forment unity but that is not the question.

What is important is the way it is presented by the lecturer. For instance in presenting the fact on Malay rights, how did the lecturer do it ?. Did he do in in an angry way by haranging the non Malays ?.

Did he get taken over by his emotions ?, and make racial slur and caustic remarks about the other races ? etc etc. These could be the factor that make the non Malay participants upset.

When one is not there, one cannot feel the actual atmosphere created during the lecture. Notes as guideline has no emotive effect but the way of presentation does.

For instance, what if the lecturer has said " you pendatang kurang ajar cabar hak keistimewaan orang Melayu" . What kind of emotions do you thing will be evoke in a non Malay participant ?.

You also rightly pointed out history and the need for Malays to get special help.

But we have to be realistic, this is to enable the ones that are lagging behind a helping hand to catch up and by right shouldn't be use as an excuse to make a blanket case of it.

By this I mean, Malays who have done well, and being on a level field should be made to compete with the world at large and not hide behind the excuse of "hak istimewa orang Melayu".

Take for instance, why are Malay engineers given a 10% discount when buying a double storey house ?. By right this (example) engineer is a professional earning four figure salary like his non Malay counterpart. This is not right isn't it ?.

To say this is their right would really mean that one is trying to apply the superior race concept of Hitler !.

As a Malaysian,I beleive the govt policy should look towards helping a class of people and not be based on race or religion.

In any case, with the Malays forming the majority , in a policy that helps a class of people, the majority will still be Malays but at the same time, the others will not be discriminated.

Non Malays accept the reality and need of the NEP (it oringal aim is to "membasmi kemiskinan" of all Malaysian isn't it?) but the "quarrel" is with the implementation when it was turned into one based on race and religion and not based on class of people.

I for one believed that if the NEP had been properly implemented according to the spirit on which it was founded, today, things would have been very different.There would have been less division like we see today.

I am sure the ordinary non Malays (not politicians), accepts the reality of the Malay Monarchy and Malay political hegemony. But what they want is to be treated fairly as Malaysians without undue prejudices.

Just my little two sen worth.


Anonymous said...

PendekarLara dan Sepadu,

Adoih la.. tu la korang, korang ni dah kena brainwash dengan semangat kebangsaan yang membuta tuli.

Aku admit, aku ni bukan lah baik sangat, ramai dah orang2 buta tuli yang aku dah lempang terajang, tapi senang camni la, korang pikir la sendiri nak letak Agama kat depan ke atau nak letak Bangsa kat depan?

Dalam Quran ada ke sebut, "Wahai orang orang Melayu," ke dia sebut "Wahai orang orang beriman?"

Sesungguhnya, Islam itu sangat mulia, bukan sahaja utk orang Islam, tetapi mulia utk orang kafir juga. Tapi bila orang melayu anut agama Islam, dah bertukar jadi agama Melayu.

Pikir juga la, kalau kita majority orang melayu betul2 amalkan Islam, aku gerenti orang kafir pun akan tertarik sangat2 dengan keindahan Islam. Tapi tengok sekarang ni, apa jadi? Orang kafir kutuk kita adalah.. lagi benci. Allah suruh kita dakwah by example, bukan paksa. So sekarang ni korang ni nak perang2 ngan orang bukan Islam yang tak bersalah ni apa pasal?

Tepuk dada, tanyalah iman.



Tam Dalyell said...

Salam Sdr mugenb16b;

Saya suka, sangat suka ungkapan sdr, yang berbunyi .... "tapi senang camni la, korang pikir la sendiri nak letak Agama kat depan ke atau nak letak Bangsa kat depan?

Dalam Quran ada ke sebut, "Wahai orang orang Melayu," ke dia sebut "Wahai orang orang beriman?"

Sdr suruh kitorang pikir ... maka saya pun terpikir ....

Ketika belum ada apa-apa makhluk .. ketika awal-awal dulu ... sebelum ada apa-apa ... hanya Wujud Allah ... Maka Allah berfirman (diterangkan dalam harith qudsi) ... "Ana kanzun mahfiyun ..." eh cakap Melayu lah senang

"Aku perbendaharaan tersembunyi ... Aku ingin diketahui (disembah) orang ... maka Aku jadikan makhluk dari N ...." dan seterusnya.

DijadikanNya manusia dahulu ... dijadikanNya Adam Hawa dahulu .. bila manusia perlu diTunjukiNya jalan ... baharu diturunkanNya Kitab (Agama).

Itu sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. ... baginda dah sediakan jawapan sebelum sdr tembakkan agama sdr di sini.

Ya tak ya juga ... kalau tak ada bangsa ... mana nak letakkan Agama? Tak kan nak letak agama di bandar Ipoh kot .. takut-takut di sana nanti Bangsa berketayap berjubah .. keluar-keluar masjid, kibar bendera Pelastin .. berbaringan di atas jalanan. Mereka ni (jangan-jangan sdr pun disana tak) mengaku meletakkan agama di depan, tapi agama mereka tak menunjuki mereka jalan yang benar ... agama mereka menunjuki di jalan mana nak baring.

Sdr ni macam abang sdr si Mujahideen itulah .. ajak kitorang kembali ka Islam ... kalau Islam yang di tengah jalan Ipoh itu saya tak nak lah. Mati katak utk DAP nanti.

"Tepuk dada, tanyalah iman." kata sdr???? Ooo gitu caranya. Selalu orang kata 'tepuk dada tanya selera'. Orang yang kuat ikut selera selalunya mengaku ikut iman ... macam sdr mugenb16b ni .. maka tiap kali sdr tepuk dada sebenarnya tanya selera ... Jangan sdr, ikut selera binasa, ikut hati mati.

Tembeleng said...

Oi mugen:

kat Malaysia ni Melayu dan Islam adalah sama, bongok. Tak percaya ko kawin lah dengan amoi Cina tengok -- anak-anak ko akan semuanya diiktiraf sebagai Melayu. Tak yah cam tu, apek sama amoi masuk Islam kawin, anak-anak depa pun semuanya akan dikira sebagai Melayu.

Ass-backward muslim sentiment tak tentu pasal, cut and paste aje yang ko pandai, pikir tak reti. Tu la pasal bila menghadap Quran mengaji aje, tak mo BACA.

Anonymous said...


Apa Encik salah masuk blog ker.. ini DN bukan Harakah!

Kebanyakkan dari kalangan mereka yang kononnya cuba berdakwah hal Agama tak tentu tempat adalah dari kalangan “CON” man. Awas, jangan mudah terpedaya.

Mereka yang kuat dan fasih dalam Agama tidak akan dengan sewenang2nya mengeluarkan kata2 nasihat (not asked for) mengenai perkara yang menyentuh Agama, terutama sekali dalam2 blog…

Golongan ini sangat istemewa, waras, berhemah dan bistari and very cautious (lempang terajang out of their vocabulary..)

Sori mugenb16b…

Nampak sangat temberang kamu. I am sure you ni orang KAPIAQ SESAT.


WebEnforcer v.4.4 said...

High sedition from ultra Chinese racist N.K. Khoo of Muar in his hate site:-

"Today they propose 1Sekolah with Malay language as only language used in the school, tomorrow they will call for 1Potong with islam as only religion for all Malaysians. How about 1President campaign to demolish nine sultans and replaced with President from ralyat? How about 1Rakyat with only Malaysian is written on the IC? Once Malaysians decline to observe social agreement signed by our ancestors during the independence like Malay calling for 1Sekolah, Chinese calling for 1President, etc, be prepared to have another Sri Lanka."

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Tembeleng said...


Aku dah naik jelak dengan geng kopiah kedai kopi yang konon mahu tarbiah orang (bagus la tu) tapi sendiri tak mahu tarbiah (tak bagus lah tu, sebab dalam Islam concentric circle dakwah bermula dari dalam ke luar, bukan terbalik).

Apa ko tak pernah renungkan ke, pasal soal bangsa dalam kelompok Muslim terawal?

1. Selepas Mekah menyerah kepada kuasa Islam, kenapa Nabi s.a.w. terpaksa bagi statement untuk menyejukkan hati kaum Ansar? Dan bukankah statement Nabi s.a.w. itu berkenaan preference bangsa?

2. Selepas Nabi s.a.w. wafat, terus ada perbalahan antara bangsa Quraisy yang diketuai Abu Bakar dan Umar, dengan bangsa Ansar. Apa antara hujah yang digunakan oleh kedua pihak? Bukankah hujah awalan mereka juga berkenaan bangsa mana yang lebih layak memerintah?

3. Sebab apa kena ada hadis Nabi s.a.w. menyentuh perihal shabat non-Arab seperti Bilal bin Rabah dan Salma al-Farisi?

4. Sewaktu datang orang dusun berkunjung ke Madinah dengan celebration mereka, apa kata Nabi s.a.w. waktu dia melarang Aisyah menari bersama?

5. Kenapa Allah beritahu dalam Quran kenapa terciptanya bangsa, sedangkan boleh saja dibuat menjadi satu?

Pikir-pikirlah. Jangan asyik nak hidu bontot kapir DAP aje.

Anonymous said...


"the govt should carry out an inquiry about the complaints". What inquiry are you talking about? When you don't write in? You can't expect the Governmnet to read every comment in the papers. What is your purpose in furthering the matter in the mass media any way? I don't wish to say any more about this as it is distracting attention.

"why are Malay engineers given a 10% discount when buying a double storey house?". When you want to criticise implementation, this is not the example to use. All Malays get the right irrespective of whether he is an office boy or an engineer. You can, for example, talk about cronyism where contracts and projects are given to cronies instead of other Malays to widen the distribution of wealth under the NEP.

When you say the engineer should not get any more right, it's like saying the person who has got the citizenship right but is not loyal to the country should become less entitled to his citizenship.


TheKonvincinglyKelakarKasimKunyit said...

Part 1

Saudara-saudara Tembeleng, Tongkang dan Dal,

Sebenarnya Mugen ini adalah salah satu pengikut Dakwah Tabligh, satu pertubuhan yang sangat bagus dari segi pendidikan akhlak, moral dan peningkatan iman dan jatidiri, tetapi hancus dalam hal-hal sosio-politik dunia oleh kerana disiplin-dispilin tersebut bukan menjadi teras pengajaran mereka. Ahli-ahli Tabligh moden bersenjatakan internet seperti Mugen ini yang, walaupun saya pasti dikurungi oleh satu jasad dan tubuh yang dewasa (berprofil berjanggut panjang, berbadan sasa, gempal-gempal dan muka bulat serta boleh habiskan 6 keping capati dalam sekali makan) tetapi mempunyai minda yang keanak-kecilan serta kematangan pemikiran sosio-politik yang sungguh terkebelakang, hasil natijah dari ajaran yang memandang segala hal-hal duniawi (kecuali bizness) adalah remeh dan mudah diselesaikan melalui satu ungkapan sahaja, yaitu “Iman, jadi keluarlah kita”. Bila kita punya minda dan persepsi politik yang mundur tetapi masih juga mahu membuat komen dalam internet, maka natijahnya adalah orang-orang seperti Mugen ini.

Konsep apologetik seperti inilah yang telah mendorongkan beratus, malah beribu anak-anak muda kita terus menerus berpikiran simplistik dan “oblivious” terhadap apa-apa yang berlaku di persekitarannya. Bukan sahaja anak-anak muda tetapi orang-orang dewasa serta golongan profesional yang menyertai kumpulan ini pun akan terjebak dalam failosof simplistik sedemikian, termasuk ahli-ahli masyarakat seperti doktor, jurutera, pensyarah dan sebagainya. Malahan, pernah juga saya terdengar rintihan seorang pengikut yang mengatakan bahawa Tabligh ini adalah satu kumpulan dimana orang-orang pandai yang join, akan menjadi bodoh. Mungkin ini adalah satu “exaggeration”, tetapi apa yang dikatakannya mungkin benar, kerana kumpulan ini bertujuan untuk menyama-ratakan status pemikiran semua pengikutnya dalam satu pembahagi yang sama (common denominator), di mana hanya iman dan amal menjadi takat ukuran. (Itu sebabnya selain dari berusaha atas amal, mereka masing-masing berlumba-lumba untuk menghias diri secara luaran dengan Kurta atau Serban, apa-apa saja untuk “menaikkan” pointer iman dan amal tadi).

Jadi biar saya kupas apa yang diperkatakan oleh Mugen itu di sini. Tujuan saya menulis panjang lebar ini bukan untuk mengomen seorang persona-non-grata seperti Mugen ini, tetapi adalah untuk mencungkil dan memahami pemikiran orang-orang seperti ini, dan bertujuan juga agar penulisan ini boleh dibaca oleh beratus atau beribu pengikut-pengikut mereka yang lain dan buat penilaian sendiri.

TheKonvincinglyKelakarKasimKunyit said...

Part 2

Pertama sekali, idea-idea mereka ini yang menyatakan “Kalau kita amal Islam dengan sempurna, orang lain akan tertarik dengan Islam”. Ada juga saya pernah dengar variasi lainnya yaitu “Kekufuran itu satu kegelapan. Kegelapan tidak perlu dipukul atau dikritik. Hanya nyalakan satu lilin, hilanglah kegelapan itu.”

Nah, bagi seseorang yang berminda simplistik, statement2 seperti itu penuh logika dan kebenaran. Memangpun kapsyen-kapsyen ala Aesop atau Mulla Nasruddin itu lahirnya dari ketua-ketua atau “elders” mereka yang berminda simplistik juga. Tetapi kalau kita kaji secara halus, dunia nyata kita ini tidak di tadbir oleh kapsyen-kapsyen yang simplistic. Dunia nyata lebih kompleks, lebih sofistikated, dan mempunyai terlalu banyak pembolehubah yang memainkan peranan atas satu-satu isu. Senang saja kita menyangkal kebenaran statement tersebut: dengan fakta.

Cuba perhatikan markas jemaah tabligh itu sendiri di New Delhi. Ianya satu mesjid kecil yang didatangi oleh beratus ahli setiap hari dari seluruh dunia. Tetapi laporan menyatakan bahawa di sekeliling masjid itu, terdapat “kegelepan” teramat sangat. Pencuri, penipu semua wujud di kelilingnya. Kalau markasnya sendiri tidak mampu menjadi “lilin penerang” bagi umat Islam di persekitaran, mana benarnya statement itu tadi? Itu baru satu kawasan sekangkang kera di New Delhi. Bagaiamana keseluruhan India pula? Makin ramai ahli Tabligh meningkat, makin kufur, makin jelik pula India jadinya. Perhatikan juga markas tempatan mereka dekat stadium Bukit Jalil. Sebelum terbinanya markas itu, kawasan itu adalah kawasan lengang, sedikit penduduk, malahan tempat DBKL membuang sampah. Selepas terbinanya markas itu, adakah kawasan itu menjadi satu kawasan Islamiah yang “exemplary”? Tidak. Malahan selepas terbinanya markas tersebut, maka tempat-tempat maksiat seperti karaoke, hotel-hotel menempatkan pelacur, rumah-rumah urut dan berbagai2 lagi telah tumbuh pesat seperti cendawan. Awat, tidak cukup terangkah lilin untuk menerangi kegelapan sekeliling?

“Kalau kita amal Islam dengan sempurna, orang lain akan tertarik dengan Islam”. Kemungkinan ini jugalah pemikiran kaum melayu dalam PAS yang sanggup bersekongkol dengan Musuh Islam sejati, DAP. Yakni,
“UMNO tidak mempraktik Iman tulin. Kami PAS cuba akan menonjolkan agama yang sebenar. Mudah-mudahan dengan praktik kami itu, DAP akan masuk Islam.”

Inilah yang saya katakan minda simplistik yang terlampau itu. Satu statement yang “theoretically sound in perfect boundary conditions, but in reality fail to be realised in the everyday Realistic world”. Cuba congak dalam satu jari: dah berapa ramai dah DAP masuk Islam semata-mata Nizar mahu menunjukkan “betapa maha adilnya Islam” dengan menggadaikan harta-benda orang Islam kepada orang kafir di Perak? Sudah berapa ramai dah orang2 Cina peluk Islam dengan orang2 PAS menganggok-anggok kepala apabila kesultanan Melayu Islam, hak Melayu Islam, malah martabat dan wibawa Melayu Islam dicerca puak-puak ini setiap hari, dimana ketua-ketua melayu di panggil Najis dan Bodohwi dan kata nesta yang lain? Malah Nama Allah SWT yang, satu hari kelak, akan dibentangkan dlam media massa, dicanang-canangkan dalam akhbar-akhbar dan ditayangkan dalam poster-poster besar sebagai mempunyai anak, menyalib anak, dan menyelamatkan dunia jika manusia percaya akan anakNya itu, pun berpotensi disokong oleh puak-puak ini. Bukan. Kesemua ini dibuat bukan kerana Allah. Tetapi kerana undi. Untuk meraih undi supaya dengan pecahnya umat Islam Melayu di bumi Malaya ini, maka segera lagila pemerintahan ala PAP yang tdiak berteraskan agama itu boleh dilakukan.

Hanya sedikit pemahaman yang belum mencapai kematangan, mampu untuk menukar arah-tuju teraju bumi kita ini.

NoNama said...


Your comment "Kita semua tahu sekolah vernakular etnik cina jauh lebih tinggi taraf akademik para pelajarnya berbanding dengan sekolah aliran kebangsaan." is utterly preposterous !

From whose viewpoints is that?
Try mentioning this to our relatives in the East Coast...they'll definitely laugh it out loud on your ignorance.

The whole Malaysia knows that every year students from Kelantan and Terengganu would come out (or among) the top performers in UPSR/PMR/SPM etc. I guess those students must have studied in SRJK Chung Hwa Kota Bharu or Kuala Terengganu since the academic level of vernacular school is waaaaay ahead of Sekolah Kebangsaan. NOT.

Get your fact right la please bang.
Please don't limit the scope of discussion to the confine of happenings within KL/Penang/Perak only.
Kelantan parents are in no way of rushing to send their children to do Terengganu people.
And Sabah..Sarawak..Pahang..perhaps Kedah..Perlis....


Anonymous said...


Saya amat tertarik dengan hujah-hujah Sdr yang dua bahagian itu.

Kumpulan-kumpulan saperti itu memang memecah belahkan umat Islam Melayu. Saya sendiri sudah lama merasakan bahawa pemikiran simplistik mereka memundurkan, tidak memajukan, kaum Melayu. Melayu sudah banyak masaelah di negara ini, tidak perlu tambahan masaelah saperti ini.

Saya kurang kebolehan menonjolkan ketidak-bijaksanaan mereka; saya harap Sdr akan terus berbuat demikian, moga-moga yang lain tidak terikut-ikut pemikiran yang merugikan itu.


Tembeleng said...


posting yang membuka minda. Aku pun dok heran jugak, apa pasal yang sang PAS ni boleh kerja dengan DAP etc, tapi UMNO tak boleh.

1. Dia kata sebab UMNO sekular. Habis, DAP tu parti Islamik atau bersifat religious ke?

2. Dia kata sebab UMNO rasuah. Habis, PKR tu apa?

3. Dia kata sebab UMNO tak sokong kerajaan Islam. Ahohoho. Dan DAP tu sokong sangat-sangatlah, seperti yang terbukti dengan kenyataan-kenyataan mereka sehingga la ni.

4. Dia kata sebab UMNO murtad. Ahohoho. Pedulikan "murtad" atas fatwa siapa. Macamlah Quran ada perintah supaya bekerja dengan orang kafir untuk melawan orang murtad?

Memang pada aku UMNO ni perlu rombakan menyeluruh. Tapi persoalan yang lebih genting sekarang ialah penyatuan orang Melayu supaya jangan menang sorak kampung tergadai lagi.

Dan memang pun dalam konteks Malaysia ini, berjuang untuk hak Melayu adalah sama dengan berjuang untuk hak Islam. Sebab Melayu ni tak lebih dari satu sampul yang merujuk pada masyarakat majmuk bilangan bangsa -- mamak ke, apek ke, Arab ke... asal ko amal Islam di Malaysia, maka ko adalah Melayu statusnya.

Tapi itulah, tak mahu ambik pendekatan secara naturalistik kepada indigene negara. Nak import wholesale apasaja konsep dari luar, tak kira Barat atau Arab (yang sering disalaherti sebagai "Islamik"). "Melayu" di Malaysia tak sama macam "Melayu" di Indonesia. Aku rasa cuma di Malaysia saja yang ada konsep bangsa yang egalitarian macam ni.

KijangMas said...

This “Muhammad Fareez Shah of UiTM Shah Alam” could be an imposter, but if he’s really a Melayu in UiTM, then may Tuhan have mercy on his race and UiTM.

Fareez said: “Wow amazing how in respond to my question i get a patronizing essay ... kijangmas u seem to be a very bright visionary man...”

Eh, who is “patronising” now? What "bright visionary" BS you talking about? I don’t get bright visions when I read your incoherent rantings over nothing. I just get visions of my RPG aimed at your butt and the bright flash of impact.

Fareez added: “... how are these school going to ensure equal opportunity for the chinese and the indian to preserve their culture..complaint..from the non malays are usually..their fear not being able to preserve their ancestor culture? ...someone needs to assure that cultural preservation will happen... will the school ensure that the chinese get to keep what they have..?"

WHY are you burdening schools with preserving cultures? Schools are places of LEARNING and the place to infuse commonalities for the fledgling Bangsa Malaysia. Schools got nothing to do with preserving cultures. This is a typical Melayu Bodoh force-fed up to the forehead in political garbage dished in Pakatan ceramahs. Remember the “Mujahiddeen” who wants us to go fight the Yahuds in Palestine? Yeah, this fellow must be his roommate, afflicted by the same stupidity.

So, Fareez, you think at my old SK, my parents fought to preserve my ancestral Kelantanese-Patani culture? They bitched about classes not conducted in Kelantanese and no wayang kulit, makyong and dikir barat and no budu in the canteen? They have fits over the "queer" Baso Oghe Lua uttered by teachers? Lu gila ka? Kita pergi sekolah untuk belajar! Seni budaya hal luar sekolah. After school and on weekends, go practice all the culture you want, and go perform the wayang kulit, kudakepang, lion dance, Indian dances and Borneo tribal dances to your hearts’ content. But how come these fighters of “cultural rights” don’t seem to do that at those times? How come waste time mooching at Low Yat Plaza and similar joints? Go lah do your zapin, ronggeng and tarian singa panjat kerusi curi kobis bawah siling. That’s the time to do these “cultural” fantasies. Why want to do it during school hours? TNS, no wonder we produced thousands of functional illiterates; they must have been learning “cultures” and NOT schoolbooks in school. Like this how? More kids be like YOU – ignorant of basic punctuation, spelling and grammar.

Fareez further said: “… and im a pure malay.”

Ah? Is being "pure Malay" a Carte Blanche for stupidity? Your name suggests substantial Dravidian infusion, not that its bad. Anyway, I get suspicious of anyone claiming racial "purity" in this corner of the world.

And said: “we can continue being a bunch of barbarian and calling ppl names ... lets start having conversation like true intelects (sic) ...”

But you are NOT an intellect! You are just a clueless moron. See? You make me do it. I’ve become a barbarian and called you a moron. Yeah, I shouldn’t be calling you a moron, moron.

And said: “because not everyone in this world get convince (sic) just bcoz (sic) kijangmas (sic) says so”

That’s why you have a 2kg blob of jello between your flappy ears called a brain. If you use that otak, you may be able to convince yourself of the logic of the arguments here. But I don’t think that's within your capacity.

And said somemore: “forgive me for sounding rude...following blindly is not how human move foward (sic) is it any part of my value”

No. You are not rude. You are just a Bodoh Sombong, full of hot air and immersed in your own sewage. The kind that would extend a little knowledge of something irrelevant to great lengths of confused literary garbage. Please don’t be “convinced” by me. I don’t "convince” people. Only Brother Anwar and his charlatans have those powers of bullsasion. I can only make people THINK. But I don't think you are capable of that.

Anonymous said...

KM sir, you seem to have a devoted fan out there, perhaps a stalker, who persistently copy-paste your postings and comments and maliciously attack you in other blogs. This time in

Who is this woman? maintained by the same paymasters as that insane 'Wide Eyes' freak?

These cyberstalkers give me the creeps. Geli lah baca tohmahan diorang. Tak tau lah, dengki ke atau kasih sayang tak terbalas di masa silam? Tapi ni lah tanda tuan hebat. Teruskan berjuang.

Nik Norma

Juwae Setio Tokku said...

Salam Tuanku KijangMas yang di kasihi yang telah mencetus minda baru rakyat jelata.

Sokongan dari Tun Dr. Mahathir:-

"Today we are grappling with the problem of education. We have three streams and woe betide anyone who suggests that we should not have them. We talk of liberal society, of free speech, but if you express some commonsensical views you would be labelled racist."(, THE EXTREMISTS, By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on May 27, 2009 10:35 PM)

Kita berada di jalan benar - demi negara DAN rakyat jelata.

Phonont said...

Here's more SSUS-related news:-

1MALAYSIA: Single school system the keyCHOK SUAT LING: The problem lies with national schoolsKM sir, perhaps you in the capacity as the representative of DM community should also send a letter to NST or STAR to elaborate on our call for 1 School.

Anonymous said...


Anda tujukan komen kapada saya. Anda kata "Aku admit, aku ni bukan lah baik sangat, ramai dah orang2 buta tuli yang aku dah lempang terajang, tapi senang camni la, korang pikir la sendiri nak letak Agama kat depan ke atau nak letak Bangsa kat depan?". Sabenar nya, komen saperti ini saya tidak perlu layan. Tapi, demi kepentingan persatuan bangsa, saya coba jawab satu kali.

Anda cakap fasal agama. Tapi anda terus menomah orang buta tuli. Lantas mengaku lempang terajang orang. Saya tidak tahu apa jenis maanusia anda ini. Sabenar nya saya tidak faham apa maksud anda menulis ini, apa yang anda mahu katakan.

Anda juga berkata "kalau kita majority orang melayu betul2 amalkan Islam, aku gerenti orang kafir pun akan tertarik sangat2 dengan keindahan Islam. Tapi tengok sekarang ni, apa jadi? Orang kafir kutuk kita adalah.. lagi benci". Ini pun saya tak faham. Apa gerenti yang anda sebutkan itu? Apa yang anda maksudkan "lagi benci" itu?

Anda kata lagi, "Allah suruh kita dakwah by example, bukan paksa. So sekarang ni korang ni nak perang2 ngan orang bukan Islam yang tak bersalah ni apa pasal?" Siapa ada sebut fasal paksa? Siapa ada niat mahu paksa? Siapa ada "nak perang"?

Nyata lah bahawa anda longgar dengan kata-kata (loose canon). Ini tidak baik dan merbahaya. Terutama sekali bila anda sebutkan agama. Saya khuatir jenis anda ini akan memutar belitkan apa yang orang kata, malahan apa yang orang tidak kata pun. Jangan marah, saya tidak mahu berdampingan atau berurus dengan anda. Saya membuat kenyataan ini ha nya untuk merekodkan jawapan saya kapada kata-kata anda yang saya tidak faham maksud nya, malah curigakan tujuan nya.


Tembeleng said...


"Anda juga berkata "kalau kita majority orang melayu betul2 amalkan Islam, aku gerenti orang kafir pun akan tertarik sangat2 dengan keindahan Islam. Tapi tengok sekarang ni, apa jadi? Orang kafir kutuk kita adalah.. lagi benci". Ini pun saya tak faham. Apa gerenti yang anda sebutkan itu? Apa yang anda maksudkan "lagi benci" itu? "

Si Mugen ni dia bila hadap Quran cuma mengaji saja, tak mahu baca. Sebab tu dia lupa atau tak tahu agaknya, Allah sendiri ada kata: "Orang kafir tak akan senang dengan kamu, sehinggalah kamu menjadi seperti mereka".

Sikap macam si Mugen ni bersesuaianlah dengan hadis Nabi tentang dunia akhir zaman, di mana Quran hanya tinggal perhiasan -- baca bukan main syahdu, tapi habuk tarak. Hadis tu kias, tapi dibacanya literal.

KijangMas said...


That piece by a Chok Suat Ling in NST reeks of shallowness and desperation, perhaps done in haste to project a semblance of rational resistance to Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua.

Her line here sums up her "argument":-

"The main obstacle is the nation's present socio-political realities, which render the idea not just impractical but impossible ...
As it is, even talking about it can inflame emotions and elicit threats of police reports and charges of sedition. Would it be prudent to throw another canister of fuel into the fire when there are so many divisive issues at play in the public domain? Would it be worth it, if it divides the people more than it unites them?"

See the refusal to come out of the comfort zone? I sense a profusion of the debilitating anak manja tak boleh di sentuh ailment that I've mentioned in the past.

Perhaps one should ask Suat Ling, how can we be more divided than we are now? And we just do nothing and allow the present trajectory of racial alienation to hurtle towards ultimate social calamity?

I think only a dimwit would throw the word "impossible" in the same breath as politics. Haji Hadi's tight embrace of Lim Kiat Siang shows the Malaysia Boleh spirit of political possibilities. See, nothing is "impossible" in politics, Suat Ling. Weren't your forefathers made citizens by the Malay leadership in 1957 after a hundred years of stateless existence under British rule? See, nothing's impossible.

Or do you see "possibilities" only if it suits your community? Hence, the dismantling of the NEP is a "possibility", the reneging of Malay Special Position is also "possible", indeed, even standing up to a Sultan is now deemed very "possible." So, amidst these great "possibilities", vernacular schools -- a mere aberration, an overlooked kink in our nation building -- suddenly becomes a fixture impossible to extricate from our socio-political fabric? So how? Do you want me and fellow patriots to unload our own "impossibilities" on your community as well? We have a lot you know? Indeed, we can say tak boleh and mustahil to a lot of things in this country if we want to match your group's utter selfishness. Then what? We become a stressful nation of alienated communities sustained by mutual impossibilities? Haiya, like this susahlah.


I've also read the piece by a Zamri Mahmud of KL in the NST. A snippet:-

"They protest for better representation in the civil service instead of encouraging their lot to join the public sector, and they ask for special officers who are conversant in their specific mother tongue in government departments instead of encouraging their community to embrace the national language ... They want roads signs to be in their own language instead of the official language of the land, and they complain of being marginalised, sidelined and left behind and blame everybody else for their troubles and woes."

Thank you Sdr. Zamri. See Suat Ling, we can write as well you know? And I think Zamri makes more sense than you and Teeny Weeny combined. Want to report En. Zamri and your NST to the police also? Like this how now?

Unknown said...

They look up to LKY and the Singapore style of governance and their "successes".

So their implementation of integrated schools should be the ONLY justification to counter this resistance.

They have not, are not and will NOT listen to rational and solid justifications.

Mist said...

DN wrote :
"Education is an official matter of state, and per our Constitution,..."
Education is the responsibility of the government and all GOVERNANCE related to education has to be conducted in BM. If you extend this to the content of education then the ridiculous conclusion is that everything has to be taught in BM including english or mandarin or tamil.

By classifying "education" as official business you have also made all the twinning programs in malaysia illegal.

Your whole premise rested on this singular re-classification and if this premise failed everything else fall apart like a house of cards.

DN wrote :
The segregation of our citizens from a very young and impressionable age (via vernacular schools) has become the single biggest impediment to the creation of a true Bangsa Malaysia unified by a common identity, mindset and language.
If segregation is your concern and if you are really sincere about it then all structures and artifices - legal or physical should be done away with. You can begin by not having housing development on malay reserved land that only malays could buy. The fist 6 year of the child's life was literally imbibing the prejudices of their parents. I was lucky as I grew up having malay and indian friends and when I joined the kompang group and had to wear the songkok in the varsity a good friend came and told me that many of the chinese was very angry with me. This was tertiary institution where we are to expand our hearts and mind and yet they would not let go of their racial prejudices. My wife wore malay kebaya to the marriage registry when we registered our marriage. She looked great in it.

Then we have the civil service that is literally filled with btn brain washed malays.

Your agenda and your concern is never about segregation but about the supremacy of the malay language. That's the bottomline for you and disguising it as "social integration" is merely a convenient ploy.


Mist said...

DN wrote :

The vernacular school menace MUST be eradicated from our blessed land. This is Malaysia. The national language is Bahasa Malaysia. English, the international language of commerce, science and technology can be a second, albeit unofficial language.
The real menace is to pigeonhole everything. Once you do that there is no more space until the consequences rear its ugly head 30 40 years down the road. I have friends in thailand, lecturers in the universities and one of the reasons why thailand is technologically stunted - even in their own research - is that their professors there don't know english. Don't compare france which are technological innovators and producers. Malaysia is still at the stage of borrowing technology.

When manuals for actory machineries, computer systems, sophisticated process control systems were written in english millions could be lost because our engineers don't know how to read english. About 20 or so years ago I met an engineer, a chinese who graduated from UKM and was employed by motorola. His english was very poor and he confessed to me that he doesn't understand what the manual said and I asked him what he does when he couldn't solve a production line problem. He said he would just email the engineers in the US. I was a lecturer of computer system and he wanted me to recommend him a simple to read english book on microprocessor. Mana boleh cari buku semacam ini ?

If you want to know what the country would be like if such a policy were to be implemented all you needed to do is to look to thailand.

Even with the language impediment in thailand many of the researchers, particularly in agriculture, had overtaken malaysia's own researchers. And why is that so ? Thailand do not have racial discrimination and they choose the best for the job.

I have been an educationist - not just a teacher or lecturer - for over 25 years and I had spent countless hours finding better ways, examining issues, looking at research studies and I can say without any equivocation that the best strategy for the COUNTRY is to

let a thousand flower bloom

When you do this the nation will be allowed to rise to its level of competency or idiocy if only one flower is allowed to bloom.

Mahathir's wawasan sekolah is a good strategy and should be re-examined.

Mist said...

From the petition :

Mengeji dan mempersenda Dasar Ekonomi Baru yang digubal mengikut Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Malaysia.
NEP violates Article 153 of the constitution. Please refer to And below is taken from Prof.Dr.Shad Saleem Faruqi

---Slide 49---
Article 153 does not give a carte blanche (total freedom) to the executive to prefer Malays over non-Malays.

1. Affirmative action is allowed only in sectors, services and facilities explicitly mentioned in the Federal and State constitutions

2. Article 153(1) enjoins the King to safeguard “the legitimate interests of other communities.”

---slide 50---
3. Article 153 clauses (4), (7) and (8) expressly state that in safeguarding the special position of Malays and natives, no person can be deprived of any public office, scholarship, educational or training privilege, special facility or of any right, privilege, permit or licence (including the renewal of permit or licence) that was already held by him/

---slide 51---
4. The heirs, successors or assigns of a licencee or permit holder cannot be refused renewal if the renewal might reasonably be expected in the ordinary course of events: Article 153(7).

5. Nothing in Article 153 permits Parliament to restrict business or trade solely to Malays or natives: Article 153(9).

***** clause 9 is very important. The parliament could not even be allowed to have a law to reserve 30% equity in public listed companies and yet NEP had demanded this otherwise no company can be listed. This is in DIRECT VIOLATION of this provision in the constitution. Ever wonder why RM30 billion left the country for foreign shores last year ?

--- slide 52---
6. Article 153(5) states that this Article does not override Article 136. Article 136 requires that all persons of whatever race in the same grade in the service of the Federation shall, subject to the terms and conditions of their employment, be treated impartially.”

NEP actually insults the sultan as the sultan had been given the responsibility to protect the non-malays as well.

Anonymous said...


Let me give my opinion to anyone who says that the promoters of SSS are intolerant of other languages and cultures and accuse them of talking about assimilation rather than integration.

They don't seem to understand the reasons given: that Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia is written in the Constitution, that the study and use of other languages may be done as other than official business / during non school hours or as elective subjects.

Nobody is saying that other languages cannot be studied or spoken in the country. But Mandarin, the official language of a foreign country, and Tamil, the official language of a state in another foreign country, should not be the medium of instruction in schools in this country. It should be Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia as its position is clearly written in the Constitution.

There's mention of your reference to Field Marshal Phibun Songkhram's Thai Ratthaniyom policy in Thailand, where all Chinese schools, newspapers, culture and names were banned under penalty of imprisonment. I'm pretty sure you meant that as an example of what has been done in a neighbouring country, that you never said it should be done in this country, that the Demi Negara community's proposal is for the creation (no force or assimilation being advocated) of a united Bangsa Malaysia through the SSS system.

What assimilation is there when the promoters are talking of creating a Bangsa Malaysia, not in the name and manner the Thai General was talking about and did? The proposal is a very reasonable one and should be looked at with reasonableness.

There's so much diversity in this country, people going so many different and separate ways, at one time one fellow was saying the Malays have no culture, followed in recent years by those talking about the "superior" culture superceding the lesser ones, and lately there are even those praising the terrorist culture of Chin Peng and the Malayan Communist Party. There's no such thing as unity in diversity; you cannot achieve unity going separate ways. The idea is not even logical and it's a mere empty slogan. Now here's a proposal for integration through the schools, beginning from the young at their formative years. There is no valid reason not to support it.

This proposal is a sane and rational attempt at bringing about unity and harmony in the country and should be looked at purely from that angle.


MMAMedStudent said...

For as long as I can remember, this has been my dream for Malaysia. It may be childish and ignorant to think that just by creating ONE NATIONAL SCHOOL for the whole of Malaysia - all our problems, including the racial divide would miraculously disappear. But Rome wasn’t built overnight. All we need is a ripple that might turn into a wave.

These are simply my suggestions of which I believe, if put into practice could possibly be of use to the "One School For All" cause. Undoubtedly there are many obstacles to overcome and many issues to consider – but without vision, how can there be change?

1 - Finalize Bahasa Malaysia - the language. It is frustrating to the student to have to constantly 'review' the language due to the constant changes being made to the language. Spoken Bahasa Malaysia and written Bahasa Malaysia SHOULD be the same. It is ridiculous to teach something and yet expect another when it IS one and the same.
As much as Bahasa Malaysia should be used as a (language)tool to unify the nation, English plays just as big a role for the average Malaysian to be able to adapt and succeed overseas. Not that I'm anti-patriotism or anything, but simply because English is one of the international languages that connects most of the world.

2 - (As has already been implemented) English be used to teach core subjects like Mathematics and Science. Both Bahasa Malaysia and English be taught as core subjects. And that ONLY Bahasa Malaysia and English be used as tools of communication DURING school hours. Other languages - Mandarin, Tamil, etc only AFTER school hours or during their respective language classes. Make it compulsory for Chinese students to take Mandarin language as a core subject and Indian students – Tamil language.

3 - Do away with Pendidikan Moral and replace it with Mandarin and Tamil language classes, whereby - when the Muslims go off for their Pendidikan Islam class, Chinese go for Mandarin language class and Indians go for Tamil language class.

4 - Let there be after school elective language classes, of which make it compulsory for the students to take up at least 1 extra language - Mandarin, Tamil, Arabic, German, French, Japanese and maybe even Russian? How amazing would it be to be able to claim to have a full grasp of 4 or more languages?

5 - Have separate history components - Malaysian history class and World History class(here we emphasize on history of China and India as well as touch on American, Asian and European history)

6 - EQUIP all future teachers with the best knowledge and material for when they actually do start teaching in schools. Just as much as most professionals have to be constantly re-evaluated, all teachers should be re-evaluated on a regular basis to ensure quality education. Of course, good salaries should be given to these teachers (and maybe extra for those willing to work in rural areas?)
Make sure these teachers specialize in a particular subject (Plus points/higher salary if say he/she majors in one subject and minors in another - be it Malaysian History/World History/Music/Arts/Language/Sports/Islamic Studies/Geography, etc) A good command of both English and Bahasa Malaysia should be cultivated before these teachers graduate.

MMAMedStudent said...

7 - EQUALLY subsidize and equip ALL schools. If one school should be classified as semi-government then ALL schools should be semi-government. Let it be up to the school authorities to organize extra activities to raise school funds.

8 - Do away with private schools (if that's even possible?) - What point is there in having a National School if people have the choice of sending their children to private schools? If the Malaysian community so wishes, they could just as well subsidize these government schools, instead of coming up with private schools. Of course, measures must be taken to ensure that these schools are quality schools – like setting up a special department to be in charge of ensuring the quality of administration of ALL national schools

9 - Up the level of disciplinary action towards unruly children. Another concern of parents is the spread of "gejala gengsterism" amongst high school children. There is only so much a parent can do - of which society can undo in an instant, if unsupervised.

10 - Let SPM be the ONLY high school leaving exam allowed. Of course, this would mean that measures should be taken and maybe even a few pointers adopted from other(international) high school exams to up the declining standard of SPM. If they could prevent leaks and effectively control bribery just in this particular area, students can at least look back and be proud to do well in SPM. At this point, SPM seems to me, to be nothing more than a joke. Not a very funny one, I may add as for during my SPM year, a question from my Sejarah SPM paper was taken bulat-bulat from Ujian Bulanan Mac of a MRSM school.

Lembaga Peperiksaan SPM could do well to re-vamp the declining standards. Are students these days REALLY becoming 'smarter' or are they simply becoming better 'muggers' who're able to regurgitate everything word for word or better 'psychics' able to predict the style and methods of answering?

Our aim should be to produce students who're more creative, independent and well-read instead of students who need to be spoon-fed and whose only focus is on getting good results at the cost of having a proper grasp or interest in their subjects. Are teachers who expect you to come to class prepared and who teach beyond the scope of the textbooks (meaning they teach extra) BAD teachers? It’s funny how Malaysian students label these teachers so.
We Malaysians are taught to accept and not question either for fear of being ridiculed or due to 'respect'. If only class participation could be included in the marking scheme who knows what we might achieve? In the real world, good academic results are nothing if one is not able to match it with the proper thinking and conversational skills. Students with poor academic results would not necessarily do worse than those with good academic results. Some of the richest/most successful men in the world were either average students or (in Bill Gates' case) high-school dropouts.

MMAMedStudent said...

As a product of national schools(primary and secondary), I find it a pity that most Malays 'disappear' off to their respective MRSM schools. Not that those schools are bad or anything, but simply because the Chinese and Indian students have even less chance to form even better understanding and relationships with the almost non-existent high-school community of Malay students. It takes years to build good, solid relationships.
To be honest, the only time I’d felt the pinch of racial discrimination was immediately after SPM, when the realization hit – that Malaysia taklah harmonious sangat. It’s unfortunate to see how rampant racism is in the universities – even those overseas! If something can be done about the local universities, it would be EVEN better. For now, we might as well settle for the betis. Even then, this betis is not given or offered.

We could still maintain the co-ed, single sex and boarding schools, but quota system or not, let them all (including SBP and MRSM schools) be open to all students, regardless of race or colour.

Points 3, 4 and 5 should be able to quell the disapproval of the Malaysian Chinese and Indian community. If their worry is that the younger generations lose perspective of their culture and mother tongue – the compulsory language classes ensure that all know how to read and write, the World History class is pretty self-explanatory and well, most of the cultural traditions are usually passed down from parent to child anyways.

Religion should NEVER be brought in as core subjects, save for Islamic Studies. Other religious studies as elective subjects or extracurricular activities/clubs - sure, by all means. However, as core subjects? Not such a wise idea. Implanting good, moral qualities can be done during the normal/language classes – like how it is in the US and Japan schools – whereby the students’ conduct (class participation, readiness to work with other classmates, etc). After all, students don’t need to be of any particular religion to be taught good values.

emilio said...

I wonder whether the Malaysian Government has taken any action over one commentator in Lim Kit Siang's blog who urged the Singapore Government to overrun Johor so that she can move there? LKY instilled mistrust against the Singapore Malays so that they were not given any high post in that island's administration, going around doing surveys asking whether the Malays are willing to kill their Malay cousins over here if there was war. How about us Malaysians doing the same to the Chinese and Indians here because as can be gauged from comments and actions from these communities, they are just as undeserving of the Malay trust as the Singaporean Malays were of theirs. How about, ALL CHINESE and ALL INDIANS (and even some perasan Malays/ deluded Malays/misguided Malays) be deemed to be unpatriotic for not wanting to speak, act and feel like a true Malaysian citizen? Will you lay down your lives for Malaysia??? Will you uphold what your ancestors SWEAR to uphold when we made a pact for MERDEKA? Why aren' t these people charged in court under the Penal Code for treason to King and Country? We need a firm hand in Malaysia. The motto under the Federal logo said, "Bersatu Bertambah Mutu."

Tembeleng said...

MMAM student:

"1 - Finalize Bahasa Malaysia - the language. It is frustrating to the student to have to constantly 'review' the language due to the constant changes being made to the language. Spoken Bahasa Malaysia and written Bahasa Malaysia SHOULD be the same."

What, you think spoken English and written English are the same? Should travel further oop north, then, shouldn't you. Or perhaps further down South, if you happen to be in the US.

Also, you seem to think that English is a stagnant language? A language that does not evolve is a language that will become increasingly marginalised and eventually die.

Tembeleng said...

MMAMed student:

some good suggestions, overall. I just have a few comments:

"Make it compulsory for Chinese students to take Mandarin language as a core subject and Indian students – Tamil language."

Why compulsory? And why segregate them according to race? Schools should offer Mandarin and Tamil classes as elective classes, and anyone can take them, period.

"Have separate history components - Malaysian history class and World History class(here we emphasize on history of China and India as well as touch on American, Asian and European history)"

Good idea, but again: why *emphasise* China and India? Do British schools teach Indian and Caribbean history? Do Aussie schools have Lebanese and Vietnamese history lessons? If you want to teach world history, teach world history, no need to *emphasise* the histories of lands that no longer have no bearing on ours.

"EQUALLY subsidize and equip ALL schools. If one school should be classified as semi-government then ALL schools should be semi-government."

Once Tamil and Mandarin schools have been eradicated, this suggestion will become a non-issue, as all schools will become Government schools. Their development, however, will have to face economic realities.

"Up the level of disciplinary action towards unruly children. Another concern of parents is the spread of "gejala gengsterism" amongst high school children. There is only so much a parent can do - of which society can undo in an instant, if unsupervised."

Nice to say, good to hear, but in most disciplinary cases, the parents ARE the source of the problem. How many times have I seen parents stormed schools when their children get suspended, and threatened the HM with physical harm? Perhaps we need to think of penalties against PARENTS of unruly children.

Anonymous said...

Salam dan sejahtera,

Boleh kemaskini perkembangan terbaru Kempen Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua ni?

Saya menyokong 100% kempen ni dan akan turut menyokong 100% pelaksanaannya sekiranya (dan harapan saya supaya) menjadi realiti.

Saya turut berharap perkara ini tidak dipolitikkan dan dikaitkan dengan unsur perkauman mahupun hasutan memandangkan ianya adalah usaha yang murni dan tepat untuk menangani isu perpaduan.

Walau bagaimanapun, seperti yang telah diduga, pemimpin politik Melayu tidak mempunyai keberanian yang cukup dan telah menolak mentah-mentah kempen ini tanpa mendengar atau berbincang (faham-fahamlah siapa yang saya maksudkan... teringat masa beliau sibuk bercakap mengenai perlu berubah, hahaha), berbeza dengan apabila berhadapan dengan wakil sekolah jenis kebangsaan yang dilayan dengan penuh berhemah dan berbudi bahasa walaupun untuk menolak cadangan mereka.

Pemimpin politik bukan Melayu pula seperti diduga lebih lantang dan keras nadanya dengan mengancam untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang kepada penganjur kempen ini. Kepada Timbalan Menteri ini, adakah anda Timbalan Menteri untuk rakyat Malaysia atau sesuatu kaum sahaja? I will use my vote wisely on you YB.

Saya harap rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira bangsa dapat menyokong usaha murni ke arah memupuk perpaduan ini kecuali ada cadangan lain yang lebih bernas dan realistik (Koh Tsu Koon, sudah berapa lama jadi Menteri jaga perpaduan? dan tidak lupa prestasi/KPI, adakah anda sudah mempunyai pelan tindakan untuk perpaduan? kalau masih tiada, saya sarankan anda sokong kempen ini. Sekiranya tidak, anda ada masalah dengan KPI anda YB). Saya yakin dan pasti usaha ini tidak akan menafikan hak untuk mempelajari dan mengamalkan bahasa lain dan juga lain-lain kepentingan bangsa lain.

-bukan ahli politik-

Anonymous said...

Salam dan sejahtera,

Boleh kemaskini perkembangan terbaru Kempen Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua ni?

Saya menyokong 100% kempen ni dan akan turut menyokong 100% pelaksanaannya sekiranya (dan sudah pasti harapan saya supaya) menjadi realiti.

Saya turut berharap perkara ini tidak dipolitikkan dan dikaitkan dengan sebarang unsur perkauman atau hasutan memandangkan ianya adalah usaha yang murni dan tepat untuk menangani isu perpaduan.

Walau bagaimanapun, seperti yang telah diduga, pemimpin politik Melayu tidak mempunyai keberanian yang cukup dan telah menolak mentah-mentah kempen ini tanpa mendengar atau berbincang (faham-fahamlah siapa yang saya maksudkan... teringat masa beliau sibuk bercakap mengenai perlu berubah, hahaha), berbeza dengan apabila berhadapan dengan wakil sekolah jenis kebangsaan yang dilayan dengan penuh berhemah dan berbudi bahasa walaupun untuk menolak cadangan mereka.

Pemimpin politik bukan Melayu pula seperti diduga lebih lantang dan keras nadanya dengan mengancam untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang kepada penganjur kempen ini. Kepada Timbalan Menteri ini, adakah anda Timbalan Menteri untuk rakyat Malaysia atau sesuatu kaum sahaja? I will use my vote wisely on you YB.

Saya harap rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira bangsa dapat menyokong usaha murni ke arah memupuk perpaduan ini kecuali ada cadangan lain yang lebih bernas dan realistik (Koh Tsu Koon, sudah berapa lama jadi Menteri jaga perpaduan? dan tidak lupa prestasi/KPI, adakah anda sudah mempunyai pelan tindakan untuk perpaduan? kalau masih tiada, saya sarankan anda sokong kempen ini. Sekiranya tidak, anda ada masalah dengan KPI anda YB). Saya yakin dan pasti usaha ini tidak akan menafikan hak untuk mempelajari dan mengamalkan bahasa lain dan juga lain-lain kepentingan bangsa lain.

Yang ikhlas,

budak jawa

KijangMas said...

Part I

A certified MT Junkie known as chiongguo in that anti-Malay racist cesspool cried baby and lied to his fellow scums there abt not getting published here. See, racists like chiongguo has a pathological need to be "seen" here to affirm their "status" back in their dark crumbling anti-Malay underworld. These scums are now in intensive care -- outfoxed, outmaneuvered and overwhelmed by the rapidly proliferating patriotic blogs. This chiongguo mutt came in here under the nic "Mist." Unlike his cowardly MT sh!thole, where Malay responses are deleted enmasse as claimed by the absconded felon himself, DN gives equal space to scums like this. Why? Because there's nothing like a helpless quivering live bait like this chiongguo sucker here for a good cyberwhacking.

Mist @ chiongguo yelped:“If you extend this to the content of education then the ridiculous conclusion is that everything has to be taught in BM including english or mandarin or tamil.”

Wow. See how stupid racist scums can be after some inbreeding in their sh!thole? This empty rhetoric exposes the mala fide basis of this mutt's arguments. Who said foreign languages such as English, Mandarin and Tamil should be taught in BM? Must we spell out every detail for you? Why so stupid? You didn’t read the actual memo because you abhor your country’s NATIONAL LANGUAGE so much, indeed cripplingly so to your own detriment. If you have read the memo, you would have come across this passage:-

"Kesemua Sekolah Vernakular yang ada sekarang harus diserapkan kedalam Sistem Sekolah Kebangsaan dimana peruntukkan secukupnya dibuat untuk menyediakan pembelajaran bahasa ibunda khusus untuk mana-mana murid yang memerlukannya."

Well, apparently your pathetic grasp of Bahasa Malaysia caused you to interpret the above passage as a demand, in your words, “that everything has to be taught in BM including english or mandarin or tamil.” Wow! No wonder you are lost in a social Black Hole in Malaysia nowadays. Even simple BM phrases are construed as something else, something that your mala fide psyche wants to see. Sad.

Folks, this is the second time I had to quote the same part of the TPM Memo. Talk about “spoonfeeding” uh? Yup, we are entering the era of the linguistic crutch. Zaman Tongkat Bahasa to at least a quarter of MyCard holders who took a speculative detour on their educational journey, only to roll into a dead end -- where Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua may be their only escape from a confused, misguided journey of self-alienation.

This fool is now clinging to loose straws and fading hopes as his chauvinistic essence is blown away by the sheer force of logic and intent of the SSS Wave sweeping this nation.

Mist also said:“By classifying "education" as official business you have also made all the twinning programs in malaysia illegal.”

See, you again twist and turn in your bed of loose straws to sustain your untenable position with more stupid inferences. Can you show us a Sekolah Rendah and Sekolah Menengah twinning programme? Mana? You think Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua covers tertiary level? Waulaueh, here we are discussing the right of 7-12 year olds to non-segregated schools, and along came this intellectual dwarf membabi buta arguing against “points” and “issues” and “interpretations” and threats of his own creation. I’m not into psychoanalysis, but this is a good explanation of this behavioral defect.

Mist added:“Your whole premise rested on this singular re-classification and if this premise failed everything else fall apart like a house of cards.”

Uh? Gua tak paham lo. Sounds bombastic, but no meaning. Yup, typical charlatan talk here. What “house of cards”? We got no card games here, no poker, no Blackjack, no gin; we only talk about Unified Schools for the Anak bangsa Malaysia here. You want to talk “cards,” you go here.

KijangMas said...

Part II

More Mist-talk:-
“You can begin by not having housing development on malay reserved land that only malays could buy.”

Woooh …… far out! We talk about Unified Schools and this fella now wants to challenge Tanah Rizab Melayu that predated his ancestors arrival by a millenium. In Kelantan how? ALL tanahs in my great negeri is not only Rizab Melayu, but available on a freehold basis only to the Anak Kelantan. Wah, you so tamak one ah? Kampong Baru land oso want ah? Jalan Alor and Petaling Street tak cukup ka? Why don’t you try to change the Constitution and get the Majlis Raja-Raja to agree to the dissolution of Malay Reserved lands in this country?

See people, I was not exaggerating when I critique Ms. Rin earlier. These SJK-confused products somehow are not trained to focus on the subject matter of the argument, in this case, the logic and dynamics of SSS against the existing three-streamed debacle at the primary school level. Instead, they throw other chattels into the pot, like a good old domestic argument we see on TV where a spouse would throw plates, pots and pans and the occasional pet to the other spouse in a fit of uncontrolled rage, followed by crying, which then leads to whimpering and guilt-ridden hugging, and ultimately cuddling, kicking off a new love-hate cycle where emotions oscillate in a never-ending spiral of unbridled passion and unmitigated violence ... yucckks. Nak muntah. Muuuuaaak.

Unfortunately, these anti-Satu Sekolah types show the same behaviour. They throw in the NEP, May 13th, Malay Special Status, the Raja-Raja Melayu, Bahasa Malaysia, ... and now, hilariously, Tanah Rizab Melayu into the ring. Imagine if I think like them and start throwing my pots and pans and kitchen sink in return? Like this habislah. Cannot cakap-cakap anymore. Ok lah, let me throw a pasu bunga kertas into the ring to brighten this circus: Mist, can you please enlighten us which part, which section, which clause, which sub-clause, which addendum, which footnote of the Malaysian Federal Constitution allows vernacular schools? Thank you.

Mist rolls along:-
“… when I joined the kompang group and had to wear the songkok in the varsity a good friend came and told me that many of the chinese was very angry with me. This was tertiary institution where we are to expand our hearts and mind and yet they would not let go of their racial prejudices. My wife wore malay kebaya to the marriage registry when we registered our marriage. She looked great in it.”

Yeah? What are you trying to say? I can only interpret your statement above as an indictment of the irrational bigotry of your own race. Well, we appreciate your candour and hope you spend more time rehabilitating the distorted minds of your SJKC-spoiled friends instead of entertaining us with your futile defense of an educational relic on the verge of extinction. And I guess you needed to insert your spouse’s beauty in the Malay kebaya to compensate for your admission of guilt in the preceding “angry friends because you wear songkok” issue. Hmm, S. Freud was spot on in this respect.

Mist quipped:-
“Then we have the civil service that is literally filled with btn brain washed malays.”

Ok folks, “btn brain washed malays” facing SJKC spoiled Chinese amidst the mayhem of the SJKT clueless Indians ..... and we have the great Malaysian sociological cesspool up to our waist now. Mist, you either swim in this cesspool and gulp down mouthfuls of it as you seem to be doing now, or you drain it and clean up the mess. SSS will be the first step of the clean-up. To me, you either give us a hand or you are just part of the social toxicity that must be washed away together with the contents of the 52-year cesspool.

KijangMas said...

Part III

Mist hayun-ed another mangkuk into the ring:-
“Your agenda and your concern is never about segregation but about the supremacy of the malay language."

Hey, you DO have some functioning cells in the 2 kilos of mashed potatoes inside your songkok-envy kepala. Bravo! Yes, yes, yes, .... the supremacy of our Bahasa Kebangsaan is at the top of my agenda and my concern. Let me repeat: Our Bahasa Kebangsaan, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Melayu is the sole, official and supreme language of the land called Malaysia. It is in the Constitution and YOU as a warganegara that bersumpah to uphold the Perlembagaan in your Rukunegara pledges in school MUST be prepared to defend and uphold this Bahasa Melayu to the death.

Boleh? Lu boleh ka? Lu mau ka? Lu faham ka? Ah? Apa? Tak setuju? Tak mau? Kalau ini macam kita sudah ada masalah. Masalah besar. Masalah yang akan buat saya soal lu punya hak jadi rakyat ini negara. Sebagai rakyat, lu harus pertahan perlembagaan. Lu tak mau pertahan Bahasa Melayu, satu-satunya teras induk perlembagaan negara, jadi apasal lu masih fikir lu layak jadi wargenegara Malaysia? Sila huraikan dalam Bahasa Melayu dalil dan sebab musabab kenapa kamu harus masih di terima sebagai rakyat negara ini walaupun kamu mempertikaikan berbagai perkara dalam perlembagaan persekutuan, dari Tanah Rizab Melayu ke Bahasa Melayu?

And a senduk:-
“ That's the bottomline for you and disguising it as "social integration" is merely a convenient ploy.”

Waah this damaged good amazes me. Calling for a unified school system also got “disguises” and “ploys” ah? Haiya, that link to the Schizo site is very very relevant now.

Mist expounded his grand example:-
“About 20 or so years ago I met an engineer, a chinese who graduated from UKM and was employed by motorola. His english was very poor and he confessed to me that he doesn't understand what the manual said and I asked him what he does when he couldn't solve a production line problem. He said he would just email the engineers in the US. I was a lecturer of computer system and he wanted me to recommend him a simple to read english book on microprocessor. Mana boleh cari buku semacam ini ?"

Ah? 20 years ago got e-mail ah? Haiya, your fairytales must be more convincinglah! Anyway, YOU just proved my point. See, your ethnic-Chinese English-illiterate engineer is a product of the dysfunctional SJKC experience, where not only BM the national language is ignored, but even English, the international language for everything, as well. You know why? Because his cikgus at the SJKC were too busy teaching him the refined diction and subtleties of China’s national language and cultural folklores from Mother China. He probably scraped through UKM with his pidgin Malay and regurgitated memorised formulas in exams. As for you, as usual, instead of unearthing his SJKC past and correlating this educational anomaly to mediocre English skills, you conveniently dump the problem on UKM! Wow, many DAP MPs also went to UKM ... plus USM, UPM, UTM and of course UM. Can we now blame their subversive attitudes and anti-unity, anti-Malay, anti-Raja, anti-Perlembagaan and anti-everything behaviour on these universities as well? So no blame on parenting skills, on social group contamination, on misplaced personal values? Every manifestation of weakness and stupidity blamed on their universities? Waah, you have also become a Tribe of Blamers now ah?

KijangMas said...

Part IV

Mist proclaimed:“Thailand do not have racial discrimination and they choose the best for the job.”

My foot! Sorry folks for my refined, upper crust language. Anyway, this guy has the audacity to say that “Thailand do not have racial discrimination.” YOU want to lecture ME about Prathet Thai, about ประเทศไทย? You know why “Thailand do not have racial discrimination”? It's because Thailand do not recognise “races.” The 30+% ethnic Chinese were by the stroke of Field Marshall Phibun Songkhram’s pen erased from the Thai national consciousness and they were forced – under severe penalties, including whacking on the head with 10-foot bamboo sticks by the Thai culture police – to drop Chinese names, forbidden to speak Chinese, banned from wearing Chinese-type clothings, and to forget they were ever Chinese anything. Within one generation of this Thai Ratthaniyom policy, the Chinese became more Thai than the T’ai pribumi themselves. Ethnic-T’ai men were also encouraged to take in ethnic-Chinese mistresses, where they procreate profusely and produce new Thai-cized hybrids, in effect breeding the ethnic-Chinese of Thailand to linguistic and cultural extinction. Hence, today a Chinese like Thaksin Shinawatra and Banharn Silpa-Archa and Sonthi Limtongkool think, act, talk, swear, even dream in Thai just like any other Thai.

You want Malaysia to emulate Phibun Songkhram? You willing to change name from Misty Wong Chiongguo to Mas Salamat Kelanaputra? You willing to forego China’s national language and speak Malay at home, at play, at work, in your massage sessions, in your mahjong games? Boleh? If boleh, then maybe there will be no “racial” discrimination in Malaysia because there will be no more "races" to discriminate. Here's a bonus gift to the DN Community. Compare the Thai prescription to our proposed SSS. Perhaps this Thai-worshipping chiongguo@Mist would like the memo to incorporate Phibun Songkhram's methods to streamline our school system? Mau? Boleh?

Mist added:“… I can say without any equivocation that the best strategy for the COUNTRY is to let a thousand flower bloom … When you do this the nation will be allowed to rise to its level of competency or idiocy if only one flower is allowed to bloom.”

Yeah, let a thousand flowers bloom, BUT these flowers must be complementary, and fertilised with common values and communicate in a common national language and exhibit sufficient patriotism and flourish in a sense of mutual destiny. We have this flower utopia here? What flower? What we have is a a bunch of stunted stalks smothered by anti-national, anti-unity lalangs and duris germinated and propagated by the very SJKs that you tried so very hard to defend here.

Mist added:“Mahathir's wawasan sekolah is a good strategy and should be re-examined.”

Why lu cakap terbalik? It is Sekolah Wawasan. And tell us WHO rejected it?

Amidst the clutter of incoherent Constitutional cut-paste that is over his head, Mist’s parting whimper:“NEP actually insults the sultan as the sultan had been given the responsibility to protect the non-malays as well.”

Uh? Apa lu cakap ni? Gua tadak faham. Ok lah, on the same logic, the vernacular schools also “insults the sultan” (actually the federal DYMM SPB YDP Agong, you Constitutional illiterate) as His Majesty the Agong has the responsibility of safeguarding Bahasa Malaysia from encroachment by alien tongues from faraway lands.


BTW people, a few compulsive obsessive psychopaths will be copying out of context a few lines here and then paste them (embellished with bolds and italics and underlines) at subversive blogs as “proof” that KM is inciting the populace to go against their fellow cherubic, virginal, innocent, dainty, peaceful, law abiding, tax-paying and non-chewing gum munching anti-Melayus. My reaction? Fantastic! More Malaysians will see the light at DN. And get a life and a spouse lah Ah Sohs.

Anonymous said...

Malaysia needs one public school system that offers multi-language studies. I would have loved to be able to learn mandarin or tamil in school.

Therefore I fully support the proposal but do so out of love for our country and as a true Malaysian. And not out of ketuanan melayu.

There is only one race, the human race, that makes up tribes and nations. I am from the malay tribe, though my maternal great grandfather was from Surabaya and my paternal great grandfather was from India. I share this land and nation with other tribes. The past is the past, it is the future that we must build together as one nation.

A Muslim

Naif said...

Mist rolls along:-
“… when I joined the kompang group and had to wear the songkok in the varsity a good friend came and told me that many of the chinese was very angry with me......
LOL. He shot himself in the foot here.

Another classic response by KM. A home run!

John Cena said...

Where is Alan Yong?

I miss Alan.

NJ said...

A Muslim,

We are talking about a school here, not college or university. At the age of 7 (or even earlier), our children need to start to master a language in order to read and write, and refine his/her national identity.

So you love burdening a child, learning at least 3 or 4 different languages(the first two being the National Language & English), the moment they start schooling, yes?

Now, if 3 or 4 languages are too burdensome to the tender young ones, what language these young children should master? This is Malaysia, need I say more?

Yes. Almost all the people I have come across, support this proposal including you. They cannot deny or rebut the fact that "One School For All" promotes unity which later will give birth to one united, uniformed Bangsa Malaysia.

Perhaps like you, in their so much attachment to bangsa who speaks Chinese and bangsa who speaks Tamil, they could only offer "out of topic excuses" in their denial efforts.

Aahh! You talked about one human race, making up tribes and nations ... wait! now many tribes? no more one nation? and you go on trying very hard to prove that you belong to a Malay tribe, yet you did your little smack on 'Ketuanan Melayu' while expressing your love toward learning mandarin & tamil (which nobody will stop you in doing so provided that you have mastered the National language of the country you reside). Now you've got me confused as to what tribe or what nation you belong to.

OK! OK! you are one race, human race. Next time when you seek to set foot on another country, say, on holiday purpose, try telling the immigration officer there that you are one human race, same as him/her when the immigration officer asks to see your passport. Speak to him/her in mandarin or tamil too. See and experience his/her reaction to that one human race of yours.

While I really do appreciate your one human race idea or concept, please be aware that this is not spiritual discussion. We are born male and female, sawo matang, yellow, dark, white etc none of which we did really choose in this linear sense. Here we have to choose to be a Malaysian or not to be. Period.



Tam Dalyell said...

Mist @ chiongguo yelped:“If you extend this to the content of education then the ridiculous conclusion is that everything has to be taught in BM including english or mandarin or tamil.”

Mist oo mist, you ridiculously concluded that you can teach mandarin and tamil in BM. Do you think people are bodo like you? Keep your bengap theory to yourself and never accuse others of applying it. You are out to sow distrust among gullible minds against the BM people, against the SSUS people.

But these so called “SSUS people” are willing to take your abuse so that SSUS is spared, so that SSUS through “human want” shall warmly envelope you all, and you can do nothing about it, because innately you need its embrace, we need its unifying power.

You shall welcome it, definitely our children shall spread the red carpet right into their innermost chamber of consciousness to welcome it, for the nearest alternative is SPREAD THE SAME RED CARPET RIGHT INTO THEIR INNERMOST CHAMBER OF CONSCIOUSNESS, and is you fail to prepare them for it, you would have failed as a Malaysian Parent, and they would course you into your graves never wanting to burn paper Mercedes for your comfort.

We wouldn’t want our Malaysian brothers to suffer like that, do we.

Tam Dalyell said...

More Mist-talk:-
“You can begin by not having housing development on malay reserved land that only malays could buy.”

Whoooa whoa, wait a second wait a second. You are angry at the SSUS people. You are very much intimidated by SSUS itself. Now you bable about tanah rijab melayu. Some people loves to bite more than he can chew.

After all those abusive treatment meted out to these SSUS who welcomed it with a smile, and after it pains you to see us enjoy it … and after being kecut perut against the hakikat SSUS itu apa (because you haven’t the slightest grey matter to appreciate it) … now you bring the matter of tanah rijab melayu? Do you know what you are doing? Oh oh sorry … forget that you haven’t the faculty to understand any strand of subtleties …

But of course you have experiences of what people will do when they have nothing to lose. That's the story written by Karl Marks .. your bible. That’s the story of cornered mountain lions.

Anyway this is the reason why we enjoy your mistreatment of the “SSUS people”. We have no love for segregation-loving anti-perpaduan subversive-element communist-loving people. Hence it gives us great pleasure to deny you seeing us even bet our eyelids every time you throw your under-the-belt abusive punches. But if a person whom we love greatly so much as swipe us with sekuntum bunga ros, the pain causes us to lose four of our nine lives.

Its not even worth our warm cup of spittle (to borrow Tuan KM’s words) to speculate how to retaliate against lame gnats like this Misty Misguided Mutt. We just come and bash. Kalau kena dia hancur … kalau tidak kena dia terkencing.

Now lets talk about why you are angry at these “SSUS people”. Actually you are angry at yourself for being stupidly beaten to the gun by “inferior cultures”. We are “inferior” to you because we do not know how to destroy. You are “superior” because from childhood you are trained how to sow distrust, how to instigate, how to not share, how to grab never to give, and how to throw your father to prison even for not leaving you a single cent.

You are angry because this SSUS idea does not come from you. How to come from you when all your life is spent on how to segregate. Being a subversive kind of pendatangs … how ironical.

So to get all these negative energies out of your system, you take it out on to the gullible anak watan melayu penderhakas by mengkudakan mereka.

Anand Madhvan said...

The opposers of SSuS canot really give solid reason why they oppose it. They resort mostly to character atacks and childish excuses on why they are against One School.

I just read one stupid excuse by someone named KV Soon. Hehe, this bodoh should be renamed "KIV Soon". He should be KIVed very Soon to save himself from his own stupidity!

From the Soon to be KIVed blog:-

"Very soon, we will be robots, walking, dressing, speaking and thinking (if thinking is allowed by then) in exactly the same way. This may happen if we have this 1sekolah a reality. Is this way we envision Malaysia to be? A land of just robots?"

Ini betul-betul bodoh punya excuse. amat bodoh. mY papa say only Communist bastards think like this. (his words).

Based on KiV Soon's stupid logic, 99% of countries in this world produce "robots". Singapore produce robots in their one-streamed schools. Thailand, Australia, U.S., France, China, japan.

My conclusion - only stupid fools and sick racists like KV Soon and his boss, Khoo kia peng oppose SSuS.

BTW, I'm Malayalee and proud Anak Malaysia who speak BM at home with my family!


M. Anand
Labis, JDT

Cenderawasih said...


Apa benda kau cakap ni?Sekejap cakap pasal SSS,tiba-tiba tanah rizab melayu dan perumahan pula.kebaya,songkok,BTN dan perkhidmatan awam pun masuk juga.NEP dengan Sultan pun kau tak lepas.

"Your agenda and your concern is never about segregation but about the supremacy of the malay language"

Apa yang tak kena dengan bahasa melayu?Kau nih,tak boleh dengar perkataan melayu langsung!!Apa hal kau ni?Bahasa saja pun.Kau tau kan Bahasa Melayu merupakan bahasa pengantaraan di Nusantara."lingua franca"..Kat Indonesia ok je,orang Jawa dll tak kisah pun.Semua bangga dan mengelarnya sebagai Bahasa Indonesia. Kenapa kau tak boleh?Teruk betul la kau ni.Brunei pun guna Bahasa Melayu.Mengaku rakyat Malaysia,tapi tak mau cakap bahasa kebangsaan.Malaysian kepala hotak kau!

Tak cukup dengan tu,dia merepek lagi pasal 'tak boleh cakap BI' dan jurutera motorola.Disalahkanya UKM pula dalam hal ni.Ada ke patut?

Apa kau cakap mist?Thailand tak ada diskriminasi kaum?adoi..hahaha.Nampak sangat mist ni malas membaca.Diskriminasi apa?Cina pun dah jadi Thai kat sana.

"let a thousand flower bloom"

Apa kau merapu ni mist?What kind of flower you want?Flower of communist?SSS adalah tempat paling bagus untuk "let a thousand flower bloom".Bukan berterabur macam sekarang.Sejemput kat SJKC, secubit kat SJKT. Bila besar cakap melayu pun macam budak 4 tahun.Bila dicap sebagai pendatang,mengelupur,meroyan,melalak sana sini marah.

"Mahathir's wawasan sekolah is a good strategy and should be re-examined."

Masalah betol la kau ni...banyak songgeh.
Dulu dihulur SW,DAP tak nak,melalak ugut BN. Ok, sekarang kau cakap SW bagus kan?Ala,tak seronok la SW ni.Kelas asing-asing,kemudahan je kongsi.Susah la nak laksanakan.SJK sekarang bukan dekat-dekat dengan SK.Mesti sikit saja SW nanti.

SSS ni senang nak laksana.Kau tau sebab apa?Bukan kena roboh pun SJK ni.Tukar sistem asing yang tengah digunakan sekarang dengan sistem sekolah kebangsaan je.Siap..Aku dengar SJKC ni "baguss" sangat,kongsi la dengan kami.Jangan kedekut nak mampos. Tak pun SJKC ni kedekut tahik hidung masin, tak nak kongsi.

Hmmm mungkin juga SJKC ni bukan bagus pun entah-entah lagi teruk,sebab tu la tak nak kongsi,malu la bila semua orang tau mereka tak bagus,jenis syok sendiri,masuk bakul angkat sendiri...

Anonymous said...


I commend you for writing a cool, responsible and constructive piece up there. I wish there are many other young Malaysians out there like you. You certainly deserve a friendly and constructive response which I hope to do below.

Part I

Language is a living thing; we cannot create or stop the growth of a language – it evolves. Even English continues to take in foreign words. The word “amok” is an example, although it’s unfortunate that they associate it with the Malays - I suppose it originated from the warriors of anti-colonial Dato Sagor plunging the keris, the lembing or the tombak into the British Resident J.W Birch and his henchmen along the banks of the Perak River over a century ago. The Japanese add “o” to English/ American words they use. Look at American English and KM would tell you the numerous Hispanic words creeping into the language. I think we should let the changes occur; they enrich the language.

English should be used for Maths and Science. As you may have realized, we cannot afford the time to translate all the past and future Maths and Science books and technical information as we need to progress speedily. We need to achieve Vision 2020. Select the teachers properly, get the right people on the interview boards. Train them fully and meaningfully. It should not be about getting the B.Ed or the Cert.Ed only; it should be also about getting them to regard and practice the occupation as an honourable profession like it used to be, less involvement in politics or getting extra bucks from “extra-curricular activities”, give them better salaries and terms of service. Have a Teachers Commission if it’ll bring about the right spirit to education and teaching. Get dedicated teachers to teach the disadvantaged rural children, give them incentives to teach in rural areas.

We in the DN community feel that the teaching of Malaysian history from its very beginning should be made compulsory. Many Malaysians don’t know that the Malays were an organized and structured community in this land called Tanah Melayu since before the Srivijaya Empire of the 7th Century, that colonialism didn’t take away our right to this land, only our right to rule, which was given back by the British at Merdeka. There are even Malaysians who do not know the terrible atrocities of the China-leaning Malayan Communist Party terrorists. They were bent on setting up a system utterly opposed to Parliamentary democracy as reflected in a Constitution which our forefathers have, by discussions and debate, outside and inside Parliament, agreed on and passed as the highest set of laws of the country. Having a good knowledge of the history of our country would greatly help in bringing about mutual understanding, tolerance and goodwill among fellow citizens.

I certainly agree with you that the Government should “EQUIP all future teachers with the best knowledge and material for when they actually do start teaching in schools.” I would add that even all current teachers should be given refresher courses. The teachers should not mind these as it is in itself education and education never stops until our death bed.

Regarding private schools, perhaps only the international school should be allowed but limited to only foreign nationals. Other private schools may be allowed but not during normal school hours. Our problem has been corruption – not just bribery, but also corruption of the mind. Hence we find the well off and politicians sending their children to international schools. This kind of mentality leads to the taking bulat-bulat of the SPM question paper from the MRSM school paper, Lembaga Peperiksaan declining standards, school textbooks with mistakes that confuse pupils and exasperate busy parents trying to help their children, and to your pinching your peha for the lack of unity etc at the University. So, we must continue to speak up in a polite yet firm manner and get others to support this proposal of bringing about national unity, the creation of a Bangsa Malaysia thru the SSS.

sepadu. (See Part II)

Anonymous said...

Part II (To MMAMedStudent)

Your concern of Malay children “disappearing” to MRSM schools leaving non-Malay children less Malay friends to mix with in SKs is, I think, unjustified. Remember that there are some 68% Malays in this country. Even if half the Malay children in SKs go to MRSMs, there are still 38% left in SKs. That 38% is still more than the total number of non-Malays (30%) to mix with, even if and when all of them attend SKs.

The MRSMs must stay. No question about it. And people should not question the special Malay educational institutions. They are part of the special status of the Malays that is written in the Constitution. That special status was agreed to by the non-Malay leaders at Merdeka in consideration of, or as quid pro quo for, the Malay leaders agreeing that the non-Malays, who were stateless at that time, be given citizenship after Merdeka. The non-Malays have exercised their right. Why can’t the Malays exercise their right, too? The Malays have not questioned their citizenship right and the non-Malays ahould not question our right to the special status from which the Malay educational institutions and the NEP were derived.

We don’t have to open MRSMs etc to the non-Malays. Yet the Government gave 10% quota. Tun Tan Siew Sin had said in 1969 that the Malays were “generous enough”. Now we are being generous again. The non-Malays should now give us something in return.

To help people understand and to promote mutual respect and harmonious relationships, I’ll try to explain again the background to the above, which has been referred to as the Social Contract:

When Long Jaafar, Menteri Larut, found and started mining tin in Larut (now Taiping) in 1848, he asked Chinese in Penang (then ruled by the British after the agreement with Sultan Kedah) to manage his mines. The Chinese brought secret societies and gangsters who later fought for control of the mining lands. The endless clan warfare, secret societies and gangster wars (Ghee Hins and Hai Sans) led to the Kapitan China petitioning the British Resident in Penang to protect their mining interests. This led to British Intervention, the Pangkor Treaty 1874, and British colonialism started in Malaya.

To get sufficient taxes/ revenues to send to Britain, throughout Malayan colonial history, the British encouraged the Chinese in business by giving mining leases, lisences for lottery and gaming operations and, later, licenses for rubber trading etc. Many became millionaires, and the Chinese generally prospered. But the Malays, who hardly had knowledge and experience in business, were not given any encouragement or assistance in business and were left behind economically. That’s one aspect of the Malay special status that the non-Malay leaders had agreed be written in the Constitution.

sepadu. (See part III)

Anonymous said...

Part III (To MMAMedStudent)

The other aspect is education. Since British Intervention and the influx of Chinese into this country, very few Malays were educated. The British built only a few schools in the kampongs where most of the Malays live. Imagine Malay boys walking to school 4-5 miles each way, to and fro, along deserted kapong footpaths, passing desolate and scary secondary jungle areas, hungry from dawn to late afternoon, every day. Even then, it was only at primary education level. But in the towns where most of the Chinese live, the British built not only a sufficient number of schools, but also schools at both primary and secondary level. So, the Malays were disadvantaged educationally as well. When the Government built MRSMs etc, the number of educated Malays increased. There was a need to catch up, to reduce the disparities not only in economic well being but in education as well.

Remember again that, because the Chinese were generally better off economically, their capacity to get education up to tertiary level continues at the same if not higher pace than the Malays with all the facilities provided. Remember also that deserving non-Malays have been and are being given scholarships, including to study abroad. So, I insist that the MRSMs and other institutions for the education of Malays be left intact. They should also not be questioned because questioning it would attract others to question the right of non-Malays to citizenship, which is the quid pro quo for the special right of the Malays.

It is my ardent and sincere wish that the younger generation of Malaysians understand and appreciate the sacrifices of our forefathers to bring about unity and racial harmony in this country. They discussed, negotiated, thrashed things out, gave a little and took a little, argued them out again in Parliament, then the elected representatives passed and approved the Constitution, the highest set of laws of the country. When, after the rigorous processes, these have become the Constitution of the country, people should not question them any more. The special status of the Malays is no longer negotiable just as the non-Malay right to citizenship is no longer negotiable. NEP, MRSM etc come from that special status of the Malays. All reasonable Malaysians should accept these facts and must respect the Constitution.

Now, after seeing the manifestations of a serious lack of understanding, mutual respect and harmonious relationships among Malaysians, we in this Demi Negara community are trying to do what our forefathers did at Merdeka - to bring about national unity and the creation of a Bangsa Malaysia through the SSS proposal.
After all the many explanations, all reasonable Malaysians should support it.

We hope you have signed the petition and would also ask others to do so. If the Kapitan China could petition the British Resident in Penang (a foreign power then) to solve the problem of disunity among the thugs and gangsters he and others brought to Larut in the 1870s, why can’t we petition our own Government to act on our proposal aimed at solving the problem of disunity in this country now? I, and others in this DN community, see no reason why Malaysian citizens should not come out and support such a move by signing the petition. Best wishes to you.


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