Monday, May 11, 2009

Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua

This started as a thought. One of a thousand thoughts shared among the fertile minds of the DN Community. Members of this community of patriots are known as the DN Knights, a term coined by the pioneering Knight of all, the indomitable Mat Cendana of Mat Cendana’s Blog Review.

The issue of streamlined schooling surfaced repeatedly as the DN Knights deliberated on the mutifaceted impediments to national unity and the seeming futility in forging a true Bangsa Malaysia of sufficiently shared affinities to reflect our common nationhood.

A Knight by the nic of Sepadu, a regular commenter renown for his thoughtful views on making Malaysia a better land for all, dropped a cyber-bombshell of a suggestion. He asked if the collective wisdom and energies of the DN Community could be harnessed to draft a memorandum to the Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin, to implore the government to seriously relook at the current multi-stream educational anomaly with an eye towards forging a singular Sekolah Kebangsaan for all Malaysians. This is what Sepadu said:-

I'm thinking of drafting a letter in BM, in the name of the Demi Negara community represented by you and to be signed by you in whatever manner convenient to you, addressed to YAB TPM merangkap Menteri Pelajaran ... The issues are so important that, in addition to hoping the authorities come to this blog, we bring our views directly to them in the form of a letter ... I would begin writing the draft after getting your OK and the response from other members of the DN community, expressed as comments in this post of yours (DN: April 19, 2009 6:04 AM).

I said o.k., go ahead and lets see if the Knights would oblige and contribute to the cause. The trickle of support quickly became an avalanche as Malaysians from all walks of life voiced their support for this initiative, with many e-mailing me privately. One of these closet supporters who finally "came out" is NJ, a true patriot and fellow critic of PM Najib's fuzzy 1 Malaysia concept. Kembara Politik volunteered as the editor. Bro satD of Pure Shiite fame set-up our literary sandbox at Writeboard, an Open Source-type community editing site. Rezuan Asrah of the Elusi IT blog was particularly committed and provided the necessary technical expertise to our cyber-collaboration. The inimitable Pakcik Dal, the urbane mountain man, resident sage and voice of reason at DN, almost single-handedly collated the relevant narratives from past comments at this blog, a daunting task reflective of his energy and commitment towards a better, cohesive Malaysia of the future.

Thoughts and opinions poured in from around the world. Zazaland from France, a member of the Malay diaspora in Europe,
related the French approach to social cohesion via education and expended her own resources to secure detailed European research materials. Many others provided a stirring repository of references and research findings, including Cenderawasih and Omong. My compadré, Jebat Must Die, shared his thoughts. Indeed, the JMD blog is a veritable trove of facts and anecdotes relevant to the cause. An anonymous patriot answered my call for the Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua logo and worked tirelessly to fine-tune the design. Terima kasih saudara. Even Tommy Yew, my old sparring partner often identified with this Unker, chipped in with encouragement and provided cyber-kopi-o to the team.

All these energised enthusiasm were well-marshalled by Sepadu and Bro satD, a fellow Kelantanese currently advising the Indonesian government on complex financial reforms in the true spirit of Nusantaran solidarity.

What transpired was a unique online collaboration, perhaps the first of its kind in the Malaysian blogosphere. The Knights collectively conceived, formulated and refined a memorandum to the Deputy Prime Minister in a truly seamless self-regulating "Open Source" environment. And this is not for a trivial feel-good note. The memo covers a complex subject with far-reaching impact on nation building.

The memorandum to the DPM calls for a re-synthesization of our educational framework aimed towards forging a singular National School System conducted in Bahasa Malaysia, except, of course, for certain prescribed subjects.

The rationale is two-pronged:-

- One. There is no Constitutional provision for multiple language streaming of our schools. Education is an official matter of state, and per our Constitution, all such matters must be conducted in one language and one language only, our national language, Bahasa Malaysia. The supremacy of Bahasa Malaysia is also a matter of strategic national interest and a public good of the highest priority. Anything that transgresses this public good -- in this case Vernacular Schools -- by definition, are unconstitutional and must be removed from our social realm.

- Two. The segregation of our citizens from a very young and impressionable age (via vernacular schools) has become the single biggest impediment to the creation of a true Bangsa Malaysia unified by a common identity, mindset and language. After almost 52 years of Merdeka, a large proportion of MyCard-carrying Warganegara Malaysia are functional-illiterates in the language of their country of citizenship, and are incapable of partaking in the process of nation-building and social integration expected of citizens of any nation in this world.

The vernacular school menace MUST be eradicated from our blessed land. This is Malaysia. The national language is Bahasa Malaysia. English, the international language of commerce, science and technology can be a second, albeit unofficial language. The other languages are best kept and nurtured in their countries of origin and, if truly necessary as a cultural imperative in this country, be uttered within the private confines of the specific communities. This is clearly articulated in Article 152 of the Federal Constitution, which says:-

The national language shall be the Malay language and shall be in such script as Parliament may by law provide, provided that no person shall be prohibited or prevented from using, otherwise than for official purposes, or from teaching or learning any other language.

The operative words here -- "using," "teaching" and "learning" the other languages -- refer to the usage and acquisition of these languages in and of themselves only, and restricted to the context of "otherwise than for official purposes" and do not by any stretch of the imagination infer to their usage as the language of instruction in such an important "official purpose" as Malaysia's school system.

I don’t see any other way to forge national integration, national unity, to instill a sense of commonality of purpose and a sense of shared destiny except to vigorously push for a streamlined, singular School System for ALL Malaysians. Every single one of us, of all origin and ethnicity, must speak in one tongue and undergo the same educational journey as Warganegaras of this blessed land. No single Anak Bangsa Malaysia should be allowed to fall into the communal trap laid by selfish, irrational chauvinists and denied the same opportunity as Mainstream Malaysiana.

Relive the battle cry "Satu Bangsa Satu BAHASA, Malaysia Berjaya!" of our forefathers amidst external threats when Persekutuan Malaysia was formed in 1963. And a single school system taught in Bahasa Malaysia is the single-most crucial element in the forging of this true Anak Bangsa Malaysia and the determinant of Malaysia's tenability as a cohesive and progressive nation for all.

Memorandum to the Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister from the Demi Negara Community:-

Y.A.B. Tan Sri Muhyiddin bin Yassin
Timbalan Perdana Menteri
Merangkap Menteri Pelajaran
Pelajaran Malaysia
Blok E8, Kompleks E,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan
Y.A.B. Tan Sri,
Pengkajian Semula Sistem Pembelajaran Malaysia untuk Melahirkan Suatu Bangsa Malaysia Yang Bersatu, Teguh dan Bersepadu

Dengan segala hormatnya kami mengemukakan cadangan yang tersebut di atas demi melahirnya suatu Bangsa Malaysia yang kukuh, bersatu dan bersepadu yang akan menjamin masa depan negara kita. Kami bukanlah suatu kumpulan politik atau berpihak kepada mana-mana unsur politik negara ini. Kami adalah warganegara yang prihatin terhadap pembentukan masyarakat Malaysia yang jitu dan yang benar-benar sehati dan sejiwa yang akan mengemudi negara kita tercinta ke arah kegemilangan.

Gejala-Gejala Polarisasi Kaum di Malaysia

Pengkajian semula sistem pelajaran negara ini haruslah dilakukan memandangkan fenomena perpecahan kaum yang semakin meruncing di masa kini. Gejala ini amatlah jelas sekali di alam siber dimana segelintir masyarakat kini mempamirkan sikap anti-negara yang semakin berleluasa. Jelas sekali, anasir-anasir ini tidak menghormati asas dan prinsip Perlembagaan negara, tiada rasa cinta kepada Tanah Air dan juga menonjolkan penulisan hasutan yang mencetuskan sentimen perkauman yang begitu ketara sekali. Secara lantang anasir subversif ini mempertikaikan segala lambang kedaulatan dan intipati negara kita tercinta. Dari pengamatan kami, puak penderhaka ini antara lain telah menyentuh perkara seperti berikut:-

• Mempertikai kedaulatan institusi Raja-Raja Melayu yang diperuntukan dalam Perkara 181 Perlembagaan Malaysia .

• Membangkitkan isi-isu sensitif seperti kedudukan istimewa Orang Melayu dan kaum Bumiputra lain yang termaktub dalam Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Malaysia .

• Mengabaikan Bahasa Rasmi negara, iaitu Bahasa Malaysia, dan mempromosikan secara meluas bahasa-bahasa asing, termasuk Mandarin dan Tamil, yang bertentangan dengan Perkara 152 Perlembagaan Malaysia.

• Menidakkan adanya suatu Kontrak Sosial (berkaitan kerakyatan masyarakat Bukan Melayu dan kedudukan istimewa Orang Melayu) yang telah terjalin di antara kaum-kaum di negara ini sejak Merdeka dahulu.

• Mengeji dan mempersenda Dasar Ekonomi Baru yang digubal mengikut Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Malaysia.

• Mempersoal dan menidakkan peranan dan pengorbanan Orang Melayu yang telah bertapak di Bumi Tanah Melayu sejak sebelum zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka lagi dalam pembentukan dan pembangunan negara ini.

• Melebihkan peranan puak imigran dalam pembentukan dan pembangunan negara ini ke tahap yang menyimpang jauh dari kenyataan.

• Menjanakan berbagai penipuan sejarah yang akan memudaratkan pemikiran rakyat negara ini, terutama anak-anak di bangku sekolah.

• Mempersenda dan memperlekehkan segala simbol kenegaraan Malaysia yang patut di sanjungi dan dipertahan oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat, termasuklah lagu Negaraku, Keris, Songkok dan, seperti tersebut di atas, institusi Raja-Raja Melayu, Bahasa Malaysia dan sejarah negara ini.

• Mempertikai hujah-hujah pemimpin Bukan Melayu terdahulu seperti Presiden MIC, Tun V.T. Sambanthan dan Presiden MCA, Tun Tan Siew Sin, dimana pemimpin-pemimpin ulung tersebut telah melafazkan rasa kesedaran, keinsafan dan berterimakasih terhadap budi perkerti dan sikap bertolak-ansur Orang Melayu di dalam pemberian kerakyatan Jus Soli kepada kaum pendatang di Tanah Melayu, tidak seperti nasib yang menimpa kaum mereka di negara-negara serantau.

Kewujudan Bangsa Malaysia Yang Berbahasa Malaysia dan yang Berlandaskan Budaya dan Tatatertib Orang Melayu

Setelah hampir 52 tahun merdeka, negara kita kini menghadapi masalah perkauman dan kerapuhan sosial yang amat membimbangkan. Polarisasi kaum telah sampai ke tahap kritikal dan kini mengancam kesejahteraan masyarakat dan keselamatan negara. Justeru, Malaysia sudah tiada pilihan kecuali berikhtiar untuk menzahirkan suatu Bangsa Malaysia yang teguh bersatu, yang berbahasa Kebangsaan sebagai bahasa utama, yang bersepadu dalam pemikiran dan yang mempunyai tahap patriotisme yang tinggi berlandaskan cinta kepada negara dan hormat kepada Perlembagaan.

Berpandukan kepada semangat kenegaraan yang menjadi asas pembentukan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan kemudiannya Persekutuan Malaysia, Bangsa Malaysia ini haruslah secara menyeluruh :-

Fasih bertutur di dalam Bahasa Kebangsaan. Bahkan Bahasa Malaysia menjadi bahasa ibunda seluruh Bangsa Malaysia di suatu hari kelak;
Memahami dan menghormati adat-adat dan tatasusila orang Melayu dan kaum pribumi lain di Malaysia;

Menghormati kedudukan Agama rasmi Malaysia iaitu Agama Islam sambil menikmati kebebasan beragama sesuai dengan peruntukan perlembagaan;

Mempertutur bahasa warisan ibunda lain dan mengamalkan warisan budaya ibunda dengan cara yang sesuai dengan peruntukan Perlembagaan, iaitu di luar konteks urusan rasmi dan di amalkan secara peribadi oleh komuniti tersebut.

Konsep Bangsa Malaysia yang kami amati telah diperbincangkan dengan mendalam di wadah kami. Suatu penjelasan menyeluruh telah di huraikan di blog Demi Negara.

Titik permulaan dalam pembentukan Bangsa Malaysia tersebut terletak pada sistem pembelajaran negara kita.
Sikap terhadap Bangsa Malaysia ini harus di bentuk dari peringkat asas. Justeru, Sistem Pembelajaran Malaysia haruslah di sesuaikan agar menjadi wadah utama dalam penerapan nilai-nilai Bangsa Malaysia tersebut di kalangan anak-anak kita bermula dari usia yang muda.

Dasar Sistem Pembelajaran Malaysia Di Masa Kini

Kami berpendapat, pembinaan suatu Bangsa Malaysia yang teguh bersatu dan jitu bersepadu tidak akan tercapai selagi adanya gejala Sekolah Vernakular (Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan atau SJK) di Bumi Malaysia. Sekolah Vernakular tidak selaras dengan matlamat melahirkan Bangsa Malaysia berharmoni dan bersepadu yang berteraskan unsur-unsur nasionalisme yang sepatutnya. Malah ia telah menjadi penghalang utama keatas hasrat kerajaan membina masyarakat yang sehaluan bahasa, minda dan kebudayaan asas.

Kewujudan Sekolah Vernakular telah menimbulkan berbagai tanda tanya ke atas peranan dan status nya di masa kini. Ini termasuklah:-

Sekolah Vernakular adalah bertentangan dengan status Bahasa Malaysia sebagai Bahasa Rasmi negara kita. Malah, Sekolah Vernakular nyata bercanggah dengan peruntukan Perlembagaan dimana Bahasa Malaysia diwajibkan untuk segala urusan rasmi, dan Sistem Pembelajaran adalah suatu urusan rasmi negara.

• Bahasa penghantar di SJKC ialah Mandarin, Bahasa Kebangsaan sebuah negara asing, iaitu Republik Rakyat China. Malah ia bukan bahasa asli mana-mana suku kaum Cina yang tinggal di negara ini. Bahasa penghantar SJKT pula adalah Tamil, bahasa rasmi negeri Tamil Nadu di India. Ini adalah suatu fenomena sosial yang amat ganjil dan tidak harus di benarkan di negara kita.

• Seperti termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia, Bahasa Kebangsaan wajib digunakan untuk segala urusan rasmi negara. Sistem Pembelajaran merupakan suatu urusan rasmi negara sepertimana di semua negara di dunia.

Perkara 152(a) Perlembagaan Malaysia menyatakan :-

"No person shall be prohibited or prevented from using (otherwise than for official purposes), or from teaching or learning, any other language."

Fasal tersebut tidak memberi mandat kepada Kerajaan untuk membenarkan, apatah lagi memberi sokongan wang dan sebagainya, kepada mana-mana sekolah yang menggunakan bahasa selain dari Bahasa Kebangsaan kerana sistem pembelajaran adalah suatu urusan rasmi (“offical purpose").

• Dari segi “protection of the legitimate interest of the others” yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan, "kepentingan sah masyarakat lain" merangkumi urusan peribadi masyarakat tersebut dan tidak termasuk hak untuk menggunakan bahasa penghantar lain bagi urusan pembelajaran di sekolah. Peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia membolehkan pengajaran dan pertuturan bahasa lain secara peribadi di kalangan sesuatu masyarakat, dan bukan hingga ke tahap penggunaan bahasa lain secara berleluasa termasuk sebagai bahasa penghantar utama di sekolah.

Sekolah Vernakular pada amnya mengandungi satu kaum sahaja dalam suasana pembelajaran yang tidak membayangkan arca dan kandungan masyarakat negara ini. Ini tidak sesuai dalam melahirkan suatu Bangsa Malaysia yang bersatu dan bersepadu. Murid Sekolah Vernakular wujud dalam suasana terpencil dari aliran am. Mereka menyerapkan nilai-nilai satu kaum sahaja, tidak bergaul dengan kaum-kaum lain, tidak dapat pengalaman berinteraksi, kurang memahami adat resam kaum lain dan susah menerima hakikat bahawa adat resam dan budaya kaum majoriti di negara ini perlu di fahami dan di hormati. Ini mengakibatkan pemikiran mereka terkongkong dan menjadi janggal dan mereka bermasalah menyesuaikan diri dalam masyarakat majmuk negara ini.

Pengasingan sebahagian warganegara ke alam Sekolah Vernakular sejak umur yang senang di pengaruhi telah menjadi penghalang terbesar kepada kewujudan suatu Bangsa Malaysia yang bersatu di bawah satu bahasa, identiti dan pemikiran.

Tiga Bahasa Penghantar Tidak Sejajar dengan Perlembagaan dan Bertentangan dengan Amanat Rukunegara

Perkara 152 Perlembagaan Malaysia membenarkan pengajaran bahasa-bahasa selain dari Bahasa Kebangsaan untuk lain-lain komuniti di Malaysia. Tetapi kebebasan ini nyata terbatas kepada pembelajaran khusus bahasa tersebut sahaja dan bukan untuk ianya dijadikan bahasa penghantar bagi matapelajaran lain di Sistem Persekolahan negara Malaysia.

Kita tidak harus ada tiga sistem pembelajaran dalam tiga bahasa penghantar. Bangsa Malaysia yang bersatu dan bersepadu tidak mungkin lahir dari suasana sebegini. Keadaan tiga sistem pembelajaran ini tidak sejajar dan jelas bertentangan dengan semangat dan peruntukan perlembagaan, dan juga menyimpang dari matlamat utama Rukunegara, iaitu “mencapai perpaduan yang lebih erat di kalangan seluruh masyarakat nya.”

Keagungan Bahasa Malaysia sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan dan Bahasa Rasmi negara ini mesti di pertahankan. Perkara yang tidak sejajar, menghalang atau menentang peruntukan bahasa dalam Perlembagaan adalah di sifatkan sebagai bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan atau “unconstitutional.”

Masalah-masalah yang timbul dari kewujudan Sekolah Vernakular banyak di perkatakan bukan sahaja di blog Demi Negara, malah di berbagai blog lain. Contoh hujah-hujah di alam siber yang mempertikai kewujudan Sekolah Vernakular
di huraikan di lampiran bersama surat ini.

Berdasarkan kepada fakta dan pendapat yang terpapar di sini dan segala hujah yang dikemukakan di pautan-pautan berkenaan, kami dengan hormat nya meminta agar gejala Sekolah Vernakular ini di hapuskan secara total.

Kesemua Sekolah Vernakular yang ada sekarang harus diserapkan kedalam Sistem Sekolah Kebangsaan dimana peruntukkan secukupnya dibuat untuk menyediakan pembelajaran bahasa ibunda khusus untuk mana-mana murid yang memerlukannya.

Langkah susulan yang kami syorkan:-

Pengkajian Semula Sistem Pelajaran Negara oleh Kumpulan Bebas

Kami mencadangkan suatu kajian terperinci oleh kumpulan pengkaji bebas di adakan keatas fenomena Sekolah Vernakular ini.
Kumpulan pengkaji bebas ini haruslah terdiri daripada individu-individu yang berkelayakan dan berpengalaman yang setimpal dan berkecuali dari politik (non-partisan) sepenuhnya demi menentukan integriti laporan yang akan dikeluarkan. Tokoh asing yang terkenal dan berpengalaman dalam kajian sebegitu boleh juga dijemput ke kumpulan pengkaji untuk meningkatkan prestasi dan kredibiliti kajian dan laporan tersebut.

Penggubalan semula Akta Pendidikan 1996

Akta Pendidikan 1996 tidak sejajar dengan matlamat pengwujudan Bangsa Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan. Akta tersebut yang membolehkan wujudnya sekolah vernakular haruslah dirombak agar ianya kembali kepada niat asal penubuhan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Akta tersebut berbunyi:-

"AND WHEREAS the above policy is to be executed through a national system of education which provides for the national language to be the main medium of instruction, a National Curriculum and common examinations; the education provided being varied and comprehensive in scope and which will satisfy the needs of the nation as well as promote national unity through cultural, social, economic and political development in accordance with the principles of Rukunegara."

Walaubagaimanapun, kewujudan sekolah vernakular mengabaikan objektif yang tertera di atas. Penggubalan semula Akta ini akan membolehkan rakyat Malaysia mengecapi suatu struktur pendidikan yang seragam melalui keperkasaan sistem sekolah kebangsaan.

Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Di Mestikan

Melihat betapa pentingnya generasi pelapis negara kita diserapkan dengan pengetahuan sejarah yang kukuh dan mencukupi, kami juga mencadangkan agar subjek Sejarah diwajibkan di semua sekolah di Malaysia. Anak muda yang Celik Sejarah akan memahami asal usul, arca dan konteks pembentukan negara Malaysia.

Ini termasuklah latarbelakang institusi Raja-Raja Melayu, perjuangan wira tanah air kita di zaman silam, peranan Orang Melayu dalam mencetus tamadun dan pembentukan negeri-negeri di Tanah Melayu sejak abad-abad awal selepas Masihi, kemasukan kaum-kaum lain ke Tanah Melayu, permuafakatan di antara kaum yang membawa kepada pembentukan Kontrak Sosial yang tersirat dalam Perlembagaan dan punca termaktubnya hak-hak dan keistimewaan Orang Melayu dalam Perlembagaan.

Masyarakat yang Celik Sejarah akan mencetuskan suasana yang menyemarakkan pengwujudan Bangsa Malaysia yang kita idamkan selama ini. Selagi tidak timbul Bangsa Malaysia
ini, selagilah kita berterusan sebagai sebuah negara rojak yang dilanda berbagai gejala sosial yang tidak sihat dan berbahaya kepada keselamatan negara.

Penulisan Semula Buku-Buku Teks Sejarah

Kami juga mencadangkan supaya buku-buku teks Sejarah negara di kaji semula secara menyeluruh. Fakta-fakta sejarah yang lebih tepat dan terperinci harus dicatatkan oleh kumpulan cendiakawan yang terbukti kewibawaan dan integriti mereka. Penghuraian sejarah yang betul akan memainkan peranan sebagai pencetus kepada pembentukan suatu Bangsa Malaysia yang sehati dan sejiwa di Tanah Air kita yang bertuah ini.


Kewujudan Sekolah Vernakular adalah satu-satunya punca utama ketidakserasian dan ketegangan kaum di negara kita tercinta.
Fenomena ini hampir tiada tolak bandingnya di dunia ini dan telah menjadi suatu barah yang kian menular dalam kancah kerapuhan masyarakat Malaysia. Jika gejala Sekolah Vernakular ini tidak dibendung, negara kita akan terus bergerak ke ambang kehancuran.

Dalam segi Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia, Sekolah Vernakular jelas tiada tempatnya, bahkan bercanggah dengan fasal-fasal Perlembagaan dengan begitu ketara sekali. Percanggahan ini harus di bendung dan di perbetulkan secepat mungkin demi kestabilan dan keselamatan negara.

Kami pohon agar Y.A.B. Tan Sri memberi perhatian, pertimbangan dan penekanan yang sewajarnya keatas cadangan-cadangan yang dikemukakan di sini demi masa depan Bangsa dan Negara Malaysia tercinta. Kami berdoa agar tindakan yang sejajar dengan kepentingan perkara ini diambil oleh Y.A.B. Tan Sri dan langkah-langkah susulan dilaksanakan oleh kementerian Y.A.B. Tan Sri.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yang Benar

Bagi Pihak Komuniti Blog Demi Negara

Demi Negara has also launched an online Petition Drive -- Kempen Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua -- to garner Malaysian public support for this initiative. Go to the petition here to express your patriotism. Get involved, tell your friends and loved ones. We must do something to arrest this divisive social cancer for the future of the Anak Bangsa Malaysia.


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Anonymous said...

DN dan para pembaca,
sesungguhnya ini perlu demi memastikan anak-anak Malaysia dapat menguukuhkan asas Malaysia sebelum melangkah lebih jauh.

Tanpa asas yang kukuh sebagai satu Malaysia, jangankan idea Satu Malaysia, apa jua ideologi (seperti Malaysian Malaysia dan Negara Islam) pun tak boleh jalan kerana sekolah kita masih berjenis-jenis..(ke Pakatan ada idea lain macam mana nak buat KALAU mereka berkuasa?)

Mana mungkin satu boleh jadi jika yang nak disatukan masih berdua, tiga, empat dan lima..

Sekadar pandangan yang tak seberapa...

Anonymous said...

1st?? eheh.. dont bother to publish.. hendak mengucapkan tahniah kepada Tuan atas usaha murni Tuan dalam menjayakan Projek Komuniti Demi Negara tersebut. Syabas!

Unknown said...


Syukur Alhamdullilah.

Dear KijangMas and DN community

Thank you for this initiative.

Anonymous said...

dear sir,

good work and effort. will sign the petition immediately.

i know peace loving malaysians will support this cause.

too much segregation not good oso.

-Agent 999-

Anonymous said...

Friends, fellow Malaysians and lovers of our country Malaysia,

I'm writing in English for the benefit of those not well versed with Bahasa Malaysia. My purpose is to induce you all to support this noble objective of bringing about a united, strong and cohesive Bangsa Malaysia for all of us and for future generations in this beloved land of ours.

One clear way for us to get there is through the Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua. I therefore humbly urge you to sign the petition attached to this post.

Let our children, grandchildren and those after them live happily and harmoniously as one people identified only as Malaysians instead of by our ethnic origin, and let us in due course depart from this world knowing that we have done a little bit in bringing that about. That little bit can be the signing of the petition.

Best wishes.


Cenderawasih said...

Khas buat Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan.....

kematianmu ku tunggu,
kehilanganmu ku tak rindu,
ajalmu mu ku nanti,
ketiadaanmu ku tak ratapi,
penghapusanmu ku suka,
kewujudanmu ku tak redha,
bayanganmu ku meluat,
zahirmu ku tak lihat,
pengkebumianmu ku senang,
pemergianmu ku tak kenang.

Selamat jalan SJK demi kemakmuran Malaysia.
Selamat tinggal SJK demi perpaduan Malaysia.
Pergi,jangan kembali lagi....

justmy2SEN said...

It's about time (long overdue actually) that we start talking about 1Education for all Malaysian children...

I wonder why Najib fail to mention about importance of having an integrated and improved education in his 1Malaysia concept..which is one of reasons why i think his 1MALAYSIA concept is superficial and lack of substance (full of motherhood statements only)

May i suggest the promotion of this petition is made through other means such as facebook etc (maybe can create a group or something)

ps: melalui petition ini mungkin kita semua akan dapat melihat siapa yg ikhlas ke arah Malaysia yg lebih bersatu dan siapa yg cuma nak menerima tanpa mahu berkorban ke arah satu negara yg bersatu

Anonymous said...

And to all the wonderful KN Knights..

Its a beautiful LOGO. Syabas!

How can we get the stickers?

"Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua"


Ismail N said...

It's about time KijangMas. I will try to help spread this to other and hopefully more people will sign up.
Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua.

Keith said...

"I don’t see any other way to forge national integration, national unity, to instill a sense of commonality of purpose and a sense of shared destiny except to vigorously push for a streamlined, singular School System for ALL Malaysians. "

This is exactly why we need just on school system. Which doesn't include vernacular schools, where the students inter-mingle only among themselves.

Also we need to open up uITM and MARA and the Maktab sains Asramas to Chinese and Indians and to all Malaysian Citizens as well. We need to open up more than 10% to ensure proper integration among students. A good number would be 55%.

Where students are segregated purely on their ability and not by their race. Then truly there will be 1Malaysia.

Are you willing to accept this, and is this part of the petition? If it is, I will willingly sign it.

NJ said...

Salam sejahtera Kijang Mas Perkasa,

Warga DN dan rakyat Malaysia di mana jua anda berada,

Pohon ehsan untuk menyebarkan perkara ini, terutamanya untuk tujuan petition on-line.

Para Citrawan (bloggers) dan pengunjung citramaya (laman blog) - pohon paparkan pautan ke blog ini di blog anda masing-masing.

Anda semua - pohon emailkan kepada semua kenalan.

Sumbangan anda amat dihargai.

Salam sejahtera,



rakyat kata said...

Saya sokong. Cuma tidak optimis kerana semua orang politik tahu, kalau hendak menang pilihanraya, mesti ikut cakap kaum Cina dan India. Tidak kira BN atau pembangkang. Mereka inilah penghalangnya. Kalau di USA, nak menang mesti ikut cakap yahudi.

Kalau kerajaan sekarang laksanakan pun cadangan yang murni dan logik ini, adakah ia mampu bertahan?

Sudah pasti ia akan dijadikan isu oleh PEMBANGKANG, MIC dan MCA untuk menewaskan kerajaan. Apabila tidak lagi memerintah, silap haribulan, blog deminegara ini pun akan ditutupnya. Kijangmas pun ke Kamunting.

Baru jadi MB semula 2 jam dah pecat kakitangan kerajaan yang tidak menyokong. (contoh di Perak)

Will BN (Najib) willing to take the risk? NOT!

Walaubagaimanapun, saya bersama anda. Kalau kena masuk Kamunting pun SAYA SANGGUP!!

Saya menawarkan diri untuk tujuan ini.

I'll develop and give away free of charge, softwares for use by X-SJK if they accept this.

Anonymous said...

Tahniah dan terima kasih di atas usaha saudara/saudari semua.

Baru saja tandatangan petition tersebut.


Phonont said...

Yo Keith (May 12, 2009 7:23 PM),

Oi, apa lu bikin sini? You're contradicting yourself big time lah. On one hand you say MRSM's and UITM's should be opened up to non-Bumis, by a percetange of 55%. But on your exact next breath you say "Where students are segregated purely on their ability and not by their race". Well if the ability alone is the issue at hand why did you suggest a quota (of 55%) in the first place for non-Bumis? If you really want meritocracy then scrap the quota lah! What, you people also need tongkat ah? Blur one lah you. Get the f*ck out of here!

Anonymous said...


MRSM, UITM tu untuk orang Melayu. Itu sebagai hak istimewa Melayu. Jadi tak ada kes di sini.


Anonymous said...

Keith, who are you kidding?

In fact Keith, your answer is typical of your type. You guys shout and ramble about "inequality", yet when it comes to really pursuing the agenda towards national cohesion, you give all kinds of excuses and counter-arguments/demands on why you would do this if the government do this etc etc......typical of your lot to go to this level is like give me 4 and I'll give you 1, but at the moment you guys have given nothing back ......

Come on Keith, don't think about yourself, think about the country's unity and integrity, you should know that we should start them young so that they understand the meaning of "love thy neighbour" at a very tender age (just like in France)... Why be so selfish, Keith? I thought there should be a give and take? Anway Keith, thanks for showing your true colour. I wonder too, what will PR do to make Malaysians a real bangsa Malaysia if they are in power.....

Folks, no need to be so intelligent to see that the non Malay PR are not sincere; what do they care about having a ONE school system ...why should they sacrifice on their part? They are an arrogant lot, period. Need I say more?

Now, let's also see if PAS/PKR Malays will support the DN effort.

Btw, Tuanku KijangMas, I'm really impressed by the presentation. Kudos to all the DN Knights.

To all Malaysian brothers and sisters out there, regardless of your race, colour and religion, this is the time for you to show that you really love Malaysia. Do sign the petition.....and let's go for it !!

Anonymous said...

And for those who do not fully understand what the call is all about in Bahasa Malaysia, chip in with you:


"chien puk ren ik sieh siau!"

Saya sokong, saya sokong,

"Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua!"

Demi untuk masa depan bangsa kita...


Anonymous said...

This is about school for early development before reaching tertiary and secondary education.

There lots of tertiary education opportunities, why must you target MARA? We have other education opportunities for all in UM, UKM, UPM, UUM, USM. How about those colleges?


Helmy said...

saya sokong sepenuh hati!
teringat kata-kata di bawah..

There was a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish, it was so fragile - marcus aurelius

hopefully this is not just a whisper, and mainstream media will pick this up.

KijangMas said...

Comments sent to related DN mini post (since deleted):-

Anonymous said...

Saya sokong cadangan ini whole-heartedly for the sake of better Malaysia.


Logam Berat

May 12, 2009 10:56 PM


denone said...Brilliant. Bravo. Great and noble effort by the DM Knights. You guys should be running the country. My prayers, this effort will bring about the unity to our beloved country.

Denone - already signed the petition.

May 12, 2009 11:47 PM

me said...

As a Chinese school graduate, I do support this cause, but:

1) Your strong emphasis on "satu" may come off as imposing and ominous

2) Education must not be centralised at the federal level. Countries like the UK have shown the benefits of giving local authorities (elected ones) the ability to open schools as per demand.

3) Education MUST NOT BE centralised, because such authority can be too easily abused.

4) A strong and detailed plan to take care of language instruction for Mandarin, Tamil etc. MUST be part of the overall framework to be executed simultaneously.


me said...

And sorry if I hadn't made myself clear with the last comment, but I do support the abolishment of vernacular schools, but only if it comes with a detailed plan to continue language instruction and decentralise educational authority.


me said...

And yes, while quotas are no go, MRSM admission policies must be opened up as well. Having an ethnic criteria in MRSM admissions is no different from segregation by vernacular schools.

I say this also as an MRSM grad.


Anonymous said...

I will sign it, IF only those non-Malays stop mentioniong hak keistimewaan orang-orang Melayu.
They should know the history of our 1957 Merdeka Federal Constitution.
So to Keith, I will only give up my hak keistimewaan IF ONLY YOU ARE WILLING TO GIVE UP YOUR NATIONALITY. So how's that?

My dear non-Malay friends, please don't bring up any sensitive issues related to races. Please lah.

Tam Dalyell said...

Mr/Mrs me and Keith ... let's take it one step at a time please ... to avoid us do the Perak tanggo-cha-cha-cha-romba ... steps reserved for ADUN nit-wits.

Am sure the big wigs up there ... should they feel that we are serious citizens ... wouldn't want to deny any of us anything ... be it our bread or anything.

masCh said...


Wahai saudara-saudara sekalian, meskipun idea ini adalah idea yang bernas, logik dan penting, ia telahpun beberapa kali dibahaskan di forum-forum lain.

Isu utama yang timbul adalah: jika kita nak bersatu bawah satu jenis sekolah, kita nak bersatu bawah sekolah jenis bangsa sapa? Kita semua tahu sekolah vernakular etnik cina jauh lebih tinggi taraf akademik para pelajarnya berbanding dengan sekolah aliran kebangsaan. Adakah kita sanggup menggadaikan kebijaksanaan akademik para generasi akan datang hanya semata-mata kerana ketuanan bangsa dan bahasa melayu?

Isu kedua adalah, adakah bangsa cina yang sedar bahawa pelajaran aliran kebangsaan adalah jauh inferior berbanding dengan sekolah vernakular etnik cina sanggup menghantar anak-anak didikan cemerlang mereka ke lain sekolah yang "lebih bodoh" sistem pembelajarannya dan "lebih bodoh" para barisan gurunya?

Ini bukan isu bangsa sapa hebat atau nak dengar cakap bangsa mana-mana. Kita juga nampak anak-anak melayu generasi muda yang cemerlang kebanyakkanya kerana mereka telah hadir sekolah rendah di sekolah vernakular cina!

Cara yang sebenarnya adalah tidak dengan cara paksaan untuk menutup sekolah-sekolah vernakular bangsa lain. Dengan paksaan, kita akan mewujudkan lebih besar jurang antara bangsa dan jurang permusuhan kaum.

Kita perlu pastikan bahawa sekolah-sekolah aliran kebangsaan mencapai tahap yang jauh lebih tinggi dari sekolah-sekolah vernakular lain. Kita perlu pastikan guru-guru yang mengajar adalah kerana mereka passionate, bukan kerana nak bawak balik gaji. Jika setakat nak bawa balik gaji hujung bulan, mereka boleh jadi "pembantu guru" atau guru gantian. Sekiranya satu hari nanti sekolah aliran kebangsaan mencapai kecemerlangan pendidikan, nescaya ibu bapa bangsa lain terus akan pindahkan anak-anak mereka ke sekolah aliran kebangsaan. Dan sejurus selepas itu sekolah-sekolah vernakular akan ditutup dengan sendirinya dan dengan semulajadinya.

Selagi kita melihat segala isu dengan mata "bangsa", selagi itu kita takkan sedar bahawa bangsa lain hanya mahukan kecemerlangan dan merit, bukan hendak melawan bangsa lain.

Fikirkan lah bagaimana orang-orang Cina sekarang mengagungkan Singapura, adakah kerana Singapura jauh lebih maju dan cemerlang? Sedangkan dulu mereka mengagungkan Malaysia dan sanggup berhijrah ke Malaysia untuk mencari rezeki kerana pada ketika itu Malaysia lebih maju dan cemerlang..

Azrudi @ Nusantech

Anonymous said...

Salam DM,

I agree to this letter. I have done my part on signing the petition and also invited all my friends to sign the petition. I hope friends to you and me will do the same.

Salam, Nor (distractor)

Tommy Yewfigure said...

Wah lan KM,

“Moh tak teng!” Unker oso got a mentioned in your opening credits. Sure what unker give encouragement if you go thru’ the right, proper & civil channel to get your message across, tho I’m not 100% agreeable. Yes this is the Spirit of Fair Play by the rules. Since Unker cannot be taken seriously, I hope these 2 comments (sic) (from the petition) so far, can echo my sentiments;

# 115:
May 13, 2009, Hanzali Jumastapha, Ireland
SJK(c) & SJK(t) has been the main reason of unity and integration not being achieved. Not to be forgotten is that the bumis must open up their education system eg.mrsm etc to non-bumis for this to be fair and balanced. tit for tat.
# 88:
May 12, 2009, Mohd Mohd Sharif, Malaysia
We separate them when they are still children so how can we expect them to work together when they are older? By then, most of them will have developed their own prejudices towards each other. Even if we implement 1 year of PLKN , we could not undo the effects of this. Make Mandrin and Tamil as options in the school so that all of them can still mingle around (then even the Malay kids can learn elementary Mandarin and Tamil if they want to) Still I STRONGLY DISAGREE with the description on this petition. "suatu barah yang kian menular dalam kancah kerapuhan masyarakat Malaysia. Jika gejala Sekolah Vernakular ini tidak dibendung" No, it is not cancer or “gejala”, (you went to the extreme by calling it Cancer). I agree that it plays a part in the disunity that we have in our country but I DO NOT AND WILL NOT CONSIDER IT AS CANCER. Instill this notion in mind, that if we expect people to change, approach them in a soft manner. If we keep treating everything that we disagree with this way (harsh or to the extreme), we will not go anywhere near changing it. Just a thought.

Hey Phonont,
Defination of ‘Klingon’;

That stubborn piece of turd clinging on to the toilet bowl that refused to be flushed away…hehehe..


Unker Yew.

P/S – Oh KM, HK bus unker sent his cheerio to u; That clip was especially dedicated to u :)

NJ said...

Dear me

As a Chinese school graduate, I do support this cause There is a tint of "Malaysian" in you. Syabas. A good way to start.

1) Your strong emphasis on "satu" may come off as imposing and ominous Yes! A strong "satu" Bangsa Malaysia (not Chinese, Indian, Malay etc)

2) Education must not be centralised at the federal level. Countries like the UK have shown the benefits of giving local authorities (elected ones) the ability to open schools as per demand.Perhaps we are moving toward that? But first we must achieve this Truly Bangsa Malaysia. That time maybe local authorities are those we elect, no longer government appointed?

3) Education MUST NOT BE centralised, because such authority can be too easily abused.At this moment, perhaps it is easier for us (all together) to check these abuses and voice out our piece of mind when it is centralised (single check-point)? Until the Education system became one system Truly for Malaysian, then that time perhap de-centralised maybe a better option?

4) A strong and detailed plan to take care of language instruction for Mandarin, Tamil etc. MUST be part of the overall framework to be executed simultaneously.I am sorry but Malaysia do have its Perlembagaan. I would only agree if Mandarin, Tamil etc be taught as elective subject and at a higher level of education like colleges and universities. We can agree to disagree, right?


One more thing:-

When we all became one Bangsa Malaysia, a truly Bangsa Malaysia who live his/her lives by the Rukun Negara & Perlembagaan, would there be anymore Chinese, Indian, Malay, Bumiputras whatever you want to name it? Would all the universities, colleges, MARA, employment places be opened to all Malaysians according to whatever merit (no longer skin) ? Just a dream of Malaysia..

Salam Sejahtera,



Anonymous said...

Pemimpin dan rakyat kena jujur pada diri sendiri.
Harap yang di singgahsana telinganya tidak pekak mendengar jerit murni.
Kedamaian berkekalan atau malapetaka dahsyat bakal menimpa.
Bangsa Malaysia yang tak bersatu tidak akan mungkin kekal lama. 55 tahun? 100 tahun? 200 tahun?
Ini adalah titik permulaannya.


Anonymous said...


Pls allow me to address the folks again, this time to say:

It's heartening to see the signatures ticking in from time to time. Many, I believe, are students, both at local educational institutions and overseas. It reminds me of my own student days. Wanting to participate in the events of the day, wanting to contribute, to speak up and be counted. There's the burning desire to want my country progress rapidly, peacefully, harmoniously.

Things went bad for the country in recent years. People seem to be going in different directions. Now there are three, even more, education systems. Schools in three or more languages as medium of instruction. We cannot expect to be united, to have a lasting, peaceful and harmonious existence under those systems. You in your late teens/ early 20s and still studying are the leaders of to-morrow. Soon you'll be getting married and have children. It's those children we have to think about. And their children and their children.

So, those who have not signed up, pls do so. Tell your family and friends to also do so. Those without Internet facilities can borrow your friends' or drop by Internet cafes/ kedai
berInternet. Some of you may have the time and want to organise your own signature campaigns, by groups, organisations, etc. By all means do so, so long as each and every one in the group signs in, using valid email addresses (for verification and to enhance the integrity of this petition), in the format provided by KijangMas, the DN Community Leader, as shown above.

We need to let the authorities and the public know that a big number of the younger generation are also concerned about the issues we are jointly bringing up for their attention and action. That while studying, you are also thinking about the future of your own family, your own society, your own country. That we are responsible citizens.

Best wishes.


Anonymous said...

masCh/ Azrudi@Nusantech,

Anda mengatakan, "Kita semua tahu sekolah vernakular etnik cina jauh lebih tinggi taraf akademik para pelajarnya berbanding dengan sekolah aliran kebangsaan."

"Kita" itu siapa? Siapa yang berkata demikian? Ada empirical studies yang telah di lakukan atau tidak? Apa bukti-bukti yang menunjukkan pendapat demikian? Bukan kah suatu kajian mendalam di cadangakn sekarang? Dan kajian itu hendak lah di lakukan oleh suatu pasukan yang bebas, berintegriti tinggi, tidak partisan, tidak terpengaruh oleh mana mana pihak.

Anda juga mengatakan, "bangsa cina yang sedar bahawa pelajaran aliran kebangsaan adalah jauh inferior berbanding dengan sekolah vernakular etnik cina sanggup menghantar anak-anak didikan cemerlang mereka ke lain sekolah yang "lebih bodoh" sistem pembelajarannya dan "lebih bodoh" para barisan gurunya?"

Di sini anda nampak nya sudah membuat suatu kenyataan secara mendadak. Dengan itu, tujuan anda menulis ini sudah menjadi sangsi. Jika benar perkataan "bodoh" itu di gunakan, anda seharus nya selidik dahulu sabelom mengeluarkan kata-kata itu sa olah olah anda percaya itu semua benar. Kalau tidak, anda pun nampak tidak bijak (saya tidak guna perkataan "bodoh" sebab itu tidak manis di kalangan masyarakat Melayu dan mengikut budaya Melayu, dan tidak elok berkata demikian kalau kita hendakkan suatu Bangsa Malaysia).

Anda kata lagi. "Kita juga nampak anak-anak melayu generasi muda yang cemerlang kebanyakkanya kerana mereka telah hadir sekolah rendah di sekolah vernakular cina!"

Siapa cakap semua ini? Apa bukti nya? Anda ada data berapa orang belajar di SJK (C) dan (T) tiap tahun dari mula penubuhan nya dan berapa ketul Melayu yang berjaya? Dan apa bukti nya mereka berjaya sebab berlajar di SRJK?

Bila anda sebut fasal merit, fasal equal opportunities, saya boleh tulis panjang lebar fasal tidak ada merit, tidak ada equal opportunities untuk orang Melayu sejak sabelom penjajah British masuk, apa tah lagi di bawah penjajahan British sehingga Merdeka dan salepas nya. Tetapi sekarang kita mengemukakan perkara melahirkan, membina suatu Bangsa Malaysia melalui sistem pelajaran "Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua". Kami semua mahu bersatu, mahukan suatu Bangsa Malaysia. Saya harap anda pun juga.


satD said...

Salam and Greetings to All.

Firstly thank you for all the efforts put in so far and also the on-going continuous efforts that everyone here(insyallah) will be putting in to achieve the objective of the campaign...

I'd rather not mention any names for fear that I may miss someone...but for those who have dedicated their time and effort in building the memo as well as those who is actively commenting in other blogs to promote this effort... May Allah bless you.

I'm in this for the long run so I hope that this is not a hangat2 taik ayam kinda thing, we MUST towards a Single School System for our children.


To brother KijangMas thank you for the space you have provided!!

One interesting fact about this whole thing is that we are all ANONYMOUS!!! Best Giler....

PS: Unker...working ur charms in makcikmakciks blog of late eh!!


Saya teramat setuju dengan saranan ini dan saya pun nak menyertai kempen ini, bagi saya kalau nak jadi satu Malaysia kita kena mulakan dengan satu sekolah dulu!

Apa salahnya orang melayu belajar bahasa cina dan tamil, begitu juga dengan orang India dan Cina belajar bahasa melayu!

Kalau kita sama-sama belajar dalam satu sekolah dari kecil lagi maka perbezaan kaum pun akan semakin hilang, bagi aku sekolah vernacular ini amat berbahaya!

Why should we have so many school? WE shall have only one school for all malaysian's!

Come on let's support this campaign and let us get united through one school!

Wong Pencen said...

TAHNIAH di atas usaha ini. Bukan sahaja ideanya yang bernas, penyampaiannya juga sangat berbahasa. Saya berpandangan mereka yang menolak idea ini adalah mereka yang tidak mahu maju bersama Malaysia.

Terima kasih.

Anonymous said...

Setakat MEMORANDUM tak guna..sedara cuba panggil Pak SAmad yg dok gila nak berdemo dan cari semua lawyer yg sayangkan bangsa malaysia LAWAN DI MAHKAMAH DIMANA KERAJAAN TELAH MELANGGAR PERLEMBAGAAN DGN MEMPERKENALKAN UNDANG2 yg MEmBENARKAN BAHASA LAIN DIGUNAKAN SECARA RASMI DI SEKOLAH..

INI MELIBATKAN PERLEMBAGAAN oleh itu hrndaklah di LAWAN di MAHKAMAH setakat memorandum sahaja tak cukup la brader. Bukan meme\pertikaikan USAHA ini bahkan amat menyanjungi tetapi percayalah bahawa bantahan akan datang secara BERSEPADU daripada semua Parti Bukan MELAYU..

Cara yang paling tepat hanyalah melalui MAHKAMAH tetapi PEGUAM yg dilantik semestinya faham PERLEMBAGAAN dan kenapa undang-undang atau AKTA PELAJARAN/PENDIDIKAN adalah melanggar PERLEMBAGAAN..

Tembeleng said...

Haha. Aku baru je nak sepak si Azrudi tu, sekali-sekali Sepadu dah kasi dulu.

Azrudi Kepala Gerudi menulis:
"jika kita nak bersatu bawah satu jenis sekolah, kita nak bersatu bawah sekolah jenis bangsa sapa?"

Bangsa pungkok coklat kau tu lah, bongok. Kau ingat tanah ni tanah sapa, babi?

Azrudi Kepala Gerudi menulis:
"Kita semua tahu sekolah vernakular etnik cina jauh lebih tinggi taraf akademik para pelajarnya berbanding dengan sekolah aliran kebangsaan."

Mengikut kata sapa? Menurut fakta dan statistik mana? Adakah taraf anak sekolah tongsan dan paria lebih tinggi taraf dari anak melayu asrama penuh? Ye ke? Mahu bet berapa, beb?

Azrudi Kepala Gerudi menulis:
"Adakah kita sanggup menggadaikan kebijaksanaan akademik para generasi akan datang hanya semata-mata kerana ketuanan bangsa dan bahasa melayu?"

Pundek kaulah, bahlol. Non-argumen yang tak perlu dibalas melainkan dengan nista.

Azrudi Kepala Gerudi menulis:
"Adakah bangsa cina yang sedar bahawa pelajaran aliran kebangsaan adalah jauh inferior..." etc etc.

Lagi sekali: ikut pundek mana punya fakta?

Azrudi Kepala Gerudi menulis:
"...anak-anak melayu generasi muda yang cemerlang kebanyakkanya kerana mereka telah hadir sekolah rendah di sekolah vernakular cina!"

Gila babeng ko pandang rendah pada bangsa sendiri. Itupun kalau betul ko Melayu lah kan. Bukak seluar tengok, ada sunat ke tak ko ni?

Azrudi Kepala Gerudi menulis:
"Cara yang sebenarnya adalah tidak dengan cara paksaan untuk menutup sekolah-sekolah vernakular bangsa lain."

Get this through your benak "kalau tak gi sekolah Cina tak leh pandai" head: tak de soal paksaan timbul dalam hal ni sebab Malaysia adalah negara sovereign yang asas budayanya adalah Melayu. Ko ingat UK ada sekolah Cina? How about France? Australia? US? Pegi mampos lah dengan egalitarian spirit tak kena tempat ko tu, cipan.

Azrudi Kepala Gerudi menulis:
"Dengan paksaan, kita akan mewujudkan lebih besar jurang antara bangsa dan jurang permusuhan kaum."

Hahahahahaha. And what if they already created that jurang for themselves? By refusing to honour their original pledge? Hmm?

Azrudi Kepala Gerudi menulis:
"Selagi kita melihat segala isu dengan mata "bangsa", selagi itu kita takkan sedar bahawa bangsa lain hanya mahukan kecemerlangan dan merit, bukan hendak melawan bangsa lain."

Hahahahahahah. Yeah, dude, first you spend 2/3 of your comments dumping on your own people, and then you want to write such a f*ck ass statement. Which "mata bangsa" do you look out of, f*cker?

I have heard of Cina apek wanting to be mat saleh before. This is the first time I have heard of a Malay wanting to be Cina bukit. What a dumb ass.

Hollywood refugee said...


Adakah suatu kebetulan yang kempen ini dimulakan pada 13hb Mei, 2009?

satD said...

my first time too tembeleng..kalau mamat ni betul melayu....


satD said...

Anonymous May 14, 2009 12:37 AM

Very interesting suggestion indeed u got there....

Anonymous said...

if you guys look closely on petition no 236, theres limkitsiang giving his support and saying "Saya amat bersetuju".. dadada.. he is the last person i expect to sign that petition.. nah.. of course its not him..


Anonymous said...

just one thing that I want you to answer to ALL MALAYSIANS..

if let say education in SJK is better than SK, IF YOU ARE REALLY MALAYSIAN, should not the advance and improved methodology to be shared to ALL MALAYSIANS and NOT LIMITED to just SJKs?

After all, we are all Malaysians and SJKs are formed along with SKs. Nak itu nak ini, tapi tak mahu kongsi?


Anonymous said...

OpenID ondastreet said...

There lots of tertiary education opportunities, why must you target MARA? We have other education opportunities for all in UM, UKM, UPM, UUM, USM. How about those colleges?



On the one hand is the call for all to study in a school system to enhance racial integration, but then there is the stand to encourage segregation at the same time. Such dichotomy is incompatible with "Satu sekolah Untuk semua".


Anonymous Anonymous said...


MRSM, UITM tu untuk orang Melayu. Itu sebagai hak istimewa Melayu. Jadi tak ada kes di sini.



Wasn't the original purpose of those institutions set up to assist the poorer and disadvantage rural Malays?

Now it has been hijacked that the majority are from rather well to do Malay families.

From the original purpose of helping the more backward rural Malays, it has now become a right for ALL Malays.


To me it is a fallacy that if all Malaysian were to have Malay and their mother tongue, it will enhance national unity. National unity and loyalty is automatically ingrained in the psyche of the rakyat of all races when they can be proud of the govt and this can only come about when all the rakyat are treated equally and not prejudiced because of their ethnicity or religion.

The basis of a language is for communication purposes , so the emphasis should be for the SRJKC and SRJKT to increse their hours of studies of Bahasa Malaysia . Better trained Bahasa Teachers should be send to those schools, if the noble objective is to enhance mastery of Bahasa Malaysia.

I discern that behind this drive is actually the notion of Ketuanan Melayu , I don't see the need for all non Malays to have Bahasa Malaysia as their mother tongue, though there is a need for mastery of Bahasa Malaysia as the national language.


Apocryphalist said...

Tembeleng, you are in error. The case of Azrudi/NusanTech is not the case of Melayu cuba nak jadi Cina Bukit. But rather a Cina Totok cuba nak menyamar jadi Melayu. Notice that it has been a trend that now a few Cinapeks in several blogs write in impeccable Malay and using Malay names but trying to instill some venomous ideas as though it came from some internal self-hating malays. Kalau tak percaya, cuba tanya the Old Wise Man of the Mountain, Pak Cik Dal Karamallahwajhah, who can detect such occurrences like he can detect ikan baong dalam sekilas, justru tahu jantan-betinanya.

This idea about "Sekolah Rendah Berbahasa China Saja Yang Superior" - orang-orang Cina SENDIRI pun tak mengaku pasal tu, so that venom thing I wrote about is far more than just venomous. It's berniat jahat. Anyway, yes, those Jinjang Joes yang by daytime tukar tiub tayar and by night jadi Saturday-Night Joe Chong with high collars and higher still remos rambut, and the Jinjang Jins yang shampoo people's hair during the day and lesser-integritied Rose Chan during the night with handphones that GLOW whenever they ring, now THEY didn't go to Chinese Vernacular Schools.

Neither did those Ketua Samsengs with S-classes but cannot speak melayu properly, the proprietors of Pirate CDs or Owners of Rumah Urut, or every single Botak-Chin wannabes, THEY didn't go to Vernacular Schools.

On the other hand the High Achievers in Kelantan and Ganu and elsewhere whose SPM results have more As than you can count in two hands, our university scientists who have won international awards for their researches, our top students in Azhar etc etc, of course they got their intelligence from the SRJKs. And the fiery KijangMases, the sensible Ondastreets, the sultrous Zazas, the eloquent Kembara Politics, the No-Nonsense Shiites, the Cool Rezuan Asrahs, the everliving JebatMustDie, the jangan main-main Lawyer Kampungs etc etc, semuanya became articulate and intelligent sebab kecik2 dulu diorang semua masuk Vernacular Schools laa....

Sorry guys dah lama tak menulis. Baru keluar spital. Its a trend. Hang Tuah dah mati. Pak Sako dah ninggal lama dah. P Ramlee pun hanya nama yang disebut2 orang. I pun ... cough cough ... tak laaa sihat sangat ni ...


Tommy Yewfigure said...

Hi KM, since u r having a siesta, I’ll have a chat with my buddy satD.

Wah satD, u stalking unker or what? Hey all the makcik2 blogs r very therapeutic to the mind what, u got posts on virgin chicks, pussie cats, toyol, Pontianak etc…better & more interesting than all the sopo doom & gloom stories mah. Actually Parpu Kari can make sense when he don’t ‘shout’ so much. I agreed with his quote (sic);

‘Apa salahnya orang melayu belajar bahasa cina dan tamil, begitu juga dengan orang India dan Cina belajar bahasa melayu!’

It’s no harm knowing an extra language/skill/knowledge whatever u call it. Trust me, it’ll help u to get u across the line in a lot of tight situation like, e,g. getting a job, a contract or other opportunity.

Bahasa Malaysia & English are important; but mark my word, Mandarin, Indian & Russian will play a big part in future trades in this globalised world. So it’s best we prepare & groom our kids so that they can excel in the years to come. KM, being the cunning linguist himself will attest to this, betul ka boss? Lu punya chinese dialects pun manyak terrer what.Did it help u or not?


Unker Yew

P/S – satD, unker only give advise coz I like u, ok. U gotta control that short fuse temper of yours. Once u spat the dummy, u look & sound so silly lah. Learn to relax abit la gang. Be cool, like u said chill out man!

NCJ said...

Salam Sejahtera Tuanku KijangMas dan Sidang DN sekelian,

Saudara masCh / Azrudi@Nusantech,

Saya hormati pandangan Sdr., walaupun begitu, saya lebih bersetuju dengan Sdr. Sepadu dan Sdr. Tembeleng di mana sesuatu pandangan peribadi & terpencil perlulah ada asas dan fakta-faktanya sebelum ianya menjadi suatu pandangan umum (apabila Sdr. mengatakan sekolah aliran kebangsaan itu jauh lebih inferior dari SRJK-C)

Untuk menyambung persoalan Sdr. Tembeleng, “… ni tanah sapa, babi?, izinkan saya hidangkan Analogi Babi buat Sdr. Azrudi.

Saudara mungkin jatuh hati terhadap sinar kerlipan mata seekor babi (sebagai analogi SRJK-C itu lebih hebat dari sekolah kebangsaan) sehinggakan dalam mengkagumi sinaran mata babi tersebut Sdr. telah merapatkan wajah Sdr ke muka babi tersebut untuk membelek sinar mata babi dengan lebih dekat.

Sdr…., dari pandangan saya yang agak jauh dari kedudukan Sdr. itu, saya nampak seolah-olah Sdr. sedang mencium / mengucup babi itu. Jadi, berdirilah sekejap dan take a few steps back. Lihatlah fisikal seekor babi itu (SRJK-C) secara keseluruhannya, bukan hanya pada sinar matanya. Mungkin Sdr. akan berpeluang meneliti lubang najis babi itu macamana pula rupanya. Kesan SRJK-C terhadap pembinaan sebuah negara Malaysia yang utuh dan bersatupadu adalah umpama najis yang keluar dari lubang tersebut. Begitu jelek sekali, sehinggakan tenggelam sinar mata babi yang Sdr. puja itu.

Jangan kita berhenti setakat fisikal babi saja. Kupas lagi, lihat jua persekitaran di mana seekor babi itu hidup. Bagaimana cara makannya. Jijik bukan?

Tidak juga habis di sini. Kita kupas lagi sehingga kepada perkara-perkara yang tidak ternampak oleh pandangan mata. Seorang kenalan saya yang amat saya hormati pernah memberi pandangan beliau (lebihkurang begini):-
Babi mempunyai tenaga cahaya berwarna kelabu. Tenaga warna kelabu adalah suatu tenaga yang tidak suci, kotor dan memudaratkan. Inilah salah satu sebab mengapa agama Islam mengharamkan babi

Beliau mengatakan begitu sedangkan beliau sendiri memakan daging babi dan disuarakan pendapat beliau itu diperjumpaan kami seramai lebihkurang 20 orang yang mana saya adalah satu-satunya yang berketurunan Melayu, manakala kesemua yang lain berketurunan China.

Sdr. boleh mengatakan bahawa itu hanyalah pandangan peribadi beliau yang terpencil (sepertimana pandangan Sdr. terhadap SRJK-C) dan juga saya bukanlah juga seseorang yang ahli dalam ilmu tenaga cahaya itu sekiranya saya ingin mempertahankan ulasan beliau tersebut, tetapi cuba Sdr. renungi perkara-perkara ini:-

1. Bila bercakap mengenai sesuatu yang tidak elok, samar-samar, orang akan menggunakan ungkapan “grey matters”, “grey areas” etc.

2. Bandar Port Dickson hampir menjadi Bandar hantu, kosong kesepian, apabila merebaknya wabak JE suatu ketika dahulu.

3. Agaknya, kerana malunya untuk menerima pandangan bahawa JE ini berpunca dari babi, maka ada kedengaran suara-suara ketika itu yang cuba menyalahkan kuda sebagai pembawa JE.

4. Again, agaknya kerana malu dengan nama Swine Flu, maka bergegas-gegaslah pihak-pihak tertentu berusaha untuk mengalih nama kepada H1N1.

5. “Orang tidak pelihara babi dekat penempatan manusia, sekalipun dihujung kampong. Tempat babi itu kotor, jijik dan amat busuk. Binatang ini orang pelihara dalam hutan”. Begitulah lebihkurang komen seorang rakyat negeri di Utara berketurunan China yang membuat ulasan dalam loghat Utara di TV3 sewaktu dulu.

6. Negara yang gemar memakan babi seboleh-bolehnya tidak mahu mengadakan ladang-ladang babi di negara mereka. Tanyakan Singapura. Kita di Malaysia ini, nak bina ladang babi yang besar lagi canggih? Untuk apa? Demi wang ringgit? Orang kenyang, kita sakit.

Cukup dan tak perlu saya listkan banyak-banyak perkara tentang babi ini. Babi tetap babi yang jijik dan jelek. Itulah analogi seekor babi dan persekitarannya yang boleh saya padankan secara lebihkurang dengan sebuah SRJK-C dan pembentukan sebuah Negara Malaysia yang ulung.

Tetapi jangan salah anggap. Binatang itu berupa seekor babi sekiranya ia berada di bumi Malaysia. Tetapi jika sekiranya ia berada di bumi Republik of China, ianya bukan lagi dikenali sebagai seekor babi, malah ianya kini bergelar seekor Naga yang gah! Di negara China, sekolah itu bukanlah SRJK-C (atau SRJK-Melayu), tapi Sekolah Kebangsaan Negeri China yang gah!. Ada kefahaman?

Hendaklah kita mengupas seekor babi bukan hanya setakat sinar matanya (yang agaknya ‘ayu’ bagi Sdr Azrudi). Kupaslah hingga keseluruhan batang tubuh fizikalnya. Jangan juga berhenti di situ. Kupas lagi sedalam-dalam yang boleh, nescaya Sdr. Azrudi akan dapat menyaksikan hakikat sebenar seekor babi. Setakat ini ia masih boleh berubah wajah kepada seekor Naga depending di mana tempat duduknya.

Umpama mengupas sebiji bawang. Layer by layer sehinggalah lapisan yang terakhir. Apakah yang ada selepas lapisan yang terakhir itu? Itulah hakikat sebiji Bawang, suatu Kebenaran yang tidak lagi boleh digugat oleh akal fikiran. Sama juga hakikatnya bagi apa jua ciptaan yang Maha Haq ini, termasuk seekor babi. Apakah kita waras untuk mencela setiap satu ciptaan yang Maha Agung itu, biar apapun ciptaan yang terpandang oleh mata kita yang kerdil ini? Renungilah.

Having served Analogi babi kepada Sdr Azrudi, hati ini masih was-was. Apakah Sdr. ini berketurunan Melayu ultra moden? Atau orang yang dihatinya tersemat cinta terhadap Negara Republik China, hanya batang tubuhnya saja terkandas dibumi Malaysia ini dengan tangan mencekup myKad?

Sekiranya Sdr. berketurunan Melayu, maka syabas saya ucapkan. Sdr telah mempamerkan tahap patrotisma yang agak tinggi dalam mempertahankan SRJK-C dan Bahasa asing Mandarin. Silalah pergi ke Imigresen Malaysia serahkan balik myKad saudara dan pergilah ke negara China. Komunis China memerlukan seseorang yang bersemangat seperti saudara ini, cuma sedikit sahaja yang tidak kena. Di sini, Malaysia dan semangat saudara itu berupa seekor babi di sini. Di China sana, semangat saudara itu adalah seekor Naga yang gah!

Sekiranya Sdr. berketurunan China dan berselindung disebalik nama “Azrudi”, saya juga ingin mengucapkan syabas kerana Sdr. telah mempamerkan kebolehan Sdr dalam penulisan menggunakan Bahasa Kebangsaan Malaysia. Tak payahlah berselindung-selindung macam seorang komunis negara China di bumi Malaysia ini. Saya mendepakan kedua-dua tangan saya untuk mendakap Sdr. Kita sama-sama embrace Rukun Negara & Perlembagaan Malaysia dan berjuang bersama-sama agar satu Bangsa Malaysia yang utuh dan bersatupadu dapat direalisasikan secepat mungkin.

Pilihan di tangan saudara.

Pohon kemaafan terhadap kekasaran bahasa saya.

Salam Sejahtera,


Anonymous said...

anon jusoh and any those who misinterpreted my comments,

my question posted to Keith is merely asking why he should ask target MARA as one dedicated govt body emphasized in developing malay.

Secondly, the campaign is about early development of younger generations of Malaysian, to unite them from start. A unite Malaysian will prosper us in a long run.

In 20 to 30 years time, they are the leaders, and with common base and unity, their chances in getting into trouble (like us now) will be minimized. At that time too, nothing we can do much as we will be too old and too weak to scold and mould them.

Let this be a start for younger Malaysians for better Malaysia. Be it 1Malaysia, Malaysian Malaysia or Daulah Islamiah, it will be hard to achieve when we have unsolid base.

~ OnDaStreet

Tommy Yewfigure said...

Salam Apo,

Hope u r feeling better, get well soon ok.

R u sure or not, Azrudi @ Nusantech is a cinapek? Wow if he can write such impeccable Malay then all the so says that SKJKC standard is quite high. Unker from Std 1 to Upper Six, sekolah SK oso cannot write that well, MCE got C4 only in BM (wag school once too often). R u in denial? It’s hard to accept but let’s face it, there are Malays like Azrudi, not if there’s anything wrong with that. Anyway just my tots only.

U look after your healthy, buddy,

Unker Yew.

Alan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

If LANGUAGE is never being reason for such but just close minded people, then satu Bahasa should be no problem for you.

It is not that you are being stopped to use other language. It is only being used to unite and educate Bangsa Malaysia in Satu Sekolah. You still can use at different time and place.

Or, let us hear your reasons by saying so, please...

~ OnDaStreet

NJ said...

Dear Alan,

Anywhere we go, any 'house' we enter, there are 'House Rules'. Example, can I enter your house and start speaking Arabic to you? Either you think I am joking (say, because you know me quite well) or you will think "Who is this mad fellow entering my house?". In short, we are not "in speaking term" when such thing happened, right? So, how are we going to develop our mutual trust when we are not in "speaking term"?

Malaysia's house rule is its Rukun Negara & Perlembagaan , that answer your question why Satu Bahasa. Language is the cornerstone of nation building and common language is the key to unity. And we are trying our best to build Bangsa Malaysia here, Malaysian Nation, not the nation of Tamil Naidu or the People's Republic of China. And we cannot do this when we are not in "speaking term". We cannot have that absolute total freedom whereby everybody is at liberty to speak any language they please (publicly and officially).

I repeat my experiences I had with my American friend many years ago in American soil.

1. This American friend did not understand why my Malaysian colleague said that he was Chinese even though I tried to explain that there are many ethnics in Malaysia. My American friend pointed out that America also has many etnics and even more numbers than Malaysia. But we all are Americans!

2. "This is America. Please speak American!", uttered my American friend the moment he joined the conversation I was having with my other colleague (we spoke Bahasa Kebangsaan Malaysia).

Salam Sejahtera,



Anonymous said...

Alan says

Why Satu Bahasa?? It's up to everyone's choice. Open your mind la, different language NEVER the reason cause the instability of this country, ONLY the closed minded people...

May 14, 2009 1:54 PM

We'd like Alan to say that to the Chinese in China, Indians in India, Americans in America, Indonesians in Indonesia etc

In case he forgets, Malaysia is NOT greater singapore


Cenderawasih said...

Why Satu Bahasa?? It's up to everyone's choice. Open your mind la, different language NEVER the reason cause the instability of this country, ONLY the closed minded people...

Alan the retard

Slimy unpatriotic citizen, slithering among Malaysians spewing your twisted words all around and asking here and there, I wish, I can rip your lips and use it to shut your mumbling arsehole.

SATU SEKOLAH UNTUK SEMUA..Get it retard? Mingling with each others, you yellow bellied scoundrel!!!Read the post with your eyes, not with your arsehole.

aah,jusoh(melayu ke dia ni?)Are sure you use eyes to read this article? Please Jusoh, arseholes were never meant to read. oppss brain!!Yes brain!!Use brain instead of d**khead.

Salam semua...

saya dah agak,soalan-soalan banggang ni mesti ada si sewel tanya.macam si keith tu,belum bagi apa-apa dah meminta-minta.

jenis manusia macam ni,bila berunding mesti ambil masa lama, silap sikit terus tak nak. Bagi alasan bodoh dan ngada-ngada.

NJ said...

Greetings Unker Yew,

Sorry Unker, I agree that there is nothing wrong / no harm learning extra languages like Mandarin or Tamil (I wish that I am conversant with that many languages too). And I marked your words that Mandarin, Indian and Russian will play a big part in future trades.

But I will learn Mandarin when I want to speak to a Chinese national (having good enough reasons to speak to a Chinese national, otherwise, that Chinese fellow can learn Bahasa Malaysia F.O.C. from me).

I will try to get hold of a few French words if I spent a holiday in Paris, less that I'll be left speechless when I was asking (in English) a Japanese for a direction, he in turn answered me in Japanese!

Of course, if there is profitable trades in India & Russia, I would have a crash course on those two languages before I depart to India & Russia.

But Unker,

A Malaysian speaks Bahasa Kebangsaan Malaysia to his fellow Malaysian.

A Malaysian is not a Chinese or a Tamil Naidu. I fail to understand why people here, when holding a myKAD keep referring themselves as a Chinese and Indian. Yet they shout to the top of their voice when that Penang guy (Ahmad ??) labeled them as "Kaum Pendatang".

Maybe Unker can throw us some lights?

Salam Unker,


Anonymous said...

Sebenarnya aku sokong usaha nih!

Tapi jap jap... korang bace ker tak apa cik masch/Azrudi@nusantech cakap tuh...

Dia kate memang kene ada satu jenis sekolah saje... jadi rasanya dia bukan cina bukit kot sbb dia pun taknak SRJKC/SRJKT tue wujud. Cumer dia nak quality kat sekolah kebangsaan kasi jadi paling tinggi standard kat Mesia dulu... logik lah jugak sebab basic supply and demand... aku pun rasa tak ada masalah, everyone wins in the end. Kalau sistem education bagus... Anak-anak aku pun terjamin heehee... politician pun tak hantar anak-anak diorang gi belaja kat obersea lagi! wakaka!

Aku rase mamat ni buat marketing kot... aku pun ada belajar tactic ni dulu... jual barang/serbis dengan 4 perenggan:

Perenggan 1: letak kes
Perenggan kedua: kasi impact: kasi kes tue jadi kelam sangat dan problem besar sampai orang takut
Perenggan 3: kasi solution
Perenggan 4: kasi contact number :)

Anyway jangan tembak aku... aku cumer tengok ajer. Apa-apa hal aku pun sokong. Jangan tembak kawan2 masa gi perang... heehee

Daun Ketum

Tam Dalyell said...

There are characters whose love obviously is not for Tanah Melayu = Malaysia. A Melayu will love Tanah Melayu no matter what. These characters? Badan di Malaysia; darah, denyut jantung dan hati sudah pasti bukan Melayu dan bukan di Malaysia pun.

Their love is to see, in 50 years time Malaysians are 50 times more segregated and divided than today. Their love equate the love of Chin Peng=PAP=DAP. Their love and agenda is to see their “superior” culture dominating the “inferior” culture … meaning the “superior” kiasu chauvinistic Chinese must dominate the “inferior” Malay … and turn everything to Pulau Temasik. Penang, beware.

Their kind, the likes of Jusoh, Azrudi, masCh and Keith, speaks the same language – the language of deceit and dissent. But this Jusoh is 50 times more dangerous. He is an adept at camouflage. His agenda is parallel to that of that Dr. Somebody who rewrites history – the history of May 13 1969 at least – as rebutted by JMD in his blog. These people are out to reprogram young minds, be it not born yet – as what they are doing now by putting the blame of May13 1969 on the late Tun Razak (the very person who controlled the damage) .. so that the young ones who for the first time learned about that tragic day got his mind imprinted with fallacious data meant to misguide and hence to hate whoever above him – be it the court or constitution. Rajas are just another Joe to them. Such sentiments lead to the French and Russian Revolutions. Look at how Nizer bersalam dengan Raja Muda Perak. Tangan kiri dia di mana? Biasanya orang bersalam begini bila bersalam KEPADA (bukan dengan) anak atau murid yang baru mendapat hadiah. Aku bernazar, bila aku jumpa Nizar, aku sunat dia sampai habis. Budak kecik tak tau adab. Maka pakai adab Chin Peng. Kurang ajar. Jusoh, Azrudi, masCh and Keith jenis yang sama.

That is what the PR is doing- guided by master provocateur Anuar Ibrahim and Lim Kit Siang – blaming everything and everyone for the fracas they caused all over Malaysia. The devil never sees himself wrong if his plan does not work. He blames the object of his intrigues. Thus Anuar, Lim and all their sidekicks never blame themselves when the BN resists their attempt to disrupt it. So now they threaten to disrupt the country if resisted further. Is Najib beating a retreat when he said that pilihan raya semula Perak adalah salah satu cara menyelesaikan masaalah? They blame BN and everything and everybody they perceive as siding BN and against them.

Hello Jusoh, Azrudi and Keith and gang, we are trying to be constructive here. You all hate anything positive and constructive. Hence you throw the spanner into the works. Exactly what Nizar and Siva are doing. They hate, - despite their ranting and proclamations otherwise, - they hate Perak and perakians, by extension they, the AIs, LKSs, DAP, PKR, foot soldiers Nizars and Sivas hate Malaysia and Malaysians. They hate to see Malaysians living in peace and harmony. When their efforts are thwarted, they blame all but themselves. They even blame the microphones that went dead in the Dewan. So they hate our efforts to bring Malaysians together through bahasa.

We are not surprised. We expect this of you. You can only do what you are meant to do. You all can do nothing else. Born a sadist. Leads the life of Jack the Ripper. Lead by the devil of Sodom reincarnate.

Phonont said...

Haiyaa si Tongkang ni tak faham bahasa ke, buat-buat tak faham ke atau memang bodoh betul?

Hoi me, keith, jusoh and all other penyamar melayu cinapeks, here's the deal, either you take it or piss off:

YOU scrap the SJKs- a mere privilege granted by your Tuan Tanahs yang baik hati but can be revoked anytime when the greater good (read: national unity) is harmed, AND we keep our constitutionally protected special rights to MRSMs, SBPs, and UITMs.


You keep the SJKs, and be gentleman enough to be accountable for the thousands of LOSERS they produce without blaming the same old NEP and UMNOPutera for your pathetic miserable life.


Anonymous said...

Pakcik pun nak cakap sket.

Boleh tak kita semua berenti dok menjahanamkan bangsa lain? Mana-mana forum pak masuk mesti kata "masalah semua berpunca dari cina".

Bila kita nak matang ni? Cuba baca reply-reply kat posting blog ni, tak ada sorang pun orang cina panggil macam-macam nama kat kita. Yang pelik tu kita pulak yang panggil cina bermacam-macam nama hina. Kita ni agama apa? Kita bukan orang tak beragama!

Ya Allah! Kau janji kata kami umat Muhammad SAW adalah umat terbaik sekalian manusia! Tunaikanlah janjiMu ya Tuhanku! Aku malu!

-Pak Hijau

Unknown said...

Dear DN community

These troops are out in full force at BigDog, A Voice, Jebat Must Die, RockyBru and of course here at DemiNegara.

Their modus operandi is to curse, accuse, threaten, speak on behalf of the RAKYAT and curse again.

They have Malay names and Malay girls' photos.

They can't debate on an intellectual level so they use expletives to lend GREAT credence to what they have to SHOUT about.

So be forewarned.

Unknown said...

Oh I forgot, they share ONE common theme and it is repeated using different nics or anons.

Lacking substance and originality their battle cry is usually UMNO ball lickers and UMNO spin masters.

Given the chance to rebut using facts and data, they "elegantly" refuse.

I am reminded of a pack of ...

Anonymous said...

Their kind, the likes of Jusoh, Azrudi, masCh and Keith, speaks the same language – the language of deceit and dissent. But this Jusoh is 50 times more dangerous. He is an adept at camouflage.


Dal, I have every right to state my view as you have to state yours, just becuase there are those who do not agree with your flow, you convenient brand as "deceit, dissent and dangerous" .

Are you saying that we must all praise and polish your views ?.

In other words, dissenting views are not welcome ?.

Cenderawasih said...

Bahasa yang kasar bukan bererti membenci. Cuma kecewa dengan situasi dan perangai mengada-ngada sesetengah orang yang gila meroyan dan orang yang tak berapa cerdik menyelesaikan masalah. Tak lupa juga orang yang naik tocang serta persoalan-persoalan bertaraf jamban yang ditimbulkan oleh mereka.

Satu sekolah untuk semua demi masa depan. Saya tak dapatkan bayangkan Malaysia di masa hadapan dengan pemimpin-pemimpin yang tidak pernah bergaul antara kaum semasa kecil memimpin negara. Gerun memikirkanya kerana saya masih muda,baru merasai bagaimana mengharung kehidupan sendirian. Masih jauh perjalanan, jika ditakdirkan umur saya panjang. Takut dimasa hadapan Malaysia akan terjerumus kedalam pergolakan.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Dal said...

There are characters whose love obviously is not for Tanah Melayu = Malaysia. A Melayu will love Tanah Melayu no matter what. These characters? Badan di Malaysia; darah, denyut jantung dan hati sudah pasti bukan Melayu dan bukan di Malaysia pun.


Amboi, kan tak bolih ada pandangan yang berbeda ?. Capat betul untuk mencaci orang yang tidak sependapat.

Kalau begitu, lebih baik kata terang terang nyatakan "dissenting view are not welcome" kan itu lebih baik ?.


Anonymous said...

This is a non-partisan forum for all Malaysians to share opinions and discuss issues in a civil, intellectual setting.

All thoughts and opinions are welcome, but the following will not be posted:-

- Potentially libelous comments.
- Personal attacks, insults, or threatening language.
- Plagiarised material or material that violates intellectual property rights.
- Private, personal information published without consent.
- Commercial promotions or spam.
- Comments that are off topic or that link to material that is off topic.
- Obscene or sexually explicit comments.
- Comments that violate any law.

Apart from the above, feel free to participate and contribute actively and become a member of a vibrant, stimulating and politically enlightened Demi Negara online community that will forge a better Malaysia for all -- for the love of our nation, for the future of our nation, for the sake of our nation -- Demi Negara.

hehe..cakap jer sedap tapi komen komen kat sini banyak sangat yang berbentuk kasar dan kesat. tapi kijangmas post-kan juga.

macam manalah nak percaya blog ni?korang ni serius ke nak buat sesuatu untuk negara tercinta?ker hanya nak 'memperjuangkan' agenda agenda tertentu?

idea satu sekolah memang saya soking, tapi datangnya dari blog ni dan kalian DN knights saya tak nampak keikhlasan mahupun keberkesanannya. ramai sangat di sini yang nampaknya hanya berminat nak mengertak, mencaci dan menghina bangsa lain atau mereka mereka yang berlainan pendapat.ini bukan cara orang yang berpendidikan. lebih lebih lagi korang beria-ia nak mengubah arah tuju sistem pendidikan negara.

aii. pening

kuda kepang

Anonymous said...


One of our Amah/Nanny (had been with us for 21yrs) is a 70year old Hokkien - Old but refused to leave our household as she has no children, no place else to go, she is part of our family now.

She don't know how to communicate in Mandarin. She never went to school so Mandarin is ALIEN to her.

However, she is SO FLUENT in BM, ikut rentak loghat kami lagi!

Yang anehnya, puak puak muda nih, bagai nak gila punya la pulun nak sangat fasih dalam Bahasa Kebangsaan Negara Cina. Apa benda semua nonsense ni?

Tok Nenek, mak bapa mereka sendiri tak tau tulis atau cakap Bahasa ini. Mengada gada lebih semacam nih!

Unker Yew, do you want my Amah to give a piece of her mind once again macam hari tu?

hehehehehe.. dia kasi you kaw kaw hari tu YES?


Anonymous said...

Waahh after reading all these comments.. I wonderlah If we can achieve "Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua"
I think we better follow Siam, abolished Chinese schools, Chinese newspapers, Chinese names . So, Keith you change your name to Kutai Bin Dollah.. more Malaysian wor!!

Uda Bin Dara

Tembeleng said...

Kuda Kepang Pungkok / Jusoh Bengong and others of their ilk:

Nak seribu daya, tak ndak seribu dalih.

Tembeleng said...

Uda Cibai:

bukan Siam aje, jangan lupa Indonesia. Jackie Chan (ha-ah, hero kung fu tu) cakap orang Cina ni memang patut kena kongkong, sebab mereka dasara jenis manusia yang kalau tak dikongkong akan makan selagi boleh, sebab otak tak reti hantar signal kenyang. Bagi betis ndakkan peha.

Yang sebetulnya bangsa keling di Malaysia ni patut genocide aje dulu, macam yang Hindraf minta sangat tu. (Ko tak baca ke deklarasi Hindarf tu -- dia kata Kerajaan, secara proksi orang Melayu, memang buat kempen aktif untuk melupuskan bangsa dia dari dulu.)

Dan yang si tongsan ni pulak patut kita aparteidkan betul-betul macam yang dimintak oleh YB DAP dari Johor hari tu. Jangan izin mereka beli harta apa-apa, ambik balik semua duit dalam bank. Sebab memang itupun yang depa duk kata kita buat.

Dan Melayu cibai macam Jusoh, Kuda Kepang etc etc mengangguk setuju, macam kaki judi yang kemaruk taik babi.

Kembara Politik said...

Salam Tuanku KijangMas & rakan-rakan,

Pertamanya, tahniah atas usaha murni ini dengan penglibatan yang membanggakan dari semua ahli komuniti Demi Negara.

Dan terima kasih kepada semua yang mendandatangani petisyen kerana menyokong usaha ini walau pun diperleceh oleh manusia yang mengaku 'Anak Bangsa Malaysia' tetapi tindakan seperti mereka ini langsung tidak mencerminkan peribadi seorang 'Anak Bangsa Malaysia' yang sebenar.

Slogan Anak Bangsa Malaysia yang dicanang mereka mungkin hanya sekadar alat mengaburi mata rakyat untuk melindungi perkara-perkara yang tidak sepatutnya dilindungi. Dalam satu masa mereka meminta itu dan ini, tetapi apabila diminta bersatu padu melalui sekolah satu sistem banyak pula bangkangannya. Pelik kan? Sebenarnya mereka telah memperlihatkan wajah sebenar mereka.

Tapi saya percaya golongan yang sebegini tidak ramai. Majoriti rakyat masih berfikiran waras dan mahukan sekolah satu sistem ini menjadi realiti.

Tidak perlulah dipedulikan sangat manusia-manusia yang jenisnya cenderung menjadi chauvinist bukit ini. Mereka lebih suka membela si malaun-malaun seperti si rapper bodoh Wee Meng Chee Negarakuku dari memikirkan masa hadapan anak bangsa Malaysia kita. Lebih suka menterbalikkan bendera Malaysia dari mengibarkannya dengan penuh rasa bangga. Tapi mereka ini dengan tanpa rasa bersalah/malu/sedar diri meletak banner/logo 'Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia'?

Walau bagaimanapun, saya masih lagi berharap mereka-mereka yang taksub menentang usaha murni ini dapat kembali melihat objektif usaha ini secara positif.

Berhentilah memberikan pelbagai alasan/dalih itu dan ini, sebaliknya carilah cara untuk melihat kebaikan kempen ini demi masa hadapan anak-anak kita.

Mari sama-sama kita lihat anak bangsa kita bersekolah di sekolah satu sistem, saling kenal-mengenali, saling hormat-menghormati tanpa batasan kaum & agama.

Tidak mungkin sistem TIGA aliran dapat menSATU padukan anak bangsa Malaysia. Pilihan yang ada ialah hanya Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua.
Mohon semua bersatu padu menyebarkan kempen murni ini kepada rakan-rakan yang benar-benar ikhlas untuk melihat anak bangsa kita bergaul mesra sejak bangku sekolah rendah di masa akan datang.

Apa yang perlu dibuat oleh kita semua sebagai cara menunjukkan sokongan ke atas kempen ini?

1. Tandatangan petisyen.
2. Sebarkan kepada rakan melalui e-mail, sms, etc etc.
3. Pamerkan logo kempen Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua di blog, laman web anda.

Sekali lagi, syabas kepada komuniti dan semua yang meyokong usaha ini.

P/S: Hi Auntie zaza & Pakcik Dal.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kembara,

Long time no see, no hear. Hope everything is well .....Glad that you're back in DN.

See you around, KP.

Anonymous said...


May I address the non-regular visitors to this blog so that they may not get the wrong impression from the comments of those who may want to distract readers from the cause being pursued.

As Apocryphalist and Omong have pointed out above, there appears to be a concerted effort to distract, confuse, sow elements of doubt, of discord, by one or more persons not only in this blog, but also in other Malay-owned socio-political blogs like Jebat Must Die, RockyBru, Big Dog, A Voice, etc. It's in good, sometimes impeccable, BM, anonymously without nics or using different nics such as Azrudi, Pak Hijau, jusoh, kuda kepang, Uda Bin Dara.

The regular commentators here are usually decent, friendly and responsible people, open to criticisms and dissenting views. But quite a number would not tolerate provocative, unreasonable and racially biased statements, especially when they are not substantiated by facts. For example, Keith's statements above are mostly acceptable but he was provocative when he suggested a 55%quota for non-Malays at UiTM, MARA schools, etc. The regulars here (who have opened their hearts, extended their arms in friendhsip and jointly made the proposal designed to bring about national unity) jumped on him because he provoked them, not because of dissenting views. They want to instantly record their total non-acceptance of a suggestion that bore no logic, no sense and, more importantly, that meant an encroachment on the the right of the Bumiputeras as it stands to day.

If Keith had read this blog owner's postings entitled "Racial Polarisation and the Forging of a Bangsa Malaysia", "At Last ... the Testicular Fortitude" and KijangMas' responses on the comments thereon, he would have known our suggestion that when a true Bangsa Malaysia comes about, ethnic origin would no longer be the determining factor for educational opportunities, etc. But if he starts asking for gurantees, or for the horse before the cart, or make the signing of this petition aimed at creating a united Bangsa Malaysia conditional upon all sorts of assurances, then he becomes unreasonable.

Then you have people like Azrudi who refers to the national schools "lebih bodoh" sistem pembelajarannya dan "lebih bodoh" para barisan gurunya?". These are not only unsubstantiated but are clearly rude and provocative as well.

Jusoh tries to bring politics into this educational system and national unity issue by saying, "National unity and loyalty is automatically ingrained in the psyche of the rakyat of all races when they can be proud of the govt and this can only come about when all the rakyat are treated equally and not prejudiced because of their ethnicity or religion." Again, this is being unreasonable. We are talking about schools in this proposal of ours. How can he expect young children to know about equal treatment and prejudice, and be proud of the Government based on such records? Is this what they are teaching pupils at the vernacular schools? This "jusoh" sounds like being a proponent of vernacular schools and disguising as a Malay. This again is provocative.

Uda Bin Dara even tries to speak like a Chinese, ending his words with "wor", like some others using "mah". Even if he is genuinely Malay, his insensitivity is in itself an invitation to rather harsh words from 1-2 of us who have been labouring on the idea of "Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua" i.e in the Malay language. Pak Hijau, if, with your Islamic words and all, you are a Malay, just think if all the above are justifiable or not.

Nevertheless, let me say to all those who dissent and disagree, please do so in a reasonable, civil and responsible manner so as not to invite responses that may be unacceptable to you. I think most people would see the arguments put out by KijangMas in his above-said posts and comments are valid and the proposal to bring about national unity as stated in the Memo as worthwhile. By signing the petition you are making a contribution to the future of this country. Best wishes.


the bee said...

Hello Kuda Kepang (and the likes), apa nak komplen komplen ni....kalau pening, makan aje ubat cap panau ....good for your symptom.

Sudah bagus tu, Tuanku KijangMas memberi peluang pada pengkhianat pengkhianat bangsa dan negara macam kamu dll meluahkan perasaan diblognya ...itu pun tak tahu berterima kaseh ....aku tak rasa kami akan diberi layanan yang adil jika kami pergi ka blog blog PR yang sehaluan dengan kamu tu ..

Btw, own up lah yr true faces, you anti establishment people....don't be cowards by hiding behind Malay sounded nics ...I, for one, am not convinced ...


Ron Jeremy, Jr. said...

See what happens when a Malaysian AhPek applies his dirty self-enrichment tactics in another country.

The Aussies nip this virus in the bud. Note the Aussie magistrate's words to define this AhPek crimes: "pattern of exploitation," "staggering" and "defied belief."

But in Malaysia?

See how easy you AhPeks have it in Malaysia? Thankful? No. Grateful? No. Remorseful? No.

I say we haul these SJK-junkies into court -- challenge their constitutionality. Lets argue the case. If even a Sultan can be sued and his highness' decision can be challenged in court, what is there to be so sensitive about a bunch of pathological law breakers running unconstitutional learning centres that are nothing more than hotbeds of anti-Malay, anti-national indoctrination?

Learn from the Aussies. Haul these gooks to court!

Tam Dalyell said...

Anonymous of May 14, 2009 6:51 PM and Jusoh;

Your line of thought and your art of sidesteps are congruent to those used by the master provocateur anuars, the limkitsiangs, the nizars and the sives of weaver bird repute, hence you all are just membangkang for the sake of bangkang. Hence we read you are not even contemplating any positive acts of deeds regarding the call of this posting, rather you came here bent on some fanciful verbal sword play.

I am not interested in main pedang lisan with any body as far as Satu Bahasa Satu Negara Satu Bangsa in concerned. You accused me of mencaci and attacking one particular bangsa … No I do no such thing, but am calling you are of the same brand as the anuars, the limkitsiangs, the nizars and the sivas (not the proper nouns, but the common nouns are meant here). You interpret me as against any one particular bangsa because you are habitually conscious of every single one bangsa of Malaysia. I am conscious only of ONE SINGLE Bangsa Malaysia, not singly Malaysian Chinese or Malaysian Indians or Malaysian Melayus etc etc etc. And this posting calls to one Bangsa Malaysia.

You are trying to twist me up to dance to your one antagonistic tune .. and all I did was to expose you as what you are … the anuars, the limkitsiangs, the nizars and the sivas of society. You as a person, I love. But you as Jack The Ripper or the Mr Hyde and Jackel of masyarakat Malaysia, I detest; so if you chose to be one or all of those, why blame me?

satD said...

1. So far no one can point out any logic error in the Memo

2. Vernacular School is Against the Consti ..which kinda make me wonder if "official document" must be in BM n English then the Vernacular School exam paper in Mandarin n Tamil (Thank u Tongkang for d info/link) is Null and VOID...i.e. tak laku gadai...

All these MRSM/UITM angles are just misdirection...they are all conducted in "Official" capacity rite and is operated within the constitutional provisions

Camni la......gua tunggu one for real comment that can "prove" that Vernacular School is "GOOD" for our country and is within our Constitutional Provision....then we 'discuss'

Until then just go and sign the petition and forget for once about who initiated this project....we are doing this for a good cause folks....this is for our children

we must start today to build a better future for them....

Unker PS this switch is ok ma...i just hate kitchenwares who pretend and lie especially on "principle based" issues

ScumBuster said...

Tuanku KijangMas and DN Knights,

I've been a lurker ever since DN exploded on the SoPo scene late last year.

Now its time to talk.

How come the biggest dissenters come with an assortment of "Malay" nicks? Come on lah imposters, a real "Jusoh" (implying an East Coast Malay guy) would never echo such sentiments as above. Because, he would have long ago become a Yusof or god-forbid Joseph first before he strut his pen spewing his rubbish here.

Ah Kow, Ah Moi and Tambi, why you little penakuts hide behind an Abang Melayu nick ah? Use your own tribal nicks lah, since you tribesmen are so big on segregation and separateness in this land where you don't quite fit as a matter of choice?

Apart from that non-SJK Tommy Yew, where are the Ah Fatts and Arokiasamys?

Scared to reveal your tribal names ka?

Tuanku Kijangmas, after reading the blatantly anti-unity responses by these scums in your and especially other blogs, I'm totally CONVINCED now that the SJKs must go, and go NOW!

Thanks for making this issue crystal clear. Believe me sir, this grassroots SSS campaign is the rippling tide of the inevitable nationalist tsunami that will erupt by PRU13.


Malayan Peoples' Anti Pakatan Assholes said...

I cannot wait for the Lord of this Realm to come inspect and dissect and pulverise the toxic anti-national elements soiling his abode.

KM sir, I think its time ...

*** MPAPA ***

Tam Dalyell said...

Salam Tuan Apocryphalist;

“…Baru keluar spital. Its a trend. Hang Tuah dah mati. Pak Sako dah ninggal lama dah. P Ramlee pun hanya nama yang disebut2 orang. I pun ... cough cough ... tak laaa sihat sangat ni ...…”

Menakutkan bunyinya tu. Kalaulah handset saya mempunyai gadget canggih yang dapat mengesan kawan karib di spital … sumpah saya duk di tepi katil Tuan siang malam 24/7 … banyak untungnya … yang pasti tiap kawan-kawan Tuan ziarah … mereka pasti bawa buah tangan sedap-sedap yang sangatlah istemewanya .. boleh saya tolong sapu … barulah betul … buah-buahan dan kueh-mueh cookie-mookie pembasuh mulut tu … saya jadikan penyapu mulut.

Maaf tuan. Mudah-mudahan sudah sembuh sekarang. Dan panggilan yang Tuan panggil saya dengannya tu berat untuk menerimanya … kerana itu sudah kepunyaan orang … maka saya pulangkanlah kepada orang istemewa itu. Panggil saya Old Mountain Man sudah … kerana Sanap suka mengajak saya camping dalam hutan atas gunung … dan kekawan dia panggil saya dengan “tolongan duduk sini omm … jangan lalu situ omm, situ lorong babi hutan … omm mengapa seneng duduk hutan … dll sepertinya”

NJ said...

Salam Sejahtera Tuanku KijangMas dan Sidang DN sekelian,

Izinkan saya berbicara sedikit dengan "Pak Cik Hijau"

Pak Hijau mungkin:-

1. Seorang yang berSembahYANG di surau.


2. Seorang anasir subversif yang berkeliaran di bumi Malaysia sambil mendokong citarasa the People's Republic of Communist China. Rakyat Negara China Komunis tidaklah sejijik "PakCik" kerana mereka memegang taraf kerakyatan Negara China dan tidak menjalankan anasir-anasir subversif di negara orang seperti yang Pak Cik lakukan sekarang ini. Kalau PakCik berada di Negara China, PakCik adalah Naga yang gah (rujuk Analogi Babi yang saya tulis sebelum ini). Tetapi di sini PakCik adalah seekor Babi yang jelek, jijik lagi hina. Sama seperti identiti "Jusoh", satu nama Melayu Trengganu, tapi mempersoalkan ketuanan Melayu dalam komennya.

Having said so, saya akan akur kepada identiti yang Pak Hijau tonjolkan di sini, yang mirip kepada seorang yang mungkin berSembahYANG di surau. Bukanlah PakCik seperti Nga Kor Min yang mempersendakan ayat suci Al-Qur'an demi mempertahankan kedudukan politiknya.

Pak Hijau,

Saya juga bersependapat dengan Pak Cik bahawa umat Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. adalah umat yang mulia, hendaknya. Umat ini juga dituntut supaya bersyukur kepada Yang Esa kerana menanugerahkan suatu anugerah yang tidak ternilai seperti yang ada terkandung di dalam tempurung kepala tengkorak Pak Cik, ringkasnya "Otak". Dalam kita menghormati orang lain, hendaklah juga kita guna anugerah di tengkorak kita ini supaya perasaan hormati menghormati itu sentiasa subur. Jangan sampai untuk menghormati orang lain sampai terlupa bahawa anugerah tersebut berada di kepala atas bukannya dilubang bawah.

Janganlah sampai ketahap ini:-

1) Bergegas untuk menghantar pegawai kerajaan (berpangkat Menteri?) ke negara China untuk meminta maaf kepada pemimpin luar oleh kerana ada seorang rakyat negara ini didera ketuk ketampi di Penjara Kajang (?). Akhirnya, yang didera itu seorang Melayu. Yang memulakan cerita subversif ini, akhbar berbahasa China Komunis.

2. Kerana marah kepada suara-suara yang mendesak supaya babi tidak dipelihara sewenang-wenangnya dikawasan penempatan ramai, mereka menggantung kepala-kepala babi dipagar rumah-rumah orang, mencampak kepala-kepala babi dipantai. Adalah ini suatu tindakan penghormatan?

3. Dalam menghormati pendirian Elizabeth Wong untuk bersekedudukan, hormatilah serta berilah sedikit pertimbangan Pak Hijau kepada isteri Helmi, sanak saudara Helmi & isterinya yang saya yakin beragama Islam. Saya boleh menghormati pendirian Eli untuk bersekedudukan sekiranya Eli memilih pasangan yang cocok untuk beliau bersekedudukan.

4. Gunakan Anugerah yang ada di kepala tersebut untuk membezakan samada Nga Kor Min telah termakan dakwah atau Pak Cik yang telah diperbodohkan sebegitu rupa sehingga sanggup membiarkan ayat-ayat suci Al-Qur'an diperniagakan, diperalatkan demi kepentingan politik. Saya mungkin akan menilai semula Nga Kor Min sekiranya beliau meninggalkan sementara jawatan politiknya dan pergi belajar sehingga khatam Al-Qur'an dengan Nik Aziz di pondok atau sememangnya dari dulu lagi Nga Kor Min ini membaca ayat suci Al Qur'an sebelum berlakunya krisis di Perak.

Sudahlah, saya nak berangkat menziarahi orang tua saya di kampong. Kampong saya, namanya, Kampong China. Dan seperti mana yang Sdr. KijangMas tulis di Ke arah Membina Bangsa Malaysia", masyarakat kampong saya yang majoritinya berketurunan China, berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Kebangsaan, lebih syok lagi, Loghat Kelantan. Mereka inilah Warna Negara Malaysia, bukan anasir-anasir subversif berkeliaran seperti babi kurap di bumi Malaysia ini. Walaupun begitu, saya admit bahawa keadaan ini semakin pudar di mana peringkat cucu cicit mereka yang merantau di luar telahpun mempamerkan identiti rakyat People's Republic of China Communist apabila mereka lagi tidak fasih berbahasa Kebangsaan (apatah lagi loghat Kelantan) dan tidak menunjukkan ciri-ciri Warga Negara Malaysia yang patuh kepada Rukun Negara & Perlembagaan.

Salam Sejahtera,


Unknown said...

Mamat Tembeleng ni cakap macam bagus sangat. Kalau aku jumpa tgh jalan mau aku terajang. Tapi ikut suka kau lah.. ko punya otak dah bengong camtu nak wat camne kan. Aku kenal sangat orang cam kau ni.. keras kepala dan close minded.

Sebenarnya, dalam hidup kita ini, sebagai melayu, lebih baik kita mengaku diri kita ini Islam, dari kita mengaku diri kita Melayu.

Islam mengajar kita, berlaku adil kepada semua manusia. Dalam Quran tadak pun suruh, wehh org2 Islam, buat baiklah dan berlaku adillah kepada orang Islam yang lain sahaja. Tapi Quran suruh kita adil to ALL people.. termasuk cina, india, yahudi, atau sapa2 saja.. atau binatang jugak. atau alam ini. baru lah kita jadi khalifah.

Dalam hadith sahih pun banyak menekankan tentang perkara ini. Tapi, biasalah, kita mostly yg taknak belajar. Ada satu hadith baru ni aku baca is about how Rasulullah SAW memberi makan kepada seorang pengemis Yahudi setiap pagi sehingga baginda wafat.

Kalau orang melayu skrg ni, nampak pengemis pun dah jijik, pastu kalau tau dia tu Yahudi, mau kena tikam pijak.

Buat satu sekolah ini mmg bagus idea. Tapi, kena MERGE SRJK(C),(I) dan SRK all of it together jadi sambal belacan. Kalau just remain SRK tapi tutup and shut down SRJK, aku rasa fail.

Sekian Terima Kasih.

the bee said...

Pakcik Hijau said,

"Bila kita nak matang ni? Cuba baca reply-reply kat posting blog ni, tak ada sorang pun orang cina panggil macam-macam nama kat kita. Yang pelik tu kita pulak yang panggil cina bermacam-macam nama hina. Kita ni agama apa? Kita bukan orang tak beragama!"

Ni saya nak tanya sikit ..Pakcik ada pergi kat blog blog yang anti Melayu macam kawan Pakcik si Zorro, Haris, MT, MI dll ...Itu hari saya baca di teratak Zorro, macam macam nama jijik diberikan pada Dr. Zambri, dipamerkan juga gambar gambar yang jijik untuk disamakan dengan Dr. Zambri....rasa nak muntah apabila terbaca benda benda saperti ini. Saya rasa Pakcik tentu rasa gembira ye kerana orang orang kafir tu berani mengaibkan orang Melayu/Islam....Kalau saya, saya akan 'sue' orang orang saperti Zollo laknat tu .....

Pakcik ni orang Islam ape ye? Menghalalkan semua yang di buat oleh anasir anasir sabversif dan komunis terhadap bangsa sendiri? Adakah dimasjid yang Pakcik pergi tu orang orang nya semua sama macam Pakcik? Tapi untuk mengkritik kami disini, Pakcik hebat ye ...Tapi yang betulnya, Pakcik adalah seorang yang PENAKUT!! Pakcik takut menggunakan identiti yang sebenar, jadi Pakcik sembunyi dibelakang nama yang ada ciri ciri keMelayuannya ...

Sudahlah old heck, just GET LOST from're a damn fool for all I care...look at yourself in the mirror first and check whether you're a true Muslim or a Munafik or a Real Anarchist. Your type propagate lies for this "jihad" against the Malays/Muslims of Malaysia ....Your agenda is to create confusion, doubts etc as much as possible in the blogosphere. The aim is to have Anarchy and Chaos in this beloved country of mine ....Cis, PODAHHH .....!!!

I hate you, scumbag.

the bee said...

Hey DN Knights,

I think the scumbags that come here are scared to use their proper names that reflect their true identity and colour because they want to sow confusion and they know that they will be 'eaten' up alive by the faithful, tahu takut ye?

So,they hide behind Melayu skirts ......COWARDS!!!

Pendekarlara said...

mugenb16a, apa yang engkau cakap ni ah? Berjela-jela berceramah agama nak bela geng anti-Melayu anti-Islam ni?

Jadi engkau samakan NgehNga, Karpal, Sivakumar dan gerompolan anti-Melayu dengan "pengemis Yahudi"? Setahu aku, sebenarnya ENGKAU yang dah jadi pengemis sekarang di tanah air engkau? Mereka ada bagi "sedekah" kat engkau ke? Lebih baik lah engkau pergi baca hadith sahih tu kat si laknatullah ni, dan cakap jangan angkuh dan kemaruk kuasa sangat terhadap "pengemis2 Yahudi" mcm engkau nih? Boleh? Tak boleh? Memang tak boleh, sebab minda engkau dah jadi minda pengemis yg sanggup hantam guna agama kaum engkau sendiri hingga MALU nak mengaku Melayu. Nak muntah aku dengar ckp2 senduk mcm engkau nih! Dah byk aku terajang kat kolej aku. Lemah. Lembik. Tunduk ke si anti-Melayu, tapi garang dgn kaum sendiri. Bapok!!!

Org mcm engkau ni memang dah termakan byk sangat daun ketum Ipoh Timur. Dipesongkan oleh "Ulamak" yg bersekongkol dgn si Bukit ngan si Paria utk jatuhkan kepimpinan MELAYU di negara ini.

Aku betul2 tak paham, mcm mana masih ada Melayu bangang mcm engkau nih di masa tanah air aku dilanda malapetaka buatan setan siul Bani NgehNga. Mata engkau buta ke? Telinga engkau pekak ke? Engkau tak tau apa yg sedang berlaku ke negara engkau? Sampai engkau sanggup nak pertahan sekolah Mandarin dan sekolah Tamil hingga guna agama suci Islam? Tsk, tsk, tsk ....

Engkau terperap bawah tempurung mana selama ni? Bangsa dan tanah air moyang engkau tengah kena tekan oleh si laknatullah Bintang Tiga NgehNga al-Hindrafi dan engkau nak bagi khutbah kat sini?

Kengkawan, mangkuk hayun mcm si mugenb16a ni lah yang di peliharai oleh gerompolan Apek al-Bukiti Bani Malaon yang guna mereka utk kerja2 jahat menjahanamkan bangsa dan agama mereka sendiri.

Tuanku KM, dalam buku saya, perosak bangsa mcm mugen16a ni yg kita harus atasi dulu kerana tanpa talibarut sebegini si NgehNga tidak akan bermaya menderhaka dan merosakkan tanah air kita.

Saya isytihar perang keatas talibarut2 Bintang Tiga ini. Allah Akbar!!!

Anonymous said...


Saya tak faham maksud awak dan pendirian awak. Awak menyebut Qur'an dan Hadith tapi hendak menerajang orang. Kalau ikut Qur'an dan Hadith, jika orang tak sopan kapada awak, beri tahu sahaja dengan baik, jangan hendak tendang terajang. Tidak baik.

Awak sebutkan "rasa fail" sabelom kita tahu apa-apa, sabelom di coba pun. Fikir positiv lah. Tengok hujjah-hujjah nya positiv atau tidak dari segi melahirkan satu Bangsa Malaysia yang bersatu dan bersepadu. Fikir lah sama ada SJK itu mendorong atau menghalang. Baik kah kanak-kanak berlajar dalam suasana satu kaum sahaja, tidak bercampur gaul dengan kanan-kanak lain? Saya rasa awak boleh nampak baik buruk nya. So'al hendak selaraskan atau tidak itu atas pihak berkuasa lah. Setakat ini kita ha nya minta satu pengkajian di buat, jangan teruskan 3 sistem pelajaran yang ada sekarang ini dan, oleh kerana itu, jangan teruskan sistem SJK itu.

Awak menyebut Hadith tapi tidak menyebut punca Hadith itu, sama ada Bukhari atau sebagai nya. Saya harap awak tahu bahawa ada beratus ribu Hadith; Bukhari sahaja mengumpul lk. 600,000, hafal lk. 200,000 tapi buku nya menyebut ha nya lk. 6,000 Hadith. Ada ratusan ribu lagi Hadith yang di kumpul pihak lain. Shahih atau tidak nya Hadith itu dan punca nya amat penting. Jika tidak, banyak orang boleh sebut banyak Hadith. Begitu juga bila kita menulis dan mengeluarkan pendapat. Perlu lah ada hujjah-hujjah yang kuat, pada tempat-tempat nya ada pengesahan-pengsahan pihak tertentu, atau rujukan yang berkaitan. Bila tak pasti, kita coba lihat yang positiv. Bak kata omputih, "look at the glass half full, not half empty." Wassalam.


Tommy Yewfigure said...

Hi NJ, (I refer to your comments May 14 2009, 3:27PM)

Friend2, no need to say sorry. What I was saying is just ‘Be Prepared’ like the scout motto. Maybe it’s my cinapek kiasu attitude, unlike what u said, “I will do this or that when…….”. Unker prefer to be prepared & ready when the opportunity arises or when the window is opened, so that I can ‘hit the ground running’ if u know what I mean. Many a times, people can’t wait for u to take a crash courses.

Yes, a Malaysian speaks Bahasa Kebangsaan Malaysia to his fellow Malaysian; we do that even whilst in UK or USA or where ever we maybe in. We (during our foolish young & restless days) use to stir the orang putih up (those arrogant ‘white supremacy’ types, u know, not to the nicer ones la.) by speaking Malay, Chinese in front of them. If they approach us & says idiotic things like ‘This is America, speak American’, we’ll tell them to get f**ked in their own language & question them do they speak the local language when they go overseas? I’m not surprise if 'char seow & kwai lan' kaki like KM does this same prank too…hahaha…

On your question regarding that fella labelling the Chinese or Indian fellas “Kaum Pendatang”. I shall use the American example since I assumed u graduated & spent some time there. Can u imagine what will happen if a White person call an Afro American a ‘Nigger’ or a ‘Slave’ in this day & age?

U oso want me to ‘throw us some light’, well honestly I can’t and I don’t wish to give u any 2 sen worth too bcoz, they r just what it is; 2 sens & they can go straight to the bin. Your teacher/lecturer can only guide u, the rest u have to put your own effort & resourcefulness into it if u are to achieve your goal. Ever wonder why some students can become more successful than their teachers?

Guys like u, sepadu, satD, etc.. r all very capable & intelligent individuals, don't be too consumed by angst & suspicions, bad for your health.


Unker Yew
P/S - Hey I won't bother to response if I don't care. U Cool, guys?

Cenderawasih said...

Saya generasi yang lahir pada pertengahan 80-an.
Sewaktu membesar, kaum cina dan india hanya saya kenali bila ke pekan.
Ibu bapa saya mempunyai ramai kawan berbangsa cina dan india. Pada fikiran saya, bila saya besar nanti, saya pun akan memiliki rakan berngsa india dan cina. Tetapi alam persekolahan saya hanya dikelilingi orang melayu, ke mana perginya kaum-kaum lain? Sedangkam kedai-kedai yang dimiliki kaum cina bersepah-sepah disekitar sekolah rendah saya.

Di mana anak-anak mereka bersekolah? Saya menghabiskan masa selama 6 tahun disekolah rendah tanpa mengenali anak-anak rakan ibu bapa saya. Sedangkan rumah mereka ada berdekatan sekolah saya,
Kemudian saya meneruskan pembelajaran di sekolah menengah di pekan yang sama. Juga tanpa kelibat rakan-rakan kaum lain. Ketika itu baru saya sedar, anak-anak kaum lain pergi ke SRJK. Saya terfikir kenapa mereka tidak bersekolah di SK. Sekolah yang berada berhampiran tempat tinggal mereka.

Saya membuat kesimpulan setiap kaum memiliki sekolah sendiri.

Habis SPM dan diterima ke Kolej Matrikulasi.. Baru saya bergaul dengan kaum lain. Tetapi mereka lebih selesa dengan kaum sendiri, begitu juga dengan saya.

Dengan kaum melayu, budak yang pendiam pun mudah dibuat kawan. Budak kaum lain yang pendiam langsung tak boleh dibuat kawan. Malangnya semua jenis tu, pendiam dan berada dikalangan mereka sahaja. Saya pasti mereka pun berdepan masalah yang sama.
Nasib baik ada seorang budak cina dalam kelas tutorial saya. Dia jenis peramah dan duduk bersama-sama kami dalam kelas. seorang saja la.

Universiti, lagi teruk. Dalam kuliah jelas setiap kaum duduk dalam kelompok masing-masing. Masing-masing tak selesa antara satu sama lain.

Dan sekarang ada ahli politik bangang macam keldai meminta semua kaum hidup dalam harmoni? Bergaul antara satu sama lain, memahami antara satu sama lain?

Satu permintaaan yang mustahil untuk dipenuhi. Ya, saya ada seorang dua rakan berbangsa cina. Tetapi mereka jenis peramah dan senang bergaul. Yang 'nerd' macam mana?

Kenapa saya tidak bertuah macam Unker Yew(
1242187440000#c5886955976003276207),memiliki rakan berbangsa lain. Bermain bersama ketika kecil,pergi ke rumah kosong kononnya nak tengok hantu. Kenapa saya tidak memiliki rakan berbangsa lain seperti ibu bapa saya?

Punca utama adalah tidak bercampur antara satu sama lain ketika zaman persekolahan. Adakah kita sudah terlewat untuk melaksanakan satu sekolah? Tidak, belum terlewat. Walaupun kita banyak membuang masa sebelum ni.

Satu sekolah untuk semua.

Anonymous said...


kalau cina atau india boleh tulis melayu macam i ni tak payah korang susah susah nak satu sekolah untuk semua.

inilah masalah dengan orang macam awak ni. mulut laser tapi otak tumpul.kau tak baca post aku?memang benda ni i sokong.yang i tak senang hati ialah dengan cara penyampaian korang. kalau tak percaya kau tunjuk post post yang kesat kat sini kat anak cucu awak dan bagi tau kat dia ni cara memperjuangkan maruah bangsa dan negara. dahlah ada antara kamu yang menyalak sampai ke isu PR dan BN. ini bukan isu politik. bila benda ni dipolitikkan habislah perjuangan ini sebab sampai bila bila pun kita akan mempunyai 2 kem. macamna nak bersatu?

memang idea satu sekolah sesuatu yang patut. tapi ia tidak boleh dilakukan dengan cara mempersendehkan budaya dan bahasa orang lain dan mengibaratkan mereka bagaikan kanser. ini satu penghinaan yang tidak siapa pun boleh terima.


Anonymous said...

Buat satu sekolah ini mmg bagus idea. Tapi, kena MERGE SRJK(C),(I) dan SRK all of it together jadi sambal belacan. Kalau just remain SRK tapi tutup and shut down SRJK, aku rasa fail.


Kadang kala yang "ideal" bukanlah yang realistik, tetapi ada yang berhati "nationalisma" memang berfikir demikian.

Hala tuju bolih sama tetapi jalannya bukanlah satu sahaja.

Yang berpikir diri lebih mulia, akan tidak teragak agak untuk mencaci dan menghina yang tidak sehala pemikiran. Tomahan tomahan dan kata kesat dibaling begitu banyak sekali.

Akan tetapi, saya berpendapat tidaklah berguna berbalah dengan orang orang sebegini.Kalau berpendapat sebegitu terpulanglah.


Anonymous said...

Dear fellow knights,

I would like to highlight a letter published today in NST, written by R.J.S. of Mersing.

He wrote,

[i]SYABAS to Deputy Prime Minister-cum-Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, for visiting a Tamil school in Puchong, Selangor. Let me enlighten him on the plight of Indians residing in Mersing, Johor.
Many of the 1,000 or so Indians here earn less than RM500 a month working in the private sector.

The ones who are in the government sector are mostly outsiders.

The Tamil school, which has been in existence for more than 50 year, is located temporarily at the Sekolah Menengah Sri Mersing grounds, sandwiched between its buildings.

Muhyiddin, who happens to be a Johorean, should urgently look into this. Forget about whether it is fully-aided, partially-aided or otherwise.
I hope the deputy prime minister will also spare some time to meet the Indian community in Mersing.[/i]

I bet all of you could notice what I want to highlight here. It is clearly stated by the writer that the school is located temporarily at the Sekolah Menengah Sri Mersing grounds.

So why not just send the children to the SK?? Merge both school into 1 school. Why still want to be sandwiched when you can eat the sandwich by yourself?? (ape aku merepek nih?!!)

They showed great effort in order to further alienating themselves from us, but at the same time shouting " WE WANT OUR RIGHT AS MALAYSIAN CITIZENS!!" But no effort whatsoever to be a true Malaysian citizen, which is shameful to say. Come on la.. SK is for all.

Why wait for more than 50years for a permanent building when you already have a permanent building kindly provided by the SK?? Its like u are making a room for your own in a very tight space, which is of course does not belong to you.


Tembeleng said...

Oi Kuda Kepala Banar,

selama ni ko ada nampak atau baca ke orang Melayu tulis mencaci-cerca bangsa lain, samada dalam blog atau suratkabar? Ko sedar ke pasal apa ada reaksi kasar dari sebelah sini?

Tak paham hukum fizik ke, bahlol? Janganla solat 5 kali sehari tapi hukum alam yang dibuat Allah ko nak tolak plakkk.

Sebab tu la orang macam ko ni memaafkan apa yang Cina dan keling pundek buat pada Mei 11 dan 12. Padahal kurang ajar mereka tu yang menjemput Mei 13. Ko ingat kalau Melayu ni memang rasis dan dahaga darah cibai takkan Mei 13 di Kuala Lumpur aje mereka tebas habis kepala sial yang mahu suruh Melayu "sakai balik hutan" supaya mereka boleh "kasi habis semua ini Melayu"?

Apa bodoh punya Melayu ko ni. Oo, bila bangsa sendiri buat ko tegur bukan main lagi. Yang bangsa sana picit telor ko, ko buat diam aje.

Tembeleng said...


"Akan tetapi, saya berpendapat tidaklah berguna berbalah dengan orang orang sebegini.Kalau berpendapat sebegitu terpulanglah.


Apa lanchau yang ko cakap ni? Logik cipan mana yang ko pakai ni? Kemudian ko nak tuntut supaya kita (aku) melawan "hujah" ko secara intelektual? Bak kata Tok Guru Nik Aziz dulu (dan aku paraphrase): kalau nak reaksi yang intelligent, maka berilah hujah yang intelligent dulu.

Ini hujah apa, nak pastikan sekolah kebangsaan menerapkan semua bahasa kat Malaysia ni? Gila apa? Kat Sabah Sarawak ko nak jawab macamana, ngong. Nyata sekali bila ko cakap tu ko tak fikir betul-betul samada benda tu logik atau tak.

Bahlol tu bahlol lah namanya.

tembeleng said...

Dan lagi satu:

janganlah terpesona sangat ("shock and awe" gitu) dengan bahasa yang aku guna. Sebab apa yang aku cakap tu semuanya ada kebenaran belaka. Kalau tak buat apa aku habis masa kat sini.

Cuma bila orang berkeras maka kita perlu balas keras. Tengok contoh Nabi s.a.w. melawan musuh dalam selimut. Tak de tapi-tapi, habis tiga kabilah Yahudi dihentaknya (dua dihalau keluar negara, satu dibunuh semua lelakinya dan dihambakan semua perempuan dan anaknya).

Ko nak tahu macamana Islam menangan petualang? Baca Quranlah, jangan asyik dok suruh orang mengaji aje.

Munshi said...

First off, I would like to voice out my support for this "one nation one school" idea. It will be a great start to try to bring racial unity and harmony into Malaysia. But, to say that the existence of vernacular school is just an obstruction and hinders the progress of racial unity among Malaysian youth is just wrong. I agree that the establishment of different types of school gives birth to racial segregation to a certain extent (well if you read my next point and think hard enough, it don't at all), but it certainly do not cause racial disunity.

Think about it. So what if you study in a vernacular school? In what way does that hinder you from mingling with people from other races outside of school? By studying in an environment where Bahasa Melayu is not the medium? It doesn’t make sense at all. And there are arguments that vernacular schools create segregation. We must not forget that most vernacular schools are multiracial, although the numbers are not evened out. But, which school does? All schools are bound to have a majority and some minority groups. Even the current national schools have uneven number of students from different races. Does that mean that the current national school promotes racism and should be abolished too?

Being a Malay myself and studied in Chinese vernacular school for 10 years where Mandarin was the medium of instruction, I’d never felt being isolated before, not even once. In fact, I felt welcomed there and was treated equally, as a Malaysian. I’m sure my Malay and Indian friends who were in the same school as me felt the same too.

Based on my experience from my highschool years (keep in mind that I’m 21 this year, so this can be considered recent and relevant), some Malay keep distances from Chinese just because they are Chinese, some Indian don’t mingle with Malays just because they are Malays, and every other situation in between. The problem does not lie in the school system, or in what language education was taught in Malaysia, it lies within our so called “Malaysian” minds. For so long we don't have the willingness to look at anyone beyond their race, there will always be racial disunity in Malaysia, regardless of whether there is a single school system or whether education is taught in Bahasa Melayu.

I’m glad that I had the opportunity to study in a vernacular school, because it puts me in the shoes of minorities. It taught me to be humble with anyone regardless of our skin colour, races, culture, religion, etc, to look beyond our differences, and to focus more on our similarities. And quite the contrary to most people thinks, it taught me the meaning of unity.

Unknown said...

# 377: 11:39 pm PDT, May 14, Rakyat Malaysia, Malaysia

KijangMas of DemiNegara to be the 7th PM! Kami rakyat jelata akan sokong. We need a LEADER, not a politician.

Munshi said...

First off, I would like to voice out my support for this "one nation one school" idea. It will be a great start to try to bring racial unity and harmony into Malaysia. But, to say that the existence of vernacular school is just an obstruction and hinders the progress of racial unity among Malaysian youth is just wrong. I agree that the establishment of different types of school gives birth to racial segregation to a certain extent (well if you read my next point and think hard enough, it don't at all), but it certainly do not cause racial disunity.

Think about it. So what if you study in a vernacular school? In what way does that hinder you from mingling with people from other races outside of school? By studying in an environment where Bahasa Melayu is not the medium? It doesn’t make sense at all. And there are arguments that vernacular schools create segregation. We must not forget that most vernacular schools are multiracial, although the numbers are not evened out. But, which school does? All schools are bound to have a majority and some minority groups. Even the current national schools have uneven number of students from different races. Does that mean that the current national school promotes racism and should be abolished too?

Being a Malay myself and studied in Chinese vernacular school for 10 years where Mandarin was the medium of instruction, I’d never felt being isolated before, not even once. In fact, I felt welcomed there and was treated equally, as a Malaysian. I’m sure my Malay and Indian friends who were in the same school as me felt the same too.

Based on my experience from my highschool years (keep in mind that I’m 21 this year, so this can be considered recent and relevant), some Malay keep distances from Chinese just because they are Chinese, some Indian don’t mingle with Malays just because they are Malays, and every other situation in between. The problem does not lie in the school system, or in what language education was taught in Malaysia, it lies within our so called “Malaysian” minds. For so long we don't have the willingness to look at anyone beyond their race, there will always be racial disunity in Malaysia, regardless of whether there is a single school system or whether education is taught in Bahasa Melayu.

I’m glad that I had the opportunity to study in a vernacular school, because it puts me in the shoes of minorities. It taught me to be humble with anyone regardless of our skin colour, races, culture, religion, etc, to look beyond our differences, and to focus more on our similarities. And quite the contrary to most people thinks, it taught me the meaning of unity.

Tembeleng said...


philosophical error 101 -- anecdotes do not an argument make. It would be a mistake to think that just because things turned out fine for you, ergo it must/should turn out fine each time.

So what if you turned out good, and humbled by your experience? Does that mean ALL products of the vernacular schools have the same experience? Does it even mean that the MAJORITY of vernacular school leavers will have the same enlightened perspective as you?

This platform is far too limited to engage in a dialogue on vernacular education vs nationalism. Suffice to say I made my studies decades ago and have come to my conclusion. So let's hope that some university out there is intelligent enough (UTAR lah kan, sapa lagi? -- sarcasm) to host a public dialogue BETWEEN ACADEMICS so that people can see for themselves.

Tembeleng said...


I'm not going to dump on you or your experience 'cos the memories are yours. And you sound reasonable. On the other hand...

In your nostalgia, you overlook a fundamental factor: you are a Malay.

This simple fact alone should have a tremendous impact on your experiences. Firstly, your experience can in no way be called normalised behaviour. Secondly, you might protest otherwise -- "They never treated me like an outsider!" -- but dude, you were and would always be an outsider, and people would have reacted to you as such. Some would overcompensate, some would be more brutal. But given the Chinese penchant for differentiating by skin colour (what other culture calls others "ghosts", and not in an endearing manner at that?), you wouldn't have been one of them.

Sure, you'd have your cadre of Chinese best friends. So did I. And I did not even go to a Chinese school.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Tembeleng said...
Apa lanchau yang ko cakap ni? Logik cipan mana yang ko pakai ni?


Wah !, ada pelajaran banyak sedikit
kepala sudah besar , hang pikir hang ni pandai sangat, sebenarnya tidak.

Bila hang cepat marah, hang sebenarny sudah kalah. Hang sudah tak bolih kawal emosi hang. Biar pun anda kata I tak pedulilah.

Pigi syiok sendirilah.


Anonymous said...


Saya coba elakkan membolot ruang, menulis selalu sangat. Tapi kami perlu perbetulkan anggapan atau persepsi yang tidak betul.

Komen anda 3:33 pm menyebutkan "mempersendehkan budaya dan bahasa orang lain dan mengibaratkan mereka bagaikan kanser." Mungkin anda tidak sedar bahawa Mandarin itu bukan bahasa ibunda atau budaya mana-mana suku kaum Cina di Malaysia ini. Mereka tak cakap Mandarin di rumah atau masa berbual harian. Mandarin itu ada lah Bahasa Resmi negara People's Republic of China. Jadi, macam mana nak kata itu bahasa dan budaya kaum Cina di Malaysia ini?

Dalam konsep Bangsa Malaysia yang di cadangkan, tidak pernah di katakan tidak boleh pakai bahasa ibunda suku kaum Cina di sini (Hokkien, Cantonese, Hakka dsb nya). Ha nya kami katakan urusan resmi dan urusan-urusan melibatkan kaum lain perlu dalam Bahasa Melayu, yang juga menjadi Bahasa Resmi, dan juga Bahasa Kebangsaan negara ini. Sekolah ada lah urusan resmi dan mesti dalam Bahasa Resmi negara kita, tidak boleh dalam Bahasa Resmi negara asing. Saya percaya anda mesti nampak ini masuk akal dan menasabah. Terutama sekali untuk perpaduan negara.

Yang di sebut kanser itu bukan bahasa atau budaya nya, tetapi pendirian yang tidak mahu menerima Bahasa Melayu yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan, pemikiran yang tidak mahu kanak-kanak bercampur gaul dengan komuniti lain di sekolah-sekolah, dsb nya. Pendirian dan pemikiran ini yang merebak sebagai kanser, bukan bahasa atau budaya.

Ini lah sebab nya saya beri tahu mugenb16a di atas supaya coba fikirkan aspek positiv bila terbayang aspek negativ dalam bacaan dsb nya. Terutama nya bila nyata projek gotong royong kita ini bertujuan murni, ia itu melahirkan suatu Bangsa Malaysia yang bersatu, teguh dan bersepadu.

Bila keraguan atau nampak perkara yang tak nyata, coba lah lihat dari segi gelas itu separuh penuh (pemikiran positiv), bukan separuh kosong (pemikiran negativ). Ini boleh mengelakkan tuduh menuduh, menarik perhatian pembaca (distract) dari isu yang di bincang, dan marah lah mereka yang bernas pendirian nya dalam perkara ini.

Salepas memberi penerangan yang agak panjang juga, saya harap anda akan sokong dan tanda tangan petition ini. Wassalam.


P.S: Munshi's comment just came in before I completed the above comment. This one is meant for


Can you give us details on the school that you said is multi-racial, etc. For example: school name, address, what years you were there, racial composition, exam results, etc. We need to verify your claims. We are asking the Government to have an in-depth study done officially to determine those.

Have you read the report on the study made by MCA jointly with the Education Dept showing 25% drop-outs of the SRJKs? I have not heard ppeople making the kind of claim you made. But I'm interested in the evidence. Verifiable facts.

Anonymous said...


Saya sangat setuju dengan cadangan ini. Sokong sepenuhnya. Kijangmas adalah perwira kita. Syabas!!


Anonymous said...

Salam Tuanku KijangMas. Saya setuju dengan Kempen Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua. Saya sokong KijangMas sepenuhnya. Hidup KijangMas!!!!

Mat Ali

satD said...

Folks there a facebook group being created by a kindred spirit called Wah Al drop by if u got a facebook account...

Go here

Lets grow this thing...n d petition of course...tell ur buddies n family members of the project...spend a few minutes talking to folks around u to convince them to sign the petition, send some SMS to those on ur contact lists....every little byte counts....

thanks a bunch....

Tembeleng said...


"Pigi syiok sendirilah.


Aku memang syok sendiri pun. Apsal? Jealous? Hahahah.

Apa punya Jusoh la ko ni. Tak jantan langsung. Orang jentik sket hujah bangang dia, merajuk. Macam cipundek.

(Mulai hari ni aku akan create swear word-swear word baru, khas untuk orang macam Jusoh. Because people of his class deserve something more solid. Jadi "Cipundek" is an amalgam of "cipan+pundek". "Pungkobi" is "pungkok+babi". Etc.)

Allo Jusoh, ko tau, kat Sarawak sana nun, ada 19 suku kaum, and they make up more than 50% of the population. So you're saying, you'd give each of them their own school? Yang herannya tu, THEY NEVER ASKED FOR SUCH A THING! Heran ke tak heran, bila orang yang betul-betul make up a majority tak mintak pun apa yang 25% think is their birth right?

ddinbunga said...

salam, tahniah...teman sokong!!!! hasrat murni saudara.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tommy,

I saw your comment earlier on but can manage to respond only now.

Thanks for being concerned about my health in terms of being consumed by passion for the birth of a united, strong and cohesive Bangsa Malaysia. I do exercise most days of the week, have a lot of fibre in my diet, minimum sugar, oil and fat. Hope to last until some semblance of genuine national unity emerges in this beloved country of ours.

I'm very concerned that the next 50years would be peaceful and progressive for the country. Politics have become so entangled that we as private citizens must do all that we can to help bring about that situation. I know I can count on you, Tommy. You sound a reasonable person. There are things you disagree on but you have mixed with other communities since childhood, even mengurat the kampong lass, and talk sensibly and reasonably. I'm very concerned that there are people who, for example, think Chin Peng and the Malayan Communist Party was a nationalist organisation and even say that they deserve credit in history.

I know that this kind of people constitutes a small percentage of the population. But the concern is that, with the messy political conditions in the country, the fanning of anti-establishment sentiments by the politically active, the number might grow. We must have an environment where the young, at formative age, are encouraged to mix in multi-racial schools, learn about the correct history that does not, for example, glorify the MCP, and taught to respect the Constitution, the highest set of laws of the land. No doubt, we must also ask the authorities to improve the sekolah kebangsaan and this is one of the reasons we propose the pengkajian semula sistem pelajaran of the country. I trust you are also trying to get others to support the cause.

I envy you travelling all over the places - Amsterdam (I thought I read once), Macao (the petition address), Perth, Melbourne, etc. I would avoid the red light districts
and too heavy betting if I were you! Best wishes.


Anonymous said...

Blogger Tembeleng said...
(Mulai hari ni aku akan create swear word-swear word baru, khas untuk orang macam Jusoh. Because people of his class deserve something more solid. Jadi "Cipundek" is an amalgam of "cipan+pundek". "Pungkobi" is "pungkok+babi". Etc.)


Tembeleng, form your posting you sure are literate, but definitely not educated in the real sense.

Anonymous said...

I guessed that much, Tommy must be in in Macao when he mentioned somewhere he was in Monaco.

The way he dressed himself, typical Chinese ala Mat Salleh wanna be look…… Well, his Kitkat on his blog had Chinese labels!

He he he, jangan marah Unker Yew,
When my AhSo saw your picture, she was the one who pointed this out to me. One of her long lost son is working there (bar tender) at one of the casinos!.

Hongkong for you, melalui Hongkong takyah pakai passport, just walk in, no one will notice!

Cheers always,


Alan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Phonont said...


The gist of your argument is one on quantification i.e how big does a majority need to be in order to be classified as a majority. While you did not offer an answer to the quantification issue, my simple answer would be that the Malaysian democracy system abides by what is called as simple majority- a subset of group that constitutes more than half of the entire group. Eg:- when 3 kataks lompat over the floor in Perak State Assembly, the state Goverment changed hands because BN now has more than half of the total number of reps (28+3:28). And if Anwar had managed to get at least 31 MPs from BN to cross over to PR, then he could possibly be the PM. So coming back for your hypothetical case of 60:40, it should be mathematically (if not by common sense) obvious to you who is the majority. That, is the real Ketuanan Rakyat, which the defenders of SJKs are so fond of. So just stop the dolak-dalih, and respect the Ketuanan Rakyat!

Anonymous said...


Because you said you "sincerely appreciate the effort of Demi Negara", I don't mind at all spending this Saturday evening giving explanations.

Alan, the whole issue is a matter of reasonableness, of respect for the Constitution of our country, of a willingness to be a united, strong and cohesive nation.

The Bumi status should not be an issue if you accept the special position of the Malays as written in the Constitution, like the Malay language is. The Constitution is supreme, the highest law of our country; all other laws are based on it. It should be respected and practised.

All citizens should accept the fact that there was what is called a Social Contract among the leaders of the various communities at the time of independence from British colonial rule. That contract was: the Malays agreed for the non-Malays being given citizenship, the non-Malays agreed for the Malays being given a special position. Because the right to citizenship and the special position are enshrined in the Constitution, these should not be questioned any more if we want to live peacefully and harmoniously for all times. I think you would agree that we must have peace and harmony for now and our future generations.

The population ratio should also not be an issue if you accept that Bahasa Melayu is written in the Constitution, is the Official Language and the National Language of the country. All citizens should accept that because respect for the Constitution is the primary requirement of all loyal citizens.

Even if one is to go on the basis of reasonableness, is it reasonable to have Mandarin as the medium of instruction in Malaysian schools when Mandarin is the official language of a foreign country - the People's Republic of China? You all don't even speak Mandarin at home or when conversing among yourselves. It's not, in any case, the mothertongue of any Chinese in this country.

As a matter of clarification, practically all the Bumiputeras in Sabah and Sarawak accept Bahasa Melayu/ B. Malaysia; it has been the lingua franca of the Nusantara region for a long, long time. A number of them have even expressed support for this "Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua" proposal. Those who may disagree are the Chinese and the Indians who overall constitute less than 30% of the population.
When the Thai Army General carried out a compulsory assimilation programme in Thailand some time back, the Chinese constituted about 30% of the population. But we don't want to talk about that, do we? So, let's leave population ratio aside and talk about reasonableness, respect for the Constitution, which is a prerequisite for loyalty as citizens. This is so in any country. Even if we go to Africa or Papua New Giunea, we'll find that loyalty as citizens is respect for, and abiding by, the Constitution of the state or country.

You suggested a blog where everyone shares their opinions. But where will it lead to? What can come out of it? There are so many blogs already discussing so many aspects of national unity. Mere stating of opinions, including trying to glorify the Malayan Communist Party (there are many books and articles about the horrors of their terroristic activities - they were, in fact, called terrorists), casting aspersions on Malay culture, about superior culture overcoming the weaker one, etc, will only lead to more unpleasantness, distaste and ill feelings.

Here we are pproposing concrete action, based on sound arguments, for example, Bahasa Melayu/ B. Malaysia that is stated in the Constitution, the need for inter-racial mixing, and so on. It would create a sense of togetherness among the young at their formative age and a better understanding of one another among the parents through Parents-Teachers Associations and the like. It's not the language that takes a long time; it's national unity. Let's start with the young at school; properly taught and guided, it'd be easier for them to learn to respect the Constitution and to feel togetherness among fellow Malaysians. Best wishes.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous of May 16, 2009 9:36 AM –

Why are you so exited over Blogger Tembeleng who said something about "Cipundek" and "Pungkobi?"

I bet you qualify for both. Congratulation.

Sakai Janda Baik Jr.

satD said...


Let me ask you a simple question.

If a hokkein meets a Fhu Chau or a Kantonese meets a Hokkien for instance in Malaysia what language do they speak to one another?
2.Bahasa Malaysia or English?

If your answer is 1...then by design the Chinese population in Malaysia is systematically creating an environment that the majority of the population is unable to understand and hence you are actually segregating yourself from the majority of the population. On top of it you would then systematically use this "advantage" in all aspects from economic, political and social is this going to help a country as young as ours to grow..unless you plan to build a country within a country?

Language issue is basic, it forms the basic foundation of a Nation..look at Mainland China...there must be a single language of choice for all citizen to be able to be spoke FLUENTLY..the same for India with so many different languages and even also for Indonesia..these are just a few examples of our negara jiran.....

Now coming back to One School with One language Medium issue....why is there a need to have a MEDIUM of delivery in a foreign language? Is it because that these two language is needed for to unite the Indians and the Chinese?

What if I'm a Malay who just moved to a new area n lives next to a SRJ (C/T) and i'm unable to send my kids to this school and have to travel 10 KM away to a nearest National school just because my kids cant understand the Medium of Instruction even if the curriculum is the SAME? Does this make any sense at all?

Alan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Phonont said...

Yo Alan,

See? More off-topic dolak-dalih from this bugger.. your "Think of how to fight for Malaysia blablabla.." hypocritical lecture for the defenders of the training centers of Negaraku-mocking-rapper-wannabes SJKs.

I don't only think, I have put ACTIONS in an effort of producing Bangsa Malaysia.

The forging of a united Bangsa Malaysia begins by speaking in a common language:- the national language. No two way about it.

Now it's your turn. Walk the talk laa bugger. Cakap saja lebih, habuk tarak, substance pun ilek.

Munshi said...


I acknowledge though it turned out well for me, it does not mean that it would turn out the same for others as well. Why did you even bothered to state that you too have Chinese friends although you did not go to a Chinese school?

My anonymous friend,

Why did you ask for my exam results for? What does the joint report made by MCA and Education Department proves? That vernacular school is not effective? Maybe. But contributing to racial disunity? No.

What I am trying to say is that vernacular school alone cannot be blamed for the current racial disunity problem in Malaysia. If anything is to be blamed, blame the whole education system, including the Sekolah Kebangsaan. And even if this idea of one national school system and implementing Bahasa Melayu as the medium of instruction is realized, it would not work. Let’s imagine that vernacular schools were to be abolished, it would mean there would only be Sekolah Kebangsaan left, would it not? And isn’t the current medium of teaching in Sekolah Kebangsaan is Bahasa Melayu? But still, racism still exists in this type of school.

Upholding Bahasa Melayu (or shouldn’t we call it Bahasa Malaysia?) and make it the medium of instructions in education is unquestionable as it has already been written in the Constitution. But we need to do more than just one single national school to unite the entire population. We need to change our ways of thinking and perspective. We need to look beyond skin colour, religion, races, and culture and regard fellow citizens as Malaysians; not as Malays, Chinese, Indians, or any other racial groups. Malays will always be Malays, Chinese will always be Chinese, so on and so forth; that what makes us so different and unique. It was this diversified culture that made this country Malaysia in the first place. We need to start to change our mind from thinking for our race benefit only to fight for the benefit of Malaysia as a whole. Why do we still need to fight for things that have already been enshrined in the Constitution, for things that our forefathers had sacrificed so much for?

Anonymous said...

Greetings to Tuanku KijangMas and the DN Community.

There is another thing that bugs me about this SATU SEKOLAH UNTUK SEMUA. In the memo, we have stated a lot of reasons on why we should have one school for all. But, I think there is another reason that we might have overlooked (if I am not wrong). That reason being, to avoid Malaysia being infiltrated by subversives from LTTE Sri Lanka and the Commies from China/Taiwan or Mars. As most of these SJK "graduates" aren't able to speak proper Bahasa Malaysia and can only communicate in the mother tongues of alien nations, it would be a good camouflage for anarchists from foreign lands to inflitrate our beloved land and create havoc...If asked why they can't speak Bahasa Malaysia, they would say that they studied in vernacular more proficient in Mandarin or Tamil. Hence, any Chinese or Indians from Mars would be able to proclaim as being Malaysians without even being able to prove that they are bonafide Malaysians.

Folks, we can't afford to be complacent anymore. We have to save the country from becoming a stage of fire and destruction......

Please do not laugh about what I've written here. I remember reading a Singapore tabloid saying that HINDRAF threatened to pursue their agenda by FORCE if necessary...Ask yourselves, do they have any experiences in launching terrorist activities in M'sia? I can bet you all that they would get advisers from LTTE Sri Lanka who had many years of experiences in terrorist activites ....Also, do not forget that the LTTE terrorists have a culture of suicide bombing(s).....

Well folks, excuse me if you all think that I am paranoid, but, I'm looking at it in another perpective (blame it on the political journals that I read).

In conclusion, I think we are able to gauge an 'alien' person if he/she is really a true Malaysian only by having a ONE school system.


(ps .....what do you think sepadu?)

satD said...


I presume you speak Mandarin, Bahasa and English fluently. Well done.

How many of your friends in the vernacular school that u went to fall under the same category?

At school did you all speak any national language outside the time allocated for English and Bahasa classes…..and just checking also was Bahasa/English being tought in Bahasa/English 100% or mixed with Mandarin?

You said
“What I am trying to say is that vernacular school alone cannot be blamed for the current racial disunity problem in Malaysia.”

Racial Disunity is a co-mingling of many factors, one key component is how well we understand one another…..and of which language plays a very important role..unless our whole population is deaf(jangan marah takde niat nak kutuk orang cacat in anyway just to prove a point here)….

this key problem in language brings us back to vernacular schooling ….lets assume a kid from 7 to 12 years old goes to to a vernacular many hours a day does he goes around thinking, learning, communicating in Mandarin/Tamil…goes home after school probably into an environment that continues to speak Non-national Languages..or even other foreign language dialects……how much interaction in BM or English will this group children have as a % of their life minus the early years say up till 5/6 years old….ask yourself would these group of children be racially united with other kids of different race who do not speak the language that they speak fluently….. as with any problem..there are root causes…..and if language is one of the possible root cause of disunity then we must face the issue on vernacular schooling head on..without fear and without politics clouding our judgment.

You continue to say:
“If anything is to be blamed, blame the whole education system, including the Sekolah Kebangsaan.”

Yes agree that education system requires an overhaul, we need better quality teachers, better delivery mechanism, better infrastructure etcetc…..

And this:
“And even if this idea of one national school system and implementing Bahasa Melayu as the medium of instruction is realized, it would not work. “

Care to elaborate?

“Let’s imagine that vernacular schools were to be abolished, it would mean there would only be Sekolah Kebangsaan left, would it not?”

Just Sekolah Rendah + the Address would be fine…..Sekolah Rendah Jalan Pasar, Sekolah Rendah Jalan Ipoh, Sekolah Rendah Batang Berjuntai etc etc….

“And isn’t the current medium of teaching in Sekolah Kebangsaan is Bahasa Melayu? “

And your point is?

“But still, racism still exists in this type of school. “
Racism can exist anywhere …you just need one of two racist around to instigate…but what we have achieved is reduce the language barrier n differences among the races by promoting a common language which is being practiced more regularly by children of different races Vs the current vernacular school eco-system

“Upholding Bahasa Melayu (or shouldn’t we call it Bahasa Malaysia?)”
It is bahasa Melayu…..Bahasa Malaysia is a “political” invention…unless someone change our consti…..perhaps when all our rojak is upgraded and compiled as standard words in Kamus dewan….then maybe the need to consider may arise…

“But we need to do more than just one single national school to unite the entire population. We need to change our ways of thinking and perspective. We need to look beyond skin colour, religion, races, and culture and regard fellow citizens as Malaysians; not as Malays, Chinese, Indians, or any other racial groups. Malays will always be Malays, Chinese will always be Chinese, so on and so forth; that what makes us so different and unique. “

Yes so lets start with school first then.... which you also agree…dah sign petition belum?

While you’re at it please get all your old buddies from the Vernacular School to sign as well


Anonymous said...


It's me, sepadu. I'm the one who asked about the exam results, though of the school - not specifically yours - in order to verify your claims on SJKs performance. I referred to the MCA-Ed Dept report on the 25% drop outs of SJK(C) pupils at SMKs to show the poor prformance of SJKs - not, in this instance, to prove that it contributes to racial disunity. However, I note your statement, "That vernacular school is not effective? Maybe."

But my friend, I'm writing at this early hour not to win points but to try and clarify some points which may have been mis or not yet understood.

I agree with you that "vernacular school alone cannot be blamed for the current racial disunity problem in Malaysia". That's why we are asking for a "pengkajian semula sistem pelajaran yang ada sekarang ..." I also agree with you that racism exists everywhere, even in SKs. But SKs provide much greater prospects for inter-racial contacts, mixing and understanding of one another than SJKs - unless you can prove that SJKs are comparatively multi-racial in composition, nation wide.

I'm glad that you said, "Upholding Bahasa Melayu (or shouldn’t we call it Bahasa Malaysia?) and make it the medium of instructions in education is unquestionable as it has already been written in the Constitution." As a matter of clarification, Bahasa Melayu is the terminology used in the Constitution of the country that was adopted upon Independence and, following from that, the Government later called it "Bahasa Resmi", "Bahasa Kebangsaan", and "Bahasa Malaysia". Any of those terminologies can therefore be used.

Again, I agree with you that "we need to change our ways of thinking and perspective. We need to look beyond skin colour, religion, races, and culture and regard fellow citizens as Malaysians; not as Malays, Chinese, Indians, or any other racial groups." These, my friend, are the very reasons why we are proposing the "Melahirkan satu Bangsa Malaysia yang Bersatu, Kukuh dan Bersepadu." However, we in Demi Negara think that changing our ways of thinking and looking beyond skin colour, religion, race etc cannot be done merely by wishing for them or by deciding on one fine day that we want to do those. From the comments made by people in this and various other blogs, from news articles we read elsewhere, the platforms of political parties, the propaganda put out by vested interests, the unhealthy goings-on in the country since recent years, we feel there is a need for children to be taught under a unified and singular schooling system with only Bahasa Malaysia as its medium of instruction.

It may be, as you said, that "Malays will always be Malays, Chinese will always be Chinese, so on and so forth" but I'm not sure whether we should be proud of "that what makes us so different and unique." We want a Bangsa Malaysia and by the time a true one has evolved, we want everybody to be identified as Malaysians. It is to a certain extent true that "it was this diversified culture that made this country Malaysia in the first place". All Malaysians need to have a proper perspective of the development of this land of ours since its very beginning. Hence the importance of appreciating history based on actual and factual records. I also think we should not think of diversity in order to achieve unity. I don't think the catch phrase "unity in diversity" means anything more than an empty slogan. Personally I think it's not even logical. We need to find ways to get Malaysians to think as one people, respect the Constitution, be loyal to and fight for the country. One sure way is through a unified and singular education system.

As to your question "Why do we still need to fight for things that have already been enshrined in the Constitution, for things that our forefathers had sacrificed so much for?", I think all of us at Demi Negara, and many other Malaysians out there, have been asking the very same thing for a long, long time. When you realise that there are people who do not respect the Constitution, ranging from not wanting to use the Bahasa Kebangsaan to not respecting the Sultan, the answer is quite clear. I'm glad that you have voiced your support, I trust you have signed the petition asking for a review of the education system etc, and I hope you would persuade others to do the same. Best wishes.

P.S: Before this comment is submitted, that of my colleague, satD, appeared on the screen. It shows our keeness on the proposal and responsible comments that need clarifications are always responded to.


Greetings. A short note to this already lengthy comment. Nobody should laugh at what you've written. Paranoia is fear without any valid reason; you do have reasons to think the way you do. There definitely are subversives in the country. I think our authorities are keeping track of them, like they always do. As we are not privy to the details, I suggest we leave those matters to them. We'll just ask the Government to seriously consider our proposal based on established facts and arguments. Best wishes.


Unknown said...

To Munshi

These are anecdotal evidence that leads to UNEASE.

My apologies for listing form. Will try to elaborate when time permits.

NEP is challenged openly

Republic – Sultan as symbols only

English, Mandarin to be promoted over BM - economic value

Silence of Azan, Namewee Rap, multilingual signboards (teresa kok)

“Chinese” woman in lockup – apology to China

Special Rights – social contract ‘rubbished’

999 land for Chinese

The birth of Hindraf

Chin Peng suddenly a Hero

UMNO started 13 May 1969 - book

Lack of Strict Implementation – official biz done in all languages, no need for BM (zazaland)

Minority rules (economic power) – leads to apartheid

Citizenship test – what language?

Alan said...
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Alan said...
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Alan said...
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Anonymous said...


One simple question...

When you mentioned "Ketuanan Rakyat" and ask to think twice, which Rakyat are saying? Rakyat Malaysia or Bangsa Cina dan Bangsa India?

If you are sincere as Rakyat Malaysia, this should not be an issue.

After all, if let say the "Ketuanan Rakyat" play from Pakatan is so true, should they support any attempt to unify RAKYAT MALAYSIA?

So, which Ketuanan Rakyat are you referring to? Ketuanan Rakyat Malaysia (beyond any political boundaries) or "Ketuanan Rakyat" Pakatan Rakyat? Rakyat of which? Malaysian or Pakatan's?

~ OnDaStreet

Anonymous said...

Munshi, you said:
"Upholding Bahasa Melayu (or shouldn’t we call it Bahasa Malaysia?) and make it the medium of instructions in education is unquestionable as it has already been written in the Constitution. But we need to do more than just one single national school to unite the entire population. We need to change our ways of thinking and perspective. We need to look beyond skin colour, religion, races, and culture and regard fellow citizens as Malaysians; not as Malays, Chinese, Indians, or any other racial groups."It is undeniably true that language is one of ways and means to unify Bangsa Malaysia. One more way is "Education". Having ONE SCHOOL, this will enable social intergration. Of course it will be hardly happen overnight, but soon enough it will. With they mingling around from the start, would this will help them and us in changing our ways of thinking and perspectives?Ini belum apa-apa dah tak boleh. Kalau macam ni, nak buat apa-apa pun tak boleh.

Believe me, if this "tak boleh" attitude, any such good cause, all cannot be done.

Satu Sekolah is for a good cause, towards for the betterment of Bangsa Malaysia.

You don't want all this race issue to surface, but when it comes to unify BANGSA MALAYSIA, ini tak boleh, itu tak boleh.

Take this a one step of building and moulding better BANGSA MALAYSIA. At least rather than having no steps at all.

~ OnDaStreet

Freddie Kevin said...

Dear kijangmas,

I fully support this clarion calling.

I chanced upon your blog via JMD.

Please allow me this opportunity a query upon your good self which is not related to this topic.

This is in reference to your article

I am a Catholic and realise that you have been aggrieved, however I found your article highly critical and malicious towards my religion, the intention of the article notwithstanding.

While all of us will find some degree of resentment towards the action of groups of affiliation whether social, religious or political, one should not directly ridicule and disparage another persons religious belief.

You have punished the sons for the for the sins of their fathers.

My query is whether you are the type of person you had suggested yourself to be i.e. intolerant,
cognitive in the article.

I respectfully hope that you are not offended, in the manner or the term used, for which I have posed this query because it was not my intention to do so.

I humbly and truly seek your reply to my query for my repose.

I admire your punctilious skills and wide knowledge on issues as evidenced in your articles but found this particular article in stark contrast to what you severally espouse.

I am also linking your blog to mine with your kind permission.

For what its worth, I am not in agreement and find no justification (whatever the intention) in the action of my Church in this matter, which was the basis of your article.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

What you asked for is fair enough.

Tarik balik Bumi Status and the non Bumis also tarik balik their citizenship status.

Will definitely see that SATU BAHASA SATU BANGSA SATU NEGARA run smoothly and efficiently for the benefit of ALL MALAYSIANS..



Anonymous said...

After approved, I noticed this particular comment to Munshi was wrngly should be:

Munshi, you said:
"Upholding Bahasa Melayu (or shouldn’t we call it Bahasa Malaysia?) and make it the medium of instructions in education is unquestionable as it has already been written in the Constitution. But we need to do more than just one single national school to unite the entire population. We need to change our ways of thinking and perspective. We need to look beyond skin colour, religion, races, and culture and regard fellow citizens as Malaysians; not as Malays, Chinese, Indians, or any other racial groups."

It is undeniably true that language is one of ways and means to unify Bangsa Malaysia. One more way is "Education". Having ONE SCHOOL, this will enable social intergration. Of course it will be hardly happen overnight, but soon enough it will. With they mingling around from the start, would this will help them and us in changing our ways of thinking and perspectives?Ini belum apa-apa dah tak boleh. Kalau macam ni, nak buat apa-apa pun tak boleh.


Just to add up, I supposed my simple stand is this. This proposal is one way in moulding better Bangsa Malaysia. At relatively young age, anak-anak Malaysia akan belajar dalam satu sekolah yang menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan.

If we are sincerely Malaysians, we should support any kind of unifying. After all, both political coalition (Barisan and Pakatan) shouts unity Rakyat. They shout for their political ideology.

This proposal shouts for Malaysians to have one school so that our kids will create better Malaysia.

We have seen how divided schools have made us.. if we are truly Malaysians and can live with 1 SKs and 2 SJKs, we would not have been in this state.

Let the kids mingle around without any political influence or ideology. Let them be a very truly better Malaysians.

As I said in my blog - "Sekolah bukan gelanggang sepak terajang politik".

So why must we make it as one?

~ OnDaStreet

Anonymous said...


I note that you have acknowledged the special position of the Malays (Bumi policy or NEP) being provided for in the Constitution.

But you said, ".. i'm sure well-educated Bumi sense the problem of this policy. This is a privileged policy to certain group of people. If you like history, you will understand the result of this policy - it created social disunity." I'm not sure what you meant and who you meant.

Educated Bumi know the problem of NEP being that of bad implementation. Because of money politics, corruption and cronyism, many ordinary Bumis have not tasted the real benefits of NEP. If you meant this, then the problem, dear Alen, is not the policy, but its implementation. If some branches are rotting, treat those branches (beri ubat) but don't cut the whole tree. The environment (all around) will go sour if that is done.

The NEP has brought considerable criticisms among the Bumis themselves but it has not created "social disunity".

If you are implying that the disunity is among the racial groups, then it is still a matter of some people not accepting and respecting the Constitution and the Social Contract. Come on, Alen. There must be give and take. It must work both ways. It cannot be a case of only one community giving and the other always taking.

Long Jaafar found tin in Larut in 1848. He gave opportunities to Chinese in Penang to make money on tin mining in Larut. There was no technology transfer or teaching the Malays recorded anywhere in history; many Chinese became rich. Now, don't say the Malays were lazy, didn't learn the business, could not become rich. The Malays can say it was because the Chinese towakys brought secret societies and gangsters competing for control over leased mining lands and this kind of talk can lead to long and unpleasant arguments not conducive to bringing about national unity.

The Malays had very little education, the British colonialists built schools mainly in the towns where the Chinese lived and benefitted. With education and capital from tin mines, rubber, gambling, lottery and other businesses, the Chinese were in control of the economy by Merdeka time. But they had no citizenship at that time. That's the time when Malay and non-Malay leaders agreed that the Chinese be given citizenship and the Malays be given a special position to help them progress, and these were written into the Constitution. So, don't begrudge the Malays for having NEP. If you want them to drop NEP, are you prepared to drop your citizenship? Remember, that was "the consideration" of the "Social Contract", the quid pro quo, as some might call it. So, this kind of talk will again not lead to a situation good for national unity.

Tun Tan Siew Sin had said that the Malays have been "generous enough", agreeing to non-Malay citizenship and relaxing the rules for the issue of citizenship documents. Until now the Malays have been asking for only 30% of corporate wealth, not counting other forms of wealth. And please remember, they are not asking it to be given free - only the opportunity to make that wealth, and not taking the wealth of the non-Malays - only preference in getting new contracts and projects as a slice of the economic cake. And the non-Malays still have the other slice of the cake. So, why begrudge the Bumis? I can write very lengthy arguments to justify the NEP but suffice to say that it's your turn now to "give" a little - in terms of allowing the Bumis the opportunity to make money; the Bumis are not asking you to give your money.

You also said, ".. it will hurt the privileged group itself. Privileged group need less effort than other group, so it created a feeling for some people in privileged group - Oh, we are privileged group, country will take care of me. No need so hard-working la~" You are implying the Malays will get lazy as a result of NEP. This is wrong and unfair for you to say. You might have heard this kind of propaganda from irresponsible people and the Malays will certainly not like it.
The Malays of to day are far, far different from the Malays before Merdeka when very few were educated, hardly had any knowledge of business, didn't know even how to exploit opportunities. Thanks to NEP, they now know much more than before. If you think hard about it, it is in the interest of the non-Malays that the NEP goes on until the Malays have reached a level playing field. You should know that business people always want peace and stability for doing business. Come on la, Alen, apart from that, the Chinese benefit a lot from the contracts and projects the Malays got. And the Chinese and Indians got contracts and projects in their own names, too.

There must be respect for the constitution, there must be goodwill, there must be give and take in order to create an environment conducive to the birth of a united, strong and cohesive Bangsa Malaysia. With lengthy explanations already given, I sincerely hope you will accept that statement.


Alan San Peng said...

Heh heh fren Alan, I soooo luv u.

Alan, Alan said, "Before talk Satu Bahasa, please drop all Bumi policy. Start a petition for this now eh? Action please."

We say, " Alan and all Alans, before talk anything, please drop all citizenship and signs of Malaysiaship. Start a petition for this now eh? Action please."

Keith said...

"Also we need to open up uITM and MARA and the Maktab sains Asramas to Chinese and Indians and to all Malaysian Citizens as well. We need to open up more than 10% to ensure proper integration among students. A good number would be 55%."

My mistake and I apologize.

The more I think about it, the more I feel there should be no quotas to begin with. Of course there should be some method of ensuring racial composition is kept without lowering standards.

However, my question still stands. If we are to promote this one schooling system (which I am 100% behind), then we also have to un-shackle ourselves from this behavior of cultural superiority and cultural entitlement.

Your race does not define your entitlement or your superiority in the academic world. In fact people who resort to race belong in the dump-yards of intelligentsia.

If we are to have a schooling system, with education and NATIONAL INTEGRATION as top priorities, we need a UNIVERSAL schooling system that doesn't discriminate and doesn't segregate.

That applies equally to vernacular schools as it does for MARA. You can't 'champion' integration at schools, if you insist that the best and brightest Malay minds go to schools were the racial composition is 90% Malay. That just isn't consistent.

I guess, what I'm trying to understand is why the fuss over opening up MARA to non-malays?

Lipan Bara said...

Makhlok bernama Alan ini is not the person on whom we can reason with. He is out to grab all as his. He is out to deny what has been apportioned to others and hell bent on adding everything to what has been given to him. He will take and never give. He and his kind is not suitable in a society of give and take. Malaysia is a society of berlebih kurang. Alan and friends have overstayed their welcome.

His denies the constitution. So we deny his right as a citizen. He is lawless. He is a barbarian. He is a caveman. He is not fit for a berlebih kurang society. His qualification for such a society is withdrawn.

He demands the rule of the fittest be applied in the country indiscriminately .. simply because his culture is superior .. others are inferior. In other words he wants the law of the jungle. Hey Alan a/l Tarzen, get back to your Jane and Tantor.

He demands for the abolition of the Bumi privilege. This Tanah Melayu and its Tuan Tanah had sacrificed its air muka and harga diri in in return for his free citizenship status, back in 1957 . He failed to keep his end of the bargain. So semua pintu sudah tutup. Bot pancung sedia menunggu. Dengan segala sukacita sila baliklah ka tongsan.

Erniceda said...

Keith said,

"You can't 'champion' integration at schools, if you insist that the best and brightest Malay minds go to schools were the racial composition is 90% Malay."

Why so much fuss for you, Keith? Singapore has many such schools and there were Malays who were refused entry because they were Malays ...One time, a Malay man was told that he could not send his child to a particular government aided school because the Malays had madrasahs ...what a stupid reason that was, you agree with me? ...Did we make a fuss, tantrums because of that? Have you ever heard that we, the minorities demand this, demand that in Singapore? Wake up lah, Keith...Give and take sikit, then there will be social justice, you can't take all portions of the pie and eat them too....

As a Malay in Singapore I had no qualms about not having a Malay 'SJK' in my country, I don't see any reason why you (and your likes) can't 'sacrifice' for the sake of unity .....

The least thing you guys can do as Malaysians is to give a chance to the future generations of your country to mingle and understand each other in the National Language.

Keith said...

"Why so much fuss for you, Keith? Singapore has many such schools and there were Malays who were refused entry because they were Malays ...One time, a Malay man was told that he could not send his child to a particular government aided school because the Malays had madrasahs ...what a stupid reason that was, you agree with me? "

Sorry, refusing entry to a school because of the child's race is ultimately stupid and ridiculous.

I fail to see how an injustice in Singapore should be corrected by an injustice in Malaysia.

This isn't about the Malaysian schooling system fixing the injustice for the Malay Populace in Singapore.

This is about having a single integrated schooling system in MALAYSIA, that does not discriminate against anyone. Where our children go to schools with proper racial composition so they are exposed to a racial diversity.

There is a cognitive dissonance between having a single universal schooling system for Malaysian children and at the same time maintaining a separate (and better) schooling system for Malay students in the form of MARA and Maktab Sains.

The purpose of this post was, QUOTE "I don’t see any other way to forge national integration, national unity, to instill a sense of commonality of purpose and a sense of shared destiny except to vigorously push for a streamlined, singular School System for ALL Malaysians"

Now Explain how MARA, where the vast majority are Malay fit into this explanation?

Anonymous said...

As a non-bumi or malay who studied in a national school, i think its a great idea, provided Chinese,Tamil,etc can be taken as an elective.

I must however state that this plan will only help attain national unity to a certain level.

From the view of a non-bumi, how can a non-bumi feel a sense of unity if our bumi brothers get special treatment as stated in the constitution.

Im not questioning the special rights. i can get on without it. just giving my two cents worth


Sabahan 69

the bee said...

Tongkang said,

"Tarik balik Bumi Status and the non Bumis also tarik balik their citizenship status."

I agree 200%. So, when are we going to implement this?

Erniceda said...

Omong said,

"Minority rules (economic power) – leads to apartheid"

Well, not only apartheid, but it will lead to chaos and anarchy; it is a no-go. No, not me, I did not say that ....It was LKY who said that many years ago ...

Kama At-Tarawis said...

KM, I'm with you 1000%. if you need an extra hand, I'm available to assist. Plse organise buat stickers (for cars etc).. I can't wait to see the logo on the streets..


Erniceda said...

Keith said,

"I fail to see how an injustice in Singapore should be corrected by an injustice in Malaysia."

No, it wasn't meant to solve the injustices, but, just as a comparison between the 2 countries. At least you have other perpectives whan Malays become a minority.

As a Singaporean, I can't "talk" for Malaysians obviously.

Have a good day.

satD said...


Do you know what MRSM or Sekolah Berasrama Penuh is all about?

Lets start with Sekolah Berasrama Penuh....admission is based on what u get for ur UPSR or during my time Penilaian Darjah 5....and yes it is Multicultural albeit a small percentage of Non Bumi....the number of SBP outnumbers MRSM and is located throughout the country.

Its curriculum is British based end of semester exam kinda thing...Mara on the other hand operates more like the American Model with regular exams(monthly) with course work and use the GPA approach....

Both are boarding school...typical day would be like this...

1. Wake Up for Prayers
2. Sports Activity
3. Makan
4. Start School
5. Go to Dewan Makan (for break)
6 Continue Class
7. Lunch
8. Break up till 2PM
9. Go for PREP (just sit in class and pretend to study)
10. Sports activity or just chill out and do nothing
11. Diner and Prayers
12. PREP again up till 10PM
13. Break for supper
14. Lights Out.....

On saturday there is the extracurricular activities...n basuh baju time...continue till sunday....can go out to town once every 2 weeks....this goes on week after week after week...

All these kids have no parents around and is monitored by Lazy Wardens and Blardy go figure mate....if u ask me I would rather be close to my kids at that age.....

As for the quality of teachers and the method of teaching....coming from my own personal experiences of being in MRSM n Sekolah Asrama(the top tier)....NOTHING great la...

On your repeated concern on access to MRSM.....have u read the Constitution and the corresponding Akta Majlis Amanah Rakyat 1966 dude?

Oh one more thing...the Total number of Vernacular School in Malaysia is GREATER THAN the number of MRSM+ SBP?...So how now Keith?

Phonont said...

MRSMs and SBPs fit into the forging of Bangsa Malaysia by having the National Language as a medium of intruction, unlike SJKs which use bahasa asing. Period.

BaganSPU said...

Wake up ! Are you dreaming...zzzZZZ

Let's think the other way round.

If this Bolehland is Cinaland, are you willingly send all your childrens to Cinaland National Schools ?

I prefers Jawi school instead.

Alan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nimalan said...

Let's face it, facts are facts. The aim of having one school should be to integrate Malaysians, not to preserve the power of Malays, or control the arrogance of non-Malays , or make BM the only language in Malaysia. It should purely be to integrate Malaysians.

With that in mind I make the bold claim, to abolish Moral studies and Islam studies as main subjects in school, replace them with Chinese and Tamil language classes for all and close down ALL vernacular schools,MARA and PBS etcc, any schools which clearly discriminate by race. I'll even go so far as to say that MCKK should be open to all what more UITM.

Whose with me? If you aren't tell me why

Anonymous said...


A second look at your comments on 17 May shows that at 8:50 am you asked the NEP be dropped, at 9:09 am you acknowledged that the Constitution allows for NEP, and at 9:29 am you opposed the NEP again. You appear to have changing views about every 20 minutes. From one opposite end to the other, three times in a matter of less than 1 hour. Despite saying earlier that you "appreciated the effort of Demi Negara". Are you the kind of Malaysians we should have for national unity? Are you the kind of people we should have in this country?

I have earlier, in good faith, explained sufficienntly long the justifications for the NEP. I wonder if it's worth explaining things to people like you. But I will make one final attempt to get you to understand - this time about your reference to US and saying, "Those country got bumi policy? No, All people are start at the same line. Very fair, very "reasonableness".

You want to compare Malaysia with US. Are you not being plainly unreasonable? Despite being told, and having acknowledged, that the Malaysian Constitution has the Malays' special position written in it after agreement among the Malay and non-Malay leaders at Merdeka? Why didn't you compare it with China, for example? I suppose it's because you know that in Communist China you will not get what you are getting in Malaysia. So you chose anything convenient for you to say, anything as long as you can get what you want. It seems to me that people like you will oppose no matter what, irrespective of the number and the kind of explanations given. There's no reasonableness. It's no good to be Malaysian like this, Alen. We want reasonable people as Malaysians to help foster goodwill and unity in this country.


You appear to be a reasonable man. You admit a mistake and apologise. Assuming it's sincere, we accept it. And may I now try to explain a few things to you.

You said, " If we are to promote this one schooling system (which I am 100% behind), then we also have to un-shackle ourselves from this behavior of cultural superiority and cultural entitlement." Keith, there is no such thing as cultural superiority. It's only one fellow who conceived of the so-called "Malaysian Malaysia" concept a long time ago (now emulated by the remnants of his group in this country) who once said the Malays have no culture - his kind are the ones who try to talk about cultural superiority. Yet, if you read the book by Prof. C.P Fitzgerald, "China: A Short Cultural History" ("short" but 600+ pages), you will find that it might not be as great as the "Malaysian Malaysia" theorist might think. If you go by the universal definition of culture i.e the sum total of the experiences of a community. (Btw, there are over 100 anthropological and sociological definitions of culture).

What we are talking about is not cultural superiority. We are talking about the facts of history. You have to accept the fact that this land has been called Tanah Melayu since even before the Sri Vijaya time, the Chinese Emperors even recognised
the Malacca Sultanate and Empire, the Portuguese, the Dutch and the British dealt with the Malays as the Tuan Tanah when they first appeared on our shores. So, we say the fact that we are the Tuan Tanah since ancient times should be recognised and respected. The British colonialists who stayed here for over 100 years since their Singapore and Penang days recognised and acknowledged that. (Incidentally, Stamford Raffles lost one shipload of Malay books and manuscripts when his ship burnt on the way to England and Malay historical and cultural records suffered as a result.) So, those who came to this Tanah Melayu, like the British did, should respect the Malay culture and the Malay ways - we don't talk about a superior culture and such things. But we do say that all Malaysian citizens must know the history of this country since ancient times and must respect and accept the real facts of history, not the attempt to re-write history by, for example, glorifying the terrorist organisation called the Malayan Communist Party.

Your other point, about MARA etc. This is a part of the NEP which was promulgated under Article 153 of the Constitution - the special position of the Malays that was in exchange for citizenship rights for the non-Malays agreed by the Malay and non-Malay leaders at Merdeka. A very basic argument is: since the citizenship right is permanent, why can't the NEP be permanent? But a refined argument is: the rationale for the "Social Contract" between the Malay and non-Malay leaders at Merdeka, for promulgating the NEP, is still valid and continues to be valid. There needs to be peace and stability in the country for business people, and for all Malaysians. When the wealth of the country is no longer identified by race (the rationale for the NEP - the gist of the White Paper published when introducing the NEP), it will create an atmosphere conducive to peace, stability and national unity. Mind you, you have been controlling economic power and we are now asking only 30% of corporate wealth (no mention of other forms of wealth).

And on the education sector - which is the other matter discussed and agreed among our leaders at Merdeka - we need that special position as well. When you start asking that we give that up, some Malays have also started asking whether you are prepared to give up citizenship. After all, citizenship is the consideration or the quid pro quo for the Malay special position. Please remember that Tun Tan Siew Sin had said that the malays have been "generous enough", not only agreeing to citizennship for the non-Malays at Merdeka but also relaxing citizenship rules after Merdeka. Recently the Malays have been generous again by giving 10% quota for MARA. You should not be asking for more and more and instead try to give us something back for that 10% and such things.

This "Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua" proposal should not be linked with the NEP. This is a matter of national unity, the forging of a united, strong and cohesive Bangsa Malaysia for lasting peace and stability of our country. Towards that end, it's also a matter of Bahasa Melayu (the terminology used at Merdeka later designated as Bahasa Kebangsaan and Bahasa Resmi) that's written in the Constitution which all Malaysian citizens must respect.

Again another lengthy comment. I hope you'll appreciate the explanations given. Best wishes.


Anonymous said...


After reading through your article and the responses on the blog here, I would like to share some of the thoughts that went through my mind.

Your vision of having one school for all has its noble intention, which is unity for all Malaysians.

With my simple mind, I observe that the issue brought up is that of many non Malays being not fluent in BM, lack of usage of BM among the non Malays and also the lack of intermingling of the races, especially among the younger generation.

I don't fully agree with that . There are many non Malays (the younger generations, excluding those drop outs from schools) have a fairly good mastery of BM.

To me besides the issue of mastery of BM which I believe can be easily solved by increasing the hours and method of teaching of BM in SRJKs , the question of intermingling of the races is more complex and not that clear cut.

My children are all enroled in SK and mind you , they went through a lot of harassment form the Malay Children. They are the only two Chinese in the SK which has a student population of some 700 students.

Just like the name callings that appear in this blog (what is most apalling here is the bloggers seems well educated). Every so often there would be someone who say things like (in a derogatory way " CIna babi, Cina makan babi" ,jahanam cina, etc etc.

Many a time , I wondered to myself , wouldn't it be better for me to enrol my children in SRJKs ?.

Now that one of my son is in SMK, he still have problems from some of the Malay students who still are hurling similar taunts at him , though he speaks good BM .

This has caused him to drift away from the Malays in his school and gravitates towards the non Malays in his school.

This brings me to the question of "forging unity through BM".

I don't deny that as Malaysians, it is imperative that all can communicate in BM, but will that really bring about unity ?.

I have read of how in Indonesia (some time back) where there was a move to resettled some of the people to other areas which is less densely populated, there were unrest too though all speak the same BI fluently.

To my simple, less sophisticated mind , though mastery of a single language is important for national identity and for communication purposes, by itself it does not ensure unity.

To me, another very important ingredient is TOLERANCE for each other.

We have seen how in Pakistan, where lack of tolerance has resulted in hatred and violence amongst them.

How wide a circle of friends, can a person have ?. Even of the same race ?.

So , for those who are not our friends, be it our countrymen or foreigners , we get along because of tolerance for each other. This is basically what happens in general.

Like one of the blogger have said, how a Chinese will say he is a Chinese Malaysian and an Indian will say he is Indian Malaysian.

Yesterday, I took my son to make his IC and in the form under Bangsa, I was asked to tick my bangsa. Many a times, I was tempted to write Malaysian but it would not be acceptable. Now , whose fault is it ?.

From what are see, it is a complex issue involved here are it would take wisdom and understanding,patience and tolerance to solve.

Matters are further aggravated when it is perceived that the govt is selective in helping the less fortunate .

Many Malays impetuously jump to the defence of NEP forgetting that the original objective of this noble policy was the eradication of poverty amongst all Malaysians. This definitely include the Malays but of course should not be to the exclusion of the non Malays.

Until one can see that policies are made for a category of people and not based on race or religion, can there gradually evolve a sense of oneness for all Malaysians.

In my simple mind, I feel that even with all speaking the same language, animosities can still exist if there is no TOLERANCE.


Anonymous said...


MRSM is the best experience I ever went through.

Great system, greatest teachers, great syllabus, great extra was the BEST experience ever.


And why the hell kena apologise OR EXPLAIN? Ni tanah melayu, lantakla nak buat special school untuk anak2 melayu! hak termaktub, just like the "bastions" of "bloodlusty" democracy, US and France etc...apa kita nak long as the others have their own opportunities too (BUT within the national interest framework)

thank you.


Alan San Peng said...

Alan … alaaahai Alan oooi. “But what i sense is - most non-Malay will say NO.”

Heh heh. Tell me something we don,t know. How many Edn. Reports were there since merdeka? .. the Rahman Report, The Razak Report, etc… and lastly the Sekolah Wawasan idea? What happened? They don’t want it. Some people said no. Not all. Some ‘special’ people.

Those Edn Reports were designed long ago so that the present generations are not as devided and fragmented as to-day. So that less and less people are on the street sowing distrust and hatred.

We are starting fresh so that our children do not suffer the same level of distrust as we do.

So far what have you (the product of this shit of a policy of Diverse Edn. System) been talking about?

You talked about Malay privileges .. and you twist it in such a way that it sounds ugly and vicious. Now you are talking about erasing it. Itu sudah cakap kasar tu.

You cakap kasar and expect the other side to cakap lembut? Ondastreet and Sepadu can. But sadly no all are Sepadus or Ondastreet.

It was you who gave it (those Malay keistemewaan) to us in the first place. You promised us it is for us and that you would respect it, because we gave you kerakyatan for free. Fair enough because there is give and take there … there is berlebih kurang among brothers as Lipan Bara puts it. You by your kelecek of words and phrases mean to tarik balik this keistimewaan. Macam ini kaloooo saya bersetuju malahan sokong pendirian Lipan Bara to tarik balik kelayakan kerakyatan kamu dan petualang-petualang lain.

The reason is simple. There is no more brotherhood between us. You hate us and made us out as your nemesis. You take yours back so we take ours back.

You claim to come here to “We all come here to discuss our beloved country,”. But what have you been talking about so far? You have been talking about what is it for you. You are talking about YOU. We are talking about our children 50 years from now.

Who is interested in talking about Alan The Menace keep your hands down. Who is interested in talking about our children keep your hands up.

See Alan The Menace? They all raised their hands in both counts.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen, now let’s line up to sign the petition. The people up there may or may not like it .. but we are sure as heaven our future generation would love us with every drop of their blood.

emilio said...

I have also been wondering ever since I was small why we need to have different language channels on the radio. I say off with the Chinese, Indian, Orang Asli and English stream, only Bahasa Kebangsaan will do. You don't find that in the UK, US,China,India...only lots of different channels catering to multifarious preference of songs and formats but all in the National Language.

Tommy Yewfigure said...

I was moved by Cenderawasih comments (May 15 3.03pm). It’s kind of sad that she/he missed out the opportunity to mingle with kids from other races. Unker was fortunate in a sense that I had a life fulfilling childhood having lived & experienced 3 different cultures and I’ll put it on record that there’s no regrets at all & I wouldn’t had wished for another better life than that. It really did made me a better person.

There was no question that I would be enrolled in a SK, even though SJKC was available then, mind you the first thing that concerned my parents were the school academic standards & discipline records. This SK passed with flying colours. We had teachers from all races, even a few orang putih teachers who’s our Rugby & Cricket coach as well. Anyway the students all get along very well, no talk about politics, religions or ethnicities, every student are treated equally. We shared everything, showered together after games, comparing sizes, made fun of our cut & uncut manhood, shared a joint after school, camping together, swimming by the creeks/beaches. Played sports together, football, rubgy, sepak takraw, badminton, bola hentam etc..After school hours, we were jamming to music, played carum whilst flipping thru’ ‘girlie’ magazine. Wag school to watch movies, ahhh those were the days. But all in all, we turned out very successful adults in our own ways.

We were having great fun, each sensitive, mindful & respectful of each other religion & cultural beliefs. We celebrated all festivities together, I had experience fasting & had buka puasa feasting with my malay friends’ family. CNY, my parents would have open house for the neighbours, we engaged the local malay restaurant pakchik to cater for all makan, even hire the local satay pakchik so that’s no problem with halal food requirements. Apo would have his 7-Up, satD wud have his Kickapoo Joy Juice, sepada wud have his F&N sarsi, KM wud have his Green Spot orange juice & they don’t mind when Krishnan has a little bit of Johnny Walker with his Pepsi & Ah Kow wud have his Anchor beer.

Of course, I’m supportive of this petition so that the present batch of kids are to be given a chance to share those happy fulfilling moments I had. My concern is whether the current batch of Malay kid are able to accept the other races cultural beliefs differences and not see them as infidels, tainted because they consume pork, alcohol, gambling etc.. We are not perfect but these pastimes are not deem illegal as yet. To have a good start up for this one school system, I hope the Malay kids are prepare to see the others kids as equal & not as second class citizens. (No screaming, shouting & harping about your special rights, u know I know, ok lah).

Oh I do have Chinese Language tuition after school & weekends, but sad to say I’d fail to fully grasp the writing part tho I can still hold a decent conversation in Mandarin. Cie la vie.


Unker Tommy

P/S – Hi Puteri, come in here oso tak kirim salam to Tommy, how come? Hey where got 1000% one, I tot 100% is the max oreadi. Tun Fatimah Girls’ School tot u like that one kah? …hehe..

Wah sepadu, u being a very busy boy. No lah where got unker go red light district. Casino ok what since they give me free food & accommodation.

Anonymous said...

Hallo JC,

(KijangMas, with your kind permission, i must set something straight, something brought up by this CNN-diet jc-fella, I just HATE people armed with wrong information and stupidity spreading more lies)


Masalah Pakistan bukan sebab "non-tolerance"...Pakistan is in turmoil sebab itu bloody British created/separated the peoples by forced boundaries...the problems in Pakistan and Afghan are not because of intolerance...they are because of CAMPURTANGAN ORANG ASING aka orang kapiak/kafir.

The primary cause of the growing rebellion in Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) is the US war in Afghanistan, which is rapidly spreading into Pakistan. Most Pakistanis see the Afghan Taliban and their own rebellious Pashtun as heroes fighting western domination, and scorn their own isolated leaders in Islamabad as working for the Yankee dollar.

Equally, the Pashtun tribes of NWFP were guaranteed total autonomy in 1947; Pakistan’s army was formally excluded from the Pashtun tribal region. Washington has pressured Islamabad into violating this basic provision of Pakistan’s constitution by sending troops and warplanes into the independent tribal region.

Even the British Imperial Raj’s most junior officer knew it was foolhardy to provoke warlike Pashtun. But Washington has done just this. Still, the Pashtun "Taliban" have no influence outside their Northwest Frontier and are not about to take over the rest of Pakistan.

But Washington’s ham-handed tactics in Afghanistan and Pakistan are creating a bigger storm: a national revolution in Pakistan against the western-backed feudal oligarchy that has ruled it since 1947.


Alan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alan said...

Alan San Peng,

The idea is good. The purpose is good. But i just think this is not feasible. You never know how Chinese love their own language. They feel proud of it, because Malaysia has the most mature Chinese education system outside of China & Taiwan. So, they feel grateful for Malay's great leader, they feel happy to be ruled by Malay-only PM, they wanna be brother & sister with Malay, they finally, think Malaysia is their ONLY homeland, they love to live in this land. So i sincerely, oppose this idea, and love the idea to improve the weakness of BM teaching in current Chinese School.


satD said...


I went to 2 MRSM and 1 SBP and that was my personal experience. Then again not everyone have the same experience. Neither do i try to generalize the whole system nor apologize for being a part of it..just my own personal opinion......and if you were to do a Gap Analysis of the Standard Sekolah Menengah Vs MRSM/SBP the biggest component is the "boarding" part..other than that not much.....

jc said

"I have read of how in Indonesia (some time back) where there was a move to resettled some of the people to other areas which is less densely populated, there were unrest too though all speak the same BI fluently."

Key word here is RESETTLEMENT sponsored by the Government, Yes the policy failed miserably because of Unemployment factors and The Geographical Land fertility issue. Most of the resettled folks came from Madura and Java two of the most densely populated area but have very fertile land. The relocation areas were less fertile and was also suffering from high unemployment. What the project did was passing the problem from Java/Madura to other parts of the country and at the same time increase the economic competition of natives from the area. Compound that with the cultural diversity of Indonesia and the in your face social system practiced by the Madurese..that was a policy doomed from the outset....most of the resettled folks migrated back to Java n Madura as they are unable to plan their crops nor fit into the local custom

It has nothing to do with Language issue

PS: Unker how do u know i love kickapoo!!! spot on sir

John Cena said...

Haiyaa people, we are just going round in circles with this "Alan" fellow laaa.

In his SJKC-shaped mind, everything goes back to the NEP. It's like, "you want me to be a good citizen? Then drop the NEP." "You want me to (...isi isu sendiri...)? Then drop the NEP." Social blackmail ad infinitum.

Alan, or is it Ah Leong? You've made your point. We know now that your mindset makes you incapable of being a true Bangsa Malaysia. What is there to discuss? Thats why the memo to the MOE asked for compulsory Sejarah classes. Otherwise, more Alans will appear.

Go ahead and complain about the NEP till the end of time, but with or without your "approval", the SJKs will have to go. Period.

Anonymous said...

I feel sad for this Cina Totok named "Alan."

He is just a CINA first, second and third. "Malaysian" maybe 12th, after his affiliations with the clans, Nanyang groups, overseas Chinese triads and overseas Chinese dating clubs.

Let him have his SJKCs. But only thing is that it will be unconstitutional, and let his clansmen work around it like in Thailand and Indonesia and Australia and America.

*Totoks Are Forever*

Alan said...

John Cena & Anonymous,

Oppose "Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua" = incapable of being Bangsa Malaysia?

I come here to give my "alien" view. Let you understand how these alien think. You may think there's alot "aliens" exist in this country. So you feel uneasy and wanna remove it huh?

Sincerely thanks sepadu for explanation, i'm understand your stand.

Anonymous said...


KM is currently on one of his frequent travels. You sound like one of the reasonable Malaysians and may I try to give our side of the coin to you.

I agree with you 100% that, "another very important ingredient is TOLERANCE for each other... animosities can still exist if there is no TOLERANCE." But, my friend, how do we get that tolerance? As I said in an earlier comment, we can't get that just by wishing for it or one fine day deciding to have it. Tolerance is a willingness to accept realities, to try and re-think the validity of our grouses, to give and take. If you care to read my many lengthy comments on this post alone, you would see what I mean without me taking up additional space and cluttering the blog.

But may I, in brief, list them down here: accepting the history of our country from the very beginning, acknowledging the Social Contract entered into by our forefathers at Merdeka, accepting, abiding by and being loyal to the Constitution of the country. Non-acceptance of these breeds intolerance, don't you agree? And intolerance by those who don't accept the above breeds intolerance by the other party to the Social Contract. As a very clear example: there are a few who don't even acknowledge that there was a Social Contract, yet others who don't recognise that Bahasa Melayu and the Malay special position is written in the Consitution, and the irresponsible who flaunted their disrespect on the Sultan. Don't you think it's these kinds of things that produce the name-calling and racial slurs that you referred to. Let's not go into the justifiability of such things; I'm just explaining what had produced those responses.

You said, "... the govt is selective in helping the less fortunate .. forgetting that the original objective of this noble policy (NEP) was the eradication of poverty amongst all Malaysians." First, I think you need to substantiate the allegation or "perception". The onus is on you to do so as you are the one who brought it out here. This may be a case of intolerance being brought out by "perception" rather than fact. Secondly, the building of kampong homes for the poor are cases of the really hardcore poor, old folks and practically destitutes. You need to give evidence that the urban Chinese (the majority) are refused Welfare Dept help when requested and the resaons for the refusal.

No doubt, we are not a law court here but it is normal that those who air their grouses have to substantiate or prove their claims. On our part, we maintain that because of your control of wealth in this country, and the assistance for business, even farming and vegetable growing, by Clan and other Associations, the number of Chinese hardcore poor is negligible. We also maintain that those who are eligible for scholarships (also NEP) and other assistance are, in fact, being given.

There are many Chinese and Indian straight As students being given scholarships. I know one in a small town whose father owns a house, 12 acres of oil palm and 2 lorries. To the Malays, this is a fairly well-off family. Yet I told his father in all sincerity, good for his 7As daughter, for her family and for the country. Clearly then, your statement of NEP implementation is ".. to the exclusion of the non Malays" is not correct. But if you start talking about numbers, we can write yards about the many Malays who have not tasted the real benefits of the NEP, apart from perhaps the roads built in their kampongs - if those were under NEP! If you talk about the poor implementation of the NEP, I'll support you. If you talk about doing away with the concept or the policy, then Malays would ask how about non-Malay citizenship that was given in exchange for the Malays' special position. And intolerance will breed intolerance.

So, jc, for tolerance, national unity and a truly united, strong and cohesive Bangsa Malaysia, there should be acceptance of the historical facts of our country, acknowledgment of the Social Contract, respect for and abiding by the Constitution. Each and every country in this entire world would expect its citizens to respect, abide by and be loyal to the Constitution.

If the above are truly and genuinely accepted, there would be no question of give me what I want first and I'll be loyal to the country. J.F Kennedy said, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for the country." Let's all do what we can for the country. The least we can do is to respect and abide by the Constitution. The Constitution had been debated and passed by Parliament and is the highest set of laws in the country. There are no two ways about it.

I hope that, as a measure of your acceptance of the above, you would support this proposal to bring about a united Bangsa Malaysia through the Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua and sign the petition. Remember, when a truly united Bangsa Malaysia has emerged, I'm pretty sure the National Registration Dept would allow - even ask - you and your children to have "Bangsa Malaysia" written in your NRIC etc. Best wishes.


Anonymous said...

Masalah Pakistan bukan sebab "non-tolerance"...Pakistan is in turmoil sebab itu bloody British created/separated the peoples by forced boundaries...the problems in Pakistan and Afghan are not because of intolerance...they are because of CAMPURTANGAN ORANG ASING aka orang kapiak/kafir.


Pro Taliban, I am referring to the different mazahab that are killing it other such as bombing each other's mosque.

Isn't this problem due to lack of tolerance ?.

Please enlighten a simple minded person like me who is not so well read and could not see the essence of complex issues like what I perceive is happening in Pakistan between the different groups of muslims.


Cenderawasih said...

Taktik-taktik yang akan digunakan geng-geng anti Satu Sekolah adalah:

1)mempersoalkan hak untuk memilih,kebebasan, dan hak asasi manusia
2) kemudian bercakap seolah-olah bersetuju
3)persoalkan semula hak memilih,hak asasi manusia,dan kebebasan
4)menyatakan mereka menyokong dan menghormati perlembagaan
5)tiba-tiba dia suruh hapuskan NEP
6)meritokrasi,hak sama rata minta tu minta ni
7)sekali lagi menzahirkan sokongan terhadap perlembagaan
8)pusing dan putar semua kat atas beberapa kali,lagi banyak lagi bagus.
9)menyatakan bahawa mereka bersedia untuk melaksanakanya
10)ada yang tak setuju, nak runding semula
11)minta hak sama rata,kebebasan, dan hak asasi
12)mengumumkan kepentingan kaum mereka diutamakan
13)Persoalkan benda-benda yang tak berkaitan
14)pusing,jilat,putar, dan celup sebanyak mana yang boleh
15)runding lagi(memerhatikan reaksi pemimpin kerajaan dan mencari kesilapan)
16)putar ucapan atau kenyataan pemimpin kerajaan
17)ungkit pasal benda yang tah apa-apa.
18)Ugut apa-apa yang patut(macam kat lunas dulu,isu sekolah wawasan)
19)peram isu ni lama-lama, biar masam dan basi orang pun naik muak
20) runding lagi sampai semua orang pun nak termuntah
21)bagi pendapat bahawa cadangan ini bagus
22)hampir capai kata sepakat katanya
23)tiba-tiba timbulkan isu orang melayu cuba menghapuskan identiti meraka
24)ulang lagi langkah-langkah diatas
25)runding dah bincang lagi(tujuan : cari kesilapan dalam kenyataan orang kerajaan)
26)pusing dan putar sampai PRU pun dah dekat
27)buat modal pancing undi
28)tak setuju dan minta SRJK diteruskan, demi semangat malaysian malaysia dan masa depan yang lebih baik.
29)buat seperti biasa dan buat muka bodoh je(macam teresa kok buat semasa kes ketuk ketampi)

Ni la taktik mereka. Terbukti berkesan. Melalak dan menjerit kerajaan buli mereka kat media luar. Panjangkan isu supaya mudah bercakap berbelit-belit. Orang malaysia bukan ingat sangat apa dia cakap tahun lepas. Berlakon seolah-olah kerajaan kejam dan minta bukan2. Pokoknya panjangkan isu ini selama mungkin,lagi lama lagi senang putar.

Anonymous said...


I will support this wholeheartedly if it is part of a comprehensive policy to remove race from malaysian society.

This will mean no identification by race in any official documents starting with the birth certificate.

How about really making a difference KijangMas?


Alan said...

"One School for All" - English Version:

1. All school's instruction language is English. English is the only choice for all.

2. All students must take mother language subject and choice an option language subject (Chinese, Tamil, Malay...etc). So a Malay student must take BM class and optional choice another language, maybe he like Tamil, then can learn Tamil.

3. Speaking language in school must be English, so all races can mix together. Indian can speak Tamil to their India, but when this Indian wanna woo a Chinese girl, then he must speak English.

4. English become "social language", "business language" All races use English when shopping, doing business, mix with other race friends...etc.

5. English become "official language". All government document must use English and maybe use Malay/Chinese/Tamil as an assisting language.

6. Next 50 years, all of our children can speak English fluently, they are all race-blind, religion-blind.

"Alien"'s view.

John Cena said...

Alan demanded:-

"All school's instruction language is English. English is the only choice for all ... All students must take mother language subject and choice an option language subject (Chinese, Tamil, Malay...etc). So a Malay student must take BM class and optional choice another language, maybe he like Tamil, then can learn Tamil."

Waulaueh, you are in the wrong country lah Leng Chai. The above is Singapore. This is Malaysia.

Leng Chai, don't they teach you at SJKC Chung Hwa that Bahasa Malaysia is the OFFICIAL language? Why now same-same with Tamil, Cina, etc.? Lu apa belajar di itu SJKC? Ini benda asas pun tak tau ka?

You know Alan, the more you talk here, the more people can see why the SJKs must be abolished. You sudah balang losak maa.

Cenderawasih said...

Saya amat cemburu Unker Yew ada kawan dari pelbagai kaum. Saya gembira akhirnya Unker dapat tengok rupa toyol-toyol tu.hahaha.

Saya tak berpeluang, lagi bagus kalau kita dapat wujudkan peluang untuk generasi muda.

Sia-sia kita menasihati budak-budak untuk hidup bertoleransi, menghormati dan memahami kaum-kaum lain. Pada masa yang sama kita asingkan mereka dari awal-awal lagi.

Yang kita ajar jangan ponteng kelas,jangan mencuri, jangan merokok pun buat juga benda-benda tu. Inikan pula budak-budak yang tak pernah diajar bercampur. Bila besar disuruh bercampur dan saling menghormati antara satu sama lain. Nasihat terbangang di alam semesta yang pernah saya dengar.

Zazaland, saya pun pernah terfikir pasal tu. Prof ramasamy timb ketua menteri P Pinang adalah penyokong kuat LTTE.

Anonymous said...

Bahasa Rasmi Kebangsaan is Bahasa Malaysia. Not Bahasa Inggeris.Are you really respecting the Constitution? From my point of view, NO. You are still questioning, especially your May 18, 2009 5:10 PM' comments.

Are you really sincere being a Malaysian? Malaysian not Englishman. We have our won language to use - Bahasa Malaysia. Not proud of Bahasa Malaysia? Why want English as medium for all??

Oh lupa..patut tulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia.

Bahasa Rasmi Kebangsaan adalah Bahasa Malaysia, bukan Bahasa Inggeris.

Adakah anda betul-betul menghormati Perlembagaan atau tidak? Dari kaca mata saya, TIDAK. Terutama sekali komen awak pada "Mei 18, 2009 5:10 petang".


Sperkara lagi, saya masih tak dapat jawapan daripada awak.

Rujuk komen ini:
When you mentioned "Ketuanan Rakyat" and ask to think twice, which Rakyat are saying? Rakyat Malaysia or Bangsa Cina dan Bangsa India?

If you are sincere as Rakyat Malaysia, this should not be an issue.

After all, if let say the "Ketuanan Rakyat" play from Pakatan is so true, should they support any attempt to unify RAKYAT MALAYSIA?

So, which Ketuanan Rakyat are you referring to? Ketuanan Rakyat Malaysia (beyond any political boundaries) or "Ketuanan Rakyat" Pakatan Rakyat? Rakyat of which? Malaysian or Pakatan's?

Apa dia jawapan awak, Alan?

~ OnDaStreet

KijangMas said...

Greetings all.

I've been travelling. Hence, has not had a chance to respond to the many comments.

First things first.

Sdr. Rezuan Asrah, your probation's over. You are a full fledged DN Knight now. Sdr. Tembeleng will pass you the paperwork and the key to the DN Kickapoo cooler, unless of course my Bro satD whacked them all. Bro satD and Kembara will go through the details of your upcoming boot camp at PLKN Janda Baik. Pakcik Dal is the Commandant there. Pakcik, go easy on Zuan. Tak payah suruh selam cari baong. Zuan ada banyak lagi kerje IT DN tak siap. Harus pulang in one piece. Unless, of course, Sanap can ganti and do HTML and CSS codes between sips of his moonshine brew ...

More later ....

Alan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NJ said...

Salam Sejahtera semua,


I know that you always care. I thought I saw you as one of the earliest petitioner in the Kempen Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua. My millions of thanks for your support. You are that caring type even though you geletek sana, geletek sini.

Unker, just came back from my hometown, Kampung China. Met this countrywoman of mine, berketurunan China. Wah... very nice chit chatting in loghat Kelantan.


As I said earlier, we are not in "speaking term". We can go off tangent discussing other subjects, neither of us understand each other. Example, you asked to drop Bumi Policies, and you will get such reaction, calling you to drop your citizenship. That is very fair and square to me. But why go off tangent like this when we are not in "speaking term"?

Our skin colors, are not of our choice. Or did you choose your skin color? But I am sure that you have the ability to choose the language for us to be "on speaking term". I choose to let go my Melayu Jawi and use Bahasa Kebangsaan to be on "speaking term" with you. Would you choose to let go your "Chinese language" to be on speaking term with me? Would you choose Bahasa Kebangsaan?

Be Malaysian first by embracing the Rukun Negara & Perlembagaan. Then I say, you can have the right to champion your cause to further improve the element of the Perlembagaan. While you are championing your cause, abide by the existing rules which is the current Perlembagaan. No alien has any right to comment (in order to propose a change, like changing the official language of Malaysian) on the Perlembagaan Malaysia. Only Malaysian has that right.

Ever wonder why you feel being treated differently? Because you want to be different. You keep giving your many excuses, avoiding from becoming a true Malaysian. Sorry to say, but to me, you want to be chinese and that is Chinese national. I guess, that is why.

Anyway, we are not on speaking term. I am still waiting for you to take the first step to embrace Bahasa Kebangsaan, on this journey to become a true Malaysian.

So, the case is shelved.

Salam sejahtera,



Anonymous said...

1Malaysia. Malaysian Malaysia. Malaysia untuk Rakyat Malaysia. Semua yang kita idamkan ini boleh menjadi kenyataan jika kita semua sama-sama berusaha mencapainya.

1-kan semua anak-anak Malaysia jenerasi pelapis kita dalam satu sekolah. Bukan sekolah Melayu, sekolah Cina, sekolah India dan sekolah Inggeris. Tapi SEKOLAH MALAYSIA .

Marilah membina cara hidup yang terbaik untuk jenerasi pelapis kita samaada Melayu, Cina, India, Punjabi, Iban , Kadazan, Bidayuh, Dusun, Kelabit, Melanau, dan lain-lain yang setara lagi satria.

Hidup bersama BAGAI AUR DENGAN TEBING (pokok buluh yang tumbuh ditebing sungai dilanda air tidak akan tumbang dan tebing pula tidak akan runtuh, saling kukuh mengukuh antara keduanya). Gunakanlah pepatah ini sebagai SELOGAN rasminya.

KITAKITA said...

1Malaysia, landasan halatuju jenerasi pelapis kita. Halatuju ini boleh jadi kenyataan hanya melalui sistem persekolahan. semua anak bangsa kita MALAYSIA bersekolah hanya di SEKOLAH MALAYSIA. Bukannya Sekolah Melayu, Sekolah Cina, Sekolah India atau Sekolah Inggeris.

Sudah lebih setengah abad kita merdeka. Tapi minda kita tak merdeka. Kita diikat dengan kuat dengan sentimen Aku Melayu, Aku cina, aku India, aku Iban, aku Melanau dan aku itu aku ini. Sampai bilakah kita akan begini.

Teruskan hasrat murni anda ini hingga berjaya.

Akar tuba haluan perahu.
Kalau tak mahu juga, hancur musnah anak cucu aku
Anak aku Melayu, menantu aku cina, cucu aku melayu-cina.
Bukan aku saja. Ramai lagi.

Wahai PM dan DPM kami. Bentang kan telinga dan bukalah hati. Semoga Allah memberi ilham yang hebat untuk anda berdua.

Anonymous said...


(Kijangmas, mohon laluan menjawad pertanyaan jc),

isnt it suprising that all this started only when the damn Americans started coming in?

these are all the work of instigators who are trying to drive a wedge between the communities long living together without a problem.

shiites and sunnis dont have a problem with each other. all the while they have been living in peace under Saddam.

the real problem are the Yanks who only benefit from such civil strife in order to justify their continued presence to loot Iraqi oil and weaken the power balance in the region for Israeli interests. As we speak, American operatives work in Iran and Pakistan and of course Iraq and Afghan, financing various factions to create instability from inside.

dont believe everything you read or see from mainstream papers (just like Malaysia lah...right?)


read Shiite vs Sunni?? and this Meet Gen. David Petraeus: His Militia Strategy Plunged Iraq Into a Civil War, And Now He’s Back for MorePro Taliban

malgal128 said...

I agree with one Malaysia, one school to unite the people. I have always felt this way. How can we be united when we are divided at such a young age? Read my blog about how we can go about it and still give children the opportunity to learn their mother tongue.

Let us not be selfish and think of the future of all.

Anonymous said...


Bumiputra hari ini bukan lagi macam dulu, PLEASE GET THE FACTS RIGHT.

The 20As student from Kelantan is PROOF that, EDUCATION NOW is one of our MAJOR priorities. This awareness comes not only from us as their parents, but from THE CHILDREN THEMSELVES!! Against all odds, go read how this WONDER girl motivated herself to proof to herself that nothing is impossible!!

And over 60% of our population consists of Bumiputras, SUDAH CELIK MATA DAN CERDIK SEKARANG. Still want to isolate yourself?

No denying, your forefathers came here to cari makan and your businesses very much depend on us for your “bowl of rice”.. Am I wrong?

My Chinese neighbours scrambled to get their ASW, as reported, 27 Apr 2009 all gone in the first 30 minutes. They now realize the benefits offered.

Business cake is getting smaller, competition is getting real STIFF. (Came to me for assistance, on how, where etc etc they can purchase these shares). Only now realizing the benefits they can get out of it!

In the next 20years, DON’T START BLAMING us for not giving you and your kids a chance!

IN SHORT, JANGAN MENYESAL NANTI as what we are trying to promote here if for the benefit of our future generations! …


Tam Dalyell said...

Alan oh Alan, tembelang kau dah terbongkar bila kau akhirnya berkata, "As long as it's BN government, i don't dare to support Satu Sekolah ..."

Jadi yang kamu bantah dan tolak itu ialah BN, bukan Satu Sekolah.

Hey Alan. Yang cadangkan Satu Sekolah ini kami. Kami bukan BN. Kami pun bukan PR.

Semua ini samalah seolah-olah kamu berkata, "Aku tak benarkan anak aku makan ubat ini kerana BN yang membuatnya."

Kau bencikan BN, anak kau kamu korbankan.

Saya ulang oh Alan. Aku pun bukan BN .. sebenarnya kita semua di sini bukan BN dan bukan PR.

Sebenarnya kami kasihan kamu yang kehilangan punca dan kehilangan arah ini.

Sebenarnya Satu Sekolah tidak bermakna kemansuhan bahasa lain. Bahasa lain akan terus digalakkan hidup dan berkembang.

Ia juga tidak bermakna sesuatu kaum menindas kaum lain. Yang menuduh demikian hanya penghasut dan petualang bangsa, yang membela udang dan ular di sebalik batu.

Ia (seruan Satu Sekolah) adalah satu seruan bagi generasi masa kini membuat sedikit pengorbanan tambahan demi anak cucu dan generasi mendatang dan negara tercinta.

Ia juga adalah penekanan semula atas komitmen kita Bangsa Malaysia pada perjuangan meningkat dan menumbuhbesarkan kewujudan Bangsa dan Negara Malaysia segi spiritual mahu pun jasmani.

Oleh itu ia adalah perjuangan semua ahli Bangsa Malaysia tanpa mengira warna, bangsa asal, lapisan atau baka. Tetapi kamu telah terbiasa dalam mengasingkan diri sejak kecil kerana angkara bapa kamu, kami tidak menyalahkan kamu sangat-sangat.

Alan ... kami sedar ramai lagi di luar sana yang berpendirian seperti kamu .. benci kerana hanya itulah .. hanya itu itulah yang kamu tahu dan ada.

One can give only what one possesses .. that's what Jesus a.s. teaches.

Phonont said...

Memang dari awal lagi dah saya jangka, si Alan ini cakap tarak substance. Kini tembelangnya dah terbukti seperti yang dinyatakan pakcik Dal. Bermula dari isu hak bumiputera diputar-alam kan masuk ke isu politik pula. He's "scared" of BN, "look down" on MCA and "pity" MIC, so that leaves PAS, PKR, DAP dll. I think we all know which one is your pick. Nothing wrong with that tho, you're definitely entitled to your own political inclination but that has nothing to do with Kempen Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua. This campaign is apolitical.And he takes it upon himself to enlighten us on how the Bumiputera privileges will lead to our destruction. What's that? Yellow Man's Burden ka?:-

"My view is still the same, think twice for the Bumi policy, it's not good for Bumi for a long term. For Bumi's sake, we should drop Bumi policy, it's like a drug, you enjoy it, but you never know it's not good for health."

Wahhhh...suddenly I feel so lucky one lah got non-bumi brother like this Alan bugger who cares for me. Thanks, but no thanks. My question is:- what the hell do you care if it's not good for me? It's my policy, my drug, my health- how the heck does it have anything to do with you?

Tongkang (May 19, 2009 12:54 AM) has got it spot on about Bumiputeras now being celik mata dan cerdik. Year after year every time the SPM results are announced the top students with 20-30As always have bin's and binti's in their names, thus, crushing the totok's mythical propaganda on their intellectual superiority. Of course they will then resort to blaming the same old NEP and Bumi policy to cover their pathetic sorry asses.

Anonymous said...


I've kept quiet because of being busy with other things but I cannot bear to see the rubbish arguments you put out here.

Sepadu has politely and patiently given so many explanations and said the last one was his final attempt to make you sane.

He has pointed out you flip flopped 3 times in less than 1 hour. But you still did that again after that. On 18 May 5.10 pm you said "All school's instruction language is English. English is the only choice for all". Then 3 hours later you said "Official language is BM, it's for sure. English? It's kidding. hehe". Are you crazy or something? People don't joke on matters like this. Not when everybody's tone before your comment is dead serious. Or are you a 15 year old boy? If so, your parents should have asked you to go to bed early and not try to irritate adults in blogosphere.

You said "As long as it's BN government, i don't dare to support Satu Sekolah, yes, i scared. I scared of UMNO (So many "Malay heroes" there). I look down MCA. I pity MIC." And you talked about "race-based politic party. Especially, UMNO/MCA/MIC." Here you have exposed yourself, shown your true colour. You are DAP member or supporter, aren't you? Look boy, at the top at this blog it's clearly stated that DN is not partisan. If you don't understand that, it means that in this blog we don't discuss politics and are not involved in politics, we discuss only issues other than politics.

When you said "As long as it's BN government, i don't dare to support Satu Sekolah, yes, i scared. I scared of UMNO ... I look down MCA. I pity MIC" you give the impression that you are such a poor, completely misled, miserable soul. Your problem is you don't mix well enough, boy. You mix only with the DAP crowd. That's why you get paranoid. You have a fear based on the wrong perception of things, of Malays, of UMNO, MCA, MIC. You have a fear because of the mischievous and nasty propaganda you have been fed. Either at school or outside school. This is the problem with the type of school that is not multi-racial, that does not breed an atmosphere of understanding, tolerance and give and take, that does not make pupils learn and understand the history of the country from its very beginning, that probably teaches loyalty of a different kind, not loyalty to the Constitution, King and Country. You don't try to understand the Constitution fully, accept and respect it, and you refuse to listen or read carefully when people tried to explain things to you so many times.

You are among the few who speak of unjustified fear or paranoia, of disagreement, of opposition to anything the Establishmment does or what people like Demi Negara proposes. You have a warped mentality, funny logic, probably even think the Malayan Communist Party should be praised, say one thing one time, then another thing a few minutes later.

Most Chinese are certainly not like you. They are so busy doing business, appreciate that there must be peace, harmony and stability in order to do business, and they give and take a little. And you hate them, like you said of MCA etc above. You give the image of a disgruntled, poorly performing salesman or a clerk or an assistant in a struggling enterprise, not performing well, having some free time and blaming everybody else but you and your attitude problem, your lack of understanding, your unwillingness to understand things around you, except from the narrow perspective thay you have got either from school or from the small circle of people you associate with. Grow up, boy. Have a wider and proper perspective of things. Get a wider circle of contacts, different kinds of people, not just the ones you have been associating with. Try to look at your country from a different angle. Read different kinds of books, magazines and pamphlets other than just DAP propaganda. And I'm not being partisan here. Merely wanting to advise you to widen your views and rationalise your thinking.

Your thinking and argument is not logical when, for example, you link the "messy politics" in the country to Demi Negara's effort to bring about national unity and a cohesive Bangsa Malaysia.

If you continue the way you you have been doing here, you might get abused by people who cannot tolerate your intransigence - not your dissenting views, but your non-logical arguments and frequently changing stand. Talking about English as a medium of instruction, when Bahasa Melayu (later known as Bahasa Kebangsaan or Bahasa Resmi) is clearly spelt out in the Constitution, is clearly non-logical. In fact, it is insulting the Constitution of this country and invites counter-insults on you by patriotic and loyal Malaysians.

I don't think we should bother explaining things to you any more. In fact, I think we should not bother about what you say any more. We should just disregard what you say and move on whenever we see your name or statements that appear to come from you using another name.


Anonymous said...

If you talk about the poor implementation of the NEP, I'll support you. If you talk about doing away with the concept or the policy, then Malays would ask how about non-Malay citizenship that was given in exchange for the Malays' special position. And intolerance will breed intolerance.


No, like many non Malays, except for the politician, there is a clarion call, NOT for the NEP objective per se to be abolish in total BUT for the CURRENT implementation of the NEP to be overhauled to be implemented for A CATEGORY of Malaysians irrespective of race or religion.As was the original objective framed by Tun Razak.

However , it may have been misconstrued by the Malays that the whole NEP be scrapped.

From what I have read, many have called for a NEW NAME for the policy, when the policy is implemented according to its original objective to help the less fortunate of all races. Hence
it was misconstrued as DOING AWAY with the NEP per se.

By this Malays are not left out, neither are the non Malay Malaysian who fit into the category.

On our part, we maintain that because of your control of wealth in this country,


This part I do not subscribe to it . In Fact the majority of the Chinese businesses are small. A significant portion of the businesses are foreign owned.

Moreover, the GLCs hold a large control over the economic cake too.

At one time, yes but today I really do not believe that the Chinese are the "economic power" in Malaysia. Look at the Tun Diams, Halim Saads, Albuharis etc, they are aplenty.

Also those hidden "wealthy" like the Raja Nong Chiks whose wealth only appear in the public eye where there is a family squabble for it . Or the divorce settlements in the syaria court where the claims comes to millions.

Malay specialist with their own practice, be it medical or other wise have also mushroomed.So how can one say the Chinese are still controlling the economy as a whole?.

Just in case, you get the idea that the non Malays are jealous of their wealth, its not so. I point this out as examples for my point that the Chinese are not controlling the economy according to my view.


In my view, the best way forward is for the govt policies to be for a category of people so that whoever fits into the category (be it Malays or non Malays) will qualify for the benefit. This way, I am sure no Malaysians who qualify will be left out.

What do you think of this line of thought Sepadu ?.



NJ said...


Yes, this category of people called "Malaysian", when we are done with Racial Polarisation. Then you can see Obama became the President of America, Jindal is more American than Indian, Arnold Swa (aiya! susah nak eja) An Indonesian of keturunan tiongkok bang the table willing to pour his blood to Bendera Indonesia tercinta, Thaksin whom I thought was a pure Thais before, an American General (immigrant from German) who led American army at war with German during WWI (read this in Malay Dilema by Tun M).

Become Malaysian physically, mentally, whole heartedly then request everything you want as a true Malaysian.




Malayan Peoples' Anti-Pakatan Army said...

That obnoxious faggot Khoo Kay Peng and the MIC-reject Stephen Doss both condemn SSS in their blogs.

What does this say about the "mentality" of these traitors?

Kay Peng is the Chin Peng-hugging, China-worshipping SJKC posterboy.

Doss is a confused Tambi who actually didn't go to the SJK Tamil BUT now jump in the fight against Satu Sekolah although this One School plan may be the only hope for his "underdog" race. This politically ambitious aney has belited himself to confusion.

KM sir, now we see the TRUE COLOURS of these subversives. I say we PUSH ON with no mercy now!

Proposed tagline:

*** MPAPA ***
Ipoh Timur Forward Command

Alan said...

Thanks for your kind explanation.
And i apologies for those "look like" angry on me.

I really appreciate this blog's effort for our beloved country.
After i closed myself into a room and rethink my life in Malaysia. I found out i have black spot in my own thinking. When i was young, i always mixed with my own society. Only when i run my own business, then i start to share idea and life with my fellow Malay friends. You know i never say you guys here talk rubbish, i only share my "general" thinking for my own view. Because after i run my business and start to mix with Malay friends, i found out general Malay people and very kind, friendly, that's much different than politician. Yes, it's politician scared me, not general Malay, this is my thinking black spot. I'd like to share my thinking to my own society and support you guys' effort.


KijangMas said...

justmy2SEN (May 12, 2009 4:23 PM)
"I wonder why Najib fail to mention about importance of having an integrated and improved education in his 1Malaysia concept..which is one of reasons why i think his 1MALAYSIA concept is superficial and lack of substance (full of motherhood statements only)"

Well said, and that's why I think his 1 Malaysia concept is a rushed job, a not-well-thought-out attempt at fuzzy jingoism and blurry taglines that mean nothing. I've commented at length on this in a previous post. Suffice to say that the PREREQUISITE of anything in this country right now is Social Cohesion. Without Social Cohesion, nothing will be achieved as we are in a state of infinite, crippling socio-political impasse. And the first step to break this impasse is to reforge the mold of the Anak Bangsa Malaysia via a common school system in a common language for all. Only then can PM Najib speak about 1 Malaysia, Anwar shout about Ketuanan Rakyat and Kit Siang bark about Malaysian Malaysia. We MUST have basic commonalities first before we spew jargons and throw rhetoric at a socially-distressed, thoroughly confused and perpetually angry rojak and gado-gado populace.

justmy2SEN also said:-
"May i suggest the promotion of this petition is made through other means such as facebook etc"

Done. Go here for your SSS Facebook experience.

and said:-
"... melalui petition ini mungkin kita semua akan dapat melihat siapa yg ikhlas ke arah Malaysia yg lebih bersatu dan siapa yg cuma nak menerima tanpa mahu berkorban ke arah satu negara yg bersatu"

Ya, reaksi blogger bukan Melayu (kecuali segelintir yang waras dan sedar diri) mencerminkan hati sanubari dan jiwa mereka yang kini sudah parah terjahanam oleh gejala SJKC/SJKT. Lihat sajalah berjela-jela hujah mengarut dari puak-puak subversif ini di blog ini dan di blog-blog lain dan apatah lagi di sarang siber mereka sendiri. Golongan makhluk perosak ini sanggup meluangkan banyak masa menulis rangkap-rangkap aneh dan kebudakkan demi mensabotaj usaha patriotik kita ini.

Sebenarnya, saya tertawa melihat gelagat puak sesat ini, di mana JALAN ke arah kesamarataan dan keserasian masyarakat yang akan di jana oleh SSS ini di tolak bulat-bulat. Kalau sekolah pun tak mau bersama, hak samarata jenis apa yang makhluk aneh ni kehendaki? Berbagai "hak" mau; tanggungjawab dan kewajipan tak mau bagi. Masyarakat apa ini? Dan kian berleluasa dan berkeliaran di bumi kita. Dan dah mula puak-puak ini gunakan SSS sebagai dalil untuk menyalak dan mengaung meminta berbagai hak dan keistimewaaan yang tidak pernah wujud untuk kaum mereka di mana jua dalam sejarah dunia ini. Aneh dan lucu.

Walaubagaimanapun, mari kita tatapi bersama adegan melatah seterusnya oleh barang-barang rosak ini. Ini baru "gertak positif" untuk kebaikan bersama. Sudah gelepar (istilah Kelaté) macam kena Sawan Babi. Belum lagi langkah-langkah a la Thailand dan Indonesia seperti tukar nama dan haramkan bahasa dan budaya secara total. Tak tahu sawan apa pula akan di hidapi oleh makhluk ini pada masa itu ...

Alan said...

Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua - Malay Version(sorry my Malay writing is not good):

1. All school use Malay as instruction language.

2. Mother language subject is compulsory. e.g. Chinese must take Mandarin class.

3. Encourage student learn different Language/Culture. e.g. Tamil, Chinese.

4. Education system must be revamp, current education system is not attractive for SJKs supporter. All groups of expert must sit down together to make it work better.

5. Malay is official language.
All groups of people can communicate in Malay easily.

6. The right of using, teaching mother language should be well-protected.


Ron Jeremy, Jr. said...

Hey "Alan" is reformed. Good for you "Alan." Now go take Bahasa Malaysia remedial classes for you and family and become a TRUE Anak Bangsa Malaysia.

One down, 6,159,486 totoks to go ..... hmmmmph.

nimalan said...

I don't think what Alan is saying is different from what he always wanted? The question also arises whether the Malays are willing to learn and explore a different languange and culture as per his no.3 point or will they refuse too

Anonymous said...

Salam Tuan KijangMas, tumpang lalu sikit.

A personal message to Unker Yew:

Unker, pls start having a Facebook account ....then we can become flen flen .... we can chit chat oso mah .......

Anonymous said...


The dictionary says control means dominate, regulate (prices), power of directing, command, check, restraint. From these, it is quite clear that the Chinese still control the economy in the country.

Many Chinese businesses may be small, but their chambers of commerce, guilds, clan associations etc, established over many scores of years, cohesive and actively assisting and promoting members' businesses, do play a role in the control of the economy at one level or another. Then you have the Sungai Way Group opening townships that attract other housing development around them, YTL and their cement ventures that have a strong say in prices, Robert Kuok investing in China leading others to also go there by the droves, and many, many such big names.

We need, of course, reliable statistics but the Bumi % of economic wealth is still very small compared to the Chinese. According to Government figures, Bumis have achieved only 18% of corporate wealth - and that's not counting other forms of wealth. Of course, wealth in the hands of GLCs cannot be counted because there's no telling where these might end up eventually. Come another Financial Crisis like 1998, a lot of those, and the Bumi corporate wealth also, might dwindle again.

True, the NEP is aimed at eliminating poverty irrespective of race. But poverty among the Chinese may be a moot point when you compare the number of the poor among the Malays. Despite all that, the Government has helped the non-Malay poor in terms of, for example, taxi lisences, and recently, also the Amanah Saham. That there exists discrepancies and irregularities in the selection of awardees and beneficiaries must not be confused with any apparent lack of assistance to the non-Malay poor. Even the Malay poor doesn't get in many instances when the not-so-poor Malays get.

You said "many have called for a NEW NAME for the policy, when the policy is implemented according to its original objective to help the less fortunate of all races. Hence
it was misconstrued as DOING AWAY with the NEP per se". This shows how sensitive the Malays are about retaining the NEP: many Malays in the kampongs and low-income Malays in the urban areas truly have not benefitted from the NEP.

I'm for the poor of any race to benefit from the NEP. I think many Malays also think that way. But the problem is in the poor implementation. The benefits should be distributed over a wider spectrum of the populace. Corruption and cronyism is a major stumbling block. But that's a matter that should be discussed separately, shouldn't it? Best wishes.


satD said...

Salams n Greetings to all...

So hows alan doing now...

To Omong,Cenderawasih,Tongkang, & Tembeleng please leave a comment here to bro KijangMas with your contact email, need your help in the final refinement of the Memo and its attachment which will be in MsWord

Thank you..n wass

KijangMas said...

Tongkang (May 12, 2009 5:44 PM) asked:-
"How can we get the stickers?"

In the pipeline. Not just stickers. We'll probably have flyers, t-shirts, mousepads .... what else?


Ismail N (May 12, 2009 7:09 PM)
"It's about time KijangMas. I will try to help spread this to other and hopefully more people will sign up."

Salam Sdr. Ismail. Thanks for publicising this cause in your Malaysian News Blog. The SSS pop-up is cool.


Keith J. Rozario said:-.
"… we need to open up uITM and MARA and the Maktab sains Asramas to Chinese and Indians and to all Malaysian Citizens as well. We need to open up more than 10% to ensure proper integration among students. A good number would be 55%.”

Why 55%? Why so greedy? Chinese make up less than 24% of the population. You Indians 7%. This adds up to about 31%, barely a third of the populace. Why you want 183% over-representation and reduce the Bumiputra “quota” to 64% of its actual ratio to the population? Or maybe they don’t teach math at the SJKT? But I doubt you yourself went to a SJKT.

I don’t understand your logic Keith. You fight quota by demanding a bigger quota for a much smaller group? So we have “quota wars” now?

I suggest you and your tribe snap out of your petty, juvenile reaction to this initiative. Can you tell me, are you yourself, Keith Joseph Rozario, a product of the SJK Tamil? No. You are a living beneficiary of the Sekolah Kebangsaan, which gave you sufficient literacy to leave a comment here and partake in the political proces to the hilt, but astonishingly you are fighting to DENY this amenity to your fellow Indians. Why? What did the DAP subversives told you? And you actually believe these nation wreckers? My god, Keith.

You actually honestly want your fellow Indians to languish in Tamil schools, become perennial underachievers, and be a source of cheap, exploited labour at the mercy of the taukehs? Have you seen conditions in a typical SJKT? Go to Balan Kumar’s blog and empathise with the plight of what the Hindraf fruitcakes call the “perennial underdogs.” You want your fellow Indians to continue with their squalid educational experience? All these just for the sake of OPPOSING what YOU deem as a “Malay” thing? Like this susah lah dey. You are a weak, tiny minority, and when you create “phobias” and “allergies” against the majority which formed much of the social landscape of the country, then you’ll never be at peace, as this “Malayness” is ubiquitous to this land. You’ll end up fighting against everything and end up as a distressed social group, which is now the case.

Indeed, Indian Malaysians should be the last to reject this initiative, as they can ill-afford further setbacks to their already slow socio-economic progress caused in part by subpar, dilapidated Tamil schools.

Folks, Keith Rozario here is a sad example of a society gone mad. This product of the SK has now taken a cause (for vernacular schools and against One School for All) which he cannot grasp and is sustained only by an irrational hatred for the Malay majority and Tuan Tanahs of this country, even if his “cause” is not reflective of his own educational background and indeed highly detrimental to his tribe.

Go round the blogosphere and you’ll find lots of Keiths spewing venom over SSS based on nothing more than a crippling, self-destructive need to oppose anything even remotely associated with the Malay majority. Sad, as when a minority thinks this way, the tenability of their co-existence with the majority cannot be sustained. What then? The Keiths of this world will have to answer that.

Naif said...

T-shirts eh.

If there is any, i would be the first to buy and first to showcase to the world my support for 1 national school. At the same time display my powerful pecs for chicks to adore. haha....

The front side of the shirt should have the "1school" logo on it. The back side i suggest should say "I went to sekolah kebangsaan....did you?" now that would be cool indeed.

Buy these shirts in volumes and we'll drown those idiots who wear "im with RPK" shirts in public.

KITAKITA said...

Konsep satu sekolah boleh dilaksanakan. Seruan disini ialah supaya anak-cucu kita dididik dalam sekolah yang sama. Bukan Sekolah Melayu, Sekolah Cina , Sekolah India atau Sekolah Inggeris.

Sudah tentu bahasa utamanya BM. Lain-lain bahasa samada Inggeris , Mandarin atau Tamil juga jangan diabaikan. Hendaklah berjalan seiring dengan BM.

Semua orang tahu peri pentingnya bahasa-bahasa Inggeris, Cina dan India. Semua ini bahasa komersil antarabangsa.

Kalau Melayu dapat bertutur Bahasa Mandarin dan Bahasa Tamil dengan lancar dan begitu juga bagi orang Cina dan India dll lagi mampu menguasai bahasa-bahasa etnik yang ada disini, tentunya Malaysia ini lebih indah.

Semua ini boleh dilakukan tanpa perlu tukar kerajaan. Kekalahan parti pemerintah dalan PU12 yang lepas satu pengajaran yang amat pedih. Satu protes dahsyat dari rakyat. Fahamilah mesejnya.

Oleh itu mari bersama-sama berusaha supaya kerajan masuki semula kedalam trek yang boleh memacu kemajuan dan penyatuan rakyat. Rakyat yang diutamakan.

Hapuskan sikap bongkak, kroni, ketuanan perkauman dan lain-lain barah penyakit yang boleh menghancurkan rakyat dan negara.

Rakyat Malaysia ada pelbagai etnik. Lebih ramai dari etnik yang ujud di US.

Melayu, Cina, India, Panjabi, Portugis, Siam, Melanau, Dusun, Kelabit, Bidayuh, Senoi, Iban, Dusun dan banyak lagi. Semuanya itu 1 Malaysia.

Jangan ashik bergaduh, bertengkar, berpolemik sampai melalut dan satu usaha pun tak jalan. Yang nampak hanya keburukan pemerintah. Kebaikan yang dijana selama ini semuanya langsung tidak mendapat penghargaan. Belum ada rakyat yang mati kebuluran tak makan seperti yang berlaku di negara lain.

Ubahlah sikap kita. Bersatu kita teguh. Bergaduh kita menjadi musuh. Yang kalah menjadi abu. Yang menang menjadi arang.

Negara lain ketawa melihat kita yang berpolemik tak sudah-sudah.

Alan said...

"… we need to open up uITM and MARA and the Maktab sains Asramas to Chinese and Indians and to all Malaysian Citizens as well. We need to open up more than 10% to ensure proper integration among students. A good number would be 55%.”

I don't think we need quota anymore. It must be 100% open to competition. I don't think Chinese smarter than Malay, it's all about effort. If you think this is "privilege to Malay", why SJKs cant be privilege to non-Malay huh? give & take right?

Cenderawasih said...


SatD saya sedia membantu.KijangMas dah ada email saya,jadi bagitau saja.

Demi negara..

Alan said...

"Hey "Alan" is reformed. Good for you "Alan." Now go take Bahasa Malaysia remedial classes for you and family and become a TRUE Anak Bangsa Malaysia."

I'm sure will speak/write Malay whenever possible. I suggest you learn Chinese as well, it's good for you. :)

KijangMas said...

Attn: NaifYour Comment of May 20, 2009 4:34 AM couldn’t be published by Blogger due to what I believe is a breach of character limit.

I’m reposting it here in two (2) parts.

Part I (Posted by Naif to Demi Negara on May 20, 2009 4:34 AM):-

Khoo Kay Pang of "straighttalk" has quickly written off this movement as just another racist chauvinistic malay-only agenda:

Some of the comments are just plain silly.....hilarious even. I noticed SatD left something too. But one comment from a particular reader caught my eye. If I may, this is what he wrote:

Anonymous said...
i've been following deminegara blog for a long time. the fact that deminegara supplement every of his argument based on 'ketuanan melayu' tells me that he is just a plain racist. to him and his followers it seems every single problem in this country is caused by either the 'pendatangs' chinese or indians.

he writes incredibly well and i guess that's how he has managed to attract a whole bunch of followers who called themselves DN knights. but just take a look at the sort of language used by these so called educated DN knights to taunt and attack others u will know we can't let these people dictate our education system, or any other nation building agendas. u don't even have to look into their radical points yet. just look at the language and u'll see the angst and hatred some of them have on another race. basically they are just a bunch of deprived big boys letting it out in an orgy of mutual 'intellectual' masturbation to inflate their balls and make them feel good.

if u study deminegara's ideas in his posts u'll find that he is both passionate and impatient.coupled with some intelligence these people attracts attention and is easily idolized. but unfortunately we can say the same thing about hitler too.



With sh*theads like this, all I can say is-its going to be one hell of a ride.

Tuan KM, in my humble opinion I dont think this campaign will ever take off unless it has its support from both Pakatan Rakyat and BN. We must convince ppl that this is a non-partisan agenda were persuing.

On a more personal note- I'm saddened to see that the majority who signed the petition are Malays. What happened to the rest of our chinese and indian brothers? Too scared Hindraf might scold izzit?

KijangMas said...

Part II (Posted by Naif to Demi Negara on May 20, 2009 4:34 AM):-

I'm an ardent proponent of this campaign because I trully believe wholeheartedly in having 1national school for all. Let me tell you my story. I'm 20 years old, i graduated from secondary school about 3 years ago at the Victoria Institution (actually I was only there for about 2 years, previously i was schooled in Petaling Jaya) of which my grandfather had went to and so did my dad. NOw the VI was an epitomy of what could be achieve if there was one well run national school opened for all. There was this ever present feeling of pride to be a VICTORIAN, regardless of your race and religion. My father who went there in the 60s said he never knew he was a Malay...untill may13. All trial and tribulations that i undergo in that school, i shared it with my chinese and indian friends. We all got bullied by our seniors together(yes in VI you can get bullied by someone whose older than you by 1 year), we all ate at the same table, we would ponteng class together, we even hated the same teachers. These universal themes is something all of us could relate to, indeed, i think over the years in hindsight we all had learn something from one another. Like many Victorians will tell you, high school was one of the best period of their life.

In Petaling Jaya I went to SMK sri permata previously known as SMK Seaport till form3 where i got an offer to enter the VI. In PJ, its even better. It wasnt unsual for malay teens to date chinese girls, indian girls with chinese guys or vice versa. The permutations are endless haha. In PJ, the environment was much more liberal. It was the Malaysianised version of the teenage drama series One Tree Hill-coz ppl would change girlfriends like they change clothes. We all dated each other. And mind you, when i say we dated each other, these were inter-racial relationships I'm talking about. My non malay friends, both girls and guys tells me that they dont mind dating someone not from their race.....but when it comes to converting, well thats a different story.

KM, I remember reading somewhere that you grew up in PJ too....somewhere near section11 if i'm not mistaken?? Was SMK lelaki Bukit Bintang perhaps the school that you went to? Well I'm sure you know what im talking about. I love PJ. I remember Sri Aman girls were the product of admiration from all of us guys. If you could get a Sri Aman girl, you would be the envy of others!

Neways, that was my story to tell. My parents, from an early age had always encouraged me to have non-malay friends. At the same time they reminded me that I was a malay, therefore frequent balik Kampung visits would bring me back down to earth. I'm forever grateful I went to a national school. My best friends now are chinese and indians. We can hang out together, sit in the same table and debate various issues. Of course I would be the only one with a few others who would be shouting"GO NEP!" "GO UMNO!" But hey its all in the game. At the end of the day, theres no hard feelings, we all have a good laugh, learn to look at an issue from a different perspective and we all go home friendship intact.

I think ive gone too far im going to stop. This was just my experience, i'm sure everyone here has their own story to tell....which is why I trully believe those who didnt go to a sekolah kebangsaan lose out on so many things. But i cant emphasize enough that 1 school for all is the only way to go. Sure it will have its flaws, its defects, its own brand of racist teachers. But in the long run, i think, the benefits will overshadow its critics. And who knows, if implemented, 20 or 30 years from now we would all be cursing at ourselves for not doing this earlier.

On a final note, I would like end this with a teaser:
Wouldnt it be interesting if Anwar was the one who comes up with this proposal?

Tommy Yewfigure said...

Salam Tuan KijangMas, tumpang lalu sikit.

A personal message to Unker Yew:

Unker, pls start having a Facebook account ....then we can become flen flen .... we can chit chat oso mah .......
May 19, 2009 6:14 PM
Wah Zaza, u rindu same gua ni OTG, dulu kata jangan kacau. Hoi Pakcik Dal apa macam nak buat ?..hehe.. Sorry la, sayang, Unker ni sama itu pakcik Dal, manyak slow, one finger typing, juga tak computer savvy lah. Facebook/Tweety bird hanya untuk orang muda modern macam u, la.

Thanks for asking anyway. Flen flen ok but susah nanti jadi flesh flesh! Jangan marah je.


Unker Yew

P/S – Cenderawasih, u punya parent oso pernah jumpa sama itu toyol muka hitam kah? ..hahaha…

Anonymous said...


I do hope you have read about Nik Nomadiha 20A SPM 2008…. Look at the motivation given by all her teachers to help realise her dreams.

As a BUMIPUTRA did she go begging for privileges? I have more stories on others that will make you weep!

Yes, over 65% of us are Bumiputra’s and a big percentage including the likes of Nik Normadiha are still not able to get the taste of these so called privileges. We still need to compete to survive.

Do you think it is that easy for us to get into these places? When I was 12years old, only 1 or 2 were chosen from each state to get into colleges like MCKK or TKC!

Today, it’s the same to get into MSRM, Uitm, SAR and the like. Getting 5As is no guarantee!

Malaysia is a beautiful Nation in the sense that she tries hard to protect the interest of the Bumiputras and in the meanwhile, open endless opportunities to non Bumiputras.

Let us read on what happens in countries more familiar to you (and the heartbreaking comments). I guarantee this never will be tolerated in Malaysia;

Here in Malaysia we are calling all to be UNITED under SATU SEKOLAH UNTUK SEMUA. Can you FEEEEL the difference?


Alan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vish said...

In response to Naif:

Quite frankly, the reason why the majority of the signatories are (and will probably continue to be) mainly of one race in particular is simply the fact that the petition itself is heavily biased, as anyone who reads it would recognize.

Couple that with the fact that any criticism of the petition has been met with frothing-at-the-mouth-type insults, well... what do you expect?

To me the weaknesses of the initiative, however well-intended it was, are as follows:

Creating a single school system only up to secondary level, is not going to foster unity. All it will do is raise a generation of people who feel that they are equal, until they graduate from high school and then find that some of them are discriminated against on a racial basis.

In the long run, this could be even more dangerous than the current system.

Further added to that is the fact that our National School standards are questionable, at best. While it is true that they may be better than the SJKT, a lot of SJKC do seem to enjoy much increased popularity now due to their higher standard of education.

And last, but certainly not least, while schools could be a wonderful place to foster unity, it isn't going to help much if our population is as racist as this blog reflects.

Sure, you'll have kids mixing together in school, but you'll still have their ignorant hacks of parents (and politicians) telling them that every member of another race is out to get them, and they need to protect their 'Malay/Chinese/Indian interests'.

So yes - all these reasons, coupled with the general biased overtones of the petition, are the reason you'll find that the audience the petition appeals to are from only one race in general.


KijangMas said...

Someone care to decipher the hieroglyphics (“显掉”!单一源流学校论调) spewed by this "Lum Chih Feng" in the blog link below?

The SSS logo is displayed in its full glory in that blog post, but I don't think the accompanying remarks are too flattering. But maybe I'm wrong.

I know Unker Yew tak boleh pakai on this matter because he was a semi-assimilated Melayu-hugging rooster in his halcyon days.

Hello Alan, you can help translate ah? I want to know what this SJKC alumni has got to say about the nationbuilding endeavour.

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